How to break the sugar addiction.

I’m a sugar addict.

For the weeks leading up to my marathon I was killing it with eating less sugar.  I was replacing desserts and sugary foods with foods that actually had nutrients (not looking to cut calories but just eat better calories:)  I felt better, I slept better and my skin was a heck of a lot better.  After about a month of cutting out sugar (I had it on the weekends… just not a ton) I even noticed that I was starting to get my first ab (yes, singular) ever.

And then the marathon happened.  Seattle happened.  Kentucky (with my professional chef brother) happened.  And the froyo cravings for every meal hit strong again.  

It’s okay.  it happens and when traveling I really love trying out all of the ‘bests’ while I am there but my body is telling me that it is time to go back to a lower sugar diet that is filled with a bunch of healthy foods to help me especially as I start running again.  

This is how it is going to work—>  I am going to list the things that I did in order to cut back on sugar (and that I am going to do again) and then in the comments you are going to tell me your ways so that I can copy you.  Thanks. 

-Having a bunch of candy at home= not the best thing for me.  I will eat it all.   On the weekends I would go out and get a treat/froyo/something but I just didn’t have a bunch of candy and sweets at home like I normally do.  It was so much easier for me to choose healthy snacks when I didn’t have a bunch of sugary foods around at all times.    

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Quit the diet sodas (or real soda too).  It is crazy to me how when I quit diet drinks I had way less sugar cravings.  Maybe it was because when I am drinking soda then I just feel like I want something sugary with it compared to when I have a big ol’ glass of water I want something healthy to eat with it.  I started having diet soda again a few times a week and it is time to cut it out again:

There are so many studies out there just like this one:

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-My girlfriends and I get together a lot at night if you haven’t noticed.  Make a suggestion to go to yoga or have a Bachelorette watching party with healthy snacks.  Food is such a social thing but I know that my running will feel so much better if when we get together we are eating healthy things too and not just a lb of froyo.

-Have a bunch of healthy options prepped and ready to eat.  I love having plain greek yogurt with strawberries after dinner and having easy options like that ready to go in my fridge really helps me to choose that over treats.  Having my fruits and vegetables already washed and cut makes it that much easier to reach for those instead of treats.

-Eat more nutritious foods.  When I really focus on having meals with plenty of protein, carbs, fat, fruits and veggies then I am too full to even want to eat a bunch of sugar.   Over time my body started craving more substantial snacks vs sugar.

-Get more sleep.  The more I sleep the less I crave sugar.

But don’t forget to be easy on yourself:)  Life is too short to be obsessed over what you are/are not eating.  Just treat your body good and it will feel strong and healthy!


And a few things about Sunday.

Twinners.  Everyone should match somebody else every now and then.

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My mom taped up the watermelon to prevent me from eating it before dinner.  She knows me too well.

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Can’t stop with the taco salads these days. 

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My people.

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WHO WANTS TO CUT BACK ON SUGAR WITH ME!?!?!  Tell me how you are going to do it and let’s do it together!  Do you feel like you are addicted to sugar?

What was the best part about your weekend?

Favorite fruit right now?  Or fruit you have been eating the most of lately?

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When I did a sugar detox way back in January, I felt a lot better too. It was pretty intense but I will admit I did feel better. For me it’s similar, if I don’t eat a lot of sugar I don’t crave a lot of sugar. Traveling is the hardest with diet/nutrition to begin with. It’s easy to make your own stuff at home.

My favorite fruit lately have been blueberries. I live right near a blueberry farm (I know in central Jersey) so I normally just get some there.


I was completely addicted to sugar before going paleo. I was drinking a ton of diet soda and always craving something else. I also wasn’t eating enough fat in my diet and didn’t realize how badly I needed to increase the fat in order to feel satisfied! I had to completely cut diet soda and artificial sweeteners in my coffee and now I am completely off sugar. For dessert I have a bowl of fruit with some coconut butter and feel completely satisfied, and I don’t always eat dessert. It’s just nice not to feel that “pull” toward the sweet stuff anymore! Getting off the artificial sweeteners was key for me! All of your tips I’m sure will be really helpful to people!


I am a complete sugar addict too. And like you when I eat a healthy satisfying diet I don’t crave the sugar. I have made a commitment to myself to really cut back and make an effort to not “give in” when stressed/tired/cranky. That’s my weakness. I love all fruit. Frozen grapes really help the sugar cravings at night. But also love watermelon/berries/cantaloupe/green apples.


I’ve been working on cutting back on sugar recently. Its not easy at first but gets better. I have found that making sure I have good alternatives helps alot! It also just takes time to adjust to a different way of eating.


I definitely have a sweets addiction but never pop! I live with my Grandma right now and she bakes something almost day so that’s been hard to not eat it for every meal! I’ll usually allow myself a little piece after most meals, just so I don’t go crazy. Lately my snack has been yogurt with granola, chia seeds, and fruit. I recently started buying not fat free milk/yogurt and I think it will help with craving bad fats!

I love having a banana with a spoon of peanut butter then a spoon of greek yogurt. Perfect!


I did a 2-week sugar/sweetener detox back in Feb..and while it was super hard, I LOVED how I felt and how clear my skin was!! I got used to grabbing a handful of almonds when I wanted something sweet…they aren’t sweet but they fill you up and squash any kind of craving :)


I did a sugar-free lent, and I got my sweet fix with a lot of natural peanut butter and unsweetened applesauce.


Sugar addict here also. I am trying to gradually cut sugar down by rehabbing each meal. Starting with my a.m. Diet Coke habit which I’ve had since college. My teenage son talked me into giving up Diet Coke for Lent and it was a good start. I’ve started back but trying to lessen it. Then more protein for breakfast and more veggies the rest of the day. Not eliminating carbs but the fewer refined carbs I have the less I crave sugar. It feels better and once I get good momentum going it seems to be a little easier. I also agree with Leigha above, the less “fat free” stuff I buy, the less I crave the sugary stuff.


My name is Jen…and I am guilty of loving sugar and carbs. :)
I will cut back now and then, but I also try not to go crazy either way….I try to be level headed about it :). I really don’t see anything wrong with having dessert every night, I just make it a smaller portion. I love frozen yogurt and ice cream and I have a small bowl almost every day…I just don’t top it with a ton of candy, instead I will top it with some fruit or nothing at all. I try to eat healthy throughout the day, but I don’t stress about having treats, like you said…life is just too short to me to obsess about it.


