Running in a hail storm and they really are onto something…

Two things about the below picture.  

1.  I put roses on one of my nails and I like it.  It’s the little things right?

2.  Brooke and I both have the entire Frozen soundtrack memorized.  It is all we listen to in the car now.  “In Summer” with Olaf still makes me laugh really hard.  

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We had a date yesterday afternoon together.

Brooke’s game face:

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I am glad she is okay with the fact that I usually carry her/cuddle her for at least 24 hours straight before she leaves.  She is pointing at the blizzard outside that randomly hit Utah last night.

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After Brooke went to bed I had some serious carb loading to do.  Started with garlic bread and a salad.  

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And a big ol’ bowl of penne.  All of those running experts really are onto something when they say that pasta makes a great ‘night before a long run’ meal because my long run this morning felt great.  

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16 miles done and done before it got light.  

First 13 with friends (8 of those 13 were crazy hilly…  My hamstrings made sure to remind me how hilly those miles were the entire time).

Last 3 by myself (2 of those 3 miles in a crazy hail storm.  It was 75 degrees on Wednesday and today I had to cover my face with my hands because the hail was hitting my face so hard).  The only way for me to stay sane before 19 hours of traveling is by running 16 miles.  We runners are sure crazy.  

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I don’t know if I will be able to post again today but I do have a HRG Baby post to go up later on today.  See you from Thailand?!? 


My cousin is developing a business idea that is aimed at helping kids discover the best and most relevant online content in a safe, age-appropriate environment. If you have a child age 4-13, we would really appreciate you taking 5 minutes to fill out this survey to help with his market research!  THANK YOU!!!!! My cousin is the best so you really should do this:)


I am going to BLEND this year (June 6-8) in Park City, Ut.  This is definitely the cheapest/most affordable blogger (bloggers and non-bloggers can come) conference out there.  Your ticket gets you cocktail party with alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks and appetizers, a four-course dinner, 2 gourmet breakfasts, 2 snack breaks, 2 boot camps, 1 fun run, 1 hike, 24/7 access to the expo room to chat with sponsors, 24/7 access to the hospitality room to hang out with fellow Blends (& unlimited coffee/tea), a T-shirt, and a swag bag with gear from over 30 sponsors. 

The registration page is HERE!!  I am doing a fun run on Friday and here is the rest of the agenda!


What do you listen to in the car lately?

Coolest place you have ever been?!?

What day do you usually get your long run done?  

What is your go to ‘night before a long run’ meal?

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I don’t listen to anything in the car when my kids are in it, they don’t like it, but when they aren’t I listen to the classical station because I’m 80 inside.

I usually do my long run Saturday morning, if it doesn’t happen then it doesn’t happen.


I listen to some of the more well known classical stuff so nothing wrong with that but I can see how the kids would not go for it.


Safe travels! I need to get the Frozen soundtrack so my girls stop.picking up inappropriate pop lyrics on our morning commute!


Love your nails – so spring-ish!

YAY! You’re going to Blend! I’ll be there too! ;)


long run is Saturday or Sunday, depending on what else I have going on during the weekend. I tried to shoot for Satuday, that way if I’m just not feeling it, I have Sunday to try again.

love, love, love your nails! too cute.


Brooke looks so good in yellow! Is that Elvis photo bombing her? :)
I hope you have a great trip to Thailand, can’t wait to read about your adventures.
I listen to a variety of music in the car, my taste in music changes frequently-so weird!
My long run use to be on Saturday mornings with a training group, but since that race is done I haven’t run at all in 2 weeks. I think I lost my running mojo…..
I’ve never been off this continent, but I’ve seen some beautiful places around the country-I’m excited for you!


The girls want Frozen songs and my boy wants Toy Story songs. I just want no screaming in the car.

Long runs are usually on Saturday, but not this week.

I like sweet potatoes, salad, small protein before a long run. Sleep is even more helpful than food for me.


I listen to whatever is on the radio in my car. I save the best tunes for when I’m running. I love pasta before a long run. Have a blast in Thailand!


Love the flowery nail! I love an accent nail.
Have an awesome trip!


