Thrusters. You are evil.

I don’t know why I feel the need to kiss my bicep every time I am taking a flexing picture with my friends but it just happens involuntarily.  I have been doing it for 28 years now so it is too late to try and change.

These ladies and I have a date every Thursday morning together to pump iron.  The one in the black is the instructor and holy cow, every time I go to her class I get an incredible workout.  She focuses on using heavy weights in her class and those sure manage to get my heart rate up.  We did thrusters (you can watch a movie HERE about what those are) and those are just pure evil.  I took the day off from running today because I really want to run Friday and Saturday and running 5 days in a row probably isn’t the best idea for me right now.  

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Brooke and I had to go up to Salt Lake City today for some things and we always plan in a Trader Joe’s visit whenever we are up north.  We walked up and down the aisles and reminisced about the days when we lived 1 mile away from a TJ’s.  Pretty sure we used to go to TJ’s 3 times a week when we lived in California.    

The chocolate section by the cash register always gets us.  


57 degrees.  It would be wrong to not go to the park.  Brooke broke the world record for the highest amount of times a person has said the word ‘duck’ in a one hour time period.

(From my instagram—>  hungryrunnergirl)

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The items that I must get when I go to TJ’s= minestrone soup, cookie butter, almond butter, pizza dough, chocolate covered pretzels, sweet potatoes, sharp cheddar cheese (a new obsession), oatmeal, mango mangos, pizza sauce, edamame, curry sauce, masala sauce, pretzels, sea salt butterscotch and salad dressings.  

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And for lunch a wrap with edamame? and my favorite dressing.

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If anyone wants to come visit us my mom has the best chocolate and lemon cake in the state just chilaxin’ on the kitchen counter. Come within the next hour or two because it will be long gone after that.

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Do you have a Trader Joe’s close by? 

Last time you lifted?  How often have you been strength training lately?

Chocolate or lemon cake?  (I know most will answer chocolate but I still want to get a good head count)

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BAH!! SO jealous of your salad dressings and CURRY!! ENJOY!! (oh and I am jealous of your biceps!)


I agree, Janae your biceps rock!


Canada doesn’t have Trader Joe’s :( I wish it did! Ummm… chocolate obviously ;) Balance between strength training and running is hard for me but I try for 3X a week!


I have a Trader Joe’s three blocks away! I go there several times a week (and always seem to find new and exciting treats of the sugary variety).

I strength train at least once, sometimes twice, a week.


Can I have one of each please?? :-)


Closest TJ’s is about 20 minutes away…and I only go there once a month roughly to see what is new for the season or the month. ;-)

Chocolate/Lemon? BOTH please….well, I would have to see which one I liked more to know which to have seconds on…duh?! ha!


I don’t have a Trader Joe’s by me but I keep hoping one goes in soon. I would love it!

It has been too long since I lifted weights. Does a 10-month-old baby count? :-)

Lemon cake for the win! I’m obsessed with anything lemon.


Lemon over chocolate, but like both.

Lifted yesterday. Not very heavy. I do thrusters with the barbell (45 lbs). Killer move. I watched some videos so I can add in clean and jerks to my program.


I’ve never been to TJs! Lifted today :) I’m doing Insanity which is more body weight but I think it counts!


I’m doing Insanity also. Sometimes it feels even harder than regular strength training, well I guess technically it is. Love it though!!


I have been slacking lately on lifting…gotta get back into it for sure bc I love the way I feel when I do it!!

I have a tjs about 8 miles away…And my BIL works there! Hookups!:)


Wait wait wait.. WHAT is cookie butter????


The equivalent to heaven in a jar, aka, Speculoos cookies ground up into the most miraculous thing you can imagine.


I love peanut dressings. I usually make my own. But I have never had a vinaigrette. It is on my list for the next time I (or, let’s be honest, my mom) goes there. It’s normal to be 30 and have my own family and still ask my mommy to get stuff for me, right? #validateme

Did it sound like duck though? I find it way too humorous when kids say words that clearly sound like swear words & they have no idea. Hmmmm. After the last comment and now this, maybe I am not actually 30, but 12 instead.

That lemon cake is speaking to me. So are the sea salt and butterscotch chocolates. I will be there in 15 min.


Our Trader Joes is between our regular house and our Vacation house so I get to go a few times a month.

There is no choice, it’s chocolate cake forever!

Does lifting reeses peanut butter cups to put them in my fro-yo count as lifting? No? What? Okay, then no lifting…or strength training. I’ve been bad.


OMG, I love that peanut vinegerette! I picked it up for the first time this week and have been eating it every day. So good!

TJ’s is actually the closest grocery store to me, it’s not even half a mile away. It’s the best/worst thing ever. Best because TJ’s is awesome. Worst because I can never decide what I want to buy.

