Guess who is teaching spin again!?!

Well, if my goal this morning was for my legs to feel completely like jello for the rest of the day and for my lungs to have nearly exploded during hill repeats 7-10 then I definitely accomplished my goal this morning.

I went out for 4 miles and then found a hill (the picture does not do it justice) to run up and down for another 4 miles.  The hill was about .2 miles so I would go up as fast as I could, jog down and then repeat that for a total of ten times.  You can read about the benefits of hill running and hill running form HERE!

Sure glad that a car didn’t run over my phone as I was attempting a running self-timer shot.  Luckily, I was on a street that rarely has any cars.  

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I came back to my mom’s house to witness quite the piano recital.

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Not quite how I wear my headphones but I guess this works too.

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Also, I tried my best after my run to copy Brooke’s hairstyle.  She thought it was hilarious.

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I taught spin for 7 years.  I taught everywhere from Gold’s Gym to Brigham Young University to Google in California.  When I moved back to Utah I took a 13 month break from teaching and I am starting back up today.  Teaching spin classes is one of my all-time favorite things to do so I am stoked to get back into it again.  Not a lot better than getting paid to work out and hang out with other people that love spin.  

Getting back to my roots:)

An old picture with my spin bike.  


My spin playlist for tonight is all ready to go and I listened to it on my run as I practiced my cues and the workout in my head.  It is going to be a good one.  

Screen Shot 2014 09 08 at 12 48 30 PM



Who is a fan of spin classes? 

Who can play the piano!?  How long did you take lessons?

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Love your playlist-Maps has been a favorite recently! I take spin at least 2-3 times a week!


So awesome. I will start spin in the winter if I can’t get out on my bike!
Rest day today, but 20 minute yoga flow to start my day. Lovely.


I ran 3 miles today but still have hip pain, boo. I am thinking of going back to spin since biking seems to be my only option right now…

I can play ‘mary had a little lamb’ on the piano and that is the extent of my musical abilities. I make up for it will my uncanny and extensive knowledge of awesome desserts, now that is real talent! ;)


I meant ‘with’


I am truly so sorry about your hip pain! I hope it gets feeling better asap!


Hip pain…ahhhh, crap :( hope it stops!


That Turn Down for What song…oh man, I take a spin/interval class where we have 3 intervals off the bike (doing crazy things like burpees, jumping lunges, push ups, jumping mt climbers, etc) and there have been a couple classes where we have to turn up the resistance on the bike every single time the song says turn down for what. You are on a crazy hill by the end of the song!


I might just have to try that out in my class! THANKS JODI!! I really appreciate you!


Interesting playlist! Have fun at your first class.


I might just have to steal that playlist, so good!! Enjoy the class!


I love that your getting back into something you love! I am NOT a fan of spin classes. I know they are great for runners but they hurt my tushie! My run was a very very slow 3 miles in this humid San Diego weather with my little running buddy.


Awesome! Congrats on your return to teaching :)


Yippie! I love spin and have been teaching spin for three years! So excited to see your playlists! You are such am amazing person!


Love, love, love spin. I’m so glad I discovered it last year & fell in love with it. With my injuries this year, it’s allowed me to maintain my fitness.


PS my daughter plays the piano but I don’t have a musical bone in my body!


My run this morning included a huge hill that even tired out my dog!
I don’t play the piano but I have one for my kids so they’ll be taking lessons. I can’t wait to be that mom that says, ” not until you’ve practiced the piano!” Haha


I ran 3 easy miles with my bestie this morning and then I mowed the yard too. :)

I’m not the biggest fan of spin. I’ve taken several classes but I do not like sitting in the same room for an hour. Is that weird? I get bored I think. Plus I’ve never been consistent with spin so it always hurts soooo bad!

Wish I could play the piano but can’t!


Workout: Run in the am. Yoga in the pm.

I love spin classes in the wintertime (I hit the roads as soon as it gets nice out) but the music isn’t always the best. I would love to check out one of your classes based off of your playlist alone! Good luck at your class tonight!


Getting paid to work is just pretty much awesome. Yay for getting back into something you love :). I have NO musical ability what so ever….but one of my kids loves the guitar and the other the violin so that is nice :)


I was loving spin for a while and really need to get back to it! It’s all in the teacher and I am sure I would love your class! I ran 8 miles this morning but no hills. I really hate hills.


