Happy Saturday! Today is going to be a good day.

It was just one of those days yesterday.  I went to the gym with my sister and within three minutes of being there I randomly dropped my iPad (I love to read while I do the elliptical or treadmill) and bam—>  the screen is now made up of 5,000 little pieces.  

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Lunch made it all better.  Me, my sister and mom went and met my brother-in-law at his work to eat.  Wraps on huge green tortillas and fruit. 

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My sister doesn’t have her kids this weekend either so we were both in really good moods and quite the party animals;)  We kind of don’t know what to do with ourselves when we aren’t chasing kiddos around so we were just really lazy most of the day.

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And then we decided we needed to be out in the sun for a few minutes.

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PS I bought myself a Happy Birthday Brooke present.  I thought that going off of sugar would help my skin out but… it didn’t so this is my next try.  I’ll let you know how it goes.

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Off to go do my long run.  

This self-timer pic could have been pretty cool if I would have moved the branch before taking the picture.  



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Oh and since I love playing Name that Movie… who can guess what my sister and I watched last night?

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What is your run/race/workout this weekend?

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Just finished 12 miles and felt great (weather helped) so it’s gonna be a great weekend! (That’s my runner’s high talking I think!)

Yay for Brooke coming home! Enjoy your Saturday!


Glad you will be feeling whole again!


Oh man that is a major bummer about your ipad!!!! I have a 16 mile long run today and I am about to head out the door!!! :) Enjoy your long run and I know it will be a great day with Brooke home!!!!


I’m doing the Denver REVEL 13.1 tomorrow – should be fun! or horrible. I really have no expectations for this race since I did Ragnar last weekend and haven’t really ran all week.

Is that A Cinderella Story????


I’m headed off for my long run now. Hang in there until Brooke gets back!


Jeana, for your skin, I have found the best!

Avene, for blemish prone & sensitive skin.

Seriously, the best line of skin are I have ever found in the 17 years I’ve had pimples!


Tomorrow I will be running SIXTEEN miles! I have never done 16, only 15 before so I am a little nervous but also excited :) I hope you have the best time with Brooke this weekend!


I had a great long run yesterday!! I love when everything about a run is just perfect :))

You were watching A Cinderella Story!!!

Have a good rest of your weekend!


I finally got up the nerve to join a running group here in Paris this morning, and we did 15k around the city, it was incredible!


A 15K around Paris! You are livin’ the dream my friend. Put a smile on my face just thinking about it.


Have you tried oil cleansing ?? Sounds counter productive but it works so well!
Enjoy your day with your little one :)


Cinderella Story – ummmm might be one of my favorite movies. I am proud to say I know most every word :)


You should try coconut oil on your face! I started using it and my skin is the best it is has ever been. I just finished running a trail 5K and I cannot believe how hard that was! You were right the trail will slow you down!


Hi!! How much coconut oil do you put on your face? I’ve been wanting to try it, but worry it’s too oily! Thanks :)


Hi Diane!! Some days I literally use it as face wash where I rub in about a nickel size scoop and then use a wash cloth and warm water to wipe it off. Other days I’ll use my exfoliating wash and then rub just a small amount onto problems areas. I’ve never felt it was too oily the next morning. At night it might seem oily, but the next morning your body has absorbed it and leaves your face looking great!! I did a post on it awhile ago and the improvements I’ve seen over the past year of using have been awesome.


Thanks!! I’ll try using it tonight :)


I love my Clarisonic and it was the best investment! Awesomeness!


I love my clairsonic, but I have one tip. If you have normal skin, use the sensitive brush heads. If you have sensitive skin, use delicate. I have cystic acne, and this has been a miracle worker.


Love a Cinderella story!!!! Please tell me if that works for your skin. I can’t find anything to help mine :(


The self timer does take some practice! I have so many weird ones from less well thought out self timer pics.

I just did a 45 minute run (awesome for me since I’m coming back from injury), and I’m hoping to do the same again tomorrow. It’s so nice to have a cool morning to run in, before the sun rises and bakes us all!

Have a great weekend and have fun with Brooke today!


I have had the Clarisonic Mia for years and I love it! I still use it every day.
My son also broke his iPad yesterday. Luckily, I bought him the extended warranty!
Yay for seeing Brooke today!!


I’m going to go for a 5 mile run along the lakefront and watch the chicago air and water show!!!


