Tangent Tuesday!

Time for a ridiculous amount of tangents.

***We are back to the pool.  Our posse is growing.  The main reasons that I went pool running today—>  1.  Social hour with the girls.  2.  To sit in the hot tub for a long time afterwards because I knew it would make my muscles feel so much better.  I didn’t want to get out.  

I am 96% sure I am going to run the RNR Seattle 1/2 Marathon this weekend (for fun.. as long as my body feels up to it) so I will just be doing light cross training until then.  


***Now this was a good breakfast.  Zuccini, a sweet potato, peppers, eggs and chicken cooked in coconut oil on the stove and then topped with avocado.  

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*** Anyone else love watching this show as a kid?  How fun would that be to have 10 minutes to run around the store and stuff your cart full of free groceries?  They really should bring this gameshow back.

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*** Brooke does this thing where she loves to show babies her feet and reassure them that theirs will grow as they get older too.  Thanks LINDSAY for the picture!

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***The carb-loading session the night before the race was a huge success and I stuck with my normal plain cheese pizza for fuel.

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***At dinner Megan gave us these adorable cans of root beer.

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***We are both hooked on Sobe Life Water now.  Good thing Costco sells them in bulk.  

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***Loved this quote that a good friend sent to me after telling her all about how hard the marathon was for me.  

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*** Rainy day here= The Bean Museum with my nieces/nephews/cousins and the rest of the city.  

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***My sister had the brilliant idea to go get foot long bread twists afterwards and to eat them on the stairs.  

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***Went to the store this morning to get some stuff for my mom and of course I needed more peanut butter… How much is too much to spend on a jar of pb?!?  I think I go through the stuff way too fast to justify spending over $10 on it.  Maybe normal humans don’t go through a jar a week on their own so they can buy the extra pricey stuff.  

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Tell me a tangent or two of your own today!!!

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Tangent – my husband finally just learned how to dive yesterday! haha! He could seriously only ever dive with his legs bent and flicked back and it seriously made me laugh until I was crying every. single. time! I guess he was tired of being laughed at. ;-) Along with the swimming tangent….I can no longer swim to the bottom of my parents’ 10 ft deep pool without my ears hurting! Getting old is the worst! haha!


And I’m the first commenter! Oh ya!!! :)


I loved supermarket sweep. That would be so fun to do.

Man, I wish I were up for the Seattle race. Maybe next year. How do you do it with your feet? Those blisters looked insane!

Working on potty training my little boy. He actually went at the gym. And he did his awesome potty dance to celebrate.


Have fun! I want to do the RNR Phoenix In January. I hate rain! I ran inside 5 miles on the treadmill because of the rain.


Tangents: We had a Fro-Jo party for our patients today at the hospital where I work. I called them a couple of weeks ago and they donated it all with toppings! The patients loved it!
I did the stepper at my gym for 20 minutes after my run and thought I was going to die!!


OMG. Super market sweep…I seriously used to be obsessed with that show.

I would love to do RnR Seattle at some point. It sounds like it would be a blast. I’m doing RnR VA beach again this summer which will be a heat blast…a tangent about me…actually just a tangent you might enjoy. Cooking channel has some sort of new TV reality show about cooking and making donuts. I set it up to record so I’ll let you know how it is


A good friend of mine was on that supermarket show. It was before I knew him, so sadly I didn’t get to see him compete.


What does tangent means?


Thanks for the answers guys. This proves that both Janae and commenters, read what other people write.


Sorry it took me a little bit to get back to you! A tangent (the way I use it:) is just kind of like an off-topic or irrelevant story! Hope you have a great day!


I need to insert more pb into my diet. It’s sooo good!
Also I love that quote. I need a constant reminder like that


I’m with you…I buy a jar of peanut butter every grocery trip! I normally just buy JIF so I don’t have to get a second job, but I occasionally splurge on the good stuff. My grocery store sells sample packets for 70 cents. If I’m really craving a certain PB, I’ll buy a sample pack to get my fix!


I am copying that breakfast tomorrow! YUM!

Tangent #1: We watched World Cup soccer during spin today.
Tangent #2: A guy was working out in the same side room as me wearing a T-shirt tucked into jeans, WITH A BELT.
Tangent 3: I still haven’t found anyone to go see The Fault in our Stars with me… So I may just go by myself. As a 40 year old woman (who will be bawling).


I LOVED Supermarket Sweep!! My brother and I would watch it and then go downstairs to all of our toys and see who could drag the most stuff out and have in their imaginary cart. We always made a huge mess… I’m sure my mom tried to keep us from watching the show after that!

