Being hard on yourself isn’t going to make you better so why do it?

I am pretty sure Brooke and I both crashed yesterday.  We both woke up at 9 (she is usually up and ready to party by 7:30ish and I like to get up early to get things done) and then we both took a killer nap later on in the day…  Sundays are kind of meant to catch up on sleep right?  

Brooke sure likes to entertain everybody these days.

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You really should have come over for dinner last night because we had the most amazing salad bar.  

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My mom even made sure to have my two favorite salad ingredients lately—> avocado and the croutons from a nearby salad bar that taste like they have been drenched in butter and garlic.  I had to sample a bunch of them before things got started to make sure they tasted good for everybody else.  

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My masterpiece.  

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Now that Brooke has her Curious George buddy she makes sure to feed him whatever we are eating too.

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Yesterday was by far the hardest day so far in my 21 day challenge of no dessert.  I have gone 7 days so far without ice cream/candy/desserts and I am feeling really good.  I think it has been relatively easy so far because there is so much good fruit right now that I can eat instead of dessert and I just haven’t had a ton of dessert in the house… until yesterday.  That took willpower.  14 more days and I know that if I continue to keep eating less sugar than what I used to I will see huge improvements.  This + strengthening my hips/glutes/core…  good things are going to happen with my running.  

Bless my mom’s heart because she had a thing of strawberries for me last night at dessert time.  

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I saw this last week and it was perfect timing:


Whenever I come back from a running break I have a hard time not comparing myself to where I used to be.  I am realizing this time around that being hard on myself for struggling with my speed and endurance for a while is not going to bring anything good… Being frustrated with losing fitness doesn’t make me get stronger any faster.  If anything I am sure it affects me in a negative way.  I decided the other day on the treadmill that I am just stoked to be running again and that my body is feeling so good finally.  I am excited to work hard to get back to where I used to be, celebrate the little achievements along the way and just be nice to myself.  I will be much happier this way.  

Take this week to start being really nice (or at least just not hard on yourself) to yourself about where you are with your fitness/running (and everything else too) and it will be a much better week:)    


The winner of the NOW Foods giveaway!

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What was the best part about your weekend?

Where are you right now in terms of running… just coming back, hitting new prs, recovering, running just for fun, training hard for something, plateauing, dealing with some sort of injury, faster/slower than normal?

Two favorite salad toppings lately?

People with kids—>  when does school start back up for them?

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I used to really struggle with being hard on myself with everything, not just running but pretty much every area of my life! It not only doesn’t help at all but it can lead to hurting yourself and really making things so much worse. It’s not easy, but I really try to recognize the difference between self awareness and necessary criticism and just being mean to myself. The results are so different!

I’m starting marathon training today and hopefully can take this attitude with me! Congrats on staying off sugar – I think the first 2 weeks is the hardest!


Awesome job resisting temptation with the cake and pie! I would probably give in. :) I have a really hard time not comparing myself to where I used to be with my running, too. My marathon PR is just under 4 hours and right now I’m running 11 minute miles. It’s tough. But, I’m trying to concentrate on enjoying the actual run instead of worrying about my pace, which is helping.


I saw the title of this post and I was like…gosh I can relate. I think most peoples hardest critic is themselves.

I’m glad the no desserts is going well. Random but do you use artificial sweetener at all? I dump a boat load of splenda into my coffee daily.

Knock on wood, I’m coming back from whatever my July hiccup was…but who knows at this point. ;)


If only the deadly ‘compare’ tool were non existent, we’d all be so much better off ya know?
I think you hit a button for just about every girl. It’s waaay discouraging to compare yourself, but I think it’s cool that you’re comparing yourself against you, not someone else. That’s healthier.
Best part of weekend? Pizza movie night and my husband getting obsessed about the movie Twilight hahaha.


Great advice! I will have to save that quote.

Lately, I have a thing for goat cheese and strawberries on my salad. Can’t get enough.


The best part of my weekend was catching up with friends on Saturday night. I really needed to see them! And we dressed up in 80s theme, which was amazing.