You’ll have to let us know what you think of the clarasonic! I’ve struggled with acne since I was a teenager and the only thing that really helps is to avoid dairy and limit sugars (dessert-like ones, fruit is totally fine). It’s a frustrating process but hopefully this helps you! And for the record, even when we met at Blend, I thought your skin looked great.


Yes, giving up dairy (along with sugar) is what cleared my skin up too. I know it sounds horrible but it did work!


I agree! Dairy, dairy, dairy. It’s my nemesis when it comes to my skin. As much as I love pizza and ice cream, giving up dairy is the only thing that keeps my skin perfectly clear.


My good friend recently bought a Clarisonic and she loves what it is doing for her skin.
My workout is going to be walk/run the bridge this evening — 3.18 miles out and back. Ek!
Yay for Brooke and extra snuggles this weekend!


I’m doing mu first 10km today!!!!!! Super excited my husband is running it with me, I hope my knee holds out:)
I have had acne since forever:( I was on Proactiv for years & it helped a little but after my boys were born my skin continued to get worse. I finally went on accutane in November best thing EVER!!!! My skin is completely cured! But it’s a very harsh last resort type of medication!
Yay for seeing Brook soon!!!!


Good luck on your long run. I just did a 20 mile bike ride around my town and watched the sun come up. It was wonderful and a great way to start the weekend!


Major bummer about your iPad. Ugh, I hate when things like that happen! BTW, that is such a cute picture of Brooke. :-)

I’m running the Leesburg 20K tomorrow with a bunch of my friends, and having a little blogger meet-up pre-race. Can’t wait!


Just finished a bit over 13 miles!Have a great run and a terrific celebrating when Brooke gets home.


I had a great run at the beach. 13 miles felt great too. Good luck in your long run!


I’m literally planning on running one mile! I’ve been battling tendonitis since the beginning of may and each time i return to running i do too much too soon and end up back on the DL. So this time around i’m ramping up SLOW! =)
Sorry bout the ipad. i did the same with my phone a few months ago. they replaced it for free. (applecare). i was shocked!
Glad you’re getting your girl back today. Have a nice weekend.


I’m right there with you!! I’ve been resting an angry hip flexor, and I’ve tried really hard to give it enough rest (because I’ve run too early on it before and paid the price with a longer recovery!). I was planning in my usual 2.5 mile loop, but might shorten it just to be safe. Hope you’re run goes well!!


No running for me. My doctor thinks I may have Exertional compartmental syndrome. Anyone ever have this?


I actually just heard of this today! This guy in my neighborhood took 6 months off running to deal with it. Can you see a sports doc?


I am seeing one in another week. The weird thing is it only bothers me with running or power walking. The doctor said I may need surgery so I’m a little freaked out by that.


Yay for Brooke coming home!!!!

A Cinderella Story! A little past my time for cheesy teeny-bopper flicks, but still good!

I’m 38 years old, and still get acne! Strangely I didn’t have it as a teenager (thank goodness!!), but I’ve battled it since my mid twenties. For sure cleaning up my diet helps (no dairy, no grains, no sugar), and I always use the original proactive cleanser. As long as I use that, I don’t have to use all their other products.

I’m heading out for a 2.5 mile “run” this morning – my first time testing my hip flexor that’s been angry, so I’m hoping I’ve given it enough rest and healing time to run the whole thing… we’ll see!! :)

Have a FANTASTIC Saturday!!!!


I completely echo using just the proactiv cleanser, it has completely cleared my skin for years now and I can use whatever other products I like as long as I wash twice a day with it. And I have a sonicare as well and it is great, makes my skin feel really soft!


Hahaha is that a hilary duff movie?! And so sad about your ipad, at least seeing brooke will make up for it!!! :)


Oh no!!! I would absolutely freak out if my iPad got cracked! I’m taking the weekend off from running – orders from my coach since we started practice on Monday!


I just finished my long run! I hope you enjoy yours :)


That movie – Cinderella…something? Something to do with Cinderella, I know that much. Sorry to hear about your iPad…but I know Brooke will cheer you up!


I was watching it too! Gotta love ABC Family! I am excited to see if that helps your skin because I can’t find anything to help mine!


A Cinderella Story! That’s one of my favorites.


