The next kind of racing that I really want to get into and what NOT to eat?!?

I feel like a cannon ball is really the best way to end a pool running session. 1 hour of running around in the deep end.  I have decided that races really are my biggest motivators to work out… thinking about an upcoming race is what gets me up out of bed to work out but when I am not following a training plan for a race then I hit snooze 15 times.  

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Refuelage with roughage.  

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I am now a hat person.  This hat has been on my head a lot lately.  It is perfect for summer because it stays nice and cool since it is white, it is lightweight and it is made with moisture-wicking material .  It actually fits my head (my sister and I have this thing where most hats do not actually fit our heads because we have big heads… you think I am being dramatic but I am 100% serious with this one. This hat adjusts to lots of different sizes).  

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Brooke picked a flower and brought it to me yesterday.  It made my week.  

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I’ve been thinking A LOT about the races that I want to do in 2015 (totally normal since we are half-way through 2014:).  So far I know that I want to run the Boston Marathon and a few of my favorite local races that I can’t possibly not run BUT I have been thinking a lot about doing more trail races because I absolutely love running on the trails (and my body feels best when I do).  I love the variety and you can’t beat the scenery!  

Maybe I’ll even do an ultra next year?  Anyone want to do one with me?!?  Any recommendations of some really beautiful ones? 


And on another completely different note, I have been seeing this article floating around The Facebook (it is more fun to add The before saying Facebook).

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A few of the foods on this list include—>  artificial sweeteners, soda, candy, fried foods, processed meats, movie theater popcorn, commercial cereal and low fat food (pre-packed diet foods).  

What do YOU think are some of the most unhealthy foods? 

Ever done a trail race?  Which one?  Anyone have the desire to run an ultra soon?

One of your biggest motivations lately to work out?!

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Me too! I wanna do an ultra. @smushtush and @michrun4 has got me thinking to do one next year…they are beasts! A 100…eek! If I pick a good one, do it with!


Haha I have such a big head too!!!! It can be an issue…


Recovering from my injury and strengtheningy legs has been my primary motivation to do fitness. Ultimately I want to sign up for my first Tri once I’m strong enough for it. RnR Phoenix half marathon in January is always a good one to doc


I have done a local trail race the last 3 Julys- the Quadzilla 15k. Tons and tons of hills…and beautiful scenery! I love trail running and wish there were more trail races near me!! I’m motivated by the fall racing season- looking for faster times in all of the Runner’s World Hat Trick races. Last year I just wanted to survive, this year I would like to get better times :)


Oh and P.S. I think I need to order that hat next time I get some Brooks gear. I love wearing hats in the summer, and that one sounds perfect!!


My motivation to workout used to be fueled by an eating disorder, but now it’s to do good in cross country and track! In my opinion the unhealthiest foods are anything made in a factory. I think humans are made to eat food from nature!


I am looking to do my first 1/2 marathon in 2015. I think I am going to be in for a real treat.


Artificial sweeteners TERRIFY me. I’ve just read so much on how closely linked to leukemia they can be so I try to steer clear all together. Luckily I don’t struggle with sodas too much, just every now and then as a treat, but HOLY COW. French fries and onion rings are my total weakness. Dunked in ranch, of course.

My motivation is usually getting outside to enjoy nature or the weather, or meeting up with sweet running friends. When I get more into marathon training the “finish line” mentality creeps in and I will be more race motivated, but in the summer I try to just be consistent and take it easy.

Question – WHEN DID BROOKE GET SO BIG? Make it stop! I’m starting to feel old, didn’t you just have her like yesterday?! Geez! :)


There are plenty of beautiful ultras in Colorado! Come out here and I will show you one.


I just signed up for my first Ultra – a 50K race mostly on single track trails here in Colorado (Indian Creek Fifties) on November 1st. I am super excited, and super anxious as well. I have really fallen in love with trail running even though many trails kick-my-ass! I also downloaded a movie called “Unbreakable – The Western States 100” and if watching that movie doesn’t make you want to run an Ultra, I don’t know what would. It’s like Spirit of the Marathon for trail running and ultras. Best to you!


I relate on not finding hats. I have a big skull AND thick hair, so I’m generally stuck with baseball caps, which sucks.