You’re always your own worst critic and it can be so hard sometimes! I think you’ll find your running strength again in no time, and soon those wonderful endorphins will cloud out anything negative. I’m in a fun-run stage, and trying not to worry about not having anything to train for at the moment.

My two fave salad toppings at the moment are…. olives and goats cheese! I feel so grown up writing olives!


My weekends are not Saturday and Sunday, they are Tuesday and Wednesday, so I am almost there! My plans are to get my hair cut and colored………going from dark dark brown to light brown!! Then, I bought a whole pineapple and I am going to cut into it and eat it while watching Psych! Love that show!

My running is in the run for fun/sort of training phase. I have not been able to keep up the long runs as well with the ridiculous heat and humidity this summer, sbut I have still been able to hit around 20 miles a week of runs 6 miles or less. I am definately not at my peak, but I know once it cools off a bit I can pick those extra distance miles up and recover. I am only training for a half this fall…………I figured training for a marathon and planning a wedding may be a bit too much to do at the same time!

Salad toppings: fresh pineapple and strawberries, carrots, green bell peppers, and raisins


I’m trying to find my feet with running again after giving birth to my second kiddo – boy, it’s tricky! Time and energy is sometimes seriously lacking, but I’m determined to make it work. It’s a process, right? ;)


The best part of my weekend was making it through my first 16-miler! The last mile was a bit of a struggle due to poor fueling (I think) because I just felt out of energy but I know that is something I can correct for my next long run!

You should be so excited for your running comeback because you get to celebrate so many milestones all over again! Over the next few weeks you’ll be crushing “new” post-break PRs! :)


Best part of my weekend = two great runs with my super hot boyfriend :)


That’s such a great quote. I am way to hard on myself and it’s definitely something I need to work on!
I am recovering from arthroscopic hip surgery so I can’t run or do Body Pump for quite awhile and it’s so so so hard!


Favorite salad toppings, goat cheese and orange slices! It’s so good.

My favorite part of this weekend was relaxing with my family.


I’m trying to get back into running. I had abdominal surgery at the beginning of May and my daughter had foot surgery in June. I’m frustrated with my speed and have been beating myself up so thanks for this post! Oh and my first and third grader start school August 19th!


I’m coming back from some small health issues/crazy summer/crazy season of life and just trying to get back in shape with my running. I’m right there with you on trying not to be too hard on myself, it does no good, and I just have to remind myself to say, “Good JOB!” to myself just for getting out there and being active, even if I’m not at my fastest or strongest.

I’ve been topping every salad with GOAT CHEESE lately, it’s incredible!


The best part of my weekend was catching up on blogs and getting ready for the week ahead- now I feel like I am ready to take on Monday!
Right now I am getting ready to train for another marathon. I am trying to figure out what I want my goal to be. I have been running faster times lately but the the thought of training fast for a marathon scares me. I need to stop doubting myself and just go for it! The worst that can happen is I decide along the way of my training to modify my goal.
I definitely struggle with being hard on myself when Im not running as fast as Im used to. I try to remind myself of my long terms goals and that every run is not going to be perfect. Its still hard but its a work in progress!


In terms of running, I’m training for my first marathon right now. I had a half on Saturday that went okay, not great but okay, so I totally understand where you’re coming from when you say not to be hard on yourself! Not every race or run is going to be fantastic – That is what makes the good ones so much better!


Feeling pretty good with my running at the moment, training for a spring HM :)
Definitely working on not comparing myself to others! A week ago I ran my 4th half marathon with a time of 1:59:56…. I cried with joy for hitting under 2 hours, nearly a whole 30min faster than when I ran my first! But of course I run into a friend who ran a 1:39 after months of shin splints and back pain and even though I KNOW that we’re very different runners and her time doesn’t make mine less impressive for me, it definitely made it harder to be proud of myself!


Avocado + salsa are the best salad toppers!!


That’s awesome that you have gone so long without sugar! You can do it for another 14 days!!!

School here starts on the 25th, but my son is only 1 so he’s not in school. I’m starting nursing school this year and start on 2 September.

I just PR-ed my last 5k, so I guess my running is going pretty well. For some reason, I feel like after I gave birth I felt a lot stronger.

