I don’t know if I will ever warm up again after today’s long run.

It rained the majority of the run, the headwind was out to kill us and it got really cold (good thing I dressed for a cold day;) but we finished the 20 miles.  It’s crazy training conditions that makes us strong for race day right?!?

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8 marathon pace miles in the middle (6:50) and an average of 7:18 for the 20.  We did the last 20 miles of our upcoming marathon course.  I am just a wee bit tired so I am back in bed with 88 blankets.  Overall, I felt strong but silly mother nature likes to mess with us every now and then and I let her get in my head.   

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The Brookers is gone (let’s just not talk about it) but we did have a fun day together yesterday.  A little lip gloss on the cheek never hurt anyone.  I am guessing she wants to always put this on because I apply lip gloss on myself every 20 minutes.  

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And she is positive that her calculator can send text messages.  

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See you later!!! Enjoy your Saturday and fill me in on what you are up to today!!!

Running in the rain?  How do you feel about it?

What was your Saturday run?   

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I just got done with my run and I was feeling grumpy all day, but I feel like a million bucks now. I’m in France and I got to run over two really pretty bridges! I haven’t run in the rain in years (it never rains in Southern California), but I always liked it because it made me feel hardcore. Happy Saturday!


Wow, after reading this, I’ll never complain about training conditions for a run again. Amazing work getting it done!


I like running in a light rain, but when it pours and the water gets in my eyes it drives me crazy. Also I hate running in puddles and having cold, wet feet!

Today I have 12 miles on the schedule! :)


Ran in the rain this morning but it was only 6 miles! Felt great actually since I’ve been resting all week after Boston. I think you deserve to not get out of bed the rest of the day after yours though. great run you will be amazing for your marathon!


That is one awesome long run!!!! Soak in a hot bath and you will warm up :).
I did 12 miles today (right now that is my long run) and I am happy with how it went since yesterday was a speed day for me. My legs were tired but I was still able to hold a decent pace :)! I got that top too by the way (from Gap) and I LOVE it! I wore it yesterday…great base layer…now I just want to find one a wee bit lighter a little closer to Lululemon swiftly.


Way to truck through 20 (speedy!) miles in the rain! I don’t feel too good about running in the rain. It feels nice and all (I’m in FL so I’ll take any cooling off I can get) but I am constantly worried I will slip. I prefer running in perfect weather conditions ;)

Rest that bod and enjoy your weekend!!!


Holy Moly!! I’m fairly certain I’ve never run that fast in my life!! You are amazing! We are having rain today too and a beautiful 67 degrees and it makes me want to be outside all day! I love overcast skies! I’m thinking bike rides will be on the agenda today! :)


I prefer snow over rain, but neither stop me since I run commute to work every day.. Nice job on the 20!


Running in the rain feels good while I’m doing it, but is miserable afterwards. You never feel like you will warm up!! The last race I ran in the rain, it ruined my shoes. So I am a little against it at the moment, regardless of how great it feels.


I like running in the rain, if it’s not a total downpour. It helps keep me cool when I’m running!

No run planned for today. My boyfriend has been out of town for two months and is home for the weekend, so we’re being lazy and enjoying being in the same state!


My Saturday run is usually my local parkrun. Parkrun is huge here and I cannot praise it enough – although I don’t think it is as big outside the UK. A free 5km run in my local park with 400 runners of all abilities every Saturday. We rotate the volunteer roster and I receive a text each week with my time and position! Today I had my second ever first place finish which has made my week! Believe it or not it has actually been a sunny(ish) day in Glasgow today and I am considering going out for another run this evening just to make the most of it! http://goo.gl/PcRb0S


Today was my first day back at work after a holiday. It was actually really good to be back, selling shoes :) It was also my first time seeing my boss since running the London Marathon so it was good to quiz him on it.

I love running in the rain… up to a point. The last mile or so to cool me down is always a plus :)


The hubs and I are going to a wedding today! I ran long yesterday because I knew it’d rain today.
I just finished eating brunch… wheat pancakes and scrambled eggs… yum!! :)
I’ll run in the rain if I’m running with friends… by myself it’s not fun.


Running in a light rain, with no wind, is fantastic. It sounds like you were running in a hurricane! Yikes! So impressed that you finished. I think you need some sugar products now. :)


I had a great run with my favorite running partner this morning and it’s my birthday. Perfect way to start the year 37. Great job on your run. You are definitely tough!


I actually don’t mind running in the rain. I’m usually running hot so the rain cools me off some. For my first marathon in March, I had a couple of rainy long runs, but wouldn’t you know it on race day it was unseasonably hot! I would rather run in rain than heat any day!

