10 Highlights from my Tuesday. 

1.  My sister came over and begged me to go trail running with her yesterday.  I told her yes (so she wouldn’t be alone on the trails) as long as we went as slow as possible because I had already done speed in the morning.  17.5 total miles for yesterday = I was in bed by 8:30 pm.  Seriously.    

When we got to the trailhead I found my sister in this position.  There was a shot from the shooting range a little ways away.  Her reflexes are pretty speedy and my reflexes to take a picture are pretty speedy too (blogging for 3.5 years will do that to ya).

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I will never tire of these mountains or tire of running with my sister.  We have been running together for 16 years now, I can blame her 100% for my addiction.  

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2.  She also somehow talked me into making my famous chocolate chip cookies for a party that she went to last night. Okay, it didn’t take much convincing at all especially when she mentioned that we would watch the Mindy Project while we baked.   

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3.  I had an errand to do at my old college and I made sure to show Brooke all of my favorite places on campus and tell her all about my glory days while we were there.  

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4.  A really good friend of mine had us come in to DP Cheesesteaks to try their beyond delicious cheesesteaks.   We will be back.  Look at me eating at restaurants other than just Cafe Rio, I am really becoming cultured.  

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5.  I had the best grapefruit of my life yesterday.  Not too sour and perfectly sweet.  I almost considered doing an entire blog post just about this one grapefruit because it left such a big impression on me.  

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6.  Getting this text from my brother.  I am guessing he tried it.    

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The sad thing is, I really do think I would like it.  

7.  I realized I have just 53 days until my marathon.  

Highlight for two reasons—>  1.  I am strangely excited to run 26.2 miles because I haven’t in a very long time and 2. I am excited to not be training for a marathon so I can sleep in until 7… that is until I decide which fall marathon I want to do and then start training for that one.   I am pretty sure I could still sleep in until 10 everyday if I could..  that is what I used to do when I was a teacher and had the summers off.  

8.  I saw this.  Running clothes are just soooo much more comfortable.


9.  Reading all of the incredible Boston Marathon recaps and articles about the day.  You guys are absolutely amazing.

I have to be there in 2015.  RACE ENVY is real:) 

Loved this article:

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10.  Took the Brookers to get an ice cream cone… I won’t have her this weekend and so I am already getting in a million fun things together before she leaves.  

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How long does it take you to fall asleep at night?  Ever had a time in your life that took you forever to fall asleep?

-It typically takes me less than 4 minutes to fall asleep lately.  When I first moved back to Utah it took me FOREVER to fall asleep.  

What would be your ideal time to sleep in until everyday?

Are you in pajamas, running clothes or real people clothes right now?  Are you in running clothes a lot or do you change right when you get home?


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Race envy is totally real. I’ve been off running for a bit but watching the Boston coverage made me feel the itch to sign up for another race. Highlight of my day yesterday was going out for a steak dinner with my mom and step dad. I’m in town visiting them and I’m trying to soak up every minute before I fly back home to the other side of the country.


I totally have runners envy too


Monday night it took me FOREVER to fall asleep. It’s probably because I didn’t run that day. I mean basically every annoying thing that happens on non-running days should be blamed on not running, right?

If I could I would sleep in until 10am, the perfect waking hour. Whenever I allow myself to sleep in I wake up around 10am. Except for a couple weekends ago when I woke up at noon! :)


Noon? ?? Now that is sleeping in lol


I would live in running clothes if I could! I’m in “real” clothing now because I’m at work, but I can’t wait to change into my running clothes. Track workout today!

I hope and Brooker have a fun rest of the week. :)


I really can’t wait to are how your marathon goes. You are ready. I know what a good fall choice would be for you…;)

If I could go to bed at 9 and sleep until 6 every morning, life would be good.


I’m a complete morning person, so sleeping in till 7 is late. I’m pretty much asleep when my head hits the pillow. I do remember a time when my sister and I were young and we shared a room…. We would stay up till all hours of the night giggling!


I fall asleep the same way, assume I gave it my all that day and nothing left to stay up for.


Happy Wednesday!
I’m pretty sure that my head hits the pillow, and I’m asleep. This is after several years of disordered sleeping, so I guess I’m proud of that. :D

I get up five days a week around 4:30am, so 6:00am seems like a legit “sleep in” time.

