Went a little overboard.

We had a great Mother’s Day over here.  Brooke slept in until EIGHT IN THE MORNING and then a few hours later my mom watched her for a bit so that I could take a nap.  After my nap Brooke brought in my Mother’s Day gift… Heavenly dark chocolate/caramel pretzels.  

Brooke knows me well and she knows the best way to my heart.

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She also made me a bouquet of flowers in nursery at church.  She kind of went overboard yesterday.  

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You know you did a 23 miler the day before when this is your appetizer to dinner.  A family that I used to nanny for had a big party yesterday.  It was crazy to see how much those kiddos have grown (um… they are in college and high school now?!?!) up since I used to nanny for them.   Nannying for this family was such a fun job.  I just really love taking care of kids.     

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After those heavenly pork sandwiches (and they had Olive Garden salad there too!!) we drove up north to my aunt’s house for dinner #2 and Brooke had some quality dog time with Snickers.  

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PS speaking of Olive Garden—>  they made it to the #2 spot in the Definitive Ranking Of Free Restaurant Bread.  I don’t know how they make those breadsticks so incredible.

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Okay, that was kind of a random tangent… back to dinner.  

Brooke is just a tad bit spoiled by my family.  My aunt set up the perfect little viewing area for Brooke to watch part of Lion King.  

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My aunt is an incredible runner and she is doing the Utah Grand Slam this year.  4 marathons in 6 months:

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My body just aches thinking of attempting to do the Grand Slam.  

BBQ chicken sandwiches with avocado for round 2.  I am not usually very hungry the day of a long run but the next day is out of control and I pretty much never stop eating that day.

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And quality time with my cousin.  Definitely needed.   

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In bed at 8:44 pm with my true love, S’mashing S’mores.  If you go Trader Joe’s and can only buy one thing… this is what you have to buy.  

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Pet owners—>  what is your pet’s name… how old?

Marathoners—>  how many have you done?  How many in one year?

Favorite free bread from a restaurant?  

-I would have to say Olive Garden breadsticks.

Absolute favorite Disney movie?

-Little Mermaid.

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Definitely Olive Garden breadsticks. Though there was a restaurant near my dorm freshman year (it was just barely off campus) that had amazing cheesy bread. We loved it until a friend who worked there told us each piece was over 600 calories…

My pups are Stevie and Slider, the little one is 2 and Slider is 8! And I’ve only done one marathon in each year, I think the most I’d do is 2 or maaaaaybe 3.


If you don’t kill yourself for time and try to run as fast as you can, multiple marathons per year isn’t too challenging :) there was a point where I was doing a marathon or an ultra about every 5-6 weeks, but I just treated them as my long run.

I have two pups, both jack russells- one that’s 11 and one that’s 4. The older one is blind and it’s so cute to see the younger one lead him around like his seeing eye dog!

Happy Mother’s Day!


We have 2 dogs! Layla is about 6 and she is a mutt and Molly is almost 4 and she is a chocolate lab! They are the best dogs ever :)

No marathons yet, just halfs so far!

I do love some Olive Garden bread, but it’s been a while since I’ve been there!

My favorite Disney movie is either Lion King, Aladdin, or Mulan!


Abbey – 4 year old beagle-terrier (we think… we found her in a corn field as a puppy so we don’t really know for sure.)
I’m doing the Hit & Run 5k on Saturday, but that’s as far as I go.
A restaurant here called Santaniello’s has free focaccia bread with your dinner. It is the most amazing bread ever.
The Emperor’s New Groove… definitely!


I always forget about that movie but it is hilarious!!


Happy belated Mother’s Day!!! And good luck to your aunt. My body is ready to collapse just thinking about that! So much marathoning!


No marathons yet, but I’m running my first this October!!

I have a cat named Cecil and he will be 7 years old this August. The vet says he’ll be a senior this year, but I don’t know …. he still looks like a tiny kitten to me :D

Favorite disney movie is Aladdin! I mean, how great is “A Whole New World”??


I have two cats–their names are Noah and Patches. We got Noah as a kitten and named him ourselves, and we got Patches when he was two, so he came with the name.

