Getting back into the cardio scene again…

Wow.  Taking a few weeks off from cardio was exactly what I needed and I was able to focus on strength training and yoga but now that I am getting back into working on my cardio… things ain’t pretty;)  I almost fell off of the stair climber this morning but somehow I lasted a full 32 minutes on that sucker.  I’ll probably start running again in a week or two but I am just trying super hard to listen to my body and to get back into it when I really feel ready because I don’t know about you but I kind of hate injuries.  

This sis and I worked out together and after our stairs of death experience we did this strength workout together.  Doing it with her makes it a million times more exciting and doable.  

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The push-up position rows make my obliques feel like they are on fire. 


Speaking of cross-training at the gym, THIS article answers the important questions about runners using the elliptical for cross training:

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After the gym Brooke took a birthday present to one of her many boyfriends.

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And then we hung out at the park for awhile.  Her romper is a tiny bit too big for her:)

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My lunches are extremely boring.  I love to have fun/different/exciting/riveting dinners but for lunch I just get the job done… eat something good for me, filling and then eat my apple with almond butter approximately 45 minutes later.  

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Brooke’s first rock climbing experience.  

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So my friend has a rock wall in her house.  NBD.  My new goal is to get really good at it.

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Jess made it clear to the top.

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And the view from the library.  I just canceled my contract with my new apartment because I am moving in with them.

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Dinner was a pizza birthday party from the best delivery pizza place… Papa Johns.

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And then they had a Costco chocolate cake for dessert.  

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Without arguing and getting upset with other commenters… please state what you believe to be the ABSOLUTE BEST delivery pizza.

Ever been rock climbing?  Did you like it?

How often do you use the elliptical?  What about the stair climber?

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That picture of you guys in the park is gorgeous! I do think the elliptical is good for cross training. We were learning in the RRCA training that the best cross training are things that somewhat mimic running…so aqua jogging, elliptical, and (sort of) biking.
I actually don’t like any delivery pizzas! In my opinion the best pizza ever is Grimaldis in NY but (as far as I know) they don’t deliver…well they definitely don’t deliver to Baltimore!


I honestly don’t like delivery pizza anymore from any of the “major” companies but living in NY and NJ there are a lot of amazing local pizza places. My favorite was a place near where I lived as a young child and in my early 20’s. It’s closed now sadly!

Never been rock climbing but I think I’d like it, after I got over freaking out a little.

I used the elliptical a lot when injured but never “just because.” I’d rather do a spin class I think. Or I’d rather just run if I can.


Papa John’s is my favorite tooooo!! Major craving coming on even though it’s 8AM. Look at Brooke go! I have a feeling rock climbing will be her sport.

And good to know about ellipticals! I feel like as long as I’m pushing myself to do the same effort aerobically, this is a good alternative to running. Thanks Janae :)


I agree that Papa Johns is the best pizza! I rock climb on cruise ships—talk about a view! I actually like the stair climber.


That climbing wall is awesome!! If my friend had that in her house, I’d be moving in too!
I use the AMT all the time, which is quite similar to an elliptical and have just started using the stair climber. I was reading your old posts about stair climbing and you inspired me to give it a go.


i have been rock climbing a couple times at an indoor rock climbing gym, and it is so scary to me! i can physically do it, but reaching far with my feet or a hand and letting go of the wall when you’re really high just scares me so so much! sooo it wasn’t super fun to me :)

I used to elliptical a bunch but never enjoyed it and looking back, I never got any of the results I wanted from it. Running, stair climbing and ellipticaling for years didn’t get me the body or fitness level I dreamed of…. only lifting and crossfit did!!

Brooke looks so cute in that romper, I want it!


That house is incredible. Holy cow. I love rock climbing but I haven’t been in a few years. It is such a good full-body workout. Whenever I go, I’m sore for days after! You have me craving pizza again. Good thing that’s what I packed for lunch today.


Whaaat having a rock climbing wall inside of your friend’s house is pretty cool! I’ve never been on one and imagine I would be AWFUL but I’d like to try it!

I rarely ever use the elliptical or stair climber. My little gym doesn’t have a stair climber and the elliptical makes me a little bit crazy. Plus my feet go numb on it kind of quickly which is just weird and annoying!


