Would I do it all over again or skip over the hard part?

I had a really good discussion over a large ice cream sundae with Sarah (while I was in Thailand last month) about the last 6 years of my life and she asked me, “If you had the choice…  Would you do it all over again or choose to skip over the the hardest time of your whole life?”

What did I learn?  How did I grow?  Were the lessons and growth worth the pain?  I have thought about it like crazy ever since that discussion, being divorced at 27 makes you really evaluate things.

I would do it all over again in a heartbeat because:

-More than anything, I have Brooke (well, for 88% of the month:).  I would go through anything in the entire world to have this little girl.

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-I learned through everything that true self-esteem has nothing to do with my looks, my size, material things or what another person thinks about me.  It comes from inside.  It comes from making good decisions, sticking to my values, by being kind, developing talents/skills and by serving others.  If what had happened 10 months ago to me happened when I was 20… I don’t think my self-esteem could have handled it.  I would have been a mess but over the years I have learned so much about myself and how my worth has nothing to do with somebody else’s decisions.

-I can now help other women.  One girl in particular was a huge mentor for me after everything happened.  She recently told me that it is now my job to help other women get through similar situations just like how she helped me.  What a great cycle—> to go through something hard, recover, become stronger and then to be able to turn around and help someone else as they are going through something you understand completely makes it all worth it.

-You just can’t control everything. A lesson that I simply needed to learn.  I have learned that I can only control about 4% of my life and that is okay.  My life is nowhere near what I thought it would be at this point but that doesn’t matter, you just have to make the best out of what you have.  Enjoying where you are now (even if it is in your parents’ basement ((okay, I actually really love it here)) is SO key to being happy.

“You have to be intentional about the joy.” -John Eldredge

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-To ‘let it go’ as Elsa from Frozen says.  Dwelling on the past is an awful way to live.  Reliving painful memories, obsessing about the whys and wondering if things could have been different will drive you crazy.  ‘Look forward with faith in good things to come’ is something that I have learned through this experience.

-I have loved learning how to be comfortable being independent and realizing that I don’t need somebody else to make me happy.  I have learned that spending a Friday night in bed with chocolate and a good book is actually a great way to spend a Friday night.

-My faith and prayer became even more important to me during these years. It is my core. It is my center.

-Running really does make everything better.  Okay, that is something I have always known but man, running sure makes me feel better and to be able to think more optimistically.

Learning these lessons made all of the pain worth it.

It’s just like marathon/half marathon/10k/5k/ultra/any type of running training.  There are crazy hard runs and mornings you don’t want to get out of bed to run.  There are injuries and silly sicknesses that keep us from going full speed and make us take a few steps backwards.  It’s hard and sometimes we cry but how else do we get our body strong enough to run X amount of miles at X speed?  It’s the lessons that we learn through training and putting our body through those really tough workouts that get us to where we want to be on race day.

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Skipping the hard part would leave us weak.  The hard runs are what build muscle, character, cardiovascular fitness and confidence… I don’t think anybody would choose to trade in the strength they gained from fighting through the hard times for the easy path that doesn’t make us any stronger.

It is the hard stuff in life that refines us, that forces us to grow and that transforms us into the people we want to become.

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you are lovely :)


100% agree with this entire post!
I know I’ve mentioned this before but I share again. I was 25 when my hubby died from cancer. I knew i’d be ok but never thought i could thrive without him. I miss him so much but I am not sitting on the sofa watching my life go by. I’ve learned to build a new life and the pillar of that has been my running! Which is why being injured right now is driving me insane. It’s like being separated from another love. Sigh!

The experiences we go through in life give us perspective and make the substance our being deeper and wiser. There’s never anything to learn by skipping over the hard stuff.


Thank you for sharing. Very wise words.


Nicely put. It is true that it’s the tough stuff that builds us up in the end and teaches us how to deal with the unexpected. You sound like you are in such a good place and I know we are all happy for you!


The tough things in life are the things that make us the strongest. I am really happy for you, you have come out on the other side of this on top. You seem happy right now and that’s really all that matters so keep it up and I know you’re inspiring other women going through similar hardships right now!


Thanks. I needed to hear that .


You not only will be able to help other women go through their tough times, but you are showing Brooke every day what a strong woman looks like.

Running is such a great way to get our thoughts straight. Personally, I know when I’m going through rough times I try to distract myself from the bad stuff, but running forces me to be alone with my thoughts and work through them. It can be so cathartic!


