This morning’s trail run was bittersweet.

Sweet—> because I love starting off the day with Jess and the trails.

Very Bitter—> because this was our last run together before she has surgery next week.  She won’t be able to run for a few months and it breaks my heart because I know how much she loves running.   

I am going to miss our mornings together so much.   She is going to use my spin bike during her rehab so I will just show up at her house at 6 a.m. and sit on the couch next to her as she spins and talk to make up for the lack of morning runs together.  

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When we plan on what time to meet the night before we keep forgetting that the sun doesn’t rise until about 6:40 now and so when we met at 6:10 this morning we got to run in the dark.  Neither of us tripped on anything. It is a miracle.

Thank goodness for the flashlight on the iPhone.  

Super high quality picture of Jess running in the dark with her flashlight:

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Brook was still snoozing after our 7.6 miles so I did this little 15 minute strength workout and the thrusters burned real good.  

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And some planks. I told you I was going to live in my new sweatshirt… I even plank in it.  

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Lunch was lots of veggies, chicken, cheese, an apple and yogurt.  My love for vegetables came from my sister.  She was ALWAYS eating them when I was growing up and since my life mission is to be like her, I started at a young age to eat large amounts of vegetables.

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Speaking of sister—>  we exchanged food today.  She brought over homemade granola for me to eat while she ate the lunch that I made her. 

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Who else is excited that it is finally boot weather?  I know Brooke is.  

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Longest break that you have taken from running?

-4 months because of those silly femoral stress fractures a few years ago.

Are you a boots, flats, heels, booties person?  Favorite type of non-running shoes to wear?

Any good strength workouts you have been doing lately?  How often are you doing strength work right now?

Do you LOVE veggies or just eat them because you know they are good for you?

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I love veggies, but I also love junk food, it’s hard to eat everything I love, but I do my best.

Flats person, except at church, then it’s sky high heels!

I need to be better at strength training! I’ve been slacking and I can tell a major difference!


Teach me how to walk in sky high heels.

I love my junk food too… tough work to eat lots of veggies and lots of ice cream but I know we can do it:)


6 months! For several stress fractures…not fun. :(

My stomach is growling after seeing the pictures of your lunch! I am in desperate need of some veggies right now. :)

PS Your apartment looks so cute and very homey.


SIX MONTHS is way too long!!! Fly on over to Utah and I will make you lots of veggies.
Give Annabelle a big hug for me:)


Man, I wish I loved veggies that much! I literally only like eating peas. Everything else I have to force myself to eat. I make a giant green smoothie every morning because there is a good chance that’s the only green I’ll get, if I have my way. I can eat salads, but only if covered in lots of goodies, and lately-goat cheese is a requirement.

The longest I have taken off of running is probably 3 months. I really messed up my whole system after running 2 marathons in one month and it killed me and I become such a cranky pants!

I try to do strength at least 2 times a week, but have definitely been slacking lately since the weather is so nice all I want to do is run to exhaustion. By the time I get back, I just pour myself into the shower and call it a day. Trying to get back on the boat though- I love Tone It Up workouts and my Barre videos (I love working out at home).

Good luck to your friend on the surgery! I’m sure she’s not excited about it but she’ll be happy when it’s all over. And you’re a great friend for keeping her company through the rehab!


Good call on the green smoothie each morning! Two marathons in one month… WOW. I don’t think I could do that! Thanks for the good luck for my friend!


Knock on wood…I’ve never had to take a break from running.
I love boots, but I pretty much live in running shoes.
I lift heavy weights once or twice a week and I have a daily (lighter) free weight routine.
And, I absolutely love vegetable which is a good thing, because I’m a vegetarian!


NEVER!!!!! That is incredible… probably because you rock the strength training:)


I’ve been super fortunate!


Love love your bed!! Where did you get it??


I got the frame from RC Willey and the bedding from Crate and Barrel! I hope you are having an amazing day Mindy!


Love veggies!!!
On the get to know your teacher questionnaire I put salad where it asks for favorite food.
Took a 2 month running break when trying to get preggo and low and behold.



I hope you are having a beautiful day and I can’t wait to take you to Which Wich next time you are here:)


Actually obsessed with the veg…I eat so many of them my body actually craves them. Also have a strong love for Sweet Potatoes. Not normal over here.

I’m a little on the taller side so I usually go with flats or flat boots!

From one running addict to another, I wish Jess the BEST of luck on her surgery and speedy recovery!!!


Flats. All flats, all the time, unless I’m outside and need boots or beach shoes. I wear high heels only to formal events/when forced.


