2 fave places in my house, love what you have and a spin playlist

It has been really fun to start from scratch in our apartment and decorate it exactly how I want it to look (thank you Target and Ikea).  

My two favorite places to look at in our apartment:

1.  This wall in Brooke’s room.  You Are My Sunshine is our song.

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2.  This board.  It is right in front of my bed and so I wake up every morning seeing it.  This quote continues to remind me of one of the keys to being happy.  

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Random story—>  Not too long ago I was in my apartment putting laundry away and I was starting to feel a little cocky about some things. I was feeling proud of our apartment and happy about how I was doing it all on my own.  I was thinking about how Brooke is so happy living here (whenever we are away from our house for longer than 2 hours she starts begging to go home), how much I love my job and my deep love for our couch (it is so comfortable and I spend a lot of time on it).  Overall, I just felt so much peace and I was beyond content with where we were in life that morning.  

An hour later we went to a playdate for Brooke at my friend’s house—>  a ginormous/beautiful/perfect home with dogs, kiddos and a happy marriage—>  And just like that, I felt like I couldn’t even compare.  Like I was so behind in life.  How my space was 1/24th the size of the house I was in for the play date etc. etc. etc.

On the drive home this quote popped into my head.  Why in the world was I comparing myself to someone else?  Just a few hours before I was thinking about how in love I was with what I had.  

The love I have for what I have doesn’t change just because someone else has something different!  

This quote always grounds me and reminds me to focus on what I have rather than chasing after more (because constantly thinking the ‘grass is greener on the other side’ is kind of a miserable way to live in my opinion).  And wow, I love the people I have… I don’t need anything else. 

So, there ya go, the ramblings of what you thought was a running blog.  


I randomly jumped in the crib with Brooke yesterday after her nap.  She was confused at first but then she thought it was hilarious.


I took it super easy teaching spin last night because I do not want sore legs on marathon day.

Fun fact:  I had to use my shoelace for something around the house over the weekend and forgot about the fact that I was missing a shoelace until I got to the gym.  I don’t know where my brain was.  Winning at life.

At least I had cycling shoes to spin in.  

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1.  I Lived by One Republic

2.  This is How We Do by Katy Perry

3.  I Will Wait by Mumford & Sons

4.  Pump It by Black Eyed Peas

5.  Habits by Tove Lo

6.  Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood

7.  Centuries by Fallout Boy

8.  Applause by Lady Gaga

9.  Right Round by Flo Rida

10.  Demons by Imagine Dragons

11.  Roar by Katy Perry

12.  Can’t Hold Us by Macklemore & Ryan

13.  Turbulence (ft. Lil Jon) by Laidback Luke

14.  Between the Lines by Sara Bareilles (cool-down)

Brooke and I drove straight to Cafe Rio after I was done and it was the craziest thing because we ran into my sister and her husband eating there too! My family must really love this place or something.  

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And my Jawbone shows just how seriously I take my rest days…  Sunday = 4,000 steps.  

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Any quotes that you just absolutely love?  Any aha moments lately?

Favorite spot in your house?

Who is going to be at the St. George Marathon on Saturday?  I feel like we should all meet up in the finish line area at the end:)

What is something you have been craving lately?

-Hot chocolate (now that it is getting cold).  

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SO adorable, I like that you share randomness with us when it is that cute! I am racing Chicago, so will not be at St George, but will be wishing you luck. I am already starting to get nervous…….especially as the world record was just broken, I know this means chicago will be the place to try and break it again, and the women’s….I could be standing next to the next marathon world record holder on the start line! EEEEEKKK! I can’t stop eating peanut butter m&ms, I should not be allowed to buy those!


GIRL! You are going to rock Chicago! You are so speedy, I am stoked to see how you do!


I’m running Chicago too! See you there!!


Don’t ever worry about what type of family you have. Brooke will be the happiest kid on the planet because of the mother and huge family around her that loves her! I get upset sometimes because our family is a split family but I tell my kids they have 4 parents that love them when most get just 2 so they are very special. And they really are!


I can SO relate to the feeling of being perfectly content, and then BOOM, we go to a playdate at a gorgeous, big, clean, perfect house and as much as I try to remind myself how happy I am with what I have, I can’t help but feel down. I live in a town where we are on the low end so basically every playdate I go to gives me this feeling. I’m really working on truly feeling happy with what I have, because i honestly do feel that way!

