My Friday Favorites:

1.  Eating dinner outside even if it is on the world’s smallest table that kind of hurts my back to sit on.  It is outside and Brooke loves it when I sit at the table with her = worth it.   

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2.  This recipe that I got from MEGAN’S INSTAGRAM (she has the best healthy recipes).  They are Mini Tomatillo Avocado Chicken Pepper Poppers and you can find the recipe on her instagram (I think it is her 7th most recent post).  

These were amazing and Brooke loved them too.  Plus they are fun to eat.  Adding it to my list of things to eat every week of my life. 

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3.  Snuggles and kisses from Brooke after her nap.  Nothing better.  I look forward to this time of day every day.  

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4.  A new to me find.  Every Thursday night in Provo all of the food trucks come together to create this goodness.  I want to try every single food truck and so if you need me any of the next 30 Thursday nights… you can find me here.

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5.  French toast for dessert.  Don’t mind if I do.  

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6.  Watching Modern Family on a huge projector screen.  This show just puts me in a good mood.

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Okay, this is the opposite of a Friday Favorite—>  I will never get on board with Chocolate Oranges.  Chocolate is good and oranges are good but they should just never be combined.  Never.

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7.  It is the day before my race and that means that I sleep in until Brooke wakes up and make pancakes for breakfast.  So many good things about the previous sentence. 

8.  Aren’t they just beautiful?  It is practically summer and so that means for the next 4 months I will be wearing sunglasses every time that I walk out the door.  

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The Ray-Ban Wayfarers Sunglasses are definitely a Friday Favorite.  I love the little pop of red, they are super comfortable, they fit really well and they are very durable (which is something I especially need because I may in fact be the world’s biggest klutz).  

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To enter the giveaway for a pair of Ray-Ban Wayfarer Sunglasses:

-Like the Sunglasses Shop Facebook Page HERE and then leave a comment below telling me that you did (and feel free to tell me something random or your Friday Favorite in the same comment too because I like reading them a lot).

Giveaway ends on 5/6/14!!! 

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I liked them!!!
My Friday favorite is I got in an awesome 10 miler rub with a best friend this morning. That was followed by the most delicious bagel sandwich ate outside with my boyfriend and sweet dog!


Those glasses are amazing!! I’ve liked the facebook and would really really like to see these babies on my face soon! They’re awesome!
I love Modern Family- have watched all of them on Netflix so am debating buying the next series on dvd!


Also I have just noticed that I went to school with the guy in the picture on the Sunglasses shop facebook page! Small world!


Happy Friday, finally warmer in NYC…need some shades! :)


I liked them. Would love some sunglasses that cost more than $5.


fbook like- check!
and I took my last of my 2L year! one more year to go!! Happy friday to you and Brooke!


I liked them on FB! The favorite thing about my Friday is that I can work from a coffee shop and do lots of people watching!
Love your blog!


Sunglasses Shop is liked!

I am LOVING Starbucks’ VIA Iced Coffee packets. So easy to make and a splash of creamer here and I’m good to go. Typically, I’m not a huge coffee fan, but I love these.


I like them on FB! The sunglasses look great on you!

Food trucks are so fun – especially when they’re all in one spot and everyone can try something different!


Already like Sunglasses Shop! Love ’em! I am LOVING Trader Joe’s Gourmet jelly beans. I discovered them around Easter and they are seriously the best jelly beans on Earth. Also digging your Wayfarers. Love the pops of red and white color.


I’m already a fan of the shop! I’m loving that it’s Friday because I’m going on vacation next week!!


i LOVE those ray bans!


I liked the page an my randomness is that I had Sugar Babies for breakfast (I’m a candy junkie!!! )


Liked! I am excited that we had our 20 week ultrasound yesterday and got to see a healthy, squirmy baby! :)


I liked them on FB and my Friday Favorite is the Chocolate Chip Brownie Lara Bar I just had for breakfast!


I liked them on Facebook! :)

I’m definitely not on board with the Orange chocolate either.


Liked! Friday is a rest day and my running friend and I go get coffee together :)


Liked them on FB!

I’m with you on the chocolate orange thing… Just can’t get on board with it!


I liked the sunglass page on facebook. I run with a hat, but love sunglasses during every other minute of the day – even when the sun is going down because I refuse to believe that my sunshine is being taken away.