I think diet coke is one of the unhealthiest foods, but it is so tasty. I have recently started to get a headache after I (occasionally) drink one. I used to drink them as a treat every so often, but I am starting to not drink them at all now.
An Ultra would be awesome! My buddy does 100 miler races :o :o


Quite honestly I think that article is silly. Everything is fine in moderation, even diet coke. Especially since there is literally no evidence that it’s actually bad for you.


My thoughts exactly!!


Everything in moderation!!! KEY!!!!


Thank you! My thoughts exactly.


That may be true about most things, but artificial sweeteners are not good even in moderation. They should never have been put on the market. people do not want to hear the truth because they do not want to give them up.


I’ll admit that there always a chance I will be proven wrong sometime in the future. However, we can all only go by what we know right now, and right now, there is absolutely zero evidence for the rash claims you are making – zero evidence that aspartame causes cancer or any other health problems, or even increases the risk for health issues or cancer. This is despite many lab studies and analysis on the general population.
And that’s the truth. It’s your choice to eat or not eat whatever you want, but stop spreading false information.

Feel free to check out this link:


The hat looks cute on you! My mom’a side of the family has huge heads and my dad has tiniest head. He wears the hat size for ages 4-7 :p


It makes me sad that Diet Coke is on there – sometimes you just need one. The rest I feel are extremely vague. “junk food” “candy”, well duh article!


DO BOSTON and we can get a hotel room together!! Seriously! I am going to do it this year!! Was too excited after watching it last year =) xoxo


I would love to do a trail race. I love running trails, and my body feels better running them too!

Any artificial sweetener is really bad for you, most McDonald’s foods, and unfortunately, things like yogurt (Dannon, Yoplait, etc.) are full of artificial sweeters, corn syrups, food coloring and other additives that make them dangerous to us.

The FDA and USDA do us no favors. They aren’t looking out for us anymore…and pass off many foods as safe to consumers because in one way or another it lines their pocket books.

Rant over.
Sorry about that!

Now, let’s go for a run!


I have been totally thinking about doing Boston!!!!!!
Most hats don’t fit me either!!! I think I have big ears and I don’t think I have a small head…but they always seem to be big.
Races motivate me….but mostly just to do the extras (speed, hills ect) …other than that just the runners high motivates me :).
I wish I didn’t love Diet Coke!!!! Everything else is pretty much common sense.
I am not too much of a trail runner….I like to run on nice easy flat trails where there are a lot of people…but I am not really a deep woods kinda gal. :)


If I started going on about healthy/unhealthy food it would turn into a soapbox of epic proportions so I’ll refrain :) I’ll just sum it up by saying: eat whole, real foods, in season, local if possible.

I would love, love to do a trail race. I know there is a good series in Park City. The trails are just far enough away from my house that it would be hard to train for.

Next race is Pioneer Day..I’m pretty motivated at this point!!


Big heads unite. No hats fit me…including my husbands.

I didnt read your last paragraph. And never will. Ignorance is bliss.


I love trail running, too. I’d run 100% trails if it wasn’t a bit inconvenient to drive to the trail and then run. I’d rather just pop out the back door!

Since I’ll never be fast enough for Boston, I’m excited for you to run it. Is that creepy stalkerish? LOL


I totally want to do an ultra!
Let’s be virtual running buddies.


Aspartame is the devil. Diet Coke is the devil. If only my mom had listened to me…. love trail running! Brooke is owning that look, love the jumper and sandals.


I think all those foods are unhealthy but I think the worst are the ones that people think are healthy, so they eat more of them!
I never run on trails so I probably shouldn’t be doing a trail race any time soon:) And i just don’t know about an ultra…my body can barely handle 26 miles.


Hmm it’s tough because I think those lists are both good and bad. Good for people who only eat those things to see how unhealthy they can be, but bad for people who are thin/eat mostly healthy/exercise regularly, etc because they may lead to unhealthy thoughts about ‘bad’ foods. I agree that artificial sweeteners and chemicals are not good for us, but everything in moderation is okay (although some things should be consumed even less than others). As long as we’re moving our bodies and giving them the nutrients they need most of the time, enjoying food and eating what we crave is all part of living a healthy, balanced life!


I couldn’t agree with you more. And can we all please remember that correlation does not equal causation? Thank you. Now I will step away from the soapbox.


