Finish Line Photos–> Part 2!

I’ve got some more incredibly inspiring finish line photos/stories to share with you of some incredible runners!  ENJOY!!!

Photo 6

The first race I ever ran was Oakland Running Festival’s Half Marathon in March of 2013.  I was working as a high school math teacher in Oakland and convinced 21 of my students to run the half marathon with me (their first race as well!).  We trained for 12 weeks together.  I was so excited to run this race with them.  I was so incredibly proud of all of the hard work they put in.  

Three days before the race I was rear ended.  I had horrible whiplash.  I knew I shouldn’t run the race but I didn’t want to let my students down.  Within the first mile I wanted to quit.  With each step my pain got worse.  Seeing my students on the course cheered me up though and running through that finish line was the most amazing feeling.  I ran my first race and had quite a few students who finished before me there to cheer me on.  I also love how you can see my husband crouching down and running through after taking pictures of me (he ran the race as well with some faster students and finished before me).  Since it was my first race it was a PR as well.  :-)




I am submitting this finish line photo for me and my best friend Stephanie Anderson. Our boys Kobe 10 and Kaden 12 decided that they wanted to train for and run a half marathon. We decided to have them train for The Haunted Half Marathon in Salt Lake. Stephanie and I were both recovering from injuries and were carefully doing walk/runs to come back to our regular training. In the beginning of August we started the boys training, we ran with them 3 days a week and did all of our runs as a team! We started with a walk run and slowly took the walk breaks out as much as we could and made it to the start line with them ready to run a half marathon! It took so much patience to help these boys do their runs. They had really good runs and some really horrible ones. There were many laughs and tears along the way but we made it to the finish line and couldn’t of been more proud of our little boys!



This is a picture from the perfect 10 race in October 2013. A woman’s only race that was created to inspire and encourage all women, regardless of size or age. It was a great race, and I was representing my true jersey girl with my come at me bro t-shirt, and socks that read bad a** in small print on the back. I had a great race, and was so proud of all the women that ran that day.



This photo was the finish line of a half marathon I almost didn’t run. I had planned for this race to be my first full, but a foot injury forced me to knock it down to a half. Then I came down with an upper respiratory infection that week, so I nearly decided to just sit it out. But the idea of that had me in tears, because I had wanted this race to mean something to me. When race day came, I was determined to run it. It was 90 degrees, I was on antibiotics, and the race was brutal and slow for me. But I ran it and I finished it. It was truly one of my proudest moments. The relief I felt is evident on my face in the pic.





I made the jump from running 5k races to my first marathon with the 2011 Inaugural Savannah Rock n Roll marathon…wearing Vibram Five Fingers.  The first half of the marathon wound around the beautiful cobblestone streets of historic downtown.  However, the second half consisted mainly of running on windy highways.  I was mentally discouraged and physically my body was in excruciating pain from overworked joints and hamburger feet.  I wanted to quit. Bad. But I knew my family awaited me at the finish line.  As I limped down the chute at a slow jog I spotted my two boys. They were ecstatic to see their mommy and they snuck through the barriers to run to the finish with me.  Their enthusiasm was contagious, giving the strength to finish strong and happy! 


My dad took this photo of my mom and me at the December, 2013 Rehoboth Beach (Delaware) Half Marathon.  It’s hard to tell, but we were about 50 feet from the finish line.  I had absolutely no business running this race.  I had plantar faciitis and was in horrendous pain from the very start.  On top of that, I was an emotional mess.  My husband had recently moved out and my world was comepletely upside down.  BUT — I had signed up for this race months prior and was dead set on finishing it.  
At mile 7, I pulled over to the side and completely stopped.  I was in so much pain and didn’t know if I could go on.  My mom (who is 61 and an amazing runner!) was also doing the race.  I knew she was behind me somewhere and I just wanted to see her.  I didn’t know what I would do when I did see her, but I needed her so badly.  She came up with a huge smile on her face.  I told her I didn’t know if I could do any more, and she just said “what do you want to do?”  I told her I wanted to finish, and she said “then let’s do it”.  
My mother talked me through the rest of that race.  If she wasn’t there, I am certain I would not have finished.  This race taught me to let other people help.  We all go through really hard times and we all need each other.  This race was 100% mental for me.  My mother showed me that I had everything I needed to finish that race.  And of course, she’s still doing this for me today.    


