A full running outfit (top, bottom, shoes) giveaway for your RUNNING INSPIRATION!!!

But first a few things from last night:

1.  A much needed night with this girl.  

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2.  Brooke insists that we read ’Twas rhe Night Before Christmas every single night before bed.  We both have it memorized.  

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3.  Chicken pot pies with my sister and her husband. Comfort food. Gotta love it.  

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4.  Starting Brooke with her air hockey training at a very young age.  She’ll thank me later. 

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I think you all know about how I think my sister is the coolest human on the planet.  She is pretty incredible.  My sis is the one that first got me into running.  I would go with her starting at the age of 12 and she helped me to really fall in love with running.  I have a million amazing memories out on the trail with this girl and she inspires me to push myself, to set new goals and to enjoy running and to not take it too seriously:)  She gives me the best ever race pep talks and she helps me to remember to train smart and recover properly.  

She manages to stay so very positive even when the going gets tough and I am so grateful for her example to me of doing something active every single day.  She’s that person that will run next to me for 5.5+ miles in flip-flops and with a big smile on her face to keep me positive at the end of the marathon.  She’s a really good one. 

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(PS my sister is wearing the PureCadence 3, Infinity Capri III and the PureProject SL)

Now is your chance to win a running top, bottoms and shoes for the person that inspires you!   Giveaway ends on 7/20/14!

To enter giveaway:

1.  Leave a comment telling me who inspires you to Run Happy?  Why?!?!  Share the story:) 

2.  For an additional entry you can tweet and/or facebook about giveaway and leave a separate comment telling me that you did!

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my 7 yr old V is who inspires me. He completely gives me pep talks while we are out there. He does admit he is faster than I am to anyone who will listen, but he is beyond the best inspiration ever


My sister inspires me. First she showed me you could really loose weight by watching what you eat and exercising. She helped keep me motivated during my 70lb weight lose and still does. Then, after running for a few years on her own I talked her into running a 5k. She had so much fun she talked me into doing the half marathom the next year. She trained for it while going through a divorce and workimg 12 hr graveyard shifts every weekend. She even woke up early a few times to run with me! We both finished the race and have many more planned.


My mother inspires me. She cares for my father, who had a stroke…and still manages to be the most loving mom to me. She has strength and beauty that goes so far beyond looks. She has inspired me to lose 60 pounds by losing her weight in her 60’s.. Thank you for this chance!!!


I have run two marathons and in both I could not have done it without my family. I look forward to seeing them along the course with their crazy signs, bubbles, poppers, and shouts when I pass. They are the craziest fans out on the course and I am SO grateful for them. They inspire me.


I’m always inspired by my whole family! None of them really run, but they are all driving 12 hours from Ohio to NY to watch me do Ironman Lake Placid (in my Brooks) in 10 days AHHHH. Anytime I’ve thought about skipping a workout or not giving it my all I think of them and how I want to make them proud. It keeps me running happy!


My son inspires me. I want to be strong and healthy for him and running makes me a better mom. I hope one day we’ll run together side by side, but for now I love pushing him in our Bob stroller while he points out all the airplanes.


My mother. She is in way much better condition than me though she is nearly 50 years old! I wanna be that fit on her age too.


I ran a little bit in high school and college but I really started running when I met my husband. One thing that really impressed me about him when we first met was that he had run a full marathon. At the time I didn’t know anyone else who had done that and I decided that I wanted to do it too. So our dating/courtship consisted of training for and running the 2005 San Diego Rock n’ Roll marathon. We ran together four days a week and he pushed/coached me all the way through it. I never could have done it without him. Nine years later I am a much stronger and better runner, but that’s where it all started and he still inspires me today!


the people I see while I am running inspire me! they keep me moving


MY WEIGHT inspired me !!!
I was a fat girl and when I grew up I realized that sport will help me to lose weight.
So from then till today (more then 20 years) I did many kinds of sport but in the last few years I found the running and I love it ! the feeling that I am doing it for my self is amazing. and I keep loosing weight…. :-)


My friends from home inspire me to run. We don’t see each other often, but when we do get to talk, it feels great to tell them about my progress!


My mom!! Her running a marathon was the inspiration for me to pick up running at all, and I fell in love


Love what you shared. I’m going to keep on reading through your site.


