When Do Personal Records Expire?

PLEASE cross your fingers for me that the below items (headphones for the iPad) will = a successful 4.5 hour plane ride tomorrow morning.  I am very nervous about this.  Brooke is pretty active these days and she has never been on a flight longer than 1.5 hours…  This will be interesting.  

Any other good ideas of things I should do or bring to keep her entertained?

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Just some necessary time with Megan and her sister.  PS Megan is the one that got me to sign up for my first marathon!  I would have never thought of doing it if it wasn’t for her.  I don’t know if that is a good or a bad thing;)


Speaking of marathons, a friend sent on over this…  A marathon with the theme of candy?  I think we should probably all do this next year.  See you there.  Come hungry.  

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And salad mountains with bread twists.  5$ for this goodness during the summer.  

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As I have been thinking about what my goals are for my next marathon I realized that my sub 3 goal for this last marathon (before I got injured I was thinking I would for sure get a sub-3) was a little aggressive.  Yes, it is good to have big goals and things like that but at the same time I hadn’t done a marathon for 2.5 years and I had no idea how my body would handle it.  

I have had some great personal records in the half-marathon over the last year and so I just assumed I was ready for a sub 3 right away… BUT the half and the marathon are two completely different things.  

My PR marathon is almost FOUR YEARS OLD (in September it will be 4 years old).  So, does that count as a personal record anymore or is that old news because it was so long ago?  Are there such things as personal records before kids vs. after kids?  Do personal records expire and you start new again after awhile?

Does a PR stay your PR for your whole life or would I say, “My pr is a 3:04 in the marathon BUT that was 4 years ago and I have a lot of work to do to get to that time again.”?

From my best marathon:


For me, I think a 3:04 is my pre-baby (and pre-a million injuries) personal record but from here on out as far as goals go I am starting fresh.  I ran a 3:29 marathon 2 weeks ago and I will shoot to improve upon that time for my next one and continue to cut time off from here on out.  Thinking about going from a 3:29 to a 2:59 in just a matter of months is a little overwhelming and so I want to focus on small goals and chip away at that time in a smart and healthy way.  Good thing I have a lot of marathoning years ahead of me:)

PS I loved reading these 97 Ways to Run a Personal Record!

What do you think?  Do personal records expire or is your best time always your best time?  Or do you need to include how long ago your personal record was?

What is one of your Personal Records that you are most proud about?

Anyone else have a friend or family member convince you to sign up for your first race?  Who was it?

Favorite color of gummy bear?

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I feel like once they’re 2 years old or I’m out of shape enough that I can’t run near that speed I need to qualify my times with a caveat.

Don’t worry too much about the flight. My kids, especially when they were around Brooks age, were just lulled to sleep by the vibrations and noise of the engines. If you’re calm, she’ll be calm.


Couldn’t agree more! I think most runners would agree it’s legit to track PRs and separately track Master’s PRs when you’re over 40, but in terms of tracking either, if it’s more than 2 years old, it needs to be qualified to indicate that. I also have friends that have tracked post-kids PRs, but that usually goes away because most women have kids in their late 20s and most women (including elites I think) tend to PR in their 30s, so the “post-baby” tracking is good for when you’re getting back up to speed to mentally stay in it, but eventually, the post-baby distinction is moot because it’s just a straight up PR.


I think you should put a year on your PB/PR but I think that it doesn’t matter how old the PB/PR is.

I ran my 5K PB in a banana suit! http://runningfoodbaby.com/2013/10/rattle-me-bones-2013-race-recap/

I basically started running 5K’s because all my friends were doing it too….True story!

and red is the best Gummy Bear/Word/Noodle/Ring – hands down!


Extremely proud of my PRs, especially the 1:37 Half, which I never thought was possible!

Not sure about them expiring, I only get better with age, so I think I will keep them going for now.


Kyndal… Congrats on an amazing half!!! I love that you are getting faster and faster with age!


YOU convinced me to sign up for my first race! When I’d just picked up running and found HRG I was so inspired! :)

Clear gummy bears are the bees knees!

I think your best is your best! Just because it’s something you may not ever be able achieve again doesn’t take away from the fact that it was your best!


Really!?!? That makes me so so happy!! WAHOO. Okay, you are so right on the clear!


My PR is super old too. It makes me so sad — it is 4 years old as well! I am hoping this fall I can at least get within 5 minutes of my marathon PR. We shall see!!


I’m out of commission with running, except pool running, for at least 4 more months. But, we are packing the same things for our 1 year old. We are going on a 4.5 hour flight too, and it’s her first flight ever. It’s a red eye, so hopefully she’ll sleep the entire time. I’m definitely going to be following comments to see if anyone has any words of encouragement for you that we can use for our very busy girl.


I sure hope that your little one sleeps the entire flight. GOOD LUCK!
Keep up the pool running and I am so sorry you are not able to run right now!


