7 days without treats/dessert!!!

If you have known me longer than 4 seconds then you know I have a deep love/bond/connection with candy and dessert.  I don’t know what it is about the stuff but it has just always been my thing.  


I was talking to my physical therapist about the importance of eating especially good (and plenty of calories too) during injuries to help speed up the recovery process last week and I realized it was time to make a change.  So, I decided to go a week without treats to kind of reset myself and see how it would affect me.  This was NOT to cut calories but to replace those empty calories with nutrient dense foods.  

What I noticed in those 7 days:

-I really don’t need dessert.  Plain greek yogurt and strawberries late at night while I am reading is just as fun (okay, not as fun but still fun) as a bowl of ice cream.

-My energy levels have been way better all week, probably because instead of having a snack of froyo or swedish fish I am choosing to eat things like an apple/pb, beef jerky, broccoli, cheese sticks and avoiding the sugar crashes in the afternoon.

-I really love healthy foods and there is a lot more room for them when I’m not eating dessert all of the time:)  It also takes eating a lot of healthy food to keep my calories up when I cut out the junk.  

-I ate a lot more healthy fats this last week (avocados, eggs, almonds etc. galore) and I love how they made me feel.   

I think I am going to stick to eating this way during the week and then on the weekends have dessert when I am out or at Sunday family dinner.  Once again, this has nothing to do with losing weight but rather fueling my body properly in order to gain some muscle and treat my body a little better.  First cutting out diet coke and now getting rid of the 400 treats a day?  I am going to be a pr machine before you know it;)


The new Sunday morning tradition with Paige and Jess.  Walkers Club.  This last week had been a tough one (not because of the lack of sugar) but like usual venting and their therapy helped big time.  

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Brooke was pretty proud of herself for being able to turn me into a taco roll yesterday.  

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My sister tested it out too.  We are a strange family.

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Chicken tacos.  We cooked our Mexican Rice a little too long and it turned into pudding:)

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Probably one of my most favorite times of the week…  After Sunday dinner when we all sit around and talk.  

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I think this was a great way to reintroduce treats in.  PS these are amazing.  

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Our new go-to chocolate chip cookie recipe.  HERE!!

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4= 1 serving right?!?;)  

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PS thanks Cait for my shirt…. I wear it daily now:)  You can find them HERE!!!

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What is your relationship with sugar… sweet tooth?  Have to have it daily?  Your fine without it?  How does it affect your body?  Ever go without it?

Tell me your JUNE goal (if you don’t have one, time to make one up and write it down here:)!!!

-To run the marathon healthy.  I go into the doctor again this week to get the a-okay to run because I feel like we are pretty much there.  

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I used to need to have sugar constantly but since doing a diet overhaul my tastes have completely changed and traditional sweets taste way too sweet to me now. For dessert I usually do bananas and berries with coconut butter or nut butter (almond or cashew) and I find it really satisfying but never would have a year ago. It’s so possible to change your tastes but it takes persistence. I feel much healthier now overall.

My June goal is to keep up my speed work and get FASTER.

Sending good vibes and luck your way for your marathon!


Well done on the healthy eating, I know it’s hard but it’ll be better for you.

I’ve been such a sweet person lately but after yesterday’s half, I vowed to cut it back. I had to walk/ run it because the heat was killing me ( my last long run I was soaked to the skin) but also weeks/ months of eating junk made me feel rubbish :/


Sugar has quite the hold on me. My sweet tooth always prevails. I am trying to work on that but it feels like a losing battle.

My June goal is to strength train more regularly and if I get the ok to run again at my dr appt on the 11th I hope to run the two 10ks I am signed up for. Slow and easy would be just fine. I just can’t bear the thought of another DNS.


I hope you get the a-okay to run!! Injuries are so frustrating!

I love all desserts. I have had issues with sugar my whole life. I try to keep it balanced. Some months my diet is great and some months I eat more sugar than ten kids :)

My June goal is to have a ton of fun with my kids on their summer break :) Summer break starts today!! Woohoo!


7 days without sugar would be EXTREMELY hard for me but you’re right- it does make you a better/stronger runner. I just have a hard time getting enough food/calories in without some treats each day. I hope your leg is healing fast so you can run soon :)


I have a huge sweet tooth, but when I minimize the sweets I feel much better! And speaking of sweets, those chocolate cookies look amazing!! June goal is to get plenty of strength training in with about 4 runs a week.