Have you tried the cocoa and cookie butter swirl? It’s heaven.


I try to lift weights every day. I just don’t do it for more then 10 minutes. I made a promise today to start lifting at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes. I need to get summer toned!

I love Trader Joe’s. We have to drive 25 minutes and don’t go often enough. I love the cheese section.. and yes to Kettle Corn.

Lemon all the way..


I’m about 2 1/2 hours away from a Trader Joes and it makes me sad. I always stock up whenever I can get there!

I’ve gone to Body Pump twice this week. I really enjoy lifting weights, so I am pretty consistent with it. I feel so much better when I’ve been able to get plenty of strength training in, as opposed to weeks when I can’t.

LOVE the picture of Brooke at the park!!! 57 degrees sounds wonderful!! It’s finally warming up here too, we are supposed to hit 60 by Sunday!


I love that you kiss your bicep, I think it’s awesome…don’t change your ways!! I wish I had a Trader’s Joe’s Close by, the closest one is 2 hrs away…bummer! Last time I lifted was a couple of days ago, I usually do 5x a week but my son came down with a stomach bug and I’m so tired. Chocolate cake for sure, the only lemon dessert I like is my mom’s homemade lemon meringue pie.


I am sure the lemon cake is lovely but nothing is chocolate. Nothing. I have a few Trader Joe’s that I rotate between (depending upon where am I at the moment I decide I need something). I will be at one tomorrow!


I live a mile from Trader Joes and I go All. The. Time. I seriously might just move in, they know me well enough that it probably wouldn’t be weird.


Mmm love Trader Joe’s! And I’ve been on a citrus kick lately, so I’d day lemon cake :)


I loooove TJ’s and we go once a week! We have one in our neighborhood, which is the best thing ever. I’ve still never tried cookie butter, though!! What is wrong with me?! I need to get on that.



I love Trader Joe’s!!!
I stength train (if you want to call it that…I do a little circuit I found on pinterest) 3 times a week :)…something is better than nothing…but I should do more!
Chocolate…always chocolate!!!!


My Trader Joe’s is about 2 miles away and I’m OBSESSED. That place eats my paycheck.

Since January I’ve started strength training 3x a week, and it’s made a HUGE difference! I feel so much stronger and running is even better!


need that magelby’s choc. cake NOW!! and need to see you NOW!


We have a Trader Joe’s less then 5 minutes from us and directly across the street is Whole Foods. It is double trouble! I love the Indian Masala sauce from TJ’s, best I have ever found. I also love their balsamic vinegar, best price around.


The chocolate section by the register is where I found my obsession- dark chocolate sea salt almonds with turbinado so good


Canada doesn’t have Trader Joe’s — so sad!

And I’d go for the chocolate cake –always :)


The closest TJ’s is in Salt Lake but I’m at the south end of the valley so it’s pretty far.I wish they’d bring one down here!!

Hmm I like chocolate & lemon but I typically choose fruity things over chocolatey things.


All of the noms! And yeah, thrusters are killers. Blurgh.

I DO have a TJ’s close by! They are a rarity in Texas, but oh ho ho, do they love it here in the Chi! <3

It has been a long while since I last lifted. I have issues with lifting lighter (I was a bodybuilder several years ago); I get bored. :\ But I know for a fact that it's good for me and I should get back into it, even if I can't max out sets of four to six. #lifestory



Unfortunately I don’t live anywhere near a TJ’s. I strength train once a week, but I also practice yoga once a week, and my muscles are always sore after. I might be in the minority, but it will always choose lemon cake over chocolate. I love eating chocolate bars, but I don’t usually like chocolate desserts.


You should add the TJ penut satay sauce to your list. Add a tablespoon to the curry. Delish!


Trader Joe’s just opened in Denver but I haven’t been able to tackle the crowds yet. I am excited for the day I finally do though!


Closest TJ to me is 4 hrs away and in another country :-(

My parents are in FL and just picked up a whole pile of stuff for me – including Joe Joes and Crunchy Cookie butter!


I have a trader joe’s somewhat close by and I love it! I strength train 2-3 times a week, heavy is the way to go. and I would without a doubt pick chocolate over lemon.


I love Trader Joe’s! It is across town from where I live, but worth the drive. It always feels like a special treat when I get to go (and stock up). I am a chocolate cake type of girl, but even more so, I am an icing freak. Most of the time I will just eat the icing and give the cake part of the cake away. A lot of people I know do not like a lot of frosting, so I am more than happy to dispose of it for them. :)


I go to the same TJ’s that you go to and usually after I do a run at the same park you took Brooke too. It’s my favorite!!
Weights? Sometimes. I’m more of a fan of Pilates.