I think a personal record is always good regardless of what happens in life. Then someday after kids or injuries or whatever else, if you break it it’s that much sweeter.

My favorite PR is my newest one from this weekend, 6:52 for a half Ironman!


I’ve just signed up for my first race this summer. It’s only a 5k and since it’s my first, I’m just going to run and have fun and then after that I’ll sign up for some other races and try to set personal records! Just reading all these running blogs inspired me to sign up for my first race and I’m so excited!! Red gummy bear is my favourite!


That is so so exciting Jasmine. I can’t wait to hear how your 5k goes! You’ve got this!


Thank you so much Janae, you’re definitely my running inspiration! It’s on August 3rd, so I’ve still got plenty of time to train, I’m so excited!!


You’ve got this!


I have 2 little girls and it looks good. The only thing I would add would be like a sucker or something that is a major treat but also takes a long time to eat. And hold onto it for an emergency. Also, there stickers in there? Stickers are a must.


GOOD call on the stickers and suckers.. THANK YOU!


good luck for your flight! We are taking our 18month old on a 13 hour flight (with one 2 hour stopover) in two weeks to Thailand – I have colouring books, sticker books and new crayons but i think i may have to find a similar my little pony! Oh and LOTS of snacks! say a prayer for us that she sleeps at least some of the way ;-) good luck with your trip!


WOW. You are brave! I will be praying that your little one sleeps the majority of the flight! Have an incredible time in Thailand!


Red gummies all the way!
And I think since it is a personal record it she be a personal decision whether you opt to make them expire. I’m 40 and only getting faster. But sometimes I think to myself how did I run a whole half marathon at that pace? It will never happen again…and then I shave a minute off and surprise myself. Your approach sounds perfect.
If you have a window seat and can see fluffy clouds I always used to play the game of “what do you see”. Sometimes clouds look like animals or shapes. Something brook might find fun.

Good luck!!


Just a perspective from a non racer :) but I think a PR or PB should never expire! You totally earned it and who knows where life will take you (babies, injuries, just getting older) so never disregard a time you ran no matter when it was!

I hope the flight goes well for you two. Hoping Brooke decides to fall asleep the minute the wheels go up (like my husband who I am totally envious of since he can sleep on a plane).

Have a FUN trip, OK?


THANK YOU SUSAN!! I am kind of like your husband when I am flying solo.. I sleep really well! Hope you have a great day!


A lot of people sort of culminated and encouraged me to do my first BIG race (half-marathon) but I credit YOU with being a huge part of that inspiration!

I think I like red gummy bears best :)


REALLY!?!!? Awww… that makes me happy! I hope you get some red gummy bears soon!


Funny but your PR and my daughter will be turning 4 right around the same time! Right now I am 29 weeks pregnant with my 2nd so I am crossing my fingers that the timing will be the same for you and I this fall. I can’t wait to get out there and start racing again. You are one inspirational lady!


Um….I think running 26.2 miles is pretty cool in itself. Remember that! I don’t think PRs expire & I have complete faith in you that after your break you will bounce back and accomplish your goals…slow & steady wins the race right? You’re racing smart.and that is something to be proud of.

I have never ran a race before. But I do sometimes run my own “races” and my best 5K was around 21 minutes which I felt pretty good about except for I almost puked afterwards.

As for gummy bears or really any candy I go for red first


I say it’s your own PR so make it what you want! Maybe you can have a pre-baby and a post-baby PR :)


My half marathon PR is from 20 months ago. I’m running a half on the same course again this year, and i would LOVE to set a new PR. I feel like maybe once big life things happen (i.e. baby, injury) or we hit an age difference, new PRs can be set!


I am proud of all my PR’s but that being said, I think people put too much pressure on themselves always trying to better their times.

It’s one thing to train hard and accomplish a time goal but I’ve seen so many people put so much pressure on themselves that they completely break down during the race or worse, they get injured before they ever run it. I’ve seen that happen quite a bit and I am even guilty of it myself.

A few years ago I got the best advice ever. Train smart but run because you love it and for no other reason . When I started to do that I got more PR’s than ever before.

Have a safe flight and a wonderful time visiting with your family.


Love this!!


A PR NEVER expires. Think of it from a different perspective: I ran 30 marathons and had 3 kids before I got my marathon PR last year at age 41 (3:03). It doesn’t matter when you get it, how many kids you’ve had or haven’t had, it what kind of shape you were in or are in now. It sticks. Forever. It’s a benchmark that should
Never be qualified by saying “well this was
Before kids or when I was in better shape–or whatever. You earned that time. Own it. All of it, without any qualification whatsoever. :)


I’m a clear gummy bear fan.

I think a PR is a PR, but maybe you could make subsets of age divisions like they do for races.
I haven’t done a ton of races, but it’s funny that I can remember how I felt and what was going on in my life at that time.

