A life-changing tip from HRG

We are just going to go ahead and rewind all the way back until Saturday at the SLC airport when my mom and Brooke picked me up.

We had that whole ‘slow motion running towards each other’ thing when we saw each other.  She giggled for 30 minutes straight.  Usually, I get sad to leave vacation but not this time, I loved my trip so much but it feels so so so so so good to be back with the Brookers.

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After the airport I made my mom drive me straight to get a burger and fries.  It was almost an emergency.  It was amazing and everything I was dreaming about.

Brooke and I played for a while, did some errands and then when she went to bed for the night, I hit the treadmill (it was dark and I do not enjoy running in the dark alone).

10 miles @ a 7:18 average pace with miles 6 & 7 @ 6:33 pace.  It felt surprisingly good even though I was running at night (but technically it felt like 8 in the morning to me because I was still on Bangkok time).


Sunday morning German Pancakes….  mine turned out a little thick but still delicious.

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We watched lots of General Conference cuddled up on the floor.  

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A walk out on the bike path.  Brooke is obsessed with her elmo/skeleton shirt and she won’t take it off.  

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I have decided that I would put absolutely every fruit or vegetable in a salad and love it (except for olives).  This one had red peppers, apples, edamame, broccoli, cauliflower, peas and chicken.  

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Remember THE cousin?  She came over yesterday and we got to have a lot of bonding time together.  

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And because I have never gone a Sunday without some sort of baked good for dessert, my mom and I made my favorite cookies.  

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A life-changing tip from HRG:  put some of your chocolate chip cookies in the freezer because they taste AMAZING frozen.   

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When was the last time you used the treadmill?  Feelings lately about the treadmill?

Fruit or vegetables that you would NOT put in a salad?


What is mileage goal for this week?

-Back to 50 for me.  

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So happy that you’re back home safely with your baby girl :) .


The picture of you and Brooke at the airport is so incredibly sweet. It made me tear up a little. Have fun snuggling your little lady!!


I can see why Brooke won’t take off her Elmo shirt. It’s awesome.

I once put chocolate chip cookies in the freezer to try to deter me from eating all of them in one sitting, but all I did was discover how amazing frozen chocolate chip cookies are. Whoops.

I love my treadmill. I walked on ours yesterday, but sciatica pain has sort of sidelined me from any real exercise lately.


I love that Elmo shirt on Brooke, so stinkin cute!

Lately I have been loving the treadmill. I recently discovered the show Chopped and I think there is nothing better than a long treadmill run while watching the show and thinking about the food I’m going to make when I get back home :)

I go in phases with the treadmill though. I’ll LOVE it for months and then I’ll hate it for months.


What a sweet picture of you and Brooke! It melted my heart :). I’m glad you had fun on you trip but I know you are glad to be home.


Loving the treadmill lately! I’m so much more speedier and I got in 17 mikes this weekend, all on the treadmill. I’m not really a fan of celery or grapefruit, but everything else can for sure go on the salad. Need to make those cookies!!


I hope to get back to running this week. So the treadmill sounds like heaven.
I’ve never put cherries on a salad. And I don’t like radicchio.

Time to bake :)


I haven’t ran on the treadmill in a month… after a few long runs it was becoming more like a chore instead of enjoying it so I have been facing the crazy weather:( I think that the treadmill has become run only when necessary.

My mileage goal for the week is 40-50 miles…after my race this weekend I really NEED to get some good long runs in!!!!

So happy to see pics of Miss Brookie again… she is sooo stinking cute!!!


No matter how my kids act sometimes, if I’m away from them I always miss them like crazy and the reunion is amazing. I’m glad you’re back with your Brooke.
I run treadmill most days so I can get a workout in while my kids are still asleep, but so I’m here if they need me.
I also hate olives. BLECH.


Welcome back and what a great way to come back with Brooke so excited to see you. I would rock that elmo shirt all the time also, its awesome.

Treadmill – Used the treadmill last week, Loving it right now because it doesnt make my ITB hurt.
Fruit or Vegetable – I’m not a sweet salad person, so its either a fruit salad or vegetable salad, no mixing.
Milage – Milage goal for this week is about 25.



I use the treadmill all winter. I live in New England and I’m such a baby about running in the cold. It gets boring though and now that it finally feels like spring here, I’ll be back outside soon :)


Those cookies look so good! I’ll have to bake them this week (and freeze some)!

I just bought a treadmill so I’m lovin’ it right now… but I’m sure that’ll change in a few months ;)


Frozen cookies (or brownies!) are sooooo good!