This is so beautiful. Even though I’ve never been through this, listening to your stories helps me when I am listening to my friend tell me her stories as she goes through her own divorce. You are so incredibly strong and simply amazing.

Running ALWAYS makes me feel better.

Beautiful post, thanks for always being so inspirational!


so inspiring for a monday morning!! you have certainly come out of all of this tough stuff as a stronger and wiser person! i love how you are so positive, it is truly inspiring! have a happy monday!


I went through a divorce and it made me such a better person. Being LDS there was this huge feeling that we had to be perfect. I was also terrified of divorce so for years I have in to what I needed to please my spouse to avoid divorce and not being perfect. I lost who I was. I hit a low then finally decided to find myself again. When you look in the mirror and you can’t remember anything you enjoy doing, you know you need a change! After i got divorce and I was no longer perfect, i realized how stupid it was to feel that way. I finally was able to relax and just be me, imperfections and all, and realize no one is perfect. It’s made my 2nd marriage 100% better than the first. I’m not afraid of anything. I also stand up for what I need and what’s important to me.
Running has been my therapy. I love cycling but you can’t zone out while cycling (too many cars!).


So glad you found yourself again and that your marriage is better off.


Great post. Such a positive way to reflect on challenges and amazing inspiration that your helping others. I try to look at life compared to my runs exactly how you put it, hard runs, easy runs, etc got to learn and grow no matter what.


100 % agree with your perspective. I would never want to skip the hardest parts of my life because it has been those hard times that have made me who I am and keep me growing. I might not have ever started running if I hadn’t gone through a hard time in my early twenties. Running is definitely a metaphore for life in general, and also has helped me gain perspective during challenging times! It’s always worth living through the pain to come out more alive than you ever thought you could be!


You are amazing girl. I have followed you for a long long time and you are truly an inspiration to others. Not only because you are a rockstar runner, but you are a rockstar mom through all of this. You just seem like such a good person and I hope to get to meet you someday at a race :) You have been so strong through all of this, and I cannot even imagine how hard it has been, but your positive attitude shines through always and I absolutely love coming to your little part of the internet every day to check in :)

Hope your leg is feeling better and have a wonderful week!!


Thank you, Janae! I always appreciate your wisdom! I’ve been thinking this past week about how my long-term injury has changed me…at first I was thinking of change in a negative light (like making me not want to sign up for racing or making me feel afraid to run high mileage again), but then I realized that I’ve seen a lot of positive changes, too, like learning how to be patient and at peace and happy even when things are not going my way, and I have absolutely no control over my situation.


Great story! I may not completely understand your situation, but I know that the hard parts of my life (as much as I wish I could forget them) got me where I am today, and if I had done one small thing differently, the outcome could be a very different one. I would not trade the situation I am in for the world, and even though it has it’s challenges, I love the person I am today. I think your daughter is gorgeous and she is very lucky to have a mom who is confident in who she is. The Rascal Flatts song had it right “God blessed the broken road”!


Great post :) The self esteem and learning how to be independent parts are really so important and I’m sure that this will help many women :)


Hi janae I have been following your blog since before you had Brooke and I just wanted to thank you! You constantly inspire me with my running as well as life in General! I’m by no means am a fast runner but I never give up as I imagine you on the other side of the world out there running. Thank you


Thank you. I’m at a point in my life where I need to hear what I already know… medical tests, surgeries and the unknown have really knocked me for a loop these days. Your post reminds me to put on my big girl panties and face it. Whether there is cancer or no cancer, life is out there and our time really is short. So put em on and enjoy it! (Even if those big girl panties are hidden under the pjs I live in these days:)


Thinking about you Kim. You can do this and if you need anything let me know!


Well said! :)


Great post. Hard times make the good times much sweeter. I love the intentional joy quote…Beautiful reminder!


I wouldn’t skip the hard part either. My ex left while I was pregnant with our second girl. I love his family, made them my family, and that makes it harder. But you’re absolutely right–finding joy is intentional.

BTW, there were two blogs that I read constantly through the hard days to take my mind off the bad stuff. This is one of them.


Absolutely love this!! If we skip the hard part, we will never grow as a person.


I.LOVE.THIS! You are right, without the hard parts we would never get better, get stronger… evolve…. I’m literally printing this out and hanging it on my motivational wall… Some days you just need a pep talk…. thank you


You are so wise! Hard things are a part of everyone’s life and we don’t get to pick our trials. I once heard if you put everyone’s problems into a bucket to pick out, you’d take your own back. We are strengthened where we need to be.