I have recently (aka the past two months) been going crazy on sweets, which is totally unlike me. I don’t have much of a sweet tooth, but I’ve been traveling in France and Germany, and their desserts are out of control and hard to pass up. I cut out the sugar starting on Saturday, and I already feel SO much better. I feel more balanced, that’s for sure. My June goal is to keep up the healthy eating (even though I’ll be in Italy soon… hello pasta and gelato), and keep my running up, even though it’s harder while traveling.


YAY so happy to hear that you might be back to running this week! I know you must be so anxious to hear what the doctor has to say. Sending lots of positive thoughts your way!

I’m not much of a sweets person. I usually have one chocolate mint with a cup of tea at night and that’s good enough for me. However, if you put a jar of peanut butter in front of me I have a hard time restraining myself :)


This is exactly what I needed to read this morning! I have a big half marathon on Saturday and am hoping to PR by a couple of minutes (fingers crossed for a 1:38!). I’m really going to focus on fueling and hydrating appropriately to gve my body the best chance I can to reach that goal. It’s going to be very hard because I’m generally addicted to sweets/desserts, but if Janae can do it, I know I can! :)


I need to try to cut the sweets too I’ve been outta control lately!


I do have a sweet tooth but I’m working on it….it’s a work in progress, that’s all I have to say about that!

My goal in June is to run a race for ‘Team Jaimie”,my friends daughter who used to love to run before she got cancer.


My June goal: Run consistently, three times a week, with at least one strength training session a week. Usually this would be a pretty easy goal, because I almost always run 3x a week, but June is so busy that I’m worried I won’t get around to running at all.

Why is everyone born in the summer?! (Never mind. I think I know.)


Hahaha! Your last sentence made me laugh out loud! !


I would love a 5k PR at my race in 3 weeks but I am still kind of recovering from my half a month ago so I’m not sure that will happen. Maybe I should cut out sweets too and then I will be speedy like you :)


I have SUCH a big sweet tooth! I don’t eat much candy though because it really upsets my stomach and makes me feel sick. But half the reason I love froyo is because it’s an excuse to eat candy! Haha


Those chocolate chip cookies look delicious! :)

My relationship with sugar is pretty bad right now… I’m 31 weeks pregnant and want sugar/desserts all the time!

My June goal is to walk 10K steps a day (which is surprisingly hard work!) and try to maintain my fitness level while prego.


Wishing you an excellent check up @ the doctor this week! Sending good vibes your way :)


wow, if you can go a week without sweets I really have no excuse. I love sweets, probably too much. The funny thing is that when I have them more sparingly I enjoy them more anyways.


I eat a lot of chocolate but not much other candy, and I’m totally fine being that way! :) it brightens my day as much as running, so I’m keeping it around.


Love Cait- she is the best! I am a major sweet tooth just like you but try to limit the hunks of fudge cake and ice cream sundaes to the weekends and/or when I dine out. I find my favorite apple with peanut butter and some dark chocolate does the trick so often that I often crave that instead of frozen yogurt or even cookies most of the time. Not to mention, you really do feel better/run better/ recover better when you eat more nutrient dense foods.


wow good for you! i don’t have a huge sweet tooth and i’m not into sugar/gummy candies at all…mainly just dark chocolate. and i probably could benefit from cutting that out, too!


Monster sweet tooth over here. I’m not sure I could ever go without it completely, but I do try to keep it in check because while the highs are nice, the crashes are no fun. Lately the ice cream has been killing my efforts though :lol:


I used to have a huge sweet tooth but lately I’ve been craving more savory (but still not healthy) foods so I’m more likely to overindulge by having gigantic dinners or second lunches.


I gave up sugar a while ago and now when I eat anything super sweet I can’t even finish it. Ice cream I’m still good with- thank goodness! I only eat it maybe 2 x a month though.
June4= national running day! Which also happens to be my bday!

Goal= keep getting stronger for my half marathon in July, and finish training for Ardura June 21st


For June, I want to switch to working-out early in the morning… in place of at-night because soon school will get out… No.More.Students.

My sweet tooth is way too big, but I try also to save it for the weekends, and I try to only have what I make myself (aka. homemade brownies and cookies, instead of just straight up candies or processed cookies,–not that it is any better for me but because then I put labor into it and appreciate it more).


I have the worst sweet tooth! It’s been that way my entire life and I really hate it… Like I feel that dessert is necessary on a regular basis… My goal this summer is to weed out the bad sugars in my diet… not completely get rid of them but try to become a healthier me…

My June goals are to stay runner healthy and injury free and run some local “fun” races… by fun I mean not trying to PR but if a PR comes that would be an added bonus!


