Too much hotness, they are still going strong and Audio Flood (waterproof iPod) review!

Another early morning hanging out with all of the aqua aerobics peeps.  90 minutes of pool running and my hands have decided to just stay looking like prunes all day long because they know that in just 24 hours they will be doing another pool run and turn pruney again.  

Here is the trusty water belt that I spend a lot of time with lately.  I always use the water belt because it helps you to maintain your form by keeping ya a little more buoyant in the water.  

I know… too much hotness all in one picture.  It was 5 something in the morning.  

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If this below excerpt doesn’t make you jump in the pool when you are an injured runner then I don’t know what will:

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And the best thing you can do to make pool running fun (besides making Candice fly to wherever you are in order to pool run with her because she is always a good time) is this waterproof iPod from AUDIO FLOOD! 

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I have tried different waterproof music devices/earphones before in the pool and this one is by far my favorite.  

It is extremely easy to wear, the headphones stay put in your ears and it is all very light and easy to clip on to your swim cap or suit.  Listening to music while I pool run helps me to work harder and it helps the time to fly by.  The headphone cord is the perfect length so you aren’t dealing with getting all tangled up in it and the sound quality is perfect.  They have made working out through this injury 4 trillion times better.  They are 100% waterproof and they have a 2 year warranty!  They will make your pool time very enjoyable.  


 5 food related items that I have to share with you:

1.  My breakfast of happiness lately.  CC and grapes with an egg/turkey bacon english muffin.  What makes it even better is reading Gone Girl while I eat.  I can’t put that book down.  

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2.  As if my bfast cc and grapes weren’t enough… I had to go ahead and throw some more in a cantaloupe for a snack.  

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3.  Naptime= more reading and eating almond butter right out of the container with a spoon like any normal adult would do.

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4.  Don’t drive with a bag of chocolate chips next to you.   They will disappear very quickly.

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5.  My mom made my favorite meal in the entire world on Friday night.  This lasagna will change your life forever.  RECIPE HERE!

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In case you were wondering, Brooke and her boyfriend are still going strong.

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Who agrees with the above statement?

Favorite thing to eat cottage cheese with?


Are you a car eater?  Do you have emergency snacks stashed in your car?  What?

Do you read from an ipad/kindle/etc or the real deal books?  

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I prefer real books but I have a kindle that has been great for trips or taking for long waits at appts, etc. I’m not a car eater in general but if I’m picking up food to bring home, I cannot keep my hands off of it for the 15 min drive home and eat half of it.


I can’t get used to the whole technology thing. I will take a real book any day. I love that statement SO true! Snacks stashed in my car, my backpack everywhere. You don’t want to see me hungry :)


I agree with the above image so much that I just sent it off to a couple of runner friends.

I love car eating. Just ate a bowl of cereal on the way to work. Well, actually ate it every time I hit a red light.


Waterproof MP3 player is very high on my must have list. Ironman training means loads of time in the pool and I feel like I’d get a lot less bored just going back and forth if I had some music!


I didn’t realize pool running was *that* effective! I’m going to give it a try tonight as I have a nagging soreness in my foot that won’t go away, and I’m sure regular running isn’t helping.

I have never, ever tried cottage cheese. I should try to expand my horizons before I turn 28 :)


you always have the best snack ideas- I need that canteloupe grape cottage cheese snack in my life STAT. YUM YUM YUM

My sister and i were JUST talking (arguing) about different relaxing exercises. She says yoga and i, obviously, say running. Its funny how something so high energy can be SO relaxing.

I am a car eater. I am so messy at it though that I try my hardest not to do it.

I’m reading Gillian Flynn’s “Dark Places” Its really good—> you must read it. its nearly impossible to put down. I LOVED Gone Girl, such a great book!!!! “Sharp Objects” was good but incredibly creepy.


Did you hear that Gone Girl is getting made into a movie? It’ll be coming out in October (I think?).

Cottage cheese with blueberry jam is probably my favourite combo, and YES to keeping snacks stashed in glove boxes, desk drawers, and purses. I gotta keep people safe from the hanger monster that comes out if I’m not properly fed.