I’ve done 4 marathons, 7 50K’s and 4 50-milers. I usually do 3 or 4 big races per year.


Wow I don’t even know what sleeping until 8 in the morning means anymore. I’m glad you got some solid rest in because you deserve it!

I’m going for marathon number 2 in October. My biggest goal (as always) is to get to the starting line injury free.


Aww glad to see you had a nice rest day :) Happy Mothers Day!


There is no such thing as going overboard on Mother’s Day!! You deserve it!! I got a new pair of shoes and was quite happy about that. No pets now, but our dog was Dolce (means “sweet” in Italian). I’ve only run two marathons (Country Music in Nashville and Marine Corps in DC) an they were 7 years apart. The marathon isn’t bad but the training is way too time-consuming these days. Maybe one day when I’m not working 12 hours days and trying to be a mom at the same time. I don’t think I’d do more than one or two a year – I pretty much take three months off to recover.


I have 2 puppies… Loki is a Cockapoos and is 7 months old and Freya who is a 13 week old Aussie.

I slept until 8 this weekend too! If you count taking the dogs out at 5am and then falling asleep on the couch until 8am….

I just signed up for my first marathon…next April the Salt Lake City marathon – we should meet up!!!!


sounds like you had a nice mother’s day!

I am a dog lady. haha well only one of the dogs is my own…her name is Riley and she turns 1 on July 27th. My parents have 2- Bradley and Andie. All three are Cavalier spaniels

I have done 5 marathons. I did 2 in one year before…philly and boston.

favorite bread from a restaurant…hmm…probably this place called Osteria in Philly. its expensive though haha

lion king is my fav!


Damon’s had the BEST buttery rolls… too bad they’re closed… Brio has some pretty tasty breads too..


Oh my goodness, that picture of Brooke watching Lion king is cracking me up.

We watched Little Mermaid this weekend ;-)


We have a 3 year old (I think) Boston Terrier named Spenser.
Favorite free bread from a restaurant- probably Texas Roadhouse. So good! In college when my friends’ parents would take them there I would beg them to sneak breadsticks back for me.
Brave! I love that there is no prince to save the day, that the princess and her mom have to work things out themselves.


Oh looks like a nice Mother’s Day! :)

No marathons yet but I’m hoping to do one eventually!

My favorite free bread is from Texas Roadhouse… The home-made cinnamon butter that goes with it is just amazingggg!


My German Shorthaired Pointer’s name is Rosemary and she is 5 y.o. She is my wonderful running partner! Our previous two dogs were beagles named Basil and Thyme. Our next one will be Sage or Marjoram. ‘Cuz you can do that to your dogs.


Texas roadhouse buns (mainly for the cinnamon butter) I think they ranked #3.. shame.
My baby (aka hubby) got me a wooden watch, so awesome!


My dog is named Annie. I think she is 13 now. Not really sure, because she was a stray when we found her. She just ran into our apartment one morning. I thought she was a rat because she was so gross and skinny. Her skin was flaking off, she had worms and fleas, but somehow…I don’t know. I just fell in love with her. The vet said she was probably about a year old when we found her. She is my first dog, and it’s because of her that I am a total dog person. I can’t imagine life without her!


I’m glad Brooke went overboard, you deserve it!!! Im glad ou had a good mothers day!! I haven’t run a marathon- I tried last year and got injured and I think that was my body warning me. Maybe I’ll try again in a few years.


I don’t have a pet, but between the birds at work and my family’s three dogs and three cats, my boyfriend’s family’s three wiener dogs, and all the dogs I pet sit for there are plenty of animals in my life!!

I have only done one marathon but I want to do another one…………….I did a marathon through a Southern civil war battlefield and plan to do that same one again in November! It was pretty flat and gorgeous, although it is a two-loop course.

My favorite free bread is tied between biscuits at a local place called Tupelo Honey, and the rolls at O’Charleys (or Logan’s).

I love all things Disney. I even worked at Disney World for a while. That being said the list of my least favorite Disney movies is a lot shorter than my favorite ones. I always think of Aladdin, Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, and the Little Mermaid as ties for me, because that was some of Disney’s best years. But I love modern day greats such as Tarzan and Hercules and The Princess and the Frog, too. (I was born in Louisiana, gotta love all things New Orleans!) But I guess if you made me pick I would choose Tarzan…………..I wanted that movie so badly that I had a Tarzan cake and jungle themed party when I turned 15!! And I got the movie, of course, ON VHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great week! Love your blog, as always!