My Friday Favorite today is being cuddled up in a hotel bed because we are on vacation for a wedding. I love relaxing!


I’m one of those “weird” non-facebookers, so no contest for me :(
I’m just so happy that its Friday!!! It’s been a LOOOOOONG week at work (almost did chest compressions on a patient in the OR this morning – no bueno! But pt did well), so I am ecstatic to have two mornings to sleep in (all the way until 6!), and snuggle with my daughters and a cup of coffee while we watch cartoons – it’s my absolute favorite time of my week, Sat & Sun 6-8 am, just can’t beat it! ;)
Have a great weekend! And have a great race!!!


Liked them on FB!

I am so happy today and looking forward to a great weekend! It is a beautiful day, I walked my daughter to school and kept on walking for an hour. I “graduated” from PT yesterday, so more time for running and being outside! Tomorrow is Ballet Competition Day for my daughter and Sunday is my birthday!

Have a great weekend!


I like Sunglasses Shop on FB. My Friday Favorite is leaving work early and taking my dog for a long walk when I get home!


I liked the page. I’m a Ray Ban fan, own a pair of aviators but I think I need something more durable!

Oh, the weathers gotten nice again on the East Coast so I’m looking forward to running this weekend!


I liked them! Fridays are not my favorites as fridays are my mondays because I work weekends.. boo


I liked them on facebook! I love Fridays – I think it’s just because it means I get to sleep in on Saturday! Good luck tomorrow!


I liked it and my Friday favorite is that it is a Friday before race day which equals the best day ever.




Those sunglasses are to die for! My random Friday Favorite also involves Food Trucks. This weekend we are going to the 1st Annual Houston Food Truck Fesitval. There will be over 25 different trucks at one park with music! We have a Food Truck Park in downtown Houston, but usually it’s only about 7 or 8 trucks. I seriously want to try every one!


I liked the website! This friday marks 1 week until I graduate college!


I liked the page :)


Does anyone remember the link that Janae posted about her white tennis shoes? She is wearing them in the last photo, they are similar to white converse or keds but they’re something else…I really love them and wanted to find them online. Thanks!


I liked and I can’t wait to try those poppers. Yum!!


I’ve liked their page!! Nothing too random has happened. I did eat a PB&J for breakfast though :)


I have already located that popper recipe! Yum!
I liked the Sunglassses shop page on FB! Scwheet shades!!


Liked! Can’t leave the house without AT LEAST one pair of sunglasses!


I liked their fb page!!! It’s raining in Orlando today, so we are having an inside picnic with frozen on of course!


Yes! I liked the page! I really need sunglasses as my favorite pair of Oakley’s recently got stolen out of my truck! :( I am excited today is Friday because my husband will be home after being gone since Tuesday and it is family movie and pizza night! Yay!


I liked them! Hmm….I’m home sick today, so I just might have to start watching Modern Family. Can you believe I’ve never seen it?!


Liked on Facebook! I have been saving for a pair of Ray Ban’s but splurged on a glider for our nursery instead!


I liked their page.. totally need a pair of their sunglasses! My favorite thing about Friday is carb loading for my 20 miler tomorrow! I love running Little Cottonwood Canyon for my long runs!


Liked! :)


I liked the page. LOVE the sunglasses. And friday fun fact: I’m about to drive home (to LA) from a work thing in Palm Springs and have been planning this entire trip around getting a famous Palm Springs date shake! Almost time…!


I liked them on Facebook!

Something I am loving this Friday (today): the shirt I am wearing. It has a cat on it and says ‘ROAR.’ My mom got it for me and it’s super comfortable.


I liked Sunglasses Shop Facebook Page! Those sunglasses are super cute!
I totally agree about the chocolate orange. But every year one still ends up in my stocking at Xmas :(


My friday favorite is that it is Friday!!!! I would love to win a new pair of Ray-Ban’s!!!


I liked the page! I would love to have a pair to get me though the upcoming months of sunshine!


I liked their page!

My Friday favorite is that I am officially DUNZOOO with sophomore year of college!


I liked the page- and I’m excited because I’ve actually been wanting a pair!


I liked! Friday favorite = dinner with my best girl friends!


I liked the page and love those glasses!!


