18 miles were accomplished yesterday morning.

Probably not my best idea for us to do the first mile straight uphill.  I guess it is good training to run the last 17 miles of my long run on tired legs from climbing a mountain at the very start!?

Jess came and did the first 8 with me on the trails (PS if you are wanting to make your long runs more interesting ((and easier on your joints)), try doing part of them on the trails and then finish up on the roads). 

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After Jess went home I did 5 miles on my own and made sure to stop at my favorite grocery store for their perfect drinking fountains and clean restrooms.  Their water is the perfect temperature and none of the employees at this particular store ever give me a weird look when I walk in sweaty and bright red.  

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Bless Candice’s heart for getting me through the last five miles of my run (she did 20 yesterday)!!!!  It was getting pretty warm by the time I finished and I stopped exactly at 18.00 miles because I was ready to be done.  42 days until the marathon!!!  I am a little bit worried about that.

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After I finished we sat in the pool for a long time and ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

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And once dinner time rolled around we all went to the food truck round-up.

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Green Me was the winner.  Like usual.  

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Brooke and I tried the peach one for the first time and loved it.  I am still amazed that they are able to fit so many greens into each smoothie…

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It started to get really windy outside and so we decided to go up the road to In-N-Out for dinner so that we could eat inside.  Salty french fries are kind of a requirement after a long run.  

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My sis and her husband came over to my place and we watched Sherlock to end the day.   Just add that to the list of shows that I am addicted to.


For marathon training, what is usually the longest run that you do?  What about for half-marathon training?

What is your long run or workout this weekend?

Favorite place to get french fries?

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I can’t believe that you ran 18 miles so quickly following return from injury/not running! How did you do that?? The longest run I have ever done was 23 miles…that was on a treadmill. I’m now trying to give my own body rest because my perineal tendon has been hating me for weeks…

The best fries are always waffle cut fries that are super salted up!


Yay Janae! You are going to do well in your marathon. I’m really happy you were able to get your mileage in. I remember Upstate NY being so hilly. My first mile or two was always uphill as well. I don’t miss those times!


The longest I usually do is 20 miles. I try to get in two or three of them in a training cycle. The longest I’ve done during training was 22. On a treadmill. Not my favorite! I’ve got 14 miles on tap for tomorrow morning. Just building my mileage back up!

Salty foods are a must after a long run! On cold days I like to make ramen noodles after my long runs. Salty and hot!


Great long run! Clean bathrooms and cold water fountains are a must!

I need some green me!

Have a great weekend!


nice job on the long run…. 20 miles is the max ill do for a marathon. and ive never trained for a half…ive done halves as part of training for full but never trained for a half until now…. im currently in a program that does long runs in time (hal higdon) and the longest run is 2 hours….which will be more than a half marathon obviosuly haha


Great run janae!
Have a delicious breakfast this morning.


I guess you make it pretty obvious to anyone in your life that your life is all about running! I would be really inspired to see you walk through the door sweaty and red at work and it’d motivate me to run after my shift. :)

I am not running this weekend, but I am attending a Body Pump class at Goodlife!


I only did 5 miles this morning cause it’s my birthday and I need to go have some fun!


Happy Birthday!!!


Ahhhhhh happy happy birthday! I hope you have an amazing day!


The longest I do in marathon training is 22….and it’s all for mental reasons.

I usually like chips and salsa after a long run!

I’m aiming for 14 today. Not marathon training….just half.

Have a great weekend!


Just finished 13 miles and I could definitely go for some In-n-Out french fries right now.


The longest I usually do is 20, and that seems to work perfectly for me! Occasionally it’ll get up to 21, but that’s usually just on accident.

My long run is non-existent this weekend because I’m on vacation right now! Doing a TONS of tourist walking and loving every minute of it.

BEST fries are from Whataburger! Hands down. NO CONTEST!


Great run and looks like you and Brooke had a wonderful day! A smoothie looks so good right now. Have a great time with the rest of your training! 20 miles is the longest I run for full marathon training.

I just got in from a 10-mile run for half marathon training. Now I need some coffee and pancakes!