I’ve got a 5 year old labradoodle named Duncan. People say he looks like a teddy bear and a sheep. Lol.
The most full marathons I have done in one year is 2. But I did 5 half marathons in 5 days once. (And 17 half marathons that year)

I love the garlic bread from this local BBQ place by my called Big Eds BBQ. It’s so buttery and delicious.

I’m a fan of the Disney Pixar movies like a bugs life and toy story.


No pets or marathons for me. :( I’m striking out on the questions today!! Olive Garden breadsticks are amazing but we have a local Italian restaurant they makes fresh bread for the tables and that is by far the best! When I was little Lion King was my favorite, I had Lion King bed spread, posters, stuffed animals, the whole 9 yards!


My cat’s name is Missy, and the dogs I use to have that passed away were Dakota and Daisy :).
When I was little all I would watch was The Aristocats, and Sleeping Beauty. Which I don’t know why, because I remember Sleeping Beauty pissing me off lol I thought she was a fool for being tricked, how could she not see it coming??? But Little Mermaid, yes that wins it all the cake.


Pets – one of which is our 15-year old chihuahua (all shaking 4 1/2 pounds of him). He is pretty much a grouchy old man, but still in good health shape.

Only two halfs under my race belt – with a third later this year. Pondering the marathon question…

Favorite Disney movie…I guess Little Mermaid (although it tends to get on my nerves when I see it now as I get pretty annoyed with her when she loses her voice) – mostly for the songs.

Re: Trader Joes – just went in one on Saturday (I don’t have one near me at home) and bought the inside out carrot cake desserts…oh my goodness. They were divine.


We have a cat…but I am not a pet person! I’ve done 3 marathons total but they were all technically in one year. i think 2 a year would be nice though.

Favorite disney movie is hands down The little Mermaid! Changed my life :)


Sounds like you had a great Mother’s Day! All of your post long run food looks delicious :)


My brother, sister, and I used to rollerblade/skate in my parents’ basement to a Disney cassette tape and pretend we were professional ice skaters. I think we tried to sell my parents tickets to watch our performances. They probably paid us like 50 cents or something and we thought we were rich. My dog Monster (he is very sweet) says hello to Brooke!


We have Dory the cat, and Zipper (chihuahua) and Sophie (pug). Zipper is an old lady at almost 14 and Sophie is 8. We think Dory is around 6.

I’ve only done one marathon, last November.

Favorite free bread from a restaurant would have to be OG or Red Lobster’s cheddar biscuits.

I really love Disney movies. There’s probably a 3 way tie between Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, and Frozen.


I retry much love all restaurant bread but a local Italian gives out bread baked with lots of cheeses which is incredible. My fav Disney movie is little mermaid or beauty and the beast. I can watch them over and over! Glad you had such a great Mother’s Day. We hosted a brunch for my mom, a friend (her first Mother’s Day!) and her mother in law. It was such a fun day celebrating them :)


Beauty and the Beast.

Texas Roadhouse has some yummy bread.

The dog I has when I was little was named Sparky.


Olive Garden breadsticks are the best but I also love Outback Steakhouse bread!


I love nannying! It’s so joyful to see the kids grow and become awesome people!


Wow a Grand Slam?!? That’s very cool! I have no idea how to even train for something like that. Impressive! I love Disney movies haven’t seen any recently though. Finding Nemo is my favorite. Is that Disney? I’m not sure.


We have Baxter – Shepherd/Golden retriever mix who’s 12 and the sweetest boy EVER and then we have Brinx – a beast of a puppy who is Pyrenees and Shepherd and outweighs Baxter already and is the master destroyer of all the things. He’s 6 months old so we hope he outgrows that soon – ha! :)

I nannied for three little boys when I was right out of high school. I loved it and those boys have grown into wonderful young men :)


Boomer, my black lab, 5 years old.
Hank, my dachshund, 4 years old.

