My highest mileage week ever and my penguin blanket attempted to save me.

Even though we were freezing after our 20 miler we still jumped in the river because I am learning this whole ice bath thing prevents me from being sore for a week like I usually am after a long run.  

My good ol’ trusty penguin blanket that I have had since I was 4 did everything it could to keep me warm.  I also wore an old pair of shoes this time (last time I didn’t wear shoes) and that helped a lot.

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8 minutes of torture but the saying ‘misery loves company’ could not be any more true in this circumstance.  

Isn’t this how most people spend their Saturday morning?

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If I can’t hang out with Brooke this weekend you better believe I am hanging out with her older twin.

This girl is going to be quite the little heart breaker.

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For dinner I went up to Salt Lake for Steak Night.  This is a 10 year strong tradition and basically everyone just brings a steak and our friend, the Grill Master, cooks up the most amazing steak and it was heavenly (there is no way to make a picture of steak look as good as it actually tasted).

BUT, two things about this table of food.

1.  Free diet cokes and I resisted.  I don’t even know who I am anymore.

2.  I brought my s’mores bars and made at least 10 new best friends because of them.  Food is the way to people’s hearts.  Also, next time I am going to top them with peanut butter cups. 

3.  Okay, three… I ate about 40 of those deviled eggs,  how are they so good?

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After Steak Night I continued working hard on my latest goal—>  To rewatch every season of House.  So far I am doing a really good job at putting in a lot of time and energy into this goal every night.  


 And two more baking extravaganzas from this weekend:

1.  Homemade ice cream on Friday night with Oreo and Butterfinger crumbles (great pre-run fuel).

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2.  And starting Brooke young on knowing how to make the perfect chocolate chip cookie.  

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I hit my highest weekly mileage EVER.  62 miles.  Marathon training makes us do the craziest things.   

Monday:  9 miles on the trails, I have no idea what my pace was but we took it extremely easy.

Tuesday:  12 miles with 3 x 2 miles of speed (6:15, 6:12, 6:20) and 5.5 miles later on the trails with the sister @ 8:54 average.

Wednesday:  7 treadmill miles at 8:34.  

Thursday:  8.5 miles on the trails @ 9:13 average. 

Friday:  OFF

Saturday:  20 miles @ 7:18 pace with 8 @ 6:50.  I do not ever want to relive this run again.  

Sunday:  OFF  

Next week I am taking a major down week and then I have a 1/2 marathon on Saturday.  I probably won’t come up with my goal for that race until I am at mile 4 or so and see how my body is holding up (my right quad is not super excited about racing after yesterday).

Just in case you were wondering what a down week was:

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I hope you have an amazing Sunday and only 26.3 more hours until this girl is back!!!

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What is your Love Language (food ((yes, I am adding that one)), physical touch, acts of service, quality time, words of affirmation or gifts)?

What is your highest weekly mileage ever?

Who else has given up soda?  For how long?  Why did you give it up?

You have to choose one… cookies or ice cream?  You can only have one for the rest of your life, what would it be?

-Ice cream.

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Ohhh cookies or ice cream?!? I think I would have to say cookies!

I very rarely drink soda (we never buy it) – so when I do have one it tastes so amazing!


I hope I get to that point where I just drink it occasionally like you and I don’t become a full blown addict ha:)


I used to only drink Coke when I was little! It was pretty much all my mom ever drank and so I just copied her :) I realized sometime in high school that I actually didnt really care of Coke or soda at all. I dont like how it makes you feel burpy and full. I will drink ginger ale when I am sick with an upset tummy though.
I choose froyo. I am shocked and slightly disappointed in you that it wasnt an option ;)


Wow, you are right… I need to go back and edit this asap.


Brookers is looking so old all of a sudden…where did the little girl go??

Cookies or ice cream? I think I’m going to say cookies as well. I always have some in the house.


I know. Seriously. I feel like I just had her. Enjoy a good cookie today:)


Nice high mileage week! You are going to have an awesome marathon. I think my highest weekly mileage was around 53- so you have me beet (and so do 90% of the marathoners I know…. I guess I like low mileage!)
So, I’m not a big fan of soda- I feel lucky!
I choose cookies (only because I’m lactose sensitive- I LOVE ice cream but have to plan ahead with lactaid and eat it on a non running day. what a pain!!)


I actually think I do way better with lower mileage but I wanted to experiment this week with it. Oh, that is a pain!