I NEED to do this with you! I am addicted to ice cream and sweets and I need to cut back. I am more than ready after this weekend full of treats!!!


Thank you for this post Janae! I am currently going through the same thing – don’t need/want to lose weight but DO need to cut down the sugar so that I can run/sleep/function better! I think I really need to up my good-calorie intake and hydration, and then I probably won’t crave the sugar anymore. I learned that often times cravings for something sweet and sugary actually happens when your body is dehydrated! It makes it easier to know that I don’t have to go through withdrawal alone :) THANKS GIRL.

As for fruit, I’m eating TONS of watermelon and raspberries lately! And the best part of my weekend was going to a zip lining challenge course with my family!


So going to join you on cutting back on the sugar!! I had a blast this weekend, but my body is feeling a little sluggish and irritated with me haha! This weekend was absolutely amazing though- I went down to DC to stay with my best friends whom I haven’t seen in 2 months since the semester ended! We stayed up late slept in late ate really good food and hung with awesome people. Didn’t regret any moment of it (which is big for me because I usually get myself down about how I eat sometimes). It sounds like you had a great weekend too! Here’s to a GREAT July :)


YES I am so doing this too! Every night after dinner I want something sweet! What do you do about sugars in fruit? Do you have them at certain times a day? or cut out fruit with higher sugar contents? or eat fruit when craving sugar?


I do fairly well until the evenings and then that is when my sugar cravings strike!! Like you, I try to make a healthy yogurt treat instead of hitting up the icecream but sometimes that decision is hard! For me, allowing a couple days per week to give into my sugar cravings usually does the trick. Though I may have a calendar counting down the days until I’m due for my sweets. Ha!!


Best part of my weekend was the whole weekend! Serious beach time and great runs are the reasons I love summer…I always feel my best when I eat mostly whole, unprocessed foods. I eat my favorite desserts mostly over the weekends but during the week, I love and crave fresh fruits, sweet potatoes and peanut butter on everything which somehow satisfies my sweet tooth and makes me run pretty well too.


I have the same problems. If I buy it, I eat it. It’s not good. I don’t like soda though so I don’t drink it and I think that helps a lot. I wish I could say I will stop trying to eat sweets but I think that might be way too hard at this point. I usually have to have a bite of something here and there throughout the day and especially at night after dinner!


I have cut way back on sugar also and feel so, so much better. I can run harder and longer and seem to recover faster. I still eat a little sugar, but in the form of dark chocolate or natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup. My absolute favorite snack at bedtime (when I always crave sugar) is greek yogurt with a huge dollop of maple almond butter mixed in and a few dark chocolate chips. It is amazing.


I am funny, if I go on vacation or something out of my routine I can change my diet (cut out sugar) cold turkey. If I try to do it TODAY then I am more of a replace. So instead of fro-yo, then it is yogurt and fruit. I think I like the happy sugar routine, more than I like the actual sugar.

What I am trying to say here is maybe when you move, is a great time to have your new plan ready for implementing the way you would ultimately like it. Until then, your motto is “be a little better everyday.”

Runners love training plans, treat this the same way and you will have success!


Definitely have a sugar problem, it’s just so darn good! I really need to cut back on sugary foods since I’ve only just taken up running and I feel like eating healthier foods would help improve my running a lot! I just eat lots of fruit when I get a sugar craving or frozen banana ‘ice-cream’ not the same but it tricks my brain into thinking it’s ice-cream! I’ll definitely try to cut back on the sugar with you :)


It must have been the indulgence of the holiday weekend because I feel the exact same way! I did some serious meal planning this weekend and am all ready to go for a healthier diet this upcoming week! Plus I’ve got a 25k Saturday and I want to focus on good nutrition to fuel me through the race.

One of my HUGE weaknesses is chocolate, so one of my tricks is to let myself have a piece of dove chocolate or do a Kind bar with dark chocolate and nuts, that way I get my chocolate “fix” for my craving but I’m getting something healthy out of it too, and doing so in moderation!

Lately – APPLES. Can’t stop eating apples


Cutting back on my sugar intake has been at the top of my list, too! I’ve gotten so out of control lately! Let’s DO this!

BTW: I noticed the Hit & Run 5k shirts on your brother-in-law & nephew… I did the Hit & Run 5k with my brother & sister this summer! What a blast!

One more thing… my 15 month old had watermelon for the first time this weekend… I’m pretty sure she ate an entire one herself! I think you two would get along just fine… unless you were fighting over the watermelon, that is…


I need to go on a sugar detox BAD! I think cutting out the diet soda would be a huge plus for me. My husband is an addict too so keeping them out of the house is probably not going to happen.


Hi Janae – good post. I would also categorize myself as a sugar addict, I think this is fairly common in the US. Definitely get rid of any and all sodas. Diet sodas are worse (for several reason – the way the sugar substitutes are processed by the body and the many harmful chemicals in the sodas) than regular sodas but soda in general is just bad for the body. There’s something about soda that interacts more with your blood sugar than with other forms of sugar / sweets (or so I have been told). As for candy – I just don’t keep it in the house. If I really want a treat I will go out and get something, that way I’ll enjoy it more and will eat it in a portion controlled way. Also if you want more info Nancy Clark has written a bunch of good nutrition books (some specifically around marathon training ). If you haven’t ever checked her out you can get more information here:


I cut out sugar about 3 years ago and haven’t looked back. If I have anything with sugar in it I get a sickening headache that lasts for a solid 24 hours. Not worth it!! I have to watch how much fruit I eat to prevent the headache as well.


Yes, another sugar addict speaking up here! :) I usually feel like I need a little something sweet after every meal. I’ll have to admit that sometimes I look forward to a treat a little too much…like after I’ve had a long day with my two kiddos, I can’t wait to just veg out on the couch with a bowl of ice cream. So wrong, I know! I’ve heard of a good book called “Made to Crave” that I would like to read. I think it’s about how your cravings for food are actually a craving for something more meaningful (more time with God, building relationships with others, etc.). I need to check that book out!!
I had a great weekend of running…30 miles in total!