I can’t believe you cut sugar out for a week! That is amazing! I am like you, a huge sugar addict. The more I eat, the more I want…but the less I eat, the less I want. It’s crazy how that works. I am in a “less” phase right now, but to be honest, I don’t really notice a difference in my energy levels or how I feel when I eat a ton vs. a little. I’m pretty energetic all the time (and don’t even drink caffeine). I do feel better about myself when I eat less sugar, so that’s worth something.

My goal for June is to do ab workouts every day…we’ll see how that goes. I really need to incorporate ab stuff into my routine but I am just not motivated. I am going to try and do a June ab challenge though, and we’ll see how it goes.


Sugar is so addicting that’s why you can eat it forever and never get full. I broke up with it for several years after my 80 pound weight loss then last year started eating some gradually. It got out of control over the holidays with the treats so ice now cut it all out again. I just have no self control so I’m best off staying away.


I have a huge sweet tooth…I can do without a lot of baked goods but I am a candy monster. It’s impossible for me to go even a day without it, but I sure would love to try. I am always impressed by people who just quit cold turkey!


I have a small amount of sweets daily. Love them!!


Someone once suggested I try giving up pasta for Lent and I remember being so upset about the idea of no more pasta that I started crying. Actually started crying.

I love sugary foods but I am trying not to eat as much of it because I know it’s not good for me but while I have no problem cutting out some stuff like candy, the doctor will have to pry my diet soda out of my cold dead hand.


Have some quality dark chocolate on those weekdays when you’re cutting out treats. :)


Yes, I have a major sweet tooth, but I usually limit myself to desserts only on weekends, just like you mentioned. I often crave candy or ice cream when I get home from work, so instead of candy I eat dried mango or a few chocolate covered almonds/espresso beans. Yogurt with granola is my substitute for ice cream.

I can’t wait to hear how your doctor’s appointment goes! I hope you’ll be good to go!


I have the biggest sweet tooth, too. But when I go easy on the sweets I have a lot more energy as well. It’s a predicament because if I go a day without chocolate or dessert it’s constantly on my mind!


I have a huge sweet tooth. A life without dessert is not the life for me! I usually have at least one treat a day, nothing crazy, but I’ll have a small piece of candy or homemade fro-yo after dinner, gives me something yummy to look forward to!


June goal- to be able to finish my half marathon. It’s half #6 so I know that i can do the distance, but it’ll be unseasonably warm, and I’m hoping the heat doesn’t get to me too badly!


I don’t have a huge sweet tooth for candy or chocolate but I love donuts/muffins/cookies etc…I’m using a food journal and the amount of pastries I eat is alarming! Time to cut back.
I ran my 7th half yesterday!! 23 seconds short of a PR but I wasn’t even going for one so it made me see how much my running has improved over the winter months. Bring on summer training!!!!


I’m kind of take-it-or-leave-it on desserts. Some sweets I LOVE (like real, old-school red licorice, for example… or cupcakes from my favorite bakery), but I’m also totally content to have fruit when my husband is having his daily dose of ice cream.

My June goal is to run every day! I’m doing the Runner’s World Run Streak from Memorial Day to 4th of July. 30-something days to go…


June goal- take the MCAT and apply to medical school!


Wow…I don’t think I can go longer than two hours without wanting something chocolate related, let alone seven days!! I should really try it because I know I would feel better (and not as tired) if I did! I probably don’t need the treats, but I love them!!!

My June goal is to start preparing to MOVE and transition to a new career :) Oh and to rock the 10 miler I’m running on June 14th.


You have such willpower! I always try to cut desserts/snacks out but I always cave in :(


I think I’m a lot like you with sweets, Janae! I have a HUGE sweet tooth and get a lot of my running energy from the sweets that I adore. For awhile now I’ve been mulling over the idea of cutting them out and “eating clean” but that seems SO HARD! Now that I’ve seen you do it, you’ve been my inspiration and I think I will try it – maybe with a on-again-off-again pattern like you’re doing where I can eat desert on weekends or something. I’m quite an all-or-nothing person and I know that if I let myself have so much as one Skittle during the week, my plan would be blown! So I just have to start with some self-control and I bet it gets easier :)

My June goal is to START MARATHON TRAINING! I’m scheduled to start on 23 June and I am so excited! Then it will be a 16-week count-down to the CHICAGO MARATHON.