I absolutely love that! Thanks for sharing!


Such great lessons and such hard ones to learn! My husband is a pastor and we do a lot of counseling and it can be so hard to try to tell people that God knows what they are going through and they can come away from it better…but it is SO true! I read a book called Off Script that talked about how we react when life does not go the way that we had planned it to and how even though it is not like we planned, it is how God planned and that is what is best. Being able to help someone when you have been helped is a gift and will be a huge blessing not only for someone else but also for you! I cannot begin to imagine how hard it is and I am sure that you have some really challenging days, but you are doing an amazing job seeing all perspectives of the situation!


Absolutely love it. A perspective like yours is something to be so grateful for. Your positivity is SO encouraging!


Janae, I just adore you. I can tell you firsthand the changes I have seen you make in the last 10 months. You are such a strong, caring and amazing person. As much as I wish I could have taken away all the pain you had to go through, it makes me so happy to see how you have come through it all and become an even better person. I truly admire you as a mother, a friend, a runner, and a person. I am sure through this blog you have already touched others and helped them with their similar difficult times. I love you!


Yet another post that depicts why I look up to you so much. You had every choice to let this experience make you bitter and angry (though I’m sure there are those moments too) but overall you soo decided to pick gratitude, joy and growth.
I also think there are things I am going through that maybe the main reason for it is that someday I’ll be able to help someone else through it. Not all trials (or every part of a trial) are about us. It’s so humbling.




perfectly put!!


Beautiful post, my dear. :) Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. You are something special, that’s for sure! xoxo



When I saw this quote it made me think of you I just love it. there is a picture of it on my most recent blog post with a background of a forest and a running path going through it (or maybe its a road but i look at it as a running path haaha)- its really pretty. But here is the quote:

“Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us.”


Amen. This post is absolutely wonderful Janae.

We can’t choose how events play out in our life and it’s so important to just roll and grow with them. Every person has life events they wonder if they were “worth it”. You have truly shown what a strong and great character you have.


Dang. I really wanna read this post but for some reason there is this big ad going across it that I can’t close. Or maybe I am too tech challenged to figure out how? Bummer, I can’t be expected to go a day without my hrg fix.


AHHHHH I AM SO SORRY!! My blog is acting absolutely crazy today. I’m working on it. Sorry Macy!


It’s working now!!! And I’m glad because I love this. I really needed this today THANK YOU.


You are such an amazing person! Brooke is so lucky to have you. I know there is really no right way to go through hard times but really, you have handled yourself with such grace throughout it all. You are an inspiration.


You are so wise and strong! I went through it also and agree with your comments. I am 40 and have a 16 year old, and it also makes you a better parent. We talk a lot about positive relationships, honesty, respect. The hard parts prepared me to be stronger, more honest about the reality of life, and a better mom to him


I couldn’t agree more about it making you a better parent.


The hard times really do make us stronger! You always have such a great perspective and thoughts to share. If I ever have to go through something as tough as what you had to go through I hope that I am half as strong and posses even just a fraction of the wisdom that you do.


Well said sister! Thanks for the post. :)

Its a great idea to help others and I believe this is the single most important thing in life- OTHER PEOPLE- It doesn’t matter how big or small, everything counts. For example, you uplifted me by writing a post with your perspective and helped me along my life journey. :) I wish you the best everyday, everywhere, and in everything!


Thank you thank you thank you for sharing this!!!!! It’s exactly what I needed to hear today:) Perspective is everything and I really needed that reminder! Life will always be good when you allow yourself to step back and see how blessed you are! Thanks!!!


love this post!


You know what they say, “I can do hard things”.
It’s true and I’ve found myself stronger after all my challenges! So pat yourself on the back….you haven’t lost it. Completely. ;)


You are beautiful…inside and out.
“You are braver than you believe,
stronger than you seem, and
smarter than you think.” Christopher Robin


This is one of my favorite quotes and I’ve hung it in my children’s room. I hope it inspires them because I know it makes me feel better about myself every time in read it.


This post was perfectly timed for what I am going through right now. You will help so many people in your journey. Thanks for being so open on your blog. You’re a rock. :)


I’ve been reading your blog for a long time and always enjoy your posts and I just have to say this is your best ever post! We all have our different stories of what our hard time is, but we all should know that it’s getting to the other side of the hard time that makes the good times so good! -And as always, you did a great job tying it all back to running :)


Thank you, thank you, thank you for this post. I needed to read this today. My life has felt like a battle these past weeks. I lost 80 pounds 4 years ago and love working out and being healthy. All I want to do is help people and get out of my crazy 60 hour a week job. Your post reminds me to take a step back and appreciate where I am and what I have right now and stay positive I will eventually get to where I want to be.