Thanks for posting the info about the waterproof ipod! Now I can listen to some good tunes while I run in the pool…which I have been doing for the past month due to my injury.

I had cottage cheese in my zucchini and beef “lasagna.” It was actually really good, and I don’t care for cheese.


Hey girl! What type of workouts have you been doing in the pool? Just curious…I haven’t run in a week letting my knee rest and I think I may be pool running if my run doesn’t go well today.

PS I wish I had some grapes and cottage cheese right now. :-)


I most definitely agree with the above statement!

I really love cottage cheese, but I am strange and only like large curd kind…and I eat it plain!

I don’t keep a stash in my car persay, but I will say when I go to the grocery store and by something sweet it is usually opened up before I get home and half the bag is gone….I live 2 minutes from the grocery store :)

I personally like reading real books but my husband does have a kindle fire so if I want to get a book quickly then I will read it off of there. I actually have Gone Girl sitting on my night stand next to me and I still haven’t read it, but I’ve heard amazing things so I guess I need to get on it! Happy Tuesday! :)


I like real books……

I tried to pool run a few times and I just couldn’t get into it. I think music would probably help a ton though.


I LOVE cottage cheese and pineapple and cantaloupe – those are my favorite combinations. I have tried grapes, but I still like cantaloupe best.

And good for you for pool running. I’ve never tried that before but I imagine it’s a great workout. My hamstrings are really tight these days and I’ve been trying to do a lot of stretching to avoid injury.

I love reading books but I spend a lot of time commuting to and from work (about 3-4 hours a day) and the iPad is definitely more convenient. I have the Nook app (I love Nook way better than Kindle) and if I get sick from reading I can listen to music or do something else. Plus, I never run out of something to read – I have books and Runner’s World and Cooking Light on from e-subscriptions so it’s great.


Totally agree with that statement, especially after my speed workout this morning! I feel awesome but wiped out. Gotta have tons of snacks in my car, with three kids plus me and the fact that I feel like we’re in the car half the day it’s a must! Lara bars, bananas, apples, pirates booty for them, trail, mix, nuts, car snacks are so necessary.


I love my kindle. All of Gillian Flynn books are soooo addicting!!! Never tried pool running but I really want to start swimming as cross training this summer.


LOVE that quote!

Hmm I think I only eat cottage cheese on my baked sweet potatoes? Guess I should try it with grapes!

I’m a fan of real books. And Gone Girl is such an awesome book! :)


I totally agree with that quote in fact I thought about it while I ran this morning! There is something relaxing about making yourself completely fatigued lol.


I eat cottage cheese on baked potatoes. I’ve never tried it with a fruit combination.

I have the kindle app on my iPad but I love reading an “actual book” every once in a while!


I don’t like cottage cheese !
I am a car eater but I don’t keep anything in my car, usually my purse. I have things like chia bars, picky bars and cereals in ziploc baggies like cheerios and shredded wheat.
Real Books all the way, I love the smell of the pages and not to mention turning the page. I have tried reading a book on a kindle and an Ipad but I don’t like it. Books for life!


I love the above statement and I hate cottage cheese :)…but I love grapes.
I always snack in the car :)
I do read from my ipad but I kinda like the actual book better….I just like that it is usually cheaper to get it on my ipad.


I actually enjoy nutbutter with cottage cheese, even though it sounds gross! My favorite thing to go with cottage cheese is probably peaches or using it as a dip for cucumbers!


When you get to the end of Gone Girl… you’re gonna FLIP.


That’s what I said! I hated the ending!


Is Gone Girl a series? Wondering if I can start reading it today or if I need to read other books from series first?


It’s a standalone book, Michelle, although the author’s two other books are great as well.


Thanks Stephanie! I appreciate it. Hoping to run to Target after work:)


How do figure out your mileage in the pool, and what kind of pool belt do you use? I tried it once in March but I scraped all the skin on the bottom of my toes and I was not in any hurry to get back in the pool after that. Yes to car eating but I have not found any cottage cheese that I liked, I am weird.