I think I would say cookies but that is very reluctantly that I say that because I do LOVE Ice cream!

Every week has been crazy mileage from what I’m used to. this week was 46 km (I think that’s around 28 miles?) I’m feeling so great though! I have a half coming up in 3 weeks so I will be taking a down week before that.


GOOD LUCK MEAGHAN! You are going to rock it and awesome mileage this week!!!!


Quality time. But emphasis on the quality not the time. I can have the best 5 minutes with C after work and that’ll tide me over the entire night.

Haven ‘t had DMD in a month.


I seriously think about you when I want a dc and how you quit:)


I gave up soda four years ago. It was tough at first, but honestly I don’t miss it now. Every once in awhile I will have a diet soda, but it’s rare. I found that I really just liked the bubblieness of soda so I replaced it with Le Croix sparkling water and club soda. Try it!


I will seriously have to try that… I NEED BUBBLES!


Le Croix is awesome :) I quit the bad stuff too!


Acts of service for me :) Highest weekly mileage was 57 (which I’ve not come close to lately) and ice cream hands down.

You are seriously brave with the ice baths! Love those pics!

Down weeks are so good and I had no idea about them a year ago but I think they are a must for staying healthy as a runner.


I gave up soda when I had my son bc the carbonation bothered his stomach so going on 6 months now… I will admit I’m looking forward to a delightful fountain diet coke.

That is a tough choice. If say ice cream because if go for cookie dough or Oreo ice cream to satisfy both worlds :)

My highest mileage week was 30 miles ( I’m a newbie still) but I aspire to get to your level!!


I think my love language is all of those. I guess I’m needy :). Highest mileage week = 103! Never given up soda, but don’t drink it too often. The choice between cookies and ice cream is tough but I’d go with cookies probably.


I’m with you on the ice cream thing. I love crunchy cookies, but I would hate to give up choclate+pb ice cream!

I gave up soda about a year and a half ago, and now when I have it I actually don’t even like it anymore! It makes me burp like crazy, haha. I can’t drink water ALL THE TIME, so I enjoy unsweetened iced tea … especially at restaurants :)


I gave up all soft drinks in May of 2013. It wasn’t really that hard. I was a Mountain Dew addict. I dropped 5 pounds that month. After that i started running in June of that year. Not up to your level yet. I have run 5k’s and one 10k. I am currently doing a training plan for a half marathon in September at Talladega Speedway in Alabama. I ran 8 miles this morning.

My highest mileage week so far is 22, but doing my training plan i will work up to 32 miles per week.

I would give up cookies before ice cream.


Cookies or ice cream? Cookies or ice cream? I don’t think I could possibly choose so I’ll have to go with cookies and cream flavoured ice-cream! :-)


I gave up soda about four months ago. I only want Diet Pepsi (sorry…don’t kick me out of the club) and Aspartame is a killer migraine trigger so it had to go. I don’t like regular Pepsi. It was easy to ditch. I do love the bubbles.

I love cookies. I love ice cream with stuff in it (like Blizzards and such) but Celiac says no. So I’ll take cookies because I can find some that are gluten free.

Brooks older twin ~ no joke. They look so much alike! She is beautiful. But my feet are cold looking at her bare feet.


*Brooke. Sorry. I typed too fast…


The food in this post is just off-the-chain!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, that last pic of Brookers is just way too cute…. she’s looking so grown-up. Way to go on all of the miles! I don’t even know my highest mileage week, but I think it’s probably in the high 40’s. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


I rarely drink pop anymore as well. I do on occasion, I just try to drink iced water all the time..well and coffee…


I’m trying to stop drinking diet coke. I only have about one per week as a reward after a long run. But they are just so bad for me. So I’m trying to stop.

And cookies or ice cream? I guess ice cream.
Seriously, how can a person make that choice?


Brooke is looking so grown up these days! What a cutie :)


Ice baths are the best! But also a form of torture!!


I do not know how you guys sit with your entire lower body in the cold water. I can only stand to do it up to mid thigh. Once time, I took an ice bath in my bath tub where I sat in the water, but I only put like 3 ice cubes in it.

I think my highest mileage was 78? And sometime during college, I just sort of stopped drinking soda (except ginger ale). Now when I drink it, it tastes gross!


Oh my god, I never understand how you sit in the freezing water for that long!