I have a friend that is 51 and in great shape that encouraged me to run with her. She helped me train for my first half marathon. She encourages me to never give up.


My sister! She put together my first running program, and she constantly inspires me to keep it up.


My inspiration and motivation is my best friend Susan. She’s been a runner for years, and has told me I would love it for years, I didn’t believe her! However, one afternoon after a really great cardio workout I texted her and said, let’s do a 5k. She was so excited, not only did she encourage and help me train for that, but she ran it with me while she was 20 weeks preggo! A true rockstar! Words cannot say how much she means to me, and how precious our friendship is, and running has brought us even closer.


I also shared this on Facebook. :)


My mom! She’s my biggest supporter and always has encouraging words to offer when I have a bad day or had a bad run even though she lives miles away in Germany :)


Although my husband is my biggest supporter and cheerleader, I think my running inspiration would have to be myself. If I am not running for me, then I feel like a lot of the fun and enjoyment goes out the window. I am no different than a lot of people – running has helped me heal through the not-so-good times and brings extra joy during the happy times. I do not come from a very active family, so it makes me proud that I continue to keep up the active lifestyle year after year.


My uncle inspires me. He is 56 years old and has ran his entire life. He has ran the Boston Marathon for many years. He ran my second 5k with me and stayed by my side the entire time encouraging me to run faster. (I was ready to throw up, he hadn’t even broke a sweat!) He ran my cousins for 1/2 marathon with her in January and he will be running my first 1/2 next January! I hope to encourage others the way he has encouraged me.


I work in an urban school with students who have emotional disabilities. When I run I think about how difficult it is for them each day to get through the school day. They inspire me to keep going when I feel like quitting.


I’m inspired to run happy by my running group. Great girls, great conversation, great runs!


Tweeted it!



The group of women that I run with inspire me! They secretly made shirts, took this photo, and wrote sweet cards and notes for me before I ran Boston in April. They have kids and jobs and responsibilities and knock out their runs at crazy hours in the mornings. Most of all, they inspire me because they are women of character. They are Godly women with great hearts, and I want to be them when I grow up (I’m 29, ha!). :)


I run for myself, but my crossfit friends have always been my biggest inspiration and encouragement.


My children inspire me. My 8 year old ran her first 5k with me this spring and it was so special to share something I love with her. I hope that I am a good role model for them, and so they keep me strong and motivated.


YOU inspire me to run happy, Janae! I am continually inspired by the strength and optimism that comes through in your blog. You inspired me to continue running while pregnant (my baby boy just turned 1!), you inspired me to start running with him in the BOB (awesome except I DIE in the hills), and you inspire me to keep going and smile when life gets tough. Thanks for the inspiration :)


What inspires me is how good I feel after running – that makes me want to get out there everyday!


My husband inspires me. I get disappointed in myself when I have a bad run or don’t PR in a race. He always reminds me that I run because I love it. He asks me, “Did you have fun?”. When I say yes, he tells me that it is worth doing again. He is the most determined person I know and quit isn’t in his vocabulary. He is a wonderful husband, awesome father, and my best friend.


When I first started running I was living in a small town in South America where I didn’t know anyone who ran. It was honestly blogs that inspired me to run and answered all my questions and kept me going!


Also tweeted! @eeherr


My son inspires me to run happy. He’s 4, so any time he’s outside it’s pure joy. It’s an adventure. Have you seen the “Friends” episode where Rachel and Phoebe go running? Phoebe runs all silly like a child, it’s hilarious. That’s how my son runs. “Watch me, Mommy I’m going to win the race!” All out effort, arms flailing, HUGE smile on his face…he reminds me that we are meant to have fun in this life, and that we don’t need much to be happy. :)


I tweeted. It’s @JeneeORama, here’s the link. https://twitter.com/JeneeORama/status/489414862489915392


I work at a VA hospital and am surrounded by so many Veterans that inspire me to run happy! Their strength, courage, and determination is my reminder to truly appreciate the things I love and push myself to do my very best!


My mom inspires me. She constantly reminds me how I’m doing exercising so I have more energy to chase my 2 year old around. She builds my confidence so I can push through tough spots and reminds me of all the harder challenges I’ve excelled at when running gets tough.


