How to break the sugar addiction.

I’m a sugar addict.

For the weeks leading up to my marathon I was killing it with eating less sugar.  I was replacing desserts and sugary foods with foods that actually had nutrients (not looking to cut calories but just eat better calories:)  I felt better, I slept better and my skin was a heck of a lot better.  After about a month of cutting out sugar (I had it on the weekends… just not a ton) I even noticed that I was starting to get my first ab (yes, singular) ever.

And then the marathon happened.  Seattle happened.  Kentucky (with my professional chef brother) happened.  And the froyo cravings for every meal hit strong again.  

It’s okay.  it happens and when traveling I really love trying out all of the ‘bests’ while I am there but my body is telling me that it is time to go back to a lower sugar diet that is filled with a bunch of healthy foods to help me especially as I start running again.  

This is how it is going to work—>  I am going to list the things that I did in order to cut back on sugar (and that I am going to do again) and then in the comments you are going to tell me your ways so that I can copy you.  Thanks. 

-Having a bunch of candy at home= not the best thing for me.  I will eat it all.   On the weekends I would go out and get a treat/froyo/something but I just didn’t have a bunch of candy and sweets at home like I normally do.  It was so much easier for me to choose healthy snacks when I didn’t have a bunch of sugary foods around at all times.    

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Quit the diet sodas (or real soda too).  It is crazy to me how when I quit diet drinks I had way less sugar cravings.  Maybe it was because when I am drinking soda then I just feel like I want something sugary with it compared to when I have a big ol’ glass of water I want something healthy to eat with it.  I started having diet soda again a few times a week and it is time to cut it out again:

There are so many studies out there just like this one:

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-My girlfriends and I get together a lot at night if you haven’t noticed.  Make a suggestion to go to yoga or have a Bachelorette watching party with healthy snacks.  Food is such a social thing but I know that my running will feel so much better if when we get together we are eating healthy things too and not just a lb of froyo.

-Have a bunch of healthy options prepped and ready to eat.  I love having plain greek yogurt with strawberries after dinner and having easy options like that ready to go in my fridge really helps me to choose that over treats.  Having my fruits and vegetables already washed and cut makes it that much easier to reach for those instead of treats.

-Eat more nutritious foods.  When I really focus on having meals with plenty of protein, carbs, fat, fruits and veggies then I am too full to even want to eat a bunch of sugar.   Over time my body started craving more substantial snacks vs sugar.

-Get more sleep.  The more I sleep the less I crave sugar.

But don’t forget to be easy on yourself:)  Life is too short to be obsessed over what you are/are not eating.  Just treat your body good and it will feel strong and healthy!


And a few things about Sunday.

Twinners.  Everyone should match somebody else every now and then.

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My mom taped up the watermelon to prevent me from eating it before dinner.  She knows me too well.

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Can’t stop with the taco salads these days. 

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My people.

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WHO WANTS TO CUT BACK ON SUGAR WITH ME!?!?!  Tell me how you are going to do it and let’s do it together!  Do you feel like you are addicted to sugar?

What was the best part about your weekend?

Favorite fruit right now?  Or fruit you have been eating the most of lately?

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When I did a sugar detox way back in January, I felt a lot better too. It was pretty intense but I will admit I did feel better. For me it’s similar, if I don’t eat a lot of sugar I don’t crave a lot of sugar. Traveling is the hardest with diet/nutrition to begin with. It’s easy to make your own stuff at home.

My favorite fruit lately have been blueberries. I live right near a blueberry farm (I know in central Jersey) so I normally just get some there.


I definitely need to cut back on sugar!


Favorite fruit is pineapple! But I purchased an entire watermelon for the holiday so I will be eating that for the rest. of. my. life. (or so it feels).

My number one tip (that I do NOT always follow) is to have a giant glass of water if I am craving sugar. A lot of time that helps stave it off and it will eventually go away!