Congrats on tackling your long run!! What awesome friends you have to accompany you for parts of it. :)
I have yet to run a full… it’s on my post-pregnancy bucket list though. I usually run at least 12 miles for a half… even though I know you can run less and be fine I feel like it gives me confidence on race day knowing I’ve ran 12 or so.
I am pretty partial to chick-fil-a (with chick-fil-a sauce!!), steak’n’shake (with frisco sauce!!) and red robin fries.
I’m 28 1/2 weeks preggo so if I can run another 4-5 miles tomorrow morning I’ll be a happy camper.


Great job on your big 18 Janae! My marathon is 49 days away, lol. I hope we both show up to the start line healthy and strong. :) I’m glad you followed that green shake with fries. I was thinking how healthy you are compared to myself by choosing the green smoothie post long run, but then I saw the fries and thought “that’s more like it!” LOL.


Congrats on your long run! I want to try those smoothies now! Hmm…my fave fries are either Chick-fil-A’s waffle fries or Arby’s curly fries :)


Awesome run! If there’s going to be hills I always feel they’re better off in the beginning and, possibly mental, but I think they make the rest of the run stronger somehow! My longest has been both a 22 and a 20 and I’m not sure if there was a difference. I PRed after doing a 22 as my longest so I’ll be doing that again this time around.


I have a 10 mile run this weekend as I have a half marathon in two weeks
and am tapering :)

I love McDonalds french fries! :)


The longest I have done is 21, but during my last marathon training cycle the most I did was 18. I don’t think the exact number is a big deal. I think its more mental that anything else- I did 3 20 milers before my first marathon which I think really helped me get into the mindset that I could do 26 miles on race day.
Since this was my first week of marathon training I did 13 yesterday. I’m starting to get nervous about increasing my long run distance! Its exciting but a little scary too.


I rarely get fries, but I actually had some really great ones last night at a local Brasserie — they were crispy, salty, and garlic-y — delicious!


I have never run a full, but my longest run was 20 miles and I run 13 for a half. It has been almost a month, since I did any distance (pulled glute) and I’m sad! I could barely walk after my second run (both 5ks) this week. :(

I’m not a huge French fry eater. My favorite is from a local restaurant that serves hanger steak and fries, mmmm so good!


Wow, great run!
Im not too far from you but we haven’t been to the pool in ages because it’s constantly raining! You must be in the sweet spot!
The most I do is 15 and that has always felt right to me. Maybe someday I’ll do more!


My run plan this weekend is to mimic the distance of the upcoming Runner’s World Hat Trick races so today I ran a 5k and 10k and tomorrow I will run 13.1 miles! I never really run more than 13 or 14 at a time so I give you a ton of credit for the 18 mile runs! Have a great weekend.


I’ve never tried trail running, but have always wanted to.


Brook’s hair is getting soo light!

I usually do 22 miles because mentally… only have 4 more to go rather than 6 sounds way better.

Today’s long run was 16. Got it done by 8:30am so I can enjoy my Saturday :)


I love running, and ironically, my favorite moment in the week is Saturday right after I finish my run! I know I’ve had a week well done, and that I get a full day off tomorrow. Then I’m always excited to get back to it Monday morning!


it’s a drop back week for me, so only 8 today! i typically train up to 22 for a marathon and 10 for a half.


Hooray for great long runs! I hope it was a huge confidence booster for you. I feel like the more long runs I finish, the better prepared I am for my marathon. I’ll work up to 20 for a full and 14 for a half, generally. I also ran my long run yesterday (16 miles), so technically my long run for the weekend itself is the five miles I have planned for tomorrow.


I love trail running! It keeps things interesting!!


My long run this weekend is my MARATHON tomorrow. Ok… it scared me just writing that. Congrats on the 18 miles!! The best french fries come from Costco!


You go girl! Have a great marathon!