I’m sure excited for boot season! I overwork my everyday walkers the other seasons of the year and I think its time to switch it up for something a little more chic. :-)


I am (hopefully!) getting back to running within the next week or two as I’ll be 4-5 wks postpartum. I stopped after I walked/jogged a quarter marathon at the end of May because I was constantly losing my breath and dealing with sore hips.

Shoes: sandals in the summer and boots or loafers in the winter. I LOVE a cute pair of knee high boots with a skirt because it always makes me feel really pretty. I also love them because I can finally wear them! I was overweight until college an could never find a pair that fit my calves. Thank you, running!! As for veggies; I love them but don’t eat nearly enough. Your post made me miss trail running A LOT!! Hoping to get back to it this fall!


I love veggies…I’m starting to get real sad that my garden is going to go away soon! There is nothing like a garden tomato!!

I love boots!!! I just gottwo adorable pairs on sale at Charlotte Russe!!!


I LOVE your bedroom. It looks so posh and fantastic.

I live in flats, a good wedge when I have a good pair. just started wearing boots last fall for the first time in my life and LOVE them.

I love veggies, but they are the first thing to get skipped when I start eating really poorly.

Strength training? I just started working with a trainer (virtually – he’s in UT!) and I’ve done more squatty-things in the last week then ever before. I can hardly walk. So good.


We just did thrusters in our strength class last night! Hurts SO good today! I grew up HATING veggies! Until 3 years ago. Then the lightbulb went off on how good they are for me and how bad the bad food is. I started forcing myself to eat them more, and now I LOVE them and try to get my 9 servings in a day!


And I had spagetti squash for the first time ever this summer (my hubby’s co-worker has brought us 3 of them over the summer!) and I’ve made spagetti squash tacos with them every time and they are AMAZING!!!!


It’s always hard to say goodbye to friends (running or not). I hope she heals quickly from surgery!

When I worked in an office, I wore heels but now working at a running store…I wear running shoes. My feet have actually thanked me for that though.

The longest I took completely off from running was 8 weeks when I had a cyst over 2 years ago. 4 months from your fibula fracture? I always thought they healed in 8 weeks, gosh I never realized it took that long for some.


I only eat vegetables and fruit because I know they are good for me.. I do one strength training class a week with weights and a Pilates class.. I haven’t had an time off running,did my first half marathon this July and going to do another one in December but legs feeling sore already please cross your fingers that I won’t need a break from running. Boots in winter but Sandles or converse in spring/summer


I love veggies! I kind of get offended when people say they don’t love them! LOL :) Guess it’s because I went vegetarian for a few years and really took the time to learn different ways to prepare them. I’m 100% a salad girl – I order them because I love them not because they are “healthy”. Boots weather – CAN.NOT.WAIT!


Longest break that you have taken from running?

-4 months because of those silly femoral stress fractures a few years ago.
Flats at work, booties when I dress up, and boots when I can find them to fit my calves. Running has made them extra large.

I do strength two days a week. I’ve been focusing on my glutes since I’ve been having some hip issues lately. Seems to be helping (fingers crossed!).

I really do love veggies, and fruit, but I love junk food too. Ice cream, donuts, brownies…yum!


HA…clearly I didn’t re-read what I typed! Longest break was about 3-4 weeks. I’ve never had much of an issue with injuries since I started doing marathons. Was always injured with the shorter distances though. Weird?


My longest running break was when I was on bed rest with my twins. I’ve never had a a major break due to an injury…knock on wood!!
I love, love, love veggies! My meals are usually plant based. Not always, but often.
Your sister looks so much like you in that picture! (Or you like her ;))


10 day is the longest for an injury…and I forget but I am thinking 3 weeks for babies :).
Totally a comfy shoes person. I don’t know why but I am retarded in heels…I have a hard time walking in them and then my feet just hurt :) (and that just can’t happen unless it is from running). Boots weather means winter which just does not make me happy!
I am not a huge veggie lover, I just eat them because I should. I like green beans, broccoli and corn the most.
I pretty much just throw in little strength moves here and there throughout the week :)


The longest break I took from running was 10 weeks when I was pregnant. I had such bad morning sickness that I couldn’t even stand up :( I love some veggies , others are no bueno for me. Fall boots and booties are the best! Can’t wait to wear mine :) I hope your friend’s surgery and recovery go well!