I’m soooooooo rocking PJs right now! It’s our spring break from school, so I’m staying in these as long as humanly possible. I’m a P.E. teacher, so everyone thinks I’m *REALLY* dressed up if I’m wearing jeans and my hair is not in a ponytail. <3

Projected highlight for my day: COSTCO and Trader Joe's! Woot woot!


I used to fall asleep instantly. You would think that as a single mom of two young kids I would be so exhausted that falling asleep would be a snap. But no. I try, but mostly I worry too much to fall asleep quickly.


Totally understandable, myfiance is the same way. She is up and down all night worrying about the kids.


I fall asleep quickly (10 min) as long as I go to sleep before I get overly tired.

Wearing pajamas. I should still be sleeping. If I slept through the night, getting up at 7 would be amazing.

I stay in my running clothes until I can take a shower. The only reason I change before a shower is if my stink is overpowering me. I don’t want people to pass out when I walk by.

Best part of the day–visiting teaching


Aw man, I love running with my sis too, we have the best chats when we are running (mainly when running down hill tho haha). I am in my travelly clothes cos we are on our way to Dubai! Which come to think of it, are basically running clothes anyway… Hope you are having a great day!


DUBAI!?!?! AHHHHH Have an amazing trip!


Wow dubai, that is awesome, have s great trip


It usually takes me a while to fall asleep, but now that I’m pregnant, I pretty much fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. I guess that’s a perk…too bad I’m awake a million times a night, though.

The other day, I told my husband I was changing into sweatpants and he asked me what I had been wearing. I told him running pants. His response: “I was going to be very surprised if you told me jeans.” Apparently, I live in sweats and running gear.


I usually fall asleep really quickly, too. I have a cat that likes to follow me to bed and then lay on my chest for some serious snuggles. He stays for 5-10 minutes or so, and once he leaves I fall right to sleep.

I wear running clothes all the time at home, and sometimes when I go out, too. :)


I take less than 10 minutes to fall asleep. I also wake up and go to sleep within 30 minute windows every single day even without an alarm and it doesn’t matter what I did that day. Internal alarm I guess :( I used to not have one and could sleep in until 11!


It usually takes me approximately 3 minutes to fall asleep. No matter what time I go to bed. But there are some nights when for some reason I have a hard time. There was one time I was leaving for a cruise the next morning and couldn’t fall asleep all night and I ended up just pulling an all nighter. I think that’s my only all nighter ever.

I like to be up in the morning, I’m usually awake by 7. I get annoyed with myself if I sleep until 9. I don’t have to be in to work until 10 most of the time, but I usually get up and get stuff done in the morning before work.

Lately I have been staying home to write my thesis (no exaggeration it is all I have been doing). I have to teach 3 days a week, so I dress nice for that, then come home and immediately change into my sweatpants and sweatshirt again and start writing some more.


i’m in my PJs right now! i usually wake up at a sad 4:45 am to run, shower, eat, etc before work, but today i slept in to a whopping 6:15 am :). feels good.


Sadly, I am almost always in running clothes…the highlight of my day is almost always running, except when I’m with family. :)


I don’t have any highlights yet :)…it is too early in the day.
I takes me about 10-15 minutes to fall asleep. My perfect wake up time is 8am :). We are late night people and I am trying to become more of an earlier to bed earlier to rise person :)…but it is hard to change!


I am tapering for my third half-marathon in two weeks. Was up at 4:30 this morning to get my six miles in before work. I am so tired. But when I got to work, I started researching fall half-marathons in the area. Guess I got the bug!


Have you ever run boston before? Just curious I’ve only been reading for a few months.


HEY! I haven’t yet. The year I was supposed to run I found out I had a femoral stress fracture the week before the race:(


aww I’m sorry


Usually takes me a bit to fall asleep!


I am a total morning person and total early to bed person! I usually fall asleep within minutes and wake up early naturally. Although, when my son was little and had me up at 5, it didn’t feel all that natural then.