Have you tried lacing your elliptical shoes “upside down” ? So the tied/bow part would be closest to your toes. I think it has something to do with compression of a nerve or vein, but reverse lacing has solved the problem for me :)


That house is ridic! I love rock climbing and don’t do it enough (walls, not actual rocks… I live in FL womp)

I actually don’t like the elliptical! I never feel like I’m working hard enough and my bad knee will go out on me sometimes, weird! So, pass. But I’m going to attempt aqua jogging as my cross-training for my upcoming half!

I love Papa Johns but I always end up dipping their amazing crust into the garlic bread then my tummy hates me for the next 24 hours :/ I really like Mellow Mushroom pizza, they get crafty!

ps stair master is no joke. I think I lasted 10 minutes. Once.


Hey! So Josh and I are pizza guru’s (pizza party almost every Friday) and we’d have to put out vote in for Dominoes :) Papa John’s is pretty awesome too though. The best really, is homemade, right?? There’s just something about the whole experience.

Part of me has always wanted to be a rock climbing hippie. I’ve climbed all my life, bought shoes and a harness etc. But never the rope. I think I’ll be a true climber when I buy a rope haha. Have a great day!


Haha I do love Papa John’s as well!

I’ve only tried rock climbing once and I was in 6th grade and it was way too hard…I think I would be better now since I am shape, but those rock climbers are intense!

I love the’s my go to cross training exercise and I try to do it every other day that I don’t run. I’ve only done the stair climber a few times in my life because we haven’t had it at the gym’s we’ve been a member to for the past 3 years so if I had it, I would maybe utilize it!


A rock climbing wall in your house!!!!!! That is just awesome and my daughter’s would LOVE it….and a library! Cool!


That house, the view!


NJ has the best pizza. Any they deliver win.

I’m glad you are working back into tr cardio scene. You are being so smart about it. Are you still doing a fall marathon?

I’m kind of the same way with lunch. I normally eat different breakfasts and dinners but am pretty boring with lunch.


I do the elliptical twice a week combined with arm strength training. The days I. Work legs I do at stairclimber and it’s a killer!!!


I don’t think I could last 20 minutes on the stairmaster! Love using the elliptical when I’m injured from running.


Agreed. Papa John’s is totally the best. Hands down.
I love rock climbing. I used to always make my parents take me to the ones at REI when I was young.


Hey janae!! You go girl with your bad stair climbing self ;) I love keeping track of how many flights of stairs I climb. Very inspiring!

Best pizza place HANDS DOWN is pagliacci pizza in Seattle! They have amazing pizzas with inventive, healthy ingredients. And lots of cheese :)


Papa Johns – 100%! (not including local spots, of course).

I haven’t used the elliptical or stair climber in years. CrossFit gives me enough cardio and all the squats :)

Also, I’ve tried rock climbing but I’m not very good at it. I’m working on my upper body strength as we speak, so hopefully one day I can hoist myself up a rock wall :)


Ok, no joke…my friend is cross training with the ellipti-go. The one Meb uses. The difference is the arms don’t move. And watch my IG feed today, I’m going to post the Alter-G! I tried pool running with the aqua jogger and its a good alternative. But the Alter-G is even better…full running motion. My PT said that if I can’t run, the elliptical is the best thing to get your conditioning in. Stay blessed stay fierce J!


You could probably move into that house and they’d never even know it!
I love the picture of you and Brooke!
I haven’t eaten delivery pizza in years..I don’t even remember exactly the last time. My homemade sourdough is my go-to and nothing can even come close to it!


Here in Arizona, we have Barro’s Pizza. But Nello’s is the best sit down joint. I used to use the elliptical, but I don’t have a gym pass anymore, and I sold the big monster elliptical I use to own.

Never been rock climbing, even though Lifetime Fitness has one.


I’d have to agree – Papa Johns is the best. Especially that garlic butter sauce. I haven’t had a Papa Johns pizza in about 10 years though. My husband doesn’t like Italian food (I didn’t even know people like that existed until I met him), so we rarely get pizza. And when I do finally get an opportunity…I get local pizza, not delivery.