HEY!! I actually don’t figure out my mileage in the pool… I just go for time but maybe 1 mile = about 10 minutes in the pool? I’m not sure. I do it in the deep end and my feet never hit the ground. That might help! This movie is a great one:

Also, I use the pool belt that my gym has but this one is an awesome one:–regular-products-166.php?page_id=256&gclid=CKLa8vPbur4CFYdrfgodiXEAbA

Have an awesome day!


What does the rest of the swimsuit look like? Where did you get it and do you recommend it?

I only read real books.


Hey Laura! It is from Nordstrom and I got it about 5 years ago… It is just the only one piece that I have that works for pool running ha:) I should probably get a swimsuit meant for this soon!


I could not put Gone Girl down when I was reading it, but I have to say…it was a little disturbing haha. And I hated the ending (sorry!). BUT, I am super excited that they’re making it into a movie!!

Question: I know you addressed pool running in other posts, but how exactly do you do it? Is the belt you wear to keep you afloat so you can do running motions in the deep end? Sorry for the dumb question – I just can’t picture it in my head, haha!


HEY!! You keep your same form and everything when you are pool running compared to running on land… my feet never hit the ground though and so I do it in the deep end. You are barely moving around the pool that much! It is starting to grow on me.

This video should help a lot!

PS not a dumb question at all. I had to watch about 20 videos before I got it.


I struggled with pool running until I realized I didn’t have to get my hair wet and I could get a water proof ipod case. Then I loved it. Like I’ve said 1 million times…cross training is what you make of it. You don’t really lose that much fitness at all if you are dedicated. (which you obviously are).


Not a fan of cottage cheese, eating or wearing, bwahahah

I eat Trader Joe’s Dark chocolate covered caramels in my car….which is why I try not to drive all that much!


my sister is injured right now and is completely bummed that she cannot be running. she is spending a lot of time on her road bike. i sent her this post (along with the other post where you talk more about water running)- maybe she will give it a shot.

definitely agree with that statement! 6 am kicking my ass on the track this morning…so relaxing hahaha

i like cottage cheese with honey, cinnamon, banana slices and pb!

i usually have a bar or something in my purse just in case but i dont really eat in the car too too often to be honest

i like real books better but i am reading a book about nutrition and running on my ipad right now. i have gone girl too…paper. havent read it yet but you are making me want to!


cottage cheese is a dream with pineapple!


Cottage cheese and pineapple are super yummy together.
I use a Nook (I really need to find that thing) and real books. We have a really great used book store here and I can get real books on the cheap!
I’ve actually done pool running before and we made belts out of pool noodles and ropes. Hey, it worked.


I am old school – REAL books!

Cottage cheese and Ritz is a great combo. Cottage cheese and lettuce is also yummy – the green leafy kind of lettuce NOT iceburg.

The water running will keep you in super shape! I’ve read so many stories of top runners getting injured before big races and they PR or win the big race just days after getting out of the pool and having not run on the roads for weeks.


That picture of Brooke and her boyfriend is ADORABLE :) I used to read from a Kindle until my puppy judo chopped it trying to get my attention and burst the screen pixels. Luckily, my boyfriend gave me an iPad mini for Christmas so I was able to get back to reading that way. But, in truth, I really love owning the actual books, and my bf refuses to convert to a device so we actually have quite full bookshelves!


That statement made me laugh because of how true it is! I haven’t eaten cottage cheese in a very long time but my favorite is to eat it with pineapple. I prefer a real deal book but have the Kindle app on my phone and iPad that I use sometimes.


Getting a work out in is definitely the highlight of many weekdays! I prefer real books and not to eat cottage cheese : )


I’m confused – Why does the quote say “Mysely?” Is this slang I’ve never heard of? -Is that a stupid question?
Cottage cheese with blueberries and I love my kindle!


HAHAHA Wow, I didn’t even notice that… oops! I found it online and I think they must have just misspelled it. THANKS Kristine and I need to try cc with blueberries!


Totally agree!!! I like putting cottage cheese and salsa on a baked potato. I also often eat it plain as a snack after running. I’ll have to try it with grapes!


