Nervous about the long run and true love.

No running for me on Friday morning.  We are running TWENTY MILES today (with 8-10 of them at marathon pace) and so I wanted to save my legs for this morning.  Honestly, I am kind of really nervous for this run.  

I feel like (who knows if it is true or not) I lost a good amount of fitness while in Thailand and during the food poisoning saga and I wonder if my legs will know how to do marathon goal pace this soon after.  I did download some new power songs to listen to during the tempo miles so that should definitely make me run speedier right? That is just what I am going to keep telling myself.  

This is getting out of control.  These two.

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I can’t help but eat all of the croutons out of my salad first.  These babies are so buttery and injected with 5 cloves of garlic a piece… I should just get a container full of them and dip them into ranch and call it lunch.  That actually sounds really good.

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During Brooke’s nap I couldn’t stay inside (my mom was home so I gave her the monitor).  It has been an interesting week and I just needed to be outside so I went on a long walk and then stopped at a place with a good view to read from my NEW BOOK.  

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Can you believe the mileage of the elite athletes!?!?!  I had no idea that elite 5k runners were running over 90 miles a week!  

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I do not know why my iPhone camera decided to make Brooke glow but it did.  I have been wanting to go see the Sacred Gifts exhibit at the BYU art museum and we finally made it over there.  Incredible.  The exhibit paintings were loaned from the Frederiksborg Castle and they have never been loaned out before… and they say that they will never be loaned out again so I am really glad that we were able to see them while they are here.   Growing up my dad always took us to art museums (especially on vacations) and I want to do the same with Brooke.  

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I take the night before a long run meal extremely seriously.  I ordered bbq chicken pizza but they brought out buffalo chicken pizza.. good but I probably should have had them bring out the one I ordered instead ha.  

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And some more time outside just because when it is spring/summer I never really want to go inside.  

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Long run or race this weekend?  Details please!!!

When marathon training—>  what is the longest run that you do for training?

Last running related book that you read?

What meal do you like to have the night before a long run?

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I like having a big ol plate of spaghetti before a long run!! Good luck on race Janae :)


Long run this weekend but only 12! I usually do up to 20-21 when marathon training. Good luck with your goal pace run!

Last running book I read was Advanced Marathoning, I think I’m using it to design my own schedule for my next race rather than follow a pre-set plan like I always do :)


I do have a long run scheduled for today. 12-14km on the agenda…hopefully. I’m going whenever the husband wakes up or when Max is napping. It is a beautiful day out here, so I’m looking forward to the run.

It makes me nervous that many marathon plans stop at 33-35K – what about the other KM?! I start marathon training in July!


I fueled up with a big plate of spaghetti last night, but I’m not running at all today (injured). Oh well, old habits die hard. :)


That pizza looks great!! I just bought advanced marathoning..I’m really looking forward to reading it!
I love that you take Brooke to art museums.. My parents did the same for us and I loved that they did that!:)


No long run today, still injured. Haven’t read any great running books lately. Any recommendations? Something that might motivate me? And keep me from the pangs of jealousy I get every single time I see someone else running. I’m open to suggestions. :)


What’s the longest run in Hanson’s hm plan? I always wanted to try Hanson’s marathon plan but maxing out at 16 miles makes me nervous! I have training plan trust issues haha. I just had my daughter 6 weeks ago but I am starting to get the marathon training itch :)


The weather is looking beautiful today, so I have plans to take the dog for a run. Tomorrow I’ll be doing 7 or 8 for my long run this week.

I’m reading Mile Markers right now, I love it!

I don’t really pay attention to what I eat the night before a long run. I don’t feel like my long runs (the longest is usually around 10 miles) need that much extra consideration. I’m probably wrong.


Since my knee injury I have been in a slump and I just tried an awesome exercise class- skyrobics! I am not sure if anyone has tried that out, it is at one of the trampoline places and it is an intense hour workout! I am going to start trying out some different workouts now that I am permanently sidelined from running. I will likely get out and race walk a short time in between swim lessons and Easter Egg hunt/Church event.
I always try to eat an easy meal the night before, easy I mean for my stomach. I never want to chance it. Spaghetti or grilled chicken is always safe. I go low on the salt too.


I have been in a running slump but am getting ready to lace up and give it a go. I miss my great runs where everything just works. Last running book I read was Born to Run a few months ago. It was fantastic!


That pizza looks so good — even if it wan’t the one you ordered :)


Just ran an easy 4 miles instead of my usual long run since tomorrow is the More Fitness Women’s Half in Manhattan! Good luck with your 20 mile run today!


In the past the longest run I have done was 20, but next time I start training I think I am going to go at least 1-2 runs longer. I just feel like my body will do better with that. I have been really wanting to read the Hansons book – glad you are enjoying it!