–If I eat well, don’t eat too close to bedtime, and I am pretty active during the day, it takes me 5 minutes or less, which is amazing. Right after I graduated college I had a period of about 7 months where it would take me forever to fall asleep and I would wake up every hour. I was going through a really hard time, and they say that poor sleep quality is correlated with difficult times. I am glad that your sleep is getting better!

–My ideal time to sleep to every day would be 8am. That sounds early, but if I felt well-rested then I would love it! I like to be up early, getting things done before the main part of the day is over. When I sleep in to 11 or noon (which rarely happens anymore) I feel like I’ve wasted my day.

–I’m in ‘real’ clothes right now, which means jeggings and a comfy t-shirt from Target. Luckily, that’s my work’s dress code!

Have a great Wednesday!


I rarely sleep in so 7am is considered a late morning. Since I go to bed at 10pm I’m usually ok with that :) those trails are sooooo pretty…but I’d die. My Florida legs are not used to climbing!


My ideal sleep in time is 7:00 am, I have the hardest time sleeping past that. I’m in pajamas right now, but once I’m done running or lifting weights, most the time I just shower and change into clean workout clothes haha sometimes I put effort into it and pick something different. Unfortunately I’m not the best at falling asleep or staying asleep, so I have a little help from Melatonin, and it now takes me an 30 minutes – an hour to fall asleep


I usually can fall asleep pretty easily… it’s staying asleep that’s challenging for me! If I can stay in bed until 7:00, that’s sleeping in in my house! It rarely happens but I do my best on Saturdays :)
I am qualified for Boston in 2015 and CAN NOT WAIT!!!!! It will be my first. So excited :)


That is so so exciting!!! I’ll see you there:)


Love running clothes and when I’m on school holidays (I’m a teacher) I live in them. Ideal time to sleep in until would be 7 as I also like running in the morning although I do train with my club on Tuesday evenings.


I have the article open in a new tab and I can’t wait to read it! It normally takes me a bit of time to fall asleep. Lately I will read until I can’t keep my eyes open, then I can pass out in a second! I like sleeping 10pm – 6am. I am up bright and early in the mornings on the weekends too. I just love it! My office is casual so I am in jeans and a WordPress VIP shirt… haha I do web design and I got it from a conference, NERD HEAVEN.


I was in runnng clothes this morning, I’m in real people clothes now on my way to work, but the second I walk in my door in the evening I change into pjs!


I JUST put running clothes back on… I had showered and gotten dressed up this morning for a lunch date and within .35 seconds of returning home I was back in running clothes. Yep. It’s sad.

Recently I’ve been falling asleep in no time! When I was a kid I had chronic insomnia so my mom had me start doing sports. Now the only time I have trouble falling asleep is if I have to take time off running!

My ideal time to sleep in is probably 8 or 9 AM. Recently I’ve been going to be so early that when I have time to sleep in I still wake up around 7:45! I think if I started staying up late again I would sleep later too.

The highlight of my day today was doing a 9-mile run in shorts AND a t-shirt! Warm weather is upon us! At least for now!


I fall asleep crazy fast :) When I am super stressed out, I have a harder time going to sleep. I’m an early to bed early to rise kind of girl. I was on vacation last week and awake at 6:30am with no alarm every day. It felt like sleeping in since I’m usually up by 4:15!
I have to wear real people clothes most of the day, but the second I get home, that’s a different story!


Do you think Mindy and the cop will get together or was he a one episode thing?? I am in pjs right now it’s the second day of my maternity leAVe (but no baby yet wahh)


Im in jeans and a tshirt…my work attire. Lol.
Highlight so far was my coffee this morning. It’s only 9:30 am so I have plenty of time to top that :)

I usually fall asleep in 2 min. But lately I have been waking up multiple times during the night. Either too hot or too cold or my back hurts or I have to pee. So annoying.

I want fresh baked chocolate chip cookies now!


Speed and trail in the same day, that’s beast mode right there. That grapefruit looked amazing. Your marathon is right around the corner, keep up the good work. I’m envious of all the Boston runners also.

Fall Asleep – I fall asleep fast these days
Sleep In Time – Probably about 8 or 9
Clothes – I work in an office so I wear cubicle clothes, boring
Highlight Today – two days in a row, 5 am trail runs, oh yeah baby


You’ll definitely be there in 2015 and I’ll be cheering along the sidelines. What I wouldn’t give to be in the race itself! Maybe 2016?


