Longest run in 5.5 weeks and how to make your foam rolling REALLY hurt.

I went for an hour on the treadmill.  7 miles is the longest I have gone in 5.5 weeks… it is feeling so nice to get back into my groove and sweat.  I am hitting up the treadmill a lot lately just so that I can stop right away if my IT Band starts acting up but luckily no problems… later on it felt tight but MUCH better than the other day.  

I caught up on Kristin Armstrong’s Mile Markers articles on Runner’s World.  I absolutely love the way she writes and I always feel uplifted after I read her articles.

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Running and filling my body up with spinach all before 9 a.m… that felt good.

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Brooke is getting quite opinionated about what she wants for her new room and she goes down the aisle saying no, no, no, no until finally she says yes to what she really wants. 

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Brooke and I drove up to Park City to meet some extremely important people for lunch.

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THE Erica. We became pen pals when I started my blog (almost 4 years ago).  We write novels back and forth to each other and we have so much in common and so it was amazing to finally meet her.  My new goal is to be her neighbor someday.  

Does anyone else automatically think of Cool Runnings anytime they see a bobsled?

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A birthday party with some tie-dye ice cream for Brooke.

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And the meal I had been craving all day long.  There is cereal somewhere underneath my 3 lbs of berries.  I also had Brooke’s grilled cheese sandwich from earlier… quite the random meal.

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I shared this on my instagram yesterday…  Foam rolling my IT Band is already pretty painful but Brooke thinks it is her job to make it even more painful by sitting on me as I go.  

She laughs.  I cry.  


Speaking of instagram… I absolutely loved reading  THIS:

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It is Brooke’s BIRTH MONTH!!

Fill in the blank:

I am excited for this weekend because ____________ and I am going to do ___________ for my work out and eat something delicious like _______!

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I am excited for this weekend because I am going to the beach but it is supposed to rain :(


Haha fun idea–
I am excited for this weekend because I’m going WIND SURFING!! And I am going to run 3 miles with my horse and I’m going to eat something delicious like overnight oats!
First time trying the buckwheat overnight oats–kinda excited.
Fun updates Janae, have a great weekend!!


My 3 year old likes to get in my face when I’m doing pushups and ask me over and over again “are you doing pushups mommy?” which might be almost as painful as the foam roll thing! I’m excited for the weekend because…not sure if I really am right now since it will be just me and the kids, but I think I need to figure out something for us to get excited about!

Tie dye ice cream would be like ice cream porn for my kids. They would die, I can’t show them :)


I’m glad your IT band decided to get along with you again. IT Band problems are the worst, as I’m sure you know. Your salad looks like it was absolutely delish!

I am excited for this weekend because the weather where I am should be really nice and I am going to do a 12 mile long run for my work out and eat something delicious like all the fruit I just bought at Costco!


I am excited for this weekend because I am meeting another running blogger in REAL LIFE for the first time and I am going to do a run with her for my work out and eat something delicious like chocolate brownie!

And I also have an 80s theme party tomorrow night which will be epic!


I am excited for this weekend because I AM CELEBRATING MY 28TH BIRTHDAY and I am going to do RUN 16 MILES FOR THE FIRST TIME for my work out and eat something delicious like BIRTHDAY CAKE! :) :)


I’m excited for the weekend because it’s the weekend. ;) I’m going to do running and Body Pump for my workout and eat lots and lots of cherries!!!! Glad you had a great run and hope your weekend is wonderful!


Can you taste the spinach in that smoothie? Or does it just taste fruity? I like the green Naked one but the garlic aftertaste in it bugs me…


I am excited for this weekend because I can’t wait to SLEEP and I am going to do an EASY run for my work out and eat something delicious like apples!! (I’m obsessed with apples after hot runs lately, it’s WEIRD!)

So excited to see how y’all celebrate Brooke’s birthday this year! I loved the Instagram article too, I laughed through the entire thing.


I might be doing my first ever triathlon. With no training. It’s a beginner level with 300 yd swim, 11 mile bike and 3 mile run. I just have to figure out if I can get that far in the ocean doing the doggie paddle. I don’t know how to swim properly.

Going to buy a bike helmet and swim goggles now. If I chicken out it’s ok. Just trying to help out a friend who backed out so I’ll decide last minute.