And I feel like it’s a lot easier to be nice to myself when I’m not running with a watch or Garmin. Otherwise it’s a comparison trap.


I am currently training for the Richmond marathon. I would love to pr and I am training for that, but I am doing it in a more relaxed way. I am not getting all stressed out about it and I am not going into panic mode if I don’t hit my paces or get all of my miles in….we’ll see how this goes :).
I home school my girls and we start back up in 2 weeks…Aug 18th! Yikes…so soon!!!!! We do a shorter summer….usually 6 weeks and then I scatter the rest of the break throughout the year…for example we are taking 2 weeks off in Oct.
Don’t be hard on yourself….give your body time…just remember- if you push it too hard too fast it will rebel against you. My best races have actually come when I wasn’t stressed about them


My family knows that I avoid sugar like it’s the plague, and it is always so heartwarming when they go out of their way to get fresh fruit for me to eat instead of whatever they are having for dessert.
I just had surgery so I’m taking it very easy with my running. It is so hard to not compare myself to where I was at physically last month… Your post was motivating for me!


Being kind to yourself really is easier said than done. I’m the same way when it comes to comparing myself. I did a 10k recently and ended up averaging 9 min miles. Instead of beating myself up and comparing myself to years past/fitness levels past, I tried to remain thankful that i even got to run and for my kids cheering me on!

My twins just recently turned 3 and they are starting preschool right after Labor Day. This mama’s heart can barely handle the thought but I know they’re going to love it and have fun!


At 36-weeks pregnant, my doc said I needed to stop lifting. That was a hard pill to swallow, and I’ve already started to think about the prospect of getting back into after baby comes. I have a tendency to be hard on myself when trying to start up again, so I’ll just have to keep reminding myself of the why behind the little break I had.


We are our own worst critic. Running!? HA! What is that!? I haven’t run since the holidays due to fertility treatments and now a pregnancy. No other exercise has been banned, so I know that I still have my cardio endurance and strength. I plan to start running again this holiday season. There is no need to compare to where I had been. I am fortunate to not get too mentally crazy about that stuff.


I am in a very weird place with running right now. I am struggling to “run happy,” as running has always been my “me time,” a stress release, a time I feel strength. Now, running has become a chore, and I struggle daily to get out the door. After my last marathon in June, I decided to dedicate July and August to “run happy” again, and I’m slowly working my way back to my happy running place to try to PR in September at a half. So far, it’s a mixed bag in terms of “happy” and “struggle” days, but the “happy” days are starting to outweigh the struggle.

I don’t know if that makes any sense, but I can’t wait to be back to full on happy-mode and hit a new PR:)

Best part of my weekend was an amazing black bean burger I had for lunch after a long “struggle” run on Saturday. My favorite salad topping lately has been peas or beets. I just can’t get enough of them!


For the past MANY weeks/months I’ve been climbing back up the ladder to get to where I was mileage/speed-wise before my injury. I was injured in March, didn’t start running again until late May, and am just now hitting about the same mileage that I was pre-injury, but still haven’t gotten back to same speed. It’s been a MUCH longer process than I anticipated!


School starts for me September 2nd. I am always hard on myself and many times that produces great results but also I crash and burn when I don’t meet or exceed my goals and that makes me sad.

That’s a great quote–thanks for sharing!


I love Brooke! What A cutie! My baby cousin does the same thing with her dolls, too! (Tries to feed them whatever she is eating) This didn’t go down to well with spaghetti…

Running-wise, I am doing rather well! I just ran my furthest distance EVER of 9.5 miles! This is in training for my first half marathon. I ran it is 1 hour and 28 minutes. I am super-happy with where I am at right now.

My favorite salad toppings right now are black beans and green goddess dressing. LOVE them.



Good day! Do you use Twitter? I’d like to follow you if that would be ok.

I’m undoubtedly enjoying your blog and look forward
to new posts.


The best part about my weekend was spending time with family at a fish fry. Being around friends and family just turn my mood to instant happy.


Favorite salad topping…does a whole avocado count???