I’m back to substitute teaching and got called to teach Gym classes yesterday and today, so I get to wear workout clothes to work! I would wear them to work every day if I could. Actually, I am currently trying to plan a Daily Physical Activity program for my class this fall that involves my participation too…just so that I can wear workout clothes every day! Lol


I fall asleep mighty quickly! It is a talent…I like to sleep to between 8 and 9…10 at the latest if I’m feeling really rebellious and crayzayyy!

The highlight of my day so far has been running! I just love when I get a run in before work…simple pleasures :)) But waking up at 4:45am NEVER gets easier. Speaking of work, I’m in work clothes right now. Dumb!


I’m in real people clothes right now because I am at work – running clothes happen when I coach (like last night) or comfy sweat pants or yoga pants when I’m at home. I do not like to wear real people pants at home – too constricting and scratchy!

I don’t know what sleeping in feels like anymore. I’m up every day around 6-6:30. BOOO


It usually takes me about half an hour to fall asleep. I wish I was one of those people that would be out the second my head hit the pillow, but it gives me time to think.

My ideal time to sleep in would be noon. ;) I love my sleep!

I’m in real people clothes! Shocker. I’m babysitting this morning and it probably wouldn’t look too great if I was still wearing pajamas (unfortunate, but true). I usually shower right after I get home from running, and afterwards I change into a really comfy outfit so I can sit around and refuel and be happy. :)

I don’t know what the highlights will be yet…but I’m still happy today after my first half marathon on Monday. It was amazing and difficult and fun and part of me can’t wait to do another one and the other part of me is so happy it’s over with and completely repulsed by doing another. ;)

BTW-This post made me so hungry!


It used to take me forever to fall asleep when I was in school because I would stay up late doing homework and worrying about studying for things, I couldn’t shut my mind off. Now it usually happens instantly because exercise, work, and time to wind down in the evening helps out :)

Sleeping until 7:30 am is when my body usually does not let me sleep any longer. It feels good though.

P.S. The Mindy Project is my fave. I look forward to it the most of any show!


My fiancee makes fun of me because literally the second I get into bed I am asleep! I am so tired lately, I don’t know why but my body is requesting more sleep :)
Karen @karenlovestorun


When you say cinnamon bears, do you mean the gummy cinnamon bears or the cinnamon graham bears?




I’m a morning person. The earlier I wake up, the better. :) I get more out of the day! I get tired pretty early and usually go right to sleep. I am in work clothes right now, but I love PJs and running shorts. Have a great week. :)


Right now I’m in people clothes, but wishing I could just crawl into bed! I took a red-eye this morning from Michigan, and was an idiot and basically didn’t get any sleep last night. Cue insanely overpriced but delicious and sugary starbucks drink.

If I could, I would sleep till 9:00 every day. I think too much later and it would be hard to get the day started if I was waking up late every day.


Most nights it takes me forever to fall asleep, my brain just doesn’t shut off… Like I will think I’m tired so I go to bed and I just spend hours laying there… NOT sleeping….

IF I could, I’d sleep until 8… that would still allow for a great morning run, but it would also allow some recovery from my insomnia….

Currently, I’m in real people clothes… I will change as soon as I get home because I don’t want my “real” clothes to get ruined then I will be in running clothes until lord knows when:)

This morning has been rough, Ella was up sick last night, but my highlight from yesterday was simply being back to work and routine… I’m so thrown off when I’m not working…


LOL. I totally wrote about Race Envy this morning. Yep. It’s real and it’s not very fun! I want to be there!

And yes, I have sleeping issues. Just since I lost my dad and my son’s accident but you’d think after all these years my system would have reset itself but instead I think it’s because I have a new way of sleeping I guess.


Real people clothes – at work right now – but will change into workout gear as soon as I get home and head to the gym.
Sleep – takes less than 5 minutes to fall asleep. And my body will not let me sleep past 6/6:30 which is actually sleeping in since I am generally out of bed at 4:30.