Scared but excited!! I have always wanted to conquer my fear of the ocean.


I am excited for this weekend because we are getting together with close family friends who have been traveling for a month, and I am going to do a long training run of 14 miles, and I am going to eat mashed potatoes with dinner on Saturday, because I have been craving them for days!


I’m excited for this weekend because I get to sleep in and spend time with my baby girl and I will run 16 miles for my workout and eat somthing yummy like Chipotle. PS This would have said lots of ice cream but I am holding strong to the no dessert thing. :)


I am excited for the weekend because it is my first weekend at home in a long time and I am going to do ballet beautiful for my workout and eat something delicious like peach pie!

I can’t believe it’s August and I haven’t made a peach pie yet this summer. Must. Fix.


I am excited for this weekend because I am going to run 25 miles on a fun trail with a friend and then go to a family reunion and eat ALL THE FOOD! :)


I am excited for this weekend because I am always excited for the weekend lol. Hoping it is sunny enough for some beach time. My long run is tomorrow and while I run I will decide what my chocolate dessert of choice will be for the day! Have a great weekend.


I am excited for this weekend because I’m a nerd and am going to a ComiCon called OS Fest with my sister, and I am going to be moving a bunch of my stuff from my current house to my new house for my work out and eat something delicious like Scones!
Also, I love how much easier it is to read on treadmills now, thanks to pads and kindles. I used to hate holding my books open!


I am excited for this weekend because everyone loves the weekend and I am going to do a 26 mile bike ride for my work out (even though I haven’t rode an outdoor bike in over 2 years) and eat something delicious like yummy Mexican!


I am thoroughly impressed that you can read while on the treadmill!

This weekend I am looking forward to celebrating my birthday (it was actually yesterday but I’ve been really sick all week). I’m in Paris and I plan on eating lots of cheese and a baguette and some delicious French pastries. And hopefully have a good run after a week off!


I am excited for this weekend because it’s getting me days closer to my vacation!


HA my dog does the same thing when I foam roll – no joke he just sits on my butt/legs/back. Adds a nice 25lbs of painful joy!


That post by Olivia was totally hilarious. I loved it.
I am excited for this weekend because we are having my son’s 7th birthday party tomorrow and I am going to run & lift weights for my work out (hopefully) and eat something delicious like birthday cake!
Have a great weekend!


I’m excited for this weekend because I’m leaving for UTAH and I am going to run on new trails and eat something delicious like Cafe Rio!! Wondering if you got my email about doing a meetup?!


I am excited to take my son to the lake for the weekend (it’s a long weekend in Canada). If I can find someone to watch him, I’m hoping to get in a long bike ride 50K+ and can’t wait to eat some quinoa salad – yum!


I can’t wait for the weekend because I am giving my notice at work, then I am going to do some yoga for my workout, and I’ll eat something delicious at Disney World to celebrate! :)

ps – at least Brooke has good taste and shops at Target.


I am excited for this weekend because one of my best friends is getting married and I am going to do lifting food to my face for my work out and eat something delicious like free food!! :)


I’m excited for the weekend because we’re going camping! We’re doing outside workouts and eating something delicious like smores!


That Instagram post is hilarious and I am absolutely guilty of some of those haha! I am excited for the weekend because I have no plans. It is the first weekend of the entire summer that I have not had company or other social obligations, and I’m going to wake up super early to enjoy every single minute of it!


I am excited for this weekend because I am running 9.5 miles next to my amazing boyfriend (He is riding bike) and I am going to do a long yoga session for my work out and eat something delicious like an entire chocolate bar!


Yes! Cool runnings! I always quote that movie all the time! Especially when something is traveling I’ll say, “safe be da journey”!


I am excited for this weekend because we are finally having a date night! I will be taking a new to me class this weekend for a workout and will eat really healthy pizza ;)


I am excited for this weekend because I have great social plans and I am going to do A RUN and 1000 squats (I’m not kidding, its a bone fide challenge) for my work out and eat something delicious like whatever I want at my friends party, then lots of salad on Sunday!


Mile Markers is the best!


One thing that has always boggled my mind is how people run for such long distances, especially on a treadmill. I mean, what do you think of? What keeps you for feeling tired and bored?