I am a little disappointed you didn’t get the honey wheat pretzels or the kettle corn, but I will forgive you since you posted about the butterscotch which I did not know existed. A trip to Sl is going to have to be in my near future!


You and your gang are so strong you could form a new super hero group and start saving people from bad guys :D

I have been really bad about strength training for the last few months… ack. I need to get back to it!!


The closest Trader Joe’s is 3 1/2 hours :( Whenever we make it there…I stock up on the raspberry walnut gorgonzola dressing…I LOVE it!!


You totally should grab a bag of Trader Joes Sweet Potato nachos when you go next time, you won’t be sorry. They are amazing and can be used for so many things.


ooooh those cakes look awesome! We are pretty close to a TJs but I haven’t gone in awhile… too tempted to buy EVERYTHING when I am in there so I try to stay away haha :)


I have NEVER been to a Trader Joes. It makes me sad! The nearest one is 4 hours away :( it is my dream to go there!

I started strength training last week. I swear, it has made me a better runner in just that time! I feel like I have better form and my paces feel easier!

Chocolate. duh.


I have a TJ’s really close but I never go! I am more of a whole foods guy ;)


Magleby’s made my wedding cake. Chocolate. We had my mom save the top layer for our anniversary, and then we ate it on the honeymoon. Mmm, I want some now!


I love trader joe’s! It’s always a treat to get free samples. :) Have you ever tried the gummy penguins with the jelly filled bellies? They’re awesome. I agree, the cookie butter and salad dressing are awesome. My hubs really likes their thick soft taco shells, too.

I lifted last week… I usually try to shoot for once a week.

I usually prefer chocolate… but I have had some to-die-for lemon cake as well.

Happy running tomorrow!! :)


Unfortunately, lifting only once per week. Trying to get I it up to two!


Your daughter is just so adorable! I miss Trader Joe’s – I too used to live in California but now I live in Canada and there are no Trader Joe’s :( You have great taste given the purchases you made! :)


A TJ’s 1 mile from my house. I will be so sad when I move if I don’t have one this close by. Lemon cake for sure :)


I have a TJ’s within 5 miles of my house and I’ve been there twice. I like Sprouts Farmers Market better. Plus, TJ’s is always super crowded and right by the mall. It’s very difficult to get in and out of that place. I feel more relaxed shopping at Sprouts. I weight train 2-3 times per week. I’ve always been solid incorporating cross-training in my run training.


In NJ everything is relatively close. People make fun of me because I live in one of the few remote areas (due to the base…but I love having the 50m state park around) but I think there is a TJs in Princeton (about 45 mins away). Anyways so I’m not really far from anything.

As far as strength training I’ve actually been making great strides to work and do it -3 times per week and have found my running improving because of it.


I’m so bad about strength training. I need to get it set in my schedule and stick to it.

Chocolate cake over lemon, though I do make some amazing lemon cookies!


I live about .50 miles from a TJ’s, I make way too many trips there!
I lift 3-4 days a week, I lifted today and I will be lifting a bit more in the coming weeks because I am injured right now :(
LEMON all the way! I am not a chocolate fan!


I don’t have a TJ’s close, but my whole family is hooked on their peach salsa. It’s a must try.


Strength training 3-4 times a week – it saved me through IT band recovery when I couldn’t run. I’ve gained a few pounds but I LOVE that I have a butt again :)


I have a trader joes about 10 minutes away! I love it. I am addicted to the corn and chile salsa and they sell cooked quinoa. I’m lazy. It makes me happy.

I haven’t lifted weights in forever but i did carry a 24 pack of water and 7 bags of groceries to the car today. I never use a shopping cart when i go to the supermarket. I use those handheld baskets and do bicep curls in the cereal aisle and tricep kick backs in the produce aisle =)

LEMON! I only like chocolate in its purist form. when it comes to cake though i don’t like chocolate cake. I know crazy right?! Lemon cake with chocolate chips though sounds awesome


I love TJ’s but he closest is 3 hours away! I do a similar stock up when I go to Kansas City for any reason! And I have 5 jars of that dressing in my fridge right now. True story I swear!

I’m all about the kettle bell lately when it comes to lifting!


How about a lemon cake with chocolate icing?


I lifted today. Thrusters are evil – I injured my wrist doing them last October and it still isn’t better. :P

We have a Trader Joes about twenty minutes away.

And chocolate! Always chocolate!


I haven’t been to TJs in a long time because we don’t have one anywhere close to here currently.

I am actually starting to incorporate more weight lifting into my training because I really do think it is going to have a huge impact on my running! Weights keep me injury free!


I wish we had a Trader Joe’s but there isn’t one in the state I live in. Major bummer.