I am definitely a sugar addict to, but of a different variety… I am totally, and completely, 100% addicted to artificial sweeteners (Splenda, be still my beating heart). I add HUGE amounts of Splenda to my coffee and tea, top my breakfasts with it, and even use it in cooking to give sauces a sweeter flavor. I go through BAGS of Splenda monthly, it’s just pure insanity. I also chew a lot of sugar-free gum, which contains aspartame (a PKU that causes GI distress) which I need to start to get away from.

I am really good about moderating other forms of sugar. I don’t eat candy or sweets (being allergic to gluten helps with baked goods, but mainly I’ve just been abstaining from sweets for so long that I just don’t crave them) and I really don’t drink diet soda. I even choose condiments (BBQ sauce, mustards, etc.) that are low in sugar. I eat a ton of fruit (huge strawberry and banana kick right now,) but the difference in how the body digests natural sugars in fruit and manufactured sugars in candy makes that ok. It’s really just artificial sugars that I need to get away from. I tried it once for a week — and it was miserable. I guess I truly am an addict!


I struggle with sugar so much too! The biggest thing that has helped me is just trying to change my perspective on food–rather than just telling myself “you don’t need that” I tell myself and body how much better I am going to feel without eating that and how it will keep my body healthy and functioning better. That being said, I still enjoy ice cream during the week, but it has lost a lot of it’s power and I am able to enjoy it in a small quantity and still feel good mentally and physically.

I would have to say my favorite fruit right now is pineapple. I’ve been buyin it fresh and cutting it up at home. It’s kinda the best thing ever.


I love watermelon and I eat it a lot instead of unhealthy things. I also substitute sugary treats with apples and almond butter. It works.


Not having tempting foods in my house or at work is what helps me the most. If it’s not there, I won’t think about it.

I also try to think about everything before I eat it–this is really hard and I have in no means mastered it. But if I am craving an entire box of cheez-its (this happens often), I will say in my head things along the lines of “How will you FEEL after eating that?” and “is that worth the $4?” and “What nutrients are you getting out of this? Nothing.”

I will try to think of more ways–until then, good luck!!


OH, this is so me right now! I am a total sugar addict, and the past couple weeks I have been eating candy every day (stressful time at work right now). I need to stop. It just makes me so tired.

Favorite fruit right now: black raspberries!


Thought of one already–whenever I am craving something chocolate, I try to make a dessert-like smoothie instead:

2 TBSP Peanut butter
Cocoa powder
Coconut milk

Sometimes I add in berries as well. :)


Great minds think alike! I have been cutting back on sugar as well. The nighttime sugar binges were getting out of control. I was dessert free for about 8 weeks until yesterday when I cracked and had some chocolate raisins. I did feel a lot better without all the treats but my soul needs sugar sometimes so I think I will save desserts for Sundays. You had mentioned before about the yogurt and fruit which really helped me when I first quit to have something there to replace it when cravings hit. After awhile I noticed it gets a lot easier. The more sugar I eat= the more sugar I want. I dont know why I thought that treats gave me so much more energy to run because I have gotten faster since I quit. I also feel like it broke the unhealthy cycle of oh I ate 10,000 grams of sugar last night so I needto run x amount of miles today to burn it off. Nope, not going down that road again! I want to keep running something I do to have fun and manage stress.

Have you tried the “strawberry cherries” at Costco yet?!?


I cut back on sugar and started eating super healthy a while ago and now when I try and eat sugary things I can’t- they are way too rich
I eat oatmeal and a banana for breakfasts
I have a mid morning snack of a pb and honey sandwich on wheat
I have a salad for lunch sometimes with a protein
I have celery and pb a few hours later
Then I have dinner which is mostly protein
An hour or so before bed I have Greek yogurt with blueberries

It maybe took less than. Week do my cravings to be gone. Instead of soda I drink crystal light peach mango with caffeine – I work all day and have a lot of kids so I needed the extra kick

I found that eating throughout he day helped me not crave anything. I also sometimes have homemade lemon poppyseed protein bars or coconut banana protein bars

Carbs early- proteins at night


Another thing I do is to make sure I’m plenty hydrated. I don’t want those thirsty pains to be mistaken for sugar cravings and then I fall off the wagon with tons of sugar. And mostly o just have to not have it at home.


OMG The whole eating less sugar thing needs to happen for me. I drink a ton of diet soda, and crave chocolate/peanut butter related things on a daily basis. I think I’ll sleep better and actually feel better if I start eating less sugar. I, unfortunately, probably won’t be able to start ‘hard core’ cutting sugar until after my move this week. Then I can actually concentrate on that kind of stuff…haha.

Favorite fruit/fruit I’ve been consuming the most: STRAWBERRIES (yum!)


I don’t know if I’m addicted to sugar – I’m pretty good at avoiding it during the day, but I do HAVE to have something sweet at night. I used to be good about eating just a square of dark chocolate, but now it’s like, a bag of skittles. Ha. I have also been known to eat a piece of cake solely for the icing. I find that when I eat less sugar my body looks so much better! My abs show, like you said!

This weekend was fantastic. The best part was watching the 4th of July fireworks at the National Mall in DC.

My favorite fruit right now is WATERMELON!!!!!


I am also a sugar addict. About two months in recovery. :) Here are a few things that have helped me:

* I do not think of food as good and bad, just foods that fuel me and foods that don’t. It helps me not have a negative relationship with food, which can lead to binge eating sweets and guilt (this is very personal to me, obviously).

* I use the my fitness pal app to make sure I am getting enough calories, especially on workout days. This has probably helped me the most. When I eat sweets, I get an idea of how much room they are taking up that could be for more nutritious things. (Side note: If anyone has struggled with an eating disorder in the past, I could see this app being a bad thing). But, if you don’t want to lose weight, you can set your “goal” weight as your current weight and put it on maintenance, and it won’t be focused on weight loss. I like it because it gives me a goal to stay under for sugar grams per day :)

* I pick one thing that satisfies my sweet tooth but that has something else good about it (fills me up, calcium, protein, etc.) and make it my go to when my craving really hits. For me it’s a Starbucks iced vanilla latte.

* no wasting my sweet treats on wack sweets. When I have sweets they are my favorites and the homemade stuff, or nothing!


I’m trying to ease up on the diet Coke/Zevia and just make it a weekend thing – I’ve noticed that my sugar cravings increase when I drink it frequently!