I get so nervous for long runs no matter how many I do… My husband thinks I’m nuts :). But the nerves pump me up and it works out just fine :). I used to do a 22 miler, a 20 and a few 18s but that was too much on me physically and mentally, so now the longest I’ve done training for Boston is a 20.

I eat paleo and my go to pre-long run dinner is turkey meatballs and lots of sweet potatoes. I swear by this and it has yet to fail!

I’m always reading running books and currently reading The Science of Running by Steve Magness! Great if you’re a science nerd like me :)


Hi Michele! How’s the books so far? Do you recommend it?


It’s definitely a lot of science (that’s in the name obviously) but I would recommend based on how informative and comprehensive it is. The second section adapts all the info to training so it is a great resource for creating training plans! It is a bit much though for a purely recreational runner. You have to go into it ready to focus, at least for me!


Sounds great. I’ll have to pick it up. I love engineering and science! Thanks for your feedback.


I’m running 12 miles today! Woohoo! It’s my longest mileage to date and I’m also a little nervous but I’ve been psyching myself up all week. I should be okay! I had a big bowl of spaghetti and meatballs last night and an ice cream cookie sandwich. I don’t mess around!


Don’t worry about missing a few days on your trip – I went to mexico right at peak training time for my full last time and it turned out to be a nice break my body needed.


On our to Raleigh NC to run a marathon tomorrow! Hoping it goes well I had good poisoning on Thursday, not fun! Praying for a PR!!!! That pizza looks delish! I think I need some pizza tonite!! Hope your run went well!


No race this weekend, but the long run is happening when this cup of coffee is empty…saaaaaaaad.

The longest run I have done while training for the mary was 21 miles. I might have needed more, but I dunno. Only having run two fulls, I don’t have much to base that off of.

I usually love having pizza the night before a LR.


I’m running comfortably long today :) like 8-9 miles.

I don’t have a set pre-long run meal. I feel like my stomach can handle a lot! White pizza usually does well though. Or brown rice and chicken.

I’ve never read a book about running! I should jump on that.


My longest runs are in the range of 17-20 miles. However, I feel I will do much better if I do longer runs in the range of 22-24 miles. A good spaghetti and meatballs meal does the body good.


10 miles today-my longest run yet! I’m really nervous for it because I usually run in the morning, but tomorrow is supposed to be cruddy weather, so today after work it is!


Before a race, I always eat rice, fish and a veggie. I’m not a big carb loader so my body would probably bloat like an elephant if I ate a ton of them before a race. If there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s that you have to be consistent and stick with what you’re body is used to.


My long run today is 9 miles. It’s my last long run before my half marathon next Saturday. I always get super nervous when I have to run a new distance. Last night I had some delicious Costco salmon burgers with some Greek-style couscous. Good luck with your 20 miler!


I have been water running lately to take the pounding off my legs,, and having to wait till mid week for that cause pool doesn’t open till 10 am and that’s too late for me.
Love all your photos with cutey Brooke!
Usually eat a good balance of everything before big workouts,.
Janae it takes 3 weeks of in activity to lose any fitness you had gained. It’s probably just your baldy just getting caught up to itself. Perhaps try alittle extra electrolytes on your big run. Hydration is key.


ONLY 15 miles today – woohoo! Running my first BQ attempt 2 weeks from today, so I’m into the taper (thank God!).

Definitely pizza the night before long run – pepperoni and pineapple FTW


What a beautiful spot you stopped at for some reading, sheesh! Getting outside and some fresh air ALWAYS makes my soul happy :)

I am almost done with Quiet The Noise…my first ever running book.

I’m sure you did great on your long run, new music was key… smart! Have a great weekend :)


I did my long run on Friday. 12 miles. The last two miles were tough. I’m in taper mode now for my May 4th half. My first half! I’m excited and VERY nervous.

I haven’t trained for a full yet, but the plan I plan on using when that time comes calls for a 20 mile as the longest training run. For my half, I did do a full 13 mile run about half way through.

I reread parts of Train Like a Mother the other day. I’m working on my fall half marathon plan. I’m combining two plans and adding some speedwork.

I don’t have time to think about what to eat before my long run…haha. If I think about it, I usually have a hamburger. Pasta doesn’t seem to work for me.


Congrats on your first half! You’re going to rock it!


The last running related book I read was The Jade Rabbit. If you haven’t read it yet you definitely should. So inspirational. Though chances are really good that I bought it after reading about it here.


I like to go to 22 miles when marathon training. No reason except the mental aspect of it. That plays such a huge part for me.