I buy the $5.69 Skippy :)


I loooove super market sweep. I so wish I could play that game as an adult. My freakin grocery bill is out of control #likefood #goodfood And do you remember ‘shop till you drop?’ I like game shows:) I also like nut butter. I am telling you, make your own. I just but pecans to make salted maple pecan butter. Doesn’t that sound heavenly?

Brook’s bed head is my favorite.

Your breakfast sounds delicous AND looks edible ;) #winning # photo op worthy

I just saved that quote on my phone. As someone who is afraid to fail & it sometimes holds me back a lot, I need to read that a lot.


I go through a jar of peanut butter each week too. And also a package of bacon (ugh). But I don’t eat them together…


Peanut butter and bacon on toast is amazing! (if you like salty and sweet together, that is)


oh, wow…that does sound good. gotta try it. thanks!


I SO remember the Supermarket Sweet game-show! Probably the only time in my life I was *that* excited for grocery shopping!

My tangent is that my boyfriend eats so much it’s ridiculous! 2 whole casadillas with cheese, beans, and sour cream! That’s a total of 4 tortillas! Insaneeee! And jealous about you going to Seattle! I have a friend up there but I’m currently thinking the RNR San Diego race next May… it’s on my birthday!!


I LOVED Supermarket Sweep! So fun!

My random tangent: right now I’m eating a giant smoothie (PB, honey, bananas, flaxseed and almond milk) out of a bowl with a spoon! Tastes better when you eat it like soup. Don’t ask me why.


Oh man, that Justin’s Honey Almond Butter is SO good though. But $10 seems excessive for something I could go through in a 20 minute sitting :)

That breakfast looks incredible! I’ve been throwing avocado on EVERYTHING this summer! Really can’t get enough!

So exciting about RNR, you’ll have a blast!


I thouht you were going to say you pool ran because your foot blisters refused dry land today. :)

Tangent: I shared tmi with my boss today telling him that I am learning that different anti chafe products are needed for biking vs running. I need butt balm ASAP!

Tangent: I scored a free dinner because after a client meeting they left the leftovers in the break room. I’m having rice and beans and carrots and salad.

Enjoy your cross training week.


I eat too much pb to justify the expensive stuff too! Oh well the cheaper stuff tastes good :)

You have so many fun friends, I am a little bit jealous! That root beer labels are too cute!


That’s so awesome that you’re doing the RNR Seattle! That’s my hometown! I can’t wait to see pics and a recap!


I can’t believe you are going to be running a half marathon just after finishing a full. You are Superwoman, or something special like that. I never thought to actually cook my egg scrambles with coconut oil – I use it for popcorn but that’s about it. Thanks for the tip!

As I was dipping my spoon into the peanut butter jar today during lunch (yep, straight off the spoon), my husband proceeds to tell me about a Cookie Butter that is half the fat and calories. How is that possible?


Read the whole Roosevelt speech – it’s great!

Also, Brene Brown references it in her book Daring Greatly. I highly recommend it. It’s all about vulnerability and shame and how it doesn’t make us weak, it makes us stronger. Check it out!


Coconut oil in place of veg oil in brownies is da bomb diggity!


Loved Supermarket Sweep growing up! Ha, I love all their hair-dos in the photo you shared.

I’m right there with you on the peanut butter thing. I go through it crazy fast, so it’s hard for me to justify $10+ on jars of nut butter. Pretty much all of my top favorites (aka Nuttzo and Justin’s) are that way though – go figure! I save them for “every once in awhile” purchases and do the bulk peanut butter from Costco on a regular basis though. ;)


Hi Janae,
I will be doing RNR Seattle as well! The weather looks like it is going to be perfect on Saturday! Have a great race and congrats on your BQ time last weekend!


I loved almond butter equally as much as you. Justin’s is my fav. It’s a few dollars cheaper if you get it in vitacost $8.49 and you can usually get a coupon! Almond butter is very important:)


Have you watched Guy’s Grocery Games on Food Network? It’s like Supermarket Sweep meets Iron Chef. So much fun!


Supermarket Sweep was one of my absolute favorite shows when I was a kid. I had this big vision of me getting older and being on the show. I would look at prices of groceries EVERY TIME we went to the grocery store. I’m pretty sure my mom was unimpressed after 6 months of this haha


Justin’s is worth the price tag! I always stock up on it when I’m in the states ;-)


Hi Janae! I have read your blog a long time and never commented, but feel like I absolutely have to after your injury/marathon situation. In march, I fractured my cuboid bone in foot and had to drop out of training for a race I was really excited about (I live in texas it was the zooma race in Austin). Long story but I ended up in a boot for 8 weeks. During that time I decided to weight train and swim (freestyle laps) for cardio. Everything I did except swimming had to be in boot. I have so much to say about this time of my life. What I tell everyone is that the same principles that taught me to run taught me how to stop running. My mantra was “find a new way” . I am just now starting to run again and I have lost so much fitness. However, I am so grateful to run it doesn’t matter like it would have 3 months ago. A mentor told me recently I should start letting God set my pace instead of my garmin.. While I doubt I can totally let go of my garmin I do think its something I will try to do more of.