If getting rid of sugar didn’t clear up your skin, I recommend Cetaphil face wash. I had my FIRST visit with a dermatologist earlier this year just to get all checked out and they told me to try that and bam – awesome sauce skin pretty quick. I use their spf face lotion too. I don’t wear makeup, just mascara (I’d LOVE to do lashes though, those look fantastic).


a few years ago i was having issues and the clarisonic made my skin freak even only using it once a day with the sensitive skin head. i have combo skin and only wear powder and spf these days. what works best for me is a gentle cleanser morning and evening (i use caudalie foaming face wash) and then i tone with rosewater+glycerin. in the evening, i moisturize with a couple drops of jojoba or tamanu oil. if i need exfoliation, i use a 2% BHA (salicylic acid) to help shed or heal any blemish). the scrubs/brushes were just too much for my skin. hope that helps! x


I received the clarisonic for Christmas last year. It hasn’t been the miracle worker some have said, but it has helped. The cleanser it comes with is awful though. After using it just once my skin looked worse than ever. I mentioned it to a friend soon after who also had a clarisonic and she said the same thing happened to her, but as soon as she threw away the cleanser it came with and used her own, all was better. I follwed her example and it helped immeditielty.


I’m traveling back home to England today after 3 weeks visiting my dad in Chicago, so I think I’ll be too jet lagged to even go for a run…But on the other hand it could help give me some energy! I love that movie, have a great weekend! Yay for Brooke coming home, enjoy your day together :)


Yay brooke is back! And I swear they make iPhones//ipads with super breakable screens…they’re just asking for it!


My mom gave me one of those facial brushes and it has helped with my acne. It’s not completely gone but it has helped alot. The other thing is I completely stopped using face washes for acne. I use a soap called miracle 2 (i swear it looks (because its green) and smells just like Palmolive) but it helped alot. And I use a coconut tea tree soap called organic fiji. That helped too. Skin problems are very frustrating.


I am not ashamed to say I love that movie. I cannot even tell you how many times I have seen it – so cute.

I ran 6.5 trail miles with my running group this morning. They make me so much faster! Running with people is so motivating.

Hooray for Brooke coming home!


UGH sorry to hear about your ipad. That stinks so much. I’m glad Brooke is coming home though.

I ran my first race post injury and ran a 5:50 mile so I’m pretty pleased.


Cinderella Story!!

Yay for Brooke coming back!! Sorry about your iPad. I hate when stuff like that happens :( But she’s coming home, so that’s all the matters!!!


technology………….if you drop a book you pick it up and maybe tape a ripped page………….you drop an ipad and it is an expensive repair!

I want to watch that movie now……….or Austenland……….or Easy A……..too many choices!


I was struggling with terrible breakouts and my aesthetician gave me this advice which has changed my skin. Cleanse the first time as normal and rinse face. Then do a second cleanse and remove gently run the cleanser in with a soft wet washcloth to remove cleanser. It removes dead skin and any leftover makeup! Maybe you already do this but it was life changing for me . I don’t even wear foundation and couldn’t believe how much leftover was on my cloth. Good luck!


Sorry about your ipad. Worst feeling ever!
My “pharmacist recommends” skin advice (and it helped me – from chronic acne to pretty clear skin with the occasional zit if I get careless) –
1. Aqua Glycolic face wash whenever you do not shower (it feels greasy or like cetaphil at first but it is NOT. Give it a few days and you’ll be impressed).
2. Cheap scrub whenever you shower. If you have oily skin, use one with salicylic acid in it, like the St. Ives blackhead scrub. If you don’t have oily skin, use a plain scrub.
3. Aveeno face lotion in the morning (choose appropriate type for your skin); layer barrier sunblock whenever you go outside and remove it as soon as you come in.
4. Either prescription tretinoin cream (not gel) at bedtime or Aqua Glycolic face lotion if you don’t have a prescription. If you have dry skin, use every other night. Avoid nasal creases and around eyes.

Other tips: lots of water, avoid benzoyl peroxide, avoid antibiotics if at all possible, do not use antibacterial soap on your hands or body, remove makeup every night and try to skip skin make-up (foundation or powder) at least once a week.


yay, brooke is back! i hope you have the best time celebrating with her!! =)


You can get a replace not ipad (same model) at the Apple store for $200. That’s half (or less) of the original cost of the iPad. I dropped mine (iPad 2) and walked away with a brand new one instantaneously.




Ahhhhh that is so sad that your ipad shattered!!! :( But at least you had a delicious lunch to make up for it! And is that A Cinderella Story? Love it!



6 miles for me…. I have not done 6 miles in over 2 1/2 years… Aaaahhhhhhhh!!!! I have super oily skin that breaks out all over my body. I use Murad (you get it at sephora, i use the blue bottles which are for acne)… Has done wonders!!