Awesome job on the 18!!!! My next big long run is 20 and then that’s it before my marathon. I can’t believe I’m closer to the end of my training cycle than the beginning. I feel like this summer flew by! I will say that at the beginning I complained about the summer weather a little bit but dealt with it, lately I have been so worn out by the “feels like 100*” temps during my runs. I am so ready for it to cool down a little bit!


5 guys cajun fries are without a doubt the best. Im a little disappointed in you for not going there ;-)


20 for fulls and 10 for half marathons.
I am lucky to live near the original Nathan’s in Coney Island and they have the best fries. :)
My long run was 3 miles today. lol. Still coming back from injury. :)


Haven’t done a marathon but my longest half marathon run is 12! GREAT JOB on 18 miles! That is really a long way to run. I bought bought a Vitamix so I want to try making my own Green Me smoothies!!


My mil just have me her vitamix and it’s awesome!


I just did 22 today and that’s the longest I plan to go. I don’t see the point in going any farther to train for a marathon.


I just want to start off by saying that I really don’t think it’s nice of you to post pictures of In-N-Out since I live on the east coast and can’t get it. Super jealous.

My workouts for the weekend were a 6 mile run yesterday and a 30 mile bike ride tomorrow :)


I always do the full distance of any race……..I feel like I mentally need to know that I can do 26.2 or 13.1……….and I run those distances at least twice before the race.

This weekend I have an 8 miler, but it is going to be tough bc we are in a heat wave of 95 degrees and a heat index of over 100! Yikes!

I am not much of a french fry person usually, but I do like Chick Fil A!


I really love the fries at 5 Guys. And they always have a sign that says where the potatoes are from for that day which is kind of cool! I’m glad you survived your long run!


First off, those french fries look delicious.

Longest distance run I complete for full-marathon training is 20 miles.

This morning I ran 10… At a somewhat sluggish pace due to muggy weather conditions. You know you’re looking bad when someone coming the other way gives you a thumbs up and says you’re doing great.


I haven’t done a marathon yet and I’m training for my first half. This weekend is my longest scheduled training run of 12 miles but it’s raining like crazy so I’m hoping for a little better weather tomorrow so my husband will ride his bike with me. My race is in two weeks and I had to take all this week off to let my IT band rest. I’m already cranky and the taper hasn’t even officially started.

Great job on your long run. You’re going to do awesome on your marathon.


You have great taste in food.
no pun intended.

nice job on the mileage :)


Just did my first 20 today for Chicago. The guy doing my plan only gives me a week at a time so he can adjust based on work schedule etc. I think I have a 22 and one more 20 before tapering begins.
I love In N Out for the burgers but if I’m going by fries alone I love me some McDonalds.


My longest run for my upcoming (first ever!!) half marathon will be 22km which is slightly more than the full distance (a half in kilometres is 21.1km) because I need to know mentally that I’m capable of doing the distance! My training plan was going to bring me to 12 miles anyway so I thought why not? This weekend I only had 10km for my long run because it’s the very first week of my plan – I’ve been running that every weekend for months now anyway so it’s nice to start off with something familiar :) The best fries are the ones with the most salt. Salt it up and I’m there!


For this round of half marathon training I actually have a few 13 milers on my training schedule. I know I can do the distance, now I’m working on speed! My last few I have only done 10 or 11 mile runs while I’m training.

I’m actually on a cut back week so my “long” run this week is 5 miles :)

I love french fries from just about anywhere – and sweet potato fries with bbq sauce? Yes please!


I don’t know how you do it! After about 14 miles I start to get in my own head and become my own worst enemy. Keep it going girl, so awesome!


Did 8 1/2 miles today…training for a half. My running buddy wants to run at least one half marathon distance before the actual race, but I will be happy to get it to 11 (the race is in Oct). Went right after running to a place called Hot Dog World, and got myself some fries….they know how to make them the perfect crispness!


Great job janae! Longest training run for marathon is usually 22, but last year we got lost and accidentally did 24 as our final long run before the race- and I was pregnant :). Longest training run for half marathon is usually 10-12, depending on what else I’m training for. This weekend is a rest weekend for me, working on cross training, and then hitting up the trails and roads hard for fall races!