I’ve got some crazy race envy, too – but let me tell ya – I won’t be qualifying for Boston any time soon. Maybe in a couple years :)

Highlight of my day? working from home! I was able to clean out my refrigerator, do the dishes and make my smoothie all before 9am!


After reading all about the Boston Marathon made me want to try to qualify for it one day! As soon as my hamstring is better than I will be back to running, and I can’t wait! Do you have any advice for healing a hurt hamstring?

It typically takes me about 3-4 minutes to fall asleep. I get up so early I’m usually exhausted by 9:00.


Haha grapefruits are sooooooo sensitive I feel like, they always seem too sour or too mushy/overly sweet for me. I’m glad you found the perfect one!!


I LOVE finding a perfect grapefruit! Also, it’s 1045 and I am still in pajamas.. whoops :)


You have some of the most delicious foods every day! I am quite jealous :)


The grapefruit this year have been AMAZING and I don’t even really like grapefruit! :) I’m wondering if you have any blog posts or know of any good resources to help me – I’m trying to get back into running after a full and a half year of zero workouts (major injury not from running) and I feel lost. It’s been so long since I’ve had to build up mileage from zero and my body just aches! I was doing half marathons and training for a marathon and I would love to get back to that place eventually, even if it takes year.


I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. I can also sleep pretty much anywhere.


Apparently I wear running clothes way too often because even when I throw on some nice jeans and a sweater, my kids ask me why I’m so dressed up;) Sad:/ I fall asleep pretty quickly but wake up multiple times a night. Every little noise wakes me. No highlights yet, it’s only 8:10am here in WA.


I get into patterns where I fall asleep in 10-15 minutes, but there have been times where I’ve tossed and turned all night and haven’t slept either. Melatonin has been a recent friend of mine :) I’m loving the boston marathon recaps too- so inspiring!


Oh DP Cheesesteaks is delish! My cousins husband is the founder and owner of them. :) we love it! It takes me a LONG time to fall asleep, my brain seems to be most active when my body is not. I love the running clothes quote. I am in running clothes way too much. :)


I’m partial to being able to sleep til I wake up and then just lounge in bed as long as I want. I don’t sleep much past 7am usually but sometimes I just like to sit in bed and watch tv for awhile.


Aww man! It takes me at least 30 min to fall asleep (usually)! So jealous! I think I would love to sleep in until 8:30 every day. It’s early enough to feel like I didn’t waste my day, but it also means I don’t have to go to bed by 9PM the night before.


I try to sleep in on weekends but my body is naturally accustomed to wake up early for work…so I fail every time! Speaking of sleep, I randomly had a dream last night that I was reading blogs (is my subconscious trying to tell me something?), got to yours, and read a blog post that you ran a 60 minute half marathon! Haha one day for sure ;)


Those trails are gorgeous!

I fall asleep crazy fast—like in 5 minutes. I am.so.tired with a new-ish baby and all! ;)


I just recently started waking up early (6:15) to work out instead of trying to fit it in during nap time (cause I guess I should PROBABLY start using that time to work from home instead of enjoy a luxurious hour long midday workout session. It’s actually kind of amazing getting it out of the way early and I feel way more productive during the day! So- usually it takes me forever to fall asleep, but lately, I pass right out!


17.5 miles Dang! That’s awesome. On another note, I loved that story from Ryan Hall about the teamwork that helped MEB win!!


My optimal wake up time is whenever the sun comes up which has been 6am lately. I usually crash when the sun goes down too which is8:30-9. Like you, I can sleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.


That was a GREAT article thanks for sharing! I like waking up usually 6ish but for most of my training it’s between 5 and 530 so I have enough time to get everything done. It’s so sweet that you run with your sister, makes your relationship even more special :)


It takes me forever to fall asleep, every now and then I get an easy night where I just konk out but usually my brain is too busy thinking to chill out and fall asleep.

Here’s how my outfits progressed today: pajamas to workout clothes (for my run) to shower to more workout clothes.


It takes me forever to fall asleep right now – I used to take melatonin and I think I got addicted and you can’t take it when you are pregnant, so now I stress for like 30+ min before I can sleep.

My ideal time to sleep in until every day is whenever the heck I feel like getting up. Sometimes it’s 9am, sometimes it’s noon, I just hate pressure (aka work) forcing me to choose.