I would give up cookies before ice cream, but I’d much rather give up cake than either of those. Cake is just not as good as cookies.


i think wearing penguin blankets should be a new post-run tradition :)

62 miles this week? holy moly, you definitely deserve a down week after that! good luck on your upcoming half :)

i choose ice cream, specifically your homemade ice cream – it looks so yummy! i stopped drinking diet soda a few years ago, but i do enjoy drinking sparkling water sometimes (TJ’s has the best flavors!).


I gave up soda probably 3-4(maybe 5?) years ago when I was on a health kick. I never went back! Though it’s delicious, it’s just a bunch of nasty chemicals(I drank diet soda as well)! It never made me feel good anyways so I rarely miss it. I would definitely encourage you to not give in! :)


I love the picture of all of you in the river! How awesome! I am totally jealous of you having such amazing running buddies. I had a great group, but lost all of them, because they just have other priorities in their lives this year


I don’t have pop more than a few times every year on average (probably 10 or less), and I feel like that’s good balance for me. That ice cream looks AMAZING!!


This week was my highest mileage week also-33 miles. I would have to choose ice cream over cookies, I don’t think I could live without it. :-)


My love language is quality time. I just love hanging out with people! Sounds like you had a great week! I am just starting a 10k plan this week to help work on my speed for the next 12 weeks and then I’ll begin marathon training. I’m ready to do this and stay healthy this time :)


A world where I’d have to choose between cookies and ice cream is too cruel of a world for me to imagine! Haha.

Highest mileage week? 50. Was I young and uneducated about running and did all of it in 4 consecutive days on an indoor track? Yes. Could I walk on day 5? NOPE. Thank goodness, I learned FAST from that mistake! :)

Have a wonderful, wonderful reunion with Brooke!


My love language is gifts. Love giving them and getting them, no matter how small they are.

Ice cream, hands down. I am not the biggest cookie fan.


I love, love, love House…I always enjoy the songs they play at the end of the episode and I am always amused listening to house knowing he is an English actor.

I would choose frozen yogurt over ice cream and cookies….although I have been eating lactation cookies nonstop lately, they are suppose to help with milk supply and I have an 8 week old, so I tell myself they are good for the two of us and give myself permission to eat a gazillion a day.

And Brooke does look so much older…didn’t anyone warn you that after she hit her first bday time would fly by? If you thought 1 to 2 is going fast just wait till she turns 2, you won’t have time to blink and she will be 3!!!


Curious to know..does a down week come after 3 weeks of regular training or on the third week itself?
Choco cake for the win!


love language… probably a combo of words of affirmation/quality time

45 – most miles in a week

I gave up soda for 2 1/2 years in college… senior year of nursing school and I started drinking dr. pepper again. :)

hands down cookies!!! but I also have sensitive teeth, so I don’t eat a lot of ice cream normally.


My love language is quality time and words of affirmation- and as I build new relationships and meet new people, I continually realize just how true these are!

My highest weekly mileage is 20, but it’s usually well below that. I’m not nearly as proactive about hitting the road as I should be.

I actually gave up soda over a year ago. I wanted to make a lifestyle change, and now I only drink water and coffee for the most part.

ICE CREAM. All day, err’ day. Gluten free cookies just aren’t the same, so that was an easy one! :)

Wishing you the best for your upcoming half and full! Oh, and your Brooke stories and pictures are some of my favorite things!


Cookies! A warm chocolate chip cookie is something very hard to turn down :)


Food is for SURE my love language! I could care less about physical affection and all that stuff lol :) I haven’t drank pop in years! It makes me feel gross and I never even crave it. But cookies and ice cream? Every day. I can’t pick one!!


I would say 57 would be my highest ever! So much pain, but so much love at the same time :) I gave up pop about 9 years ago and have not taken a sip yet! I gave it up for lent but then just kept giving it up :)


Cookies. No question about it….I have never liked soda at all ever since I tried a sip as a child. So I never drank it. Ever. But, I am trying to kick the Extra Watermelon gum habit and haven’t had a stick since Friday. Maybe it will last lol.


I gave up Diet Dew for Lent and haven’t had one since. I must say it was easier to give up than I thought. I won’t say that I will never have another one but I now know that I can live without it.
My highest mileage week is 56. Thinking that’s about my breaking point. My body doesn’t really like anything over 50.


Language of love is food and quality time… both of which can be combined which is always a plus. I love spending an evening with friends and/or family and catching up.

