His smile says it all!  Can you even imagine running 6.214 miles in 26:something minutes!?

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My two hours in the pool flew by with Candice yesterday.  We did the first hour at a nice tempo/endurance pace and then for the last hour we did 1 minute fast and then 1 minute easy x 30.  My leg is feeling better and better and I am excited to see how effective pool running has been in keeping up my fitness when I am able to run on land again.  

This is lunch lately.  Another Costco salad tub for my bowl.  1 chicken breast, 1 sweet potato, half an avocado, broccoli and whatever dressing I am feeling like.. plus an apple and almond butter on the side.  

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Brooke and I took my oldest nephew (I have a nephew that is FIFTEEN!!!) that is in town out on some errands and then it was off to a baptism with my sis and her husband.   

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We hung out at my friend’s house afterwards and didn’t have any fun at all;)

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You know how when your friend has a baby you go and take them dinner?  Well, I told them that I wanted to bring them dinner but that somehow turned into her husband giving me a list of ingredients to bring over instead so that he could cook them up… um, okay!  He loves cooking and I love holding babies so it was a winning combination.  Gosh, I miss having a little newborn.  

This little one is 7 lbs 2 ounces right now and that is exactly how much Brooke weighed when she was born, good memories!

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We had flank steak with a chimichurry sauce (I could drink that stuff) with asparagus and grilled pineapple.  

And this amazing citrus olive oil with bread as an appetizer.

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Grilled pineapple—>  brown sugar, ginger and cinnamon and then cooked to perfection on the grill.

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Homemade meals like this one just hit the spot for me.  

Happy sleep in day.  I won’t be opening my eyeballs before 7:30 a.m.  Hallelujah!


All of you PureFlow fans!! ONLY $40 HERE!!!!!  Thanks Flower for the heads up!

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Enjoy your Sunday and feel free to fill me in on your latest… I love to hear (read) what you are up to!

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Love the way that dinner looks and the baby looks yummy too :)

And no, I cannot imagine running that fast that is insane! Gorgeous weather over here today and had a relaxing recovery run with my podcasts. Love starting the day this way and feel so lucky!

In other news my little guy has pinkeye and needs to go to the doc today. Always something :)


Keep the drops they give u. In case your other kids get it. It’s like liquid gold. Know from experience unfortunately.


Chimichurri is one of my favorite things in the world…second only to pineapple. YUM. I can’t even fathom running that fast. CRAZY!


I love grilled veggies, the asparagus and pineapple look delicious.
2 hours of pool running, I am so impressed! I love the pool, but I get bored after an hour, and that’s swimming. I hope you’ll be able to run the marathon you were planning on.


wow that is crazy fast, and I love how the family included you in the meal! Have a great day today


I love chimichurri! I actually love pool running but I’ve never done it as long as 2 hours before. They should invent some kind of pool running marathon you can compete in!


You don’t even want to know how long it would take me to run 6 miles! That is so fast. That dinner looks YUM. Happy Sunday :)


I can’t even fathom 6 miles in 26 minutes. Doesn’t even register in my brain lol…That grilled pineapple looks terrific. I should remember to try making that.


Just ordered my FIRST pair of Brooks! so excited……I do love my Mizunos but I can’t wait to try PureFlow2. Thanks so much for sharing this awesome deal!


awesome that the flows are so cheap, but i’m heartbroken to see the connects aren’t for sale! ahhhhh!!!!


I love grilled pineapple! Actually, any fresh pineapple is amazing. I buy whole pineapples weekly.


I’m looking at plane tickets to London! My boyfriend is over there working for a couple of months, so I’m taking the opportunity to get out of town for a few days!


Looks like a fun day! I love Sundays, enjoy sleeping in! My sweet baby girl decided to be an early bird again this morning ;)


I never comment but I love your blog. I just wanted to say that you seem like a beautiful person on the inside and out and you are an inspiration to me and other runners. My original point was to say thank you for letting us know about the pure flows! I’ve been wanting to try them. What a good deal! Thanks so much!


I am currently in the process of a gorgeous Sunday morning reading blogs outside. Have a great day!


Hey Janae,
Totally unrelated question, but I remember you used to be an XC coach. I’ve started training, and I want to be fit but not burned out by September when the season starts. Any advice?


Yay! Thanks for the link. I have always wanted to try Brooks! Just ordered my first pair. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. I hope your weather is as gorgeous as Michigan has been!


That citrus olive oil sounds so good! I’m taking a much needed rest day today. I trained hard yesterday – 1 hour weight training, 1 hour spin class and another hour lap swimming. I think I deserve the day off and maybe some froyo too. Are you going tone at Blend next weekend? I haven’t seen anything in your posts about it.