Just keep building yourself, PR or not.


What I love (and hate) about races is that no matter how much training you’ve done, anything can happen the day of. There are so many factors that affect you on race day that regardless of time since, you should be incredible proud of your PRs…especially your PRs they because make the rest of us look like turtles.


A pr is forevahhhhhh.

I’m most proud of my 5k or (21:20) and my mile (5:45). And they are from a long time ago. I hope to break them.


I don’t think that PRs expire- at least I hope not! :). I am done racing. I don’t enjoy it and I put soooo much pressure on myself that I end up injured. My fastest times were from two years ago (5K- 7:23min/mile & 10K- 7:44min/mile) and I can’t beat them now. Especially since I won’t have surgery on my torn labrum. But I will run 35-40 miles a week and be happy with that.
If you want a clean slate, then you can have one, I think it is your choice. Set new goals and earn new PRs. I will cheer you on every time!

Good luck on the flight. Coloring books, reading books, a few toys and lots of snacks always worked for us!


I have heard that you keep getting faster in your 20s so you are probably good.


PRs never expire….but I love your post baby approach to shaving time off your marathon. I just had a baby 4 months ago and I’m planning to run a marathon in the fall. I’ve been putting so much pressure on myself to improve my time and be better than I was pre-pregnancy. Your post just knocked some sense into me :) I’ll definitely break my PR someday but for now it will be fun to hit reset and starting working my time down from where I am currently. I’ll get to experience all those big PRs all over again…with my daughter there to cheer me on! Thanks for clearing my head and I hope you are so so proud of yourself for running an awesome marathon post baby!


Bring an iPad or kindle loaded with movies! I see little ones on the planes all the times happy with their technology.


I feel like my body is completely different after having a baby and I just tell myself to not compare myself to pre-baby achievements but to continue to do the best I can from here on out :) It is sometimes hard for me though. I have my first post-baby half marathon in September and we will see how I do :)


I was thinking about the same thing recently. The last marathon I did (also my PR) was 3 years ago!!! I think I could do better than that now if I trained for it, but I’ve been focusing all my attention on ultras. I don’t know that PR’s ever expire, but as we go through different life phases I think sometimes it becomes unrealistic to expect to beat them, so starting over gives you a new lease on racing. I think you’re smart to just aim to beat 3:29 for now. And who knows, with no injuries you might surprise yourself and get under 3:00 after all!


Running after kids is very different than before kids. Your hips widen, your stride can change, your hormones affect your body and running….etc. you have to give your body time to adjust. Not to say you can’t do awesome but it takes a lot of work. I also feel I am more probe to injury after having kids.
I’d have to say an iPad for the plane. There are aeveral Lego games hat my kids love to play that are easy for little ones. A Lego zoo and Lego circus and train. There’s also coloring games. I hate using electronics for kids but sometimes it is neccesary and an exception to the rule.


I LOVE YOU!!!! Today was fantastic, and you are the best my darling! Travel safe tomorrow! xoxoxo


I think PR’s last for ever but I like the idea of also having a pre-baby PR, 30’s PR, 40’s PR, etc. It is a good way to stay motivated and work toward realistic goals.

I had a friend convince me to run the Wasatch Back Ragnar 5 years ago, I had never run a single race before in my life – I used to dread the mile run we had to do in PE. I had just started couch 2 5k with the goal to run a 5k with my son the following year. Needless to say I ran that race in June 2010 and since have run 11 relays, 10 half marathons, a full, and a handful of 5 and 10k races. I am so glad she suckered me into it!


One more thought…The beauty of a personal record is that they are PERSONAL, you earned them and can assign them as you choose.

Just don’t pull a Paul Ryan and claim to run a sub-3 marathon when you didn’t just to look cool when you’re running for President ;)


I am from arkansas and did the Little Rock Half this year in March. Every year the theme changes. Little known fact, did you know the Little Rock Marathon boasts the world’s largest finishers medal?! Just another incentive for you to travel south next March!!! Would love to meet ya there!


I read your post thinking that I hope the recent marathon hasn’t knocked your confidence. There were several factors which brought you that time, an you should be so proud of it because you slogged it out and made it to the end, especially with your feet cut to pieces, that would have had me quitting,
I think you have a sub-3 in you for sure, based on your half Mara times, your consistent running history, your numerous speed sessions which you killed in your last training cylce, and your focus on strength training. Barring injury, I would not rule it out totally for the next one if you get to the line fully trained (which the break you are taking now could be brilliant for :) )

that’s just me looking in as an (unqualified-slow-jogger) outsider trying to encourage you, you know best of course and either way regardless of times you are a huge role model to me, even though I have never met you!


Thank you. This comment meant a lot to me and it was just what I needed!


I think a personal record stands FOREVER because it’s something that you accomplished. However, after a certain amount of time I do think it has to come with a “but that was ___ years ago.” I’m not sure what the amount of time is … maybe 2 or 3 years? Either way we should always be proud of our PRs no matter when they were earned!