I’m actually not too bad with sugar. My addiction is carbs and fast food (especially burgers). My suggestion would be to make healthier foods more of a treat. If you feel a craving, instead of buying candy, go and buy a new fruit or a fruit that is more of a treat. Buy some nice cheese and meats, make a nice plate of food. Smoothies are always fun too. Also look up healthier alternatives. I’m thinking of trying to make a super healthy fruit crumble….yummy!

I love strawberries. They are in season at my local farm!


I’ve been trying to cut back on the sugar too – the easiest way I’ve found is to just not keep it stocked in the house haha. I ALWAYS crave something chocolate after dinner, but I’m working on it :) I think it would be a good goal to just have “sweets” on the weekend during July and see how that goes!


Not keeping any sweets in the house is always a great idea. We don’t, but have declared Wednesdays and Saturdays our official chocolate days in our household – then we go to the store and get each of us a treat. And for us it works: Saturdays are USUALLY not too far from Wednesdays to hold out for a treat! :)


My weakness is chocolate, I just can’t seem to get through the day without it! Like the diet soda article, it helps me to eat the best quality, real thing and as dark as I can stand it (Green and Blacks organic rather than Hersheys). This satisfies my craving but I eat a lot less – and I don’t feel deprived! I also reach for a piece of fruit immediately after dinner, which is conveniently kept in the fruit bowl on the table, which helps satisfy any dessert cravings.

Best thing about the weekend was actually today – after a punishing sprint workout on Saturday, my speed intervals today were a breeze!


My name is Sally and I am addicted to sugar. I have no suggestions. I have tried chewing a piece of gum after a meal which sometimes helps but not always.

I have been eating lots of fresh pineapple lately.

Best part about my weekend was my first long run post injury. 8 slow miles :) and spending a long weekend with my dog. It was so hard to leave him this morning to go to work.

I’m going to read these comments like a hawk. Maybe someone has the sugar busting tip!!


The best part of my weekend was celebrating my brother’s wedding – it was a great time!
I could eat a whole watermelon. I love that stuff.


I just can’t keep it in the house. At least for the first few days while I get into the routine. And if I am craving something sweet, I have fruit instead. Maybe even a fruit smoothie.


I am 100% a sugar addict. I feel like I have a mental block that if I get rid of my jelly bean stash, my crutch will be gone! It’s bad. But the best thing I’ve learned that helps me a lot of the time is to really think about what I actually want (sweet, salty, whatever) and try and decide if I can fulfill that craving with something healthy (fruit instead of candy, etc). If I can, I go that way and it usually works. If I just REALLY am feeling the candy, I still have my stash. And as I type this I see my flawed logic :).


I used to have SUCH a sugar issue and it’s taken me a looooong time to get better at it and I’m still learning! One thing that helps me is I know you said not to have sugar in your house and that’s definitely good, way less temptation, but I always like to have SOMETHING even if it’s just a couple of hot chocolate packets or something. Because when you get to that point and you’re super stressed or PMSing or something and you just want sugar so bad, if you go out to buy some you’ll buy loads more than you plan on buying! So if I have a hot chocolate or a mini candy bar or something I still get my small sugar fix rather than going out and buying 3 packets of cookies or something. Good luuuuuuuck! :)


I have a problem too with sugar treats and way too many of them each and every day. I’ve traded my nightly ice cream for a Greek yogurt loaded with raspberries or strawberries. That seems to do the trick. I too can’t have any junk foods around me or I’ll eat those over healthy snacks. If I want to binge eat, I’ve been eating as much air popped pop corn as I can stuff in my mouth. I think there should be an AA group for Sugar Addicts. ;0)


I’m a total sugar addict, and the only thing that seems to work for me is to mostly just cut it out completely. Also, my budget prevents me from running off and buying frozen yogurt every time my heart kinda thinks about it, but since I’ve really cut back on the sugar and things, and started lifting in addition to my running, I’ve gotten two compliments over the past weekend, both people saying that I look great and that I look like I’ve lost some weight (which I don’t think I have but I’ll take it!).


IF sweets are in the house they are in my mouth!