I also have a bunch of those baskets from target and I love them, all the kids toys go in them and they look better than plastic :)


You’ve probably seen this one because I think Kristin Armstring has written about it, but my very favorite is: “Comparison is the thief of joy.” I remind myself alllll the time.


My favorite spot in my house is my patio. I love sitting out there and its enclosed so I don’t have to worry too much about the weather. Sometimes I even work out there.

This time of year all I crave is APPLES! Anything with apples.


I’m super curious to know what you needed a shoelace for “around the house”. I don’t think I’ve ever been in a situation where I thought, “Yeah! A shoelace would be perfect in this instance!”. Lol. :)
My favorite room in the house is my 18 month old’s nursery. I love it in there.
You should feel pretty great about the life you’ve created. You are made of win!


HAHAH I had to use it to hang up a picture… I ran out of water! Thank you Monica and I hope you are having a great day!


I live in a small apartment and way prefer it to a big house. Less to clean. Fewer places to lose things. If I lived in a gigantic house, I’d never find my car keys.


Love this playlist!! Also love Brooke’s wall. And it’s so true- comparison is the thief of joy. I have to remind myself about that too. My favorite place in my apt is my bed :)


I’m very thankful that I do not compare myself to others anymore. It took me a long time to be comfortable enough with myself. I used to always compare myself to every one who got married and had kids and would feel so very sad and at times I still feel sad abe alone. But u remember all the things I would not have experienced or done in life if I had taken that path. It wasn’t Gods plan and he knows best.


I have been craving pumpkin pie and hot chocolate! And we haven’t even had fall like weather here lately. I made pumpkin pie last night but I’m trying to hold off on the hot chocolate.

I always am so jealous of the cafe Rio pics. It always looks so good! But we don’t have them around here.


I have a book of quotes. The ones I remind myself of the most are probably “When you’re going thru hell, keep going’ and “Let go and Let God.” I have a hard time letting go sometimes. I have those same feelings sometimes, I don’t really know what kind of job I want ‘when I grow up’ and I don’t have kids yet, I should probably get on that, is this where I want to live, etc. And some people seem to have their stuff so together that then I feel bad about myself and I shouldn’t. There’s plenty of things I’ve done that others haven’t and there is no reason to compare myself.

Favorite spot in my house, probably my bed. Its comfy, looks out onto our back deck/yard.

I’m craving my mom’s banana cream dessert and now that you mentioned it, hot chocolate sounds pretty good too!


I can totally relate to this! I live in a tiny studio garage apartment, and most of my friends are in the buying-big-homes phase. I actually prefer to live small and spend my money on traveling, but I ALWAYS forget this mindset the second I walk into their perfectly-decorated large homes. I’m constantly reminding myself to stop comparing my situation to anyone else’s.


Favorite spot in my house is my kitchen. Food and family are always there =).

Really impressed you made it to the gym without a shoe lace haha! What in the world did you need a shoe lace for around the house?! =)


The grass is greener where you water it :) I think you are doing a wonderful job working with what you have and realizing you have a lot to be thankful for!! Will be praying for you this weekend as you tackle the marathon. You have trained hard and smart and I think you will do awesome :)


Thank you so so much Lauren! Love what you said about the grass being greener where you water it:) I hope you are having an amazing day!


I heard the same thing in church, the grass is greenest where you water it! I have to say though, comparison is so easy with social media and of course her house was clean! Would you invite others to your home and not present it as “perfect”? Trust me, people aren’t this way every minute of every day.


My boyfriend is divorced and just recently moved into his new home which is old and small compared to the lovely home they had together when married. He was so happy to start anew and have me there to help him unpack. We had one of the most touching moments just standing on his modest deck arm in arm staring at the stars.

I went through so much of the same when my husband passed away. I watched friends get married and move into huge homes while I was in my modest abode.

Your quote is perfect. But there’s nothing wrong with feeling a little tinge of jealousy when you know you are starting over. 15 years later I am finally realizing that.

Ps: I love that one republic song I lived!!!!


I love Brooke’s wall!!!! Is your picture board with the quote a bulletin board? I LOVE it…is it from somewhere I can order one?
Comparison is the thief of joy…..this quote is so very true.
God has put is all in different places with different circumstances for a reason and there is always something to be thankful for.


Have you ever read The Dash by Linda Ellis? Love it.

One of my favorite exercise/running motivation quotes is by Lou Holtz – “No one ever drowned in sweat.”