Several people inspire me. I am a twin. So, for sure, my twin sister inspires me! She is getting ready to do the St. Jude’s run the beginning of August. Also, a group from my Crossfit gym inspire me. We started a challenge through Nike app to run the number of miles of the number of days in the month. So, 31 in May, 30 in June. It really wasn’t to be competitive but just to incorporate more running with our Crossfit. Of course, it became competitive. I didn’t win in May and was so bummed. So, I knew what I needed to do in June! Yep, I did it! Winner, winner!! I’d love new running/Crossfit gear.


Well this sure is a fun giveaway. My girls inspire me to stay active. I want them to find the joy in movement that I’ve found so we get outside and stay busy together!


Absolutely my best friend megan. She’s been my best friend for almost 9 years and has NEVER missed one of my races. She’s there to cheer me on every step of the way (and run with me sometimes too)

She deals with my pre marathon OMG I can’t do this freak outs and supports all my crazy running ideas. I adore her.


My mom inspires me. She has a disability that makes just living a daily battle, yet she smiles every day. When Im out for a run and its hard, I want to stop, and think I cant go any further, I think about her.


My sister inspires me! She is two years older than me and was the first one to convince me to run a half marathon.. that was over 6 years ago! Since then we’ve run countless half marathons and 1 full marathon together! Now, we are currently training for Marine Corp Marathon this October!!! She always stays positives and encourages me, even while training in this NC summer heat! Some of our most favorite memories have been surviving and loving every minute out there on the course together! Would love to win this give away for her as a thank you for getting me into running… my most favorite hobby, pastime and therapy : )


I tweeted about the give away!!!! @lsaye117


My dad is the person who inspires me to Run Happy! He has been a runner since high school and has always encouraged my brother, sister, and I to be active. When I started running about 2 years ago, it was a way for us to bond and spend time together. He is the constant in my running journey and is always there to encourage me when I need it the most. We have run a couple of races together (when I can keep up with him!) and we recently ran our first ultra together! It was an incredible experience and we really learned a lot about each other. I will always cherish the time we spend running together…they are certainly experiences I will never forget!


My mom inspires me to keep running. So does my dad. My mom always pushes herself to be the best, and always tries her best to fit exercise in. My dad has had nerve problems in his arm after just waking up one morning. Two surgeries later and he is still working hours and hours every day trying to get his nerves to return. He just shows me that he never gives up and keeps going, even when he doesn’t see progress for weeks and weeks at a time.


I am inspired by the middle school runners I coach. There is nothing like watching a group of kids work together to accomplish goals!


The whole running community inspires me. When I have a bad day or don’t feel like running I just turn to Facebook or Twitter and am inspired by the support and courage of so many who run for a so many reasons or despite trials in their lives.


I have so many people in my life that inspire me to run – so many amazing friends. But the person who got me started will always be the person I look up to most. And that is my dad. He is the one who asked me to start running with him. I loved going for runs with my dad and doing races together. It was ‘our’ time. None of my other siblings shared this passion with him and I felt like it was something unique we had. He went through chemo a few years ago and ever since then he has only been able to tolerate 1 or 2 runs a week, at a much slower pace, but he still gets out there to run because he never wants to stop and I can completely understand ;) He has never ran a marathon but would always talk about how awesome it would be to run Boston one day. That is one reason I would love to make it to Boston – so my dad can come with me and run the last few miles with me. I mean, how awesome would that be?


I facebooked about the giveaway!!


I tweeted!


My sister inspired me to start running as well! One of the very first races I ever ran was a 5 miler with her and she helped me train all summer for it. She lives in California now and I live in NYC so every year we plan a destination race/girls weekend together- could there be a better combination?! Aren’t sisters the best :)

PS- your sister’s hair is gorgeous!


my friend Heather inspiried me to start running 5 years ago, and I havent stopped. She is a very strong and competitive person and her drive and perserverance is awesome to see and be around. I am very thankful for her.


This may seem really silly, but my hound dog, Henry, really motivates me to run. He completed 5k training with me and right before we would head out, I would say ‘Henry! Do you want to go for a run!?’ and the enthusiasm he exudes is enough to get anyone to want to run, even if only for a few minutes. It’s a little too hot outside to run with him for long now, but I am so thankful for having such a wonderful training buddy to get me going :)


My husband pushes me to run and to never give up. He is the guy that when I say I can’t run one more step his response is “Fine, we go to the corner/tree/whatever and we can stop” and pushes me just that little extra bit.