I’ve never been a big soda drinker so I never struggled with not having it… though I did give up chocolate for 5 loooong years when I was trying to lose weight. Then I realised life was too short… so I started eating it again over Christmas!

And I’d have ice cream if I could only have one of the two… I looove ice cream!


Choosing between cookies and ice cream is a tough one! I’ll probably have to choose ice cream!

I gave up on soda a few years ago. When I was growing up, my mom would be cases and cases of soda! Then I learned how much sugar was in it and I slowly started training myself to drink lots of water throughout the day. Now I don’t even crave soda anymore!


My highest week was 73. That was almost two years ago and I will ever be able to run like that again. :(. Too many injuries.

I gave up soda (diet Pepsi) 10 years ago when trying to get pregnant. I have a root beer about once a year and don’t miss it at all.

I could give up cookies (and my chocolate chip are to die for!), but never frozen yogurt or ice cream! My birthday is next week and I want is my Ben & Jerry’s Phish Food Fro yo. No cake, cupcakes, or cookies, just Phish Food!


I choose ice cream!!! But as someone pointed out above, I choose Froyo. ;)

Wow!!!!! I am so impressed by your mileage. Especially the fast pace of the 20 miler.


My highest weekly mileage is also 62 miles! I hit that number about a month ago when I was training for a marathon.
I never drink soda anymore, but back when I did I gave it up for lent one year. I don’t know how I really stopped for good, but I started drinking alot more water and eventually that became all I drank.
I think I would have to go with cookies…but that is a tough choice!


Acts of Service and Quality Time are totally my love languages. With my latest ex (a gluten- and dairy-intolerant fellow), I realized I was done with our relationship when I stopped getting excited about going into the “Special Diets” section of the grocery store to make him something special for dinner or dessert. Sad. :(

Cookies or ice cream? Definitely ice cream!

Once you’re done with House, check out Veronica Mars. I’ve got a feeling it’ll click with you!


I used to drink 8-10 cans of Coke per day (OMG the sugar!). I gave it up when I started getting serious about my health and lifestyle. Giving it up was the worst thing ever! It’s still my kryptonite though – I can’t have it in the house and only allow myself to have it once in a blue moon or I’d start binge drinking it again. What’s awesome is that during Ironman races they have it at aid stations on the run and I don’t feel AT ALL guilty about drinking it then! :-)


I HAVE THAT PENGUIN BLANKET!! Oh my goodness, I’ve had it forever and ever hahaha such a ratty old blanket, but definitely warm!


I just hit my highest weekly mileage! 21 miles :) so proud

Somebody made ice cream? I’ve always wanted to make it but that would be pretty dangerous considering that is my favorite food ever. I love ice cream so much.


I’m lucky enough that I’ve never really enjoyed soda, which is great as I’m sure I’d have an addiction if I did.

My addiction is ice cream for sure.

That little girl of yours gets cuter and cuter as the days pass!!


Ice Cream. Preferably cookies and creme flavored. Highest mileage week 54 miles – or about 88km. I think in km:)


My highest mileage was 105 miles. I’m kind of an addict to high mileage.

I rarely drink soda. I do like LaCroix though.

I’d choose cookies over ice cream.


Love language? I’d have to say quality time.

My highest weekly miles is somewhere around 26 miles.

I never really drink soda. I’ll have a ginger ale or a dr pepper from time to time, but very rarely.

Ice cream. For sure.


Okay those pictures of you guys in the freezing water with your blankeys – hilarious! Love it!

Love language – Words of affirmation :)

I gave up soda once for a few months….it is a dark time, let’s just not talk about it. ;)

Homemade ice cream is my absolute favorite way to eat ice cream – you must try peach! Like now. Amaze! But I have to say that if I had to choose, I would go with cookies, only because I have a sincere weakness for sugar cookies. I want to be buried with them.


Ice cream for sure!
Does drinking slurpees count as drinking soda? Adding the two together (ice cream + slurpee = a screamer) is also an amazing combination!


I think I am going to go with cookies. But as I type that I am also having a crazy Coldstone craving so what do I know?


My love language is Acts of Service. I feel so boring knowing that if someone mops a floor/cleans a toilet/loads the dishwasher it is akin to them whispering sweet nothings in my ear. But that’s who I am.

Highest weekly mileage ever was something around 40ish miles. Dang, why can’t I remember the exact number? I should keep an exercise journal.