I only do one full marathon a year but I like to do 6 or 7 halfs.

I also love Olive Garden bread sticks but the neverending salad bowl is to die for!

Favorite Disney Movie……wait for it……Wreck-it Ralph! Great movie.


I think the most I have run in one year was 4, 2 in fall and 2 in spring.
My dog is named Tater Tot. He is 9.


2 dogs a 4 year old Maltese names Snowball and a 6 month old shih-Tzu- Bichon named Luke

I’ve done 6 marathons with 3 being done in 2010

not a chain but Brewbakers in Winchester, Va has the most awesome bread with vanilla butter! it tastes like icing!

Favorite Disney Movie is tough…. Mary Poppins is one of favs!


I love Olive Garden breadsticks! My early morning seminary teacher used to buy frozen ones from Olive Garden and then bake them during seminary. Nothing like garlic breath at 6 am! ;)


My little doggie from growing up was named Cindy. I named her after Cindy from the Brady Bunch lol…I like a creative bread basket like the kind in certain Italian restaurants that contain focaccia bread or my favorite raisin breads/rolls at some of the steakhouses here in NY.


I have to say Olive Garden takes the cake on bread sticks. Glad you had a WONDERFUL Mother’s Day!!


I’ve done one marathon and I have another one coming up…The one coming up is just to get a “good” one under my belt before attempting to BQ in the fall…

My fav free bread is from Olive Garden as well…

My favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast… I love it!


I love JB Dawson’s whole wheat bread with maple butter :D


I have 2 dogs. Luigi my 5 year old chihuahua and Ari my 4 year old Australian Cattle dog (today is his birthday, yesterday was mine!).

I love the chain resturants in the US, you just don’t find anything like it in Australia. The last time I had free bread was at the Olive Garden in NYC last March (I know – so touristy).


Wow, it seems like everyone in your family is fit and gorgeous! Four marathons in six months? Whew! I have done seven marathons, but the most I have ever done in one year is two (they take too much of a toll on my body).

We have a restaurant in Bend that gives diners free scones and honey butter with their meals. I might as well as not order anything else.

I have one pet – a cat named Benny. He is a mamma’s boy. :)


Our dog is 7. Olive Garden is my favorite…but I have to say that the pictures that you show of the bread sticks that are on a stick coming out of a jar look amazing (don’t know if they are free though).
Pick a Disney movie…ugh…too hard!!!
Tangled, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid and Frozen ar my tops…but then there are the non-cartoon ones like Remember the Titans that I love!!!!


I have a dog named Marta that turns 5 on Thursday :) Favorite bread is Outback or Texas Roadhouse with the honey butter. mmmmmm

Favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast. Favorite Disney SONG is I’ll make a man out of you from Mulan.


Donny Osmond is the singing voice for that song!!


That’s awesome that your aunt runs that much! My body hurts just thinking about it too.


I have only done one marathon. And just training for that one was tough enough. I could not imagine 4 in 6 months! My body would not hold up.

My favorite Disney Movie is Mulan!


My family has a sweet dog named Dodger. He is pretty much the cutest dog I have ever seen. I might be a bit biased though. I love free bread- I would say I really like the bread at Cheesecake Factory that they give you with all the butter haha. I have never done that many full marathons back to back like your aunt! Thats incredible. I’ve done 2 marathons, 3 half marathons, a few 10ks, a handful of 5ks. This year I’m doing two half marathons pretty close together along with a 10k. My next marathon is the Eugene marathon in July. I’m really looking forward it. Favorite disney movie of all time hmmm probably Beauty and the Beast – I love the library scene and the funny characters.


How is the cheesecake Factory bread only #6??? Their brown bread is my absolute favorite free restaurant bread! :)


Yassss mine too! They must be in denial with that #6!


I’ve done 5 marathons. 4 (consecutive) Bostons and 1 Providence. Two years ago, the “hot” Boston year, I did Providence 3 weeks later to get a BQ time. I managed (barely) but also couldn’t walk for 3 months after :) So the most I’ve done in one year is 2. I think I might do a Fall marathon this year after having run Boston in April.

Your aunt is incredible!

Favorite Disney movie – Cinderella!