I read Hansons Marathon Method. Very good read. Even though I didn’t follow it (I went up to 22 miles for my marathon training, they have 16). I do like their cumulative fatigue approach and I used aspects of their plan in my training.

I’m running a local 10k tomorrow and my 7 yr old is doing the kids 2k! Should be fun.

I also like pizza before a long run! Or another starchy carb like spaghetti. But pizza is #1!


I got glutenized last night so I am going to try some sort of at home cardio that I will be near a restroom! HA! Your day sounds so relaxing! Let us know how that book is, I have been wanting to read it!


My long run is only 6 miles today – love it! It was beautiful weather for it too – finally!
I am not too picky about long run meals. Sometimes it’s pizza but mostly I just eat a regular dinner, I try to eat early though so I have time to digest.
It’s good to get some museums in on vacation! I find that i am good for one or two museums, max, before things start looking the same to me. I enjoy interacting with the locals and sitting in a cafe absorbing the local culture more than museums.
Good luck in your 20 miles. I am sure you will rock it!


I’m running a half marathon tomorrow. So I guess that’s my long run. I can’t believe the mileage that book shows for runners. I’ve run 11 marathons in the last 7 years and I barely get to the “beginner” miles. Definitely not winning my age group or anything, but I’m usually in the top 3rd. Those competitive and elite miles seem crazy.

The longest training run I’ve done before a marathon is a marathon.


Good luck! Or “believe it, achieve it” – my friend’s saying.

I think you should ignore your anxious minds’ thoughts in the same way you would ignore a badly behaved child i.e. not rewarding negative behaviour. Sounds weird but it’s true if you think about it – don’t add fuel to the fire. Sod your nerves because you can do hard things (I’ve adopted this) :-)


The last running books I read were The New Rules of Half Marathon and Marathon Nutrition – which gives you a great perspective on what you’re putting into your body – and Advanced Marathoning. I really love this book. I used their training plan for my last marathon (and got a 13 min PR) and I am using it again this season.
But I’d really like to read more of a narrative running book, maybe I’ll check out some of the ones everyone is mentioning!
After marathon recovery and some IT band problems I am finally back up to 10 miles this weekend! That makes me so happy!!


Long run or race this weekend? Details please!!!
My long run is only 5 miles, ha! I just got a new treadmill and am learning how much different it is than running outside.

When marathon training—> what is the longest run that you do for training?
I did 10 miles on the weekend before my first 1/2. It actually wasn’t too bad;)

Last running related book that you read?
I have never read one!

What meal do you like to have the night before a long run?
Pasta carbonara that my sister and her bf makes…yummy!

You live in such a pretty place!


Brooke and her little headband! So cute. I did an easy 3 miles this morning and am running a 20 mile trail race tomorrow in Central Oregon (higher elevation). Hopefully, I won’t die. ;) And hopefully, some of those miles will be fun. Off to yoga now. Walks in pretty places always feel therapeutic to me. Exercise really is the best therapy at times.


I really need to do an 8 miler today but holy cramps ugggh. I have a half end of this month which I’m probably the least trained I’ve ever been for a race. Had a cold. Took care of my kids who had colds such as life. So if I don’t run it under 2 hours it’s all good. Life goes on and I’ll train hard for the next one.
I think Born to Run last running book I read? Does this blog count?? Lol


we are running our first 10 k this weekend, V is the only 6 yr old running it


I went for a run with Sharsti this morning and it felt so good!
I love museums! Can’t wait to see some cool ones in Europe :)


Brooke and that little boy are the sweetest! Wouldn’t it be amazing if they got married one day and you had this picture and it could be part of their wedding slideshow? lol, I’m getting a little ahead of myself, but oh man. So cute!!

Taking a break to read a book while out for a walk is a great idea. Its a gorgeous day here today, and I think I might do the same thing and just hang out in a park for awhile. Perfect Saturday afternoon :)


I’ve always done right around 20 because science doesn’t really support going further. I usually run 50-60 miles max per week because I am prone to knee issues when I go over 50.


I am almost through the book advanced marathoning. I have 16km on tap for this weekend – taper time! Boston bound:). Longest run – 34km for marathoning.


Ran 13 today. Definitely was not prepared for the heat, but at least I remembered sunscreen!


The longest I’ve done in training is 20 but following one of the hanson’s plans I only did 18 this time. My pre-long run meal is usually a huge plate of pasta!


You should try hungry howies if You haven’t yet. The Andersen’s in my home ward opened it on 1600 north. You may know them. (John and Kristen, Quincey, Alexis) I haven’t been there yet but I heard its good.

I can’t imagine running 100+ miles a week! I’m doing the slc half marathon next week and hoping to PR!