I am excited for this weekend because I’m going to a country concert after work and I am going to do a long run tomorrow morning and some strength training as my workouts and I’ll probably eat something delicious like beer!…I mean grilled veggies.


I am excited for the weekend because its my birthday! I am going to run 5 miles for my half training and eat all kinds of delicious food to celebrate being 23!



Foam rolling for your injured or sore IT Band. It hurts so good.

We all need a little Brooke to sit on us and make it better. Unfortunatley, I have the cat thing, too. He totally wants to me meowing into my face as he brushes up against me. So.not.helpful. OH, add the dog who’s sniffing my face like….”do I know you?”


For a lady who knows how to set goals and accomplish them, I am beyond excited for the new goal!
Love ya friend.


I am excited for this weekend because I’m going on a girls’ trip with my cousin for her birthday and we are going shopping and to the water park!!! and I am going to do run a few easy miles for my work out and eat something delicious like pancakes from IHOP! The motel we are staying at has an IHOP right across the parking lot :)


I’m excited bc I get to relax and eat some good food! Illbe running whatever I feel like and then eating at Flemings for dinner on Saturday night!


I am excited for this weekend as I’m going to my parents for family dinner and a sleepover, they live 2 hrs away and it’s been snowing there today. I am going to do lots of stretching for my workout and eat something delicious like sliced a
Pink lady apple with berries and Greek yoghurt.

Have a great weekend! :)


I am excited for this weekend because I am headed to the beach and I am going to start training for my first marathon!!! for my work out and eat something delicious like all the ice cream! WOOHOOOO!! Happy weekend!


I am excited for this weekend because my fiance and I will finally be home at the same time! For my workout I am going to take my road bike out for a long ride and I will eat something delicious like kolaches flown in from Texas!


I am excited for this weekend because I’m taking my son to the zoo and I am going to do 14 miles for my work out and eat something delicious like a Dairy Queen blizzard!


I am excited for this weekend because I have a 12 mile long run planned and we are hanging out with family! Running and family are pretty much my favorite things!


I am excited for this weekend because TELEVISION BINGING and I am going to do POWER NAPPING for my work out and eat something delicious like CHINESE FOOD AND BUBBLE TEA!


I don’t know why, but that picture being bigger { of you and Brooke } just made me laugh so hard. I guess because it looks like she is laughing really hard haha.

I am excited for this weekend because I will finally be skyping with the boyfriend, and I’m going to run 4 miles for time for my workout and will eat some delicious pancakes!


I am excited for this weekend because I am resting and sleeping today and I’m going to kill my workout tomorrow with weights and spin class and will eat delicious homemade muffins!


I am excited for this weekend because I get to spend time with my husband (we don’t see each other during the week) and I am going to do running, swimming, and hiking for my work out and eat something delicious like yak burgers!


Are those the Ravenna 5’s youre treadmilling in?! Just bought the same color! Those shoes make my feet so happy.

Ps I love the blog world and how we all connect, one day would love to meet you!


I am excited for this weekend because I can sleep in, get a massage, and get in extra cuddles from my big ol bulldog (he’s THE best cuddler) . I am going to do 4 miles of running and strenght training for my work out and eat something delicious like sushi!!!!!

Can’t wait to see what you have in store for Brooke’s birthday. Have a happy weekend!!


Excellent job on the run! You amaze me.
Excited for the weekend. Saturday = yoga workshop all day. Sunday = heading to Vegas for a few days!!


I am excited for this weekend because I am going to Bear Lake with my family doing the Raspberry Days 5k for my workout tomorrow and eating a raspberry shake!


I am excited for the weekend because “hello, it’s the freakin’ weekend!” and I am going to do a long run + yoga for my workout and eat something delicious like steak teriyaki!

Girl, if you think a toddler is bad for foam rolling, try having a 60lb dog jumping all over you while you’re trying to do it!


I am excited for this weekend because I have my longest run in months and I am going to run 9 miles for my workout and eat something delicious like hibachi chicken with mounds of fried rice covered in shrimp sauce!