I truly respect and understand the discipline it takes to stop running and take care of yourself . You should celebrate the fact that you did just that and as a result were able to complete the marathon! Enjoy the success, you deserve it! Also, Brooke is a doll- I have three nieces who are so cute you would die:)


See you in Seattle!! Although I’m sure you’ll be far ahead of me…


That is incredible quote from Roosevelt!!


I know it’s little ceasars, but can you beat a $5 pizza when you don’t know what to feed the kids? And when i open a fun size of peanut m & m’s, is it too much to ask for no more than 2 of the same color? Why am I getting 4 of the blue lately?


Love the root beer idea! Also planning on copying that nutrient-packed breakfast, looks delicious!


Supermarket sweep was one of my fave shows as a kid!


I hope you take a couple weeks off exercising after the half! Honestly my favorite part of running is doing it again after months off because you improve so fast without effort :) (I am too lazy to work for improvements :/ but just starting up its hard not to improve lol)

Also, you should try making peanut butter! I (not lying, my hubby can attest to the fact) go through a jar in 4-6 days, so I buy lightly salted peanuts and use a food processor and make a pound of pb every few days! It’s easy and even better than the store ought stuff!! :)


Please please buy the all natural Kirkland pb at Costco. It changed my life! Ha. But seriously. So so good and $10 for 2 giant jars (not giant at my house. But giant for the average pb lover. We go through one in a couple weeks). Try it!!


I was going to make the same suggestion! It’s sooo good. And the fact that it can get you through two weeks is a definite plus. :)


The root beer bottles are really a cute idea; and who doesn’t love root beer!!! My only random tangent for today is that sometimes I have to completely empty the fridge so for two days straight we eat nothing but leftovers in this house. So a couple minutes ago, I had this thought, “is this still good enough to eat,” because I REALLY don’t want to make dinner;) My poor husband…LOL! Enjoy your week!


Justin’s almost maple nut butter is THE BEST THING. I used to order it by the case on amazon when the price was around $7 a jar. It’s gotten too pricey these last few months, but just seeing the jar makes my mouth water.


It blows my mind how people spend so much on nut butters! Maybe they just don’t eat as much peanut butter as I do :)
Believe it or not, not only does it taste the best in my opinion, but the cheapest peanut butter I have discovered, Walmart brand included, is Whole Foods large size. Not only is it super cheap, but so, so yummy!


That is so awesome that you are probably doing the half in Seattle!


If you run RNR Seattle look for my running group–Wear Blue: Run to Remember. We are running in honor of fallen military members and I doubt I would have ever done a marathon without them :)

Tangent Tuesday–Last night I woke up randomly at 1am and was wide awake until 330am until I turned on Gypsy Kings on Pandora and then I went back to sleep.


I used to LOVE watching Super Market Sweep when I was little! Old game shows were the best.


Super Market Sweep was awesome! So funny my twin sister and I were just talking about it this weekend while shopping at Wegmans!


Ok I could not eat that pile of goodness for breakfast. Lunch and dinner yes but breakfast no. U r a machine girl :). Bet that breakfast kept u fuelled all morning!!!

Random tangent is I worked my legs out so hard this morning I almost fell down the stairs bc they felt like jello. :)


I could so rock supermarket sweeps, I just know it. And millionaire too, I could kill it. I’m a closet game show junkie. shhhhhhhhh


Will you be in Seattle?! It would be so fun to meet you! Hope that doesn’t sound weird!


Random tangent is Chris and my summer trip out west might include a flight into salt lake. He than asks ” how close is your running friend to salt lake?”


Ahhhhhhhhhhhh I am so going to come up to the airport!


We are renting a car in SL and driving south.
Yippee!!!!!!!!!!!! I will e-mail when I know the definite date. Plus, I might need a hike suggestion in those beautiful mountains of yours.


We buy Peanut Butter & Co, its around $4-$6 per jar depending what store. Target is the cheapest and of course Whole Foods is the most $$$. It’s natural but they add things like honey and white chocolate to make it yummy :)


Good luck at the half! My favorite distance :)


I just have to say that I didn’t think Brooke could possibly get any cuter until I saw the picture of her drinking life water.OMG



I interviewed for a job, and I haven’t heard back yet and it’s driving me crazy. Like I’ve been staring at my phone all…day.


