(Run-on) Sentence per picture.

My sister and I switched kiddos last night and I got to take my niece out on the town for a date.  

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Where the magic happens:

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 Nothing like girl talk over a bowl full of cheese, chips and guac.

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You can never do too much back to school shopping—> The winning outfit:

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Anyone else prefer shopping for/living in workout clothes over real people clothes… I think I need these capris and this hoodie.


Because you simply can’t walk by a TCBY on 99 cent Waffle Cone Wednesday without getting one.  

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Hung out on the couch with my sister last night (while there was a crazy lightening storm going on that lit up the entire sky) as she did her normal ‘help Janae figure her life out and make her feel a lot better about everything’ talk.  

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Sneakers for Brooke’s bday from her great grandma and why is everything so much cuter when it is baby/toddler/kid size?

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It is kind of embarrassing how fast I have gone through the seasons of Mad Men… Netflix was made for us to watch for hours and hours late at night right?

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My bed is complete (PS people have been asking where everything came from… BEDDING and the pillows are HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE)

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I was going through old pictures yesterday and I decided that I need to go on at least one camping trip this summer…  Anyone want to come with?

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What’s your sentence for today!?!

Do you enjoy camping?  Where?  How long would your optimal camping trip be?

If you could choose between a gift card for workout clothes and a gift card for normal clothes, which one would you choose?

Any other Mad Men fans?

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I haven’t gone camping yet this summer either! I max out at about 2 days.. anything more than that and I get antsy!

Definitely a gift card for workout clothes! Because then you could put it towards shoes too ;) and crazy expensive Lulu Lemon things!

Your bed looks like a Pinterest bed!!


I will always go for the workout clothes! Because I wear them as my regular clothes too of course, it’s just too comfy not to!

Can’t wait to do some back to school shopping with my girls! Always gives me a fun feeling.


Gift card for workout clothes for sure– in fact that’s exactly what i asked for last xmas :) The aunt-niece date is so cute!! And, fact- nobody sane can pass up waffle cone wednesday at tcby. Nobody.


That’s your sister? Wow, what an age gap! Did you get along when you were younger?


That’s her neice from her sister.


Living in South Africa we basically grew up camping – love it!!


Workout clothes ARE better and comfier! I would wear them always if it were socially acceptable :P


Oo I love Mad Men so much. I can’t wait to watch season 7 when it comes on Netflix (who knows when that will be). I have been thinking about camping in Yosemite when I get back to California next month, I think that would be pretty great.


I’d definitely take the workout clothes! But I wouldn’t say no to some new normal clothes either :)


Workout clothes! My birthday wish list is usually 99 percent running-related!

Sentence: Do what makes you happy

I like camping but haven’t been in years! I’m in, ha ha, as long as we can make s’mores :)


I would go with a gift card for normal clothes because I already buy too many workout clothes and that would force me to focus on normal clothes for a change :)

I love all of your pillows, and that headboard looks great!


I should do regular clothes, but I am happier buying running clothes. I am the type of person who has “good” yoga pants (being dressed up), and workout ones!

NOT A CAMPER. Sorry, I will rough it all day, but then I need a hot shower, good food, and my own bed.


Camping, yep I’m in.


Just got back from an amaaazing 4 day camping/white water rafting trip through the Rogue River in Oregon. We went through Oars.com and even had a chef cook for us each night when we got to camp — highly recommend!!


I like to think that I enjoy camping, but usually I really don’t. Mainly because I don’t sleep well. :/ I am planning two camping/running trips for this fall though, and am currently researching really comfy sleeping pads so that maybe, hopefully I can actually sleep at night!


If space in the car isn’t much of an issue, bring two air mattresses and an extra fluffy flannel-type sleeping bag to go under the bag you plan to sleep in. And your regular pillow. I have comfort “issues” and that’s what works for me.


We have a small car, so space is pretty limited. I bet an air mattress would do the trick though. I generally sleep pretty well on them, and it would be a MASSIVE improvement over the super thin camping pad I currently have.