Obviously the best Disney movie is Frozen. I just love that movie.

I’m doing three this year–WDW in January, Chicago in October, and NYC in November (and then Walt Disney World again in January 2015). I’ll get back to you on whether or not that’s a good idea, I’m thinking it probably wasn’t.


I have a terrier/lab mix named charley. She’s crazy.
I’ve done 32 marathons. Several years ago I did the grand slam too. It was fun–I ended up running 9 marathons in one year. Crazy I know. I treated each marathon as the last long run in preparation of the next marathon. Runners do crazy things sometimes right? How many times can I say crazy in this paragraph?
And Texas Roadhouse rolls are seriously the bomb. Dangerous. And crazy. :)


Pet: cat named Oscar
Disney movie: Beauty and the Beast
Bread: Bertucci’s rolls


Beauty and the Beast is my favorite. My daughters new favorite is sleeping beauty. She knows every word and she’s 3. She also knows every word to the little rascals which is hilarious.
Glad you had an amazing mothers day! Family always puts me in a good mood


11 month old yellow lab~ MaeBelle
Free bread~ Texas Road House rolls. Melt in your mouth goodness.
Disney movie~ The Lion King, but Tangled is right up there with it.
(And I’m the crazy who announced I was a “blog follower” on Saturday when we ran past each other. Fun to see you out doing your thing!)


The Grand Slam sounds like pure insanity! I’ve done one marathon so far, and couldn’t even make it to my half marathon a month later (my IT bands were really angry with me for going 26.2). I’m definitely a once-a-year marathoner :)

We have one very large black & white cat named Jetta, who we adopted from the pound about 7 years ago. We were going to change her name to Greta (apparently the kid at the pound who named her had a thing for Volkswagens :) ) but my then 1-year old daughter picked up the name Jetta right away and it became one of her first words, so we didn’t have the heart to change it after all!

Glad you had a great Mother’s Day!!


Mr. Lou kitty is 7 years old and my other cat Gizmo is 4.

Favorite free bread: That is a hard question.. its a close match between olive garden and texas roadhouse. That honey butter is just to die for.

Favorite Disney movie hands down would have to be The Little Mermaid. I have to say I’m quite impressed your aunt still has a VCR. I’m actually jealous. All my old disney movies are still in VHS!


I really love the bread at Johnny Carinos- I eat at least a loaf of it on my own! Happy belated mother’s day!


I need to run more, so that I can afford to eat more! ;)
Olive Garden breadsticks are the best! I got to help make them once when I was training there.
Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast are the best!


Give me the recipe lol!


I have a vizsla named Roo, and she is pretty much the greatest dog that ever lived (not biased at all :)

I love the bread from Real Seafood Company in Ann Arbor, MI. I worked there in college, and fresh out of the oven with real butter melted on top? Ugh. I die.

So glad you had a great Mother’s Day with Brooke!


Glad you had a lovely Mother’s Day, Janae! Sounds like Brooke spoiled you well! You deserve it! Hugs!


I have a 7 year old chocolate lab named Ike and a 2.5 year old basset hound named Whiskey Sue. We just adopted Whiskey Sue from the animal shelter 2 weeks ago.


My pet is a lab mix (not sure mixed with what, but mix). His name is Porter and he is 11 months old. I can’t wait to have his 1 year birthday party! :) Yes, I am a crazy pet parent.

I have only done one marathon. It is amazing that your aunt is going to do 4 in a short time span!! That is dedication and perserverance!

Free bread-cheddar garlic biscuits from Red Lobster!

And I can never decide my favorite Disney movie. I love Finding Nemo and classics like Little Mermaid too!

It looks like you had a wonderful Mother’s Day! :)


Those biscuits are yummmy!


ooooh I want to try those smores now!! I guess I know what I’m getting next trip to TJ’s! :)


My undeniably favorite free restaurant bread is Cheesecake Factory the brown bread. OMGod it is incredible but Olive Garden is a close 2nd with red lobster biscuits. I’m getting hungry now.


I pretty much love any bread :-) there is this restaurant by me called Sweet Water Tavern. They have AMAZING bread there.

I always loved Mulan. They had the best songs.