Right now I’m in a running lull…feeling very fatigued. I have a Ragnar relay this weekend so I’m kind of hoping the fun from that will snap me outta of this funk!


Yes coming back from a break and not comparing yourself to what you were before is hard, but with only a month off I know you will be back to your speedy self in NO time :) Looks like a wonderful Sunday!


My entire weekend was amazing. But best part was crossing the finish of my first triathalon! I hadn’t ever been swimming in the ocean before because of fears but I made it and lived to tell. lol. Bucket list item! Woo hoo!

Just coming back from 3 months of injury rehabbing. I am hoping to be 100 percent by September which is just in time for Ragnar napa. We are doing it ultra. So 6 legs for me. So excited!

Two favorite salad toppings lately are alfalfa sprouts and hb egg


Those croutons look soooo yummy! Favorite salad topping is cheese. All kinds.


This is a timely post for me! Today is my first official day back exercising after having my fourth baby six weeks ago. Before getting pregnant with her I was in the best shape of my life and now I’m starting from square one again! BUT I’m feeling super excited and motivated to get this body moving again! Our bodies so such amazing things everyday- we could all be a little kinder to ourselves! Love your blog!


Janae, I had to tell you, I ran my longest outdoor run ever yesterday! Almost 7.5 miles and it was 85 degrees out. I am so proud of myself. Training for my first half marathon in October, which is a huge deal, and so far it is actually going really well!


I’m coming back to running and I am 11 weeks postpartum. I struggle to stay on a consistent schedule and it’s been a slow comeback. I’m 2 minutes slower than normal so I’m trying to embrace my new normal. The hip exercises you posted are a super help! I’ve done them everyday and I feel a difference already so thanks for that! Highlight of my weekend was that I made it 4 miles which is the farthest I’ve been in awile!


My son doesn’t start school for about another month and we still have three weeks left of camp so I am still in summer mode for a little bit! Favorite salad topping right now is always avocado. Without avocado everything is boring.


I haven’t run in weeks and I want to start back up again but I’m kind of scared… it’s hard to start again after so long!


I love that idea, Janae! Why are we so hard on ourselves? It’s totally not necessary! for example, I accidentally snoozed my alarm like 5 times this morning… I’ve been a little upset with myself all morning about it but like, why on earth am I doing that? It’s not helping matters AT ALL, haha!


I love the idea of a salad bar for dinner or an oatmeal bar for breakfast! My kids are 2 and 4 and are so picky they wouldn’t get a full use out of it but I will do it up one day!

My running has been reaching burnout. :/. I’m training for a fall half marathon and then I’m taking a much needed break from training/racing until next spring. My goal is to run for me over the winter months bc right now running is more of a chore than it is fun.


It was my good friend’s bachelorette party this weekend so the best part, in my eyes, was when we spent the whole day out on the boat at the lake on Saturday. It was so nice to just relax, catch up with friends, and enjoy the sunshine!

I am just coming back to running as well, trying to take it easy while still nursing an Achilles injury. It is so frustrating to think of what good shape I was in only a month ago, and how quickly I have lost it. But you’re right, it’s better to give yourself a break and be grateful for any mileage after a break. I know it will take time to get back to where I was but for now I need to focus on healing, and the fitness will come back when everything is back to 100%!


Running Hanes Valley (a 28km trail run, rock scramble) in the backcountry with good friends on Sunday – training for a 50km race so been off road lately – oh that and a long weekend.


The best part about this past weekend was spending time with my family :) My parents are in town for 2 weeks and it is AMAZING. I never want them to leave.

I think I’m slowly on the up and up with running right now. It’s hard to say…but I have no complaints so that’s good!

Two salad toppings: chic peas and avocado!


That salad looks amazing!! You’re doing great on your 21 days! I also survived the weekend with no sugar! I’m 3 weeks away from starting my half marathon training plan so right now I’m just running a few miles a week. Favorite salad toppings: feta cheese & apples!