I am all of nothing and I hate it…..because when I have it I go all crazy and over indulge every time! However, the fruit I am loving is pineapple~fresh cut~ yum!


Good for you girl!
My husband and I did an 8 week sugar detox. I didn’t realize how much sugar I was eating! Besides the obvious cookies, candy, ice cream, etc. it’s also in “healthy” foods we eat every day (yogurt, ketchup, lunch meat). We cut out ALL sugar including good/natural sugars to re-set our body’s sugar processing mechanism (technical term :)). We’re now adding back natural sugars. It’s amazing how much better I feel. I sleep better. My belly bloat has gone way down.


A phrase that I liked was “treat treats as treats.” Meaning that if you’re having candy and sweets multiple times a day (like I have done too), they stop becoming treats and start becoming part of your daily diet. And with that, they stop being special so that birthday cake is just an afternoon snack instead of a nice surprise.

The best part of my weekend was that my in-laws adopted a tiny black kitten and we got to hang out with her all weekend.


This is good timing for me because I decided to go on a sugar detox! (4th day and counting). I have heard from many people that if you completely get rid of sugar, you will stop craving it. I’m hoping that’s true and not just a cruel trick! I am such a sugar addict (and need to lose weight as well) so I’m hoping I can get to a point where I don’t crave it as much.


My favorite part of this post is that you mention focusing on getting better nutrients in your snacks, not necessarily depriving yourself by cutting out foods. Also I love your attitude of being flexible! I swear the stress of constantly counting calories and being so rigid with a diet probably does more damage than just chilling out and enjoying yourself every so often.


Honestly, for me, the only way is 100% no sugar nope nope nope never.


I can definitely relate to the sugar thing! One thing I do (or maybe should do more often) is to make sure that if I am out and about running errands, that I either do it right after having eaten a healthy meal at home or else take a healthy snack with me. If I don’t, I can’t trust myself not to go to Tim Hortons and get a delicious Canadian Maple glazed doughnut! It’s a constant struggle fo sho.

Favourite fruit now (and always): strawberries! I live in a hugely berry-centred agricultural Center so it’s awesome in berry season (aka NOW)!!!


I’ve also been cutting out sugar lately and feel soooo much better!! All your tips are things I’m doing, the most important being NO JUNK IN THE HOUSE! If its there it gets eaten, bad news :( I think the thing that has helped me the most is fixing meals with lots of protein, veggies & healthy fats. I’ve out grains and dairy as well as sugar, and I think it has done a lot to reduce my cravings (I used to eat brownies & cookies DAILY at work!). I’m hoping to convince my husband to do a Whole30 in August (only whole foods, no sugar, grains, legumes, dairy, and making sure no added sugar in any packaged foods). Hoping to feel even better and get a bit lighter – which will hopefully improve my running ;) I’ll let you know how it goes!

Favorite summer fruit: all of them! But right now watermelon – yum!


I just joined a sugar detox group that starts next week. I’m so addicted to sugar, it’s sad! I’m excited to do the detox but nervous, too! Good luck!


I’m a sugar addict too. I’m going to Hawaii in 40 days, and want to look my best, so dh & I are both cutting way back on sugar starting today. I plan having yogurt & berries for dessert instead of ice cream or chocolate chips & mini marshmallows. And chewing gum after lunch at work to help curb the cravings there. I also am planning on brewing some fruity tea, and then putting it in the fridge for a sweet-ish but healthy drink for when I want something sweet.

It’s going to be a hard 40 days, though, because we are camping for 3 days, spending the day at the Calgary Stampede (I will be trying to make healthy choices on this day, but I can’t promise anything) and I have a 10 day work trip, too. And I always want dessert when I’m away from home. I’ll have to stock my hotel fridge with berries, or pineapple.


I guess I should get the s’more bites and ice cream sandwiches out of the house…


Janae, I NEED this SO bad. I am also a sugar/candy/fro-yo/cookie/you-name-it addict. I am definitely going to try to cut out the diet soda because I bet that is totaly contributing to my sugar cravings and the “need” for fro-yo. Thanks for this!