Today was an easy 8 miles, tomorrow I have 14. Nothing exciting for my Saturday, prob just some errands. Have a great day!


I love running in a light drizzle in the summer but that’s about it!

Today I did an easy walk/run…. it’s getting harder to run now that I’m 26 weeks pregnant. I’m still amazed that you were able to run during your whole pregnancy! :)


Woo way to go on that run! My workout is coming up- a strength session with my boy! Hope I can make it…


Ugh, I have yet to do my saturday run. I slept until 11 this morning! I’ll hopefully get in another 14 miles in the next two days. Fingers crossed!


Brrrr I just got home from running 14 in the rain…I like running in the rain a lot but today I got super cold!! I took a shower that was so long that I used up ALL the hot water!!!


Head winds are the worst! Glad you pushed through and that is an awesome time for your 20 miler!! Happy Saturday :)


No running today as I need race legs for my pace bunny race tomorrow (can’t let the peoples down!).

So far I went to Target, walked around the mall and cleaned up my messy house! Now I am trying to fix my iPad 2 as it has just become so darn slow.


I don’t mind running in the rain except when its really cold out too! I ran today but kept it to 6.5 miles since I’m not training for anything right now. It just felt good to be out there running! Great job on your run today!


Great job on your long run!! Today is kind of a recovery day, so I’m only doing 3, but I did CrossFit this AM and discovered I can do precisely one (1) kipping pull-up. The sad part is I was really pumped about it! :) Haha


I can’t believe you ran in this today! It reminds me of the weather I had at last years salt lake marathon. In theory, I like running in the rain. As soon as my feet are wet and I’m sloshing I’m sort of over it.
We made sourdough waffles for breakfast and i asked my kids if they want a pajama day…yes’s all around! I have to wait until my husband gets home before I can do my run.


I did my run for the weekend yesterday- a 10k. This morning I biked 29 miles at a hard pace, so tomorrow I’ll definitely be craving some nice, steady pilates and stretching. I don’t love running in the rain, mostly because it means I can’t bring my phone with me (and i don’t run in silence while training).


I did my 22 miler yesterday because of the rain. BUT it was windy. My last 3 miles I had a cross wind that was blowing dirt and sand at my face. After it was done and I was laying on my bedroom floor, I really tried to convince myself it was fun. Now it’s time to taper for Ogden :)

Can’t wait for UVM….you’re going to do awesome!


I can’t believe you did a 20 miler in this crazy utah weather!! You are a bad@$$!! I only did 12 with all the rain and all the wind it was HARD! I’m so glad today wasn’t my 18 miler!!


My sister and I ran only 6.5 miles this morning because we have a race next weekend. It was a really nice run despite the rain and the colder temps. We decided that we would drop my car off and then drive her car up a canyon, running from her car to mine. I was so excited to see my car until I realized that I had left my keys in her car (even though I reminded myself repeatedly to put them in my pocket). We had also left our phones in her car. Luckily my car was in a highschool parking lot and we found a teenager willing to let us use his phone. 30 minutes later our brother rescued us. Yeah for brothers!!!


Headed to Washington DC for the Nike Women’a 1/2 Marathon! Can’t wait to run tomorrow!!! Have a great weekend!


No run for me today, I have the Nike Half in DC tomorrow. BTW, you run 20 miles in the same time it takes me to run 12. Ugh. I will eventually get faster right??!!


yeah….that’s some crazy running there. Nice job. I was cold just reading about it.

Can I say how freaking cute Brooke looked just sitting in the sink with her little hair up and that sweet smile? That’s all we’re gonna say about that.


I love running in the rain but ONLY the rain. No wind or snow please! Today I took some pictures of a recipe for my blog and I’m just about to head out for a bike ride in the beautiful weather! This morning I ran an easy 7 miles. I’m not supposed to go much longer than that because it’s track season and my coach won’t let me!


I love running in the rain…as long as it’s not for too long, it’s not raining too hard AND it’s not too cold. I’ve come home before from running in the rain and been just freezing!
How do you run without any water or fuel? 20 miles is a long time, do you fuel at all? My body would kill me if I went that long without lots of both.


I ran a 30K today in Eden, UT. It was also cold and rainy. I’m just now regaining the ability to use my fingers. I’m pretty sure I had the beginnings of hypothermia, but I survived and got my long run done.


I was so tired and sluggish all day so decided to go for a quick 30 minute run and now feel great! I live in England, so it’s a good chance it’s going to rain, so I’ve learnt to love running in the rain but I’d rather have sunny warm weather!