Real people clothes – stupid job requires it.

Today started off great bc I found out a good friend and I get to be prego together!!


If it were up to me Id sleep until 10 every day but I feel like I have better, more productive days when Im up by 7 or 8. Also I have work, so there’s that.


It usually takes me about 10 minutes to an hour to fall asleep… that’s if I’ve been pretty active during the day :)


I can’t sleep before a race! I have a half this Sunday praying I sleep! Gonna take my kids to see Rio 2 today still spring break for them. Most days running clothes. Today jeans.


I’m in real people clothes but only because I have to be in work. Other than that it’s pjs or workout clothes :).

It usually takes me about two minutes to fall asleep – and I can fall asleep anywhere but mostly on the sofa.

My highlight today was going for my 6AM run and not needing to wear my headlamp – probably for the first time since daylight savings.

My fiance is also running the Utah Valley marathon and I’m doing the half!


I’m excited to start trail running. It look so peaceful.

As for sleeping, I have good and bad days. Oddly enough, when I was much heavier I slept much better. I sleep well (usually) on a day I’ve run.

I would sleep in until 10am every day. I love to sleep (when I’m not having issues with it)

I’m wearing casual clothes. I don’t usually wear running clothes unless I’m running.

The highlight of my day so far was that I actually got out of my comfy bed this morning and ran before work. I feel so great!


Race envy is real!!! No doubt. Even when I don’t want to be training or racing, I still get a twinge of jealousy when I know my friends are training or racing. Lol.

No to running clothes because I hate being cold and sweaty post-run. But yes to athletic apparel at all other times.

Have a great day!

-Rachel @ runningonhappy.com


It usually takes me awhile to fall asleep. I hate that! It probably takes me 20-30 min.
I am in running clothes more often than I care to admit. I own way more running clothes than real people clothes. Im a nanny and the family I work for is so kind to allow me to use their treadmill. I am sooo grateful for it because I am way to tired out after chasing kids around all day to hit the gym…it just wont happen. So I run in the morning until the kids wake up and then finish up during rheir afternoon nap. No time for a shower (oh darn ;)) but lucky for them I at least change into a non sweat soaked shirt.
My run is usually the highlight of my day but not today. Apparently 143 cadbury eggs and a bag of starburst jellybeans arent the best fuel for running 6 days a week. Go figure!


I have a question for you, and I’m sorry it’s not related to this post. I’ve been training for a half marathon. I’m not even close to the runner you are, but I’ve been training really hard. A few years ago, I had to limp over a half marathon finish line with some pretty severe IT band pain. So, I tried to train really smart for this race and things were going very well (no pain), until my last long run this past Saturday. We did 10 miles and around mile 7 or 8, that dang IT band started acting up again. I’ve been taking it easy this week and stretching a lot. But I’m really afraid that it’s going to start hurting next week. Any ideas? KT tape?? A band?? I’m really scared, especially since this race is pretty hilly and when it’s acting up, the hills are what aggravate it the most.


i love that ecard! the best is when your out at a store and the clerk says “coming or going to the gym?”. in your mind im thinking…i worked out this morning- this IS my outfit for the day… but then i just lie and say “umm going!” haha

I usually fall asleep fairly quickly but i wake up alot during the night as of lately…and I always sweat while I sleep too which is gross I know.

ideal time…probably 8 or 8:30— i wouldnt want to miss too much of the day!!! ideal hours of sleep tho is 8-9

I am in my whole running get-up right now. I ran earlier and I still havent showered hahaha so that answers your second question too.

ummm making juice with my juicer! haha its been awhile.


If I could live in running clothes or sweats all the time, I totally would. Unfortunately, I am stuck in business casual all day. I change as soon as I get off work because I do evening workouts.

Favorite thing today-my puppy was really cute this morning. He found another dog to play with and they were hopping around. I didn’t even mind being late for work because he was playing.


I’m wearing a workout tank under a tunic with jeans. I’ve pretty much become an expert at wearing workout clothes to work as much as possibe. Once I leave work I’ll change into workout pants.