The Frozen soundtrack is all we have been listening to for a while now. My kiddos know all the words and it’s adorable listening to them sing. My 4 year old is not much of a talker (as in she hardly spoke at all until 6 months ago). She sings her heart out to several of the songs. Melts my heart, it never gets old.
Safe travels! I hope you an awesome time and get to have some amazing experiences.


Cannot wait for Blend! It’ll be a fun weekend, for sure.


Coolest Place Ever- probably the greek islands

Saturday morning I’m doing 20 miles- last long run before Boston!


Love your nails!!! Took the survey. That blogging conference looks awesome, I will have to show the hubby and see what he thinks.
Izzy usually gets to pick what we listen to in the car and this weeks it’s been Elmo and the Giggle Bellies. They make my favorite version of You Are My Sunshine.
Coolest place I’ve ever been would have to be Xel-Ha.
I usually get my long run done on Saturday.

What is your go to ‘night before a long run’ meal?


Safe journey- have an AMAZING time!! So jealous. Eat lots of sticky rice :)


Going to greece was definitely really cool! Have a safe flight!


EEEEEEE!!!! So excited for you! Have a great trip!!!!
I do pasta before a big run or brown rice. I like to do my long run either Friday or Sat


I do my long runs the weekendn… usually on Saturday’s unless the weather is better on Sunday.

Have an awesome trip! Post pic’s soon please! :)


Ummm…yeah. It’s turned into “all Frozen all the time” in our car. But it’s the audio from the movie so we all have the whole dialogue memorized as well as the songs.

I’ve been to some pretty cool places. Each one I exclaim “I want to move here!” Don’t make me pick one :) Disclaimer: I’m almost as easy to please in terms of traveling as I am with movies ;-)

Have an amazing journey!


I do my long runs usually on Sundays or my weekend (Tuesdays and Wednesdays).

I don’t really eat specifically before training runs, but usually after I run I want chicken or a big burger! (meat=yum!)

The coolest place I have been is Leipers Fork, TN…beautiful! Although Chicago was fun but a bit intimidating!

I am not in the car much (I live a mile from work so I usually walk or bike). When I am it is country radio!!


I hear ya on the burger, my body is spent after a run and I think seeing a big delicious burger just has my body thinking FUEL!!!!


Have so much fun in Thailand and give us every detail!!! :)

I seriously may consider giing to Blend….

Also, my husband and I frequently go IT JUST MAKES SENSE in our best Olaf voice/facial expression anytime we can fit it into our conversation.


I usually just have the radio playing in the car. Bouncing around from station to station. Car time though is when my son and I practice his animal sounds. :) Coolest place I have ever been is a tough questions! Either Pompeii, Italy or the top of Table Mountain in Cape Town, South Africa. Saturday or Sunday is my long run days and I like a light meal the night before a long run. That BLEND retreat looks like so much fun. Hope I can make it one day!


I adore the frozen soundtrack! Safe travels!


I am so jealous of your trip! I hope you have an amazing time!! 16 miles before sitting on the plane definitely makes sense to me :)


Have an amazing time!! The coolest place I’ve ever been was Cambodia and Thailand, so you’re in for a real treat! The plane ride is brutal, but worth it. Have so much fun :)


I don’t really have a go-to meal before my long runs….especially now that I’m off of wheat. *sigh* Next long run I do will probably be brown rice or sweet potatoes.


Olaf is the best character in Frozen. Silly snowman. I love him!


“Let it Go” from Frozen is all I ever hear! Even the baby is singing it now, although it just sounds like nonsense words and humming. It’s crazy how popular that movie is (I love it too.).

Can’t wait for Thailand pictures!


I always listen to the radio in car!

I would have to say the coolest place I’ve ever been is on top of the Zugspitze (the tallest mountain in Germany). It was gorgeous.

I usually like to get my long run done on Monday. Adds a little bit to the dread of Monday but I like doing it then because it sets a good tone for the rest of the week.

This sounds pretty bad but my go-to-eats before a long run usually contain a lot of sugar. And chocolate. I can’t help myself. If I know I’m going to burn it off, why not??? Not the best for a great time, but hey, when I’m just trying to finish…..yes I know I need to work on nutrition. ;)

I love your nails! Have a great time in Thailand!


Lots of sugar and chocolate before a long run makes sense. Your buring it off anyways and its going to give you some energy.