I’ve never had to give up soda because I can’t drink it. I have a super high sugar tolerance but for some reason mixing sugar and carbonation makes me realllllly dizzy. So I don’t drink soda. My nemesis is chocolate. The longest I’ve given that up is for 6 months. But, for the good of my family, I now have a goal to NOT give chocolate up ever again. My husband thinks a chocolate-less Liz = a grumpy Liz?

Cookies!! I love baked goods more than ice cream.


My highest mileage week ever was 68 miles.

I would choose cookies. I really love cookies. :)

And I quit diet coke two weeks ago cold turkey after I finished my candidacy exams and masters. So far so good…we will see how long it lasts!!


Highest mileage week is probably half of yours. But I bike also. Cycling I average 100-140 miles a week.
I gave up soda a couple months ago to cut down to my racing weight. I’m 5 months post baby and down to 16% body fat so it was worth it.
And ice cream for sure!


Wow good for you that looks chilly to say the least! I haven’t had soda in 3 years!! I would choose ice cream too :)


I haven’t had soda (or pop as we call it in Canada!) since 1991. I went to a summer camp for a month and when I got back I realized I hadn’t had pop, chips or chocolate bars in that month and so I decided to never have them again – pop is the only one that made it! Don’t remember what it’s like at all!

Ice cream for sure!!


Love language: quality time. (And food for sure!)


Ohhhh! Your smores bar recipe has made me many new friends too.
Funny that you and my husband have been on the same House watching goal lately.
Brooke looks so adorable (and grown up) in the cookie pic.


Gifts and quality time are my love languages! That is me to the tee!


Wow – that is some seriously impressive mileage although I’m even more impressed that you could stay in that water for 8 mins!

My highest weekly mileage is only 30 miles but am hoping that will increase soon.

I hardly ever drink soda – usually it’s only if I need a sugar boost ASAP.

And it has to be cookies all the way!


My highest week ever is also 62 miles! It was right before the taper for my marathon.

Hmmm…cookies or ice cream? That’s a tough one but I think I’d have to go with cookies!

I haven’t given up diet coke and don’t think I ever will. However, I got a soda stream and I love making sparkling water with it, do my diet coke consumption has gone way down!!


Words of affirmation! (I still want to read that book)

Cookies. Straight outta the oven


Can I choose ALL? No? Ok well words of affirmation, touch, and acts of kindness (I know that wasn’t one of them) but when my husband is “extra nice” or
Makes me happy:)

And cookies…always, always cookies!!!!


Wow! Congrats on your highest mileage week EVER! Amazing. I bet you’ll love this rest week and then dominate your half on Saturday!


Love, love, love your ice bath. You have such amazing surroundings. I think Words of Affitmation and Acts of Service. My friend just told me about that book the other day! I wish I could put in your mileage and have your speed.

I drink Diet a coke on occasion. So,bad for you but when I do I looooove it.


Ice baths are amazing! I should have had one after the SLC half. I’m listening to a cranky pisiformis this week!


After my first marathon, I was in so much pain. Everyone told me take an ice bath, two days later I finally had the guts to do it, day 3 after the marathon I ran 8 miles! AMAZING!

And I’d have to say cookies. I’m from Philadelphia and we have a cookie store called INSOMNIA Cookies (You’d love it) they’re all served hot, they deliver and are open until 3 am. If you ever make it to Philly, make sure you add that to your list of things to do! :-)


Funny, I just started watching the first season of House tonight. Since I’m at work, I wasn’t able to finish it (like, 3 minutes left? If that?)

I don’t drink soda, but starting tomorrow I’m going to ditch sugar for a month *knock on wood*


Food is my love language…ran a half today my goal was sub 2 hours and I did it! 1:57…it was very hilly I need to train more on them hills. I told my husband I loved him so much as he got me Mexican food! Yum! Does cookie dough ice cream count?


I am pretty accepting of all of the love languages!

My highest mileage week was somewhere in the high 50s.

I have given up cokes. I used to drink one of those cute, tiny ones every day and now I don’t. I have a cherry coke (coke with grenadine) when we go out like most people have a glass of wine. I have been “off” coke for about a year. It was really hard!

I would *definitely* pick cookies. I like frozen yogurt, but ice cream? Notsomuch. I know. I’m weird.


Ahhh there are times when I don’t drink soda at alll and then I go on a stress induced coca cola binge. Right now I am not drinking soda but the next time I see a nice cold can you better believe I’ll be taking one! :p
COOKIES…right out of the oven :)

Karen @karenlovestorun


probably 55 miles was my highest weekly mileage.