Yay! Where are you teaching at, I want to come!!


EMAIL ME!!!!!!


I do spin twice a week and I LOVE IT! Right now I’m about to brave the torrential rains and do a boot camp class!

Ps. If we ever get stationed in Utah, I’m coming to your spin class!


I remember feeling that way about coaching…I used to say in my head, “They pay me to do this!” and I’d smile so big.

I started taking piano lessons a year and a half ago. I had wanted to my whole life. I LOVE it! I wish I could practice more, but every time I sit down to play, my 5-year old jumps into my lap and tries to “help” :P

Have fun teaching!!!


What gym are you teaching at? Golds on 800?? I miss going to spin classes, I got a spin bike at home but it’s not that same. Maybe I’ll come to your class sometime


Yay for the piano!! I fell in love with the instrument when I was about Brooke’s age and started taking lessons when I was 5. I played throughout college and am still going strong :)

I did 4 super slow miles today. Gearing up for a half marathon!


Where are you teaching spin?!? I wanna come to one of your classes!!!


I think it’s SO COOL that you taught spin at Google. Is it anything like “The Internship” with thinking pods??

My workout was 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of front squats, burpees and a 100 meter run. Sweaty sweaty!


Sounds like a killer workout! IT WAS JUST LIKE THE INTERNSHIP!!


Coming to Utah and taking one of your spin classes is going on my bucket list! Also add joining you for a run to that list too! :) Those Google folks are so lucky! It would be so awesome to have your office offer fitness classes!

I haven’t gotten my run in yet today, so I’ll have to do it this evening. I did manage to squeeze in some core and arm work, but it’s going to be a HOT one tonight, so that’ll teach me to not be so lazy in the mornings. I’m counting down till that Fall weather decides to make its grand entrance!


I love spin! I finally signed up for an entire set of classes! They start tomorrow night. I’m so pumped!


YAY!! Have a blast Victoria!


I love that you are teaching again! I used to teach spin, and I am thinking about getting back into group fitness or personal training!


That picture of you running hills is gorgeous. You’re lucky to have such a wonderful view!

I have never taken spin but I definitely would if you were my teacher! I bet you’re upbeat and amazing as an instructor. That’s wonderful that you’re “back in the saddle” as an instructor :)


I love spin classes and am going to be taking a training class to become an instructor next month! Any advice on how to create a good playlist or how to structure the workout?


Shake it off! Is it your guilty pleasure? I sure miss the old country taylor.


YAY Glad you’re back teaching! :) The Googlers miss you I’m sure of it! I loooove “Shake it Off”!


ALLRIGHT! Welcome back!

I did a 45-minute spin class this morning!

…I <3 spin. I miss teaching it!

I can play a few songs, but I haven't ever taken lessons. I really wish that I had, and Harry and I have an agreement to buy a piano at some point!


I live in Provo and I want to take your spin class! Where are you teaching?! (or can you not disclose that?)


I LOVE your playlist!

I ran an easy 7 miles and did an Orange Theory class for some cross training!

I have to admit that I don’t love spin, but it’s been years since I took a class. All of that pedaling without getting anywhere is tough for me.

I don’t play piano well, but I do play the violin. I started when I was 4 and studied though college.


So cool! I live in Provo and would love to come to your class! Where are you teaching? :)


I used to teach spin classes when I was in college, and I absolutely loved it! My classes were always full of students and we’d have such a good time. I had a lot of “go-to” songs by the same artists that you posted, also found some great stuff by The Mowgli’s, Grouplove, KONGOS, and Paramore. Ah this just made me so nostalgic for my fitness instructor days, I need to get back into it!


OMG- I would LOVE to go to one of your spin classes! You have a GREAT playlist too!!


Confession: I have NEVER done a spin class! I am such a running junkie!!! I would totally benefit from it though (according to my booty and thighs which are ruling the universe!). Excited for you girl!


Today I ran and did conditioning (squats, lunges, core work, pushups).

I’ve never tried spinning because I have very short, muscular thighs and I’m afraid spin will bulk them up. Rediculous, I know.


7 mile run and I got rained on, was so nice!! I have never taken a spin class either, gotta put that on my list to try after marathon training is over! :) great job on the hill repeats today!


