Fun Facts Monday

1.  I picked Brooke and my mom up at 2 a.m. (silly plane delays) last night from the airport.  It feels so good to have my baby girl again.

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2.  Workout today—>  Josse and I hit up the pool.  I hope Brooke is okay with me borrowing her princess towel.  

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3.  Did you guys see THIS:

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4.  Fun fact about Brooke:  She is extremely good at this duck hitting game… 35 in 90 seconds.  My high score is 16 in 90 seconds.  

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5.   During this break from running that I am taking I am sure that you have missed my normal running shoe shots so instead I will post my latest fashion forward trend that I am trying to start. 

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6.  I love infographics like THIS one:


7.  Ummmm why have I waited almost 2 years to start using Brooke’s detangler on my own hair?!?  This stuff has helped me to actually have a desire to wash my hair more often.  And they are right about the ‘tear free’ part;)

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8.  Two Brothers Re-Create Childhood Photos As A Priceless Gift To Their Mother—>  made me really happy the other day.   My sister and I are going to start working on doing this with all of our childhood photos.  

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9.  Bubbles entertain this girl for 60 minutes straight. 

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10.  Gotta love starting Monday off with 18 servings of vegetables so that by the end of the week I can live off of ice cream again like I did last week (I am 1/2 kidding).  Finished off the jar of almond butter as an appetizer.  

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Share a fun fact with me!!! 

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Love the princess towel!

I didn’t see that about the runner being hit by lightening, but it doesn’t surprise me. We’re kind of a hardcore group


Glad you’ve got your Brooke back with you!

I love the two brothers re-created childhood photos; although a couple of them turned out kind of creepy! HaHa!


Such a good idea to use Brooke’s detangler! I remember that stuff always smelling really good and making my hair feel really soft :)

Fun fact: 82 days until my first marathon!!!!


Make your own detangler! A few tablespoons of conditioner mixed into a spray bottle of water…and shake.


AWESOME!! I am totally going to now, thank you!


fun fact: peeling a banana is 10x easier if you start from the non-stem side…i’ve heard that’s the way monkey’s peel their bananas…who knows? lol
bubbles, playdough, and books = top ways to keep children entertained for HOURS! :) :) happy monday!


I am totally going to have to try that out! Thank you!


I love the 2 brothers picture!

I often go to the mailbox in socks and flip flops. I put a similar picture up on my blog a few days ago. It’s already catching on.

I’m heading to Orem on Friday. Missing my fave 10k to see my nephew for the first time. That’s a good reason to skip a race, right?


You are an awesome aunt.. YES!!!


LOVE kiddo detangler. Smells so good and makes my hair so soft! I do the same thing with my veggies…all the veggies on Monday, all the sweets on Friday ;)


Ahhhhhh I totally did that sock/flip flop thing all through college (I went to college in Ohio and hated wearing anything other than flip flops). Everyone made fun of me. You have no idea how happy I am to see you doing this, too :)


Get the Wet Brush from Target! I swear it’s going to change the way you think about washing, brushing & drying your hair. I have long hair and felt like I was ripping it trying to get out knots when it was wet and dry. This brush goes right through it! It’s the only brush I will use.


I am totally going to have to get that!


I was going to leave her the same comment! I got my daughter’s on Amazon (she has such a tender head!) and I use it on myself all the time!!


And get the smallest bristles you can. We have 2 Wet brushes, one with more fine bristles and one with slightly larger bristles, and the smaller one definitely gets the job done better with fewer tears in my house :)


I LOVE using kids detangler! Best thing ever.

Oh, Central Florida FINALLY got a Trader Joes and I’m going to buy all the things tomorrow! I can not wait! I’ll no longer be a Trader Joe virgin! ;)


So crazy about that runner! My hubby was going to show up and see if anyone needed a pacer, but thought the race was in August and didn’t realize it was Friday until Friday night! So, Saturday we drove up to Silverton and dinked around for a bit but never heard about Adam Campbell! Scary!


I’m obsessed with the Tour de France. Not sure why but I fight the boys every morning to watch these guys riding bikes while my boys are bugging me to watch the Bubble Guppies! Also, I have never eaten Almond Butter. I was determined to buy it today at the grocery and guess what, the brand I wanted was all sold out. Are you kidding?


Random things I know:

The dot over the letter ‘i’ is called a tittle

A ‘jiffy’ is the amount of time it takes light to travel 1 cm.