I totally have Pre-kid PR’s and now I am working post-kid PR’s. Honestly, I do think it is all relative to where you are in life. Also, take it from me, as you get older, it gets so much harder! LOL Working with Dave, I just PR’d in my 5k with a 21.20. I am hoping to PR in my marathon in 11 weeks also….whew! You rocked your marathon, and I love your outlook on that being your new PR. Work from there =)


I am the slowest of all runners, so my opinion may not count here, but I don’t think personal bests ever expire.

As for the flight, I had a friend who wrapped small toys (and items like you’ve shown) and periodically gave the ‘present’ to their 2 year old. He was so entertained by each present that she didn’t even need to get through all of the ‘gifts’. Caveat, this was only a two hour flight so I’m not sure how that time difference factors in… :-)


Your PR is always yours!
However, with age and baby and life……there will come a time (I don’t believe for you yet) that we will not break that PR. It is times like that I remember there are other ways to grow…….do an ultra, trail running, run new/out of town races, be the pace girl for the 3:30 group etc.


I have made the cross country trip with at least 1 child many time. I always break basically every rule we have at home. i buy all the favorite treats and give it to them whenever. download new apps and new movies they havent seen and buy new toys/books they havent done before.i always try to get there WAY earlier that neccesary to give myself some time just in case anything happens i dont expect. i also board first and leave last, less hectic for me after a long flight. i am always way over prepared but id rather be that then forget something.GOOD LUCK!!


My PR is 5 years old. And it was 5:16, so it’s not really brag-worthy.

I bring snacks to quiet the kid. Puffs or anything that’s small enough or chewy enough to take a long time to eat seems to work. Last time I had Squish on a plane he was just under 2 years old, and a container of puffs bought me about 45 minutes of quiet time.


I don’t think PR’s expire. My 5k PR is from 2007 and I’m still trying to break it (took a few years off from running and was much slower when I returned).

I love all gummy bears equally but red and clear ones are my favorite! I would love a candy-themed marathon but even without the theme, I treat running as an excuse to eat candy :)


Im not a racer but I dont think pr’s expire. Do they wipe out (personal)olympic records because the people stop racing? I dont think so. Its still a record for their time. (Even when other people beqt those times. I hope that all made sense…) Your pr will always be your pr. And give yourself permission to start over at 3:29. Dont kill yourself trying to live up to someone else’s standard. If anyone thinks less of u for it, u dont really need them as friends, right? Im telling u, we, your loyal readers, will still love you!
And when u beat the 3:29 time, u can celebrate each of those victories too!


A PR is always a PR! I run with an older fellow who is generally running in the group just behind me (we group by speeds). But 30 years ago, he ran a 2:38 marathon. That sure as heck still stands, and I consider him the best runner in our group!


I think a PR is good for life! It has nothing to do with current fitness levels.


I don’t think they expire. They’ll always hold record to something else, so if they did expire there wouldn’t be anything greater to achieve. And achieving greater things is what running is about.

And red gummy bear is the bees knees!


I think PR’s are always PRs. You might be in different shape but Janae, you know as well as I do you are fully capable of a 2:59. Your recent half marathon PR shows that. Maybe not coming off an injury but you will be back.

I consider lifetime PR’s to be PRs. Hell I relive my high school swimming days all the time…just kidding I never get in the pool but I still use them as my swim PRs and those are 7+ years old.


i don’t think a PR can ever expire! i think that if you just focus on getting strong/faster and improving in some way in each race nothing can ever stop you. my first marathon my goal was to run under 4 hours.. long story short i started too fast and ended up finishing in 4:01. I was actually DISAPPOINTED after finishing a MARATHON! i thought i would never do it again. then two years later i got talked into trying it again (this past fall) and my only goal was to finish with a smile on my face. Needless to say i finished 8 minutes slower than my first marathon, but i NEVER stopped to walk..my legs felt great and i felt proud and happy and to me that felt like a PR. (apparently maybe i could have gone faster..but hey i did it!) – who knows maybe i’ll try it again.. ;)

good luck on the flight. she’ll do great i bet!


I’ve actually been wondering that question myself lately! I just signed up for the Nike Women’s in SF (fingers crossed I get in) and I last ran a half years ago, so I feel like no matter what I run for this one, it’s a new PR :)


I usually include the year with my PR’s. I used to have one set pre-baby and one set post baby until a couple of the post baby ones were faster.

I think your PR’s are always your PR’s but they may just not be as relevant.

You can try wrapping each thing in wrapping paper to make them more exciting. Who doesn’t like to get gifts?


Awe man, I have nothing to offer regarding Brookers and the flight. We used to try and make our flights red-eyes so the kids slept through the flight. Sorry, I know that doesn’t help…

Regarding your PR question, “your game, your rules” J =). A PR is whatever you want it to be. Safe be da journey J! Stay fierce, stay blessed.