I have a million tangents, but can’t even think of a good one to share at the moment. So glad you’re feeling great friend. I may be seeing you this weekend?????


Justin’s and Nutzo – two of my favorite nut butters! If only they weren’t so expensive I would eat them every day!


I found Justin’s PB at TJ Maxx for $4.99 a jar!! Woohoo!!


RNR SEATTLE Course is a bear, not a fun run. Hills galore.


I go through a jar of pb about once a month. I think I pay $8. I get the cheapest one too (still all natural stuff).


Are you doing a get together at all at RNR seattle? I’ll be there too!

Supermarket sweep – totally a favorite of mine!


Love PB and buy a couple different natural ones that don’t separate. I want to try the Costco one and then all the other fancy nut butters I keep hearing about. Anyway, my tangent was I made your sweet potato nacho’s tonight and added chicken – so good! Thanks for the idea!


Loved supermarket sweep!!! Tangent is how I just found out today how to properly floss! I have been doing it wrong my entire life!!!


Oh the expensive nut butters are so worth the price tag and you can order online using discount codes from other bloggers like Lindsay at Cotter Crunch.


I love reading your blog. I stumbled across it on Pinterest a few months ago and was so glad that I did. As an aspiring running I love reading your suggestions and experiences. So far I am sticking to 5k’s but one day I would love to run a half.


I wouldn’t spend $10 on a jar of PB–I buy that in bulk from Costco. Hubby goes through it like crazy! I do, however, spend $10 on a jar of Justin’s Maple Almond Butter. That stuff is the shiznit!


I’m so jealous your almond butter is on sale, mines $12.99!


Ugh I agree on the nut butters! I eat at least 2/3 a jar per week and that habit adds up!


I loved Supermarket Sweep! I watched it all the time growing up. I’m also a huge pb fan. I buy a huge container at Sam’s and it’s almost embarrassing how quickly I can go through it. My daughter sees pb and will automatically stick her finger out and say “finger?” which is her way of asking for a little pb. Kids are great!
I tried toast with pb and apple slices today, yum! Why have I not tried this before? It was great!


Justins PB is the best!!! Only the Almond Butter is 10$, the peanut butter is like 5!! The honey peanut is AH-MAZING!


That is some absurdly pricey PB! I never shop at Walmart if I can help it, but when I go for fabric once in a blue moon I buy 6 to 10 jars of Smucker’s natural chunky (the big ones). It’s a lot cheaper there.
Tangent: I tried to buy my employees lunch at work today and the first THREE (as in, 3. Unbelievable) places did not have online menus or fax machines/email to send me a menu! Geez! Get with the program! So we went with crappy old regular pizza I’d had a thousand times before. Boo.


The price of nut butters – ugh!!! I’m in love with Trader Joes salted creamy almond butter, but it’s $6.99 a jar and I go through one every 5-6 days. I don’t let my daughters have any, because I’m worried they are going to fall in love with it and I definitely can’t afford to support that habit for all three of us because they consume peanut butter on a daily basis. So for now I hide it – ha!! ;)


I buy my almond butter through Amazon & it’s one of the many things that’s much cheaper on there than in a grocery store. My favorite brand is Barney Butter, usually goes for $10/jar in my grocery store and I get it for $8/jar on Amazon. I think it’s even cheaper if you subscribe (have locked in regular shipments). Grocery shopping on Amazon is the best!!


Are you serious about Brooke and the feet or was that just a funny description for the random pic? Lol. I must know. :) What fun friends you have, I want to hang…too bad I’m in AZ. For the root beer if nothing else. :) Love the quote!!


I love this quote by Theodore Roosevelt that Kristen Armstrong includes in Mile Markers:
Excerpt from the speech “Citizenship In A Republic”
delivered at the Sorbonne, in Paris, France on 23 April, 1910
download PDF of complete speech
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

Fail while daring greatly.


I love it! Thank you so much Jill!


I read that the Whole Foods in Westport, Connecticut names a King and Queen of Customer Service each month and the employees have two minutes to run around the store and put as much stuff in their carts as possible while everyone cheers them on. I think we should all move and apply for jobs there.


I love the quote! Our pool just opened up full time (it was only open on the weekends until the kids got out of school), so I’ll probably be working on my tan a lot in the next couple of weeks :)

$10 is way too much for PB…I get the natural stuff from Target at like $3/jar.