One of my “be a better person quotes” from livelifehappy.com : Every single day you should wake up and commit yourself to becoming a better person.

Great post. Thanks, Janae!


I have a quote in my kitchen that says “Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life”. I came across that sign at a time in my life when I needed to hear those words. Bought the sign, hung it up, then started to make a life. :-)


Your new apartment looks so nice! I’m back living in the city for college with my housemate and we have this giant squishy leather chair in our sitting room and it is MAGICAL. Favourite place by far :) And my favourite quote is not really a quote as such but I read somewhere ages ago that when you run you are only in contact with the ground about 30% of the time, so instead of 10 miles of running you can think of it as 7 miles of flying :D


7 miles of flying…I love that!!


Haha I’m with ya, I love this too!


It can be so easy to compare yourself to others, but like you said its just so important to be proud of the decisions you made and where you are! I love that quote you shared, and your decorations look amazing! I wish I had an eye for that stuff.
My favorite spot in my house is one section where we have a canvas wedding picture with a quote from our wedding song, a map of Baltimore with a heart around it, and a sign that my sister-in-law gave us when we got engaged with our engagement date. It’s all pretty simple but really meaningful to us.


I like this post and I constantly remind myself not to compare. We all have a different path, different story. Thanks for sharing!

I love the song You Are My Sunshine. It still moves me to tear up when I hear it.


I’ve been reading your blog for years, and it just occurred to me this past week that you’ve never told us your sister’s name! I feel like I know her, and I have no idea what she’s called. Sneaky, Janae!


I can’t even tell you how often I do the exact same thing. I have such a hard time getting caught up in all the “things” that other people are blessed with, but I have no room to complain! I also remind myself that if I’m comparing myself, that means even the “richest” or “luckiest” or “prettiest” person is too, and we all have that in common.

What are you tracking your steps on? Looks interesting!


As a single mom starting fresh in a brand new apartment, you have no idea how badly I needed to read that today. Someday’s we need reminders.


Katie! Good luck girl. Keep me updated on how you are doing. WE CAN DO HARD THINGS!


I LOVE that quote! I put “comparison is the thief of joy” up in my closet so I see it every morning when I get ready. Just a reminder that “me” is just fine. It’s hard to remember some days!

Great spin playlist too – I’m downloading some of the songs to add to my mix :)


Love your quote. Here’s my fav: “Peace: it does not mean to be in a place where there is not noise, trouble or hard work; it means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.” :)
I’ll be at stg too. You’ll love it!


I’ll be there, but you will make it to the finish line hours before me. :). I’m not looking forward to the heat. Pray for clouds!


I’ve been craving chili! I made a huge batch in my new crock pot last night and I am dying to take some with me for lunch today, but it’s supposed to be for dinner at a friend’s house tonight. My whole apartment smells SO good.


Thank you so, so much for sharing that! I do this all too often and it helps to know I’m not the only one! If you look for how other people are better, you’ll surely find it. If you look for your own blessings, you’ll find those!!
Last time you posted that magnet board I called to get one and they didn’t have any more. Bummer!!


I know exactly how you feel! I’m newly separated and all my friends are pregnant, or talking about, baby number two and it was tough at first. I just had to dig deep and realize although things aren’t going as I thought they were everything happens for a reason. Plus, I have the cutest little two year old boy (two tomorrow, ahhh!)

I’m craving a long run. I’ve been sick for a few days and taking time off. I’m ready to run again and sign up for another half!

My favourite room in my house, right now, is my son’s room. I love putting him to sleep, reading books and playing with him in there.


It’s easy to compare yourself to others, especially in this day and age with everyone’s life being so, “in your face” via social media. Your little life with your daughter seems wonderful to me :-)

Good luck with your marathon!! You’re going to rock it!


“Greatness is a lot of small things done well.” It was part of this video https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=685054621537395&set=vb.131419373567592&type=2&theater.

Fav spot in the house is either in the tub or the living room/kitchen. I love the openness of it and we’ve had lots of fun family memories there.

I have been craving Chinese food :) Maybe after our race on Sunday!


I really, really like that quote from your photo board and the lesson that goes with it. Quotes are something I love/collect/obsessively-pin all the time, but lately I keep being reminded of this one:

“What if it doesn’t work out?
“Ah…but what if it does?”

Just what I’ve needed to take some risks lately and be a little bolder than usual! Have a great Tuesday and good work resting up for the marathon <3


I REALLY love my couch as well, and spend most of my time at home on the couch. It’s so comfy, and I’ve gotten SO much work done while sitting on that couch.