Good luck with the flight. We fly often with our three kiddies. I always pop over to the dollar store before we leave and grab a couple things that will grab their attention. That way if and when it gets forgotten on a plane/airport/hotel we won’t care too much. Stickers are a great item for this age.


PR’s are forEVER!


? PR’s expire……no way! To me a PR is a PR , no time limit. Now I think it is important to base your goals more on current times than PR’s because like you said, we change as athletes and women…stuff happens :). None of that changes what your PR is though girl…it just changes what your current goal may be…and with that said, be proud of whatever you do, whether you PR or not!
My race I am most proud of happens to be my marathon PR…because I ran it only 2 weeks after I bonked big time in a marathon I trained really hard for. I felt like I trained for a 3:15…possibly in my dreams a 3:10 and ran a 3:45..I was disappointed for about 5 minutes then I wanted another chance REALLY bad! The only marathon I found that worked for me was only 2 weeks away (totally is not me, I usually only run 1-2 marathons a year) and I PR’d it was a 3:30.
Red gummy bears.
You picked good stuff for the flight…download a few new game apps and try to give her 1 thing at a time :)…she is a sweet kid so I am sure she will be fine :)…maybe a few more snacks…teddy grahams :)


STICKERS! Seriously, last flight from North Carolina I went to the dollar store and got packs and packs of cheap stickers. Hannah loved to put them in a notebook, seatback tray, her legs, my whole body, etc etc. But it really did provide hours of entertainment. Also, a few times she wouldn’t drink or eat on takeoff/landing, so I had some little suckers (dum dum’s) that she loved to suck on and I think they helped with ears. We also had those headphones but Hannah wouldn’t wear them. She was fine watching wieth no sound or I would turn it up pretty low so she could hear but the plane is so loud no one else could. Brooke will do great, good luck!


I don’t think that a PR expires. You’ve earned it, it shouldn’t matter when that was. My PR was at RNR Seattle in 2011 and I’m still working on breaking it again. I’m hoping to run Utah Valley Marathon next year, so maybe I’ll break it there!

Gummy bears…clear are the best. By far! Good luck with the travel day tomorrow, I’m sure it will go well!


What about bringing a mini frame with cute paper in it. Dry erase markers and Brooke can doodle on it and it wipes easily ! My twins love it!

I’m running my first marathon in October. I want to finish for sure, but I do have a time goal. Is that crazy?


You are brilliant!!! Not crazy but usually I think it is best to go for completion rather than a time goal the first time around!


I don’t think PRs ever expire! Be proud of what you accomplish regardless of when you accomplished it!

Good luck on the flight!!!!


I’m on the fence about this one. I have run one marathon, so I have a marathon PR of 4:35. That was almost 3 years ago, but I feel like it has NOTHING to do with my running abilities now. It’s so out of place with my other ones, because it was basically the first race I did. So I hardly even mention it. In reality, it’s like I’ve never done a marathon because I’m such a different runner now.

My dad urged me to sign up for my first race! He is still my favorite race partner.

I’m most proud of my 10k PR at the Runners World Festival, 50:xx, because it was my first 10k ever and I had a blast! Also, I met you there!


I don’t think they expire but we will always have to make new goals and adjust our expectations based on our life situations!


PRs do not expire. That is your claim to fame and you can still claim it when you are 70! So what if it is never broken? Life is too short to worry about a time to beat. Live up each day.


I think you can definitely have different PRs for different times in your life…or maybe split it up by age like they do for races (there’s a reason they do that!), such as your PR age 20-29, 30-39, etc. I think that accounts for life changes!

My favorite gummy bear color is definitely red!


I think your early PR shows what you have IN you, as in POTENTIAL. Having children makes women stronger endurance runners, in my opinion. You have been through some rough times emotionally, and people forget to factor this into the stresses of running and training, and how PR’s relate. Your body can only handle so much…whether physically, emotionally, etc…
You are such a strong athlete and runner…you have the ability to push yourself in races so much it’s amazing. It amazes me, because I’m the opposite…I push myself in training and then when it comes to races, I give in. So, you inspire me so much.
You have such great things in your future, I know it. Never give up hope & reach for the stars because you are so capable!!!! Dream big, girl!!!


Ideas for Brooke: window gel clings, Crayola Color Wonder, Melissa & Doug sticker pads (like Make a Meal and Make a Face), felt story pieces (check Etsy, but you can certainly make your own), apps like Endless Alphabet and Dora Dress Up! Hope that helps!


Oh and magnetic blocks like Magna-Tiles or Tegu!


My brother and sister in law kinda got me to sign up for my first race. I heard they were doing a 10k and I figured if they could do it, so could I! Haha :)


I think runners should live in “eras.” Your PR can stay forever, but you can have other mini-PR’s that fit your era. For any of us, as we get older, if we know we will never reach our PR from our 20’s we need something to work for. So, for me, I could set a 30’s (eek!) era PR that will obviously be different than the one from my pre-injury 20s.