I just ran my first ever race yesterday, a 5k! I was really annoyed with myself for having to stop several times and walk but then I realised that it’s okay and me walking didn’t affect anyone else but I finished and that was the main thing! I just signed up for The Colour Run in London in September and I’m definitely going to run that without stopping! The race was obviously my favourite part of the weekend! I’ve been eating lots of salads lately and they’ve all had chicken and avocado, yum! :)


Keep up the good work with no sugar! It gets easier :)

Best part of my weekend was a 10 mile hike in the mtns. Ouch , I am sore.

Avocado and bacon are my favorite salad toppings.

I took a month off after my June marathon (like you!) and am just getting back at it. I’m running a 1/2 this weekend which possibly is a bad idea since I haven’t run much this past month. But I agreed to keep a friend company so I’ll take it slow and enjoy the scenery! I’ve never run noght Provo river trail but you’ve mentioned it’s one of your favorites so I’m excited!


Now THAT is a salad :)

Lately we’ve been drifting back towards super simple salads: greens dressed with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and fresh parm — yum!


I really so very much needed to hear that today about not being hard on yourself and comparing to where you used to be. I’ve been so down trying to get back from this injury. I feel fat, my legs feel weak like Bambi, it’s been frustrating. Thanks for the pep talk coach!


favorite salad topping lately = sun dried tomatoes and/or anchovies! both are salty, oily, and delicious. :)


That looks like one of those chocolate cakes from Costco. I would have had a weak moment for sure. Good for you for sticking with your 21-day challenge. The best part of my weekend was finishing a 217-mile relay with 11 other runners. No sleep and running at all hours of the day (in 95 degree weather). It was pretty crazy but super fun. My running continues to improve as I am setting PRs that I never once thought possible!


Well, if it makes ya feel any better, you’ll always be faster than me! ;) No, but for reals, that is a really good thought—It’s hard on yourself to always be hard on yourself!

I am impressed you’ve gone 7 days without sugary treats! Way to go! I think Sundays would be the hardest by far for that type of challenge.


I really like croutons on my salads too. There’s something so good about having a crunch in salads.


I love that quote of being nice to yourself. It’s so true! You got this sugar challenge girl!!


Answering two questions in 1: The best part of my weekend were the fact that it was kinda rainy out so it called for extra relaxation and finally a run that I didn’t have to wake up before 5am for to beat the heat! I got in a 12.5 mile run with my best running buddy. We are finally feeling good about being back into marathon training. We too are trying not to compare ourselves to our PRs after a break from the marathon scene. Your post about not being hard on yourself is just what I needed! Thank you :)

Lately, I’m OBSESSED with goat cheese and strawberries… and blueberries…and avocado :) I can’t pick just two.

I don’t have kids, but I’m a teacher. On the east coast most schools go back after labor day, except mine. We head back Aug 25th which I like because we get out way earlier than the rest of the schools! Especially because we all usually get hit with snow days.


Absolutely love that quote at the end, it is so true!! And Oh M Gee, those croutons look to die for! Best part of my weekend was finally { after 2 months } being able to skype with the boyfriend. And I’m running just for fun/finding ways to challenge myself! For me, this is the best because I easily become so consumed by the competitions. School starts August 13th { I’m not a parent, but I still remember when the schools around me start haha }


right now I am running just as part of a workout schedule…but if I don’t feel like running that day, I’ll do a different workout instead :) I’ve been really into biking lately and the other day I had a 6 mile run on the plan but turned it into an 18 mile bike ride!

my two favorite salad toppings right now are leftover roasted vegetables & salsa…mmmm


I’m coming back from a break from training (not so much running, but what I’ve been doing can in no way count as training) myself so I am also having a hard time not comparing my current fitness to where I used to be and even where I want to be. It’s difficult, but I think I’m finally learning how to just run for fun and enjoy it!


Good luck with the sweets/desserts challenge! I love salad bars with lots of stuff so this setup looks perfect!


I’m kind of in beginning stages if marathon training.. And fighting humidity here in ny… I’d say I’m slower and it’s drinking me insane!

My favorite salad toppings are real bacon nuts and croutons… I will refuse a salad with out croutons, it’s like chocopligr chip cookies without chocolate chips!

School starts up the first week in September… Brady will start prek, I can’t believe it’s happening already!