Wow 16 miles in a hail storm, that is hardcore. Thailand here you come, have a good trip.

Listen In Car – Sport talk radio or the rock and roll stations, no CD’s
Coolest – I still choose Sedona, beautiful and made for runners/hikers
Long Run Days – My long runs are on Sunday before church before family wakes up
Go To Meal – Anything that the fiance makes, I dont really get to choose lol


Your nails look great! And omg running in a hailstorm??


Tough call on my favorite place I’ve ever been. Singapore was my favorite in Asian and Italy favorite in Europe. The food in Italy was like nothing I’ve ever had anywhere. I’ve never been to Thailand. I can’t wait to hear about you trip!


Favorite place I’ve ever been is probably South Africa! But New Zealand comes pretty close too :) Have a wonderful trip!


I am a station skipper in the car. I listen to music, mostly alternative and top 40 pop. If a song ends and a DJ or commercial comes on, I change the station.

The coolest place I have ever been has to be Kauai, HI. Zion National Park in Utah would probably be second.

I took your cousin’s survey. Great idea! Good luck to him.


Ahhh so exciting that you’re off to Thailand!! :) Safe travels!!! Can you believe I haven’t seen Frozen yet?! I really need to get on that.



Sushi is my favorite pre-run meal! In my opinion, it is the perfect combo of protein and carbs (the rice) and doesn’t leave me feeling weighed down. Before every marathon, I also enjoy a glass of wine the night before : )


Never thought of sushi before, love sushi so that would just be an excuse for me to have it more. May try this on my next long run.


Have a safe trip and an amazing time! I am so excited for you – can’t wait to see all the awesome pictures :)


LOVE the accent nail… I always rock an accent nail, usually with glitter because for some reason i’m 31 trapped in a teenagers body:(

I rock out to whatever is on the radio… I do a lot of driving so tunes are a MUST

My long runs are were on Sunday’s but I’m doing a half next Saturday and the weather for this weekend looks iffy… so I’m going to hit the mean roads and attempt to get a long run in before the sun goes down.

My favorite pre-long run meal is angel hair with lots of butter and parm cheese. I’m so weird about pasta and I don’t like all types… I also feel that ice cream (like real ice cream) the night before really helps too:)


I’ve just been listening to the radio, but trying to limit my driving! I’m carpooling now to work, so either whatever they’re listening to or I take a nap :)

I wish I could go to BLEND this year! Maybe if they have one a little closer to home that would make it more affordable. These blogger events look amazing!


I have a half on sunday and me and my running buddy are going to have a pasta party the night before, should be great! I usually do my long runs on saturday.


I am fortunate enough to say I have visited many cool places. The coolest though is Boracay Island in the Philippeans.

I get my long ride done on Saturday and my long run on Sunday before church.

I have been listening to Blue Collar Radio on XM lately. Pretty funny.

My go to meal is whatever is easiest to make the night before. I do not go heavy and I do not “carbo load”.


Good call on Blue Collar, very funny. I am with you on eating whatever is easiest the night before, although someone previously suggested sushi and I think I may try that just because I love sushi.


Blend sounds awesome. I am booked up for travel this year, but I think it would be fun to attend next year! I can’t wait to read all of the recaps. :)


I love your nails! What kind of sticker did you use for that?


I have yet to see Frozen, but it’s on my list! Coolest place I have ever been is Bora Bora – it’s beyond anything imaginable. Africa and getting up close to wild animals was pretty spectacular too! I usually do my long runs on the weekends and my pre-long run meal the night before is always Dungeness crab!


I usually get my long runs in on a Saturday… Most plans say Sunday but honestly Sunday is for church and I love the idea of my rest day being wrapped in the Sabbath. As for pre-fueling, ever since my high school Cross Country days I got into pasta dinners. Not one to break from tradition!


Have a blast and safe travels!!! Great job on the run, right now I’m listening to Les Mis in the car. I can’t stop it. I typically do my long runs on Sunday and I love to eat some pizza the night before!


Have a great trip!!!! Glad you survived that wild hail storm.
I’m boring and just flip from one radio station to another in the car unless i have a road trip planned and then i usually listen to my favorite marathon playlist on my iphone.