My running group friends inspire me. They are the ones that make me get up at the butt crack of dawn on the weekends to go out for long runs in the awful heat and humidity in the summer. I never thought I would like running WITH people and now I hate running by myself!


My mom inspires me to run happy! I was on a downward spiral with negative body image when my mom started running races (she has since done 20+ marathons!) She inspired me to run when I was in college. I never believed I could be a runner… I had always hated running. But she would call me every morning at the crack of dawn and I’d drive to her house and we’d run. After working my way up to 5 miles, she convinced me I could do a marathon. Ha! It seemed crazy. When I hit 10 miles for the first time I had never felt so good about myself. And not because I got the perfect model body. It was because for the first time I liked my body because of what it was capable of. I felt on top of the world. I had no idea I could run 10 whole miles! When we did our 18 mile training run, it was a blizzard outside. I thought for sure my mom would cancel. NOPE! We ran those 18 miles and I was SO grumpy the entire time. I couldn’t believe we were out there getting soaked in the snow just to get our run in. 18 miles! And my mom, positive as ever, was singing and joking and happy as a clam, telling me I could do it! I kind of hated her. :) But that’s how she is, always lifting me, pushing me, loving me, believing in me. We have run 5 marathons together and a couple halfs. We don’t run together in the morning anymore cause I live further away, but through 6 babies (my oldest is 8!) I’ve tried to run here and there and have done some races. I absolutely know without my awesome runner mommy I would be in a different place as far as physical and mental health go… my mom and running (and God) helped heal me from that dark time. Being okay with myself through 6 babies is proof of that, ha ha!


I run happy for my two little boys, Tommy (2.5) and Charlie (1.5), and baby #3 due in December. I leave the house before they’re awake and enjoy every minute of my run, knowing as great as it is what’s waiting for me at home is even better.


My children inspire me. I want to set a good example and have a good amount of energy as a stay at home mother.


My sister also got me into running and has been my partner in crime as we nervously stand at the start line of new races.


my daughter Jac is one of my greatest inspirations…fighting through mono 3 times and losing out on 3 high school track and XC seasons she still received a scholarship to run for Utah State…Yep, she is going to do AMAZING things!!


Jac and Jill? I love it!


My mom. She was with me at my first marathon, up at 5 a.m. to wander around alone for 3 hours while I ran and has always been supportive. She just finished her second week of Couch 2 5k at my urging and she’s doing a great job and could definitely use real shoes and good running gear! She’s my biggest inspiration, not just in running, but in life!

And most importantly, she never, EVER asked me after a track meet in college, “so…. did you win??” She gets it :-)


My 10 year old son inspires me to Run Happy. When I was pregnant with him I ended up on bedrest for the last 3 months with severe preeclampsia, subsequently gaining almost 70lbs. After giving birth I was determined to get healthy and began running, which led to me eventually quitting smoking (I started back up after my pregnancy), which led to me running a slew of races, including 3 HM’s. During training for my last HM my son was inspired to start running with me for our short runs and we ended up competing an winning a team adventure race together. He is my inspiration to be a better person and to Run Happy :-)


I used to be my own motivation, but ever since I had my little girl, almost a year and a half ago, she is my motivation. I had an eating disorder for many years, and have worked through all of the negative self image issues I had in the past and grew to love running. My little one loves going with me on runs, and looks forward to being pushed in her stroller while we are out and about. I want her to grow up with a healthier self image than I did, so we are starting the love for running early.


My mom inspires me to run happy. She is not in ANY way athletic, but she’s always supported me (her tomboy daughter). When I was younger, my inability to run fast earned me the nickname “The Jolly Jogger,” so she thinks that it’s great that now I run–and I’m not so slow, either. I ran my first half marathon on her birthday just a few years ago, and she was so excited to be on the sidelines to cheer me on. She’s definitely the first person I plan to invite to watch me if I make into Boston this year!