This picture is from the finish line of last year’s Boston Marathon. I am from the Boston area and was so excited when I qualified. I was exhausted and ecstatic at after I finished, up until what happened. This picture is important to me because it gives me motivation for when I go back to run the Boston Marathon this year. I am grateful that I am able to return to show my love and support for Boston and the running community as a whole.

This race meant a lot to me because it was my second half marathon, and my first with a time goal (under two hours). I barely made it under two hours due to a ridiculously warm morning, but luckily came in with just seconds to spare. :) At the end of this run there is Domino’s pizza (their headquarters is nearby). The volunteers are more than happy to give finishers a whole pizza – yum! It hits the spot after a long and hot run. There are lots of hungry runner girls out there, myself included. :) The picture is not the greatest, but it definitely showcases the pizza and medal – the two best parts about this particular finish line.




This was my second ever half marathon. February 1, 2014, and it was the best race I’ve ever had! Better than any 5K or 10K. I trusted my training and how strong by body was. I had a goal of finishing either at 2:30 or a little under it. I crossed that finish line with chip time of  2:25:40. I was over the moon despite running the entire race in the rain and suffering from a major blood blister. The accomplishment was the best reward, and I am striving to gain it back. 


What has (or will be) your favorite part of today?

What is your most memorable race?

Food that you crave the most once you cross the finish line?

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These are amazing! There’s no better feeling then crossing the finish line. I can’t wait to do that with marathon #3 in a few months!


Which marathon will you be doing?!?


Pensacola Marathon in November, then Rock and Roll NOLA in Jan as a training run for my first 50k in February. Busy few months ahead!


Great inspirational post! I love Finish line photos!!!! I also recognize one of your finishers! Way to go Ali! :D


So inspiring to see people who can challenge themselves like that! I just hope nobody got seriously injured running while already injured/sick.

The best part of today will be getting home and changing out of my people clothes.


Thank you so much for including me, especially in a roundup of such inspirational stories!!


Thank you Ali! You are amazing!


I think I have read your blog too much since I got kinda surprised and slightly irritated of the new font.


ANNA! I am so sorry.. trying to fix it! I don’t know why it is so weird!


Yay, Ali! And yay to all the other awesome, inspirational runners too! I love reading all of their stories :) thanks for sharing them!


I don’t know why but this post made me tear up. My last half marathon was a bit of an emotional experience. And this just had those feelings rush back to me.


Hey Katey! Isn’t it crazy how emotional running is (especially races)! Congrats on your last half marathon and I hope you are having a great day!


You’re emotional too? I thought it was just me and my crazy hormones. They’ve never been the same since I had kids.


I love the picture of the girl with the pizza. I actually always crave a big salad and hummus after a race. No idea why hummus. Kinda random.


That is kind of random but now I am craving hummus right now haha. I hope you are having a great day!


Love these! So inspirational (and fun!)


LOVE finish line photos especially with inspirational stories behind them!!! (REALLY love the one with the mother and daughter and the woman who ran her first 1/2 (shown at the top!)
The best part of my day was the part I spent with mom!
Most memorable race was my first marathon which was just overwhelming in so many good (and bad/painful) ways. It was life-altering!
Favorite food post-race is any sort of bagel or donut. I really think every finish line should have donuts on a string and that should be your finisher medal ;)


Cafe Rio is my favorite post race food!! So good! We shall eat some next week :)


I love the picture of the woman running with her sons! When I’m struggling in a race I always think of my kids and husband and get all emotional so that is so sweet to see.