Good luck at the doctor this week, my thoughts are with you and your leg! Get better fast, leg!


I have to stay away from it haha I get addicted to it very easily, so it’s best that I don’t have it plus I get sick from the sugar and my body works better without. My goal is to really grow my jewelry business (which was launched yesterday!!), I love making it and would love to continue :)


I have more of a salty tooth than a sweet one. I do usually like something small and sweet after my salt. I might just have a couple dark chocolate chips and that does the trick.


I’ve definitely cut back on sugar intake and am more aware of how sugar affects my body. They say, “Fat doesn’t make you fat, sugar makes you fat.” I agree.


I just do treats on the weekends and that seems to work well for me. My only problem is that I go a bit overboard sometimes haha! Eating healthy during the week helps me to feel good overall, and I think that is super important. I am breast feeding as well, so I try to eat good for my baby girl :) My goal for June is to exercise more frequently! For the past month I have been averaging only about 3 or 4 days a week, and I would like to exercise a bit more :) Good luck at the doctor’s office!!


I love sweets. Not so much candy, but I will never say no to ice cream or a good cookie (btw the ones in your picture look amaaaazing. And those chunks are another massive success for TJ’s — I just bought a bag last week and made cookies that tasted exactly like Subway cookies. No big deal).

My goal for June is to work on core strength/flexibility until I can safely run again! I also want to try out pool running! Where did you get your belt?


When I went sugar free in January, I immediately noticed a huge difference all month. I felt seriously amazing. That being said, it’s hard to maintain that (personally) year round. So I try and limit dessert to 1-2 times per week when we go out to eat.


My JUNE goal is to rest my achilles enough so that it doesn’t hurt when I touch it! I REALLY want to start running again!


I have a pretty massive sweet tooth that I have to consciously try and keep under control. It has actually gotten worse since I started upping the training for triathlon. The two things I can’t seem to give up are Junior Mints and Milk Duds. I definitely try to limit the amount of sweets I eat each day, but don’t necessarily restrict myself (what’s the fun in that?). My goal for June, and the only thing that has been filling my head these past few weeks, is to complete my first 70.3 triathlon. Only five more days!


I’m so jealous of your eyelashes in that choc chip picture! Yeesh, I need to get me some extensions lol. I’m glad you’re cutting out the candy, I know its delicious but think of all of the sketchy sugars and syrups in those things that are created in a lab. I’ve never been a big candy person, but I’m sure once your body gets over the sadness and withdrawal of it, fruit will taste much sweeter and candy-ish.


I find myself letting more and more sugar sneak in and then I crave it more and it’s a vicious cycle for me. I know when I cut it out, I have the same things that you found too. I feel better, have less inflammation, wake up easier and retain less water.


My June goal is to push out a healthy baby and not freak out during delivery. I officially become a mommy this month!


Oh man, I’m right there with you on your love for sugar. Sometimes it gets a little out of control so I have to reign myself back in, but most of the time, I try to stick with a balanced approach. If I cut sweets out entirely for a long period of time, I think I’d be reallllly sad. Ha! Usually I have one (maybe two) sweets each day, but they’re on the smaller side – like a piece of chocolate or a small bowl of ice cream. Then, I enjoy a couple bigger indulgences on the weekend. I don’t think about it too much, but I try to use a little self control otherwise my sweets intake would be through the roof! ;)


I need to try no sweets for a week or so – I feel like I HAVE to have something sweet after dinner right now. Seriously need to get those cravings in check! I would be interested to see how it effects my training!

June’s training is all about hills and heat. I have a half marathon in the beginning of July that is going to be HOT and hilly so I need to get my body ready for that.


I tried abstaining from fast food for a week and I can do it longer. But I definitely can’t abstain from sweets. I wonder how long I would last without it. 2 days? or maybe just 2 hours. :P


I do love LOVE sugar, but recently i’ve been trying to cut it out too, and i have noticed nothing but GOOD things. Also my digestive system feels SO much better than it has recently, so i’m psyched for that!

That is a REALLY cool shirt!!

June Goal-To hit 60+ mileage weeks!!


I’m kind of a health nut! :) I would rather have a piece of 90% dark chocolate. I really love fresh berries. However, frozen yogurt and I are good friends. Just plain or vanilla :)

My goal is to debut at Grandma’s Marathon in three weeks and run that Olympic “A” standard. I can’t wait to race! Just completed 3 weeks of high milage, complete with a week of 110 last week and a 24 mile long run yesterday :)


I never say no to cookies or pie – but I don’t have a huge sweet tooth. Although I did just eat three oreos……

My goal is the same June goal – to secure employment for September and not go crazy in the process


So glad you may get to run again! You’ve been GREAT about holding off.

