The time I thought I was going to die while in Thailand.

The hours of 3 a.m.- 1 p.m. hurt so badly.  I got food poisoning from an Indian restaurant and I have never been so sick in my life.  I will NEVER be able to even look at Indian food again.   

Luckily, I am feeling better a little better now and we are headed to a tiny little island today.  I am loving how we have split up the trip between spending time in the city of Bangkok and the rest of the time will be on the beach.  I feel like it will be the perfect amount of both.  PS people have been telling me that Kim Kardashian is in Thailand right now… I will do my best to find her.

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Pre-food-poisoning extravaganza of 2014:

Add another fun night exploring and eating through the city to the list.  

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These malls are outrageous, I am not even taking this picture from the top floor. 

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Mango and yogurt blended to perfection.  The rest of the meal is what did me in and so I deleted that picture asap.  

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Throw in another hour of walking around the mall and then we ended up at an ice cream parlor.  

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Please note that that is a chocolate dipped cherry on the top.  America really needs to start doing that too.

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And a few hours after the last picture is when I got really sick.  No running for me today but I am hoping to get in some good runs on the beach tomorrow and friday!

Once my stomach is feeling back to normal I will be back to eating as many mangoes and watermelon smoothies as humanly possible.

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And a hello from Brookers.  I can’t wait to see her again.   We have a fun week planned out for when I get home.

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Ever had food poisoning?  Where from?

Did you get in a run today?  How far?

When is everyone’s next race?  

-Not until the beginning of May for me!

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I knew we were going to be best friends when you said you didn’t enjoy Indian food. I got very serious food poisoning from Indian food in 2010 and have not touched it since. I know food poisoning can come from anywhere but it just turned me off completely and forever from it.

But I do hope you feel better! I’m actually getting to go for a run now. My goal half marathon is on Sunday. I am hoping for a PR.


I hope you run like the wind and feel light as a feather on your run on Sunday!!!


You poor kid!! I honestly had a worry about this right from the start when you said you were going overseas…. Ever seen Bridget Jones Diary part 2 when she goes to Thailand? Don’t end up in jail please!! Enjoy every minute you can though.
I ran yesterday, did a temp run. My next race is the Yonge St 10k in Toronto in 2 less than 2 weeks. It’s mostly downhill which is nice.


Feel better Janae, that had to be the worst! I’m not sure if it was food poisoning, but I did get really sick (2 days worth) after eating a pb& banana smoothie. Yet, I can still slurp them down! Enjoy the beach and those mango smoothies!!!!


O yuck! I hope you kick that sick biz to the curb fast! I’ve had food poisoning once. It’s just awful! I got it from my employee meal at the restaurant I was working for at the time. No run today but…a new hip :) I’m totally on drugs right now so it doesn’t hurt yet :)


Oh no! That is so lousy! But glad you’re feeling better. I can’t even image how awful having bad food poisoning in another country must be. Take care girl!


I’m so sorry you got sick. Food poisoning is the worse. I hope you feel better soon! And I hope you have a nice time at the beach. Thailand is really beautiful-as is that picture of Brooke :)


I have food poisoning from a Chinese restaurant last year. My husband had planned a weekend away for us and I was throwing up for 90% of it, I felt so horrible!

Glad you are feeling better!


Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear you were ill — getting sick when you’re away from home is the worst!

Glad that you’re feeling better!


When I went out of the country for the very first time to Cancun, Mexico, I got SO sick on the last day. I knew it was dangerous to drink the tap water, so I was cautious about that, but people failed to tell me that raw veggies were a no-no as well. So everyday I enjoyed my big healthy salads until finally it hit me. I dealt with ‘montezuma’s revenge’ for the whole last day and was MISERABLE! It’s safe to say I learned my lesson!


I got sick from ice cubes in Cancun Mexico. I remembered not to drink the water but oops forgot ice cubes are made from water.

Next run is tomorrow…8 miles.
Next race is NJ Marathon 4/27

OMG so glad your food poisoning didn’t last longer. Feel better and enjoy the beach!


Oh man, I so feel for you. Nothing is worse than being sick like that! Glad you’re feeling better though, it would suck to be sick for a big portion of your trip. I have a 5k race this saturday which I may or may not run depending on the well being of my irritable foot.


Are you going to Phi Phi? One of my favourites places in the world!!! Enjoy!!


Shame – glad you’re feeling better! Awful getting sick on a trip :( .


Food poisoning is the absolute worse but you know what is even worse is when you get food poisoning in a foreign Country! You poor thing. Hope you are feeling better.


oh man- that’s so rough! I got food poisoning when I went to Spain in 2012, and it took about 3 days to feel totally back to normal- ugh. I still shiver a bit when I see nutella anything…


oh food poisoning is the worst!