I planned on going to Body Pump today, but apparently I needed rest because I fell asleep and slept right through it.


Oh man! I NEED some of that cake now!


So many Trader Joe’s posts this week! Love that place and I go there all the time. My favorite chocolates there are the dark chocolate peanut butter cups and the dark chocolate hazelnut bar. Yum! So many goodies there!


No cake for me. Sad day. I may have to stop reading you due to all the delicious foods I no longer can have. :(

I lie. Brooke will always bring me back. :)

And you. Yeah…you’re pretty good, too….


I need to include strength training in but lately time to workout is difficult to find and running is taking priority.

Chocolate for sure!


I have 2 Trader Joes within 20 min from me. I ALWAYS buy the chocolate pretzels :) And at least 2 tubs of horseradish hummus. ;)

I strength train twice a week and run 4 days a week.

Chocolate, always!


Okay. Why is it warmer in Utah than New Orleans?


I have no idea when the last time I did any real lifting was. I hauled gravel for the flower beds last spring. Does that count?

The closest TJs to us is about a 40 minute drive and I hate driving, so I never go.


I definitely don’t strength train as much as I should- but I did yesterday! I am working on incorporating more into my week!


Years ago we lived less than a mile from Trader Joes. Then we moved back to New England and I went without until last year when we (finally!) got one nearby.

I <3 strength training! But I've had to take this whole week off from working out (boo!!)

I'll take a slice of lemon with a slice of chocolate on top. Because people don't give those 2 flavors together enough credit.


I try to lift weights at least 2-3 times a week, very light weights of course, but I think it is super important for running!

I love love love chocolate, but every now and then I want something fruity so they both look great :)

HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am less than a 5 minute walk from Trader Joe’s. Yes, I know I’m one of the lucky ones.


Um have you HAD TJ’s dark chocolate peanut butter cups? Or their ginger snaps? You need this in your life.


I never had a TJ’s growing up, I didn’t know about them until I moved to the DC area – I love going and picking up their new items!


57 degrees!! How is it warmer in Utah than it is in DC? There is still snow on the ground here, and today is the first day above freezing we have had in weeks. I am dying for Spring! And Brooke looks so cute in short sleeves. I love baby arms and dimpled elbows.


I don’t know how Brooke could get any cuter. If you ever stopped posting pics of her, I think my day would be a little more sad!


They finally opened a Trader Joes in Austin Texas. Though I’m sad to say I have not had the chance to make it with all of the moving that has been going on in my life. But I will be making it a point to go there once this craziness has left my life.


Lemon all the way, I don’t like chocolate anything!
Love TJ’s, live about 10 minutes from one. That Cookie Butter (smooth or crunchy) is evil stuff.


I am lucky to have a TJs pretty close buy. I usually do my weekly grocery shopping there and my daughter loves running around with her own sized cart.
I actually lifted yesterday. I joined crossfit almost 2 months ago. I definitely agree that thrusters are killer!


Can I mail you a check and have you buy me some stuff from TJ’s? I’ve never been to one =( I think there may be one in Santa Fe of Albuquerque? But I rarely go through there. I know there’s a whole foods.


Okay. I think we need to have a Trader Joe’s date. Everything you bought I love!


The nearest TJ’s is 90 minutes away but I still get there often. NOTHING and I mean nothing will keep me from driving there.


No Trader Joe’s in Canada, unfortunately.

I lifted today. Now that I’m back to the gym after having a baby, I do 4-5 days a week of weight training.

Ah, that’s a tough one. I love lemon pound cake and prefer fudgy brownies over airy chocolate cake.


I heart Trader Joes. I’m in NYC and the closest one to me is a few stops on the train. I walk by my regular grocery store to head to TJs because there are some things you just can’t get anywhere else. I love their Vegetable burgers, their frozen falafel, Goddess dressing. Unsalted Tortilla chips, frozen mangos for smoothies, seaweed snacks, dark chocolate peanut butter cups….. Ah, I might have to go to TJs tomorrow.


I did thrusters at Crossfit yesterday, and, I agree, they are complete and total evil. I hate them! And, yet, I continue to go back ;)


I love TJ’s! But I don’t have one near my house any more. I used to go on my way home from work but havne’t been in over a month. Need to go stock up on wine and chocolate for sure!


I LOVE the black striped top in the first picture, any idea where she got it???

And sadly the nearest TJ’s is about 2 hours away :( I will definitely be visiting this summer when I’m up there for a race :D


The nearest TJs is about 25 mins away but its not at all convenient to get to (lots of traffic). I try to do strength training 2-3 days per week…tomorrow I am planning to go to body pump!


I am going to Trader Joe’s for the first time on Wednesday! I can’t wait!
If I had it choose between the two, I would choose lemon cake!

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