My son is a Muay Thai instructor and has not been working out for a while. He’s trying to build his strength up and decided…yep. I need to go off candy. He’s related to me. So I’m doing it with him. Yep. The month of June. I’m betting he’ll break first. I have great self control.

Mostly. ;)


I like sugar. I do try and limit myself to one treat a day, maybe a lemon bar, a cookie, or a handful of M&M’s. There are days where I don’t eat any and I feel very strong and healthy, but I don’t think I have the willpower to go a full week without it!

June goal: finish my 1/2 marathon Saturday faster than last year. If that doesn’t happen just to finish it is an ok goal! Who knows what the weather will do!


To be honest, I never eat sugar! I used to eat it ALL. THE. TIME. but now I realize that I feel a LOT better without it and I can do so much more!
You go girl!


I love sweets, especially chocolate! I try to keep it reasonable by making things like chocolate protein pancakes and adding a few (or a lot) of those TJ’s chocolate chunks to my chobani.


Just curious… Did the cookies mke you feel yucky after the sugar purge?

I love sugars and I’m one of those people that needs to lose weight so dropping them is quite beneficial. I still eat some junk foods but I cut sugar from beverages and I try to eat a lot less of them.

I turn 40 this week so my June goal is to keep up with my training and not let myself get caught up with the “age thing” by proving to myself that I am more fit now than ever (which I really am except the weight I need to lose). Most of my younger years I was a skinny, soda drinking, cigarette smoking, couch lounging potato.

I have a 5k in two weeks also which I just want to PR…. That’s a good goal too, though mainly I am training for a half in Sept.

You have a lovely family. Thank you for sharing them with us.


I could live on sweets! That is one of the hardest things for me to cut out of my diet! That and Diet Coke! My June goal is no Diet Coke. Anyone can feel free to talk me off of the ledge at the end of the month of no sweets and Diet Coke. At least butter is okay…it’s a carb ;)


I’m definitely don’t have a big sweet tooth – and candy really isn’t my thing but I do like to end the day with a little ice cream or some chocolate. :) My goal for June is just to train hard and stay healthy so that I can crush my first half marathon in July!


I’m glad you’re doing this. Bringing in more healthy food will be so much better for your body in the long run. You still have plenty of good running years ahead of you, and we need you healthy!


My addiction has always been to chocolate, ice cream and all things baked. At my work we always have chocolates, chocolate chip cookies and BROWNIES out on a DAILY basis, and this was leading to bad, bad habits. A couple weeks ago I started a Whole30 (cut out all dairy, sugar, grains…) and its amazing how quickly my cravings for dessert disappeared.

My June goal: stick to my whole30, work on getting more veggies in each day, and run 3-4 days per week!

Hope you get the green light from your doctor!!


I am like you and love sweets! I have tried not to have it during the week and only on weekends, but I need a small sweet everyday. What I do, is try and not to eat any sweets until after dinner and then make sure its a small one. Unless, of course, we are going out to frozen yogurt;)

My June goal is to start my 1/2 marathon training. This will be my 2nd time running a 1/2 marathon and I want to come under 2 hours. I was so close last time (by 6 minutes) and realize I need to include hills in my training. That is what killed me last time.


when I was going through my emotional period last fall/winter I found myself eating a ton of sweets and unneccessary junk. I’ve noticed now that I’m happy and my mood has changed so much I’m eating much better.

My June goal is to move and get settled into my new apartment! :) And to really eat healthy and on-point this month for a photoshoot on 2 July!


My June goal is to just enjoy the month. It is my birthday month and I don’t have another half until October. So I just get to do easy runs to maintain my base and enjoy it!!


I have a huge sweet tooth and gave up all weets for Lent this year. It was actually easier than I thought it would be. After the first day or so, I quit craving sugar and it was fine.


My relationship with sugar is far too close. I try to satisfy sweet cravings with healthier things like an apple, but my end of the day jelly beans are basically mandatory. It’s probably time to break myself of this habit.


My June goal was to run a sub 2 hour half marathon and I did it yesterday! Woot Woot! http://www.kaellaontherun.com/2014/06/calgary-half-marathon-recap.html

I have another race this weekend (a 5 miler) so I’m hoping to PR that as well.