I have never been rock climbing on a wall, but in middle school we went on this outdoor adventure week long field trip thing and one of the activities was rock climbing (like on real rocks). It was a lot harder and scarier than I thought it would be, but a lot of fun. I really like repelling down the mountain more than going up. I wouldn’t complain if I had a house with a rock wall in it though….


Lou malnattis hands down!!!!! Nothing else will do!


Love the elliptical for cross training. I normally use it 3 times a week, especially during marathon training because my body(bones) can’t handle the pounding of the super high mileage.


Living in New York City I can tell you all pizza is amazing. I don’t need papa johns or dominos. I’ve got the iconic places like Lombards (in manhattan) l&b in Brooklyn and Denino’s here on Staten Island. Yum!!!

Elliptical seems to tweak my knees and give me pins and needles in my feet. I guess I haven’t found the right settings.

Never been rock climbing. I need some upper body strength 101 before I try. Lol.


I love rock climbing. We used to go all the time when we visited Arizona. There aren’t as many opportunities to climb in Ontario as in Arizona. Mostly because it’s freezing 6 months of the year!


Wow, your friend’s house is gorgeous!

My favorite pizza is probably a tie between plain cheese or Hawaiian.


that chocolate cake from costco is the best cake on earth. i just had one for my birthday. 7lbs of heaven!!!


I’ve been using the elliptical a lot lately. The training plan I just finished has 5 minutes of 30/30 intervals in between circuits on upper body lifting days. I can’t transition that fast on the treadmill but the elliptical is really responsive for that type of thing.

I’ve never gone more than 4 feet off the ground on a rock wall. Something about that fear of heights thing;-)

I don’t really like any of the delivery pizza places. But- where we used to live there was a service called Takeout Taxi. They would pick up and deliver takeout from anyplace local! It was amazing! The fee was a little steep but not too much more than regular delivery. (plus waaayyy cheaper than a dwi)


That house is beautiful and the view from the library is breathtaking. I think you should move in with them as well so that we can see the rest of the house.

Papa Johns is the best pizza delivery! Love it. And that garlic sauce is just dangerous…


Hahahaha I love how you know that there could be some serious conflict and bloodshed over discussing favorite pizza! My favorite delivery is probably Dominos. Or Mr. Jims. Or Papa John’s. OH GOSH. I love it all.

I was always the girl who took FOREVER to get the top and then was sore for DAYS afterwards. Actually, I think I still am that girl.

I rarely use the elliptical, I just get really bored, but it is definitely a great cardio workout when I don’t feel like putting stress on my body.


You are amazing, Janae! Loving the time you took to step back and build up your strength. I am excited to continue to follow your journey. You inspire!

Papa Johns = best pizza.

I have never tried rock climbing but I can only imagine what an amazing workout it would be. Full body for sure.


I agree with you – Papa John’s! I used to love Pizza Hut, until they changed their recipe for the cheese a couple years ago. Wish they’d go back to the original!


The climbing wall is awesome! I really like Papa John’s pizza as well-especially the garlic sauce!


I have never EVER stepped foot on a stair climber! :O haha but I do love the elliptical when I am injured! And don’t hate me for this but I am not a fan of most delivery pizza options – after eating pizza in Italy everything here tastes like cardboard… lol


Whenever I went down to Florida my friend and I always had Papa Johns! Even with all my NY pizza, I loved and looked forward to ordering Papa Johns with her and dipping the crust in the garlic sauce. I believe Papa Johns opened a few locations in my area but I have yet to order it. I should though, shouldn’t I….I crosstrain every week with the elliptical machine. I don’t love it, don’t hate it but it is a great option when I am looking to do something other than run.


brb I need to pack up my stuff so I can move in with your friend!!


Oh my word! How cute is Brooke’s little romper. I love it!
Since I have to eat gf I miss delivery pizza so much! I have yet to find a place that delivers it to me. If anyone knows of any place let me know. My old fave used to be Pizza Hut though. Pan style :) So good!!!


there is no best pizza delivery place, all the best pizza knows it’s amazing and makes you come to it. The hard-to-get ploy makes you just want it that much more.