Now I need to go find my car keys….


I heard about the runner that was struck by lightning because he’s from my city, Calgary. I thought it was pretty impressive that he was able to finish the race.

I was babysitting on Saturday and bubbles helped to end a meltdown. I’m so glad I brought them with me!


Fun Fact/Story:

My (almost) 2 year old LOVES Cookie Monster these days! And yesterday in church he was snacking on some cookies and I heard him kind of growling….so I looked over at him and he was eating his cookies with both hands like crazy Cookie Monster, crumbs flying and “nom nom-ing” just like him! I laughed so hard! He has been eating his watermelon, toast, etc that way and he has so much fun doing it, I may try it with my vegetables (can you picture it?). :)


I have always told my husband that he and his brother need to recreate the pictures! I think that is such an awesome idea! :)


bahaha the brothers recreating pictures is the best thing I’ve seen all day! LOVE it! :)


I use detangler in my hair after swimming! Love the stuff and have tried all the brands and my favorite one is the WalMart brand. It actually makes my hair look OK as it air dries (the other ones somewhat weigh it down). May want to give it a try, too.

The picture of your brothers: MADE MY DAY. LOL. That is so funny.


That runner being hit my lightning= crazy! I definitely don’t think that I would keep running!


Use apple scented Suave little kid hair detangler too. It works so well!!


Fact: in exactly 10 days I am flying to San Francisco for the marathon. Woo hoo! First vacation of the year. Desperate. Lol.


That re-created picture made me laugh!!
I was walking down the grocery store aisle the other day and my daughter said in a loud voice, “that lady has bead head!” I was so embarrassed! But she was kinda right :)


Whoopsy…bed head not bead head


Fact: Ashtanga yoga can actually make those who practice regularly get a little taller by decompressing the spine.


I would pull off the flip flop + sock look more often if my husband would let me. ;)


We just had a thunderstorm here about an hour ago with some pretty bad lightening…I was worried for the runners who were out at that time ! (Including my husband, who made it home soaked). Are those Rainbow sandals? They are my favorite! I live in them all summer. And spring and fall.


Okay, that salad looks gooood. That photo of you holding Brooke is too cute :) And I would totally use that princess towel too.



FACT : (from home) Ancient Hawaiians believed that the heavier a woman, especially a chieftess, the more beautiful she was. Boom!


She is just the cutest thing :) :) So glad you have her back!


I used to use the Johnson + Johnson kids detangler all the time! I have an Aussie leave in conditioner that I use now with basically the same results.


Yay for Brooke being back!

My random fact of the day: I’m trying to decide whether or not I should register for a race…so when I couldn’t decide I ate ice cream instead. Ha.


I was probably rocking that flipflop look before you were even born!

Not-so-fun fact…I started another weird experimental elimination-ish diet today :( I really cannot wait to figure out what is WRONG. Ugh.


Fun fact I made 3 dozen muffins and brought them to work today. PB & jelly, almond banana bread and zucchini chocolate chip. I’m thinking in gonna start my own muffin truck. Everyone wants to buy them.


That’s why you have to try injinji toe socks. You can wear them with flip flops. I travel like a champ this way.


I’m so glad you love trader joes. It’s the best!


fun fact: I mastered the side crow in yoga recently and now it’s all I want to do. People frown at me, but maybe it’s not something I should be busting out in public? ;)

also, how in the WORLD do your salads not spill over when you put a fork to it. I’ve often wondered this. Your stacking skills are superb, but I would need like a bowl beneath that to catch everything! (maybe I’m just messy…) :)


Hey- how long is your running hiatus going to be? Are you chomping at the bit yet?


fun fact: I just started my training plan for my sixth half marathon – october 19th!


Nice! What’s your goal?


HAHAHA! Those re-created photos! Hilarious!

Your salads always look so good!


Fun fact: I did 10 pull-ups in a row for the first time this week. Woot!


Such good fun facts!!! I love the pictures when grownups (feels weird typing that, lol) recreate their childhood photos. It’s such a fun and sweet idea.

Fun fact: I moved into a new apartment on Sunday!


I can’t get over how cute Brooke looks in the bubble picture :) She’s perfect! I started reading your blog right after you had her so it is crazy that she is getting so big!