Amen, Sister! You’re so much stronger for going through the hard stuff. A lot of people live life in a bubble and never learn who they really are or what’s important. Having that perspective will ultimately lead to a much happier life. (At least that’s my life experience so far!)


Great post Janae – the hard stuff happens sometimes and the way we learn and deal with it ultimately make us better people, right?




Those moments of our greatest pain provided us with the best opportunities for our greatest growth. You are doing the hard things and allowing yourself to shine all the while. Way to do this thing called “life”


This post is perfect, Janae. I am so happy for you and the peace and happiness you’ve found in life these days.

It’s funny: You write these cute posts every day with pictures of food and Brooke and it’s all easy breezy reading, which is a wonderful thing.Then you bust out posts like this, which are so deeply reflective and are such gems. I enjoy reading both kinds of posts, but man…you tug at the heart strings with some of these! Really beautifully written and really really really happy to see you surrounded by so much love, joy and cute hair wraps and baby leggings.


Tough times provide for so much growth in life. Without a doubt!
When my mom was dying of cancer, and I was devastated, here is a poem that got me through. I loved it so much, I had it framed and it is hanging in my office so I can see it every day.


Chin up, girl!


Beautiful and inspiring post Janae!

Two points you made here that I especially identify with:

As women I think it is so important to hold up other women, to share our experiences and support other women when they are going through difficult times. It makes things roughly 8 million % better to be able to talk to a girlfriend who has lived through the same thing.

The hard parts being important in our personal growth. Yes!

Keep doing what you are doing friend!


This might be the second time I am in tears reading your blog this week, but in a good way. Love you friend xoxoxo.


So beautiful! The hard stuff makes us strong and lets God put us in a place to help others from our weakness!


Great post, thank you for sharing. Self esteem is such an important tool to get us through life! I’m glad you are finding your happy place.


Beautifully said!! You are inspiring!


I needed to hear that right now so badly, thankyou so much.

Especially the part about enjoying where you are NOW. Seriously, thank-you.

You are one awesome chick!


Love this Janae!! I’m so proud of you and how you’ve handled all of it. I feel exactly the same way about my son. I’d do at all over again. He’s worth all of it. Love you!


Fabulous perspective. I still remember you wrote a few months ago (maybe longer) that in the midst of these challenges you kept reminding yourself, “I can do hard things.” It has been something I’ve repeated to myself ever since, from when I’m doing a tough workout to when I decided to leave my job to when I said goodbye to my brother when he left for deployment.

So in that sense, you’ve already started that cycle of helping other people do hard things, just by sharing your story. Because hard things happen, but we can do hard things. :)


That actually brought tears to my eyes. I can relate, and while I am truly sorry you have gone though all the horrible bad stuff, I think it is great that you come out stronger and can help others as well! Even though I don’t know you at all, I think you are an amazing person and a wonderful role model and mom to your daughter. My prayers are with you. Thank you for this post.


You are awesome Janae. You got through the worst of times with your head held high. You are an amazing woman and an inspiration to many already. I’ll never run as fast as you, but I draw from your positive spirit… and sour patch kids :) xoxoxo


Love this post. I had a tough breakup/relationship a few years ago and I spent a lot of time regretting the years I spent with him, but then I realized that those experiences (no matter how awful) helped to shape who I am today and I’m grateful for them in a weird way.


I really think you are wise beyond your years! It took some of us (ok, me!) a lot longer to be in the place you are, mentally. Your blog is such a bright spot in my day, not just because of your running talents and stories, but because your perspective on life is one that I truly admire.


Love this post. I thought of this awesome article I read last week about running and emotional intelligence…. http://running.competitor.com/2014/05/training/are-you-mature-enough-to-run-well_23834

“It seems to me that running itself is well suited to training in emotional intelligence. First of all, by nature of the sport’s demands, running certainly self-selects for individuals with higher-than-average emotional intelligence. (Congratulations!) But being a runner could then accelerate continued maturation—if you make it a conscious objective. This growth, in turn, will enable you to better handle the challenges of being a runner. In other words, you can become a better runner by becoming a better person—through running. Pretty cool.”