I’m going to have to say the Papa Johns is the best delivery pizza. Helloo the garlic butter dipping sauce!! Sadly I have never been rock climbing. My four years at college I never tried the rock climbing wall….already regret it. I use the stairmaster or elliptical about 3 times a week. I like taking breaks from running!


Wow, that rock climbing wall is insane! Your friend must be a pro. We have a lot of rock climbing around Central Oregon and some of the best in the world at Smith Rock State Park. I’ve never been rock climbing on natural terrain, just the wall. Costco cakes are my favorite, btw. I could eat all the frosting!


That view <3<3<3


I’ve never been rock climbing, but would love to try it one day. My cousin convinced me to do the stairstepper at the gym last weekend, and my legs still hurt! I’ve also discovered that the elliptical isn’t as hard if I’m watching Netflix while doing it. ;-)


I always liked Massimo’s. Sorry Folks. And my favorite is white alfredo sauce with chicken and spinach. Yep. I could die right now just thinkin’ about it.

However, in the spirit of being happy with new experiences, I’ve tasted gluten free pizza and it’s actually amazing. Though to add my disclaimer, I love flat crispy crust. Delicious.

Also, Brooke is cute but the house tops her today. I’m pretty jealous of the rock climbing wall and the view from that window. Wow.


That rock wall is in someone’s HOUSE?! WOW! haha

I don’t normally eat “delivery” pizza but when we get Papa John’s for a work meeting I grab that cup of garlic sauce SO fast haha.


I don’t use the elliptical. I think I’ve stepped on one 2 times in the past 2 years. But I use the stair climber on occasion. I loathe the elliptical with the force of 1000 flaming tongues!!!


Pizza My Heart in California is the best delivery pizza! Yum


I absolutely love rock climbing! It’s so hard but fun!


That photo of you on the stair climber looks like it’s at my old gym! *tear* I miss Utah! I bet it feels good to get back into the cardio scene. I think you’re doing a great job at easing back into things.

Interesting article about the elliptical! I definitely think that if it’s used correctly, it can be a great machine and tool for cardio.

I got that same romper (I think) for my niece! It’s so darn adorable. Target, right?


I’m with you Janae, Papa john’s is the best, there is something about their crust that is amazing.

I have been rocking climbing but not as an adult, I did like it though. um. This rock wall was in someone’s house?!!? I wanna hang out with the people you hang out with!!!

I have been using the elliptical every week at least once. Stair master only happens when I’m really feeling motivated… and not too lazy to go to the gym at the base!


Omg that house! That rock wall! That view! I want to move in too!


I did always have a thing for Round Table Pizza. My crosscountry coach in high school actually introduced me to it haha. And I love rock climbing! I definitely feel that I don’t do it enough { or ever anymore }. I’m not a fan of ellipticals, only because they hurt my shins though.


good for you for taking a break. Its not easy to do. I’m in a forced hiatus from running since my lungs can’t handle china smog and I’m trying to do a lot of strength/yoga but I miss running!


The stair master is killer! And wow, a rock wall in her house? Amazing!


Come to Michigan for a race! Then you can visit me in Windsor, Ontario, just across the border from Detroit and you will thank me for introducing you to the best pizza anywhere. Windsor’s known for it. We have alot of local pizza places (therefore not alot of pizza chains) but for delivery Naples pizza is the best. I guarantee it’d be worth the price in airfare.


OMG that pizza looks heavenly!!! Pizza and chocolate cake = probably the best meal ever. Best delivery pizza has got to be hands down Westport Pizzeria. Their pizza is my absolute favorite, but of course it’s only in CT :(

I always felt like I wasn’t getting a good enough workout on the elliptical (which I’m probably not) but since my knees have been killing me and I’m still working on mobilizing my ankle more, I’m going to give the elliptical another shot! I hate being out from running, but I guess this is my only option! Tried aqua jogging, but I can’t seem to get the hang of it!


I have a question about the weights workout. It looks awesome! Did you do moves 1 and 2 for 10 minutes, then moves 3 and 4 for 10 minutes, then move 5 for 10 minutes? Just want to make sure I’m reading it correctly. I’m excited to try it!



Hey! We just did each move for one minute and then moved on to the next one… We went through all 5 moves 6 times for a total of 30 minutes! Does that make sense?