Then, I’m going to focus on strength training and getting my mileage back up to where it was a few months ago before I got injured.


JANAE! I miss you!!!

I have THE WORSE sweet tooth. I definitely need to do this challenge. If you can do it, I (think I) can do it!


I am trying to eat less sugar too! How did you do it?! Did it get easier as you went? Im currently trying to slowly wean myself off of it. As in 1 dessert per dayrther than three. Im that girl who thinks 1 pint of ben and jerrys=1 serving.
The longest I have gone without sweets is probably 5 days! I quit smoking but somehow I cant quit my beloved sugar.
Btw thanks for the heads up on those Brooks! Free shipping too! I have never tried Brooks before…hope I like them as much as you!


I have a MAJOR sweet tooth! It’s weird because I never did when I was younger, but as soon as I hit college I started craving sweet treats. I try to limit my intake because I know it’s not good for me, but I do have at least 1 sweet thing (typically more *guilty face*) per week. I wish I didn’t crave it!! I’m trying to cut back more since I’ll be going to Hawaii this summer ;)


That top photo of you clutching bags of candy made me laugh so hard! I know how difficult it is to quit sugar. I’ve managed to do it for about 2 weeks at a time, but I always slip back into my old ways….I just love it too much! I do feel better physically without it, but my mind thinks I need it.

My June goal: to gradually start increasing my training runs while balancing running with power yoga. I just ran my first race (10km) since getting injured about a year ago, and it went really well, so I am cautiously optimistic about doing a half later in the summer. I think I just need to be consistent with my cross training.


Unhealthy and not in moderation. Let’s just leave it at that.

I also love veggies, thank goodness.


Those cookies look amazing!
I usually have a treat or 2 each day. But it is about 150/200 calories.
My June goal is to nail down a marathon training plan for Chicago.


I once gave up sweets for Lent and then calculated how many calories I needed to eat to make up for cutting them out and it was really kind of sad. That being said, I still eat a ton of sweets. I’m just a little smarter about what I eat otherwise.

June goal: to be approved to start running again!


I’m totally starting to adopt your way of eating. I did clean eating a few weeks ago, and I felt amazing and my body looked really good. Saving the crappy foods for the weekends (and really keeping those to a minimum) and sticking with the clean eating/no alcohol during the week. Totally makes a huge difference!


I used to be a sweet tooth, but once I cut down to only having dessert on the weekends I craved sugary treats less and less, and now all I need is a small cup of chocolate chips to keep me happy:)


I don’t really have a huge sweet tooth, and I have never been a candy person, but I love ice cream! I don’t have it too much though, but I usually won’t turn it down when offered. :) I’m like you though, I can tell such a difference when I actually fuel my body with the right nutrients.


I have a HUGE sweet tooth. I can go about a day without it, but any past that… For Lent I gave up sweets, and it was the most horrible thing I’ve ever done to myself. ;) I ended up gaining about 15 pounds in 40 days because 1: I was training for a half marathon and ate probably way more than I should have and 2: Every time Sunday came around about 75-90% of my food for that day would consist of sugar. It was bad. So yes, I definitely have a horrible sugar addiction that I need to kick!

My June goal is to be healthier. I find I enjoy life so much more when I make working out a set thing rather than a choice. Pilates is my strength training lately!


The taco roll pictures are hilarious!! I have a major sweet tooth too and I pretty much had to go cold turkey and cut candy and sweets out of my diet. I now like to eat a lot of fruit to fulfill my sweet tooth cravings. Of course, every now and then I still like to treat myself with some candy. ;)


I have to make a serious effort to pass the candy aisle. Swedish fish, Sour Patch Kids, and Gummy Bears are my weakness, but I know I shouldn’t have them, especially when Corn Syrup is one of the first ingredients. I am going on a few weeks without buying any of that stuff. I have no problem with occasional ice cream/gelato because I buy Breyer’s or the other kinds that don’t have all kind of chemical sounding ingredients.


I just read this while eating sour patch kids. At 10:34am.
Hope you’re on the mend soon & find some answers too.


I love those chocolate chunks- they’re so good in pumpkin spice muffins!


My dysfunctional snacking habits are all about salty junk food — I’ll take a bowl of potato chips over a bowl of chocolate any day. Or, one scoop of vanilla ice cream with a handful of TJ’s peanut butter filled pretzels crumbled on top. And (ahem), a pinch of sea salt on top of it all. :)

I do have to chime in to say that I think it’s awesome that you eat PLAIN greek yogurt for dessert with your fruit. So many of those flavored yogurts have as much sugar in them as ice cream, but lots of people treat them as health food, especially when feeding kids. When you can’t get good strawberries, you should try frozen fruit with your yogurt — I mix frozen raspberries and plain yogurt in the morning and then eat it as “dessert” after lunch. Tastes amazing!