It’s taking all my willpower not to order those shoes!
I hate to admit it but Sunday is the hardest day of the week for me! I literally sweat at church while wrangling my kids and then they miss naps because of our time and they’re grumps for the rest of the day. On a positive note, Sunday breakfast is always the most delicious!


Alright, I feel like I “talk” to you daily because I read here every morning after hitting the gym or trails and I MAJORLY need some encouragement. Yesterday was my last long run before the hardest half I’ve yet to do (next Saturday) and I did so bad! Slow, didn’t feel good, felt way too hard, and sore. Now I’m full of doubt after a pretty good training season! HELP!!!!!!!
Why do we doubt ourselves?


Make sure to REST before your race! You’ll be amazed at how you feel on fresh legs and race day adrenaline! ;) Good luck!!!


Look at it that you have the “bad” run out of the way–rest up, and trust your training…:)


ELLIE!! That always happens to me, I promise!! I love what Cheryl said about getting the bad run out of the way so that next week is a great run. You have done the training and hard work for the race, now it is time to celebrate your training by racing. Rest (as Linsey said!), drink water and get plenty of sleep! Taper like a champ:) YOU’VE GOT THIS and please let us all know how it goes!


Not every run will be great. Some are great, some are not. Start thinking positive thoughts for your half, get rid of negative thoughts!

My first half was bad (mentally) and I didnt enjoy it. BUT, I ran 13.1 miles and was proud of it!
Then we signed up to do it again the next year, so that I could do it and enjoy it, embrace everything that I didnt enjoy the first time.


Your welcome! I hope you got a few pairs, I got mine on Friday and I am super excited because now I have enough to last me through the year. :)


No sleeping in for me, my youngest has been waking earlier and earlier, so my eyes were open at 5:37 this morning! Argh!!

Driving down to Ventura today for a 4 year old bday party, then hanging with friends and meandering through Santa Barbara on our way home. I was up until 11:00 last night finishing my to-do list (laundry, checkbook, bills…) so today is just a FUN DAY!

I’m an RN, and I used to work in the Nursey and OB, and although I DO NOT miss working nights, I soooooo miss holding newborns all the time!!! They are just so perfect and soft and smell so good!! Enjoy all the baby holding you can get ;)

Have a great Sunday!!!


THAT IS TOO EARLY!!! I just got black out blinds for Brooke’s room because she was getting up too early with the sun and it helped a lot! I bet working in the Nursery was amazing!


Trying to forward this blog post to as many people as possible. Sounds like she was an amazing girl and started a great cause…



I’m spending part of today writing report cards. I’m hoping to get out for a short run but we’ll see how it goes. My stomach is a bit of a disaster right now. My son’s first soccer game is today and then we’re having friends over for a BBQ!


Mmmmm grilled pineapple is the best! That whole meal looks outstanding!

Yesterday I got in an 11 mile run and today I am looking forward to a little pool time :)


Wow what a husband your friend has that meal looks delicious. I like your skirt where is it from?


Thank you! It is from j crew!


I was thinking the same thing! My mom is on a skirt-making spree, so I think I’m going to try to find some striped fabric for something nice and summery. :)


This is random, but I love your outfit! You’re always wearing the cutest clothes (Brooke too)!

Something about me-my first day at my new job is this week. I also have a date with my 5-year-old nephew to play baseball. :)


Oh my God – 2 hours in the pool!! I am injured and only managed an hour in there today…it’s not that exciting. I give up too easily. Are you doing the pool every day? I’m in awe and need a kick in the butt…wow :)


That dinner sounds FABULOUS! Yum, yum, yum.

Love your cute outfit too – I’m loving the stripes on the skirt and the yellow top is so pretty on you and perfect for summer!


My brother makes grilled pineapple then tops it with a coconut covered marshmallow. Amazing.


So sad that PureFlows don’t go up to my size (13-yikes!) I realize I could get the mens’ but for some reason they don’t make those in pink or purple;)


Thanks for the link for the Brooks shoes! Ordered a pair as well. :)


That pineapple looks scrumptious!

And I would love to know where you got your skirt from, it looks great on you!

We are off to camp and hike for the next two days. This is a first for our family to go by ourselves without camping experts. I’m a little nervous, but I’m sure it’ll be a blast!


I’ve always wanted to try grilled pineapple but have yet to do so! Pool running works WONDERS! I tried it will I was on vacation (still injured at the time) and within two weeks after I got home, was ready to start running again!


That is so fast it’s actually UNBELIEVABLE!!! Holy cow!!!!

I’m going to learn all about this boy wonder NOW!! Thanks for sharing doll!