My sister, even though she is five years younger and I had been running first, she is super inspiring…she has a brain tumor, diagnosed 7 years ago…had most of it removed and then got pregnant immediately. Fast forward seven years and two more babies…she continues to run and is a rockstar…she just keeps getting faster as she gets older. Thinking about all of the things she has gone through makes a tough run seem not so bad! Plus she is pretty handy to have around as she is always up for a run :)


Not sure if my original comment posted so I am reposting. My inspiration for running is Eva Casale. Eva, is a 49 year old runner who several years ago gave her kidney to a father who needed it, did I mention she never met him before she heard it on the radio and decided to donate. This past week Eva ran 7 marathons in 7 days. On July 7th every day for 7 days Eva ran a marathon in order to bring awareness and raise money for blood cancers. Her goal was to raise $49,000 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Eva’s motto is that she runs for those who can’t and she raises money not just for one person but for everyone that blood cancers affects. She finished all 7 marathons with the support of friends, family and strangers. To date she has raised over $26,000 and the numbers are still going up. Eva made our local news channels, newspapers, blogs and more. Including this article posted on Yahoo!

I had the opportunity of running with my friend, coach and mentor on Day 4 for 14 miles and it was amazing. Nothing could get Eva down. It was hot and muggy but it never stopped her. She pushed and kept going, motivating those who ran with her. It was amazing and she deserves to win. If you want to check out her website it is goteameva.org


My dog inspires me to run happy! Every time I let her outside, she does her thing and then trots all the way to the back of our yard (which is huge), turns around, and then SPRINTS back to the house. I can just tell how much joy she gets out of just letting loose and running! Every time I get hung up over pacing, mileage, or anything technical, I remind myself to just enjoy that awesome running feeling. :)


I am recovering from an injury right now. It has been a month! Boo! So that leaves me my sister to live through. She inspires me to get better so we could run a half together in a month :)

And HRG , you also inspire me :)


My kids inspire me to run happy! I was a runner before I had either of them, but now I’m inspired to stay healthy for them and to be an example to them.


Who can not say their mom? I have an incredible mom! She is 57 and is climbing mountain peaks every weekend in glacier national park with my dad! Talk about intense! She works hard and plays hard and I want to be just like her!


My husband inspires me to run happy. He is always so positive even in the middle of a problematic situation. We balance each other out so well.

During races, I love to dedicate each mile to someone who has made an impact on my life. Each mile, I think about and pray for that person. It’s a great way to keep me motivated and to make the miles go by quick!


My best friend, Paul, inspires me to run. He helped me believe that I’m a runner and listens to my strange running stories. Running is personal, the motivation comes from within, but my friend helps me be confident enough to listen to that inner voice and do hard things.


My sister inspires me for so many reasons. We swam together since we were 5 and 7 years old then started running together in middle school. She was always there to push me to do my best and cheer me on, even when she broke her leg and couldn’t run her senior year. Last year, she moved back home with our parents so she could start an organic farm. She works 14-16 days every single day of the week, but she loves her job and provides fresh fruits and veggies to the community. She sees the big picture in situations and is changing the world one step at a time. She inspires me to do what I love (running, staying active, eating healthly) while encouraging me to change the things in my life that don’t make me happy. She is truly an inspriational person to anyone who knows her, and especially to me. Check out her blog at http://www.farmerliz.com! :)


Running blogs, especially yours, inspire me on a daily basis! I don’t know what I would do without my morning blog scrolling and coffee before runs!


I run happy for me! The endorphins help me combat my sad times as I have grown up in a family drama like no other. Running is my time to just think, and then I spend the rest of the day enjoying the company of everyone! Running blogs have created a sense of community for me! Also, I have become a role model for my mom and brother who have added more physical activity in their day.


My mom makes me run happy. She has struggled her whole life with health issues: diabetes, obesity, heart issues etc. She inspired me to live a fit life, not only to maintain my health, but set an example for her. We encourage each other and it, among other things (like endorphins), makes it all worth while!


The gorgeous weather makes me #runhappy!!


I inspire me to run. By the time my marriage ended last year, I had reached a place where I felt so awful about myself all the time. I wanted to feel strong and beautiful, and so I started running. It worked! Now I continue to run because I still have a lot of work to do while I pull my life back together, and I don’t want to let myself down. Running helps me stay centered, keeps me healthy, and the things I learn about myself and my body while I run transfer into the rest of my life. I owe it to myself to be good to myself, and not to let myself get trapped in an unhappy life. That’s why I run.