I’m a former sugar addict as well! I am so excited that you’ll be cutting back on sugar… It’ll motivate me to keep it up! I also noticed how great I felt when I stopped eating sugar. Something that really helps me is to always have washed fruit (grapes or berries) in the fridge for whenever a craving strikes.


I completely agree! If I cut down on sugar I hardly ever have cravings for it-unless someone offers me some froyo- and an apple and peanut butter makes for a great, healthy dessert option for me!


I think this is such a great post!! Weforget sometimes that quality AND quantity matter. I’ve been swithing to fruit as my sweets. Lately, I’m over the moon about clementines (or satsumas, as they call them here in England) and pink lady apples. In fact, i had cut out diet soda until today and was AMAZED at how awful I feel after two glasses of soda with lunch. Gotta figure out how to curb my diet drink (Crystal lite) addiction. Thanks for the inspiration to try to be better.


I love my sugar! I’ve actually gotten better but still have a ways to go. I started Crossfit about three years ago and once I started that I started eating better too. But, I still cant kick the habit. My biggest weakness is flavored creamer in my coffee!!! I did a Whole 30 challenge and did black coffee for 30 days and then didn’t think the creamer tasted good for a couple weeks after that. But now I am so addicted to peppermint mocha creamer. My fav!


I usually crave sugar the most in the evening too. I started making popsicles with fruit and yogurt or coconut milk to have instead of candy, ice cream, etc. No added sugar, but they feel like a treat! Lots of good recipes on pinterest :)


I want to cut back on sugar with you!! I’m definitely an addict. I was doing better when I did my Advocare 24 Day Challenge about a month ago, but lately I’ve been back on a sugar binge. I used to drink a diet soda quite a bit, but I rarely do now, which has helped out.

Honeycrisp apples are my current favorite fruit, well they are probably 90% of the year!


I cannot eat enough pears these days but I am also pregnant. Not sure who this kid is taking after though because neither my husband or I are big fruit lovers and I have no sweet cravings! I just want the pears and popcorn.


1. I am also a sugar FIEND! So hard when other people in the house stock the pantry with economy boxes of oreos and mini chocolate bars. *RESIST*
2. Your mom’s dress is a-dor-a-ble!! Do you know where it’s from?

I tried cutting sugar by doing a Whole 30 this year. It went completed it just fine, but the cravings never went away! By day 31, I was already getting my fix. I think it’s a sign that me and sugar were just meant to be…


I am loving watermelon right now.
My biggest ways for keeping my sugar low are 1- making sure i’m eating complete meals, because then my sugar/snack cravings go way down and 2) have fruit and dark chocolate- it does the trick without being a sugar overload!


Yes! Definitely! I’m slowly breaking my sugar addiction but it is so hard! I love your plan of attack–especially to be easy on yourself because life really is too short to not enjoy it!


I’ve noticed that the less sugar I eat, the less I crave it. We don’t keep treats in the house because we’ll eat them all at once too :) When I’m really in the mood for something I’ll go out and get it, but making that extra effort to leave the house means I REALLY want it. You’ve done it before so I know you can do it again!


Glad you are joining us at sugar addicts anonymous! During my last marathon traing cycle I completely relapsed on the sugar. Now I’m back on the wagon! Biggest issue for me was the daily Starbucks latte. 60 gm of sugar in a skinny?!? So switched back to iced coffee with cream or americano. Huge difference. I also use the my fitnesspal ap. Can be tedious logging everything you eat but helps to keep you honest. Especially if you are trying to count sugar and carbs. Currently I’m trying to eat less than 28 grams sugar and 45 grams of carb per day. Sounds crazy low I know but the amount of healthy fat I’m eating and protein totally make up for it. Let me know if you want to attend the next SAA meeting ;)


watching the bachelorette without sugar and/or alcohol would be a real challenge. :) good luck!


I definitely need to work on cutting back on my sugar. One thing that significantly helped me for a time was when I was really good about not eating dairy and stopped using coffee creamer. That led me to not drinking coffee anymore for awhile, but I noticed I didn’t feel as bloated or heavy. However, I’m sitting here drinking a cup of coffee with hazelnut creamer right now and I’m loving it.


hey janae!! great timing and good for you on figuring out what works for YOU! i’m with you and i’m going to cut back on store-bought treats and baking crazy stuff to have. instead i’m going to make nutritious sweet treats for after lunch and dinner- fruit salad with coconut cream or banana soft serve or a smoothie or whatever.


My sweet tooth gets out of control when I am training and doing a lot of activity. Right now I am training for another 70.3 and I find that as the day goes on, my cravings for sweets grow stronger. I’m sure this is to be somewhat expected as I am burning an additional 1000 calories each day, but I could still be more mindful about how I replenish those calories. My addiction is junior mints. So bad. I eat sweets mostly in the evening after dinner. If you have any “alternative” and healthier dessert ideas, I’m all ears.


I am a sugar addict too. In May I did a 30 day clean and completely changed my life. I feel so much better since I started paying attention to what I put in my body. My biggest advice is to read labels. Sugar is in Everything! Try to watch to make sure you are not getting it in where you don’t expect it. Fresh fruit and veggies are great this time of year. Also make sure you get enough good fats in. That will help you to feel full. If you have a chance, go see the movie Fed Up. It will change the way you think about sugar too.

Have a great week.


I love sugar too!

I just have a rule where I simply don’t consume it during the weekdays unless I am presented with a home made dessert at dinner time. I never have more than one sugary thing in a day. Weekends are whatever I want, because I have a great system in place for Monday morning!

Also, for me, the number one thing is enough sleep. You completely hit the nail on the head with that one!

Good luck!


Girl, I’m totally joining you on the less sugar train. I had wayyyy too much sugar this past weekend, and I totally felt it while teaching my BodyPump class this morning. Whew! My body just felt “blah” and I felt like I was lifting double what I usually do, except I wasn’t. Sugar is totally a viscious cycle for me. Once I start eating it, I just crave it more and more and more. I like your plan of action! Let’s do this!


I’ve never really had a problem with sugar, I’ve always been a “one treat a day” kinda girl and I think that’s pretty good for moderation.

My favorite part of the weekend was celebrating my birthday with my family yesterday (a day early)!