I liked the page. My Friday favorite is that I finally get to go hiking this weekend, yay for spring!


I liked them!! They are such nice sunglasses! PERFECT finish of grad school present! :)
My Friday favorite is gardening with my mom and going on a run together! Wouldn’t change my day for anything.


I liked their site! Crossing my fingers!

My random is today I got to do one of my favorite things-go to a big race expo! Pittsburgh Half this weekend!!!


And of course good luck at your half!


I FB like the Sunglasses shop!

My Friday favorite is my friend’s reception for her art gallery opening tonight.


I liked their page!! I love their sunglasses and eyeglasses :)


Randomness- we have the same water bottle! I’m one of the thousands of crazy women who’ve invaded UT county for Women’s Conference. The mountains are some of my favorite down here. I see why you always want to run them! Good luck on your race!!!


I liked them! We are going to a barbeque tonight, which is definitely my Friday favorite. Especially because it is almost 80 today!


I liked! I just had an awesome fro-yo lunch dessert. Life Changing.


I liked the page and I LOVE ray bans! :)


I liked the sunglasses shop on facebook :) I love ray bans and mine broke about a year ago! (But i know they are durable, it was more of an accident on my part :(…) Friday randomness: Girl Scout Cookie Creamer for your coffee is the best! If you haven’t tried it yet you should.


I liked the page! These would be PERFECT for my trip to the DR in July :) :)


I liked the page! It’s the first day the sun has shined here in over a week, so I am thinking about new shades :)


I like them on Facebook . and I love modern family –and the Mindy project. They never fail to make me laugh!


I liked the page on facebook! Those sunglasses are so cute! My Friday favorite is that I only have 1 full week of school left of teaching this school year. WAHOOOOOO! Summer is so close I can smell it :).


I liked the FB page. My favorite part about fridays is picking up my 2 year old son from preschool and knowing I get a whole weekend of him to myself!


I like them!!! I really want to find some food trucks ASAP!


I liked them! I LOVE the new design with the red pattern….so stinkin’ cute!


I Liked the page! Something Random- I went for a run in central park after work yesterday, forgot my badge and locked myself out of my office… where all of my keys/wallet/belongings were. Luckily there were some people working late to let my sweaty self back in. Won’t make that mistake again! Happy Friday, good luck at your race =)


I liked the FB page and my Friday favorite is that I was able to run 6 miles today after recovering from sciatica!! I didn’t realize how much I took running for granted!! Love your blog!!


I liked the page and love me some Ray Bans.
Hey, good luck on your race. You will crush it.


I like them on FB :)
Friday Favorite….fish tacos for dinner and hot sun!


I looooove the wayfarers!! I liked the facebook page also :)


I liked the Facebook page. The Wayfarers are my favorite. My little guy has broken a few pairs of my sunglasses already this spring but if I won, I promise to keep these guys safe!


Liked the page. Would love some sunnies!!


Liked! I also love sunglasses. Wear them year round. My Friday Favourite is spending time with my dad who came to visit for the weekend!


I liked them! Would love these this summer! :)


Like them on FB! Love your blog! Friday fav…. It’s FRIDAY!


I liked the page!!


I liked them! I am definitely in need of a new pair of sunglasses. My Friday favorite would probably be the s’mores treats I just made. Like rice krispie treats but with graham cereal instead and chocolate chips mixed in too!


I liked the Facebook page! Random note: I’m getting excited about my 5k for tomorrow! I decided to run xc when I begin college in the fall so I am getting an idea of my time for a 5k before jumping into training!!


I like them on Facebook!


Liked them!!
I’d LOVE a new pair of running sunnies and those are super adorable!!


I liked the page! I love those sunglasses!! Random Fact: running my very first half marathon on Sunday!


I liked them!
My husband agreed to run a half marathon with me in August, and I’m excited to start training next month :)


I’ve already liked that shop on FB! Those glasses are super cute :)


Liked their page! Love the sunglasses. Ran a half marathon last weekend so I’m volunteering at two races this weekend. Love giving to the running community!


I liked them on Facebook! My babies second birthday is tomorrow:(. Now I am off to try my hand at a 3-D Dinosaur Cake! Wish me luck!


Like em! I love the sunny breezy days after a hard rain. Low pollen and dry air. Love it! I need the sunglasses for days like this!