Glad you made it home safely and I’m sure Brooke is too.

And thank you because now I am craving those cookies!

No planned mileage for me ths week because I sliced my toe open while swimming in the Gulf of Mexico…:(


The last time I used a treadmill was Thursday. It looks like I will be on the treadmill again today, thanks to the rain, and I am really unhappy about it. I was looking forward to getting outside for a run!


LAst treadmill run was over a month ago! WOW i didn’t even realize it until now!!! I might hop on it tomorrow though because i NEED To do some Yasso’s and the tmill forces you to go faster when you do not want to. Plus, now that it is getting warmer outside-it doesn’t actually feel like torture to be on it!! :)

I lvoe that shirt she is a dolL!!! Mileage for me this week is all unplanned…I don’t want to overdo it with Boston being only 2 weeks from tody! EEK!!!

those cookies look amazing!


Your reunion with Brooke sounds sooo cute!!

I’ve been trying to run on the treadmill at the gym and I just can’t do longer than 15 minutes without being bored out of my mind. I’m in a rut with running right now but I’m just focusing on other workouts to make up for it ie. crossfit wod’s I find online and weight training.

I would put pretty much anything in my salad but I’m especially into roasted veggies right now on top of baby spinach.


I agree with olives- not a fan! I really enjoy fruit in my salads but rarely put it in. The last treadmill experience I had was a week and a half ago and it was ROUGH. Glad I got to run outside again this week :)


Isn’t it amazing when you can enjoy your vacation, but then alsobe excited to step back into your normal routine?

I was on the treadmill on Friday. Ok weather out,but every now and then I just feel like doing the treadmill.


I did 2 warm up miles on the treadmill before heading out with the hubby this morning. I’m very ‘eh’ about the dreadmill but it’s so awesome and convenient to have when I need it.
I would never put beets on a salad. Blech.
Mileage goal for the week is 26ish.


Nothing to do with your post. Wanted to let you know TOMs Is having 15% off. Promo code is CITRUS. I remember reading you wanted a burlap pair a while back.


Love Brooke’s smile, it is so adorable!! I pretty have a love affair with the treadmill haha It just never gets old for me. Hmmmm….I wouldn’t put cauliflower or fish on a salad. My running goal this week is 10!!! And putting cookies in the freezer is genius! My mom got me started on that when I was little, and now I put a lot of food in the freezer!


So glad that you are back with Brooke!! SO sweet!!

I ran a quick 4 miles on the treadmill on Saturday and am doing a workout later today on the treadmill. It is pouring rain here today so I figured that was the safer way to go :)


Yay! Welcome home friend! I’m probably hitting up the treadmill today. I don’t mind it :)


I’ve never thought of freezing cookies… I like them warm and gooey so frozen woudl never cross my mind. Maybe i’ll have to try it! :)


I love putting olives in my salads!


I am against citrus fruit in salads. No mandarins please :(
Dried cranberries is as fruity as I will go. Well sliced green apple is acceptable too.

This was my highest mileage week at 35.

I haven’t been on a treadmill in two weeks. And I don’t miss it. So that’s how i feel about that. Lol.

Welcome home. You should have videotaped the airport reunion in slo mo. Lol.


even better in the freezer….brownies!!! oh man. so good.


I used the treadmill last week and only made it a mile because I was so sick! Luckily, I’m over that now and I had a good run yesterday outside. Hoping to get about 35 miles in this week I think! Plus some spinning and BodyPump too :)


I always have chocolate chip cookies in my freezer! Perfect for emergencies and great eaten without even warming them up!


That’s amazing. I’m having the worst burger craving and over a year away from American soil…. but I love Chinese food and hope the cravings go away. Such an awesome trip, Thailand is definitely high on my list of places to go.


Your reunion picture is darling.

I do not think there is a fruit or vegetable that I would not put on a salad. I am really racking my brain for one.


ooh frozen cookies, never thought of that one before! I ran on the treadmill last week and even though I much rather be outside, I don’t mind the treadmill. I’m not a big fan of fruit on my salads. When it is in there I usually pick it out and eat it separately. Low mileage week for me!! I’m recovering from my half I had on Saturday and I’ll be travelling this weekend so I’m not sure if I will get to run much.


I don’t mind the treadmill, but I could most definitely not do 10 miles on it! I usually only do about 3-4 miles when I use the treadmill and that’s where I do my speedwork.

I don’t like mushrooms at all, so no mushrooms on my salad or anything for that matter!