Haha I could stand a little less sugar in my diet. I don’t eat THAT much sugar but I definitely like my sweets! Sometimes I eat wayyy too much fruit. I know fruit is good for me, but a whole pound of frozen mango is probably overkill ;)


Hey Janae!
This so happens to be my absolute favorite topic and specialty!
I can’t tell you how amazing it feels to be totally free from the pulls sugar–or any food for that matter.
For me it’s all about honestly listening to your body. You’ll find that as you tune in, there will be times that you may mentally want to eat sugar, but physically your body will be saying no, not right now.
I just wait til I hear the right cues, and that’s when I eat sugar. I eat sugar whenever I want–and that’s me secret!


I very rarely have artificial sugar. When I indulge in sweets it’s the real deal. Hang in there ad you’ll beat the addiction!


The first days are definitely the hardest! Have you heard of the TQI diet? To Quiet Inflammation. It’s a great book, and really more of a lifestyle than a “diet.” Sugar is very inflammatory to our bodies, and I noticed a big difference in my injuries when I eliminated sugar from my diet. I also started sleeping better! One of my tricks (from the book) is to put unsweetened cocoa powder on some fresh strawberries. The sweetness in the strawberries makes is a sweet treat with that chocolate flavor.


I usually give up all sweets for Lent each year and by Easter I have zero cravings. To get me there, I make sure to stock up on a ton of alternatives. Dried fruits are one of my go-tos. Trader Joe’s and Costco have a ton to choose from. Dried cherries and apple rings are my favorite, but I also really like the mixed berry bag from TJs with the dried strawberries. I also buy a lot of the frozen fruit and make sure I have some thawed and ready to go at all times in my fridge. I eat it straight or add it to yogurt. Smoothies at night also help me out. When Lent is over and I’m back to allowing myself sweets, I buy non-favorite candy. It’s tough because I love almost all candy, but there are a few out there (cinnamon discs, Werthers, Lemonheads) that I know won’t lead to me eating the whole bag in a day.


Do you ever have issues with eating the whole bag of dried fruit? I don’t usually keep sweets in my house because I know I’ll eat them all in a day. I think I’d do that with the dried fruit too!


I think I manage to only eat some and not all because I know that too much dried fruit isn’t great for digestion and I don’t want to mess up the rest of my night/run the next day. If I’m going back for more and more, time to get out a yogurt or something else.


I cut sugar out of my diet a few years ago. I noticed I especially wanted it when I was tired so I drank tea or spritzer to combat the cravings. I still have sugar every now and then but honestly it doesn’t taste good to me anymore.


I’m going to CUT BACK ON SUGAR WITH YOU!! I’m so addicted to sweets it’s horrible! I’m normally pretty good about avoiding them, but if someone offers me something sweet, I can never say no. I’m going to practice moderation- if someone offers me something, I’ll take a couple bites and that’s it. Other than that I’m going to stick to fruit, fruit, and more fruit!


I am a total sugar addict! I need to cut it out too. Time to see if I have an ounce of self control!

My weekend? Oh, I just accompanied some guy named Alex Boye while he sang a song called peponi, plus the rest of the concert. No big deal. (Just kidding it was freaking amazing and surreal!)


I’m currently eating an ish-ton (<– real measurement) of apples. Mostly out of convenience. But a good cantaloupe in the summer is heaven.

And strangely, I've never really had much of a sweet tooth (I have a cheese fries and nachos tooth) but since April when I really cleaned up my diet I actually crave chocolate at the end of the day. I literally never even really liked chocolate before, I know also weird, but now I just want a little bit to get rid of the craving. I can't explain it.


For cutting down on sweets with a kiddo in the house my biggest trick is to buy them treats I don’t like. That way the kiddos still get a little something fun but I’m less likely to overindulge in it.

Pet Peeve: please stop using the word “addicted” for this. Addiction is a real disease that people struggle with every single day. There are people who are addicted to food but they generally have to go to 12 step meetings and work with a therapist just like folks who struggle with alcohol and drugs.
I’m not saying this to be a pain, but you have a big audience and could possibly make a big difference. Thank you!!


These are all really great tactics! I find making sure I include natural sources if carbohydrate (sweet potatoes, fruit, etc) keeps my cravings at bay.


I got froyo for the first time last night in months, and guess what? It wasn’t even that great anymore! I think for me, it was reminding myself how much I’d spend on things like froyo that kept me from randomly going out for it. And once you have less sugar for a while, you stop wanting or needing it. And sleep is KEY! I always want candy when I’m exhausted.


Hi Janae! I have been trying to cut back on sugars too, and I agree that when I am not drinking Diet Pepsi (I only have it on the weekends) I crave more healthy foods!

You mentioned your skin getting better- ever since I started training for my first half marathon I have been breaking out! I shower right after every run and am really good about washing my face, but I still look like a hormonal teenager. Can you share some tips (maybe from all your gorgeous running friends like you did for the race day tips) on keeping your skin looking nice when you sweat for a couple hours a day?


For years I have been saving desserts for the weekend, and I have noticed that over time sweets have become less and less appealing. If I do want something sweet, I’m usually satisfied with something simple like dark chocolate. Good luck!!


I’m trying to break the sugar addiction (ish) just by eating nutritious foods and also by watching how much “coffee-shop coffee” I get because that is where most of my junk food intake is :)


I recently cut out sugar because I am also a sugar addict. I started trying to eat more clean. I did clean eating for 30 days and it was like a detox for my system. While reading labels to make sure I avoided ALL sugar, I realized sugar is in pretty much everything (mayo, salad dressing, even peppered pistachios). My 30 days is over and I snack less and feel better. I think avoiding processed foods kept me from craving sugar.


I am a total sugar addict as well!! I really want to cut back and I am determined to do so. It’s frustrating especially because co-workers and friends will always bring in sweets and will give me a hard time if I actually say no thanks. They assume because I’m skinny and run that it somehow makes my massive sugar quantities acceptable. But I’d rather be healthier on the inside. :) Good luck!!


I don’t consider myself a sugar addict but I probably should. Dr. Pepper is my drink of choice. Over the years I have tried to quite but have only lasted a week or so. My resolution for this year was to not worry so much about every little thing in my life. There are so many ways that I could be better at something. I need to learn that I am not capable of being perfect all of the time. When I stopped worrying about how much dr. pepper I was drinking I didn’t drink as much. I put so much effort into telling myself not to have it that I wanted to have it that much more. So that is how I avoid having as much sugar as I used to. If I want to have some I will and then I move on. I don’t deny myself all of the time and then I don’t go overboard with it.