I ran in the rain today, too, but it was 68 degrees out – life in Hawaii! 10 miler with rain coming down hard at mile 4 and mile 9. I just cranked up the music and smiled through it. My last run in my 40s – can’t wait to see how my 50s turn out ;)


I ran a half marathon in the rain about a month ago. It poured buckets but I PRed. Guess I just wanted to be done faster. :)
Today I rest. Tomorrow is the nj marathon. Just spoke to the pace group leaders at the expo. They seem groovy so I’m hoping they can keep me in the game to finish with a new pr. But I am prepared to let them go for the sake of enjoying my run if it gets too tough.

Speaking of tough hope your separation from the brookers goes by real quick.
I hate wind way more than rain!!!


I got out before our crazy rain. End of a beautiful recovery week for me. So five EASY miles. I take my EASY days very seriously!


I like running in the rain…I think I enjoy it more when it’s not raining when you start and then it begins to rain during the run.

Today’s run was a sunny 8-miler with my sisters.


Love running in the rain. With a baseball cap on, it just feels good to be outside. Also, as everyone else is inside all warm and cozy, it makes me feel tough. It’s good to train in rain, because what if it rains on race day?!!


Looks like you’re right on track for your marathon, awesome! I love running in the rain:). My run was a wimpy 2 miles on the treadmill.


I like running in summer rain because it’s such a nice break from the heat!


I ran my long run this morning (13.1 miles) in the rain and was so grateful that it wasn’t windy. Give you major credit for your run! I don’t mind rain but when wind is involved, forget it. Wind makes everything in life worse.


There’s nothing wrong with a lip gloss obsession. I have one too!
I haven’t gained the courage to run in the rain/wind/bad weather yet. The treadmill is just so much more appealing!


Way to go! I did a 10 mile run yesterday (training for a half marathon) so I’m taking it easy today.


You look great in hot pink! Great job on your long run!


You rock! An average of 7:18 for a training run is pretty awesome!
My littles are running track today and no run for me since I am doing a 1/2 tomorrow! I might do a quick shake out run later at the hotel :)
Honestly, I’ve never full on ran in the rain before, it sounds like it could be fun, but also dangerous as I’m not one of the most coordinated people.


First off, Brooke’s lace shirt is adorable and secondly, let her think that calculator sends texts for as long as humanly possible. Much cheaper version of texting! ;)

Well, living in Oregon, I couldn’t be much of a runner if I didn’t run in the rain, but that doesn’t mean I always enjoy it. Today we have just been running errands and doing a few things around he house. I ran an easy 3 mi because I’m running a hilly half tomorrow.


It’s surprisingly not raining in Seattle today! I’m going to my friend’s son’s first birthday party!


16.5 kms along the water! beautiful day :)


20 miles!!!! Oh man U rock!!!!!
I ran for an hour and a half today in wet heavy snow. My hat and hair were soaked and I froze the whole way home in my car. A hot shower and coffee have never felt/tasted so good.

Congrats on your run :).


Those are some AMAZING miles, girrrrrrrllllll!!! Ugh, mother nature is being mean to us here too. I should do a longer run for my half next weekend, but I don’t want to venture out into the cold today. Please make me… someone, anyone!!


we had soccer and then to home depot to buy new faucets and a sink…it stinks to be an adult


5 hour ride followed by a 45 minute run in the worst headwind you could imagine (I thought Ontario was the only bad place for wind – sorry Utah). Definately a “mental toughness day”. If the wind is this bad for my two and half hour run tomorrow I might actually cry. For real.


I was scheduled to run 15 miles today, but the ice cream I shouldn’t have eaten yesterday had other ideas and I gave in after 8. Tomorrow is another day. :) For the remainder of today I plan to work on a new cupcake idea. Chocolate/Peanut Butter/Salted Caramel. :)


Today has been a wasted day so far. Went into work for a few hours, then a few hours of shopping with my mom. Next up is my niece’s baptism and family dinner tonight. Looking forward to it!

I don’t mind running in the rain, but running in cold rain is a no.


Ran the Crazylegs Classic today in Madison, WI. Fun race, but had some hills for breakfast! It was nicely organized and really fun overall. Lucky that it was sunny!! :) Good for you for finishing in those awful conditions. You should rent a movie, make some popcorn and light some candles tonight…. Time to relax!! ;)


Run was 10 miles, last run of any significance before my first marathon next weekend!!! I’m so excited and so ready! I’m praying for no wind or rain, the wind has been absolutely miserable lately. Great work pushing through 2o in the rain! I don’t mind running in a little light rain, but heavy rain no thanks .


I ran 20 miles in the rain today too!! Luckily, no wind. Wind is definitely the worst! The first 13 was just a light drizzle, but after that it really started coming down and I was freezing and soaked! I was proud of myself though. I’m training for my very first marathon. The Ogden Marathon!