When I am not in running shoes which is almost always, my go to are flip flops but I do love boots and when it actually cools down here in so cal I wear them a lot with a cute pair of jeans!
You would be surprised to know when I started running actively 4 years ago I began to like a variety of veggies! Weird I hated them up til then! Now my body craves veggies and healthy food!
The longest break I took from running was about 5 months due to a quad injury
I do some sort of strength training 4 days a week with one of them being with weights


I totally quit running after high school and didn’t start back up for 3.5 years! But since I’ve started, the longest break I took was around 1.5 weeks. It’s looking like I’m about to take some time off, though. I’ve been having killer calf/shin pain for weeks and I’m so over it.


I love tall flat boots — they’re definitely my favourite! :)


I recently had to take about 8 weeks off from running/high impact activities due to surgery. It felt terribly long at the time, but in the grand scheme of things I guess it wasn’t so bad. I was able to run a half marathon almost exactly two months after the surgery, so I guess I didn’t lose TOO much fitness.

As for strength workouts, I’ve been loving circuits lately– I usually do one lower body exercise, one upper body exercise (or upper/lower combo), a cardio/plyometric move, and a core move. I typically do it three times through. It can be a great finisher after a run, or a workout in itself if you put a few circuits together! Definitely my go-to lately.


Do you have the recipe for those peppers that I see chicken and cheese in?


The longest break I took from running was when I had surgery in 2010 and took about 6 months off.
I have always love some vegetables but over the past few years I have learned to like a much wider variety!
I am all about flats, boots, and flip flops. I haven’t started wearing boots eat this season but I am getting a little excited for them!


Hi Janae!
Sorry if you’ve already covered this, but I’ve just done my last long run before my marathon in 3 weeks and am beginning my taper, it is very unfamiliar territory to me! I would really like to know what your taper plan looks like, would you be able to share a bit with us?
Thank you! Love your blog as always!


I had take a good 6 weeks off after a stress fracture but I think that’s the longest. I just took 7 days off after the Ventura Marathon and ran for the first time last night and it was GLORIOUS. I love spinning and yoga but NOTHING is as amazing as running. NOTHING. :) It makes me so happy and truly helps me to get through the toughest of times.


I actually love veggies! Though it depends on the type – carrots & spinach are my faves! I enjoy coming up with new ways to cook them too :D


9 months w/o running due to stress fracture in my foot. I feel like I may never be back to where I was again. I’m excited for boots and sweaters so I can cover up my body since I’m not loving it with all this injury. :(


I am totally a boots person!!! I love warm socks and all different types of boots, so I am very excited that fall is here!
I am definitely a veggie eater, and always have been. I’ve really been in to brussel sprouts lately though, and those are a veggie that I never really liked when I was younger.
I just started running Jan of 2013, but I had to take a break during my last pregnancy per Dr’s orders for about 4 months. She is 5 months old now and loves to ride in her BOB. She thinks it’s hilarious when I’m working hard to push her up hills (I live in Roanoke, VA which is in the middle of the Blue Ridge Mtns, not a lot of flat terrain here).

PS – when I’ve been reading your blog daily for almost 2 years now, and I just wanted to say THANK YOU for posting every day!!! It always helps to motivate me on days where I don’t feel like getting out there! I am training for the Richmond Half right now, and want to run the Blue Ridge Half in the spring. You should check out the Blue Ridge Marathon. It’s “America’s toughest road marathon”!!!


Oh my Gosh, there’s such a thing as non-running shoes? Really? Who knew. ;)


Actually I may be on a forever break from running. I dislocated my knee cap last Oct and discovered I have several issues with my knee including a patellar tilt and a vascular necrosis. It is not in my “best interest” to run for exercise. They told me I could try light running and maybe 5 ks at some point. My family is 100% against me running again but I have thrown in some quick 30 sec runs in when doing my racewalking. I was very depressed about this last fall, devastated actually. I am ok, sort of now.
Right now packing and getting our town house ready for sale is my new extra exercise. I am painting, patching, cutting molding, etc.


I’m depressed just reading that. I’m so sorry for your injury! I would so make sure your doctor is a sports doc. And my doctor (who is awesome by the way) can’t stand my running…I think that was the second thing he said to me after meeting me. Running is SO bad for you.
Uh…whatever Dude. You’ll have to adjust.
Of course, take care of you for sure. And even if you can’t ever run again, you could totally pick up a fabulous new sport and kick it’s butt.


I LOVE mindy project, Seriously I laugh so hard! It’s what kept me sane on the flights to singapore haha I like veggies, but I love fruit.


I love me some flats or flipflops. I used to where flipflops year-round but it caused me to have IT band issues when I did long runs, so I had to switch out to normal sneakers when I go to school.


I’m a clog girl. Dansko’s seem to keep my runner’s feet happy and they have great tread for the icy winter!

Best of luck to Jess!! She’s got this.