I love the picture of Brooke..have missed that face of hers!


You’re not a real traveler till you’ve had food poisoning abroad. I got food poisoning early in my trip in Ghana, it’s the worst feeling ever. You find yourself wondering if there was ever a life before or is there a life after. I felt like my body wasn’t my own and wasn’t listening to me telling it to stop!

Take it easy! Lots of ginger ale.

Enjoy the beach.


Ack! That’s seriously one of my worst nightmares when I travel — I hope you feel 100% better soon, Janae! I’ve never had food poisoning before, but my boyfriend got hit with a pretty bad bout of it when we were in Hawaii in early March and I can’t even imagine how bad it must feel. I got sick from eating too many Skittles back in the day and I couldn’t look at them for a few years after that, but I don’t even think that came close…


Oh no food poisoning is one of the worst things ever. Glad you are on the mend. After getting so sick the body is weak for awhile so relax on the beach! Brooke looks so cute! She is becoming a little lady.


I ran three miles yesterday in really strong winds which wasn’t so much fun. I’m happy to get out and off the treadmill though! My next race is next month already! I’m running the Green Bay half marathon.


I got food poisoning from canned dried tomatoes in oil. I realized the next day that the seal had been compromised and ther was yu lines all through the jar (that hadn’t been there the day before). It was terrible.

Racing this weekend! Cherry Blossom 10 miler in DC. I’m probably more excited to see old and we friends than I am about the race.


I’ve never had food poisoning. When you do have it, it is caused by something you ate at least 48 hours before symptoms start (and up to 10+ days before symptoms begin). Microbes take time to grow and multiply enough to make you sick. Sorry for the science lesson – the microbiologist in me is coming out! Either way, absolutely nasty thing to deal with while on vacation! Thankfully it seems like it passed quickly!! I’m loving your vacation pictures!


I was gonna say the same thing! Janae got food poisoning but not from the Indian food… it had to be from something at least a couple of days earlier.


Different microbes have different incubation periods. I just repeated my NRSFP certification and this question was on the exam. The most common types of food poisoning usually produce symptoms within 2-6 hours of eating the contaminated food. Some bacteria take longer to produce the toxins that make you sick, but most commonly, they only require a few hours.


It can occur in that short of a time frame if it is caused by Staphylococcus aureus (I don’t believe there are any others that lead to sickness so quickly) and it is more common in dairy products, so it would be more likely to come from the yogurt or ice cream if anything, probably not the Indian food. Either way, just horrible to deal with!


knock on wood, I have NEVER had food poisoning in my life… (that I’m aware of).. good to hear that it has passed and you will be enjoying some beach time… ps those malls look AMAZing (malls are like my Mecca).

This weekend I am attempting something INSANE for myself…. I’m running a half marathon Saturday and then a 5k on Sunday… I know people do it all of the time, back-to-back… but I’m a wimp lol…. I guess we will see if I make it to work on Monday…lol


8 miles for me today! Weather here is finally springy and it felt GREAT to run in shorts.

No races until at least June, I think! Probably a half-marathon (or 2!).


I am SO sorry that is miserable!!!! Being so sick and not even being at home when it happens. I am glad you are feeling better. I have never had food poisoning and hope to never have it!
I did a 6 mile very very easy run…I am having a little bit of hip/knee pain and my next race is my 1/2 marathon next Sat!!!


I never had food poisoning, but Chris got it in Peru. That was a BAAAAAAAAD. Hope you feel better so you can keep enjoying this amazing adventure. I think Chris just tried to accept it as part of the adventure. May be a good way to look at it.


Ah, so sorry you got food poisoning! Im glad you’re feeling better now!


6 miles of awesome spring weather here!
Feel better! I have never had food poisoning and I don’t want to, either. :( Sounds HORRIBLE!


6 miles of awesome spring weather here!
Feel better! I have never had food poisoning and I don’t want to, either. :( Sounds HORRIBLE!
YAY beach soon!


Argh, food poisoning is the worst. I’ve only had it once and I couldn’t decide if I was actually going to die, or if I just wanted to die. Glad you’re starting to feel better! I imagine being on a gorgeous beach in Thailand will take your mind off of last night!

I’m still trying to pick a next race, but I think it will be something short like a 5K or 10K.


Yikes! Glad to hear you had a relatively quick recovery, but sorry to hear that you had to waste hours of your vacation being sick…that’s the WORST!

Today I got in an unexpected 5 miles with a good friend and it was good for my soul to go running with a pal!