I’m the same way with a long run. Hungrier the day after.


Miles and Rubin — the epitome of naughty, thank goodness they are cute.

I really dig the bread (everywhere, because bread is heaven), but Macaroni Grill comes to mind, that loaf, all fresh and doughy with the olive oil spread… now I’m hungry.

Oh, and thanks for sharing, I’m definitely getting the smashing smores.



Happy Mother’s Day. Fun question line up here:)

My fur babies names are Ollie and Lola and they are 8 and 7 years old!

No marathons for me yet. Training for my first in Nov.

Free Bread… Humm. I had to give up gluten due to sensitivity but the dreams I remember of bread….I would have to say the cheesy biscuits at Red Lobster would have to be high on the ranking. I’m a bigger fan of free chips! Ole’

Favorite Disney Movie…I’m going with Brooker’s with the Lion King but I also love Fox and the Hound.


HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!! Good luck with your training :)!


4 dogs:
Paisley Claire and Kinley Paris- female long haired dachshunds
Bentley Eva- female german shepherd
Scotty- male german shepherd (with no middle name because we got him as an adult, and nothing goes with Scotty)

Favorite Disney movie is Peter Pan. Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast are close seconds.


Olive Garden breadsticks are the best! You seriously inspire me so much when it comes to running! You’re amazing girl!


I’m doing my first marathon this year so we’ll see how that goes…………

The Little Mermaid was the first movie I ever saw at the theater and owned on video (!). Love it – I’m pretty sure I still know all the words.

I got cowboy bark at TJs this weekend – dark chocolate topped with pretzels, Joe-Joes and peanuts. So good!


Olive Garden Breadsticks with Alfredo for Dipping—winning all around.

The most I have done is 3 marathons in a year (twice), even that can be a lot. I am not sure how some people do so many…but we are all different and some people that just works for them! :)


I just ran 2 marathons within 3 weeks bringing my total to 3 for the year. AND I am signed up for another in August and 2 this fall.


Looks like you had an awesome mothers day! We have a black and tan coonhound named Odin. He is about a year and a half old. I LOVE the Lion King, but we don’t own it yet because every time I look for it on Amazon it’s $30 which is absurd for a movie in my opinion!


Happy Mother’s Day! I read your blog everyday….just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy it. I sympathize with you on the injury front. I ran my 2nd marathon in March and still am having IT, Glute, Hamstring problems. Any suggestions? I will start training for my third in June – hope to be 100% before then :)

I just started my own blog less than a month ago also! I enjoy reading your blog and others that I decided why not document my training for my third marathon. And I started it the day after I turned 25 – might have been a little bit of a quarter life crisis! But I just wanted to thank you for all your great posts and inspiring me to start my own blog! If you have any suggestions or recommendations for new bloggers let me know. I am all ears!

Ok back to the questions….

Yes I have a dog, a little Shih Tzu named Tayshaun. Tay for short! He is named after a former Detroit Piston player. He sadly lives back in Detroit with my parents because it would be too much to have him in the city and I think my parents would be really sad to let him go. He will turn 9 next month!

I will start training for my third marathon this June. The first two I ran about 11 months apart. The distance between the 2nd and 3rd one will be 7 months apart.

Favorite Disney movie would have to be Mulan!


2 very spoiled boxer boys (our first children): Gibson & Spanky. Chain restaurant breadsticks: Olive Garden (with Red Lobster a close 2nd); Non-chain restaurant: if you are ever in Venice, Ca, go to C&O Trattoria, the yummiest balls of garlic-y, herb-y dough you will ever experience! Childhood disney: Aladdin (love me some Genie!). More current disney: Toy Story 2 (and Frozen & Brave are moving up the list fairly quickly!). Happy to hear you had a great Mother’s Day!!!


When I was young, it was Little Mermaid, but then Mulan came along, and well…she is the best. I may or may not have waited in line at DW to get MY picture taken with her ;)

Red Lobsters cheddar bay biscuits are my favorite. I always tell myself to limit it to 1, but that rarely happens.

Happy (late) Mothers Day Janae! I am glad you had some yummy food and spent the day with those who love you. I just wanted to let you know what a fantastic example of a great mother you are to me. Brooke is so lucky to have you as a mom! Love you!