I was just talking to a friend of mine on our run this morning about how I need go cut back on sugar!! I have THE WORST sweet tooth… Every other meal I eat is super healthy, but then I reach for the chocolate and sweets… It’s an issue. I think I could have some rock hard abs if it weren’t for my sugar addiction….. ;) (or that’s just what I tell myself haha). I’ve been working on cutting out coke zero, and I have lots of fresh fruit around… so I’m just going to try to resist even buying sweets and we’ll see if that helps. Great to have someone else cutting back as well! I know I’ll feel so much better once I cut down some!


Lately I have been struggling with fruit! Terrible, I know! I am working on it though, my acid reflux is just making it super hard to eat fruit and enjoy it. I need to cut back on sugar as well! It is so hard though ha, I guess we will both just have to work on it!


I cut back on sugar and junk food awhile ago. Then on July 4th I ate chips and brownies and cookies, etc. Got up the next day with a food hangover. My body just couldn’t handle it. I still feel bloated from all the sugar and salt, but I’m back on the healthier foods again and hope that will help. Not completely off sugar, but definitely less.


Eating lots of healthy foods works the best for me, and getting enough sleep. But, I like to have it in the house so I know if I want it, I can have it and don’t obsess about it. First reply on your blog! I love it :)


2 years ago I was 12 and weighed close to 200 lbs. The reason? SUGAR!!! I was addicted! I knew I had to stop, so I asked for accountability in my mom (who is 50 and runs half marathons. She had 8 pregnancies, 7 kids and weighs 125 lbs.) and sister. Today I’m a healthy weight, and I’m happy. No more sugar for this girl!


My 2 sisters and I made going sugar-free a competition! If we ate 25grams or less of sugar, we got to write “SF” (sugar free) on the calendar that day. It became fun to see how many days we could rack up in a row going sugar free. We weren’t too hard on ourselves if we didn’t get the SF, because when we did indulge it was still way less than what we would have done before, which is still progress. To make this a long term program, we allowed ourselves to buy an Alex and Ani bracelet for 50 days of SF, which was a fun way of rewarding ourselves without food. I experienced clearer skin and my super strong sugar cravings definitely improved.


I eat a lot of fruit. I know it’s laden with sugar, but at least it curbs me from binging on gummy bears. I’ve been eating a ton of pineapple (my favorite!) and blackberries lately. Just picked up my first peaches of the season this weekend! Can’t wait to dig into those.


if you HAVE. TO. HAVE. ice cream/froyo, get two no sugar added fudge pops (keep them in the freezer door so they are kinda soft) and cut them off the stick into a bowl and add lite cool whip. i eat this every single night. less than 100 calories. :)


Cherries hands down. 4th of July party and yes. I’m addicted to sugar and caffeine. I am trying to wein myself off both. I’m dangerous.


I dont have sugar in the house-no soda, candy, sweets, etc so I’m not tempted. if I want something and have to go out to get it, I figure it is better that way.

Also, I get most of my sugars from fruit. My body appreciates it and I love the taste!


I would like to cut back on sugar, especially after the 4th of July! Jelly Belly’s are one of my sweets weaknesses and I had too many of those :s I like your plan of switching out sweets for body-nourishing alternatives!


Thank you for this post> I think it’s important to be held accountable with sugar and artificial sweetener addictions!


Oh my Lord. I was just telling Harry last night that I have 12 weeks until the Chicago Marathon, and I seriously need to straighten out my diet! I have been on an ice cream and froyo rampage, and I just need to calm down with sugary stuff. I don’t drink sodas or juice (perhaps the occasional OJ). I often want sweets around the time when my girl parts are doing their thing. Sure wish I could avoid that entirely.

For me, avoiding certain foods is just habit. Generally, that means that, like you, I have a snack handy and ready to go.


Best ice cream replacement EEEVVVVEEERRR

1.5-2 frozen bananas
1 spoonful of almond butter
(optional) 1 spoonful of nutella
some kind of milk (I use coconut milk because that is what I keep in the fridge)

Mix together in the blender. Too much milk= too runny, too little= very hard to blend.