That sounds incredible!


Cottage cheese and pineapple! yum yum yummers!


Favorite thing to eat with cottage cheese: blueberries. Not only is it delicious, but it’s pretty to look at too.

For a long time I was pretty stubborn about e-readers. I like the touch and smell of books. But then my bookcase ran out of space, and I realized how easy it is to have books on my phone, where I can read while I’m waiting in line or wherever I go. Now I am a total kindle addict! It’s so darn easy to buy books, so I really have to watch my spending.


I actually love to eat cottage cheese savory style as either the sour cream for a baked potato or alone with Mrs. Dash or some other fun spices mixed in. I’ve never tried it with fruit before, I realize this makes me strange.


I don’t know how I’ve been an HRG fan for so long and still have yet to make your mom’s famous lasagna. It’s extremely upsetting. That will happen ASAP. Because my mouth waters everytime you write about it.

I’ve heard really good things about that book! I need to find time to sit down and enjoy a book, maybe the three day weekend will give me a chance to do that. I dont have a kindle or ipad, but I’d love one. I stick with old school books.

I’m a total freak because I love to eat cottage cheese by itself. LOVE it.

I’ve never given pool running a shot! Thankfully, I’ve never had an injury that has kept me from running for more than a couple of days, knock on wood!


LOVE that statement… it’s soooo true… I never feel sooo relaxed than after a long run .. I come home and want to nap but somehow just can’t and feel so good:)

I like eating cottage cheese with strawberries…. or alone with a lot of salt… no judgement.

I AM a car eater.. it’s the only time I can eat and not have to share anything, lol…My two current snacks are an orange and a granola bar.


Not that I am looking to get injured, but I have a question about pool running. We actually have a pool, clearly not the kind you would find at the gym, but I could just run around in circles in the pool?! That sounds so crazy!!!! So I guess my question is, does size matter? (oh jeeze, I didn’t mean that as a loaded question!) Same benefits right even though I wouldn’t be running straight and turning around, more like a constant turn….?


I found these videos very helpful as I “dove in” to pool running after my stress fracture diagnosis a couple of weeks ago:
Part 1:
Part 2:


I eat those same chocolate chips! Haha they’re the best


I switch back and forth on books. If I can get it from the library, I’ll read a real copy. I line having a book to hold! I do buy them on my iPad frequently- it’s easier for traveling!


Gone Girl was the most twisted book I’ve ever read! Have you seen the movie trailer for it?


I really need to look into pool running, if my calf doesn’t heal soon! I read whatever is cheapest. I read super fast, and it usually takes me a day to read a book so it isn’t worth spending a lot of money on. I actually get books from the library because of this.
And is love my running/exhaustion part of my day. After a 11 hour day at work I’ll still run just because it’s my therapy.


When I was in college, I started eating cottage cheese with tomatoes and pepper. It was such an un-me combination, but I was craving it all the time! On my first visit home I mentioned it to my mom, who apparently ate the SAME THING when she was in college.

Two of a kind!

I haven’t tried pool running, yet, but I might just join a gym with a pool the next time I need to take a recovery break from running the roads.


I like cottage cheese and apple butter! I discovered the combo in college when they had both things on one of our salad bars.. my friends thought it was a crazy combo but OMG so good.


I do like to eat in the car, but I’m so klutzy that I spill all over myself. This one time I thought it would be a great idea to eat McNuggets WITH sauce. Of course I got sauce all over my pants :-(


I am actually going to switch gyms once my membership runs out because swimming is such awesome cross training and my current gym doesn’t have a pool :(


Peaches and CC
I keep protein shakes in the back of my car.
Totally agree with that quote. I’m not relaxed unless I’m drenched in sweat.


Haha I love your pool photo! And that lasagna looks so good!


If you think gone girl is crazy, you should read her other books. Insane and slightly disturbing. They are making one of the others, dark places, into a movie too.


Have you gotten to the second half of the book yet??! You’ll never stop reading.