I love boots, (because that signifies colder weather) also ballet flats, and sneakers. all except heels (ouch)
I strength train 4 times per week for one hour each session. Really has helped me be able to run injury free.
I love all veggies haven’t always just as an adult once I learned the proper way to cook them. I guess they do not have to come from a can or be cooked to mush. LOL


I’m definitely a boot person…although to be honest I have been rocking sneakers and flip flops a lot over the past few months.

Love veggies! always have and hopefully always will :)

I hope your friend’s surgery goes well. I’ll say a prayer for her


I can’t think of a long time that I’ve been unable to run – I’ll consider myself lucky!

I think I’m a boot person…though I love my keens

I try to love veggies, but I’m more of a fruit girl


I’ve taken a little more than a year off due to a really bad case of tendinitis that I am still trying to recover from. I hate not being able to run!

My favorite non running shoes are either boots, flats or sandals. Nothing with a heel though! I’m not a fan of those!

I eat veggies because they’re good for me for the most part. I like the way cooked veggies taste though so it’s easier to get them down that way!


I try to make myself love veggies! I’ve gotten to where I kinda crave at least one type of vegetable in each meal- so I think that’s a good thing! I would love to be able to eat as many as you do… dang!


I try to love veggies. I love a few of them (bell peppers, Tomatoes, roasted Brussels sprouts…)the others are all like the good veggies’ weird cousins that you have to put up with.
Boots. But preferably barefoot.


My longest break was probably 3 months after I tore my ACL….it was torture. Luckily, I just needed a lot of rehab and not surgery.

YES to boots weather. YES YES A MILLION TIMES YES.

As for veggies, I love some (brussel sprouts) and hate some (I can’t get behind celery, unless it’s served with a side of wings and blue cheese). I’m working on it!


Definitely not boot weather here in Alabama! Still rocking sundresses and sandals with 90 degree weather and crazy humidity. It is getting old for sure!


Okay, since you asked…my favorite type of non-running shoes are my incredibly comfortable California Footwear Co. sandals. :) Let me know if you ever want to try a pair.

In the winter, I practically live in my Blundstone Chelsea boot.

I just incorporated that thruster move into my core workouts. I didn’t know what it was called, but looked like a good move to strengthen my glutes. (It seems to strengthen a lot of things).

Veggies. Some I absolutely love. Asparagus, artichoke, broccoli, cauliflower, corn, green beans, even brussel sprouts. I can’t stand peas. blech. My kids think they’re an exotic vegetable because I never serve them.


Longest break I’ve taken from running is a really long time… Back when I used to run for exercise solely.

My favorite type of non-running shoe is a running shoe :) hahaha my asics are so comfy

I mainly do strength workouts and lift weights.

I love veggies and eat them because I know I am supposed to :) whole carrots are my fav.


Flats, flats, flats, flats, flats. High heels are so bad for your back! (At least they’re bad for mine.) I do like boots, though. And a nice wedge sandal for the warmer months.

For strength I do a yoga/Pilates/barre workout. Actually, I teach it. If I didn’t teach it I probably wouldn’t do it and would only run, run, run.

I like roasted veggies, green smoothies, and restaurant salads (salads at home just don’t taste as good. You know what I mean?).


P.S. I hope the surgery goes well and she has a quick and pain-free recovery!


It’s 105 here today In ca. I’m so sad it’s not boot weather!

I’ve moved last week so I’ve been lifting get lots of boxes for strength training.
But I’m trying to get back on track with you are your own gym dvds by Mark lauren. I have his “body by you” book which I like the routines in there but I do much better when I watch a DVD and follow along.


Longest break that you have taken from running?
Currently on a two year break. Years of uneducated running and a desk job = weak hips and all that goes with that affliction. So – I am starting from the ground up. Rewarding/frustrating/insightful/ultimately-humbling!

Are you a boots, flats, heels, booties person? Favorite type of non-running shoes to wear?
Chacos as soon as the snow isn’t too deep and until it snows again. Though what girl doesn’t like a nice pair of sexy heels?

Any good strength workouts you have been doing lately? How often are you doing strength work right now?
4 x a week. The Realignment Program (hip training series) is a mix of weighted walking lunges, double/single legged squats on a bosu ball, Dumb Bell Slinging (deadlift, abs, balance-while-lifting), and those terrifically challenging yoga stabilization moves that make you realize even the tiniest muscles can set on fire.

Do you LOVE veggies or just eat them because you know they are good for you?
I love love love veggies. But i also love love cheese, a good steak, and a perfect risotto.