Other runners inspire me, especially those whose blogs I read!


My daughter does! She just makes me happy in general and I want her to grow up active (don’t think that’ll be a problem from her energy level at this point in time) so showing her how I stay active ultimately makes me happy :)


I inspire myself to run. Running helps me mentally and emotionally and obviously physically, plus the hope of a better me inspires me to run day after day, no matter how difficult it is or how much I want to give up.


My friend Jess inspires me!


Being healthy and taking care of my body inspires me to run happy! I am committed to keeping myself healthy and active to live a full, happy life so I can enjoy my family.


I try to inspire myself to run happy :)


My running inspiration are my high school coaches. I was a sprinter in high school and did cross country as well. I could sprint but couldn’t run long distances to save my life. I was in cross country only because I went to a small school and if you did any sport, you were in cross country as well. I could hardly finish the 2 miles without stopping to walk (And I used to think that I was in the best shape of my life back then). I took a few years off and I’ve now just registered for my first half marathon. I can run way longer now and I’m still not as fast but I feel healthier now then back then. I can still hear my track coach yelling at me his words of wisdom/inspiration every time I finish a race now.


I guess it is just me. Since I had my kids late in life, I want to do anything to help me be around for my future grandkids.


Me! I am challenging myself, competing with myself, and bettering (word?) myself :)


My boys inspire me to get up and Run Happy every day!! I like to think I inspre them to be active and make healthy choice also!


My sister is my inspiration for running as well; however, she is my younger sister. I love her and she has had a love for running from the beginning. She ran cross country and really pushed me to run a half marathon with her. This was a HUGE deal because I was a sprinter and soccer player. I never ran 8 miles before let along 13.1 miles. We trained together and sure enough we ran our first half together back in 2010. I know I wouldn’t have started my love for distance running without her.


It might be odd to hear, but I have found that my biggest inspiration to get out and run is Jesus. When I get up in the morning, I realize that God has blessed me with another day to let His light shine; whether that be smiling and waving at someone while on a run, or using that time to pray with all my heart. Jesus gives me a reason to keep me going. Every. Single. Day.
Hannah the Health Nut


Hi janae!
My dad is my inspiration to run, since I was a little girl he has continually preached the mental and physical benefits of working out. He is a competitive tennis player as well as an all around gym goer. He has had countless injuries yet continues to recover and play. He is really my all around inspiration in life, not just running and exercising.
I also have to say that I inspire myself! I have worked so hard to get to where I am and I really have come far. I now know that I have the ability to grow even stronger and run longer and faster. Believing in yourself is important!

Hope you have a lovely day!


Hi Janae!
My sister inspires me to run too. I am the oldest of 6 sisters and although they all motivate me in some way, my sister Lynsie motivates me to run. She always gives me that extra push on my lazy days, encouragement when I am feeling blah, and “good job” when I really deserve it. Being a runner has always been a goal of mine and Lynsie holds me accountable when I need her to. In our last 5K, she kept me going and told me never to give up. We made it and I have her to thank.

You and this blog also give me inspiration to run. I visit your site quite often during the week for advice and motivation. It helps me to remain excited about running and about achieving this personal goal of mine. Thank you!


My husband inspires me!! He is always tells me how proud he is of me after every run. Makes getting up at 4:45 am a little easier.


YOU inspire me to run! Your love for running is infectious, and brings out my true love for running too. Also — being at races and surrounded by hundreds or thousands of runners — all of varying ages, sizes, abilities, etc. — inspires me.


My pal Katrina is my inspiration. She ran cross country but she would always be up for a slow, short jog when I was really out of shape and disinterested in running in college. It was those short jogs that made me believe I could love running, and she motivated me to do my first half! She just completed her first marathon and would definitely love the gear :)


My brother in law has inspired me to run. He is an ultra runner and always looks to the positive side with anything and everything. He hasn’t finished all his races but still will only talk about the positives of the race and how he can learn from his mistakes. I get discouraged a lot due to me not being a very fast runner but he always tells me “Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must, just never give up “. It always reminds me to not to compare myself to anyone else ,just get out there and do it!