Lately I’m loving CC with cinnamon and blueberries/strawberries/banana cut up in little bites. yummm

I love a real book but you can’t beat the weight and convenience of the kindle when traveling and want to bring a bunch of book options with me. Also my kindle is my savior on the elliptical!


I always have pretzels stashed in my car!

I wish I enjoyed reading from my phone/iPad since I can read it anywhere or on my spin bike, but to me nothing beats holding a book :)

I want to go pool running with u!


I read mostly hard copy books because I have religious restrictions on Saturdays where I don’t use electronics. So for right now it’s not worth it to buy something I can only use one day of the weekend.

Pretty sure I read Gone Girl in one day – it’s so absorbing. I then devoured her other two books. Flynn can really tell a story, and Dark Places is worth a second read because of all you pick up on when you know how the story ends.


I prefer reading a book…I know I’m weird but I love the smell of the pages!!!


Real books all the way! I have never tried an e-reader, though, but I’m pretty loyal to actual books.


I like cottage cheese with pineapple.

I’m old school and prefer to read an actual book, turning pages. I have read a couple on my iPad, and it’s ok, just not preferred by me.

Oh I try not to keep snacks in my car cause otherwise they will be gone too quickly!!


I’m not a car eater because if I eat in the car, I’m literally INHALING the food. I usually try and wait until I’m home or wherever I’m supposed to get to to start munching.


I always eat in my car–I get stressed driving and eating makes me feel better haha.

I hope you’re taking care of yourself on spite of not being able to run! You look really thin lately, and it will probably help you heal faster and be a better runner (personal experience!!) to keep yourself at a healthy and strong weight! :) I speak as someone who has struggled with the “skinnier is faster” mindset.

I hope you have a good week, I don’t mean to tear you down.


Thanks! I actually have been working on putting on some weight after having Giardia. I haven’t talked much about it on the blog but having Giardia really messed up my stomach and I am still recovering from it. Thank you and you didn’t tear me down at all, don’t worry! I appreciate comments a lot!


Good for you! :) I’m sorry you were so sick, that happened to my hubby in Ecuador and he lost a ton of weight. But he got better and gained it back! I hope it’s a smooth continuing recovery for you :)

I love that quote, SO true!! I manage a major cable network which is so busy and stressful at times but waking up early for a killer run is the most relaxing thing ever! I love that feeling when you get in bed at night and you’re all giddy like a child because you cant wait to wake up in a few hours and have your butt kicked by your run!


I always have my iPod and iPhone im bed with me. Either reading blogs, Facebook or email. Probably should break that habit. Technology is a blessing and a curse!


Totes agree with that statement! I must get a running belt. I have a pool so this would be great for me. That book is sooooo good!!! I read on a Nook Tablet. Love! I can’t wait to hear what you think about the book when you finish it!


Lol I do NOT eat in my car unless it’s a road trip. I’m a little OCD and hate messes. I also only allow water in the car. I’m so fun…


Have you heard of the alterg? I’m injured but able to race and run pretty darn close to normal times. Look it up! Highly recommend :)


Most definitely a car eater. I completely destroyed a small bag of kettle corn without even realizing it during a short drive.
I think I’ll definitely consider pool-running after my big race this Sunday, especially when it starts to get super hot. Now I just have to find a belt that is inexpensive!


I used to eat my almond butter on things like apples or bread, but who are we kidding? It’s way better straight out of the jar. Not that I’m eating it as I write this or anything.


I need to find where I can do some pool running! That sounds amazing!


You are doing AMAZING with the pool running! So impressive, its so hard for me to do cardio indoors without getting bored.
I eat in the car but definitely don’t keep food in the car as it is WAY too hot in Texas to keep any sort of food in the car without it melting or getting gross from all the heat.


I cannot do CC. I think it is the texture, but it is not for me. I love grapes and cantelope though. :)

I read on my kindle, but I also really like to read actual books too. Something about turning down the page makes me happy!


You’re so inspiring. I usually wallow in self-pity and lose all my fitness when I’m injured instead of working to keep it!

I love real books, I can’t stand reading from anything else. (except my favorite blogs that I check 19 times a day on the computer.)