Consider the FB page extra ‘liked.’
Thanks for all of your running topics! I now run hills… a lot.


I liked their page. These are gorgerous sunglasses. I would love a pair :) Finally I wouldnt be blind outside in the sunshine


Liked! Friday favorites: fitness classes with friends and swedish fish during nap time. Good luck tomorrow!


I liked their page since you’re first give away (over a year ago – yikes!) and still like them. I definitely need new running sunglasses – I can’t even open my eyes outside when the sun is shining it hurts too much – always have on sunglasses. Since I need to run in the sun I’m desperate for a new pair. Please choose me!


Those popper loom A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!

I liked them on Facebook! Yippee!! They are so cute!!

My Friday favorite…treating myself to a coffee on my way to work and laying out my clothes for my morning run on Saturday.


oh typo fail.
Should read: Those poppers look A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!


I liked them!
My Friday Favorite is granola bars! I made a new recipe today


Liked! My Friday favorite is playing with my babe. Almost 9 months old and the sweetest thing ever!


I liked their page! I’ve never had ray bans but they’re so cute!!


Liked!! Just shattered one lens of my ray bans, maybe its a sign ;)


Liked on Facebook:) Those sunglasses are so cute!


My random Friday Fave is actually not happening until tonight, but I am so excited!! I’m going to watch Chelsea Handler with some girlfriends. We are in for some fun and laughs tonight!! :)

Oh and I liked the Sunglasses Shop on FB.


I liked them on facebook!


Those glasses are amazing!! I’ve liked them on facebook … They’re awesome!
I love Modern family as well!! I am Colombian and my husband is from Wisconsin so we laughed so much with the show because most (if not all of Gloria’s mistakes i have said it or have done it) :)

Have a great race !!


Liked! Now off to enjoy the Florida weather!


I liked them. My Friday favorite is finishing my workday in NYC early, getting to take my boys out in the beautiful weather, and planning a nice (and rare) run with my husband tonight :-)


Hi! I liked the Rayban page. You are a daily inspiration to me. Thanks for your warmth and light-heartedness! Dorothy


Oooh, I “liked” the page! And, my something random is that I went back to school after a REALLY long time away and just finished my degree *today*. Yep, I just took my last final exam this morning :) Now I’m hopefully going on to get my Master’s degree!

Thanks for posting Janae! I always use your blog as a “treat” to myself when I finished going to my lectures and did my homework :)


I liked the page!! Fun Friday fact: I am working on putting a half marathon training plan together right now and hope to start it on Sunday!


I liked their page! Today’s Friday favourite was that it stopped raining long enough to take my sons outside where they biked their hearts out. My younger son is just 2 weeks older than Brooke :)


I liked the page and will be running a half marathon tomorrow…my first time!


I liked the FB page! I’m excited that it’s finally the weekend!


I liked them on FB!

I absolutely hate oranges so the chocolate oranges sound disgusting to me, same thing with mint chocolate – some things should just never be combined.


Love those glasses!! I already liked their page :)


Already like them on FB :) Also, it’s a HUGE deadline week for us at work, so they’re buying all our lunches this week. YEEESSSSS!!!!


I liked the facebook page :). I’m running in my first half marathon tomorrow and I can’t wait!!


Just left a comment! Love ray bans!


I liked them.
I’m a little heartbroken you don’t like chocolate oranges. They complete me. How did you find one in May?!! I will still be your friend as long as you send it to me :)


Oops! Meant to say I liked the Sunglasses shop page!


Liked! :) And my Friday Favorite? The change in weather – from some gorgeous days to rainy and snowy days all weekend b/c I’m studying and need no distractions! ;) Hope the race goes great!


I like the page on Facebook, those sunglasses are super cute!


Half-day Fridays to get a nice run completed in the afternoon. Hit a personal goal today of running for 60 straight minutes…never really owned a pair of sunglasses before.


I “liked”, thanks!


I liked the page! I am running my first half marathon this weekend!!


I liked the Facebook page.

My Friday favourite has been enjoying a Lush foot mask. Tingly peppermint to revive my feet for running!


I liked Sunglasses Shop on Facebook! My friday favorite is that recipe. I can’t wait to try it!


I liked them on Facebook!