I’m most proud of finishing my first (and only, so far) marathon, and for breaking 2 hours in the half (beat my previous PR by over 8 minutes, woot!)

My best friend got me to sign up for a 5K, and she even let me cross the finish line first. :)

I hope you don’t ban me from your blog for life for saying this…but…I don’t like gummy bears. *cringe*


I take an old wallet and fill it up with old giftcards, pieces of paper, and little trinkets in the zipper parts. My daughter has such a good time opening the wallet, taking all the cards out/putting them back in the slots, zipping/unzipping everything. It always keeps her busy for a good amount of time.


Such an incredible idea!


I think if your feet weren’t so soft from swimming you’d be waaaay faster than what you ran. Blisters feel like stepping on glass to me.
I started running and racing after 3 kids. My first half I was still breast feeding my 10 month old. I’m learning there are so many outside factors to racing that I can’t control. I’m proud of my most recent 5k this month 22:16 because both my boys ran the 1 miler and I got to hi five them coming in..freaking cool feeling.


My sister-in-law is coming to visit me and I’m going to get her to teach me her ways. She did a 3:20 marathon at Vancouver in May. What the hey, right?

Their whole family (my husbands side) is so freaking speedy. I can’t help but feel a little jealous. I’m only good with sprinting lol :( (Guess that’s because all I ever did for most of my life was soccer…)


Good luck on the flight! I agree with the snack that takes a long time to eat. My favorite is popcorn — a bag of popcorn lasts forever with toddlers. Not sure if you let Brooke eat that yet, but just a thought.

Have a great trip!


I hear busy bags are good http://www.pinterest.com/rebeccalees/toddler-busy-bags/ Also I have seen these sealed bean bags with treasures inside. We had made one using rice and an empty water bottle with sequins/googly eyes, pennies, etc.


I don’t like the idea of your PR expiring, but I do think it’s so important to recognize that things in life change and we can’t expect to stay at that level when other things have changed. Time off, injuries, babies, etc. etc. etc.

I think this perspective is really healthy and I needed to hear it, so thanks. I am needing to recognize the same thing in my life right now.


I don’t think PR’s expire but I do look at running differently post-baby and post injury!

My proudest running moment is the NYC half where I finally got that sub 2 I had been dreaming about and working so hard for!

Yellow :)


I keep doubting my ability to actually complete a 1/2 marathon, so I’ve never even signed up for a full, but I think the Little Rock marathon theme for 2015 convinced me :)


The only thing I would say for the flight, and I did this with my kids, is to wrap up some stuff in wrapping or tissue paper. Makes it all the more exciting and kills a bit of time…


When we were little we lived in Kuwait. Mom would wrap up all our new fun books/crayons/etc and we could open one every 30 min or so if we had been behaving. I bet we got them even if we didn’t as a new distraction, but we were told it was only if we behaved.

White gummy bears. They are even better as a froyo topping.

I am most proud of my 5K PR from this winter. It was the first time I really saw how strong I had become over the last year or two of running as reflected in my speed. When I started back to running I was at a 9-10 minute mile. I realized I can be “fast”. I ran it in 23:05 for an average pace of 7:26 mile.


Stickers or tape will keep for entertained for quite. While. Get ALOT! One time I brought a lot of fruit snacks and they were gone before the ought took off because we were delayed on the tarmack for an hour! Good luck!


I guess it depends. Since having Brooke, you’ll probably always think of your PR’s before baby or after baby…unless you beat the 3:04 which is totally possible. However, when I look at my abs, Iwill always campare them to before babies and after babies. Lol. Not a fan of gummy bears…green apple skittles are where it’s at. :)


I sure hope that PRs do not expire as my first 1/2 marathon 4 years ago was my fastest!!


I get a lot of inspiration from blogs and even by looking at how far I have come. Sometimes looking back is the best way to find motivation to go forward.


My 10k PR is 1:03:08 but I timed it on a stopwatch because it was a really tiny local race and wasn’t chip timed, and I always seem to tell people that as some sort of ‘disclaimer’ about it! So I get what you mean :P But it’s still your personal record no matter when you set it so a PR is always a PR!

I signed up myself for all my races but I just convinced my dad to sign up for HIS first race! It’s on Sunday, I’ll be racing the 10k while he races the 5k!


Flight- bring wet one wipes for a quick seat/tray wipe down, play-doh, does she like to water color? My 3 yo. And I just flew last month. We used the coffee cups with a lid for the dipping paint water. We had quick flights but a long layover. I never had to breakout any electronics to watch! Good luck you guys will do great!!


Oh and stickers!!!