I did 18 miles this morning! I’ll do 20 miles in 3 weeks which will be my longest until St. George!

And you totally just made me want some In N Out. Mmmm.


EEEEEEEEEE Sherlock, ♥♥♥♥♥ So glad to hear you are hooked too! Great job on your run sweet girl!


For my marathon, I did 23 miles twice. For a 1/2 I usually do between 12-15 as my longest run.

I did yoga this morning and I’m planning on a bike ride tomorrow. I’ve been doing 2 a days because I train with the hubs before work and then run with my team after school and my legs are pretty done today.

I <3 In N Out french fries :)


Workout- Body Pump. I haven’t been in about two month. I almost fell going down the steps outside after class. LOL My legs were so dead.

Fries- Five guys!


I haven’t done my first full yet but my training plan has me scheduled to go up to 26 miles (Jeff Galloway plan). I noticed that most people don’t go past the 20-23 range…Is it crazy to do 26?

I did 5 miles this morning and I’m going to do another 2-3 miles tomorrow. Working on my form/core/endurance for the rest of the year so I am slowly building up mileage and will max out at 10 mile LRs by the end of the year.

Fav fries: Chick-fil-A (its really more about the sauce for me than the fries, but the fries are pretty good too!)


Wow I’ve never heard a plan running the whole 26? But ive only been running 2.5 years too


I did the Galloway for my first marathon and ran the 26 mile training run. It’s not crazy at all. I’m training for my 13th now and will probably get up to 24 miles. It’s a confidence builder for me.

Good luck on your marathon!!!


I can’t even imagine doing 18 miles! But I better I’m in marathon training now for my first. My long run today was 10. I actually only get up to 10 for a half and I’ll find out how far for my full in the next few months.
I think I’ll do all my long runs before I watch my sons soccer games so I can sit.
Now I gotta figure out why I had a bloody toe today with what looked like a hole??


Well, this is my first time training for a full, but my program (Hal Higdon Novice 2) tops out at a 20-mile run. For halves in the past, I have run as long as 13 in training and as little as 8.

Fries: HAS to be Arby’s curly fries.


I’m going up to a 23 mile long run in this training cycle.
I racing at the Cumberland Plateau Stage Race this weekend!


I’m training for my first half marathon and just did 12km (7.5 miles) which is my longest run so far!

I’m aiming to go up to 18km as my longest run before the half :)

We don’t have in and out in NZ but now I’m craving some fries!! I did just eat a savoury croissant from the French bakery up the road so I’m happy ;)


Congrats on your 18!

I attempted 13 this morning, but chaffing, blisters, stomach ache and humidity got the better of me. It is really motivating me to have a good long run next weekend.

I didn’t know you had In and Out, it is so awesome to see them make their fries.


20 is my longest for marathon and in the past I have only done 1 20 miler per cycle. This one I am going to try for at least 2…maybe 3. Half marathons are usually mixed in with my marathon training…if not 12 or 14.
The long runs always scare me the most and I did 18 today!
McDonalds or Five Guys…oh how I love fries!


long run day for me today! the plan is 14 ish later this morning. 18 is a few weeks down the road!


Usually i just do one 20 miler but this season I will be running 5-20 milers! One down and four more to go! However, I did run 18 this weekend… Most brutal 18 of my life. I had to work a conference in the morning at an out of town beach location. My family was going to join me later in the day so it left me no choice but to do the 18 miles during the heat of the day. At 97 degrees with a 106 degree heat index!! Slowest run of my life! It was the only way I could keep from overheating! Well… that and ice chips down my clothing and multiple Gatorades and water! But I got it done!!!


I always crave salty French fries :). My long run will be today but not until after work so it’ll probably be on the treadmill!


North Carolina has a place called Biscuitville which is normally very disgusting, but their steak fries are to DIE for. So potato-y and yummy!


Ah I want one of these smoothies!!! Congrats on getting your long run done!


Running my first marathon on December and my longest run is 23 miles. I hope this is enough!


Mmm, In-N-Out is the best!! And the food truck roundup looks so fun!

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