The taco salad looks so delicious! I’m actually not a sugar addict at all, but give me a pizza and I’ll eat the whole thing. Same goes for a bag of chips! #saltaddict


I used to drink water with Mio in it-it seemed
Like I was craving sweets more frequently
While I was drinking it.
I stopped Mio and my cravings for constant sugar went away!
I don’t drink any soda at all..sometimes I will have soda water, but it’s a rarity!


That dress looks great on you!

I am also trying to stay away from candy others keep in my house and always having healthier snacks on hand. Then, snacking before I feel famished.


Sugar IS an addiction, and for a lot of people, once they give it up, they can’t even have a cheat treat ever again because they fall right back into their old habits after getting a taste for it. Thankfully, I’m the opposite. My once cherished goodies taste entirely too sweet to me now.

The first few weeks are the most difficult, but once you get past that point, your cravings will disappear, you won’t miss the junk, and you will be well on your way to feeling soooo much better. You really are what you eat…

I don’t want to leave a book in your comments, so here is a post I wrote shortly after beginning my journey towards cleaner eating. I say “cleaner” because I haven’t cut out sugar/processed foods completely, but I’ve made HUGE strides in that direction, and it has really paid off. I also have a 7-month update:, and I just recently reached my one-year mark, still going strong and feeling great. It’s probably time for another post. :-)


I DO! I am trying to get pregnant right now, so I really want to cut back on my sugar intake (which has been HIGH) in the event I get pregnant. Today, I had a craving for Poptarts so strong that I went to the grocery store at the crack of dawn to get them. Poptarts are not even good. But I love them. A moment of weakness.

Anyway, my strategy is to not have sweets around the house, but have loads of fruit and some veggies (although I’m more likely to snack on fruit b/c it’s nature’s candy and I love candy). So even if I’m not necessarily hungry, but want something, I feel pretty satisfied eating an apple, where as I usually feel the need to eat the entire large bag of swedish fish because they are delicious and don’t fill up my stomach. My go-to is to cut apples into slices and always sprinkle cinnamon over the top – a bunch of Greek restaurants I visited in Greece served them that way as dessert, and it was awesome despot it’s simplicity, so I keep it up. I do that even if I have them w/ PB. I also freeze a lot of my fruit to make smoothies or just eat frozen. Raspberries and grapes are awesome frozen.


Fellow sugar addict in the house! I cut out alcohol and desserts on non-holidays. It’s working really well at curbing my crazy sugar cravings.


I have absolutely been addicted to sugar! And still am if I let it in the house… like you, having lots of other options and keeping it out helped a lot. It also helped to pay attention to my protein/fat (on a vegetarian experiment a few years ago, I craved sugar like crazy!) Plus, after you see and feel the benefits of how differently cleaner eating makes you feel, that is huge motivation to stick with it. Now in my health coaching practice I run sugar detoxing groups- it really helps to do it with a group!


Hi Janae, I’m happy you’ve decided to cut back on sugar even if I did get chewed out last week by you and some of your readers for commenting on your non adherence to your previous consuming less sugar plan. I hope you stick with it, your body will thank you.


I SO agree with the diet soda causing sugar cravings. I am on day 2 totally aspartame free and already have way less cravings. It was so weird – I would be FULL but still want sweets. Fake sugars playing tricks on us = no bueno. Thanks for the tips to keep it up!


I just told myself I wanted to start eating cleaner… The moment I said that I instantly wanted a candy bar :( I know I need to cut back, so if you come up with anything help a sista out


YOUR dress!!! I love it! Where is it from? :)

When I eat sugar in larger quanities I want more sugar and then I don’t feel so hot….so I stick to eating something sweet, usually about 1 time per day. It depends on the day of how big or small the portion is though ;) haha


I always binge on sugar :( – I don’t usually keep it in the house – but when I buy it it’s in bulk and then I eat it within an hour – it’s bad! So when I go to the grocery store I try really hard to stay away from those isles . When I am feeling like something sweet I try and eat fruit or make a smoothie, with plain yogurt instead of ice cream.

When I do cave into the cravings I try not to beat myself up about it – I do make a conscious effort, but I am human, and let’s face it – sour patch kids are the bomb. ;)

Right now I’ve been craving raspberries and bananas which is weird because I use to despise both!


Yep, sugar is definitely always a struggle. It’s been a little easier since there has been so much good fruit around recently, and I’ve been doing my best to avoid buying sugary things to keep in my apartment. Keep us posted on how your attempt to cut back goes! These are all great tips, but I’m always looking for more


Definitely can’t keep candy in the house or it’d be gone before I could even type this comment. Mmm… candy. Anyway- good luck! You can do it!!


I’m a sugar addict too and I don’t want my kids to follow down this dangerous path but I do enjoy something sweet now and then. What’s a girl to do!!?? You must check out “” she has amazing dessert recipes that use real ingredients and are super easy to make. I usually offers kids dessert when I’ve prepared something from her site….want seconds? Sure!!! Have thirds!! They are filled with healthy fats and I feel good, not guilty, about giving them to my kids.


I was talking to my coworkers about going on a office candy restriction and I opened your blog and laughed at the topic. I actually told my two coworkers I will pay them $5 each if I eat out of the candy jar the month of July. I have done this before and it only took a few days to forget it was there, I really want to keep my money! In the evenings is the worst for me. I found dark chocolate almonds and milk and I think those will be my snack after a good workout to cure my craving. Other then that fresh fruit is a good go to this time of year for me.


Try snacking on organic baby food in those little squeezy packages. It’s the “good” kind of sugar and very easy to digest. These are often my fuels on long runs, too! If it’s good for babies…it’s gotta be good for hungry runner girls, right?


i am totally doing this with you! I am so tired of feeling heavy, bloated, headaches, and jus not healthy. I am giving myself a cheat day every weekend so I don’t lose my motivation, but I am excited to start a more healthy lifestyle. Even today it is my daughter’s birthday, and I am convincing myself that I don’t really need any cake and ice cream. It is hard but totally worth it.
good luck!