Oh man, Ultras are INTENSE!!! You go, girl! ;) I agree, a canon ball is the best way to end a swim sesh, ever! Annnnd I think that pork rinds are the unhealthiest food. They just SEEM like it to me, I don’t even know if they are haha. They have always grossed me out. And Twinkies. And onion rings. Never liked those either, which my husband does NOT understand, haha!



I’m on the anti-soda (especially diet) bandwagon for sure (doesn’t it end up leeching calcium from your bones?! No bueno!) and pork rinds are up there too! EESH!

My one and only half marathon was a trail race. In fact, that was what I used to primarily run (trails, not halfs!) before I trained for a road race. I luuuurve trail and can’t wait to get back on it after this race! (Less than two weeks!)

I have that hat in a ridiculous shade of pink and I love it!


Lately my biggest motivation to workout is my upcoming half marathon :)


I love that you are already thinking about races for 2015!!! I have already signed up for 2 (15k and half-marathon). Will be signing up tomorrow for the Seattle RnR. Whoop, whoop!! I pretty much already have the plan for the year…just waiting for registration to open for everything. :) Yeah for planning!!


I think so many prepackaged foods are so high in salt that they could give you a stroke. Ever look at the sodium content of a package of ramen noodles. Holy moly!

Lots of low fat ice cream has more chemicals than real ingredients. I say just eat the real stuff.

I have done a local 10k trail race here in Staten Island 3 years now. It’s in the winter and there is usually mud or snow. But fun!

Right now I am so un motivated to work out because I feel like my body is failing me. I have so many secondary aches and pains now that my original peroneal tendonitis is under control. I must have screwed up my gait. It’s discouraging. Pool running might be in the cards for me soon. :)


I know that diet soda is unhealthy but it is one guilty pleasure that I am not willing to give up. Today while my 13year old and I were at the gas station getting my 32oz refill he said “You know that is really unhealthy mom, you will probably die young because you drink it.” My response, “If something is going to kill me I would rather it be diet dr. pepper than some other options out there.”
In my defense I drink 32oz of water before I have soda and then drink water again once my soda is gone ;)


What distance are you thinking for your ultra? I haven’t done any races out west, but I’ve done lots of good ones in New England! If you like big, epic races North Face puts on a good race series. I’ve done the 50K in Bear Mountain, NY and loved it!


I’ve never commented on your awesome blogs but I had to on this one – you 100% should do trails and try an ultra! You’re an amazing runner and I feel you would do really well and love it!

I only started running about 1.5 years ago and discovered I LOVE the trails!!! I did my first 50km trail race in May and it was amazing. The previous year I was crew for my partner and while doing that I told him this would be me next year! The atmosphere and people on course are simply amazing and it is such an experience.

Also – thank you for a great way to start my work morning! :) :)


I just starting training for a fall race so that’s been front and center for my motivation to workout.
And I agree with that list of foods not to eat – there’s some scary stuff on there!


Love trail races! I don’t do many, one repeat 5k every year mostly. I did the Rat Snake this year which is a 40 mile reverse triathlon where the run leg was first and was the most technically difficult 18k trail run. It was killer, but definitely a fun race if you’re looking for something that will put you outside of your comfort zone and give you some bragging rights!


I feel you on the big head issue! I always get so frustrated when hats don’t fit me. I have been wearing a visor recently and actually really liked it!


I’ll run an ultra!!! … But I’ll be WAY behind you!


I think you should do an ultra even if just for fun :) I think I am going to do the Chicago Lakefront 50K in April 2015 as my first. It’s supposed to be a nice course for first timers!

I have that Brooks hat and love it! It shades my eyes but still lets the heat escape out the top which is necessary in the summer!!!


My biggest motivation to workout is being able to play with my kids (future kids) when I’m 30, 50, and 80!


HA! I have a big head too!! Seriously….big as in I can’t find any hats that fit right and then add the thick hair and its a losing battle. However, I too just discovered a light weight running hat ~ very similar to your Brooks but mine is a Nike and I have an UA too….just love them!