Workout clothes all the way!
I read this on Pinterest this morning: “Sometimes the greatest thing to come out of all your hard work isn’t what you GET for it, it is what you BECOME from it.”


work out clothes….period. ;-)


I would love to go camping this summer!! It is just SO fun!


I would TOTALLY rather shop for workout clothes. So much more fun!


I haven’t been camping in years, but you can’t really beat the scenery and the laid back vibe of just hanging outdoors!

I’d probably take a gift card for workout clothes, not because I want or need them more, just because they are SO expensive!


I love the quote at the end of your post! I haven’t watched Mad Men yet but I hear such great things, I am going to have to watch it :)


Totally fresh back to school outfit.

I would almost always rather choose to look for workout clothing versus “real life”.

My sentence for the day: I just ran and now I’m going to work. Wow, if that doesn’t make me sound like the coolest person ever…I don’t know what would.


Brooke’s sneakers are adorable!

Mad Men is one of my favorite shows! I’m going to be so sad when it’s over.


I’m leaving this weekend for a camping trip a couple of provinces over in British Columbia, Canada. I’m planning for at least 7 days, but I’m going with my ex and our almost 5 year old son, so not sure how long we will make it. We plan on moving around a lot…wish me luck!!

I would always pick workout clothes…that’s what I live in.


I always prefer to wear workout clothes, but since I never buy regular clothes for myself I think I would probably benefit more from a gift card for real clothes. I have a sweater that looks just like that striped one in your pictures, and I lived in it last winter!


I used to take my cousin back to school shopping, when I lived closer, and spent a lot of weekends with them. It was a blast! And I really enjoy camping, but I’ve never been to Utah. I think camping in Utah must be gorgeous. I live in the Midwest, and the places we camp aren’t that great. We’re surrounded by cornfields, not mountains.


Looks like you had a fun night with your niece! Love back to school shopping!


Ah, back to school shopping…I used to look forward to it so much every year. I’m with you on the workout clothes vs. real clothes. I try to avoid situations where I have to wear actual pants. :) Your bed looks beautiful! I am a huge fan of camping. I’d say the optimal trip length is 3-4 days for me, but possibly more depending on how much great hiking there is in the area.


Love camping but now that we have our son I prefer trailer camping as opposed to tenting. Just need a few more luxuries lol. We went camping two weeks ago and I included a half marathon race while I was out there.

Real clothes?? I avoid them like the plague heh heh.


I LOVE back to school shopping with my kids :)…more for supplies than clothes though.
Work out clothes hands down! I home school so I live in work out clothes! :) I am a creature of comfort!
I am actually not a huge fan of camping. I love hiking and the scenery but not the bugs and sleeping on a hard ground. I like camping if I can stay in a cabin :)…but that is kinda cheating!


that hoodie is really cute and your bed looks lovely!


Love camping and prefer workout clothes, and Brooke’s little sneakers, I die. So cute!


That hoodie is adorable- you definitely need it! And it is a moral obligation to partake in any 99-cent ice cream special.

I like camping, but it’s not my favorite. Rending a cabin in the mountains is much more my style. ;)

My sentence for today is: You have it SO good. (A reminder for myself since it’s a confusing/stressful season of life, but I don’t want to lose sight of how blessed I am in spite of all the hard things!)


I want to go camping so badly this summer!!! I seriously miss it so much.


I love that bedding. It’s great that you swap time and have such a close relationship with your sister. My sister is 6 years younger than me so we never really had that super close talking relationship.


Camping will never be my thing. I immediately think of the movie Troop Beverly Hills and always figured I belonged in Shelly Long’s troop . lol.


Workout clothes! I could love on yoga pants, flip flops and hoodies all the time.


I would probably pick a gift card for workout clothes, although I would want both haha. I liked camping when I was younger, but now it’s just not my thing haha my hair gets too greasy and I can’t stand it.


My sentence for today would have to be, “Just get through.” I did a tempo run with the hubs at 4:30, I’m doing a long run with my team after school, and I have back to school night tonight…

I <3 camping! Even though my back kills and I come home more tired than I left, some of our best memories have been created while camping. Yosemite was probably one of my favorites so far.