Great post! I love the part where you said that if we skip the hard stuff, we’re left weak. The hard stuff is just that – really really hard, but we’ve all got to do it, right?


This comment is a little heavy, sorry. I’m trying to condense long thoughts into something short enough to not be annoying. (I don’t think I succeeded, it’s really long.)

I’ve been thinking a lot about the word affliction lately, until I understood it it seemed the phrase “pain and affliction” was a little redundant. The more I studied the word the more I realized that afflictions are trials that happen to us independent of the consequences of our own sins, ie those “why do bad things happen to good people” things. Almost every prophet, past and present, has talked about how their afflictions lead them to see out the Lord. (See, among other things, 1 Nephi 1:1) This means it’s nothing we did wrong, but most of the time because of how strong and righteous we are we are given opportunities to do more and be more. I think it’s incredible that these things are allowed to happen to us and then the Lord blesses us with incredible lessons and strengths out of them. Additionally, after the lesson is learned the atonement comes in and heals every negative thing the affliction inflicted. It’s like running a marathon and getting your medal and a PR and not being sore the next day! Incredible!

As I was thinking about affliction the other day I was reading in Ether 6:3-12. I realized their journey was a great example of affliction. They were being asked to go on this super hard journey not because they were wicked, but because they were righteous enough to be led to the promised land. They were prepared, they built strong and safe boats, and they were given light to have the whole way there. Then they were in the ocean and it was long (almost a year) and it was stormy the entire time and sometimes the waves engulfed them and they were buried in the water. They were scared, but they cried out unto the Lord and heard their cries. The wind was strong but it always blew toward the promised land. When they finally got there they were humble and they shed tears of joy because of the multitude of his tender mercies over them.

You have been, and probably still are, in the storm tossed sea. But you’re in a tight boat with light. The wind is blowing and the waves are high, but it never ceases to blow you toward the promised land.


Perfectly said! Totally agree with you and your wisdom! You continue to be an inspiration…


I’m so glad you posted this! It’s amazing how powerful your story can be… another reason why it’s turned your bad experiences into a positive. Hard things make us better. (One of my favorite running/life mantras.)


Such a beautiful perspective, particularly in difficult times, is a truly awesome thing. Love your hope and gratitude!


Love this! Definitely needed to hear this! Thank you!


love this post and your perspective. you are wise beyond your years, my friend! xo


I love how positive you are. I agree on so many levels. I thought I would be further along in life at my age too, but I know that I’m not alone and need to focus on the positives in life. Reading your blog posts are always one of the happiest parts of my day!


I feel the same way. My son’s dad and I divorced when he was 4. The first few years he and his new wife were nightmares, spreading vicious rumors about me and just being downright ugly. They still are, but it has scaled back a little. Would I go back and do it again? Yes. I love where my life is now. I’m a much stronger and centered person. When we were together, I was constantly on the verge of depression and felt like I wasn’t giving 110% as a mom. I totally do now. If I hadn’t gone through that part of my life, I wouldn’t have my son and for that I am grateful.


That was an awesome post! I love your raw honesty, you’re amazing!

xo Jen


I love this. Have you ever thought about how you would help a woman who decided to stay after a situation like yours occurred?


Great post, Janae. Really proud of you and how far you’ve come. I had my second half marathon this weekend and I kept telling myself “you can do hard things”, just like you say.

I PRed by 16 mins 41 secs.


Janae, you are an inspiration :) And regarding the basement… I was totally serious. Send pictures…


Thanks. What a great message! Like Elder Bednar said it’s the load that helps us serve our purpose, become who we are supposed to be.


Our best friends, basically our extended family just announced that they are getting divorced. We were not shocked, they have not been happy together in awhile but the news that has made me very sad is the fact that they are moving. They live just a few doors down and we see each other almost daily. My girls view them as family and I am an optimist, in fact my husband says I am a person who not only thinks that the glass is half full but is that magic glass that keeps replenishing! But my gut says that we are going to drift apart and I am sad. But I really want to support them and especially their 12 year old daughter. I drive their daughter to the bus and she is excited talking about the move to 2 different places and I just wish I could share that excitement, I am pretending but I am not good at faking it. My oldest is so confused about the situation and she gets sad about it and needs hugs, which is good because it helps me. But what are some ways to support someone who is going through a divorce? I really want to put my big girl panties on and be there for them.


What a great post! Thank you as always for sharing your journey with all of us!