What a great day with your family. And now I’m hungry.


I’ve run 40 marathons, and for several years I ran four in one year (usually three of those in four weeks in the fall). These days I focus on halves and 5K’s.

My absolute favorite restaurant bread is from Sweet Water. They serve little rolls that melt in your mouth!

Sounds like you had a wonderful Mother’s Day! My sons and husband went for a run with me! It’s our new tradition, and I love it!


No pets. I’ve done six marathons – usually one a year – this year, planned a second one for October.

Favorite disney movie – Lion King


Absolute favorite Disney movie- toss up between Mulan and Tarzan. I have about 50 Disney songs on my running playlist. Geek. Olive Garden bread sticks. I have 3 cats. We have a black cat, named Sirius Black (from Harry Potter). We have a one eyed cat named Katrina DeVoort (after the girlfriend who gives Juno the stink eye on Juno) and a boogery cat named Sir Heathrow Mathews of Roxborough. Because it’s fun.


My cat’s name is Moo and she is 2 years old. The neighbor’s cat moved himself in with us about a year ago and his name is Pepper and he is 12.
Best bread: TX Roadhouse with that amazing honey butter. If biscuits count too then Red Lobster’s biscuits.
Fave Disney movie is probably Frozen. I can’t get tired of that movie ever. Little Mermaid was my fave growing up though. All time fave classic Disney movie may be Lion King :)


Aww, Brooke spoiled you! I have a 14 month old pug named Atticus.


Allll that food looks so so good!

You are such a great mother to Brooke! She is lucky to have you <3


We have two rescue dogs — a McNab and a lab: Oakley and Ally.

I’m training for my 12th “official” marathon (I’ve run 26+ miles on two other occasions as training runs, and I’ve walked back-to-back marathons). The most I’ve done in a year is 4. My BFF just did three marathons in three weekends. She’s also been known to run back-to-back marathons in the same weekend. Crazy lady.

I’m not sure any more which movies are Disney vs. Pixar, but I LOVE: Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, and Iron Giant. Who am I kidding? I love MOST animated movies.

Happy Belated Mother’s Day!


Do the cheddar bay biscuits from Red Lobster count? It’s a good thing I only go there once every couple of years since I eat my weight in them.


What a sweet Mother’s Day gift from Brooke! Love the flowers!

My favorite Disney movie of all time is Cinderella!


I have a chocolate lab named Jameson

I have run a total of 5 marathons Bay State, MCM, NYC, Portland, and Vancouver, BC and only 2 in a year.


Looks like you had a wonderful Mother’s Day, yay!


Awww I have a Snickers too!!! She’s my very old cat (17). I also have a dog named Sienna (9) and a kitty named Skyler (7).

Hmm the best bread at a restaurant that I’ve had was at a Steak House and they served these homemade rolls. I seriously could have just gone to the restaurant and eaten their free bread- and then of course made some enemies.


We have a pomeranian, 6 lbs of pure fluff, her name is Aubrey and she is 7. She goes by Bree and Doodle.
I have run and completed two full marathons, one of which was part of the Goofy Challenge at Disney World. I am signed up for full numero tres, and I am so excited for the possibility of a PR! I am signed up for the Walt Disney World Full Marathon in January 2015. Training begins in July.
My absolute favorite Disney movie is Cinderella.


My shih Tzu is named Lola. She’s almost 6! :)

I’ve run 8 marathons, but the most in one year is 3. That Grand Slam sounds crazy! Good luck to your aunt!


I have three pets, a big fat cat named Chester, a little orange cat named Martin, and a sweet nugget of a dog named Coco.

I’ve done two marathons, both last year.

And shockingly (because I will eat just about anything else) I don’t like bread that much!

And I think Beauty & the Beast is one of the best Disney movies there is! I’ve always loved that story :)


I have a 9 year old tabby cat named Riker.
Outback Steakhouse bread is my favorite. Bread + Bloomin Onion and that could be a whole meal for me.
No marathons for me, I don’t think my body could handle it. I’m having trouble getting my body to accept the 3 1/2 marathons I have scheduled this year.
My absolute favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast.