Yesterday was National Watermelon Day so I’m glad you celebrated ;)

The best part of my weekend was taking my son to the zoo and crushing my 10 mile training run!

I’m training for a half marathon in September. I’m not as fast as I was earlier this year but, after taking time off for an injury, I’m happy to be running at all!


I really, really appreciate this quote today – I’ve been really hard on myself lately for some past mistakes, even though I’m trying to forgive myself and move on. Being nice to myself is such a good reminder – in fact I’m setting this as the background on my phone. Thanks, as always, for my favorite post of the day :)


The best part of my weekend was taking a little time for myself!

I love dried cherries and sunflower seeds on my salads…mmm!

I’m just now getting back into running after having my baby four months ago. I worked on strength training first to get fitness back, but it is HARD to add on the miles!


Right now I’m coming making a running comeback as well. Luckily, I don’t have a marathon on the horizon just 5Ks! :)

Two favorite salad toppings lately? My two favorite salad toppings recently are avocado and queso fresco <– the best type of cheese EVA!


I love what you said- being hard on yourself is not going to accomplish ANYTHING! Way to see that and stay positive :) My two favorite salad toppings are avocado and feta. Mmmmm.



Being really gentle and kind with yourself is the best :) I am loving sweet corn on salads and also red grapes.


I agree totally about not being hard on yourself b/c of struggling to be where you once were. I have noticed the difference in running in the heat/humidity compared to running in the cooler temperatures. I look back and see how much faster I was back in March, April and May!!! I can’t believe how slow and sluggish I am during these hotter months! But I’m just happy to be out running at all. There are so many that are not able to do so. There are people out there that will never be able to do what I do even if it is only 2 or 3 miles. So I need to be happy with what I can do and take comfort that I AM doing what I can do!! Happy running!!!


SO TRUE. I love that quote and actually took one of Christine Arylo’s self love workshops. :) She’s a cool chick.

Awesome job on the no dessert thing! I am a fellow candy addict and I’ve thought about trying to kick the habit but I’m afraid of failure… But you’re inspiring me to give it a shot!


I’m currently just ‘running for fun’ since I haven’t signed up for anything, which is kind of nice, but I lack the motivation to run long!

The two salad topping I’m really enjoying right now are walnuts (or pecans) and avocado.


I love that quote… made me feel better already (I have a slight case of the Mondays ;) I’m getting back into running after a 2-year injury/break. I hear ya about starting at a lower fitness level after a running break!


Great post! I have been tremendously hard on myself as I reach my last semester of school and am trying to figure out what the heck to do with my life. I will do my best live by these words!

P.S. can I have some of those strawberries??


Sounds silly, but play dates were the best part of my weekend. We are moving out of San Diego, to Boise in about a month. Eek! So we had 3 days in a row of play dates for my 19 month old! Friday, we did a ladybug release at the park (best $10 spent ever), Saturday, dinner and another play date with friends, and Sunday was family play date with cousins day. Great weekend.


I am training for a 1/2 marathon, hoping to get my PB


My family went boating with a bunch of other families. It was Seafair weekend in Seattle. We had a blast.

Running just for fun. It’s nice not training for anything. I went on a 3 week break from running due to feeling burned out. But I’m ready to get back out there and I’m definitely enjoying running again. : ) Glad to see you’re getting back out there too!!


Thank you for this. :) I just started running again after two months off and am guilty of being mean to myself.


The best part of the weekend was hiking! My older son is doing it with me. He’s a reforming couch potato and I’m recovering from surgery…no running until probably Christmas. And forget the salad…just give me the avocado, please. One kid starts on 8/26 but all the others are off until the day after Labor Day. It’s a long summer.


Really, really needed that quote today, so thank you!! :) Just getting back into the running groove after moving. And favorite salad topping lately = grilled egg plant + goat cheese. Sounds weird I know, but so good!


we went to the zoo yesterday and counted 7 kids on leashes-which always amuses me!

i ran yesterday before the zoo and it was terrible but at least i did it!

favorite salad topping currently….sesame sticks with raaaanch! good job on that willpower for dessert!