It’s an awesome go-to when you’re having a sweet craving and if you really want a treat you can use the nutella.

Also, for great recipes you really need to check out this website and buy her book off amazon stat.


Yes, I agree with this! To help with my sugar cravings I mix a similar smoothie: frozen bananas, almond butter, cocoa powder, milk, ice. Once you cut out sugar, you’ll feel so good that your body won’t want to go back. That was my experience at least.


Remember all those “Zero” waters have the same fake sugar as diet soda! I cut out all artificial sweeteners a few years ago and my sugar cravings completely disappeared.

Also, remember that it gets easier. Sometimes we are just in the habit of having something sweet after a meal and you need a few weeks to break that habit. Just woman-up and DO IT!


I recently read an article that if sugar was discovered today it would be considered a narcotic. It’s so addictive.

I have recently fallen off the wagon (vacation? of course I should eat sugar!) and it’s felt impossible to get back off.

Cold turkey for me is the only way. (If you need me, I’ll be in the corner shaking uncontrollably).


I want to cut back on sugar. I probably need to start with the sugar wafer cookies and Wendy’s frosties. I would be happy if I just kept watermelon, strawberries and grapes around.


agreed! i feel loads better when i don’t eat loads of sugar but i do just have to tell you that my husband had the brilliant idea (and then followed through with the ingredients) for s’mores made with REESE’S PEANUT BUTTER CUPS. that should be your splurge :)


I’m so with you on this! One of my tricks is to drink a glass of water, go for a walk, do anything else for 10 minutes then see if I still want whatever sugary thing I’m craving :)


EAT MORE FRUITS! our bodies run on glucose (natural sugar). our bodies neeeed carbs for energy.


Hi Janae! I’m not sure if you will read all the way down here, but if you do…
If I get a hankering for a lil somethin’ somethin’ sweet, I try make something like bliss balls, or anything off those super healthy food sites – these are delicious:

I figure that way i am getting a sugar fix, but it’s all natural and unprocessed AND includes healthy fats to satisfy the hanger

Hope you are having a wonderful day!


Delicious!!!! I must try these! Thank you!


Hello Janae!!

First let me tell you that I was a sugar addict myself one and half years ago! Of course I didnt know then that I was addict or that there was a thing called sugar addiction..however I felt all the time miserable..I had weight issues, I felt like sloth all the day (i didnt even run at the time) and my mind was always in the food..every Monday started diet only to brake it on Tuesday.

Then one day I came across a documentary that completely changed my life in this respect! It was about the truth behind the food and how dieting is not really the solution. I can’t really describe what happened to me, but since watching this documentary it was like someone pressed the button to me. I am completely sugar free since that day..that is refined sugar free of course! What I found out is that since I cut sugar (also I cut gluten and processed foods with additives and other nasties) a whole new world of food opened in front of me..I discovered so many healthy delicious things that I could eat. Of course eating healthy (many fruits and veggies) made me feel perfect and after 6 months of being sugar free I started running and a week ago I had my one year running anniversary!!

Although I cut everything from one day to the other the real trick is to add good stuff in your diet and then the nasties will eventually pushed away! I can see that you generally include good stuff in your diet whereas I wasn’t, I only ate processed or full of sugar and fat food..I ate a lot of pastry and I was in love (like you) with the breakfast food. So my advice is to just keep doing that..include healthy food in your diet, also you can try juicing and find healthy alternatives of your favourite treats. There are many companies that they provide sugar free and additives free stuff. In UK, where I live, I found great organic frozen yogurt with no refined sugar on it, super dark organic chocolate that after I eat it I can run for hours because of the energy that gives me, also I LOVE dry fruits and I use them in various ways (try dates as refuelling during a race)!!Then what helped me a lot is that I cook and I bake!!As a Greek I have created many of the healthified versions of traditional savoury and sweet dishes of my country. Finally, I consider myself an investigator!!I want to discover all the goodies that someone can find in supermarkets and restaurants and discover new healthy recipes or new ways to cook! Really I believe that you can totally have fun on your journey to a sugar free life!!
Good luck and if you need any recipes ideas I am here for you!