I love grilled pineapple. We tried grilling romaine over the weekend to go with it but it was a huge fail.


love your skirt so cute!!! i just went on a online shopping spree. the amt of stuff i bought is scary haha im still recouping from surgery and its only been since thursday. i am going crazy not being able to have the energy to even think about running. blah. it makes you depressed now i understand how you feel


I bypassed buying Purecadence yesterday knowing I could find them cheaper online, but I didn’t think I could get them for $50 and free shipping!!! Thanks to you and your friend. New shoes on the way.


I used to wear Pure Flows and loved them! $40 is such a deal bit I just professionally fitted yesterday so no more Brooks for me. Those grilled pineapple look so yummy!!


Thank you so much for letting us know about the Pureflows! They’re my favorite, and the one store close by that has them usually sells them for 100+. You rock!


Just bought my first pair of Brooks. Thanks for sharing that amazing deal.


I was working as an usher at the Prefontaine meet and saw Galen Rupp smash his record in person! It was absolutely amazing…they didn’t look like they were moving all that fast til I realized that the slowest lap in the entire race was 65 seconds…crazy. You should come to Eugene (if you haven’t been!) and experience races at Hayward Field in person, it was indescribable!!


That is seriously so so cool!!! I want to come to one so bad! Have a great Sunday!


We just had some friends move to a house near us, so I’m cooking some dishes this afternoon to take over to them!

Hope your leg is better soon!


I can’t even run a 5k in 26 minutes! It’s amazing beyond amazing!
I’m biking lots and hoping to be cleared to start running soon. Then I have to figure out how the heck i can run the SF Marathon with only 6 weeks to train! YIKES!


I just purchased a pair of the Brooks (I’ve been running with the same pair of Asics for years and today my knees feel really stiff)! Thanks so much for the heads up!


Wow. I can’t even imagine running 4 miles in that amount of time!


Sounds like a great weekend so far!

I am getting organized/packing because I have to go to France for work this week — tough life, I know ;)


Cutest kids ever! I was SO amazed when Rupp won. It was intense!


I’ve never had Chimichurri. It probably has gluten. Darnit.

Babies. They are so yummy to hold. We should be able to rent them when we’re feeling the need to hold a tiny punkin. It’s a little rude they don’t just let us do that. ;)


Just curious (feel free to ignore if you don’t (or she doesn’t) want to answer), but do you think your sister will have kids with her new husband? Just seeing you with the baby made me wonder if Curly will have a little brother or sister.


That olive oil sounds delicious!


I love holding newborns, they’re they best :)


That pineapple looks so good – I am going to try this next time we grill. Today was spent recovering from a friends wedding. I did manage a 5.5 mile trail run up in Millcreek canyon. It’s a beautiful trail if you ever want to run near SLC.


I ran a crazy hard 30k trail race this morning. My legs have never seen so many steep hills in one day before! But then my daughter rewarded me with a batch of my favorite peanut butter cookies. :) She’s a keeper, that one.
Brook’s little laughing face is so cute! I miss my kiddos being that little some days.


Thanks for that website!! Found my other Brooks I wear! Can u tell I’m excited!
Wow so that is crazy fast! I want to mimic that dinner…so my husband text me today and asked how far is a 5k? I text him back 3.1 all the while he’s in the garage running on the treadmill (he’s not a runner) bwahahahah he wanted to see how fast he could run. Translation wanted to know if he can beat me. His time: 26:18 my time 22:16. No we aren’t competitive at all. Race on!


That chimichurry sauce looks amazing! Today was a gorgeous day in Seattle and my family and I tried a new Hawaiian restaurant with a great view of the water. :)


Thanks for the heads-up on the pure flows! Been wanting to try, but couldn’t get over the price tag. Cannot wait to see how they feel!!!


Thank you so much for posting about the Brooks Pure Flow 2s being on sale. I absolutely LOVE those shoes!


Our newborn has already packed on almost 2lbs since he was born less than three weeks ago. It’s crazy how fast they grow!!


Totally random but is that skirt the Merona Ponte one from Target? I saw it on another blog and was thinking about ordering, do you like it? haha I might have a problem… :)


The olive oil bottle looks like it says “Olive Oil & BEYONCE”. lol!


Thanks for the link for the pureflows! I just went on there and bought a pair of pureflows and pure cadences for $80! Awesome deal! My husband was jealous because they only have them for women.


Janae! Have you ever tried the Pure Flow 3’s? I am a Brooks addict (especially the Pure Flows) but the 3’s aren’t working for me at all. There isn’t enough support on the outer foot. Just wondering if you had tried them.


Umm…. that nephew that is 15.. where is the pic of him?! Some of your readers are young runners you know:) I might have to go buy those Pureflows! I’m a mizuno girl but it’s time for new shoes. And I’m thinking about Brooks.


Ooh thanks for the Pureflow link! And that dinner looks awesome!

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