My Dad inspires me the most in my running. He’s one of those people who is always there for you and encourages you when you need it. He ran for years before I ever showed any interest in running whatsoever. He knows the ins and outs of the sport, but is the most humble person and lifts you up no matter what the circumstance. He was there for my first 5K and every race after that! He handles all his challenges without a complaint and shows great character every day. And that’s really what it’s all about. Setting a great example and being there for your friends and family:)


I run for me. It makes me a better mom and wife. My kids and husband inspire me. Also one of my besties…she is amazing and it’s something we do together and I can’t imagine not running!!


My high school coach inspired me to love running. He was very patient with me and always taught me to ease into running more miles. He was really great coach and person. He inspired many others.


My husband helps me run happy! He is always 100% supportive in my endeavors. Whether it’s not batting an eye at a ridiculous race fees, taking over the kiddo duties so I can get my run in, or whipping me up some food when I’m done with said run and just pretty much done in general, I couldn’t do it without him!


Other runners inspire me. Whether I know them or I don’t. It can be all the motivation you need to see someone running through tough times or getting out there even when they don’t want to. It helps keep me going :)


My Dad inspires me to run. He ran when I was growing up, but can’t do it anymore. I hope one day to be able to be as fast as he was.


My mom inspires me to run happy. Growing up, my mom always emphasized the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle. My mom has competed in several triathlons and half marathons. She has also ran one full marathon and did a half ironman. For as long as I remember I always wanted to run a half marathon but I never did anything about it. When I was 17 I decided to chase my dreams I started on going on 2 mile runs and those runs turned longer and when I was 18 I ran my first half marathon. I am now 19 and I am training for my third half marathon. I also want to do a triathlon this year and someday a full marathon and half ironman. I would not have been so motivated to run and be active if it wasn’t for my mom. My mom can not run anymore because of a back injury so when I run I am running for her. I hope when I have kids one day I will influence my kids to live an active lifestyle.


My Grandpa who passed away at the age of 59. He wasn’t very active & the cancer eventually took him, however he motivates me through tough workouts & I know how proud of me he would be for “taking care of myself” because he always said he needed to work on that. Every time I race he always crosses my mind. Miss him so much.


I tweeted https://twitter.com/klesm937/status/489957083727409153


Always have just run for myself…. A few years back co-workers have always been interested in my running and races…to the point afew have asked me to help them to run…which I have done and they now inspire me…I have enjoyed watching some go from one mile to last year running a marathon with me…


My mom inspires me. She managed to raise 2 sons when she was 19, and then had me when she was almost 40… and still managed to make time to stay fit and active. Such a great inspiration to me!


I inspire myself. I’m 25 yrs old and I’ve been struggling with my weight and health for nearly my entire life and it made my life so unhappy but it won’t stay that way because I now go for morning walk/jog/run to loose weight, be fit and be healthy. It is never easy as I am suffering with asthma and plantar fasciitis but I believe that I can do it and I will do it for myself. I run my own race and I run happy, because whenever I run, I feel so free and I love it. ♥


My little sister inspires me. This past weekend we ran a half marathon together. I love running with her. She totally pushed me and encouraged me throughout the entire race. I ended up taking 11 minutes off my PR and got a time I thought was never imaginable! She helped me do that! It is such a fun memory we now have together.


My best friend Amber inspires me to Run Happy. She’s always there to encourage me when I feel terrible about running, and encourages me to get out there and run even when I don’t want to. The best part is that she does it all from the other side of the country!


My friend Mariana inspires me. I recently went through a really tough breakup, job loss…the works. I wanted to do NOTHING and she (nicely) reminded me that I was always happy when I was running. In my funk I said I was quitting because I was slow and clumsy and didn’t want to put my shoes on ever again. Instead of reminding me she started showing up and forcing me. Running with me and letting me slow down, cry, yell, stop and walk or whatever I wanted. Eventually we just ran…no tears or stopping. She is running her first half this fall and I bet she’s look awesome crossing the line in some Brooks gear!


I have many people that inspire me. I push myself to be a better person and i find that by running it helps me do that. I find that when i am taking care of myself physically, i am in the best place mentally. I can’t be of service to anyone if i am not taking care of myself.