Come to run the western states 100 miler. I’ll run a few miles with you :)



If you want to do a fun trail run, you should do the Elk Run on the backside of Timp. It’s in your neck of the woods! They have a half and full marathon. They do the timp trail run in the spring and elk run in the fall, either late September or early October. It’s put on by T-3 triathlon and they do a very good job marking the course. It’s absolutely gorgeous with all the leaves! Another good trail run that is way hard is Crazy Bobs Bairgutsman in Farmington (where Lagoon is) in August. It’s pretty grueling but I’m sure you’re up for the challenge! I would love to meet you on a trail race! Also. You need to join the Run 4 Fun group on fb! Your friend Josse is on there and we post a lot where we are running and meet up with other runners and would love to run with you some time! I have met so many talented runners through that group. Love reading about your running adventures! Ig: @krissynoel5


I’m training for a half in October and aiming for under 2:30. Right now that’s motivating. As well as dropping some sizes and going back to work in September looking amazing.


An ultra?! Holy cow girl!!! That’s awesome :) My goal is be healthy enough to race again in 2015. Haha But I want to do a few of the half’s in Salt Lake and Utah County.


Love that hat! Have a similar one from Asics and I wore it on the beach all last week. I am 49 and people say I look 30. SO… here’s my advice: Keep your face out of the sun!!!!!

My goal is to do Chicago this fall. 3:55 is goal…

Love your blog, Janae!!!


Trail Ultras are the best. I would recommend the Buffalo 50 or Antelope 50 as a first Ultra. You can do the Antelope 50 this fall!


Have you ever tried Headsweats hats? It is the first hat I have found that fits my head! I would absolutely love to do Boston! One day. Hopefully 2015 as my qualifying (and first!) marathon 12/14/15. I agree that all those foods are bad (duh), but as others said, moderation is key. Sometimes and ice cold diet Coke foxes everything! :) along with a candy bar of course.


I think the more processed foods are, the less healthy they are. That doesn’t mean that I don’t eat some of them, but I do try to eat less of them…sometimes! :)

I haven’t ever done a trail race (unless you count some of the cross country courses I ran in high school, there were some dicey ones), but I keep looking at some and debating them. I would definitely have to just run it to complete it and not worry too much about time!

My biggest motivation to work out lately is just how much better it makes me feel! I can be super grumpy/tired and if I just push myself to run a bit I always feel better afterwards. Plus I have a half in October with a pretty decent time goal in the back of my mind.


Well, shoot, I just ate a bunch of candy at a parade last weekend! Cutting back on sugar is work in progress for me…

I have ran two trail marathons and absolutely loved them – both in Minnesota. My first full marathon was a trail marathon and I wouldn’t recommend that to anyone! I definitely didn’t know what I was getting myself into, yet I loved it all the same (after my body recovered from the hills/terrain).

Hope you can get in some great trail races!


I feel you on the hat thing! I have a big head too. I completely lack motivation if I don’t have a race coming up so I like to always be looking firths next one. More trail running sounds awesome!! I wish I had more trails around me to run. I agree with a lit of the comments about everything in moderation. I try to avoid as much processed foods as possible but every once in awhile they’re just needed!!


My daughter has the same outfit that Brooke is wearing in that picture! Too cute!

Right now I’m training for my first marathon (Chicago!) and that is motivating me! I’m trying super hard to stick to the schedule and stay healthy!

I’ve never done a trail race but would love to try!


I was just thinking that fried pork rinds has to be the unhealthiest looking food and I see that someone else said that. In NYC, you can walk by some of the Latino restaurants and see the pig skin being cured. It doesn’t look like anything people should eat.


My biggest motivation to work out lately is the Detroit Free Press half-marathon I’ll be doing in October. Half of it is in Detroit and half is in Windsor, Ontario….so it is going to be a blast!


I just did my first trail run on Saturday night! It was in Little Rock, Arkansas and I swear the whole thing was completely uphill. But I loved that my knees weren’t sore like they usually are on pavement! I will have to add some more trail runs to my 2015 bucket list! Boston and Houston are on my 2015 list as well! I feel crazy already signing up for 2015 races but I just can’t help myself!


My biggest motivation is just to get in better shape! I hibernated ALL winter (I am not used to upstate NY winters, ha!) and felt like a couch potato by spring time. Now I’m trying to get back in running shape!