That playlist is fantastic!! What with the spinning and the running; have you ever thought about doing a tri?

I took piano for about 8 years as a kid and miss it so much. Sadly, I don’t have a piano now and have lost most of my hand/mind memory. I’d love to pick it up again at some point in my life.


So glad you’re teaching spin again!! I LOVE spin but right now I don’t have a gym membership but I’m thinking about it. I miss spin and weight lifting classes.


My workout–a three mile shake out run on my own. Then 2 miles easy with the kids at practice.

I took piano lessons from kindergarten through high school…I still play today. My son plays trumpet, and my daughters play flute and violin, and my husband guitar and bass…we almost have a band!


Nice! I’m excited you’re teaching spin again because it means you’ll be sharing workout playlists again, haha!

With my first marathon less than a month out now I am trying to figure out which songs are must-haves on my playlist! :)


I love when you post your playlists! So glad you’re going to be teaching again =)


Today’s workout was mile repeats. They were tough but went pretty well!
I like spin but never go anymore because I just run all the time:)
I took piano lessons for about 5 years but it’s been way too long and i couldn’t play anymore.


Today was 1 hour of cycling as I’m trying to take it easy on my shin. <3 spin!!


Congrats on your spin class! That is so cool :)


Might have to steal some of those songs for my spin class this week! I’ve been loving “Maps” and “Shake it Off” too!


Great play list!! I’m sure you will have a great class. I ran 6 miles today…long run for this girl!


Today was 4 miles on the treadmill. So, so glad to just be back to running but having a hard time building any mileage. Too many injuries in a row and too much time off. Boo!
Congrats on being back to teaching spin! A great workout!
Never took piano lessons. Never could read music for that matter so I wouldn’t have been any good! Think sometimes we should have our kids take lessons but I’m just no that into it.


So jealous!!! I used to teach spin a million years ago, pre-kids. Lived it! And still miss it! If it paid the bills, I would teach group fitness full time.


I loved taking spin classes, but don’t have any access to them now (although I do own a bike and a bike trainer now, and use that in the winter). Enjoy teaching again!! I just started teaching pilates barre classes again after a 2 month break over the summer, and I had to do a quick run through yesterday just to practice :)


I will be using this playlist!


Love me some spin classes! I always wanted to get my teaching certification, but never got around to it. I’m lucky enough to have my own spin bike as well, and I love getting an early morning session in – there’s nothing better!

I played piano for 7 years when I was younger, and even though my mom told me I would regret it, I decided to quit… and of course, she was right haha. I wish I would have stuck with it, because I can only remember a few songs now!


You taught at google?! Did you say that before and I missed it or do you wait until you’re not teaching somewhere to say the location? (safety and stuff I guess is important ;) )

I played piano for like 10 years– I still remember a few songs! Good times.


I bet you teach a really fun spin class! I have never actually tried spin because everyone scares me with their stories of how the instructors scream at you the whole time. I’m just a big wuss!

Today I had a tennis lesson and then went for a 30 minute run. My legs were pretty tired from all of the side shuffling at tennis, but I am always happy I went for a run once it’s done!

Also, if you ever need more workout music I put up my faves every Monday! They’re all pretty high energy, fun songs. I’m addicted to Spotify so I like to share my finds with other people who like to jam out while they work out!


I’ve been playing piano since I was 5 years old! Still going strong :) I do a similar hill workout to that one – 200 meters up, 200 jog down. Hate hills, but they make me feel so good after! Good for you for getting back into teaching! I’ve always wanted to take a spin class but never have!


Congrats on getting back into teaching spinning! I hope your first class went well. I’ve never tried spinning…is it hard on your knees?


I did 600s on the track at 5k pace today! Short, fast track workouts are such a fun break from the long miles I run most days while I’m marathon training.


Yay!!! So so great you are back teaching again, you are a fabulous teacher and your classes were always so fun! You class was the first time I think a teacher ever really “danced” on a spin bike during class, at least it felt like dancing. :) Now whenever I spin I always dance along to the music. So much more fun that way. What gym are you at???


I love hills! I garb to admit that I haven’t been doing them as much as usual
Lately but have been aiming for twice a week that I include some serious hills!!!