I might have to go with workout clothes right now, since I'm going through 2 sets a day. Dang that I can't just wear them to work!


Okay first, your bed literally looks like it could be a post on Pinterest it’s so perfect! I love love love camping but haven’t found the time this summer :( I’d gladly join you haha!

My one sentence for the day: Be gentle with yourself, you’re doing the best you can.

When things get tough, I tend to mentally beat myself up about it, but today I deserve to just enjoy what life throws at me in any way possible!! Have a great day, Janae!!


Okay, this may just be in my fashion-impaired head, but I swear that workout clothes aren’t just comfier than regular clothes, but they’re cuter too! Don’t you think? The fact that I’m incapable of walking in heels or putting together a real outfit at 7am may affect my thoughts on that though.


Every time you mention your sister I get really excited for her baby! I love camping but don’t go often. I’ve only been three times in my life. I sure wish we could become a camping family though. I think I need more camping skills though. I’d love to go backpacking/camping for a week or so.


For years I wanted to be a camping family. This year I made it happen. It’s been so much fun! Message me if you want some ideas on how I made it easier


Workout clothes-mostly bc I wear boring office clothes all week long and I like my workout clothes to be super adorb so I can justify my lame-ness from 7-4, and coolness afterwards! Lol!!!!

Sentence for the day:first 20 miler in pureflows!:) I will report back!


My run on sentence for the day is: I’m sad that my baby has to go for his 18 month shots today but glad that these are the last shots until he is 4!! It has been years since I have been camping but we hope to take a trip this fall for 2 nights. Any longer than that and I think I would get annoyed. Workout clothes for sure!!! I always complain about not having anything to wear to work, but then I rather go out and buy running shorts instead of work shirts.


Haha! I love this post because I love run on sentences I write them all the time it’s just easier because there’s so much to say!!! But seriously workout clothes all the way!


What a fun night with your niece! And Brooke’s new sneakers are adorable!


Love Mad Men!! Can’t wait for the last season to start!

Oh I’m always telling my family to get me running store/athleta gift cards for my bday. Way more fun than other shopping for me!

I like camping but only if I’m near a body of water….either lake or ocean. I think 2-3 nights is perfect….any more and I’m ready to go home!


Mad Men fan right here! I’ve been binge watching the seasons on Netflix too; I just started Season 5. Can I just say, every time I’m binge watching a show, it’s almost always at the same time you’re watching it?! It’s so strange! You have very good TV taste ;)


Gift card for workout clothes absolutely!
I love camping but 4 days is my max


Funny that you mention this, because I’ve been wanting to go camping!… more so hiking really, one night is plenty for me before I start to feel icky (without a shower) I’ve been in a boot 7 weeks (broken foot) and am out of it now so I’m hoping to make that happen soon! (This weekend if my husband is game) This week I’ve been gradually adding running, etc back into my routine. Such a process but I’m trying to play it smart and prove my doctor wrong. Why do they always think you’re going to run right out and hurt yourself?!


I love that you always spend so much time with your family.

Workout clothes are my weakness.


Your niece is adorable :)


I LOVE Brooke’s new little sneakers! Adorable. You’re right, everything is a million times cuter when it’s miniature sized.

I really enjoy camping, but only for about a max of two nights. Then I want to be home with my own bed, toilet, and shower.

Once again, loving your bed! Looking forward to seeing the rest of your lovely apartment!


Fly out here NOW and I will take you camping and you will have so much fun. We’ll go to the redwoods because this is The Year of Camping in the Redwoods


You know you want to. Live on the edge. Do it. #YOLO. LOL

But I’m serious.


My sentence is: enjoying day 2 for my boys back to school and being with my daughter at home enjoying the simple things.
Camping: didn’t get to this summer. Our CA lakes are low but beach camping is still fun. Considering getting a trailer.
Workout clothes: target and old navy I’m frugal.