Oh I love this post and you can see just how far you have come! You are an inspiration to us all! You have one amazing daughter and that is such a blessing in this life! Great post Janae!


This was so amazing to read because it rings true for everyone regardless of what we’ve all been through! I often look back on my hardest moments in life but never do I truly wish that they didn’t happen. It’s the most difficult moments in our lives that define who we are today and make us unique from others. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason, even if that reason is not clear (it might not ever be…).

You are so strong, beautiful, and inspiring! Thank you for being you :)


Amazing post! And you’re right: we can’t control everything. We can however control the way we react to these uncontrolled things. In the end, we are the ones in charge of our own happiness. Xoxo


This is so fantastic, so glad you arrived at this “place”!

While I’ve never been married and can’t speak to the things you’ve gone through, I have empathy as I had to battle some mental health issues throughout my 20’s (and still today but my 20’s were the most challenging). One thing I learned then as it pertains to those (not necessarily you) who may be disappointed/sad/unhappy that they aren’t at a certain life stage that they thought they should/would be at a certain point in time, just remember this: There is no set plan in life. There is no rule or anyone checking to make sure you meet X goal by Y date. Sure it’s sad and disappointing when things don’t go the way you hope/planned but I’ve found personally, that the way things do happen are often so much better. MUCH better.

Hugs, good vibes and prayers to you and sweet Brooke.


Thank you, Janae. You have no idea how much i needed to read this today. You already are one of the women who helps others. Today you helped me.


Great post!!! x0


It’s me, the one with the husband that committed suicide in Sept. (I need to come up with a code name or something so I can stop typing that.) Your words: “my worth has nothing to do with somebody else’s decisions.” Bingo. Thanks for sharing girlfriend. You have helped me again today. xoxo And still planning on running with you if I ever get to Utah.


Now I have the song stuck in my head… thanks for that. And you never get more than what you can handle… believe that! Stay blessed!


Great post! It’s the tough times in life that really make us who we are as people. And I’m so glad that you’ve decided to focus on the positives. It took me longer than 27 years to figure that out for myself!


I love this, and I love how you are so strong! You are such an inspiration, and I know you will help so many people who have to go through what you have been through.


I always say that I hope that my divorce is the worst thing I ever have to go through. I grew so much and aw awful as it was, it is far better to suffer emotionally and recover than deal with an illness that is completely out of anyone’s control. And of course, had I not been married, I never would have had my son. Or be where I am at today. Keep up the good mental thought process!


Lovely post; I couldn’t agree more. When I look back over my 32 years, it is the hardest situations and circumstances who have shaped me into who I am today.


*That have shaped me :)


Janae, u really are a star!!!!! It makes me smile so much to read this post, I just had to message to say thanku :) it really is the journey that makes the destination worth getting to! And it really makes my heart happy to read u writing such positive words. Well done for getting to where u are today!! And keep doing what ur doing, ur helping more people then u could ever realise!

Vicky B


Just the other day I was out on a “Friend date” getting to know my friend better. She told me about the day she lost her baby – at 32 weeks. Everything was perfectly fine and she just didn’t feel her move one morning. She told me that as she laid in the hospital bed overnight, with her husband curled up beside her, she saw the flashes from cameras and well-wishers on the labor and delivery floor, all eager to see the new arrivals, and she sat there, crying, knowing that would not be her that day. What pain!! She told me that in that moment she felt God tell her that she could either choose despair, or she could choose Hope. She chose Hope, and named the baby that :) I think you, Janae, have chosen Hope.

(By the way, my parents got divorced a couple years ago, and my mom laments so many things, but she says she wouldn’t take any of those years back, because her marriage is how she got my brother and me (and subsequently her grandchildren), so I think you’re right on track :)


Great post! I went through a breakup that felt like a divorce bc we were together for a long time (no children though)….It was so difficult but I learned so much and don’t regret any of it. I have been able to help four of my friends who have been in similar situations since then and that makes me feel good that I can genuinely tell them it will be okay and will get better (maybe not on the timeline we want it to happen, but it eventually does!) I read a quote once something to the effect of very few of us leave this life totally unscathed. Most people go through something really difficult in their lives, and you are right– it is what makes us strong! I’m happy you are able to find the positive in what has surely been a very hard time for you. xoxo thanks for an uplifting blog!


You inspire me. Thanks.