PR’s never expire. Do World Records expire? Noooo… people get credit for those forever!
Planes – tiny jar of pay dough (the mess stays on the plane, or silly putty) Bring a bag of fruit loops or cheerios and string. She can make necklaces or bracelets and then eat them. The stringing of the cereal takes concentration and time! A small metal box with one or two magnets in it and then lots of washers, paperclips etc… to make magnetic art. Pieces are contained in the box or on the washers and hopefully don’t fall all over the plane. Get strong magnets at an arts and crafts store or sometimes Lowes or Home Depot.

Any gummy bear is a good gummy bear… especially if soaked in Vodka for 3 days!!!


Oh… and my brother… first Half Marathon THIS September… Yikes!


I wouldn’t say they expire but I have been a runner for sooo long that I say I have a college 5k PR and a post college PR… I’m not sure I will ever get to my college time in the 5k… that was pre babies, with a coach and with a team to push me…But I would say I am a better, smarter, stronger runner now…

My PR I’m most proud about is the one I ran a month ago for my marathon. My first Marathon was like Murphy’s Law… anything that could go wrong did… I ran a 5:12 and while there is nothing wrong with that, I had been training to run in the 3:40 to 3:30 range… it was sooo disappointing… so when I went into this marathon in Buffalo my first goal was don’t die and the second was to attempt to run under 4 hours… so when I not only PR’d by almost 2 hours AND qualified for Boston I was shocked and by far my proudest racing moment yet.

Actually I’m the one to get my friends to sign up for races… I literally, just got my bestie to sign up for her first marathon in the fall with me… wahoo!!!!

I like the pineapple gummy bears… ps in college I use to drink this thing called the gummy bear martini… to.die.for…. it also helped me gain a ton of weight my senior yr


Right now, I have Running Part 1 (high school times) and Running Part 2 (last 3 years). There’s a very, very slim chance that I’ll ever reach Part 1 times again… Depending on how long Part 2 lasts, I might start breaking it down by decade or 5 year increments. Like 25-29, 30-34, etc… That way it’s more comparable then saying my actual PR.

I am a fan or eating a white and a red gummy bear at the same time! It’s the perfect flavor combo… Just remember to NOT leave gummy bears in your car in the heat. They melt and form one giant gummy bear. That was a sad day!


They never expire!!


I feel like injuries are harder to “come back” from than pregnancy, and I’ve been pregnant 3 times and didn’t run during any of them as per doctors orders for a medical issue. Injuries mess with our heads just as much as with our bodies and I think it’s hard to set goals after injuries because there is just more at play all around.

That being said, PRs do not expire, period. That is still your PR and if you don’t beat it it will still be yours! I understand how you feel though, I feel that way about mine even though it’s a little over a year old, but 3 marathons ago. Injuries mess with everything, and you might surprise yourself with how well you can do healthy.


Red and clear gummy bears are the best. No question. :)


I just want to say that I think your approach to running (or at least the one on the blog in the last week) shows a lot of progress. I know you said in the past that you felt tied to running and that running was who you were (not just something you loved to do). I have the hardest time letting go of goals when running and sometimes I end up running harder, not smarter – it’s great to see how you are using this time to rest your body and it reminds me to take time off of running for myself (and my shins… oh those shins!)


I don’t think PR’s expire! I think you work hard to get that time and as long as that is your fastest (even if it is for a few years) it is still your personal record!

I guess all my PR’s are important to me because they are for a 5K, 10K, and a half marathon. My 5k was last year, my 10K was about a month ago (that one was exciting because that is a tough distance to me) and my half marathon PR was my first half marathon over a year ago and 4 half marathons later, but I still think that was one my favorite and best races since it was my PR!

My friends were running a 5K two years ago and said I should sign up so I did, started training and here I am today!

I love the white gummy bears…pineapple I think?


I don’t think they ever expire. They are yours and yours alone, and your PERSONAL BEST TIME is always yours and yours alone.

My most meaningful marathon was qualifying for Boston last year in Chicago…whether it actually holds up and is enough to get me in for 2015 is another story but it was still a huge goal that I accomplished and really gave me a lot of confidence in my abilities. My next favorite was a 3 race series that I did in March. a 10k, 5k, and half marathon in 24 hours. I pr’ed them all and won my age group. That was a huge deal for me too, where I live is a hugely competitive running city and my age group is sooooooo tough!!

Red gummy bears please :)


Back in 2010, I went from zero to 50k in something ridiculous like 9 months. I was training really hard, losing weight fast and flying (for me) in races. I ended up with multiple stress fractures in my legs. Took me 6 months to get back into running. When I did get healthy, grad school while working full time and then a baby took priority in my life instead of constant training. So I keep a pre-stress fracture PR list and a post stress fracture PR list.


Given that runner’s world keeps reporting people’s PRs from like 1971 I’d say you’re still good with a 4 year old PR. And plus, it’s still YOURS, it’s not like you didn’t do it and isn’t that what personal records are? Some insane time you made because everything aligned perfectly and that was just magically your day?