LOVE Brooke’s little shoes. I often wonder the same thing about why adult sized clothes/shoes do not look as cute as what we buy for our littles. : )

Hmm….gift card for running vs. regular clothes?? That is really tough for me because I ALWAYS feel like I need to add to/expand my work wardrobe (business attire). If it was acceptable to wear yoga pants everyday, I would definitely be doing that, though.

Hope you have a great day! It’s almost FRIDAY!!!!! :)


Shopping for workout clothes trumps all other types of shopping! My sentence for the day….Happy birthday Izzy! My daughter turns 12 today! Have you heard the new Taylor Swift song “Shake it Out” it reminds me of you!


My favorite place to go camping is near one of the lakes in the Cascade Mountains. I always enjoy camping next to a body of water. Two-three nights is perfect for me.

Now that my triathlon season is over, I am focusing all of my attention and training toward a BQ at the Portland Marathon (Oct. 5). Training starts today!

My husband and I just started watching Mad Men. How many shows can one girl be addicted to? :)


I would love to come eat chips, cheese and salsa with you and your niece. :D

Definitely a gift card for workout clothes. Why is it you can never have enough???

I haven’t seen Mad Men yet. I’m almost done season 4 of PLL and will be looking for something else to binge watch on Netflix. :D


I have that Gap hoodie in the gray stripe and in the solid pink that they sold earlier this summer–it was SO comfortable. I wore it on a flight to London and it was perfect!


I wish it would stop raining for the rest of this camping trip we are on.


Oh back to school shopping…those were the days :-) Life was so much more simple. We’re actually going camping this weekend! First camping trip with our two year old. It should be very interesting!


“Keep Calm and Carry On”- normally I find this sentence to be terribly overused but it just fits today too well

Definitely a gift card for workout clothes…. or for Costco guacamole. It’s so cute how they give you 3 single servings per pack… 10 ounces is a single serving right? #yesIatealltheguac #noImnotsorryaboutit


I think I’m the only ultra-trail runner that doesn’t camp! I will rough it in the woods, but afterwards I want heat/ac and hot water:)
I would definitely choose the gift card for workout clothes!
And Mad Men ROCKS!


I love that runners world quote………definately a brownie girl………esp the slightly undercooked ones!

I would like to go camping, but my last camping trip was kinda pathetic…………everything was wet so we burnt pages from my notebook for the fire, there was a creepy abandoned camper at the campsite and they evidently left their dog too who was loose and although did not seem aggressive, we kept our distance, and there were bear tracks! Needless to say the two night camping trip turned into only one night!

I love shopping for workout clothes! I get so excited too about shoes……..but running shoes or sporty sandals like chacos or keen! And backpacks/fannypacks…………I love outdoor gear!


Yes and Yes on the capris and hoodie! I WISH I could hang out in workout clothes, though I never have. I smell too much after working out (tmi?) and just can’t justify putting on clean ones after I shower and SHOULD wear people clothes.

I love that Runners’ World quote. So true (as I take another bite of my cookie).


My sentence for today: I need more aloe.

I went to the beach yesterday and my sunburn is a killer. I love back to school shopping, so cool you got to go yesterday! I’m going after that Gap hoodie, STAT!


HAHAAH! Toward a pan of brownies… or in my case, a massive cup of fro yo!

I’m sure your niece was so happy to have a girls night with you. Too cute!


Your niece is your mini -me! Looks like you two had fun together. Mad Men is one of the next series on my list.. have you watched Breaking Bad yet? We’re almost finished with it and it is SO GOOD!