Sorry you had a hard week. Being injured is hard. :(


I love treats too. So much! For February I challenged myself to not eat treats (candy, cookies, ice cream, Coke) all month – notice I chose the shortest month ;) It was soooo hard. Especially the first weekend, it was all I could think about. It took a while to get used to it. I noticed that I was REALLY hungry at the end of the day and I realized it was because of how many calories I had been getting from treats. So, I wasn’t just eating them as treats but as basic sustenance! And I am a BF-ing mom so I need a lot of sustenance! I replaced treats with healthier snacks and then I wasn’t so hungry anymore. All month I thought about what I was going to eat on May 1 and my number one thing was Oreos. I think I readjusted my sweet tooth and now I am choosing better snacks and also better treats. I don’t mean healthier treats, but higher quality. Like good chocolate and good ice cream.


Such a proud mama:)


I’m pretty sure my mouth is full of sweet teeth – I’m a sugar monster. I do my best to keep it at least somewhat under control though.
And I just bought those chocolate chips for the first time a week or two ago – so good!


June goal: to restart good training (I’m coming off a year of disappointment) and to help my fiancé start running in the process :)


Oh sugar… I enjoy it in moderation, though I’m sure life would be better if I totally cut it out of my diet! I’m a little treat after lunch/little treat after supper kind of person. Like right now, after writing this I’m going to grab three Dove chocolate squares and my coffee :)

My goal for June – run a solid 10k with my son in the jogging stroller on the 14th! I have ran a 5k with him, but never a 10k. Secretly I want to run a ~8:00-8:30 average pace but I don’t want to set any expectations. I may have to stop mid-race to get him another graham cracker or a drink of juice. He’s unpredictable!


For me, I crave sugar when I get really hungry. If I just eat fruit and regular meals then I crave salty stuff (aka pretzels!)


The only treating yourself on weekends thing works great! I found it easier to do on a set schedule when I was working. Prepping and packing healthy meals and snacks for throughout the day took away the hungry search for treats. But now that I’m on a student schedule it’s been a lot more difficult to keep structure with my healthy meals since I’m all over the place :P


I think I have an unhealthy relationship with sugar. It is either all or nothing for me. I can’t just have one cookie or one scoop of ice cream. I have to eat 10 cookies and a half gallon of ice cream, so I try to stay away from sweets/desserts during the week and indugle on Sundays


I actually gave up chocolate for 5 years. I did it to lose weight but it didn’t really work. Now I’ve started eating it again (after losing weight through exercise) I allow myself some dark chocolate each day, it gives me something look forward to.

June goal, to get recovered from plantar pains!


I didn’t really have a sweet tooth until after I had kids. Then I felt like I had to have it all the time. I still love sugar but now I have figured out (duh) that if my body gets the proper nutrients, I dont even crave sugar. My favorite supplement I’ve been using that’s been helping fill that gap is vitalerbs by dr. Christopher. Im kind of a supplement junkie. And I’ve also found sugar cravings are more of a habit instead of actual craving.
Good luck in your quest!


I have the absolute worst sweet tooth ever. I came home from work today and had a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Wasn’t hungry at all, dinner was just about ready in the Crock Pot, but I “needed” sugar RIGHT THEN! Lol


I have a salt tooth unless it is for fudge, then all bets are off. (Homemade only, not the chain store stuff!)
My june goal is to train for a fast 1 mile race mid July, which will be a totally different and fun challenge for me.


I like to having a treat after dinner but I actually don’t like stuff that is super sugery. I’ve been making my own baked stuff and cutting the sugar and that seems to do the trick!
My June goal is to run at least one race and stay injury-free!


So glad you’re feeling the difference!!! The weekends “off” is a good plan because you’ll have something to look forward to! Nice job :)


Um, I love candy! I have gone long stretches without it though, and I don’t really feel better or worse with or without it.