I don’t have a pet, but I love the name, “Snickers” for a dog. How cute!!

I’ve done a total of 5 marathons….most I’ve done is 2 in a year. Go Janae’s Aunt for going big!!

Favorite bread: Used to be Mimi’s Cafe carrot raisin bread, but they got rid of that a couple years ago. I am left with only memories. :(

Favorite Disney Movie: Cinderella


I am eating almond snickers right now so I think that would be a wonderful name for a little dog. I’d love calling it’s name :-)


AWWWWW I was a nanny too and to look back now to see how much the kids have to grown and to see where they are in life is CRAZY!!!!! So glad you had an amazing Mother’s Day! You deserve it!


Looks like you had a wonderful Mother’s Day. You deserve it! I notice that you eat fruit with a lot of your meals. Doesn’t that affect you? I think eating fruit with meals makes me bloated.


I have a very cute Shih Tzu named Bosco. He will be 9 years old on June 3rd. (You can check out my blog if you want to see 100000000 pictures of him.) :-)


Wow those s’mores bars are going to be in my cart like ASAP at tjs!!! How do you find all the best stuff?! You actually are a food genius!!!

I’m going to be running my 14th marathon this year…it will be my third this year! That’s the most I’ve ever done in a year!!!

I have the hungry hours every time after a long run!!!!


I’ve done 4 marathons, but the closest they ever were to one another was 6 months. I need a few months to recover after a marathon before training again!
Glad you had a great Mother’s Day!


I have a dog named Buddy (he came with the name). We think he’s about 3 or 4, but we don’t know because we got him from a rescue.

I love all free bread. garlic or cheesey bread is best though.

Favorite Disney movie? Don’t make me choose! Maybe Aladdin, or Cinderella, or Sleeping Beauty…


I love those smashing smores..

I love that Brooke took good care of you. You probably didn’t see my 7yr old’s handmade card..where he stated that I am good at eating peanuts and not good at running…


I love bread, all bread. I don’t think I could choose just one place that has amazing free bread.

And my favorite Disney movie is probably The Rescuers Down Under.


You look like you have had a lovely mother’s day. All your food is making e feel hungry.
I used to have a dog called Toby.
i can’t eat bread but used to love sundried tomato and olive bread.
My favorite Disney is Beauty and the Beast. I just love it.


We have 2 dogs (kelpies) Molly who is 14 and Nugget who is 12, plus a ginger puss Marmalade who is about 18mths.

I’ve done 5 full marathons, the most in one year was 2 in 2012 – Great Ocean Road and Melbourne. Currently eyeing number 6. Doing Phil Maffetone heart rate based training at the moment which is testing my patience, but I really want to break 3.30.

My favourite Disney movie is definitely Tangled. The lanterns!!


Fun questions today. I have two pets, Jax is 5 years old and of the feline variety. I also have a German Shepherd with is 1 1/2, named Sasha.

1 marathon, favorite free bread = outback steakhouse, and I love the little mermaid.


My dogs name is Bruno Macaroni. It’s true!! I’ve done 3 marathons in 3 months, and marathon 4 (chicago!) will be my 4th in one year :)


What a nice family day janae!
My black lab is named Sage and she is a sweetie. I’ve done one marathon technically but trIned for 2- did my 23 mile training run and eveything, but became pregnant with my son and got really sick right before the race and ended up just doing the half on race day. I’ll do another this fall :)
Favorite Disney movie is Alice in wonderland!
I hope your Mother’s Day was fantastic!


We have 2 dogs. Monroe, a Jack Russell Terrier, that is 2 and Neylee, a Bluetick Coonhound, that is 7 months. We don’t have kids yet so they are our world!


I’ve done five marathons so far and did my most recent three this spring — February 22, April 19 and April 26 (BACK TO BACK WEEKENDS!!! :-0) so, three marathons in about two months.

ANNNNND I have two puppies :) — Layla is a boxer/beagle mix and Phisher is a husky/boarder collie mix. Love those two so much. Also have a cat — “Kitty-baby”


If the Grand Slam makes you cringe…I just did four marathons in four different states in 29 days. :-0. Marathon Maniac 3 stars/gold status. ;-)

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