Thinking of doing a fall or spring camping trip in Death Valley. Supposed to be some of the best star gazing out there…


Workout clothes. All. The. Time. I’ve even figured out how to get away with wearing workout clothes to my office job. Currently wearing a running tank with a maxi skirt and cardigan. So comfy. This actually reminds me that I need to find some workout pants that’ll go with my brown tunic…

I think 3 day camping trips are the best. Just long enough without being too long. We’ve got a big camping trip planned for this weekend- in the woods behind our house;-)


Aww I love that you went on a date with your niece! You’re such a good auntie :) Her winning outfit is TOO TOO cute! Love the chambray- such a fashionista! My hubs and I are doing the Netflix marathon watching, too, but with Revenge. OMG we’re hooked! You should watch it next- it’s amazingggg. I haven’t seen Mad Men, but we might start that one next as per your suggestion! :)


I’d choose a gift card for real people clothes ONLY because I don’t buy them and this would force me to be more human and not live in running shorts/capris/sports bras and tanks.


My sentence for today would be…I need my bed.stat.

Gift card, probably normal clothes, I am in desperate need of new stuff.

No Mad Men here, just getting into Breaking Bad….the show depresses me, but I can’t stop watching.

Love your blog, and I look forward to your posts everyday, thank you!


We do a lot of camping. Our longest was a week long trek moving our way down the coast. I was 6 months pregnant at the time, so my feelings then might not reflect how I’d feel now. (It seemed a bit long). I guess we also did a long trip down to Death Valley. But we threw some nights in a motel in there too, so I don’t think we can fully count that.

I would probably opt for a gc for workout clothes vs. “real” clothes. I’m not sure why, but workout clothes feel more “indulgent” to me.


Sentence: A day without laughter is a day wasted (Charlie Chaplin)

The clothes question is a tough one for me. I definitely need and use “real” clothes for work. But otherwise live in workout clothes so kind of a toss up.

Also, obsessed with Netflix marathons. Haven’t watched Mad Men yet – but it’s probably next on my list.


I was just telling my friend the other day that I haven’t bought real clothes in so long!! I took advantage of BR friends and family last week and stocked up on some key Fall pieces.

I like camping, but we haven’t done it a ton with the kids. Too much work for mom!Now that everyone is walking, we’ll probably plan a trip for Spring or Summer 2015. Some of the best times as a kid were camping with big groups!


I would probably run the new pink lulu running skirt or an oiselle tank! And I love camping, but I was just telling my sister we moved to VA and there are copperheads and black bears here. :)


*want :)


I LOVE camping! Pick me! Pick me!


Sorry if you’ve mentioned this before but where is your headboard from? I’ve been looking for one and I really like yours!


Central Market/Ikea/Costco with three kids, I’m tired.

Camping- sometimes as long as it’s not humid and hot out. I also like showers and toilets that flush. haha. I can only do a few days before I need to get back to my bed.

GC for normal clothes b/c I have too many workout clothes. lol

Love Mad Men, tho it can depress me. ha


I’ve gone camping once, for one night. That’s truly my limit haha I just can’t be without a shower for more than two days.

Her back to school outfit is adorable! Plus she has the hand-on-hip modeling pose down pat, so she shouldn’t have a problem being one of the coolest girls in school haha.

Usually I’d say I’d like a giftcard for workout clothes but now that I work at lululemon I’m doing a great job stocking up on those kinds of clothes without a gift card haha so I’d like one to something like JCrew or Gap…especially now that fall is coming. I have to stock up on big cozy sweaters :)


Shopping and/or wearing workout clothes > normal people clothes. Definitely!

That is one nice looking bed. Well done!!


I have the best intentions of going camping every summer…but it never happens. I need to change that! :)


Workout and running shoes always work for me! I love the Runner’s World pic. That is totally me!!!!! As for camping, a resort is my cup of tea. :)



And second, my boyfriend and I just got back from about a 30 mile backpacking trip. You’re more than welcome to come with us next time!


We are going on our very first camping trip this weekend, it is to be the hottest the entire summer. I am scared..not going to lie..hopefully I don’t burn off my eyebrows and we both make it out alive.


I was just camping this weekend, it’s the best!!!


Camping, um YES. Still say that you, skinnyrunner, stuftmama, and runeatrepeat need to do a Running Camp. Camping+running+you hilarious guys? EVERYONE would go!!!


I am looking for a new bedroom set, would you share where you got your headboard for your bed?


Ѕomе fantastic pictսres. Incredible colours.

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