Usually right after a long race (marathon) I’m craving carbs like chocolate alm0nd milk or something else sweet but then later on I crave substantial protein and fat like steak and veggies! probably weird, but I’m a meat girl :)


My most memorable race was my very first race. I never was a runner, but my best friend “made” me join her 5 am running group (and I’m glad I did because it is how I ended up reading your blog!! heyhey!). We decided to train for the Pat Tillman race at ASU and it was a 4.2 mile race. The very last quarter mile I was dying. My only goal was to not stop running. I didn’t want to walk at any point in that race. We were so close to the end and I was really mentally tired. My friend and I came upon a big group of soldiers who were running in combat boots and clothes, holding a flag and shouting their soldier chant stuff. All of the sudden I started to cry and I didn’t stop until I crossed the finish line. It made me love my country, love my body and just feel so incredibly blessed.

Favorite part about today….setting up my new laptop for school! I’m a total nerd alert but I’ve been squealing about it all afternoon! :)


Thanks for including me janae. I’m so happy I get to share the come at me bro shirt with your readers (I swear it was a joke) All these ladies are inspirational; actually all runners have their own inspirational story, and they are pretty amazing to listen to, or read. Xoxo


Oh and this was just the perfect boost. I just a started training for my second marathon. The run today was super humid and tough, and this was the perfect present to keep me going strong!


I love these stories! They are so inspiring! I cry way too easily or something because I cried with each story. I love that people are capable at finding strength and determination when they just want to give up! Thanks for the motivation to keep running!


I love all of the inspirational finish line stories!

Now that I’m running shorter distances, I don’t crave anything after a race. Back when I ran marathons I always had mint chocolate chip ice cream for after the race, but I rarely wanted it until the next day. I craved a big steak or burger the night after a marathon!


Races are so emotional and hard and amazing and wonderful all at the same time! I love reading these and hearing everyone’s story :)


That’s a fun idea to post those!

My worst/most memorable finish line story is when I fainted…15 feet from the finish line!

State cross country match. I don’t know what was wrong with me, but my energy was zapped. I got taken to the hospital in an ambulance. Prittay stellar!


I love these inspiring photos and the women behind them. Thank you for such an awesome blog post!!


I love this! Best post-race food is always and forever chocolate milk, lol. My favorite part of today is that I actually got out and ran at 6:15 in the morning, which is really early for me. My second favorite thing is the killer nap I took later. :-)


I love these posts! So inspiring and wonderful.


I’ll never be able to top the memory of my first marathon, and getting engaged at the finish line. I’m glad my fiancé had it videoed, because I’ve had to watch it over and over! Every finish line has felt special to me in one way or another, you can’t beat that feeling no matter what distance the race! I always crave Subway after a race…a footling and a cookie! Or two… :)


Best part of my day will be bed time… Im sooo tired, the humidity is killing me:/

My most memorable race was the buffalo marathon I ran in may… My finish line pic looks nothing like these! I looked a little Quasimodo-esque… I can own it:/

It typically takes a while b4 I will eat but when I’m ready it’s usually something high in protein… Sushi or steak!


Wow!! Thanks for including me, Janae!! I love reading all of these great stories!


ok Kara? Where is that race with the pizza, because that sounds amazing

My most memorable race was my first, a ten mile run in Philly that my sister ran with me :)


Nothing better than rising with the sun. Each day is a gift.

I ran my first race ever on May 3 of this year. It was a 5k and I was so emotional at the end and fought back the tears. I had finished cancer treatment on Jan 8,2014. I had only started running out of anger after a conversation with an Aetna Nurse who called me at work to talk about my diagnosis and treatment. I left that day raging and headed to my Livestrong class. I turned out my normal work out in record time and had 15 minutes left, so I jumped on the treadmill and have not looked back.

So far, I have complete 3 5k’s, 1 4.5 mile obstacle course and a 5 miler. I have 5 more races to go this year and I am really looking forward to the 10k.

Running is my therapy. After months of sitting on the couch after treatment, thinking about my own mortality I can’t help but pound pavement.

I always look forward to multiple glasses of Smiling Hill Farm Whole Chocolate Milk.


Thank you for sharing your story. You are truly inspiring. I pray you stomp out cancer one step at a time.


I’m really looking forward to reading in a few minutes. Not that the rest of my day was bad, I’m just really tired! :)

My most memorable race was my first half marathon, because I didn’t really know what to expect. The longest I had ever run was 6 miles (under-trained much?), so from mile 6 on it was a whole new experience! I was just happy to get to that finish line!