Yes, thank you!


Favourite pizza = Panago! I think they might be a Canada only chain, b/c my American fiancé has never heard of them!


I worked at Papa John’s in grad school and still love their pizza! The best pizza I’ve had is a local place called Leonardo’s Millhopper. Their Big Leo is amazing.

I’ve done some rock climbing and am hoping to get better at it. My friend has a wall in his garage (not quite as extensive as your friend’s – wow) and I’m hoping to improve.

I’m sure the elliptical could be helpful, but I can’t stand it so I don’t use it. I cross train a lot with cycling, rowing, stadiums, strength, etc.

Have a super day! Your blog always makes me happy. :)


A rock wall in their house?!?! WHOA. That’s pretty awesome.

I love papa john’s pizza! I almost got in a fight with my boyfriend the other day when he said he HATED papa john’s. WHAT?! How have we gone almost 2 years without discovering this about each other?!


Can I move in with your friend too??? We have a local delivery pizza place that is amazing but as far as bug chains, I agree that Papa johns is the best! I haven’t used the elliptical or stair master in a very long time. I rotate between the rower, bike and treadmill for cardio.


Oh I want to go rock climbing now! I don’t think the ones at the local kids park count…that house is crazy cool!!
I’m thinking papa johns for dinner this week. That looks good. Prob my favorite delivery. I like flatbread sit down pizza.
I used to have an elliptical but my husband broke it on accident so he got is a treadmill that’s how I started to run. Now I want both. My goal to turn my garage in a gym.


I have to agree- Papa Johns is the BEST!!!! :-)


I love using the elliptical to cross train because I get a great workout in, and give my legs a break from running. I am terrible at strength training though, and I could use some advice! You have been doing so good lately. What keeps you motivated? How do you mix it up?


Dominos has really good pizza too. Some of our local places are for sure the best…cheeseburger pizza?!?! Plus one with an entire strip of bacon on each piece…can’t go wrong!! I LOVE pizza, but try to stay away from it since I eat way too much!


Papa John’s is a fav at our house too. The hubs and I like their Hawaiian BBQ Chicken pizza with jalapeños instead of onions. It’s delish!

I honestly cannot remember the last time I did the elliptical; however, I did a lot of pool jogging in Oct-Nov of last year.

I’ve rock climbed mainly outside on an actual rock. I hate it. I don’t like heights at all. But I like to challenge myself; hence, rock climbing ;0)


I love rock climbing…it’s an all over body workout that digs into my fear of heights as well! And repelling down afterwards is super fun!


Ummm that rock climbing wall is ridiculous. So is Brooke in that romper.

I have never tried a rock wall. Just real rock climbing and I REALLY suck. I try to use my arms too much apparently. Let’s just say I never make it very high.

Papa John’s is the best delivery and there is no question or argument to be had about that! The end.

And no matter how many years I have been doing cardio the step mill will always kick my trash. That machine and I have a love/hate relationship. And I usually refer to it as the sweat climber and I like to do it at least 1x or 2x a week. But it got phased out a couple of weeks ago. Pretty much the elliptical and swimming are my forms of cardio right now – 1 week till this baby comes!! Wahoo!!


I moved to southern Utah a couple years ago so my hubby and I both got into rock climbing. It took me a while to conquer my fear of heights, ok a long while, but it’s an amazing sport! We are both addicted to it! Also, Costco chocolate cake is the bomb :)


Holy moley! If my friends house was a mansion like that, I’d want to move in, too!! NBD, I have a multi wall rockwall and a separate library in my house with vaulted ceilings!


Rock climbing is awesome!!!!!! I’ve been a runner since high school but started rock climbing 2 years ago, and my upper body strength has gone from like 0 to 100 in that time. I actually think bouldering (at a rock climbing gym) is one of the most intense workouts, and requires upper body strength more than any other sport I’ve tried. It’s also really challenging, so a lot of people try it, fail, and then resort to rock climbing (top roping) instead. BUT, give bouldering a go! It’s seriously addicting, and the soreness you feel afterward is unlike anything else. Running = legs, rock climbing = arms. I’m a walking infomercial for the sport, I know.