I’m trying to cut out sugar as well! I don’t have soda super often, but feel like once a week is too much! I need to drink more plain water (and Nuun!) My dad is a HUGE snacker (and a horrible eater in general), so it’s really hard to stay away from the bad snacks where there is endless cereal, chocolate covered mini donuts, candy, cheez-its, etc in the house.


Oddly enough I have more of a problem with carbs than sugar :) Im not a big sweets person, however I do notice if I eat dessert consistently I start craving it!
And my fav fruit right now are grapes. I dunno why but I have been eating tons of them!


I used to be a sugar addict but the less I eat the less I crave. I prep a ton of healthy food so I have healthy choices around when I get hungry. And I’m the same way with just not having it in the house. And also like you Gplain Greek yogurt with raspberries and blueberries with a half a scoop vanilla protein and cinnamon mixed up with my immersion blender= sooo yummy! Sometimes I freeze it a little while so it’s more ice cream consistency. But let’s be real, I’m usually too excited to eat it to wait that long! :) oh and on the days I do eat it I feel so super tired. Crazy how sugar affects your body.


A few months ago I cut out added sugar (as in, I didn’t cut out fruits/veggies/etc. that contain natural sugars) and gluten for a month. At first I felt AWFUL and then I started feeling much better. I slid back into some bad habits the past couple of weeks so I would definitely love to jump back on the wagon with you! One thing that helps me is grabbing a Quest Bar when I crave something sweet. Satisfies my craving while being super low in sugar and high in protein! Keeping berries and Greek yogurt on hand is another great idea! Also – lots of water and green tea. Good luck!


I go through sugary phases. I do have a sweet tooth that can get the best of me. Right now I’m also feeling the need to cut back. Fresh fruit, adequate protein, plenty of sleep…those help me a lot. Right now it’s PEACHES!!!!!

The best part of my weekend was chilling at home. And planning our next camping trip :)


Girls, I’m right there with you as a sugar addict. I love it! Tiff’s Treats cookies get me every single time. And I don’t know if I will ever be able to stop eating Jolly Ranchers.

The best thing about this weekend was hanging with some good friends at a BBQ/pool fun day on Friday. Such great memories and genuine people.

I LOVE pears. And grapes. And bananas. But I am on a huge pear kick right now. So juicy and so delicious!!


I love chocolat and carbots. I think it´s ok, no problem, I burm calories, I run. But it is not ok. It´s no goof for our health. I tried to eat more fruit and vegetabels. It´s better!!



What a beautiful home you have :) Ha ha ha my mum used to hide the mangoes before dinner as i normally would eat two or three everyday and for some reason not long before dinner and then dinner would come along and i am no longer hungry, now i do the same with my girls.

I took my girls to a Frozen theme Skate party, very funny and so much fun.

I didnt run this morning, slept in (naughty naughty)

Have a great day Janae


Pffft. I am totally not addicted to sugar (obviously I am in the denial stage of aesixtion) I totally think our get togethers would be just as amazing with a yogurt bar, veggie platter with hummus, or fresh fruit. And maybe I won’t be sick afterwords, but then again, where is thr fun in that?! ;) I really have been doing well with eating lately, but then in social situations I turn into a monster. It has to change though so I don’t stay the same weight after the baby comes!

Right now I am not sure I have a stand out favorite. But I keep thinking about peach season and wishing it were now cause they sound amazing!

Also, your Sunday dress=love. When are you going to teach me how to dress and do my hair properly??


Cutting back on sugar is daunting! I absoloutely love to feed people with baked goods…of course sampling it beforehand is a must! I found a book by Mark Hyman called, “The 10 day diet detox” which helped me to really take a look at the artificial things in our diet. All stuff we know but it’s good to refresh.

I also subscribe to Jason Fitzgerald at Strength Running who said that sometimes you have the bad food (ice cream, chips, etc.) but don’t beat yourself up about it. I agree…I think moderation is important right?! Consciously making good choices needs to be a habit.

So here we go!! I’m on the band wagon to derease sugar from my diet too!!


The most important thing that have helped me curb sugar cravings is recognizing what is triggering the craving. For me, when work seems particularly hard and stressful, I leave to get candy to eat at my desk or gorge on candy when I get home. Now I can stop myself and take a walk, sit outside for a break or get some tea or emergen-c.
A protein deficiency can trigger sugar cravings. My bf has been making me eat protein & carbs after I workout, and I find I crave sweets less. I also make sure I replenish electrolytes after a sweaty workout or if I drink a lot of water – I think it helps too.
I love summer fruits! I cannot get enough cherries, apricots, plums, grapes, strawberries, blueberries, and watermelon. I had my first peach of the season today and am so excited for the local peaches to be ready. I might eat nothing but peaches in August.


Ugh, sugar addiction is ROUGH! I am usually a “salty” kind of girl, but I work at Starbucks right now, and it can be so easy to consume a ton of sugar without really realizing it! I focus on getting plenty of sugars/starches from GOOD sources like fruit and whole grains, and that helps me to curb any sweet tooth I might get. Also…eat ALLTHEPROTEIN. :D


I have a major sweet tooth and it was pretty hard for me to cut down on sugar. I used to always have a stash of sweet treats (especially chocolate) in my drawer. Now I try to snack on berries to fulfill my sweet tooth craving and it definitely helps me not crave chocolate as much anymore. :)


I love sugar! I have to avoid buying it because like you, I’ll just munch on it at home constantly.

My go-to fruit right now is watermelon! They grow them here so I can pick them up so cheap. I love the cold watery goodness in our heat of Florida!


This is definitely something I struggle with too! For me, I find it’s easiest to go cold turkey..but then I have trouble re-introducing sweets since I too believe that life is too short to cut out sweets entirely! Looking forward to browsing through all the comments for some good tips :)


You are inspiring me to cut back, too! As soon as I eat the 3 pints of Ben and Jerry’s in my freezer.


I’m in the same boat when it comes to sugar and diet soda. A few months ago i cut out daily treats for the most part and am no longer a diet soda/diet anything drinker for the most part. I love apples but will eat any fruit that exists. Spending time with the boyfriend, the pup, my grandparents and my aunt/uncle. Good luck! The greek yogurt always does the trick for me at night, too.