I just stopped drinking it in high school and I haven’t miss it since! :)



I’ve never run a marathon, and I’m pretty sure my highest mileage week is only around 30 miles! Maybe someday :) Congrats on a great 20 miler, I hope the ice bath helped and that you aren’t feeling too sore!


Your running always amazes me! I gave up diet coke for a loooong while…then failed. Then restarted, and then failed again. One of these days it will be gone for good!


My highest weekly mileage EVER was when I was in college and we were doing doubles and it was about 75-80

I gave up soda for Lent one year… we have since reconnected and are living happily ever after

Hands down ice cream… I love ice cream and have recently become obsessed with gelato…. thank god I run because I would be in serious trouble…lol


I don’t know what my highest mileage week is…but I think it’s probably in the high 50s or low 60s.

I’d definitely take cookies over ice cream. Both are delicious, but you can always just freeze cookies if you need a cold treat :)


Doesn’t that ice cream look delicious! It’s a hard one, but I think I’d pick ice cream over cookies, too.


My love language is touch. I’m constantly wanting hugs & snuggles :)
My highest mileage ever is nowhere near yours. It’s probably about 50 or so.
I don’t really like pop, so I rarely drink it.
Ice cream for sure. That stuff is amazing. AND, you can have cookie dough ice cream!! Now that it’s spring I’ll soon start making homemade ice cream too. I love mint chip best :)


My highest mileage week was a couple of years ago when I was training for my first 50-miler–I did around 75 miles. I way over-trained for that race and then ended up DNF-ing. After that I decided to try to keep my peak mileage in the 55-60 mile range to stave off injury and exhaustion.


I won’t give up soda! I don’t drink alcohol, don’t smoke cigarettes, don’t do drugs, I just need this one little thing. Some people have a glass of wine at night, me, I go for diet orange soda. It’s who I am and it’s what makes me happy.


I used to be highly addicted to diet coke. And I suffered from headaches very frequently. My fiancé made me give up the diet coke and I noticed a huge difference, no more daily headaches! I went cold turkey with it and now am at the point where I can enjoy one once in awhile as a treat.


I like quality time. And I think my highest mileage is 50 something……..that was last fall during marathon training. I usually do 20-30 a week unless I am training then it is somewhere from 20-50.

I gave up diet sodas on my birthday this year. I have read so much negative stuff about the fake sugar so I decided to go cold turkey. I have not given up soda though…when I drink it now it is the real stuff, which has lots of calories which I have to be accountable for so I try to limit myself to just three days a week where I can drink it. My weekend days and one work day (mid-week).

I love me some cookies, but I would say ice cream I think. I love vanilla bean!!! It always makes me really thirsty though, like I have to drink a 20 oz bottle of water thirsty!


Years ago my Mom and I would stop and get the Route 44 Dr. Peppers from Sonic…actually anywhere that had large cups. One day we made a bet on who can go the longest without soda…Lets just say I won that bet. I didn’t have another soda for years. Now I just have soda when I make a mixed drink.


I haven’t drank soda in years – so glad I gave it up! Mmmm the cookies look great!


I gave up diet coke…10 days ago. I feel your pain! There’s nothing like cracking open a can and taking that first sip. Oh man, stopping now! I’m quitting because I’m trying to get healthier to get pregnant with #2, and just to feel better overall. I’m definitely sleeping better, but ready for the craving to go away!


Ice Cream, Ice Cream and Ice Cream. Also, I’m on season 3 working my way through House. I. Can’t. Stop.


HOUSE! I have the same goal yay for netflixing every night.
62 miles?! Thats awesome and inspiring me to want to get my weekly milage up higher this summer. Marathon training for October!! I have no idea what my highest was, sometime during my last marathon training.. probably like 35/36
Ice cream!!


Injustice cannot be easily tolerated and the victim and his family will no doubt want to get justice and
apt compensation for the personal injury. Question #2: If I am in an auto accident should I
talk to my own insurance company. It is their priority to ensure that their clients not only receive an official court date
if needed, but they also make sure all clients are compensated fairly.


Injustice cannot be easily tolerated and the victim and his family will no doubt
want to get justice and apt compensation for the personal injury.
Question #2: If I am in an auto accident should I talk to my own insurance company.
The case is settled via consent of both the parties in a civil suit.

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