My June goal is to have a good race on Saturday, and then manage to keep my fitness up when the temperatures skyrocket. I am not a hot weather runner! And to me, anything mid-70s and up is hot :)


I love your weekend treat idea- that’s definitely something I do, but weeknight ice cream does happen!


so this just means that your one dessert for the week can be 7X bigger, right?! ;) Jk. but really, i’m glad you’re feeling more energized throughout the day without those sugar crashes…trust me i’m a HUGE sweets person too, but have learned to ‘limit my madness’ so to speak. haha.
LOVE LOVE LOVE that you’re living the Peacock Runner Tee!! you’re MORE than welcome, My Friend, and the best part is the big old smile on your face. :)


I really like sugar and desserts, but I try not to eat them often. I know that sounds really boring, but after years of eating what I wanted I felt it was about time to make some relevant changes in my nutrition.
There are a lot of healthy treats I still eat, and the really good stuff (= unhealthy) I eat occasionally, when I’m out with my family or friends, more like a social thing.


I, too, am totally addicted to sugar. I have been thinking about doing a 7-day sugar detox (no sugar and limited fruit for a week, with the exception of GUs and training fuel). I think your post just pushed me over the edge to go for it next week. I think it will propel me to get back on the good eating train. Good luck keeping it up :) xo


Love the shirt because I love Cait – she is awesome!! You wear it well!!


I’ve never been much of a sweets person, but I’ve definitely been eating more than my fair share lately…like pretty much since Easter. :P My June goal has actually been to stick to a plant-based diet and forgo desserts for this month. I’ll still enjoy a few carob chips on my PB smoothie and that kind of thing, but I’ll pass on the cookies and all. Tears may be shed….and with any luck, a bit of my extra “padding” will be shed, too. ;)


I’m so glad that you are seeing a PT! Great work in making healthy choices so that you can heal :)
June goal for me is a good effort in a June 28 half marathon in the central Oregon mountains :) I’m 6 months out from having my baby and starting to get my speed back.


My June goal is to not get injured or overtrained in this darn heat! I have been trying to cut down on sugar, too. I don’t eat a ton of it…but I do eat it at the worst time of day. I have been eating a little treat after 1 or 2 pm instead of at 9am so I don’t crash mid-morning…the crash makes working 10 hour shifts WAYYY harder!


I have a real sweet tooth. I know that I’d feel better if I eliminated it from my diet. I’ve done it in the past, and once I’ve been off for a while I have no problem not eating it. But inevitably the slow creep begins. I definitely want it more during PMS and when I’ve not been eating enough protein.

June goal: keep doing my PT exercises and get some good walking in EVERY DAY. Oh, and go camping :)


I lOVE sugar far too much and find it hard to cut it out. my worse habbit is not eating enough at meal times and then grabbing naughty things. I am trying to address this. you are doing really well to cut sugar out for a week. Stronger than me!!


I have a love/hate relationship with sugar because I had gastric bypass surgery 3 yrs ago. I can have some sugar but if I go over the line (I still really don’t know what that line is) I feel like total crap. So, I just try to have half of what I really want of something and that usually works.

My June goal is to start losing weight (I have 30 lbs to get to goal) and continue on a run streak I started on 6/1. I’m running it for a Facebook group I’m on called Run JunkEes and a man asked people to do the streak for suicide awareness. This is my first streak and I’m going to work really hard not to break it. It’s a minimum of 1.37 mi/day to recognize the statistic that every 13.7 minutes someone in the US commits suicide.

Thanks again for my addiction to apples with almond butter. I have to have it everyday now. I blame you completely! LOL!

Tell me your JUNE goal (if you don’t have one, time to make one up and write it down here:)!!!


It’s been almost a year since I started eating cleaner (cutting out processed foods and back on sugar), and I will never go back to my old unhealthy habits. I used to be addicted to candy, and now it does nothing for me. Once you crest that three week period, it gets easier and easier. I’ve had increased energy, better sleep, weight loss (wasn’t a goal and didn’t realize I really had any to lose), and better skin.

Here is what I’ve learned and tried, tips, advice, and a snippet of my journey. Stay tuned for a more detailed “one year” update. ;-) http://wp.me/p2HOJd-lV


I have a horrible sweet tooth! It is extremely hard for me to pass up my favorite sweet treats. I’ve been working on doing better with eating by bringing my lunch to work, but of course my co-workers always bring in cakes and cookies so it’s tough. My goal for June is to drink mostly water and limit my sugar intake. Must take it one day at a time. :-)


Wow 7 days without sweets, that’s amazing!

I recently saw a movie “Fed Up” about the sugar industry that you may like! It’ll definitely open your eyes to how sugar has been put into our daily lives without us even realizing it sometimes. I still have a major sweet tooth but it was very informative to see!

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