Oh this post is just SOO beautiful in a lot of ways. You have to be so proud of yourself, your strength and also maturity of mind in realizing the hardest things in life eventually make us better…it’s just a matter of surviving them!! Not easy to do, but you’re doing it and are an inspiration to others.
That pic if you and Brookers is just gorgeous too!!


While I am not going through a divorce, I am going through a break-up of a long term relationship and I check your blog daily because you are so motivational. Your friend Sarah was right about being there for other women…AND you are doing an awesome job at it. Thanks for being you =)


This might be your best post yet! You are an inspiration and Brooke is one lucky little girl!


Thanks for sharing this post, Janae. :) I love reading your perspective of things and admire how strong and positive you are. You’re blessed with such a beautiful daughter and I’m glad she brings so much happiness into your life. This post shows lots of encouragement and will inspire people to push hard to get through difficult moments in life. Very well written. :)


Great post, Janae! I look forward to your posts everyday, and I especially love the ones like these that make me reflect on my own life and remind me to count my blessings like you do. Your friend is totally right about it being your turn to help someone else because of your trials…and you do daily! What a blessing you are to others!

Brooke is too much cuteness – but I’ve said that a million times! Bring that sweetie to AZ ASAP! :) Hope your day continues to be great!!


You’re very inspiring and just plain wonderful…thanks for the uplifting message.


What a lovely post. Wish we were friends in real life, you’re such a genuine and kind person! The hard times shape us, and teach us so much about who we are and what really matters. Even though it’s hard, it is worth it in the end for the things you learn and the path it takes you. Also, little Brookers is just too cute!


Janae, you are an amazing person. God has so many good things coming for you although you already do. You deserve the best. Also, you have been so nice throughout all of this. God will also reward you for that.


You. Are. Amazing!


I was talking to a co-worker today about how there’s a sweetness that comes with suffering that we just can’t manufacture without the suffering. We learn so many good lessons and experience lots of good things in the midst of suffering. These are great things you’ve learned!


Thanks for this post. It was perfectly timed. I was telling your story to a friend today who is going thru a divorce.
The hard stuff stinks sometimes but its true that getting thru it makes u stronger. Well said Janae.


I so needed to read that today. You are helping people more than you know.

My struggle has nothing to do with marriage or dating; I am planning to leave my job as a teacher to pursue a career as a personal trainer in hopes of finally finding something that makes me happy. This is so hard for me in so many ways, and your post spoke volumes of that.


Beautifully said, Janae!


Life is all about the lessons, good and bad and we should live every day to it’s fullest!! And of course we wouldn’t want do-overs for our children either! My kiddo comes from a bad relationship and I was a single mom from the start and now I am happily married to the man of my dreams who has been in my son’s life since he was little and is my sons “daddy” through and through. I wouldn’t change anything for a minute!!


I can’t even tell you how much I love this post! So inspiring and hopeful!


SO well said! “Skipping the hard part would leave us weak”. We need to get through the hard times to come out stronger.


Janae, this is so well put! I’m so glad that you’ve arrived at a place of insipiration, hope and strength – xo
Karen @karenlovestorun


Love this!


This was an amazing post. A few people touched upon This and I couldn’t agree more, not only have you made yourself stronger, you are being such an amazing role model for Brooke. She will be a strong and intelligent woman just like her Momma! You’re an inspiration!


strong, independent woman…love it and admire it! thanks for sharing such an authentic post about where you’ve been and that you’d do it all over again!


Such a smart girl. And that little cookie that is yours 88% of the time..she’s pretty awesome too.


Beautifully said. Thanks for sharing your wise words :)


You’re such an inspiration and role model for your beautiful daughter. Beautifully said Janae:)


Well said, and so very true… Life is not always easy, but the important thing is to make choices that feel right to you. As long as you are comfortable with your choices, then there are no right or wrong choices, but simply lessons learned.

Brooke has an amazingly strong woman as a role model!


Beautifully put! And I love that quote too… “have faith in good things to come.” Thanks, Jeffery R. Holland.


My favorite verse: 2 Corinthians 1:3-5. What you said about helping other women is encompassed in those verses :)


Just read that scripture love it!!


What a perfect post! Thanks so much for being an inspiration. I also wanted you to know that I think you looked like Kara Goucher in your video. That was the first person I thought of when I watched it. :)

Thank you, thank you!


Great post, you really put things in perspective! You’re awesome.


Just beautiful. You’re an amazing momma and inspiration to everyone going through trials. Perfectly said…you’re wise beyond your years ;)


So much truth, wisdom and inspiration in one post. Thanks for sharing! I needed these reminders today.