I live really close to Silverton! But I’ve only been there once since I was really little. You have to drive over Red Mountain Pass (Also called Million Dollar Pass) to get there and I hate it! That pass terrifies me so much I almost need tranquilizers to go over it! No way I will ever drive that pass myself!!!


Oh, and we have had so much incredibly crazy lightning here! Especially on Friday! I was so mad because I was at work and I couldn’t watch the lightning show!


We live in Cali but have been traveling through TX and OK so we’ve experienced our fair share of thunderstorms over the last couple of weeks. It’s been awesome, but thank God no one was hurt.

Random fact: I live and usually run in a valley. The hubs and I ran 9 miles at 6200 ft. elevation today. I cried because my lungs hurt so back. It was crazy.


How about a not-so-fun fact? Ugh, my poor 2 year old has hand-foot-&-mouth :( I’m currently rocking her and waiting for the Motrin to kick in so that hopefully she’ll sleep… It’s gonna be a long night. Thank you for putting up a second post today, it gave me some entertainment while I’m hanging out in the rocking chair ;)


Fun fact my 6 year old lost his first tooth now reading blog waiting for him to fall asleep so I can change my super mom outfit into tooth fairy outfit and leave him $ under his pillow then change into wife outfit and go to sleep ;)


Such a fun reason to stay awake! Hope the tooth/money exchange went well!


so happy Brooke is home


Cute fact: my 4-year-old nephew loves salad but will only eat it with ken’s steakhouse lite ranch dressing, and he checks the fridge to make sure no one is pulling a fast one on him. Lol!

My friend has a daughter about Brooke’s age and she loves bubbles! They bought a bubble machine and are all loving it! She is endlessly entertained and the grown ups don’t have to sit and blow bubbles for hours haha! (Although that is still fun sometimes).


Bubbles are precious :) My 3 year old thinks they’re magical. The brother’s pictures are kind of weird but having 3 kids of course they still brought tears!


I really liked the stats about running for a cause. I run for Athletes to End Alzheimer’s and I like how the awareness is increasing for this disease leading to hopefully one day finding a cure. I will actually be writing a blog post about running for a charity team this week since I will be speaking on a panel about it and will be sure to include the stats from your post. Thank you! Will be sure to credit it back to you.


That two brother picture is hilarious! I’m going to have to talk my brother into doing something like that with me.


I have often used my daughter’s towels in a pinch. I used her Phineas and Ferb towel a couple weeks ago when my fiancé and I went to a friend’s pool.


My little girl has that same towel!


Yay for Brooke being back!


So glad Brooke is back! Bubbles would totally entertain me for at LEAST an hour straight.


I’m pretty sure they should bump the guy who was struck by lightening up to at least 2nd place! That is crazy!

Are you really going to do the sister-photo recreations???? I know you kid a lot, but I think that is a fantastic idea! I hope you’re serious! Haha. :)


The Wet Brush is the MOST AWESOME THING EVER!! I don’t know if y’all have Sally Beauty Supply in Utah but they sell it for $8. It’s purple & it brushes right through wet hair with damaging & gets the tangles out. Seriously, it’s changed my life!!!


Haha recreating childhood photos is AWESOME!


…we use the same dressing from TJ’s! It’s my fav-can’t have salad without it.


That’s great I always use my kids towels from Iron Man to Sports Teams, I am covered when it comes to exciting pool options. I especially like Jake and the Neverland pirate towel it’s quite soft ;)


LOVE the Dove Hair Therapy, nourishing oil care detangler. About $3-$4, has a blend of argan oil, smells completely awesome. I use it for myself and my 6-year old daughter.

Completely random facts:
1. Cheetahs have grooved paw pads to provide traction and use their tails like a rudder during pursuit of prey.
2. I can’t outrun a cheetah.



In the summer my hair gets so knotted after a sweaty run and this detangler is a necessity!

Fun fact: The fiancé and I found the remains of a slide that went all the way down a mountain! It was called the Alpine Slide and was closed in 1999 (prob bc it is not super safe!) but you rode a modified ski-lift to the top and slid down a concrete shoot on a plastic sled with a hand brake……… helmets! The kudzu vines have completely hidden the slide chutes but we found the end of the slide and the ski lifts with broken seats and gears all falling apart. Pretty cool find!


My hubby wears socks and sandles sometimes too:) I’m training for my first spartan race in October! Super excited & nervous!!


Ultra runners are a special group of people. Honestly, that article doesn’t surprise me. Just hope he’s ok

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