My next race is the beginning of May too! I’m running a 25k in Michigan over Mother’s day weekend because that’s where my mom lives. I’ve done this race before, but it was many years ago. I’m eager to see if my time will change!

Have a great rest of your visit! Stay healthy!


Food poisoning is the worst! I got sick while eating a tomato 20 years ago and still can’t eat one!!
I can’t wait to see your island adventures!
That picture of Brooke made my day…she is darling.


Feel better!! I’ve never had food poisoning…let’s hope it stays that way.

I only ran three miles this morning and three miles yesterday – I’m breaking in new shoes and I have a 10k on Saturday! My right hamstring, knee, and glute have been in pain lately and I’m quite nervous…I’ll be able to run but it might hurt during, which would be the worst!! Ugh, wish me luck!


I am so sorry to hear about your food poisoning. Hope you’re back to 100% quickly! I’ve only gotten it once and that was after eating a turkey sandwich. I did eventually learn to like turkey sandwiches again, though.

I have a ten-mile trail race coming up on Sunday, and I’m going to run it with another blogger that I haven’t met yet. I can’t wait! I haven’t run yet today, but I’ll head out mid-day for about six miles.


Oh no, feel better! I cannot wait to read your posts from Phuket. I lived there for a year and I love and miss it so much! Though I’ve heard it’s changed a lot and has become much more developed (I lived there in 2005). My favorite beach on the island at that time was Nai Harn beach. Not sure if it’s still as secluded and peaceful as it once was, but I hope it is:)


Feel better!


We went to Phuket on our honeymoon it is absolutely beautiful! Have fun!!! :)


My goodness- hope you feel better. Only thing worse than food poisoning is food poisoning on vacation. Um, the chocolate dipped cherry will now be on my mind until I find myself one.


I had 3-4 days (on the fifth day is when I felt normal again) of Chinese food poisoning back in 2010. I haven’t been the same since. I can’t even Chinese food anymore unless I make it at home. The only time I will eat it out is PF Changs and mainly because that’s more Americanized Chinese food. Now, if I’m in China, that’s a different story all together.


Oh, I’m so sorry Janae, food poisoning is the worst. I’ve had food poisoning from McDonald’s when I was in college. I got it the night before a huge Chemistry test and my professor wouldn’t let me make it up later so I had to go in and I failed the test.
No run today, tapering for a 1/2 this weeekend.


Eeee food poisoning. No bueno. I’ve never had it, but I’ve been with people who have. Glad you’re feeling better! That’s no joke.


I did some of my teaching training in the Caribbean, and I got food poisoning twice while there. One time was from eating out at a local restaurant while on vacation from my program, and the other was from eating watermelon that was pre-sliced for us at a market.


I hope you feel better!!!! Hydrate like crazy before you go all running about the country! Living viariously through you and your Thailand adventure!


My next race is a half marathon in exactly one month! I’m hoping to PR at it, but that means I need a solid month because the winter was rough on my training.


Ohh I’m sorry you got food poisoning! That sucks! I hope you have so much fun on the beach. I never made it there when I was in Thailand, so I’m excited to see your adventures.


Oh gosh, I’m so sorry you had to experience food poisoning! I got it for the first time just a few months ago from some chicken, and it was the WORST thing ever. I don’t wish it upon my worst enemy. Have fun at the beach!


I haven’t run yet, but will when I get home from work. I have a half marathon this weekend but I’m taking it more as a fun run and not really racing it. Hate to hear about your food poisoning!


I got food poisoning after my company Christmas party last December. It was from the SHRIMP which I heard is one of the nastiest ways to get food poisoning (that and Indian food poor you!). It. Was. Awful. It honestly took me a week to feel 100% after that.


You make parenting seem like such a joy. That’s not totally on topic of this blog post but it’s something I think every time I see your blog. I feel like the internet is full of blogs of parents complaining about the struggles of parenting but your love for Brooke and your love of being her mom shines through every post and it’s so heartwarming. I had gotten kind of scared of having kids after reading so many mommy blogs but I look at that last picture and get excited to start that journey one day! (She is precious)


Love seeing your travel photos and of course the adorable photo of Brooke. So sorry to hear about the food poisoning. I had two thoughts: get some probiotics if you don’t already have them and be careful with chopped fruit. I think I read somewhere that chopped fruit sitting out tends to grow more bacteria than full fruit-no idea if it’s true. Also, I would be careful about eating meats in other countries.


oh no, so sorry to hear about your food poisoning! that is the worst. :-/ i’m glad you’re on the mend now!

have fun on the island! can’t wait to see pictures :) enjoy!!!