I have a major sugar problem and I also think I might be a bit lactose intolerant so I am trying to give up ice cream and this is my 2nd night in about a month with no ice cream. I used to do yogurt and fruit but no more yogurt either. I’ve decided that I will stick with fruit or have a small bowl of healthy cereal and almond milk :)


Great post! Have you ever tried lara bars? I love the chocolate peanut butter or the peanut butter cookie bars. They’re made with only 2-3 ingredients and so good. Mostly made of dates and and different kinds of nuts. Anyway, I chop one up into 5-7 pieces and throw it in my freezer in a baggie. I’ll pop one after dinner, and that slight bit of sweetness is super satisfying. Good luck!


Hi, my name is Stephanie and I am a sugar addict (also love my carbs). I will definitely try to join you on eating less sugar. I am wanting to increase my speed and I think if I eat healthier, my running will improve. I hope to learn a lot of tips from all of you!





I also was on vaca and had more sugar than usual so I feel like I have to detox again. One thing I do is cut up bananas and freeze them. Blend them with almond milk add strawberries to make a shake or leave it thick and melt peanut butter on top. It works every time it’s like ice cream to me!


I cannot keep candy/sweets in the house either! I have zero willpower. At the moment there’s a big pack of twizzlers in the cabinet and I seriously eat one every time I walk by the kitchen. It’s insane. Keeping it away from me is my only way of cutting back! haha


Preparing healthy snacks beforehand has been the biggest thing for me. Once a week, we grocery shop and I cut up carrots/celery and have them in the fridge so I can just pull them out and snack on them whenever :) Ease and convenience helps so much!! Good luck on kickin’ the sugar!



I do pretty well at home, but when I go to my moms awful. There are too many choices for sweets, and I don’t want to choose, so I sample everything. Such an awful habit. I long to do better. Maybe trying to bring a snack for myself and telling myself that’s my treat would help. It’s tough when you’re around those who aren’t as mindful about what they eat, but ultimately I am responsible for my choices.


I’m down for the sugar thing! I stopped eating processed foods a while ago and I noticed I was hungry LESS and MORE energized. Look at how that works out :)
I think there is no “secret” and everybody has to go about cutting back on sugar their own way. One of my favorite snacks is chocolate drizzled almonds. I spread raw almonds out on a baking sheet, melt chocolate, and drizzle it over the top. I keep them in the fridge and then grab a handful when I need some energy. I get some good filling protein and just a small amount of sugar to keep me going. It’s better to do it yourself then to buy chocolate covered almonds. 1. control the sugar 2. control the nuts.
I’ve been super into watermelon lately. Its totally a summer thing. Watermelon tastes the best after a sweaty run :)


I am totally and completely addicted to sugar. I love it so much I almost always have Skittles or Mike n Ikes or Hot Tamales somewhere near me. I have a nutritionist friend who is trying to help me eat better since my Celiac diagnosis. I eat really well for the most part, just not nearly enough and she wants me off sugar.

This week I’m in St Thomas with a friend. It’s such a bummer being with friends and you’re Celiac so you can’t have anything AND you can’t have sugar. The food thing is bringin’ me down. Not gonna lie. Usually I’m okay with it but this time I’m struggling.


Not having any sugary sweets at home is what helps me a lot!


Sorry I am a little late responding but this post has given me the motivation to quite Fresca. I am lucky as I don’t have a sweet tooth and enjoy eating natural whole foods. However I love Fresca and can go through a 1L bottle in 2 days. Today is day 1 going cold turkey. Thinking of just having water and Crystal light. Wondering if that’s a bit better.
Thanks for the motivation Jane.


I taught across the hall from a classroom that kept a cookie jar FILLED with Hershey Kisses and those square chocolate squares from Costco in it…game over! When I’m stressed, I have no discipline with food. Since I’ve been on Summer vacation I do not buy any of those sugary sweets and it was the best way help keep the cravings at bay. If I’m training for a very important race, I don’t even have the desire to eat them. I like to know I’ve done everything possible to have a great race. Good Luck Janae with kicking the habit! You can do it :D


Hi! Love this post.
I was actually looking for the recipe for that delicious looking taco salad picture! Looks wonderful! Can you provide the recipe??

Thank you!


I’m with you! I’m a total sugar addict but recently I’ve been trying to lose some weight and it’s just not coming off. I know it’s all the sugar in my diet :-/ let’s do this! :)


Ha, i am just reading ‘I quit Sugar’ and was on week two but fell off the wagon so back on now :)


I cut out diet soda and candy as well! I found that I started craving more healthy sugars (e.g., fruit :)) and that processed sugar is a bit overwhelming now.

My favorite go-to fruit is strawberries :). I just love them!

Also, where did you get your dress? I love it!!!


Full Disclosure – I am eating Ben & Jerry’s as I type this, probably re-affirming my need to cut the sugar!

I am 100% with you on this. The few times I have had enough will-power to cut it I have felt so much better. My problem is that I am not good with moderation – as soon as I let sugar back in, it takes over again! I agree about having fruits/veggies cut up and readily available.


Sugar addiction really IS a thing, for the people saying it’s not. I struggled with ED for almost 15 years, and I can honestly say that sugary foods are the #1 culprit in making me want to start the binge/purge/starve cycle again. I am not a clean eater by any stretch of the imagination and the sugar fight is always there. I have noticed that if I don’t keep anything in the house that’s better. Another big thing is the mantra the free food isnt free. I have a very hard time saying no to people who are trying to feed me, cause I feel terrible, but all those cupcakes and extra starbucks come at a mental and physical cost- I do well when I remember that. Also, I wont eat diet anything anymore. If Im gonna eat it, then I just own it, no trying to say, oh, its diet its ok. It just leads to more guilt eating. A regular pop isnt gonna kill me, but a 12 pack of diet coke a day might someday lol. Thanks for sharing.


I love sugar and carbs…I tend to really eat them when I am stressed


Props to you Janae. Cutting sugar is one of the hardest things, not just because we all love it :D, but because it seems like it is in everything!!
The first week is always the worst! Your body is literally going through withdrawls from the “substance” (aka added sugar). I found the only way I can control the sugar cravings is to not eat it. Also, MOST processed foods contain sugar in some form. So if you can cut out some of the processed foods (like making your own salad dressing or checking the nutrition labels to make sure it is not one of the first ingredients listed) you will really be helping yourself in the long run.
Good luck Janae!!


Thank you for sharing this lovely post. have a good day.
seitan protein

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