I miss boots!!! I have packed mine all away, they aren’t very Hawaii friendly. I know, I know… Hawaii problems.

Hope all is well with your surgery Jess!


Who do you get to watch Brooke in the early morning while you go running? If my husband is out of town I am always at a loss of who can watch my little man.


I am a boots girl all the way!

I eat veggies because they’re delicious. My policy is that I don’t eat foods that I don’t enjoy, so I find the veggies I like (thankfully, that’s most of them) and eat lots. ;)


I am not ready for the boots yet. Just not. Although I love my boots and my heels if I am not running….I having been doing Pure Barre like every other day. Such a great workout!


Love stuffed peppers! I am beyond excited to wear my boots every stinkin’ day once the weather cools off!


If I’m not in running/cross training shoes, I’m usually barefoot. Boot-wearing weather doesn’t really come around until January in south FL so still have a ways to go!


I took a few weeks every now and then when I had IT band injuries, but I definitely didn’t take as much time as I should have and I ended up being injured for about 6 months total.

I love booties/boots!! Fall is MY FAVORITE SEASON EVER. It’s still not that cool here in North Carolina (humid and rainy every day it seems like) but I am SO ready for the cooler temps! Especially running wise :)

I try to strength train 2-3 times a week…that is on the schedule today during lunch and then an easy 4 miler after work today!

I LOVE VEGGIES! Anything except mushrooms and cucumbers and I am good to go!


Your sister looks totally different without make-up…so much younger! I like it!


I love flats. I wear them all year. even when I shouldn’t be because it isn’t weather appropriate. though the other day I was excited to put on my Hunter rain boots.

Strength work and me get along well. I do it almost every day and run a couple times a week.


I think the longest break I have ever taken is about 6 months…. and it wasn’t a full break it was back and forth….throw a run in here and there

How can one choose a fav shoe?! lol…

I legit love veggies… all summer long i eat them as my meal…. come fall and winter there are too many goodies floating around… but I do love them


Are you a boots, flats, heels, booties person? Favorite type of non-running shoes to wear? – I LOVE a good pair of heels. I end up wearing a lot of flats, but I lurv me some wicked heels.

Do you LOVE veggies or just eat them because you know they are good for you? – I love veggies when they are done right. I love them roasted and steamed, mostly. Not as much raw.


I try to stay away from flats because I have a high arch and they irritate my feet. I have found the most comfortable (and cute) is a small wedge.

Those stuffed green peppers look amazing! I love veggies!


The longest break I’ve taken from running is just over a year now. I couldn’t run because of a spinal injury. I’m due to start again this weekend!!! I have to admit I’ve lost most fitness, put on A LOT of weight (and i mean a lot) so am a bit nervous about running! I’m going to have to take it very very slow and with the c25k or something.

Boots, booties, heels or flats it doesn’t matter I wear them all. I love boots but rarely get to wear them as I live in a very temperate part of Australia.


The best non-running shoes are no shoes ;) But I do love how cute boots are!
I LOVE veggies! Raw, roasted, steamed, sauteed you name it! It’s the fruit that I have to force myself to eat…


I hope your friend’s surgery goes well! I love vegetables too!


I used to be a heels & flip flops person, but now that I have kids, my heels collection rarely sees the outside of my closet :( Now I’m a flip flops, booties & flats girl… oh, how times have changed!!

I love veggies, and thankfully so far it seems that my girls do too :) Funny thing, growing up we ate minimal, tasteless veggies, because my mom isn’t a veggie lover, but my two older sisters and I all grew up to love vegetables! Thank goodness :)

I hope Jess’s surgery goes well, and I hope you enjoy your taper!!


Your sister looks like she’s about 16 in that photo – and looks just like her kids!


i wear heels at work but only my most comfortable ones (i have the same pair in 3 colors because i can’t stand wearing shoes that hurt), but i’m totally a flip flops/comfy shoes girl all the way. i love veggiessssss and not just for health reasons!


I know how Jess feels – I have ACL reconstruction surgery in two weeks and I won’t be able to run for a few months either. I haven’t taken more than a week off running since 2010.


Ah that’s such a great idea to run as the sun is coming up. I’m going to try that tomorrow! :)


Thanks to a surprise surgery to have my gallbladder removed, while on vacation in Hawaii, 3 weeks ago I have been told I can’t run for 6 weeks. This will be the longest time without running that I can remember. With the stress of recovering, having surgery and ruining my vacation, all I want to do is run. Once I get the clear I think I will try pool running, which I learned about from you – so that I can start getting some activity other than walking back in my life! I try to look on the positive and this just reminds me of how much a part of my life running is.


I love boots!

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