I love tomatoes and cheese on my salad :) so yummy! As for my running, I’m getting back into it :)


yes, i love that quote! i need to practice being nicer to myself – i need to beat myself up about certain things, so i really need to make more of an effort to not do that anymore.

my favorite toppings are avocado and tomatoes :)


Such great advice, we all need this reminder sometime.


sundays are totally meant for catching up on sleep — there is nothing better than a sunday afternoon nap. also, such good words on being kind.


Best part of my weekend, my man surprised me at 1 AM in the morning!

I’m running just for fun right now

Two favorite salad toppings right now are garlic powder + nutritional yeast :)

My little guy isn’t in school yet.


Today is my birthday, and honestly is kind of a hard day. I was really looking forward to my run this morning to start to set some good intentions, and run the bad out . Unfortunately I’m still recovering from a foot injury, and my runs have been hit or miss. Today was a miss. So good timing with your post, its a nice reminder today.


Happy Birthday Mia… I wish I could take you out for froyo! I am truly so sorry about this morning, that breaks my heart. I hope you are back to running soon and eat some delicious cake today:)


Oh I needed this post so much!

Why ARE we so hard on ourselves? I think it’s because we are afraid of getting lazy — If we aren’t mean to ourselves then we won’t accomplish ANYTHING? Is that it?

What’s so funny is when I grant myself grace, I end up achieving so much more. . .And actually enjoy the process!

Love this post. And way to go with the no desserts. Inspiring!!


I’m training for the Big Cottonwood Half in September in your neck of the woods. Coming from Texas, my husband and I can’t wait for your cooler weather and beautiful scenery. We’re going to hit up Cafe Rio, too!

Avocados and red bell peppers are the best part of my salads. Love all your pictures of food that are inspiring to eat healthy and try something new.


AHHH I will be at the finish line cheering you on! Please let me know what you think of Utah and especially cafe rio:)


Feeling exactly the same way and needed to hear that! I ran for the first time today since June 11 due to injury and I was feeling really down a lot of the time instead of being happy that I was running! Pace was much slower of course and only did 3 miles, much different than before the break! I feel I’ve had way too many running breaks in the past few years due to injury/pregnancy etc, so I’m very impatient these days! And yes I realize now how silly I sound knowing the exact date off the top of my head. I am also supposed to be training for a November marathon that I already registered for and at this point it looks like that’s a no go. You’ll be back in no time!


I’ve been working hard to build a larger weekly mileage base. I notice that I’ve had to slow down a little to stay injury free on higher mileage weeks. I totally understand the struggle to compare. I used to be a little faster, but I’m enjoying my runs more now than ever!!


School starts the day after Labour Day up here! Well, if we teachers aren’t still on strike then anyways. I’m trying not to think about that too much!

The best part of my weekend was just enjoying the last couple of days of my husband’s vacation before he had to go back to work today!

In running…I took a week off for my wedding and then got sick…tried my first run back in my half marathon training today and had to come back early because of some really bad leg pain. Not sure what it was, but I’m going to try some serious stretching today and hopefully it will feel better tomorrow.


School starts August 20.Enjoying summer right now though!!

I love salad so anything except raw onions…lately avocado,feta cheese,oil and rice vinegar .Yum!!

Since I stopped being “just a runner” a few years back-I took up triathlon-I go through stages where I am doing the other sports more.At first it bothered me that I couldn’t run as fast as I had before when that was my only focus…but then I could see the big improvements I’d made in the pool and on the bike.So now I am totally ok with it!

Take care.Haven’t posted in a while but so happy to see how well you and Brooke are doing.


Best part of my weekend was spending time with 9 lovely women for a girl’s beach trip.

In terms of running, I have a race in 2 & 4 weeks, so it’s almost taper time.

2 favorite salad toppings = greek yogurt and avocado

My kids start back 2 weeks from today!


I’ve recently been that my long distance running days are over. I’ve been grieving for the last month. Due to bad cartilage, my doctor said I’m going to have to find other ways to stay active. It’s hard, but I’ve spent my summer staying fit with HIIT, cycling, elliptical, and strength training. I can run for about 15 minutes without pain. Trying to incorporate more anti-inflammatory foods into my diet and eliminate the bad ones. Sure do miss the runner’s high. Keep up the positive thoughts! You’ll come back better than ever Janae!