One of my favorite quotes is “you absolutely can control what you do with what you’re given.” :)

I’ve been craving s’mores, and I finally bought the things to make them!!!

I’ll be at St. George!! I’m aiming for a BQ (and trained for a BQ) and I’m excited for this marathon! It’d be fun to meet you and any one else on here who is running!!!


I write about this all of the time and just wrote it about it last week – being happy with what you have and where you are in life. Glass should always be half full. I thought all about it again after running through my old neighborhood, where I lived before my divorce. I am super happy with where I am at even though sometimes I do miss my bigger house and double wall ovens lol.


“Comparison is the thief of joy.” It’s definitely easier said than true, but I try to just be the best me!
I’ve been craving salty tortilla chips which is odd because I usually want sweets.
My favorite spot: my front porch swing!


The comparison trap is so easy to fall into. It’s crazy how awesomely content you can be until you hear about someone else. I used to struggle with this a lot more than I do now. I started just focusing on all the good and exciting in my life and realized there is no other life I’d rather live. :D


Since James Dean died today in 1955 i will quote him…
“Dream as if you will live forever, live as if you will die today” -James Dean

Since it’s the beginning of fall i obsess over pumpkin everything! :)

Have a great Tuesday!!!


i have those moments too—i think it is more about jobs for me- like i’ll be envoius of a friends success and then it dawns on me that oh DUH i like my job too and am, for the most part, happy with it!!!


Your random story was just what I needed to hear this morning!! After years of infertility and trying to grow our family, I’ve always wanted a big family and get insanely jealous of those with 3+ kids! But I do have a beautiful, vivacious, crazy little girl who has enough personality to fulfill that of 3 kids, and she is healthy. We are BFF’s, and I’m already planning our trips to sight-see in Europe…and she’s only 4, LOL. There’s soo many things I wanted to do, but never have since we spent A LOT of money trying to grow our family, that it was like I had just stopped actually living. You’re welcome for that random comment rambling ;)


Hey Jade, I can’t thank you enough for sharing your story! Thank you so much! I am so sorry about what you have been through with infertility but you are so right–> you have an incredible little girl and live it up with her:) Enjoy Europe and let me know how it goes!


I’ve been craving pumpkin spice donuts so bad! This coming Saturday morning I am getting them (and lots of other donuts too!).
My favorite spot in my house is my big comfy green chair. My daughter used to call it “mom’s thinking chair”. I have my coffee there in the morning and it’s the best place in the house to read. My daughter will even go there when she’s had a meltdown and we’ve told her to “go pull yourself together”.


Love your positive attitude and the ending to your random story! Whenever I start comparing myself to other people and feel a bit bad I just remind myself that I don’t have to be *here* forever, but that I am going to make the best of *here* for now!

Like in running, I hope to someday be able to knock out sub 10-minute miles but for now I am going to run my first full marathon at my pace, be happy and realize so many people can’t run a 26.2 miles at any pace because of illness and many other reasons! I am grateful that I can do it at all!


I love those prints! I sing that to my baby girl every night and would love to pick these up!

You two are absolutely adorable <3


Any quotes that you just absolutely love? Any aha moments lately? – Not a quote but plenty of “you do not need that…it will not change your life…” (in regards to shopping for stuff. It’s been helpful!)

Favorite spot in your house? – The bed, reading stories with my kiddos at bedtime.

What is something you have been craving lately? – Mochas with whipped cream. I could totally skip the hot drink and just have a mug of whipped cream and be happy.


My favorite spot in our apartment is our kitchen! It’s not big or fancy, but I love everything I associate with it. I love creating food and filling tummies :)

I’ve been craving ice cream. Unfortunately, if I start eating it, I can’t stop. So I’ve had to take the “nothing” side of all or nothing :(


Where did you get the white cube organizer under Brooke’s pictures?! I was JUST looking for one of those.


One quote that keeps me going is “Make Each Day Count”. It’s associated with one my husband’s late friend. Basically, what have you done today? Whenever I don’t feel like going on a run or cancelling some plans, I tell myself “Make Each Day Count”, there’s no excuses because every day is precious.


I think a lot of us can relate to and have been through an experience like that with comparison. I’ve done that a lot with athletic accomplishments, being proud of what I have done, but then down on myself when someone has done it faster or better. I have to keep my mind in check and remind myself that my body does what it can do and no one else has this body.