Little Bo’s in Colorado has fabulous pizza – but I have no idea if they deliver as I sadly don’t live there, just stop and eat on our way to the ski resort.


Pontillos Pizzeria in Rochester NY. You haven’t lived until you get this pizza, with boss sauce.


I literally just finished a piece of Pontillo’s while reading this post! Small World!


I’m all about the elliptical & do it about twice a week. I love the ones that aren’t on the track, but are in the air? Do you know what I’m talking about? I know it’s super vague… but they’re my fave.


Oh my GOSH!! That is someone’s house? I suddenly feel really, really poor! Haha….


I don’t like any delivery pizza… the pizza place in my town is the only pizza I really like! But seriously. That’s your friend’s HOUSE?! Is that even real life??


I love climbing and belong to a climbing gym. I also love the elliptical. I do a 75-80%/25-20% backward to forward ratio. And not much incline or too much resistance. Helps keep it quick and light…you know, how you want to feel when you run ;-). Totally helped me become a faster runner. I used to do 75% of my training on it. Hoping to get back to all of it soon :)


-Oh my gosh I did those push-up position rows yesterday morning alternating with Russian twists and my obliques hated me! But today they love me ;) (Not sure what that was supposed to mean, but let’s go with it.)
-Brooke is looking so much like her mama lately – especially in that pic of you two together! :)
-My lunches are insanely boring too – exciting dinners (and DESSERTS!) are where it’s at.
-I use the elliptical in my college gym a couple times a week to cross-train, as well as when I’ve been injured, although my doctor said it wasn’t the best thing to do when I had a hip stress reaction (step before a stress fracture).
^He could’ve been completely wrong though because he also ‘knew’ it wasn’t a bone-related injury until he finally caved after I begged for an MRI for the millionth time (I could tell it wasn’t just my IT band this time). I would’ve had a full blown hip stress fracture had he not let me get the MRI (that he claimed would find nothing…he ate his words later)! Let’s just say I go to a different sports medicine doctor now.

Oh boy I need to stop leaving the world’s longest comments haha!


Back in college the best pizza delivery was Papa John’s, but now in SF there’s a local chain called Patxi’s that does the super deep dish. When you take a bit I believe it has been scientifically proven that angels sing and unicorns weep tears of delight.


For regular ol’ delivery pizza I now like Domino’s the best! Their new crust recipe is just so good!


I actually use the elliptical machine pretty often, especially when I don’t want too much pressure on my joints. I also like the stair climber. It always gives me a good sweat!

I’ve never gone rock climbing but it looks fun!


Monical’s Pizza from Central Illinois. I dream about it…their thin crust pizza, their breadsticks, their salad dressing…oh myyyyyy goodness!!!


I can’t use the elliptical because it causes problems with the joints in the bottom of my feet. The pushing motion aggravates the second toe joint and starts by being numb then makes the joint capsule swell up.


Mmmm, I love Papa John’s too!


Delivery wise Papa Johns is the best! I love their crust! I only wish they used fresh pineapple on their pizza………….no delivery places near me do that but fresh pineapple and avocado pizza is perfection.

I am not good at rock climbing. It is fun, but I kinda suck at it!

And as far as the elliptical goes, I love it, but I don’t have access to one…….boo!


Ella has the same romper and it fits her the same way! I think our little peanuts just aren’t meant to fill it out;)

I love this local joint… Bella Roma! They have great food! It’s small but perfect!

I went rock climbing on Jamaica and while I made it to the top it nearly killed me lol… I loved it but it was a full body work out!


First, let me say that I agree with your stance on lunch. I have been known to eat a bag of rice, just potato wedges, a bowl of cereal, or a container of hummus. I don’t need a meal in the middle of the day, just something to get the job done like you said. Brilliant.

Also, I am terrible at the elliptical and just haven’t been able to get into it! I always feel so awkward on it, and I don’t know what to do with my hands/body. Let my arms swing or put them on the rails? Let me body move up and down with my legs or keep it still while my legs move, Riverdance style? So many questions, so I give up.

You’re so smart for taking some time off of running when your body needed it! Too many runners get caught up in the training and their goals and push through minor issues that get blown into major injuries. Way to go, your bod will surely thank you!