Come run Little Rock!! Arkansas would love to have you! (Also, the medal is gigantic.)


NO! PR’s do not expire :) You don’t take those records away from Olympians or elite athletes, so why would you take them away from us “normal” runners ;) It is smart though, to realize that you might be farther away from your PR pace at the moment. But never take it away from yourself!


I wonder about the PR thing as well. A lot of my PR’s are from college (which was almost 4 years ago) and I stopped working out regularly for about 2 years. So now I am starting from scratch. Does that mean I have no pr’s right now. Or was last weeks lift a PR, and the 5k 2 weeks ago (first I actually tried at in a while since color runs and mud runs so don’t count) my PR’s? That means I have exactly 1 race to compare to right now (next one in 2 weeks). But I’m at a totally different place so counting my old one just seems wrong. Gah! how does that work?


I think that PR’s are good forever- they’re your record, not the US or world…No one can take away the fastest you ever ran. And you’ll get back, 3:29 after over a month of no road running is pretty dang impressive!


I think your PR is always your PR, but you definitely have to readjust your expectations for every race you run based on how far you are from that PR in life, age, training, etc. I mean, just because you can’t run that PR now, doesn’t mean you didn’t achieve it before, right? You still have those bragging rights.


Good luck with the flight!!

I feel like a PR will always be a PR, since you personally achieved it!


I think you have the perfect mindset! I think as far as marathon training goes, small goals are always good to have. I know you will continue to improve on your last marathon time!


I usually qualify my PR’s with dates. Until 2 months ago both my marathon and half marathon PR were from Oct 2009 and Feb 2010 (respectively) but even though they were sold old, I kept them insight to break. I PR’d in the half in April and the marathon just this weekend. I think even if they are old they are good motivation!


I like the idea of resetting PR’s. My husband ran in high school and ran sub-5 minute miles and now could get no where near that time, but why shouldn’t he be able to still PR off a new goal?


PLEASE come run EPIC in Little Rock – I’d love the chance to meet you!


My mom used to wrap the toys for long trips then let me unwrap a new one whenever I’d get restless. I tried it when Girlie was about 2 and it totally works better than a big bag all at once. Plus there’s just something about unwrapping presents that makes kids happy.


Um, HECK NO PRs don’t expire!!! We worked HARD for those times, and whether you haven’t run a mile in the decade since your PR, or are setting a new one every month, you still did it and it’s your badge of honor! I am a couple of years out from my full and half PRs, and as frustrating as it is that I am not there today, I know what I am capable of, and sometimes that keeps me going!


Ok, I think you’re asking the wrong question. You’re really not asking about the PR, you’re asking whether your 3:29 makes sub 3:00 in four months crazy. Considering the exact circumstances you were dealing with during the last marathon, 3:29 was what you could do that day only. However, considering what you have been pulling off in training times and half-marathons, that 3:29 isn’t representative of where you are overall right now.

I’ve started doing a few more marathons during the year (I’m up to about five per year) and I think I finally am seeing that the marathon is just like every other shorter race distance in that there are good days and bad days. A bad day doesn’t mean that is where you are every day.

Go for the sub 3:00. Stay healthy. You’ve got this. You’re stronger than when you did 3:04, right?


I think you are DEFINITELY capable of running a sub-3 hour marathon!! It took me 6 years to break my half-marathon PR, and I was still doing serious training during that time. So sometimes it just takes time to figure out what works for your body and a lot of consistent (injury-free) training.


Until last year, I used to talk about pre- and post-kids PRs, because there is such a difference in training after kids. However, last summer I ran my fastest half marathon yet (as a Master, nonetheless)–and it was nearly 15 years after my last PR. So, I’m back to straight-up PRs!


Always an interesting question for runners. I don’t think PR’s should have to expire because I don’t find it important to have to identify what type of current state you’re in. Who cares WHEN you ran 3:04, the point is that you did and can speak knowledgeably on what it takes to do so, whether you did it 4 weeks or 4 years ago.

I wrote an entry on this same topic a few weeks ago:


Happy running to you and good luck in future races!


I think a PR does not expire. You did it. You earned it. Maybe you don’t stay at that same fitness level your whole life, and maybe your body can’t take the strain it used to be able to, but I don’t think it ever expires. Like having a kid, or graduating high school…………..just because that is in the past, or the kid is off and married doesn’t lessen the fact that you did those things. Don’t beat yourself up if you can’t push beyond that PR………….life happens and people change……………..but don’t ever forget that you earned that time.

Ok, enough ranting! I am proud of my most recent race…….a super hilly and humid run in JUNE in TENNESSEE. (You know the humidity now, so you understand!) I came in 1:59:13………………my first half marathon under 2 hours!!

I like green and white gummy bears by Haribo!

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