PS If you are interested to watch the documentary, the title is “Hungry for Change”.


I cut back on sugar by filling my sweets craving with healthy stuff, like your greek yogurt with strawberries. When I’ve had my fill of that, any more sweets seems kind of gross for me, since it would be just too much sweet.

Speaking of strawberries, they are totally my favorite fruit right now. Fresh though, not from the grocery store.


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Thanks for the tips! I don’t eat a whole lot of candy, and i pretty much never drink soda, but like chocolate. A lot. :)
The best part of my weekend was going to my adorable friends’ wedding!
Hmmm… I’ve been eating a lot of canteloupe lately (pretty sure I spelled that wrong), but my favorite is any kind of berry! strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, it’s all good!


I did a 21 day sugar detox this year which was tough – I had to give up not just sugar but lots of starchy foods. It was hard. I am such a sugar addict. I started by diluting my juices to the point where I had so much water to juice, it tasted like flavored water. It helped!
Also, they say the easiest way to break a bad habit is to replace it with a good habit. I replaced candy with baby carrots or unsalted nuts. Higher calorie content for the nuts but overall better for you.


I find that when I really start to cut down on sugar — and by that I mean not just cookies and candy but all the sugar that’s in almost everything in the US — I simply do not crave it.

And vice versa.

I would suggest you start reading labels (the ingredients only, not the grams of sugar) and if it has sugar as higher than the 5th ingredient skip it.

It is everywhere – major culprits are salad dressings, pasta sauces, crackers and chips (yes I know!), salsa, barbecue sauce… almost every sauce in a restaurant.

Just start cutting down on that stuff (choose different brands) and your cravings will get better. Promise!


Sugar…so hard for me to get rid of! My weakness is baked goods, something about the carb sugar plus added sugar makes them crazy addicting. Summer makes it a little easier to cut back on the added sugars with all the great fruits in season, and warmer temps curb the urge to turn the oven on to bake something. We don’t drink soda with exception of few special occasions (ie 4th of July) and when we do, it’s the real thing. I’m loving the berries in the garden right now -easy to go out and snack anytime.
Best part of the weekend: I needed a “mom moment” and went to read a chapter of the current read, ended up napping for 1.5hrs. So glad kiddos and hubby gave me that needed opportunity.


I’m not so much a sugar addict as a treats/desserts addict. Since I run so much, I pretty much daily feel like I deserve some sort of reward, preferably with ice cream on top. My hubby and I decided to cut out sweets for the month of July, except for a piece of super dark chocolate after dinner. This past week was the first week and it was much easier than I anticipated! I’m not tempted to go overboard with the chocolate because it’s so dark. Larabars have helped when I feel like I need something to munch on – I like the apple pie and lemon bar flavors. Also, I’m not a huge fruit person, but we’ve had an extra sweet watermelon in the fridge and nothing tastes better after a hot run!


I have started eating less breads and more veggies/fruits. That alone has seemed to kick the sugar cravings. It was weird that getting rid of wheat flour has done to completely turn my diet around! I feel so much better!

The best part about my weekend was being so busy with just cookouts! I have never attended 3 cookouts in one weekend! Surprisingly, was able to keep the unhealthy treats off my plate and filled up on grilled veggies and pulled pork! YUM!!!

I have been eating a ton of cherries, grapes, blackberries, apples, pineapples, and bananas. I LOVE this season! The fresh fruits are amazing! I cannot wait until our farm gets peaches!


My 9 yo challenged my husband and I to a no sugar challenge starting 4th of July. I’ve cheated SO many times. It helps to have my little gustapo checking me on everything. Accountability helps for sure. I’m trying to keep more fresh fruit around but I’m worried about when summer’s over and they’re not as cheap. I also drink a water bottle of water every morning right when I get out of bed and I feel like that helps.


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