Oh dear!! That’s awful!! I hope you are feeling up to par soon!! I’ve never experienced food poisoning… thank goodness!!
Hope the rest of your trip is amazing!! :)


I got food poisoning from food I prepared lol. I ate some leftover broccoli that was clearly too old and whelp, you know the rest. I hope you don’t have any more bad food experiences! That’s the worst on vacation!


I’m so sorry to hear you were sick. Food poisoning is the worst! I have had it once and thus can never look at bread pudding the same :(. I have run group tonight so that will be about 6 miles! :)


Food poisoning is the WORST — especially when you’re away from home! Hope you are healed and better ASAP!


Oh no! Sorry you were sick. Food poisoning is awful especially on vacation! Thankfully, I’ve never had it. I completed my run early this morning. I am a new follower and I really enjoy reading your blog, especially as I am training for my first half marathon that’s in a couple of weeks. You sure have motivated me! :)


I food poisoned myself the first time I ever cooked meat/ the first time I really tried to cook living on my own. I was a vegetarian in the home and a carnivore in restaurants for over a year after that.


I have had food poisoning before, and it was miserable!! I have a fun 5 mile race planned for the middle of May. I am pretty excited for it :)


Aww, Janae, that’s awful. I’m sorry! Isn’t this the second time this has happened to you this year? It is the WORST. I had it the beginning of the year for 3 days & seriously thought I was going to die…or at least never eat again. Haha! I survived off of Diet Pepsi (only thing that sounded good) & that was it…so healthy ;) Just glad Gabriella didn’t get it- just Craig and I.
Have some great runs- love seeing all of the sites. I’m vicariously living through you! :D
Oh sweet baby Brooke, stop growing up so fast! She looks absolutely beautiful, as always <3


Hope you feel better quickly!
My next race (Raleigh Marathon) is in 11 days!


I got the WORST food poisoning from the Mediterranean place on the campus where I work. I missed two days of work and only dragged myself back on the Friday because we had an all-day meeting (which included a lunch that I did not eat). The worst part is that the meal that made me sick was this chicken thing that tasted kind of like a traditional recipe my family makes that has always been my favorite food. The next time I went home, my Mom put in all the effort and made a giant meal of it just because I’m home so rarely. I could barely force down a bite of it. I’m not sure that I’ll be able to eat it ever again. I’m keeping Great-Grandma’s recipe though, just in case. Feel better. Sick at someone else’s house is never fun. :(


Oh, you poor thing! I hate being sick and being that sick while in another country would be the worst!!! I hope that you are back to 100% soon so that you can enjoy your time there.
BTW – I’m loving all of the pictures! The temple (a few posts back) was so incredible!!!


Getting sick on vacation is the worst, but I am glad you are feeling better! I have never had food poisoning, but my stomach is on the fritz enough to feel your pain.


Ugh, food poisoning. I had it a few weeks after having my baby and it lasted something like 5 days. SO not cool, so I know how you feel. It was from a Thai place, and same thing, can never eat it again *shudder*.


So sorry about your food poisoning while on vacation! Sorry to say, but a lot of these comments are right. Food poisoning starts about 48 hrs before the onset of symptoms. It may be due to your consumption of your beloved fresh fruit. The bacteria from the surface of the fruit transfers to the edible portion via knife blade. Be careful when you eat street vendor foods!


So sorry you got sick! That is terrible. I love Indian food, so I hope that never happens to me.

Mango is my favorite fruit and that looks awesome.


Is that a swensons? In thailand!? I didnt know it was a worldwide chain.
So sorry u got food poisoning. I have an awesome essential oil that helps with that. I will have to send u some.


Ohhhh, yes. I did food poisoning once. My senior year of college. We had all gone out for pizza and I shared a sausage pizza with a friend. I do remember thinking that the sausage had a strange texture (because it was apparently undercooked and still nearly raw inside) and then at exactly 2am with both got unbelievably sick. We lived in different dorms (not co-ed at my college) and only later discovered the time coincidence when I called them desperate for someone to deliver me some crackers and sprite. Needless to say his roommate was our food delivery person for 2 days. I have never been so miserable in my life! To this day (11 years later) I still cannot eat pizza that has large sausage chunks. It must be finely ground or I just do plain cheese or pineapple/ham. Shudder.


I got food poisoning from one of Bobby Flay’s restaurants in New York! Wretched.


I got food poisoning from a bacon cheeseburger while in San Francisco for a family wedding. My daughter was 2 months old at the time and I was nursing which made it so much worse. I was completely out of commission the entire trip and kind scared being away from home too. Even had a fever. Food poisoning is serious business make sure you allow your body to rest before diving into workouts too soon!

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