Coolest places I’ve been is a tie between Sedona AZ (I was meant to be surrounded by red rocks) and all of california….from Napa to Big Sur, to San Diego to San francisco to Sausalito, all of it! I’m an east coast girl so seeing the west coast is just awesome.

Long runs are Saturday or Sunday

I’ve been eating pancakes a lot for dinner the night before a long run. =)


Running in the hail = you are one legit little lady Janae!


daaang hail storm run sounds terrible! glad you made it out a-okay. safe travels as your adventure starts wooohooo! i am mentally preparing for my trek to kuala lumpur (cue freakout about the plane missing) in august. so. much. time. sitting.

have fun!


I love carbing up the night before. It always helps! Hope you have a relaxing flight and can’t wait to read about your adventures there!


I love posts that are full of Brooke’s face :)


Pasta with marinara sauce or a healthified pad thai that I make. My stomach is pretty picky so I keep it super basic. I still haven’t seen Frozen and feel like the only person in the world.


I usually get my long run done on Saturday. There is more time on the weekend mornings and you get to enjoy your Saturday afternoon knowing that you got a good run in!

The coolest place I have ever been is Alicante, Spain. I studied abroad there for a month in the summer and it was awesome, beautiful, and so fun.


The coolest place I’ve been I would say is Peru…the Inca trail and Macchu Picchu are definitely sites to see! But Thailand sounds super cool, it’s definitely on my bucket list of places to go!

Long run day= Saturday. Pre-run dinner= pasta. Basic, but it works.

I hope you have an AMAZING trip, and I am looking forward to future blog posts with pictures of your trip!


Sounds like it will be a fun conference. Hoping I can make it!


I’ve been listening to random cds that I found in my car. Snow Patrol mostly.

Coolest place I have been to would probably be Galway, Ireland. I did a semester there in college and it was so much fun!

My long run is usually on Sunday. I don’t usually think too much about my “night before a long run” meal, though my long runs are rarely over 10 miles. Maybe I should think about it next time!


Pasta is always my go to meal before a long run! I usually do my long run on Saturday morning, and then take Sunday as a rest day.
Have an amazing trip!!


we listen to country…not the twangy stuff from the mid-nineties and before.

We love Frozen..I want to buy the CD…


Love your nails! My daughter makes me listen to Frozen over and over again. Her birthday was yesterday and all 3 of her parties are Frozen themed.

I don’t really have a ritual for a night before a long run, but I should start one. I am extremely tired tonight and instead of running I am being a bum and staying in. Shame on me.


You look super beautiful, and so do your nails. I still haven’t seen frozen!

Lately I’ve been so sick of current music that I’ve been listening to old, burned high school CDs. THE BEST…Except that when I finally get “home on the range” and “wheels on the bus” out of my head, I have “the thong song” in there.

I wish sisqo was still cool.


It looks like Elvis is riding on one of the carousel horses too haha


Have a safe and wonderful trip!!! I listen to NPR. I don’t have a child but I feel like I need to see this movie frozen?! And I always eat Thai curry before a long run/race. Lots of rice, veggies, tofu and coconut milk.. Not too spicy- it’s perfect fuel!!


We are addicted to the Frozen CD.
The coolest place I’ve ever been is probably on a Caribbean cruise.
Long runs are usually on Sat but last week I had to squeeze it in before work on Monday, and by squeeze it in, I mean up and out at 4am. Blech.
Go to meal before a long run is salad and pizza.


I would LOVE to do this retreat but it’s my 1st Ragnar and 30th bday weekend. Do they do it every year?

Have fun in Thailand!


I’m so excited you’re going to Blend! I want to meet you :)


i love your spring nails! SO cute!

ahhh have a blast in thailand! i can’t wait to hear about your adventures. the coolest place i’ve ever been is china! thailand is on the top of my “travel bucket list,” though :)


Blend is definitely a good conference. We love bloggers who are out there to get better at what they do so they can give back to their shareholders: their family. Congrats!


SO SO SO excited to meet you at Blend!!! I’m hoping to be able to join you for your run (though I will have a super hard time keeping up with you!!) :) Frozen is seriously the best. What did I ever do without that movie/soundtrack?

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