Also, just wanted to thank you for the cottage cheese/grapes combo!! I’ve started eating (and loving!) it, and get lots of weird looks. They don’t know what they’re missing. ;)


i still need to try your cottage cheese/grape combo. i love mixing raspberries or blueberries with chia seeds into cc (really, any type of berries – i’m obsessed!).

pool running sounds really fun, but challenging. i’ll have to give it a try sometime :) and i’m a huge snacker – almonds and apples are my two faves, but i also love larabars!


I have a waterproof headset that I JUST got and I can’t wait to try it out! Though the only time I try it out is when I am swimming or pool running during injury, so hopefully I won’t need to try them too soon!


I haven’t had cottage cheese in a long time, I think I will get some this week.
I do not eat in the car, unless we are on a road trip.
I got a tablet a few months ago and love reading books on it.


I totally agree with that statement!

I’m really not a cottage cheese gal but i do like it on toasted melba crackers.

I never eat in my car. It’s asking for trouble. =)

I have a few books in soft cover that I WANT to read but don’t. I don’t read books digitally either. I think i’d be a perfect candidate for audio books. I like when people read me stories =)


Cottage cheese and french dressing. Don’t knock it til ya try it!!!

LOVE my Kindle, but I do buy a “real” book once and a while :)


Dip plain Lays potato chips into cottage cheese it will change your life. I particularly like Michigan brand cottage cheese.


Favorite thing to eat cottage cheese with…Wheat Thins. Okay, I lied – potato chips. Seriously, yum! But Wheat Thins are pretty bomb too.

I am an old fashioned book reader. I LOVE having books that I can read over and over again and I love be a good, filled bookshelf. :)

I ran sprints this morning and when I was tired and wanted to stop, I thought – Janae would power through! So I did! :) Look at me all following your amazingness!


Man, now I’m craving an english muffin sandwich! So good.

As for books, I usually read the physical ones with pages. ;) But if I actually HAD a kindle, I would probably use that quite a bit!


I’m an all three kind of reader, whatever I can get my hands on. I just finished Girl Gone last week and I couldn’t put it down either. Enjoy, you’re going to love it!


One word: Triathlon
The multiple disciplines will keep you injury free. When I was strictly running, I was constantly battling something. I started swimming while battling IT band syndrome, and got asked if I did triathlon. I signed up for a race a month later and have been hooked.



YES! To that statement 100%

You must try a perfectly ripe/sweet peach with cottage cheese. That will change your life!


That quote is perfect! I can’t stand cottage cheese, but favorite fruit with plain yogurt is a blueberry/strawberry combo.

Since I spend a lot of time on my laptop, I like to read from old fashioned books!


Gone Girl is AMAZING!! I just read it. You’ll have to let us know what you think about the ending.

Did you know that the movie is coming out in October? My main squeeze, Ben Affleck, plays Nick.


So I am permanently off of running, will be for at least a year or two. I have avascular necrosis of my knee and other things going on with it. I actually popped my knee cap out of place in the fall, fun times. Any how I wonder if this would help with my running craving. I racewalk still. The thing is, I am the crazy racewalking girl so now I would be the crazy water running girl, ha!! Our swim club opens this weekend, I should get a belt! Of course the water is going too be in the 50s as it is not warm here..


How do you like the headphones that came with the waterproof ipod? I want to get back into swimming, and an ipod would definitely help that! But I am curious to how good those ear buds stay in…


I LOVE THE HEADPHONES!! They stay in the entire time that I am pool running!


Cottage cheese with rotisserie chicken is SO SO good, you should definitely try it!!! I also like it with pretzel crisps- jalapeño or everything flavored…. I have to try it waits grapes!!!


yes, I eat in the car all the time. I finally quit feeling guilty about it and named it.
Snack bar in the car.

I read both. Whatever is more convenient. On the go, treadmill, or in the dark…Nook. In my house curled up on the couch I can grab a regular book. I’ll read anything so I’m an equal opportunity book enthusiast.


I eat in my car occasionally, but I am more of a slow eater ha. I like to enjoy my meals, so I eat them nice and slow ha. Good luck with pool running, I hope you can get out and run again soon!