Right now in terms of running… I’m dealing with some major frustration. I wrote (a novel..) about this in the comments last week but right now I’m not running. Hip pain is keeping me sidelined for now, so the bike/ elliptical/ strength training (and maybe pool running) are where it’s at for me at the moment. I’m pretty upset about it especially because I’ve been really enjoying the trails in my hometown while I’m here for the summer. Plus, I leave in less than 3 weeks to study abroad in Italy, and was excited to possibly run around there a bit (if people do that?).

That being said, I’m trying to stay positive and see the bigger picture of my life, and that picture has SO much more in it than running.

Obviously I’m still praying I’ll be okay with some time off from pounding the pavement, but we shall see.

So glad you are feeling great as you work your way back up to where you were with your running (plus even STRONGER/ FASTER!!!) :)


Kudos for resisting that delicious looking pie! You’re one strong sugar detoxer!


Thanks to how inspiring you are, I am still dessert/candy/sugar free too! This is a total shock for me as I am a true addict. I would wake up in the morning wondering what treats to start my day with. I am hoping at the end of 21 days that I will be able to enjoy a treat without setting off a binge. Thank you for doing this and sharing it!


I’m just starting to run again after a few months of primarily strength training with a little HIIT. My legs feel super strong but my lungs aren’t. It’s really frustrating, my legs say “let’s go forever” and my breath says “stop, please”.

Our town has the weirdest back to school schedule. They go back the Wednesday before Labor Day then have Friday and Monday off for the holiday. So back to school for 2 days, 4 days off, then back for 4. Whaaa?


In terms of running, starting to come back after a year of cancer treatment.
Fav salad topping right now – nutritional flakes.
Best part of my weekend – I moved to a better place :)


Right now, I am training for the OCNJ half marathon, which I am really excited for because part of the run is on the beach (I’m sure that will be tough, but thinking it will make the course super fun). I am also dealing with some major calf tightness and working on foam rolling more than usual, so that is an adjustment working through that and making sure it does not get worse throughout my training!! Thanks for the great advice on just enjoying being out for a run even though pace may be slower than usual!


Oh man, I am having a terrible time this summer not comparing myself to where I was this time last year. My times were so speedy! I ran eight minute miles like they were going out of style! I increased my mileage steadily and didn’t lose any of my speed, and I felt fantastic!
I think, because I got a later start on my training this season, I tried to add distance too quickly, and as a result, my time is just pitiful. I’m rarely faster than a nine and a half minute mile, and when I get closer to dipping below nine, it’s always on a much shorter run.
I am proud of myself for running more miles this past July than I did in July 2013, but I’ve had much more “ugh” brain time during my runs, and I can’t help but agree that you need to be nice to yourself to keep going.
Thanks for the reminder, Janae! I always keep up with your blog, even in my off-season.


I’ve only recently started reading your blog & love to hear about your experiences. Your Brooke is a cutie! I’ve just been brought low by plantar fasciitis :( I’m completely bummed b/c I know how long it takes to heal & I was running so well! I’ve pushed it for a couple months now not wanting to admit I need to give my feet a break & I’m now limping horribly & my heels (yes both) ache if I’m sitting or standing. Grrr! Thank goodness for spin classes & rowing machines but I’ll miss my Saturday morning group runs.
Keep up the good work, I’m living vicariously through your runs now! lol


Mothers are the best. I did a Paleo-challenge not long ago (no carbs except for fruit and veg, absolutely no sugar, etc) and she was so accommodating when I’d come over. She would buy dates, figs, and fresh fruit.


I needed that advice today! I’ve been training for a try-a-tri but did something to my knee. I’m hoping to still participate (the 17th!!) because this training process has been such a healing process after a major break-up. It’s hard to lose some of that work by resting!


Just coming back. Had an ankle injury about a month ago… i’m trying not to compare myself to my former runner self, but it’s hard ! i keep telling myself that running healthy is way better than pushing myself into another injury


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