Best pizza: Papa John’s. Just because of that garlic dipping sauce. It’s all about the garlic dipping sauce. I had pizza for lunch today too because 1) I don’t turn down a free meal and 2) Cheese.

Have a great afternoon!


Kind of anti-human of me, but I’m not super crazy about pizza. My in-laws are Italian and eat pizza ALL THE TIME = I’ve gotten sick of it. I know, I know, such a terribly difficult life I’ve lead. :)

Love rock climbing outside. I’ve never done indoor rock climbing. Actually, I like rock climbing but I love rappelling down. I guess I’m lazy.

I think you are awesome for doing any kind of elliptical/stair climber. Each minute on one of those things seems like an hour. Treadmill is the apparatus for me!


what! that view from your friend’s library is unreal. i never knew i needed that until now. :) i’ve rock climbed a few times and it’s way harder than it looks-gotta work that upper body strength but it’s fun!


I totally agree that Papa John’s is the BEST!!! I love their garlic and cheese dipping sauces!


Totally agree. Papa Johns is best. I could pour that garlic sauce all over the pizza and be a very happy person.


I bike to cross train. I’m not really the biggest fan of the elliptical we have at work. Back when I had a gym membership I loved the elliptical with the arms.

I tried rock climbing and I was terrible at it!


Papa Johns is the bomb dot com! Also that rock climbing wall is so cool! I used to love doing that as a kid.


Only do elliptical (or anything inside for cardio) when I have no other alternative.

Rock climbing is awesome!

And Amici’s pizza in the SF Bay Area…pricey, but holy-yumsicles.

Congrats on your re-entry to the land of cardio!


Best delivery: Papa John’s. LOVE.

Best chocolate cake: Costco. DOUBLE LOVE.


I love rock climbing! Before kids my husband and I would go to Joshua Tree to rock climb, it was the best! We just joined a health club/gym that has a huge 3 story rock wall, pretty much the reason we joined the club. If that was my friend I would be at her house everyday all day! That is pretty freaking awesome. I actually googled a few years ago how to build your own rock wall…I want it! I won’t say anything about delivery pizza because I am unfortunately allergic to pizza…boo!


I would love to go rock climbing! I have never been but have always wanted to…it definitely looks like a lot of fun :)


OMG I have had that exact chocolate cake and it is amazing!!


What in the flying heck?! Your friend needs to be my new friend. A friend used to have a bouldering wall in his basement. But then I moved far … far away. No big deal…I can fly to where you guys are. It’s much closer than flying home. Super awesome.


p.s. YES I’ve been rock climbing. It’s my primary sport: 19 years and counting.


I haven’t rock climbed in forever. I used to at a day camp I went to in elementary/middle school. It was the best, even though I’m totally afraid of heights!

I haven’t been on any workout equipment other than the treadmill in at least two years. I don’t belong to a gym right now, and I don’t miss the elliptical at all.


Here in Michigan my favorite pizza to have delivered would be from Jet’s…they are slowly branching out to other states, but I’m not sure which ones. And I’ve never eaten from Papa John’s, but after seeing so many people comment about it on here, I think I’m gonna have to try it!


I really like Mellow Mushroom pizza. They do not deliver, but we usually do carry-out anyways. My kids love Papa John’s so we will do that a lot too. I love pizza so I’m not picky! :)

Someone else already mentioned it but the picture of you and Brooke is so beautiful. The love and joy in her face is priceless. So cute!


I LOVE rock climbing. Outdoor climbing is the best, but having a rock wall in my house would be a dream come true.


Oh my gosh, that rock wall is nuts. I love pizza from a little place in Charlotte NC called Revolution, it’s amazing!


Holy house! I’m so jealous they have their OWN rock wall!!! I have been rock climbing once and it was with no rope so I only got about 10 ft off the ground, lol! Next time I go I would love to try a indoor wall.


Wait… that’s someone’s HOUSE?! Whaaatttttt. That’s literally INSANE. As for the pizza, I like this local place in my neighborhood- the sun dried tomatoes and artichoke hearts with feta is my fave. :) But Round Table is really good too!


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