My husband inspires me to run – he tore both his achilles, yet after lots of rehab is back out there running like crazy again


I shared on fb https://www.facebook.com/meredith.montgomery.98/posts/758519697545449


My young (43 yrs old) friend who ihas been battling cancer inspires me. He had been a running mentor to me for years and actually encouraged me to runy first half! He keeps fighting that darn cancer and is winning the battle right now too! He serves as a tremendous inspiration to many in our running community and I am so lucky to know him!


As lame as it sounds… you were the person that inspired me to start running. You just make me really happy.

Okay, I’m going to go hide and be embarrassed.


My Dad inspires me to run happy :) he may not be a runner but he stays active and always has a go big or go home attitude about life. I hope to be as fit as him when I’m his age.


My daughter inspires me every single day. After her father and I divorced I gained 50 pounds- in ONE year! As you can imagine I felt horrible, not only emotionally but physically as well. In 6th grade my daughter asked if she could join the cross country team. This was a no cut sport so the worrywort in me felt at ease. I remember her first cross country meet, it was so exciting watching her run! Then one day my daughter asked if I wanted to run with her. I said sure and although I ran at a turtles pace, she was right there by my side. We started running together three times a week..what an amazing mother daughter activity! I lost all the weight I gained and feel stronger than ever. I often wonder if my daughter hadn’t asked me to run that day, would I still be overweight and feeling miserable? Sometimes when I tell people my teenage daughter was my inspiration and motivation for weight loss I swear they don’t believe me but it’s true. My daughter has continued running through the years and is now in high school. My daughter is the reason I run happy, she means more to me than she will ever know.


My dad is my inspiration. He was a marathoner and ran for many years. Growing up I always looked up to him and wanted to be a runner like him one day. Before every race I talk to him and he says I need to enjoy the experience. He is the first person I send a text message after a race to let him know I finished strong.


My sister- she introduced me to running and I’ve been hooked ever since!


My brother inspires me to run happy. He lives in South Africa and I live in Indiana. Last summer, we ran the Rock and Roll Half marathon in Chicago together. He would encourage people the whole way and high five them! Very good reminder to enjoy the ride and to not alway be so serious. We had a great time together and can always chat about running.


My kids inspire me to run. I have two girls, a 5 year old and an 8 year old and I run so I can be a healthy and sane mother for them. I know this is way in the future but I also want to be a fun and active grandma for my grand kids, no recliner for me when I’m an old lady! I love that my kids are interested in running already. We’ve done a few 5k races together and they feel such a sense of accomplishment afterward that I want to be an example for them and encourage them to be active.


I don’t have one particular person… pretty much all the instructors at my gym & all my friends who run are my inspiration. I love their enthusiasm for a good endorphin high. It keeps me going :)


My girls on the run girls inspire me to run happy! The enthusiasm that they bring to our practices and their determination to complete the workouts is incredibly inspiring me. I have struggled with over exercise and disordered eating and am so thankful to have my 3rd-5th graders who remind me to be healthy and happy with my body in ways that they don’t even know!


My husband and 3 yr. old daughter inspire me. It’s been a tough year for me; illness, surgery and anxiety while training for my first marathon. They have always been there for me, encouraging me to keep going on and to stay positive. They have my back. And everytime I see their smiles, I know I can do anything I put my heart into. :)


My parents inspire me. They started running years ago at the age of 50. Since then, my dad has ran 2 marathons (and is running 2 more this year), and my mom has ran 6 half marathons (and is running her first full this year). I got into the sport because of them, and they keep me motivated to stay with it when I get discouraged. If they can do it, then I can do it.


My niece is my biggest inspiration. She has eosinophilic esophagitis which is very similar to having food allergies, except that they can change at any moment, which makes eating for a seven year old very difficult. My niece has been teased and tortured and has struggled with disordered eating already (sneaking the “bad” foods and being ok with getting sick) and yet she has overcome it all and has a great attitude for someone who is so young. She inspires me to keep going every day!


My kids inspire me to run because it makes me a happier mommy!


My mom inspires me to run. She discovered fitness later in life and is in beautiful shape and so positive, even when injured. I run because I want to be like her.


I tweeted! https://twitter.com/Hills14337/status/493809190339887104


My BRF’s inspire me to run happy! There’s nothing better than girlfriend time & a run!

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