It will take several months of an improved diet to have a substantial effect on your skin. That said, the combo of good food, clarisonic, and switching to mineral foundation (instead of liquid or cream) is what finally worked for me. Best of luck!


This morning I got my friend Sarah to join me for a yoga class. I was going to lift after but my almost-all-better elbow was getting tired so I decided to actually listen to it and take a break.
Tomorrow I’m going to find a way to get a run in. Not sure when or how but it will happen!


Awwr! Yay for Brooke coming back :D And for the Clarisonic, your skin might go through a purging phase for the first couple of weeks where it actually gets a whole heck of a lot worse before you start seeing improvements. This happened to me and a lot of the people that I’ve talked to, but stick with it and it should start clearing up after that!


Oooooh — that shattered iPad screen breaks my heart! Can you replace the screen of an iPad like you can with an iPhone?

Also, you can’t go wrong with a little Duffster & A Cinderella Story :)

Happy Saturday!


YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Brooke is BACK!!!!!!! This makes my heart so happy!!
Long run for me was hard this morning, but halfway through I was like…I’m running because I CAN. That’s been my theme lately & it helps so much.

So bummed about your Ipad- hopefully the screen repair isn’t too bad..? Although I’m imagining it might be- any electronics stuff is expensive :/

I love my clarisonic!! You can get cheaper replacement heads for it- I can send you the link- just not ‘clarisonic’ brand, but they work just as well.


I plan on running and working out with my sis & bro in law (to be)!


I love my Clarisonic. The cleansing gel that comes with it is amazing. It, along with Philosophy face wash and moisturizer, has done wonders for my skin.


Love A Cinderella Story! I’m 28 and have no shame admitting that :)

I bought a Clarisonic in March and it has changed my skin. I use the Sensitive brush heads with my cleanser (Clinique Combo/Oily 3 Step system). I LOVE it. I didn’t use it for about a week and my chin started breaking out. Once I started using it regularly again, my skin cleared up. Hopefully you’ll see good results too :)


Love it!!


I ran a 10k race this morning benefiting the Alzheimer’s Association and won my age group and was 3rd female overall. It is a cause close to my heart so it felt great to run well. 16 miles on the training plan for tomorrow. Yikes! Happy weekend!


I’ve been having one of those Saturday’s, too! It all started with me cutting my finger on a big knife while rummaging around for food before my long run… nasty. Followed by a long run that I ended up cutting short. Oh well, the day is still good!

Hope your day gets 1,000 times better!


I think I’ll go to costco for my workout today. Between the long, brisk walk from the farthest side of the parking lot while dodging checked out drivers distractedly searching for nonexistent parking closer to the door and maneuvering the double-wide cart around the Saturday crowd I’ll be getting a little bit of everything (cardio, upper and lower body strength, core) for a total body workout.


16 miles done! I saw you ran that too today – hope it went well for you! My SIL had some really bad skin issues too and tried just about everything – clarisonics, new moisturizers, bb creams, and had a good diet. It may not be you, but check with your allergist because those can be signs of food allergies. She found out she was allergic to citrus and oats (stuff she literally ate every day) and now her skin looks 10x better!


That is so frustersting–I would’ve been SOO pissed off about that drop! You seem to keep calm and carry on :)


Sorry about your iPad. Very sad loss. :(
I am having a very lazy Saturday in prep for Ironman 70.3 Lake Stevens tomorrow! That is my big event for August! :)


Love my Clarisonic-enjoy!


Poor ipad :(
This weekend I’m going to run a local 5k and I’m planning on PR’ing we’ll see how it goes! 5k’s are the hardest for me, I much prefer long and slow!


Oh no! The exact same thing happened to my iphone at Fenway Park last night! But I took it to the apple store and they replaced the glass in under 45 minutes. Amazing!


I knocked over a full glass of wine tonight and broke the glass (though I was more upset about wasting the wine!). Not quite the same as breaking the iPad, but still a klutzy move!

8.4 mile run this morning and 8:45am Pure Barre class tomorrow!


Five miles tomorrow! I did 5 last week too (post half recovery week LR). I’m trying to build up a foundation of a minimum of 10 miles for my weekly LRs (by the end of the year) before I ramp up the full marathon training in 2015 (training for the Chicago full in october 2015–deferred from this year because of my injury).
I feel like I was starting over after I was cleared to run again because my endurance was so low :( but I am trying to just focus on the fact that I can run (while many can’t) and take it one step at a time
Glad you got to see Brooke!