I’ve been meaning to write you a comment for the last few days after reading about your marathon, just to say that non stopping and keeping going was such a brave option, and that you should be so proud :) I had a similar experience over here in the UK about three weeks ago at the Edinburgh Marathon and walked/shuffled the last eight miles, so mentally tough! My dad died a year ago (he was a 2:30 marathon runner) and I have three daughters and I was running it for all of them – not completing wasn’t an option but I still haven’t put enough distance between the race to be able to write about it! Like you I hadn’t run for six weeks before the race and I knew it was going to be messy! Yet us women are so resilient – by the next day I was thinking ‘Right, I need to do another one to redress this experience.’ Juggling three girls, work, life and training is tough but life without these challenges wouldn’t really be life, just existence. I hope you will bounce back for the next marathon :)


LOVE Supermarket Sweep! I def vote they bring that back. My tangent: I am hooked on Orange is the New Black and staying up way too late watching it every night.


Super Market Sweep was the bomb dig back in the day, I also loved shop til you drop…. I guess any game show where one is shopping for free is pretty fabu and addicting.

My tangent I’ve become addicted to children’s cereal.. I’m currently eating fruit loops, yesterday it was apple jacks…. why does it taste so good?!


I totally agree with you on the price of the yummy fancy butter. We need a coupon.
I went SUPing for the first time last night. It was so much fun. Will definitely be doing that again.


I can not stand peanut butter prices!! I saw the same jar of Justin’s yesterday for $16!! Crazy! I want to start making my own – then you can create your own flavors.. maple, sea salt, caramel!!


I’ll ‘splurge’ $6-7 for PB&Co on occasion but our cupboards are stocked with the giant Costco Jif jars!

Tangent- I will be picking up our new puppy tomorrow, and we’re practically bursting at the seams with excitement!


i LOVED supermarket sweep! we were just talking about it over the weekend and this we saw a promo for this new show: http://www.foodnetwork.com/shows/guys-grocery-games.html/


Love that quote! Also love how Brooke shows off her feet and I agree that this is waaaaay too expensive for peanut butter.


I loved watching Supermarket Sweep. What a flashback.
And I really like that quote your friend sent you. It’s so true and very powerful.

Those soda cans wraps that your friend made are the best. I will have to keep this in mind.


I usually buy skippy or jif natural PB…I wouldn’t say they’re “cheap” but there are definitely more expensive kinds out there!


$10 for PB seems like a lot. I stick with Trader Joe’s. Also, Supermarket Sweep was an awesome show! It makes me want to run around the grocery store on my weekly trips and grab my list as fast as possible!


LMFAO at the foot thing.


How stinkin’ cute is B?!?!

Um, grocery shopping IS fun!! (I know I am not normal!)

Tangent-FINALLY got my butt up and out of bed this AM to do daily morning workouts…I am excited to be back on track! And then I even IRONED my dress-WHO am I?!?!


You have the best friends!

Tangent: that word makes me think of math (engineer problems), but you should REALLY try out the TJ’s Sunflower Seed butter, it’s better than PB, okay maybe not, but you really need to try it! But you have to give it more than one try, cause when you first try it, your brain is thinking it’s going to taste like peanutbutter cause it looks like it, so give it a few tries, it’s super sweet and oh so good! I’ve converted several people in my life, try it, let me know how you like it! Seriously. But only the TJ one, the others are sub par. Trust me on that.


Tangent #1: I am excited to head up to Seattle tonight! Time with my nephews (and family). I can’t wait to hear my nephews (20-month old twins) tell me all their animal sounds!
Tangent #2: I hope my tendonitis I’ve been fighting in my ankle doesn’t act up during the Half. Me thinks I need to follow your lead and pool run. Thanks for being the guinea pig of the blog world!
Tangent #3: I baked chocolate chip cookies last night. They are amazing!
Tangent #4: I am really liking Diet Ginger Ale lately.


I loved that show too – get the giant hams and diapers!! haha

Have a wonderful time in Seattle!


I like how the pb is marked as a “low price” for the bargain $11 a jar. My max spending limit is $3 for the amount of it I go through!


a jar a week is completely normal…or so I tell myself each week ;) I buy TJs crunchy that’s only 2.50 so I can go through it fast and still pay rent.


$10 really does seem like too much for PB. I think we pay like $2.50 for the all natural stuff and it’s delicious.


My brother and I used to stage our own Super Market Sweep around our house. We LOVED that show. So imagine my delight when I learned my co-worker was on it once! I work with Steph, the blonde girl. http://weheartthis.com/2009/05/06/supermarket-sweep-losers/ – how cool are they?!?!

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