Thank u for being honest. For sharing your struggles & your joys. And for continually helping me thru the hard stuff.


Love this. U r amazing.


What a great post Janae! And such a deep appropriate question. I too am a product of a bad marriage, but I got a great kid out of it-so I wouldn’t skip over the hard part either.
The Lord will give strength unto his people; the Lord will bless his people with peace.
Psalms 29:11


Great post – I can’t say anything else that others haven’t said already, but I will add that I can relate (divorced at 29 after 8 years married) and most of all, thanks for writing this! Now get strong and kick some butt at the marathon and more. ;-)


You are truly amazing Janae. I love your positive outlook on everything! I also love the quote “calm seas don’t make skillful sailors”. Everything happens for a reason :)


Oh friend, can’t even tell you how amazing you are. All the hugs in the world just aren’t enough. You are one heck on an inspirational lady. I’m honored to be your friend.


Great post!


You are such a wonderful inspiration, thanks for the beautiful post!


Thank you for this post. i really needed it today.. I feel much better after reading this. didn’t know a running blog can also give you some good life lessons. Thank you


Thank you. :) You are inspiring <3


Great blog post Janae! Being divorced at 30…I agree with all you said. I just wish I had running when I was going through the hardest time!!!


You are amazing! You have brought such joy and inspiration into all of our lives. Sending you a big ol’ hug from Michigan!


Great post, Janae! You are so mature for your age. Brooke is lucky to have you for a mother.


LOVE LOVE LOVE this! So true! I am almost 50 and just survived my son’s substance abuse struggles and my father’s death from cancer. Devastating struggles and life changing in a good way. You are so right about faith and prayer getting you through it. Take care.


thank you for posting this, it reminded me of my favourite quote of all time:
“Here then is a great truth. In the pain, the agony, and the heroic endeavors of life, we pass through a refiner’s fire, and the insignificant and the unimportant in our lives can melt away like dross and make our faith bright, intact, and strong. In this way the divine image can be mirrored from the soul. It is part of the purging toll exacted of some to become acquainted with God. In the agonies of life, we seem to listen better to the faint, godly whisperings of the divine shepherd.” – James E. Faust

:) thanks again, your blog always brightens my day!


What a lovely heartfelt post. :)


You really inspire me. It seems like these posts come during times when I really need them; thanks for being amazing and strong–it motivates me to be amazing and strong, as well!


And I’m crying….!
You’re such an inspiration, Janae and so proud to see how far you have come since the divorce.
I am going through a really hard time right now and so badly wanted to yell at God and say ‘why’… why would he give me the most amazing man ever to only take him on a deployment right away? Where is that fair?

But this post is exactly the answer to all the ‘why’ questions. It’ll make me (and him/us) so much stronger. Stay strong <3


I loved this post. I can 100% relate. I am divorced for over four years, I have the sweetest daughter as a result and in the end met the most amazing man I am very excited to be marrying in November. none of that goodness in my life would have happened if I didn’t go through the hard part.


“Skipping the hard part would leave us weak”. Thanks for that.


In a bizarre twist of events, before I read this post today, I was thinking about the same thing.

Yesterday my boyfriend and I realized we need to consider if our relationship is worth working on, or, if it’s reached it’s limit. While I don’t have the answers just yet, even the thought of ending it — or the notion that this conversation is coming — drove my thoughts into a tail spin. I’m still uneasy about it all (though my run did help some) and this morning I was remembering a movie — Butterfly Effect, I think? — where he has his memory of a significant other erased. And, would I make the same choice?

Your post is an answer to that question and a very helpful read. Even crazier, last night in my breakdown mode (not pretty, but hey… it happens) I thought of you and your optimism and strength. Sounds silly since I don’t know you, right? I know. But, I admire your grace. I have always been quite independent but it does take a lot out of you when you believe you found someone else to share that self-reliance with. Anyway, thank you for your nice words. They are priceless.


Janae, God bless you! Thank you for such a heartfelt and inspiring post. You are truly making a difference in the lives of others by sharing your experiences and advice. I too am going through a period of darkness. Mostly it’s the whole about to turn 28 thing and still single. I was wondering if you had read any faith based books or blogs that helped you? If you wouldn’t mind sharing if you have I would be very grateful. Thank you :)


Love this post so much! You are incredibly strong and an inspiration to so many! <3


You are AMAZING!
Thank you for being so real.You have been strong enough this whole time, this I know.

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