One of my favorite quotes is: If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way. —Napoleon Hill


Favorite quote is from a country song: Life a dance sometimes you lead sometimes you follow. My favorite place in the house is my sun porch watching the sun set over corn field.


I will be in St. George!!! I am getting so excited and nervous at the same time!


Love that quote – thanks for sharing! One of my favorite places in my house is in my daughter’s room too. I love sitting and relaxing in her glider chair. This is where I always nurse her and read to her. It is such a peaceful spot and we spend so much time there together just us ☺


Awww I love how you decorated that area in Brooke’s room! I think I have that same white bookshelf… ikea? I love those little baskets; need to get those for mine!


We sold our medium sized house in GA to move to CA (by choice) and we now live in a tiny apartment. We also could not be happier. I actually love having a smaller place because it is less to clean and we can spend more time outside and doing things we love.

Stuff does not make me happy. Awesome experiences do! ;-)


I am so so happy that you guys are so happy where you are right now. I agree about how awesome it is to have less to clean:) Enjoy the beautiful weather!


My favourite quote is ” Stay strong, after every sunset there is a sunrise”, I just love it and it always reminds me that tomorrow is a new day and even though today might have been awful, I have another day to look forward to! My favourite spot is actually my bedroom, because it’s decorated with all my favourite quotes, pictures and fairy lights and it’s super small but really cosy!


my fitbit shows the same thing, and I love the not comparing. Comparing just makes everyone miserable. not worth it.



I am good at comparing myself with others. I do not decorate, I do not craft, I do not do hair very well and on and on. I do make healthy meals, I am a dedicated Mom, I do ride my bike in the rain with my kids making sure we ride through all of the big puddles until we are soaked. I do play tag, soccer, have dance parties, play mario on the wii and am pretty good at hide and seek. Somedays I just need a reminder that I am great in my own way. My kids think I am pretty cool and that is better than good enough.


You sound like an incredible mom… and that is the most important thing in the world! Keep it up Megan and have a beautiful day!


I love that you shared that story. “Comparison is the thief of joy.” The perfectionist in me can easily start comparing myself to bigger and better things and people if I let myself. But like you said, what’s the point? It only makes us unhappy. We are blessed with SO much, and I think focusing on that is so key.


“Why do you do what you do, when you know what you know?”

Favorite room is wherever my family is.

Good luck at St. George! I’m so excited for you! When you are dripping sweat, think of me freezing in Cache Valley and maybe that’ll cool you off. :)

I’m constantly craving chocolate chip cookies. And cookies n’ cream Twix. I wish they still made those things.


I am a big fan of the One Republic song on your playlist. Totally gets goong…plus they did a.beautiful video promoting Cystic Fibrosis awareness.


What a wonderful realization you had about not comparing! This theme is definitely prevalent in our society and a main reason why people are in debt or just not content. I’m always amazed when I meet someone with great wealth who are not happy. Then I realize it’s not outside factors that can make us happy. It comes from within ones mindset. I believe you were feeling true contentment not cockiness. Don’t let other circumstances take that away from you. We all do it.
Jumping in the crib! Love it!
God bless!


Two favorite quotes of mine:

‘If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you.’-Winnie the Pooh

The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway. For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.” -Mother Teresa




Along those same lines, I always remind myself “Comparison is the thief of joy.” It helps a lot in those situations where I’m feeling down on myself or wanting more! :) And it’s SO true!



A life of comparison is the thief of joy! I remind myself this often in all aspects whether it be running, my home, etc….

My favorite place in my apartment right now is my favorite painting on the wall!


I love the quote “Comparison is the thief of joy” – it goes along with your quote very well! I always think about that quote when I am comparing other people’s perfect lives too much.

My favorite spot in my house is probably my bed. It is so comfy, cozy and warm!

I will definitely be at St. George and would love a finish line meet up! That would be so fun :)

I have been craving a burger, fries and a shake (haven’t had it in WEEKS since I gave it up for the marathon) and that is what I am going to get immediately after I finish on Saturday!


I love that you share non-running things with us, too! Comparing to others does steal our joy… I have struggled with that, too. Focusing on 1 Timothy 6:6-8 has helped me so much but some days are easier than others for me :s

My favorite place in my house is our living room. If we aren’t outside, my son and I are usually playing in there :)


You need to add “Black Widow” by Izzy on that list. I am obsessed!