I am excited for this weekend because I am going on a cruise! It also happens to be the first week of marathon training. Whoops.


love the picture of brooke “shopping”!! and that tie dyed ice cream looks so fun!! i had read that instagram blog post last week and LOVED it— so so true :)


I am excited for this weekend because I am finally going to take my first biking lesson (Yes! 1, I am an adult and don’t know how to bike 2) It is never too late! 3) I am more excited than a kid!!). I am also super excited for trying my new spiralizer and make tons and tons of veggie noodles!


I’m glad you had such a successful run. You’ll build up strength and endurance in no time.

So I was really let down last time I tried rainbow ice cream. It’s a beautiful ice cream (whatever that means) but the flavor was just vanilla…I was so upset LOL.


Hahaha I read that article yesterday and loved it so much. Someone had to finally admit it!

Speaking of IT bands.. my upper hip has been hurting since my run Wednesday. I’ve had IT band problems before as well as a stress reaction (step right before a stress fracture, aka if I had kept running/ not gotten an MRI when I did it would have been a full fracture) in my hip, and I’m nervous that this pain feels more like to the latter.. It’s hard to remember exactly what both IT band issues and the hip issue felt like but something is just telling me it’s not my IT. I leave to study abroad in less than a month which means doctors appts/ PT is not really an option, so I’m pretty upset :(

I’m praying that by taking a break from running (just going to bike/ strength train, etc) for the next couple days, it’ll go away, but I’m nervous it won’t.

Just had to vent for a minute because I know you understand exactly how it feels when you realize you may be injured (again, and again, and again…)!

Anyway, injured or not, I’m trying to stay positive by reminding myself that unlike the last time I was injured, I’m no longer running competitively, nor do I have any races coming up. I still hope I can run soon and that everything is okay, but I’m thankful that a potential injury isn’t going to ruin an XC or track season the way it used to.

And on an even more positive note, I am excited for this weekend because I have Sunday off from work at J.Crew, and I am going to do something totally different for my work out (like swim or bike) and eat something delicious like grilled watermelon!


I read that article not long ago! Great article.
I’m excited for the weekend because I’m going to meet up with some friends, and run on a treadmill at a gym, and eat fun healthy things like ice cream and candy.


I am excited for this weekend because I have my first girl’s getaway weekend in like a year!! And I am going to run 11 miles with my BFF at the beach (does it get better) and I’m planning on eating a steak salad at this amazing brewery and grill!


I loved that “what I Instagrammed vs what was really happening” post! It’s so good to remember that what people put out there on social media isn’t always the whole truth!

I am excited for this weekend because my mom and sister are getting baptized and I am going to do a tempo run (Saturday) and a long run (Sunday) for my work outs and eat something delicious like ICE CREAM!


I am excited for this weekend because I get to eat at one of the best vegetarian places in the area and I am going to do yoga in the park to start off my Saturday and bike ride to and from the gym for shoulders/abs on Sunday for my work out and eat something delicious like an ice cream cone… maybe!( that is a very poorly constructed sentence, but since I used the fill in the blank per your example I will roll with it. I am a rule follower)


My son loves sitting on me while foam rolling too!! I guess it looks fun to them. I’m excited for the weekend because I’m going to be decorating our house. My workouts are going to be stuck indoors (treadmill + bike trainer) but I’m going to eat something yummy like a cupcake because today is my son’s half birthday!! 18 months already :'(


Foam rolling hurts no matter if you have a toddler on you or not…haha. I’m glad your long run went well!


I am excited for this weekend because we’re only suppose to get in the 80s and I am going to do a half marathon for my work out and eat something delicious like barbequed hamburgers, baked beans and corn on the cob!


I’m so excited it’s my 20th class reunion! My workout is dancing the night away!! Can’t wait to see my old school friends!…except my outfit is much shorter with heels on! I should have not tried on with flip flops when I bought!


Yummmm I am so making myself a green juice after my workout today! Looks delish! I am excited for this weekend because IT’S THE WEEKEND! :) and I am going to do some family walks and toning routines for my work out and eat something delicious like green smoothies!



I am excited for this weekend because we are going to the indoor trampoline park and I am going to attempt a long run of 11-12 miles for my work out and eat something delicious like s’mores!!!!

Happy birth month Brookie!