Whenever I run in the rain, I think about how much stronger and tougher it makes me. My least favorite thing is hearing the swoosh swoosh swoosh in my shoes when they are filled with water – and blisters as a result. Awesome job sticking with it and finishing strong. I didn’t do a run today but completed one of my fastest 50 mile rides ever!


Running in the rain is rough at the beginning, but once you’re soaked through, there’s really nothing to it, right? ;) I actually enjoy looking at the expressions of the people driving past me. Everything from “ARE YOU CRAZY!” to total pity or empathy.


Last night I got dumped by the guy I was dating. Shortly after a local photographer had an opening for a pinup style shoot at a 50s diner and I decided to jump on it. I spent my day getting my hair and makeup done 50s style followed by a couple hours of photos. It was super fun and just what I needed today!


Ran seven miles in the Utah rain today. Love running in the rain, Not a fan of my soggy feet though. The hot shower after was amazing!!!


This is pretty random but I love your bright shirt and how your hair is done in that last picture!! beautiful!


I don’t mind running in the rain as long as it’s not cold, but yeah, it can be hard to stay warm once you’re wet if the temps are chilly!!


You are so fast/ amazing! I ran my 20 milers in the middle of December and they were brutal! It definitely makes you stronger :) Hope you enjoyed the rest of your Saturday!

Karen @karenlovestorun


Today was my brother’s birthday and so I made him your mom’s lasagna as his special birthday dinner!!! SUCH a hit!! DELICIOUS :)


Love running in the rain! It never rains in AZ so when it does it feels glorious to be outside. Snow…not so much.


call me a geek, but that is the best toothbrush (the purple one) I recommend it to all my patients! :)
Brooke is just the cutest!


You are brave to go in the rain, I chickened out! 4 miles on the treadmill at 8 min average pace.

I went to Chipotle with my husband and son for lunch today… yum.


I don’t think I could have done it! Great job! :) Drink some hot chocolate. I did a nine mile today! Felt GREAT! There were a bunch of beautiful waterfalls along the way. Loved it.


so I tried to run on my treadmill today for the first time in a month. I was on it for about 26 seconds because the sound it was making was really bothering me. so I hopped off and discovered that the belt on my treadmill has a big rip in it. I folded the treadmill up and then just did weights. glad I saw it before I was running on it.

later today I went to a gymnastics performance for my daughter. right before she performed a local dance studio had kids performing. they were all pretty mild and the girls were cute and acted their age. THEN there was this 10 year old girl who did her hip hop routine that started ok but then she turned around and shook her butt to a song that said “talk dirty to me” over and over. that was a little disturbing. what is with people letting their little girls do stuff like that? anyway. tangent. sorry.

it was an awesome Saturday with my family followed by yummy texas sheet cake cookies made by my sister in law and in n out for dinner. YAY!


No run on saturday but a great Marathon today, maratón atlántica en la Coruña España, not great time expectations but i really cold and windy time.


Had a day off today, been real tired lately and i am getting alil lazy so i really need the motivation to get back into it after my injury. Amy i totally agree with you, isnt it appalling how some parents can allow that disgusting behaviour. I went to my daughters singing concert and one girl who was about 8 years old sang a sleazy song, i stood there looking at my husband and shaking my head the whole time while her mum was there bopping along while her daughter is singing about making love, what the heck is this world coming too :(


I used to take pride in running in all seasons while living in Maine. Now that I’m in China I don’t venture out on bad air days, luckily I’m far enough in the country its not usually a problem. Still gross though. Good luck warming up!


Youre a champ because I never run in the rain. Like, ever. I don’t mind if I get caught in quick sunshower at the end of a summer rain but that’s about all I can handle.


I live in the desert, so running in the rain sounds amazing.


Wow! 20 miles! I just recently started reading your blog and am SUPER blown away by how quick you run and the distance you run!! Super motivating to me- as I am I new runner!


WOW congrats on your training run. That sounds like it was tough but you conquered it.

My Saturday run was 6 miles with my sister and husband, it felt great :)


What a great run! Yesterday was an easy 5 as I ran the Nike DC half this morning and had a blast. I love the necklace you get : )
Hope you are having a great weekend!


Totally random but where are your grey sweatpants from? Congrats on a great 20 miler!


I LOVE running in the rain in the summer, but any other time and it is awful. The chafing, the freezing, no thanks!


Not a fan of the rain unless it’s in August when it’s 150 degrees with 1000% humidity. My very first Half Marathon was in 40 degree temps with rain. Not fun but I felt really hardcore when I finished!


Oh man that sounds like a ROUGH run- you are amazing!!

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