“This too shall pass”. I’m not a religious person but a sweet friend told me that when I was pregnant with my second child. He’s now 23 and I use that thought many many hard times.
Not running St. George this year but if I get in next year through the lottery my best friend (who runs faster then me) said she would run WITH me the whole time. I’m hoping this old bag of bones will be ready!
My favorite spot is my bed. My ex husband was really weird about not having a TV and all kinds of stuff. So when he left I repainted, bought a new bed and rearranged. It’s my sanctuary. I really need you to come hang stuff on my walls. I have a bunch of stuff but I suck at decorating. Seriously.


I love that quote! Thank you for sharing it :) Right now I have been craving caffeinated soda but I’m breastfeeding so I’m just trying to make do with caffeine free. I feel like a Zombie some days ha! Good luck with the marathon!!!


Such a good quote! I’m in grad school and many of my friends already have fancy jobs and no homework. I always try to remember that I sure do have a lot going for me despite not being out of school yet! Plus, I’ll have a masters degree in a field I love in less than a year :)


What a great post. I can very much relate. It seems no matter what we have and how much we love it there will always be those moments of “what if” and thinking the grass is greener. Such a good reminder to shake ourselves a bit in those moments and remember to be grateful.

I have two quotes that I try to live by/reflect on:

“Hold your own. Know your name. And go your own way.” and
“A day without laughter is a day wasted.”

They remind me to be who I am – proud of myself – and firm in my choices and convictions. And also not to take myself or those choices/convictions too seriously!


Cravings: pumpkin bread!


Thanks for sharing that Aha moment! That is all…have a great day!


Love this post. I fall into this sometimes though I too have everything I need and want. Can I ask where you got that board? I think I might need something like that next to my bed!


Yes! Here is their website and I am sure if you call they can order it for you:



I am always craving hot chocolate! I love to mix cocoa powder with almond milk for a healthy substitute. I’ve never run St. George, but lots of friends run it every year, and it sounds like a great course!


Great quote, thanks for the discovery!


The “You are My Sunshine” prints in Brooke’s room are amazing – where did you find them?

And you are more powerful for realizing what exactly it takes to make you content than you realize. That in and of itself is worthy of praise and respect. Hold on to what you’ve got – because it’s what YOU’VE got. No one else can claim it!

Struggle well.


Thank you so much for linking to all the spin songs! I love checking out the songs I don’t know- and this just made it about 87849378497 times (that’s an exact number) easier!

Also- love that quote!


I love your perspective. That was a perfect reminder. Thanks Janae. Xo




ok I left more than that…said that you are going to kill it this weekend!!! and thanks for this perspective. you truly rock :)


Brooke’s wall is adorable! What a great idea!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on always wishing you had more. I know I do the same thing, even though I try not to, so it’s nice to know other people go through the same struggle too.


Janae this is a wonderful, wonderful post. Thank you. Reading you all the way over here in East Africa – just can’t go without my daily dose of HRG!


You are so right- focus on what WE have not what someone else has. Love this morning inspiration for me! :)


I’ll also be running St. George this weekend but I’m pretty sure I’ll be finishing way behind you!


I really loved this! Even though I try not to, I am feeling this whole grass is greener thing a lot lately and it’s tough to take a step back and be happy with what you have. But we all should be!!


This post made me think of this song: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=79cG_F1GxfI


Fave spot, my bed. I love my wall colors, my bed is cozy, the decor is cozy.


One of my favorite quotes is by Charles Swindoll – “Attitude is Everything” It is quite long so I won’t post it here but the essence is life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you handle it and your attitude towards it.

We are in the process of downsizing/minimizing. We got less expensive cars when our lease as up, sold a big house when we had to relocate and are currently renting a house that is smaller and will buy small when we buy again (once we know the area). I am purging clothes, shoes and stuff. I hope to have more money to travel and of course to save for kids college, etc.

BUT there is that part of me that feels like I’m failing or what will people think when they see this house versus our old one. Ironically, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been but these thoughts do sneak in sometimes. We are SO CONDITIONED our whole lives by society, advertising, etc to want MORE and BIGGER…..my kids are teenagers so it’s all an adjustment for them but I hope it serves to show them you don’t need excessive stuff to be happy! Sorry – that’s a long comment but I feel so passionately about the subject:)

Favorite place in my house – hands down is my bed!


What a great story to share – I think it’s human to compare but definitely better in the long run to appreciate what you have!


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