My mileage goal for this week isn’t that high. I have a half marathon on Saturday so I want to get in about 3-4 miles today, 10 on Wednesday and then it will be 13.1 :) on Saturday! So about 26 miles for the week!


I’m with you on olives…I like black ones, but only on a sub or sandwich or something. And green and kalamata are just no.


I enjoyed reading about your adventures in Thailand!
Glad you had safe travels!!!!!


I haven’t been on a treadmill in months – But I don’t run as often as you. I am supposed to run tomorrow as I have to wait 1.5hrs for a meeting. The original plan was to run outside while waiting but the forecast is calling for buckets of rain, so I think I am going to have to go to the gym that is attached to my school and run on the treadmill instead.

I love that Elmo t-shirt!


Used the treadmill on Saturday and love it!

I don’t like fruit or nuts on my salads. Or salad dressing. Just give me the veggies straight up, without drowning them in greasy stuff, and I’m good.

Mileage this week? Hmmm, my pregnant body insists I take things a bit easy. So it’ll be like 1/5 or 1/4 of your goal. :)


I have a goal of about 25 this week (coming back from injury). I would never put onion on a salad. And the treadmill has not been seen in a long time! :) So glad you are back with Brookers! :)


The last time I used my treadmill was last night. I do almost all my mileage on the TM after my babies are asleep. Yay for night running (kind of…).

I really don’t like papya. It’s so sweet! I had such high hopes that I would love it.

Mileage goal is 60 this week.

Happy your back with your little one!


I don’t have a treadmill, and I wish I did–it would be really nice to have that option for days when the weather doesn’t cooperate, or I don’t have time to get out before dark. I do use a friend’s treadmill occasionally, especially during the winter, and I enjoy it as long as I have something to watch while I’m running. Otherwise, it’s torture. :)

Mileage goal this week: 0-5? I’m hoping my foot feels good enough to start running again by the end of the week, but that’s not likely. This is week #3 of no running. :/


So glad you are home again with Brooke, even though your trip looked amazing! I am tapering this week since my half is in a couple of weeks, but I do have my 12 mile run this upcoming Saturday.


Went on the treadmill Saturday for 5 miles. I just got a new one so I have no excuses not to run, ha!

I am like you, no olives and definitely no mushrooms!

Probably a low mileage week…16 miles? I’m not training for anything currently, just want to keep my endurance up and will start training in June.

So glad Brooke is back! I love her jacket and leggings!

If you ever get a Carl’s Jr. chocolate chip cookie, you must freeze it. Only way to eat it!


Brookes shirt is awesome! Too bad they dont have one for adults. :( I would totally wear it. I don’t like olives…at all. If I eat on olive on accident I am over dramatic and whine about how nasty they are!

Glad you are back safe!


I actually did 5 miles on the treadmill this morning and yesterday. First time since my foot injury. At first, I was getting upset with myself that I could do my usual 8-12 miles but after my Mom’s open heart surgery last week I realized it’s ok to slow down and let my body tell me how much it’s ready to do and work up from there. Sometimes we just need a little perspective is all.


Welcome back! I love the treadmill as long as it is accompanied by Netflix How I Met Your Mother episodes. I think I am off the treadmill until next winter or too much rain.
2 weeks until Boston! I think I’ll do about 20 miles this week.


Not a treadmill fan myself, especially since it’s finally spring time in Minnesota. Seriously, I thought it would never get here! I’m taking advantage of every nice day to run outside until it gets cold again! :)

Cute pictures of Brooke!


I detest olives too!


You are my olive twin- I do not like them one little bit and would never ruin a salad by putting them on top ;) Feelings about the treadmill right now- no thank you, I would rather not spend time with you. Mileage this week- 5,4,3, and then 2 miles (from today through Thursday) and then my half marathon on SUNDAY!!!


That salad looks amazing! I have been craving veggies lately. I am also not a fan of olives.

I will run on a treadmill if the weather is terrible. Other than that, I try to run outside. I think I would use a treadmill more if I had one.

Mileage goals for this week are a little weird since I have a race on Saturday.

Sunday-9 mile run
Monday-15 mile bike ride planned for after work today
Tuesday-3 mile run planned + 2.5 mile walk with the pup
Wednesday-strength session + indoor volleyball games
Thursday-3 mile run/walk with the pup
Saturday-half marathon race day

-Back to 50 for me.