I’m only doing 5 today because I have my first track meet on Tuesday! But it’s raining right now sooo I don’t know what I’m gonna do.

I’ve never read a running book but I want to read Running Like A Girl.

I love anything pasta before a long run! Lately I’ve been making penne with pesto, mushrooms, and onions. Yum! Good luck on your run today!!!


My longest run for marathon training is 21/22 miles. I usually run 2 20 milers. Any carb meal the night before a long run will work. Pizza, pasta, rice it is all good.


Race!!!! Half marathon!
Oh the hills!!!!!…they just kill me….maybe I should train on them! I wish I would have run it smarter, but I am ok with it. 1st in my age group…6th girl overall. The only part I am bummed about is the 5 girls passed me after mile 10 and 2 were in the last mile…my legs were not happy with me!


Trading this weekend, next race is in may :) the Newport half marathon, and janae, I really think you should come out to Oregon and do this one in the future!
Last running book it real was Killian Jornet’s “Run or Die”. It sounds dramatic but this young man is actually really down to earth and the book is kind of beautiful, he really appreciates the natural beauty of his surroundings, I highly recommend this read!
Before long runs I love to eat sushi! I gave celiac so carb loading is an art form for me. I hope your 20 goes well! Marathon prep for usually hoes up to 22 or 24 before I taper, and tapering usually includes a lot of yoga to keep me relaxed and mobile.


Hope your long run goes (went?) well! 8-10 at goal pace must be a big confidence booster. I like to do a LR of 22-24 miles in marathon training, but only if I don’t feel any little niggling pains that could indicate an injury coming on. Also wouldn’t do it if I were running <60 mi/wk, since that would be a pretty big chunk of the weekly mileage right there. How do you like the book?


My longest run was 20 miles… and I only did it once… I also didn’t have a super fast time, but I did finish! :)
Happy weekend long run!! Have fun!!


20 miles on the canal! I was looking at all the cute groups of gals that ran by….but you weren’t in any of them! Rest week then a 22 miler! Pizza is my best fuel food.

I can’t wait to read about your UVM… is going to be awesome!


13.5 has been my longest run. I did it while training for my first 1/2 last August. I was more worried about hydrating enough the days before the run. But; I did eat a big plate of spaghetti and meatballs the night before the race. I haven’t read any good running books lately..I probably should.

What do you eat in the morning before a race? I am still trying to figure it out.

Have a great run tomorrow:)


I ran in an impromptu 5k this morning. We’re traveling so no long run. I’m reading Run Less Run Faster right now and will give that plan a try for awhile. I prefer a light meal the night before a long run so my stomach feels good the next morning. Pizza is my go to post long run/race meal!


I love to eat pierogies with cheese and kale it just seems to make me feel good:) I can’t imagine that kind of mileage…70 to 90 miles is a month for me lol


I’m doing 16k tomorrow for the first time in almost three years. Kind of worried about it actually.

But, it does mean I can have a lovely and gigantic bowl of pasta for dinner tonight without feeling even a tiny bit of guilt :)


I used to train at 50 miles per week when I ran marathons. Anything more and my body rebelled! I’m running a local half marathon tomorrow. It’s the inaugural race and should be fun!

Hope your 20-miler went well!


No run for me this weekend, but I did table this morning at a race (tabling for Ragnar Relay) and all I wanted to do was hop in the race with them!


I just ran a half marathon this morning, and it was awesome! A full recap will be up on my blog tomorrow.


Where oh where did you get those adorable headbands Brooke wears???? My daughter is only 7 months, but she has a ton of hear and keeping her hair back is essential!

Have an awesome day!


They are from here:)


Mmm, that pizza looks great! I hope the training run went well!


I’ve never really read any running books… except for born to run but nothing else has ever grabbed me which is strange since I love running blogs… I don’t know. I’ll be on the lookout.

I used to eat subway the night before a long run, I’m not sure what I’ll do in China… rice I guess.


longest run: 37Km
dinner before race: I know it shouldn´t be like this but my only concern is eating early so i can sleep well and wake up light
Reading: unfortunatelly my running related reading is we articles and your blog, my job does not leave me a lot of time to read


I truly loved reading your site.


I ran a Mud Gauntlet 5k this morning! So much mud, but so much fun. I will be lounging for the rest of the day for sure. I have not started marathon training yet (my first full is in September), but I’m curious to find out what others’ longest run is while training. Running related book: The New Rules of Marathon and Half-Marathon Nutrition by Matt Fitzgerald. I like pasta or pizza the night before a long run!


I almost always have pizza before a long run or a race. The longest training run I do for marathons is 20-22 miles.


It comes right down to getting organic traffic in the event
that you really need to produce gains.

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