I am excited for this weekend because we’re picking up our daughter from a week long band camp, but first we get to hear her in concert. I am going to do weights and run for my work out and eat something delicious like fresh sourdough bread with pepper jack cheese and fig jam!


Ahhh I remember when we were all waiting for Brooke to come! I can’t believe how big she is now! And I love her laughing in that foam rolling picture, she is just too much.


I’m excited because family is in town and we’re going to the mountains for the weekend :)

(Didn’t exactly fit your sentence, but I’m excited :)


Hi Janae – can you please share on the blog soon how you plan to keep up with working out so much once your move into your new place? My husband travels a ton and its always difficult for me to get in workouts when he is gone because I need to be at home during naps and while my little guys is sleeping (he’s only two weeks older than Brook :)


I am excited this weekend because it is my 2nd wedding anniversary :)


It’s my daughters birthday month too! Her 1st birthday is next Saturday! :) :)


ohhh getting creative-i like it!

I am excited for this weekend because it’s still summer and we are going to the zoo and I am going to do cardio and weights and walking for my work out and eat something delicious like chocolate chip nutella filled cookies!


Ha! Love that Instagram post! I often wonder about the behind-the-scenes going-ons of some of those perfectly staged pictures I see on there:-)


I’m excited because I’m going to teach some friends how to can pickles this weekend, ride my bike as I coach my beginner half marathon runners, and eat a beautiful piece of salmon I just bought!


I am excited for this weekend because there’s a 2-day art festival going on at the end of our street! I am going to do probably zero real workouts minus walking around all day… and hopefully eat some delicious food truck food! :)


Excited for this weekend because I don’t have any real obligations and my guy has been working so many crazy hours, we’ll finally get to just hang. For the workout I have a seven mile tempo run and then a ten miler (cutback week for my marathon training). For deliciousness, I’m definitely going to eat an extremely delicious bagel one morning from my fave bagel shop.


Yay for Brooke, we share a birth month!!


I am excited for this weekend because I get to use our new automatic coffee machine and I am going to do running (if possible because I’m mostly on call and a sweaty mess is nothing they appreciate at the emergency room :D) for my work out and eat something delicious like strawberries, dried papayas and turkish yoghurt!


Yes, I always always always think of Cool Runnings when I see a bobsled or when a bobsled is mentioned or when Jamaica is mentioned. ;)

And oh my goodness, I really liked that post about instagram vs. real life! My friend sent it to me a couple weeks back and I thought it was so good that I ended up doing my own version of it for my blog. Great reminder never to judge someone by their social media feed. ;)


Happy birthday month Brooke – it’s mine, too! Yay Leo’s!


If you think your little cutie is opinionated I have a 17 yo you can borrow for a few days! LOL. It’s great you are getting back to your long runs. I’m in the same boat right now trying to up my mileage without getting hurt again. Have a great weekend!


I am excited for this weekend because my best friend is visiting me to assist me in trying on wedding dresses! I am going to do nothing for my work out and eat delicious tacos.

Happy weekend!


I am a chronic ITB sufferer. The thing that saved me was my cadence alarm on the Garmin 610/620. I was overstriding (braking at my knee with every step) and my cadence was in the 150s. By training myself to take smaller, quicker steps, I’m finally healthy. Still working on flexibility (all around) and glut & core strengthening.

Curious to know if you have looked at your cadence. ITB pain stinks.


I have my 7 mile long run to complete and we are going out for ice cream with friends. Other than that, I plan on sitting on our new comfy couch


I am excited for this weekend because I’m going to see Ray Lamontagne, and I am going to do Jillian Michaels videos for my work out and eat something delicious like GREEK FOOD!

Oh, and Brooke is SO cute in the foam rolling pic! (And always!)


Ugh, foam rolling! Hate to love it but love to hate it!

Fun fill in the blank!
I am excited for this weekend because my husband and I are going to Calistoga and I am going to do hike the petrified forest for my work out and eat something delicious like well wine of course!!


I am excited for this weekend because I get some downtime and I am going to do 21 Day fix Dirty 30 (Sat) and Yoga Fix (sun) for my work out and eat something delicious like I’m thinking pancakes from cracker barrel! lol

Have a blessed weekend!


Thanks for the Insta link


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