I just got a waterproof iPod to get me through pool runs while I heal from a stress fracture. My brother-in-law tipped me off to it, and I get a lot of questions/comments about it at the pool – it’s awesome and a total sanity saver!

And no matter how much yoga or meditation I do, I won’t completely relax until I can run again :) I hope you’re back out there again soon too!


1) Totally agree
2) Pepper. Lots of pepper on my cottage cheese
3) I am a car eater. But I don’t stash a lot of food in my car. It’s usually in my purse.
4) I own a kindle and I would much prefer to read a bona fide book made of paper and ink. So my kindle usually sits idle.

Never tried pool running. But it seems like a perfect alternative to hitting the pavement! Have a fantabulous day!


What happened to your leg, is it your IT band again. Just wondering because I’ve been having IT issues for a while and runner’s knee so I’m always on a running break :(


I love cottage cheese and pineapple!!! My fav :)
I eat in my van ALL.THE.TIME. I don’t usually stash food, since it may melt or freeze, but I almost always have something to eat with me. The area between my seat and the console is disgusting-lol!
I read from my ipad or kindle (since they sync). I was a huge reader of books and didn’t think I would like reading electronically, and now I can’t image carrying a book around!


I completely agree with that statement! Something about being exhausted is so relaxing!

I like cottage cheese with pineapple, I haven’t tried grapes yet.

I am a total car eater, I have to be careful what I leave in my car because it’s getting too hot for a lot of things these days. I melted some cadbury mini eggs the other day…

I usually read my kindle, it’s just so convenient to have so many books take up so little space!


Have you tried dumping your chocolate chips IN your jar of almond butter?? I do this with peanut butter and eat it straight out of the jar.. Its delicious! And a little dangerous as far as trying to not eat half the jar! Lol You are welcome for this genius idea ;) ;)


Over the past year I have transitioned to reading everything on my ipad.
I don’t have a food stash in my car, but I always have something in my bag like trail mix or a granola bar. And yes I always eat in the car!


I’m not a huge cottage cheese eater but I need to try again- I convinced myself I like greek yogurt and now eat it daily. I don’t usually have food in my car but after watching a thing on the news about this lady who was trapped in her car for a week and only had a packet of microwavable granola made me reconsider!


I like reading on my iPad & using real books — there’s a time and place for both!


my favorite thing with cottage cheese are peanuts. I love how much hair you have…color me green with envy


I prefer real books. I just don’t like the space they take up. So I guess thats the advantage of a kindle-no space wasted.
I love cc and grapes because of u! They are so delicious.


I am reading the same book and just like you, can’t put it down. I keep wanting to sneak to the end but am resisting.
I LOVE grapes and some time worry i eat too many. i will have them with anything!


So you keep talking about pool running and in my head your are literally running back and forth the pool. Like swimming except in running form, and then I looked it up on youtube…nothing like I thought, haha!

Love how Brooke’s hair is always up in a cute do…

and I love grapes, but grapes and strawberries are my favorite.


Cottage cheese loaded with apple chunks and cinnamon!


I totally agree with that statement. With 2 kids that are 10 months apart, I haven’t stopped chasing someone for 5 years. I get up at 4:00 every morning and run at least 5 miles…most un-hectic and peaceful part of my day. My husband just bought me a house with a sauna, so as soon as I get home, I get to sit alone for another 25 minutes before my day gets going!! #firstworldproblems

I do not like grapes–totally wished I did. They look delicious!

I like to hold a book – and I prefer new, hardback books. I do, however, completely destroy books. I read in the bathtub, the sauna, and by the pool (with tanning oil on my fingers…) By the time I finish a book, it is about 4 inches thicker than when I started it–oops! By the way…GONE GIRL is awesome!! Loved that book! I read Flynn’s other 2 books as soon as I finished Gone Girl, slammed it shut and threw it across the room!!


I’d never thought about doing pool running to help stay in shape while recovering from an injury, but that sounds amazing! Is the belt a necessity? And thanks for the tip about the headphones I will definitely be checking those out too! :)

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