After the run, I stretch or do yoga and shower immediately so I can eat. Once I start preparing my meal, I don’t want to have to deal with anything else.
Only if I am worried about something, or just basically too exhausted, it takes a long time to fall asleep but usually, I am out in a few minutes.


I usually have trouble going to sleep on Sunday nights. It’s hard to go to sleep early when I normally stay up on weekends!


I fall asleep very quickly…often times on the couch and then move to my bed. For some reason I love falling asleep on the couch first.

I’m wearing stupid work clothes right now but as soon as I get home I’m changing! I think we would all be more productive if we were able to wear comfy all the time..everywhere!

I wake up at 4:00 am during the week to run before waking up kids, taking to school, getting to work, etc. Saturdays would be a great sleep in day but I’ve been training for back to back to back marathons since October so…there ya go. Sunday=church so not really late but later than normal.

Highlight of my day…a super sweet and random text from my 14 yro from school telling me that she loves me! Made my day for sure!


17 miles yesterday?! Amazing! I can’t sleep in anymore (I could sleep really late whne I was in college)…I usually wake up naturally by 6am and the latest I have slept in years is 8am. I am also ready for bed by 9 every night and have no problem falling asleep:) I have a really hard time wearing anything but workout clothes and pajamas. My husband thinks its weird that when I get home from work all I want to do is change into sweatpants or pajamas. I feel really proud of myself when I keep my work clothes on until he gets home a few hours after me.


It takes me a long time to fall asleep for some reason. Sometimes I can pass out, but I’d say 85% of the time it takes a while.

Ha my ideal time would be past 10 am because I am not a morning person, but I will say that it is nice to be up early and get things done….accept I have to go to work whomp whomp :(

I am wearing a dress right now because I am work and it is 75* and sunny here today in Charlotte! It’s gorgeous!!

The highlight of my day is that my cousins are coming in to town tonight because they are heading to a bachelor party this weekend and I can’t wait to see them!


I’m totally in running clothes right now… Basically, if I’m not working, that’s usually what you’ll find me in! :)


I just made your fabulous chocolate chip cookies right now! They are THE best!


That was a great article about Ryan and Meb. Thanks for sharing it!


First of all, where did you get that anchor shirt?!! So Cute!

It used to take me at least an hour to fall asleep but now I’ve got it down to about 10 minutes :)

I’m wearing my running clothes right now… no sense in changing!

Also— I found this recipe for a copycat Cafe Rio salad! Thought you might like it!


I usually fall asleep in a few minutes. Whenever my boyfriend has to leave town for work, the first few days he’s gone it takes me forever to fall asleep.

My ideal time to sleep in would be 9, that way I still feel like I’m sleeping in, but I wouldn’t feel like I wasted half my day.

I’m in real people clothes right now, but about to be in pajamas. I am in running clothes so much. I take forever to change/take a shower after I get back from a run. They’re so comfortable!

Best part of my day was the toddler hugs I got when I left work. Those kiddos can sure be sweet (and a little crazy sometimes!).


Haha I totally relate to the running clothes..


Oh I wish I would have known about the cheesesteak place while I was still in utah (im currently on my way back to ca). I guess I will have to try it next time im there. The wind was so crazy last night in lehi where I was staying. We found ice on our car this morning after the crazy rain too. My brother lives on traverse mountain and it was very cold (to me) this morning but I loved it!
I finally got to try cinnamon bears. They were yummy! Thanks again for another food addiction ;)


Sometimes I’m out super fast and other nights I toss and turn all night..even though I know I’m tired. I think my stress level dictates my sleep pattern, which isn’t good because lately I’ve been super stressed!


Oh I recognize those Wilk stairs.. I think we were at BYU at the same time. Me: class of ’06. I go to Cafe Rio every single time I go back to Utah to visit.


I am in jammies (Hogwarts jammies, FYI) from pretty much 8pm onward, most weeknights. :) I’m a teacher, too, and after school, meetings, a run (or yoga), and grad school reading, I’m ready for pajamas, Grey’s Anatomy and BED.

I love the relationship you have with your sister! I have a little brother and we have fun things, too, but I imagine it’s different with a same-gender sibling. :)


Yayy. The Mindy Project is the best! Mindy Project plus cookies sounds like perfection.

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