I’ve been taking a capsule called ‘omega oil’ (I’m in NZ but I’m sure it’s pretty standard in the US) and I’ve found that has really helped my skin! I think it’s a fish oil/vitamin e etc mix :)

And yay for Brooke coming home! You’re such a good Mum to her and I admire your strength in trying times like these xx


Oh no, I’m so sorry about your iPad! I hope you can get it fixed cheaply. I’m sure it will be great to see Brooke and to wish her a happy birthday. I did my long run on Friday because I’m doing run coach training this weekend, but I’m hoping to get in a few miles tomorrow morning on the hotel treadmill before heading back to training. Have a great Saturday!


12 mile run today! Felt great!! Yay for Brookers coming home! Not yay for iPad but the good news “it’s just things that can be replaced”


Chiming in on the skin trouble: you didn’t mention what type of acne you are struggling with, but if you are dealing with cystic acne, the problem is often hormonal (which means no product you use on the surface of your skins will clear the acne). I had never had trouble with acne until my 30’s, when all of a sudden my skin erupted in painful boils – usually only one at a time, but as soon as one would clear up another would arrive. My dermatologist prescribed spironolactane and I haven’t had a pimple since! There are side effects that impact runners (muscle cramping, dehydration), but I’ve found a dose that works for me.


The Hubs and I have a 5K in the morning and then plan on running 10 on our trails afterwards. Should be a fun day! Sorry about your iPad! Did you scream when it fell? I know I would have.


Poor iPad! I would be heartbroken.
I have such a thing for all of the Cinderella Story movies. They’re silly but I can’t turn them off whenever they’re on!


zagg screen protector! For real! They have a lifetime warranty, I’ve had to trade mine in a few times. I have it on my iphone, my daughter’s phone, my kid’s and my own kindle, etc.
Once I dropped my phone and my friend stepped on it with her high heels. Still all good. :)

Yay for Brooke coming home! :)


You know I ended up going back to using Proactiv for my skin? Only thing that worked!


I tried the same thing with sugar and no luck with my skin either:((( Please let me know how the clarisonic works out- I have been debating purchasing one also!


I also meant to say, I know it sounds super weird for Martha Stewart to have vitamins (but I mean, really, what hasn’t she done?), but her hair, skin, and nails vitamins have made a little difference in my skin. I am a pharmacist and the ingredients do make sense…


A CINDERELLA STORY. AKA my favorite movie. Ever.


Haha didn’t know the answer to this one and had to sneak into the comments for the movie


I started using the same Clarisonic! Make sure you only use it every other day because I’ve heard it can really make you break out if you over use it. It pairs perfectly with dermalogica’s special cleansing gel :)

This weekend I’m doing an easy 8 to recover before the next 3 weeks of long runs.


Sorry about your iPad :( I broke my iPod screen last year while on a run outside – I went to adjust the volume and *bam* dropped it and shattered the screen. There were a few tears.


You probably already know this, but I started using coconut oil in January to remove my makeup and then as a moisturizer, and I haven’t had a breakout all year. I started using a Lancome face wash because the lady in Dillard’s thought it was weird I was just using coconut oil, and it made me break out, so I’m back to just coconut oil. It might take a few weeks, but it may be worth a shot!


I love my Clarisonic Mia! I hope you love it too!


sounds random, but i had tried every skincare/derm-recommended item. nothing worked. i got my blood checked, and it turns out i had an extreme deficiency in vitaminD. my doctor said many people have this and don’t know it. since upping my vitamin D to 2,000 IUs, my skin is TOTALLY clear. just had to tell you (i tell everyone w/ skin issues, as i wish someone had told me years ago!)


i loveee my clarisonic.


You’ll love the Clarisonic Mia!! I’ve never been known to have good skin (acne/uneven skin tone/ acne scars) and this has seriously changed my skin for good. I get compliments all the time – it’s a life changer! You can use it with other cleansers too, so don’t worry about spending tons of money on the clarisonic brand it you don’t like it – I use the Tea Tree Cleanser from Trader Joes.


Hormones, stress and what you eat have everything to do with adult Acne NOT how you wash your face. First look at what you have been eating or not eating differently that caused your skin to breakout, then change it back how you used to eat. It will go away immediately.


A cinderella story! Gah, its the best.


Ahhh I LOVE my Clarisonic!

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