I get all squidgy when people use the word “healthy” and “unhealthy” to describe things, honestly. “Healthy” is thrown around so often by people who don’t understand the basics of nutrition, and I feel like both words have really lost their meaning. That being said, some of the foods that make me feel like a rock star are:
– Greek yogurt (plain, with a squirt of honey or jam)
– A gigantic bowl of berries (brunch at the Portage Bay Cafe is on my bday wishlist because of you, Janae!)
– Lean meats (I veer towards ground turkey and chicken breasts, but fish is super yum too)
– The taco salad I just put into my belly

I indulge (probably too much), but try really hard to eat more nutritionally sound foods than pleasure foods. :)


I’ve been doing the race series this summer. They are all trail races and they are some of the best organized races I’ve ever been to. They do all kinds of distances up to 50k. I run on trails as much as I can and almost never race on the road any more. I’ve been planning next years schedule to and considering a 50k in September or October…


Seriously a challenge if your looking for an ultra trail race. And if you come to Montana, I might have to come watch. Nope… this isn’t on my to-do list yet. Just now starting to consider travelling for Marathon next season.


My dad loves the Squaw Peak Ultra! It is gorgeous!


I’ve done a trail half marathon and it was fun. My brother is an ultra animal. I love trail running. Top of millcreek is 20 degrees cooler and a good 4 mile hike/run up the mountain with a run down is so good for all my runs. Builds endurance without pounding the pavement.


Corner Canyon 50K is a beast but so pretty. The 25K would be pretty awesome too. Those are happening this year on Oct 18th. I did the Squaw Peak 50 and absolutely LOVED it!! If you like climbing hills, WOW! This is full of them. I also just signed up for the Katcina Mosa 100K which is basically the Squaw Peak 50 backwards but with a few more climbs in it. YIKES! It’s in 2 weeks and I am a little scared!!


Yep. I’d kinda like to do an ultra. I don’t know if I have it in me, but I’d like to.

I also really want an avocado.

The second one seems like a much more feasible goal right now. I have one in my kitchen.


I think all processed food is pretty unhealthy but that doesn’t really stop me from eating it! I know diet coke is SO bad for you but I just can’t seem to kick my habit, especially when I’m on vacation I drink a lot more it, but I have scaled back a lot! I really want to try pool running, I love swimming and running so it sounds perfect!!


We did a run 5k trail race at a local farm last fall. It was really beautiful running across fields, woods, and an apple orchard. I felt so perfectly New England-y after. Oh, and instead of the usual post race snacks there was cider and donuts. Yum!

One of my biggest motivations to work out lately is my upcoming birthday. I’m officially 39 3/4 right now and I’ve promised myself to be fitter at 4o than ever before! I’m even getting myself a photo shoot for a birthday present.


I have always wanted to do a trail race- that’s my next years goal! I eat pretty healthy but every so often have a diet coke after a long run. It’s the only thing that sounds good.
My motivation…..the way I feel afterwards. That’s all I need


I just wrote an article about quitting artificial sweeteners and sugar substitutes. They are no good at all!


I think soda is the worst. I have never really liked drinking it, but unfortunately my husband loves some Diet Mountain Dew…GROSS.

I’ve never done a real trail run, but my PR 5K was a park trail type of run thing, granted, it wasn’t truly like a mountain trail so I am not sure if that counts!

Races are the number one thing that motivates me and I love it!


I’m doing my first ultra on Sunday! A 50k trail race! I will so come do one with you. :-)


Two clap for Linda for doing an ultra!!
I’d love to never do a marathon again, that’s all I know hah.
I will do an ironman, however. One day.

Why do I work out? So I can be outside for a long time. I live on an enchanting farm. Can’t get enough of the fields!


I know that Diet Coke and pop (I’m so Canadian, I can’t make myself say soda) would be on that list, but I still crave it a few times a week! I’m cutting it back though ;-)


I want to do an ultra run so bad!!!! Anyone know of any good ones in the chicago area???
I feel so much better when I cut out unhealthy foods. I just can’t seem to completely cut out the cereal! I love snacking on dry cereal!!! One thing that I refuse to eat is lunch meats that contain nitrates. Soooo bad.


I was suppose to do my first ultra last weekend, but wasn’t able to properly train because of injury :( It’s back on the list for next summer though – it’s The Leadville Silver Rush 50 miler….pretty serious as it climbs to almost 14,000! You should pop on over here to Colorado and do it!