I really struggle with boredom on the treadmill, and end up going much slower than I do out on the roads. Before I transitioned to running outside, I’d been told it would be the opposite; I should expect my pace to decrease from what it was on the treadmill. I guess all of the fun scenery proved that theory wrong. :)

I would put any and every fruit and vegetable on a salad, but not all at the same time. Not so sure about the broccoli and apples combination. How did it turn out?

I’m working my way towards consistently hitting more than 20 miles per week. We’ll see how this goes!

Welcome home!


No running for me …….. just recovery and rest! I completed a marathon yesterday and am absolutely bushed! It was wonderful and scary …. :) Enjoy being home again! Ridsx


I do not run on a treadmill.

I do not like oranges in my salad.

Only running 25 miles this week. I’m on taper for Boston!


I would never put bananas in a salad. I love them on their own but there is no salad combo (except fruit of course!) where they would work.


Welcome home!! I think I would leave raw onions off of my salad. I like cooked onions but raw, not so much. However, I will take your olives and mine, too. I LOVE, them!!!!


Oh man now I want cookies. I think my goal for the week is going to be 25 miles.


So happy you made it back home safely from Thailand! It sounds like you had an amazing time!

When was the last time you used the treadmill? Twice last week.
Feelings lately about the treadmill? I absolutely hate it and realized more than ever on my wonderful run outside yesterday that the treadmill lies! It tells you that you are going slower than you really are. Ok, well, in defense of that dreaded piece of equipment, you don’t really change your pace on the thing unless you manually do it so that makes a big difference.

Fruit or vegetables that you would NOT put in a salad? Hmmm… I’m not a big mandarin orange fan.

What is mileage goal for this week? Not sure. I’ve been training and it’s not all by mileage. There is speedwork in there by time but I did have an amazing 8-mile run outside yesterday in the gorgeous weather. :)


Oh, she is so happy ! :)

Not been on a treadmill for a long while. One super windy day in February.

Black olives, gross.

No goal, ran Napa Valley Marathon about one month ago (BQ !) and have just been winging it, enjoying running a whatever mileage.


It sounds like you had just the trip you needed!

I wouldn’t put bananas on a salad. I like bananas, but don’t think they would taste good on any kind of salad (unless it’s a fruit salad).


I love just about anythign in my salads, but I hate tomatoes! I’ve tried to get on the grape tomato train, because they look so pretty in salads! But I just can’t do it.


Glad you had a great trip and are reunited with your little one :)

I ran on the treadmill almost all winter due to fear of falling on the ice. On Saturday I ran outside for the first time in a long time…and today my quads are still extremely sore! Running outside on actual hills is definitely not the same as running on a treadmill at a constant 1% incline.

No beets on my salad…or on any of my food, ever!


Maybe someone asked this already but what is “general conference” (definitely not like General Hospital I bet) and what day do you not eat baked goods? We’ve seen a lot of fritters in your life lately… not meant to be rude, please don’t take it that way.


Yay for a happy homecoming!!


Yayyyy for being reunited with your Brooke!! :) Annnd now you’ve got me wanting a burger and fries. Yum.



Olives or raw tomatoes – can’t do either of those in a salad.


Back to… zero miles! 4th week of non-running for me… =(

My fav salad (I eat it almost every day for lunch): spinach salad with tuna, tomato, beans, flax seeds, almonds, and Asian spicy peanut salad dressing from TJs.


I actually worked out on the treadmill this morning and it felt great! 4 miles while watching Frozen was just what I needed :) I really don’t like having peppers on my salad, they just don’t taste good to me :/ I’m glad you’re back home with your sweet Brooke!


That is pure joy on your faces in that airport. What a great picture!


That salad looks divine!

I haven’t had a treadmill run in a while since the weather has warmed up, although I might have to hit it up later today. There was major flooding in our area overnight and I don’t think the road conditions are good enough to run on them yet.


Peas & corn cross me out – so either of those.


I love the Elmo shirt! Very cute. I also need to try your recipe for cookies. I just bought chocolate chips today and might make them later!


So glad you are home to that little smile!

I have a love hate relationship with the treadmill. I would much rather run outside but I run at 5AM and I don’t like running in the dark alone either! Therefore my outside runs are limited to the weekends. Any suggestions? Besides find more friends who want to run at 5AM with me:)

I don’t like onions or olives on my salad but any and everything else goes!

Mileage at 30-35 weekly goal for me right now.


Love German pancakes! We watched General Conference too. So glad you’re reunited with Brooke, your trip looked amazing!