Great playlist!! My workout today
Was 800s and honestly it was so good that I didn’t even notice the music at all!!;) totally in the zone!


Your post has inspired me to try a couple of spin classes once I sign up for the gym for the cold season. I’ve never tried it, but I think it will be a good cross training tool. I might even get the DH to take one. Maybe.

I can’t plan piano, but I can direct a choir.

Tonight I will do a short workout with a new gadget we bought today. You hold it and roll back and forth on the floor for an ab workout. I can’t for the life of me think of what its called right now. LOL I did my first half marathon yesterday and I am REALLY sore so no running for a couple of days.


You did 4 miles + hill sprints and taught spinning in the same day?! Jeez, serious cardio! You go girl!


I love, love, love spin class! Wish I could try yours!


LOVE spinning classes! I played piano for 9 years growing up. I was FORCED to play! But once I got into high school, and got into sports, I didn’t really have time for it and after much begging and pleading, my parents let me quit piano. Now, I want another piano and I want to re-learn how to play….go figure.


Congrats!!! So exciting <3


I’ve only taken one spin class… EVER! Loved it though. I played the piano for 8 years (ages 6 to 14). Completely regret stopping. I would have been a pro by now!


Yayyy! I went to Soul Cycle tonight. We should go to do it when you’re in town!!!


Any tips on teaching spin classes? I have had my personal training certification for over 2 years and have not done a thing with it, had a spin cert for a while but it expired cuz I couldn’t figure out how to renew it, and I still have my group fitness cert… so I was thinking teaching a spin class would be a good way to kind of break into training. But I’m SO scared because I am no where near outgoing!


I love spin class too and i haven’t been for ages. Now my first ever half marathon has been done, last Sunday, that i loved, i am going to focus on spinning again. It is by far my fav class.


I´ve taken a spinning class twice, and it made me so tired I could only sit on the couch the rest of the day. (My husbands takes a spinning class once a week, he only loves it afterwards) So I stick to pilates, steps and running. I had a pilates class this morning. I took piano lessons when I was young, but didn´t practice enough. Looking forward to a 10K in my home town this Friday evening.
Good luck on getting back to teaching.


I can play the piano! It’s such a stress reliever. I took two years of lessons then was in band for 4 years. I love it.


I love Spin, and I love when the instructor has a good playlist….I wish I could take your class, this one sounds awesome!


I’m so excited for you! Congrats! I loved when you used to post your spin workouts on the blog. I am just getting back into classes myself (a new studio opened near me and their classes fit into my weird schedule! yay!) but I liked to use your workouts/playlists when I couldn’t make it to a class and had to work out on my own.


My workout was a CrossFit class and today I am going to do sprints and an ab and back workout at home.


I love spin class. My fav ones are when we are out of the saddle doing high intensity!


Have you ever thought about making a video of you teaching spin? I have a bike at home and love watching spin workouts at home when I don’t feel like going to a class.


recently been thinking i should get back into spin — i want to get a better PT cert and possibly start teaching spin in the future, so this was a good motivating post! i took piano lessons for 9 years and loved every second and totally wish i hadn’t quit.


I am OBSESSED with spin! HOWEVER, it’s hard to find an instructor that I like… I use to go all of the time and I’m thinking about getting back into it… we shall see


I wish I could dress like brooke all the time! and I bet she is quite the pianist


I hope you had a great first class back to teaching spin!


I am looking for a spin bike for home since making it to a class with small kiddos is not an option right now. Any recommendations on a good, yet reasonably priced bike? Congrats on teaching again!


I would LOVE to take a spin class from you! Come teach in WA, my instructor is kinda boring :(


I’m taking my first spin class tonight!!! Totally excited!!


Where are you teaching?! It’d be so fun to come to one of your classes!!!!! Sounds like an awesome playlist!


We must be spin playlist soul mates because this is pretty much what I have on my spin list! Great taste in music.


Is it really teaching, or are you just working out in front of others and yelling at them to follow along?


Can you teach us how you do Brooke’s hair? It’s always so cute. Thanks! Also a quick video of you teaching would be awesome. I love spin!


wish I could take your class!


I know this is an old post but I just found your playlist and would love the workout to go with it if possible?? I did your time to sweat spin workout Monday and LOVED it!

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