I don’t know if it is technically a “trail run” but all of the Ragnar races incorporate off-road, trail sections. I am doing the Great River in August (super nervous BTW) and I know a lot of my sections are off paved roads.


Doing my first 50k, in Blackwater FL, in Feb 2015. Flat and perfect weather!


I know diet soda is crazy bad for you…but I can’t help liking it. Same with candy :(

The only trail run I’ve ever done was a 5K and it kicked my butt! I’ve never run a marathon so an Ultra isn’t even on my radar yet!


I just registered for the Big Sur marathon in 2015, I’m SO excited, you should think about it! Although it is a week after Boston ;)


This is going to sound silly, but I’m my motivator right now. I always remind myself that when I workout not only will I look good but I feel good. It’s so cliche but it has been working, especially since it’s summer!


Cannon balls are the best way to end a swim/workout! I use to want to end my swim team practices like that all the time! The foods they put on that list definitely don’t surprise me. I would have to just say that anything processed is bad. Because processed = chemicals.


I love trail running & racing! After recovering from a hip injury after my last marathon, I’ve mostly been training on single track. It’s paying off big time! Just finished third for women in 7-mile trail race, shaving almost two min off my course best…on low mileage! Not too shabby for almost-33 mama-of-2! The longest trail race I’ve done is 15 miles but I’d love to tackle a trail marathon & beyond!


I ran my first ultra last summer. It was a 50K, and it was my first run on the trail! I did 4 face plants and was not very happy about it. The trail was covered with leaves and made it near impossible to see the tree roots along the way. But, I ran with my husband and we had some good laughs about the whole thing. My whole body was sore for a week :) I might do it again, but not really soon!!


I’ve been wearing the Brooks’ sunshield running visor (in white) this summer because it allows me the space I need for adjusting it. It also is super comfortable and when I ran Ragnar, I actually forgot it was on my head for my last leg…I think it was the lack of sleep/runner’s brain, but it really is incredibly comfy.


My upcoming wedding has been a pretty big motivator for me to workout this year. I am focusing on having fun with my workouts and it helps a lot!

That Brooks hat is super cute and a great fit! I am sure you will rock an Ultra and/or a trail race as well. I’ll stick to shorter races where I am less likely to fall down. :)


I gave up diet soda, but I still like the real stuff! And I can never cut out candy……… you said, sometimes girls just NEED chocolate.


I LOVE trail races! I did my first one earlier this year (a full marathon) and it was so fun, so peaceful!

I am so glad I’ve crossed all of these foods off my daily diet. I’ve been soda free for over a year!


This makes me feel super old, but when Facebook first came out, it was called THE Facebook. You could only join if you had a valid college email address. They didn’t have an app (most people only had simple cell phones) and your mother wasn’t online bugging you all the time. The world was SO much simpler back then…


Way Too Cook 50k here in CA is supposed to be one of the best in the area. I think it also runs some of the same course for American River 50miler and maaaaaaybe Western State. Eventually I want to do an ultra and Cool is my goal. :)


I have a suggestion… Ragnar trail relay! They have one in Zion National Park at the end of April…!! Right now I am trying to get a team together of random women to run. My college friend, her sister and myself are up for the challenge. We’re from various places across the US (Michigan, Oklahoma and New York). Would yourself and some of your friends want to join us? (How is that for a random suggestion/invite for a race and trail running?)


I would think the most unhealthy foods are fried ones but I’m also thinking what might be worse are ones with lots (or even some) chemicals. I’m really trying to eat cleaner lately but it’s definitely a challenge. I’m not giving up everything I eat where I don’t recognize some or all of the ingredients but I’m scaling back.

I’ve never done a trail race but I’m very interested in trail running. I haven’t done that either. I tried once a few weeks ago but the mosquitoes were insane so I had to give up quicker than I would’ve liked but I will be trying again soon.

My biggest motivator to work out lately is to lose weight. I’m down to needing to lose my last 25 lbs (I’ve lost 117 so far) and it’s so close! I just really need to make a dent in it before I start training for my first full in September.

PS-I’m still addicted to apples and almond butter thanks you you! I can’t stop eating it! :)


Hats don’t fit my noogin either! Feel your pain :)

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