I ran on the treadmill last week and remembered why I love running outside so much. I don’t like the treadmill because I have way less motivation to run when I can see exactly how fast I am going and how long it will take me to get mileage in. It’s much better to just run without knowing!


Awwww that picture of you and Brooke! LOVE!

General conference is the bomb—it was so so good!


I don’t say this easily because I’m convinced that my son is the cutest child to ever grace this planet, but your daughter is awfully close. Her little grin is just precious.


That Elmo shirt is too cute on Brooke! If I had one I wouldn’t take it off either!

I totally cannot stand the treadmill lately. Had to rely on it too much over the winter and now that it is what I consider “running weather”, I just cannot talk myself in to getting back on it! But if I have no other option I will.

No weekly mileage goal, just training for my first half marathon :)

No red onions on salads for me!


That pic of you and Brooke is truly precious. It made me imagine how excited she was when she knew you were coming back.
I am doing a modified running streak this month so I’ll be running every day except Saturday. Planned mileage this week is 15 miles.
I love olives in a salad – greek salad anyone?


I agree with you about the olives and I wouldn’t put artichokes in there either.


So happy to see you back with Brook and it was so nice to see all your posts from your trip to Thai Land! And…I will have to put my chocolate chip cookies in the freezer next time I bake them :-)



Such an adorable pic of you and Brooke and that pancake looks awesome. I dont mind the treadmill, i have been running outside for 15 years and i had shin splints then another injury and then another and now that i have children i could only run when they are asleep which means early mornings on the treadmill, it could get boring, but i make sure i run with an ipod and watching telly at the same time and the hour normally (except the week before my monthlies) goes pretty quick.

Does anyone else on here also suffer from poor runs a weeks before the period?, sorry to sound gross but i cant put my finger on why my runs suffer so badly, like this week for example :(


Never olives! Or eggs – bleh! And that picture of you and Brooke needs to be framed, priceless! I love her Elmo shirt! In the middle of the second session of conference yesterday, Crew hands me the remote and goes, “Elmo! Elmo! Elmo!” I cracked up! Brooke is a month or two older that my Crewser, but I believe in arranged marriages….just sayin. ;-)


Frozen cookies are the absolute best!


Frozen cookies are so good! They’re especially good when you crumble them on top of ice cream :)


No mushrooms for me!!

Welcome back to the US. Glad you had fun in Thailand. What an awesome adventure. It is also fun to make a few chocolate chip cookies sans chocolate chips.


I think the last time I used the tready was just before Chiberia went away. *le uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh* it’s the worst of my life, and I don’t know how you or anyone can do it.

Regarding the veggies and fruit in salads: I really need to explore what this might be! I need to eat more salads…like badly.

Meh, 28-30. Harry and I are going to our first speedwork session with a group on Wednesday night. THAT should be interesting. :)


Frozen cookies and cookie dough = amazing. Love that Elmo shirt! Like, I would almost wear it myself… :)


Such a good idea to freeze cookies! I can’t wait to try this!


Awww, Brooke must have been so happy to see you! I love baking goodies with my mom!


I’m so glad you had such an amazing time. Well deserved, I have to say :)

When was the last time you used the treadmill? Feelings lately about the treadmill?
I actually LOVE LVOE LOVE the treadmill and I’m scared of getting lost outside here in Cali on the roads. I have a very poor sense of direction and there’s stoplights everwhere, causing me to have breaks in my run and just want to walk instead lol.

Fruit or vegetables that you would NOT put in a salad?
Onions. Gross. I hate them.


I have a love/hate relationship with my treadmill!


no olives for me…I love that she laughed for 30 minutes straight after finding her mom


There is nothing like the feeling of coming home after a vacation! I love to go away but equally love coming home :)
Happy to hear you had a great trip and a fun welcome home weekend!
Karen @karenlovestorun


Hi CarolineRose, i will answer your question for you seeing that no one else will. Yes this is a normal and natural thing that does occur, apparently our bodies fill up with progesterine a week prior and this hormone does tend to make us feel sluggish and tired. Its all the hormones, you may find that day 4 whilst on your period you may run the best run ever, this is because the body is flushing the extra Progesterine from the body (sorry if i didnt spell progesterine right ;) ) its handy to keep a diary and write up how you feel each run, it gives you a look at how your hormones affect your runs. I do hope this helps you, enjoy your runs.


Gee thanks Animal Lover, i felt a little ignored lol. Hey i love your name, i also love animals ;). I have taken your tip and jotted my runs in a diary now. Thanks heaps, now off surfing i go :) yayyyyyyyyyy

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