Pretty much all I think about at the finish line is water. And then I usually find myself some pizza :)


I love these! Definitely inspiring.


Best part of my day was getting the job of my dreams!!!

My fav race was the one that I crossed the finish line with my two besties! Best feeling ever!

Food that I crave the most after a race is ice cold chocolate milk! Yummo.


Most memorable race was Race for the Cure Detroit in 2013. My family ran it with me in memory of my mom (who passed away from breast cancer in 2002). Even though my uncles and cousin were a lot faster than me, they stayed with me throughout the whole run. When we got to the finish line, one of my uncles grabbed my hand and we finished together. It is definitely a race and a moment that I will never forget :)


This was a lot of fun to see, and I noticed another runner is from Georgia! The Tybee Critz is a fun bunch of races on a beautiful island. I have found that running for me is great therapy and helps me to relax and stay calm, especially now that I have five kiddos. Thanks for highlighting all these beautiful women and their awesome finish line stories!

After finishing a race I enjoy a banana with peanut butter and cold chocolate milk.


These are such sweet and inspiring stories. It makes me think that every runner has a story. If I had to chose 1 race it would be my 3rd half marathon where I got sub 2 hours I was under the weather but ran for team world vision and each mile I prayed for different people I loved. I was so emotional and grateful and nothing was going to stop me from making my time. When I saw my 3 kids at the finish I nearly collapsed I wasn’t sure if it was cause I was exhausted or elated.


Too funny! My first (and only to date) full marathon was the Oakland Marathon!! It was soo hilly, but very memorable! :)


I LOVE these stories. I’m coming off of a DNF this weekend so I’ve been feeling pretty down, but I love reading stories that remind me of all those good race finish feelings. Thanks for the reminder Janae!

I love greasy, fatty foods after a race. And my favorite moment of today will probably be the moment I come home and crash on my bed! :)


I love these!! Especially the two about the moms and their sons and the mom and her daughter!! Also, now I reaaaaally want pizza!


Love these stories- makes me want to go running now! :) And I totally do races for the medals and the pizza, too, haha!


I love these stories, so inspiring!


My most memorable race was the 2012 Inagural Rock N Roll Portland Half Marathon. I completed it just 6 weeks after donating a kidney to my cousin back in Minnesota and probably had no buisness doing it at all since I had some minor complications from the donation surgery and my incision had to be reopened a tiny bit. I was an emotional wreck after crossing the finish line; so thankful that I was able to complete it when I thought so many times about stopping and quitting. My second most memorable race was in 2013 when I flew back to Minnesota to run a color run with my cousin’s daughter almost a year to the date of the kidney donation.


My best friend left on a mission trip to Africa today. My favorite part of today is also the hardest part – saying goodbye because I’ll miss him but also excited for the experiences he will have.


My favorite race so far was Pittsburgh in May ’13. It was a few months after the Boston bombing and I’ve never seen a more excited and supportive community. Every neighborhood was unique and awesome. At one point, there was a greyhound rescue group that handed my running buddy and I each a leash attached to a beautiful greyhound. We got to run with them for about a 1/2 mile (I think it was probably my fastest pace of the race — those dogs have got some speed!)

Thanks for the great finish line stories!


Thank you so much for including me!


Janae, thank you soooo much for this post! It came at the most perfect time. I was in a car accident at the beginning of June and it really messed up my back. I have not been able to run since, and I was gearing up for a Half Marathon on Labor Day. Seeing all of these amazing people with their incredible stories is just wonderful and gives me hope and reminds me that soon enough I will be running once again. Thank you again for this great post!


i always crave brunch after running a race :) it’s my favorite post-half marathon tradition!


Oh – I love the story of the girl and her 61 year old mom – I hope that my boys feel that way about me one day!!!


Great photo, the main thing here is to get to the finish line, incredible work by the photographer. Similar pictures can be found here hair extensions images It is also important to use an additional resource. It will give you creativity as well as confidence

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