I love Fridays it means it’s the weekend and I get to spend all day with my little family for two days in a row : )


Totally agree about the chocolate oranges. I find them to be disgusting and offensive.


But chocolate oranges are so good! You can just send that one to me if you’re not going to eat it… ;)

Happy Friday!


I liked their page! :)

Friday Favorite: It’s Sperry Season!


I liked them! :)


Liked :) cannot wait for 5 o’clock so I can leave work and start my weekend (relax and keep my daughter occupied)


I liked the Facebook page. My Friday Favorite has been eating a PB & J outside while reading a book during my lunch hour. I loved it!


Liked (already!!). Fingers crossed!


I liked it on Facebook! :) Friday favorite- going out to dinner at Juniper & Ivy which is Richard Blais’ new restaurant here in San Diego!!


We have a projector screen for movies/shows too! Lol it’s huge, isn’t it? And so unbelieveably awesome.


I liked the Facebook page! I would love some Ray-Bans! :)


I liked them on facebook! Tomorrow is my first 15-miler EVER (last long run before tapering for the Brooklyn Half) and I’m really nervous and excited about it!


I liked their page, and I really need some durable sunglasses! My three year old and sixteen month old keep trying mine on and breaking them. Friday favorite: Going to the Atlanta Zoo with friends for me and my two girls. Even if it was super crowded the weather was perfect and I needed some mommy time with my friends!


Liked their page! I would LOVE to win!


I like them, AND I liked them on Facebook! ha.
Good luck on your race this weekend! You are going to kill it!!!! If anyone can do hard things, it’s you!


Liked it! My Friday Favorite is ordering a big, greasy pizza under the guise of needing to load up those carbs for my half marathon Sunday :) I’m doing the Pittsburgh Half for the second year in a row and it is an awesome race if you’re ever looking to come out this direction! I may be a little biased but Pittsburgh is a beautiful city to run through.


Liked it. My Friday favorite is taking my 2 year old daughter to gymnastics . We run around and jump on the trampolines for 2 hours and they play the “frozen” soundtrack (Her favorite).


I liked them. Today’s Friday Fave is my husbands cousin got married this morning. And we have the reception to attend as well. I hear they are having a crepe bar for dessert. YUM


I liked the Facebook page!

I love, love, love food trucks. I am going to a music festival in my town this weekend and there are supposed to be 10-15 food trucks. I think I’m more excited about the food than the music! haha Have a great weekend!


I love those sunglasses! I’ve actually wanted a pair of Wayfarers for a long time… and then my hubby got a pair for his birthday. Whomp whomp. Just kidding – he looks super cute in them and feels bad they’re his and not mine. :)

It is absolutely the most gorgeous spring day here! I’m sort of sad that it’s my rest day from running, though the silver lining to that is I took a long walk with a friend on a trail around around the lake. Soaking up vitamin D + time with a friend = the best. Happy Friday!


I like the Sunglasses Shop Facebook page! :) And I haven’t had a chocolate orange in a while, but I’m a fan!



I want to look just like you in my new Ray-bans!!


Oh and I liked the page too!!! You seem really really happy these days, Janae, and that makes me happy!!! xoxo oh and you inspired me not to drink diet coke!


I “liked” the Rayban page. One of my favorite things to do on a Friday is head to the cottage and just “hang out”. I really like running there – different scenery along the water. I also like fishing and would love these glasses to protect my eyes on the water.

I hate missing a day of reading your blog! Love the pics and the stories. Good Luck with your 1/2!!!


I liked them on facebook!
Those Pepper poppers look delicious!


I liked the facebook page
My favorite thing about Fridays is that it is the day that I do cadaver dissection at school! It is awesome!


I liked them! Random fact my favorite sun glasses broke yesterday, I was kind of sad (must be because I wore them in a marathon two weeks ago, too much sweat)….


I “liked” the page!!! I almost bought a pair of amazing sunglasses at the Broad Street 10 mile Race expo in Philadelphia today. I will be running that race this weekend!!!Have a wonderful weekend and good luck in your race!


I liked the Sunglasses Shop on Facebook. Random fact- as soon as I press “submit” on this, I am attempting my first ever 7 mile run. Eek!


I liked them! My favorite thing about today is 5pm. Can’t get here soon enough!

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