Humans like progress.

I just want to introduce you to my dirt road.  

I have spent a lot of hours and miles on this dirt road.  Anytime I come to Arizona to visit family this is my go-to running spot.  As I was running yesterday I was comparing myself to the last time I was in Arizona and running on this dirt road.  I don’t have any idea if I am faster or slower than I was the last time I was visiting (I guess I could look it up since I have documented every single one of my runs over the last 3.4 years) but yesterday I was comparing myself to something different.  

The last time I came to Arizona was the beginning of September of last year, just a few weeks after filing for divorce.  I didn’t get through one run during that visit without having to take breaks because I was crying so hard.  

And then now, in March, I was pretty much smiling my entire run.  There are a lot of really exciting things going on in my life right now and I really do feel like myself again.

Progress in the right direction feels really good.

I think that one thing that we all love about running is seeing our progress… getting faster, building our endurance, getting stronger, becoming smarter runners, completing a training run that we didn’t think was possible… it is awesome to see ourselves advance.  

Humans thrive on progression and moving forward in the direction that we want to go—>  running allows us to do just that, another reason that everybody should run;)

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There was a talk that I used to listen to on repeat during my runs when I was in Arizona last September and this was a part that always helped me so so so much:

– ‘Don’t you give up.  Don’t you quit.  You keep trying.  There is help and happiness ahead.  A lot of it.  It will be alright in the end.  Believe in good things to come.’ -Jeffrey R. Holland.  

And onto the rest of the day.

-We got to go visit one of my very best friend’s 2 week old baby.  Brooke made sure to grab a doll from the play room to hold next to me while I was holding the baby.  While I was at this friend’s house she told me about how she is moving to UTAH NEXT MONTH.  She will be living within 3 miles of me.  I kind of died from happiness a little bit.

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-Try this grilled cheese sandwich as quickly as you can get the ingredients and make it—>  ham, pepper jack cheese, avocado and tomato (also lots of butter on the bread).  Avocado just takes everything to the next level.

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-Brooke’s favorite new trick.  She giggles really hard as she is doing it.  

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-If you like Panda Express Chow Mein then you really need to try out this recipe.

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-It is going to be really tough to leave a state that sells Blue Bell Ice Cream at the grocery store.  Utah, you gotta start importing this stuff.  

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Time for a little speed work and most likely a stop at my favorite donut shop on the way to the airport.  


Anyone else ever listen to talks, books, podcasts while running?  What?

Favorite thing to eat avocado with?

How often do you run on dirt/trails?

What state does the majority of your family live in?

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This post makes me extremely happy :) most of my family lives in Texas (home of the blue bell creamery…) Their new flavor is sea salt caramel and we got to try it this weekend! You need to find it before you leave!!!


If Brooke keeps it up, she is going to be the world’s best yoga instructor someday :)

Living in a big coastal city I pretty much never get to run on dirt/trails, but I do get to run at the beach all the time and that’s a tradeoff I’m willing to make :) I bet the peace and quiet on a trail I really nice though!


My family lives all over- I say that most of them are in CT- but my brother and his wife are in VA and my sister is in MO (and I am in MA!).

I sometimes listen to This American Life, Joy the Baker, and Alton Brown podcasts on my long runs- I like to feel like someone is talking to me. Dorky, I know. I now have parts of my route I associate with certain episodes. I am so weird!

Avocados with lime and a little salt and jalapeno as a “salad” are my favorite.


So excited for your progress!! :) Rock it, girl! I like listening to RadioLab podcasts on runs. You should check them out. Also, avocado + anything makes it even more amazing!! I live in Louisiana and Blue Bell is almost all we have! You should definitely find the I love Chocolate flavor because it is to die for!!


Brooke is so cute with the baby!
I only recently discovered that avocados are actually good! My first time trying guacamole was a few months ago!
Most of my family lives in Illinois…and we all live close which I love :)


Wisconsin needs to get blue bell ice cream!!! I had some while visiting family in Kansas & it was such a great :) Avocado= on everything haha


My grandparents live in a small town in Manitoba so when I went there last May I got to run on the backroads and they are straight and flat and I felt like I could run forever! It was amazing! Avocado is really good on an omelette!

:) Have a great day!


Ahh the road. I definitely have one of those too. I am glad you are in a great place again and I can’t wait to see this sub 3 marathon unfold!


I really like how you said “becoming smarter” is progress. Sometimes I think that “Running more and Running Longer” means progress. Then I tend to get worn down. As I become smarter as a runner, I learn to listen to my body’s signs. Thanks for the reminder. :)

My dirt trail is awesome too! Unfortunately I am still waiting for the ice and snow to melt so that we can be reunited. ;)


I’m luck to have nearly all of my family in Illinois. They’re also all in pretty easy driving distance from where I live!


I love this post. as always, you are inspirational, motivating, and positive. Your energy shines through in all of your writing. Please don’t ever change! i think you can relate your example of progress to just about anything-I love that. Thanks for the inspiration!


Its great to see progress in yourself, especially when it is mental strength progress! Glad you are seeing better days:)
My favorite thing to eat advocado with is as guacamole and with corn chips! Yum!


Happy to hear you feel like yourself again!
Sorry to say, I don’t like avocado! Even when I eat sushi with it, I have to pop out the avocado chunks!
I love running on trails and hope to do a majority of my running on them this summer!
Safe travels.


So understand noticing your progress regarding the divorce. Isn’t it an amazing feeling? Almost all of my family lives in NY with me although lately I feel like migrating us all down to Florida for the warmer weather year round….Love avocado, with anything! I spent way too much of my life thinking I hated avocado. Boy was I missing out, totally at the top of my favorite foods list.


i love listening to podcasts when I run, usually one on fitness and nutrition. Avocado with everything!


I think we all have that special running path that is meaningful to us. Whether it’s at our parents house, old residence, ect. In any of the locations I’ve lived I have had a special running path or route that brings back memories. While my immediate family lives in VA, most is actually lives in Scotland so I don’t see them very often.


Music all the time! It’s pointless for me to listen to anything else because I will forget what I heard. The music usually becomes background noise to my thoughts.

I usually run on a paved trail maintained by a local park. In the winter I run on the treadmill mostly. We had a nice day of 50 recently so I ran the trail even though it was still covered mostly with snow. It was packed down but it was still a tough run with the all the snow. I love running the dirt trails in the parks when the weather gets nice, but have to be extra careful not to trip!

I’m in Ohio and so is the majority of our family. Headed to Nebraska this weekend to visit with the only part of our immediate family that isn’t still in Ohio. Yay! We sure miss them. :)

I love avocado! I have it almost every day with lunch. Mashed avocado on a grilled cheese sandwich, avocado on a blt, and my favorite avocado chicken salad sandwich. Just mash avocado and mix with some shredded chicken and season. No mayo needed.

Glad to hear you are feeling better and seeing progress. It is so hard to see a better day when you are right in the middle of a terrible situation but time really does make a difference.


It sounds like you had a great trip! I love listening to audiobooks and podcasts when I run. My favorite is RadioLab from NPR!


i tried an audio book while running once, but found it too distracting! maybe i’ll give it another go. love avocados in any form, but am especially fond of them as avocado. and yay for progress :)


I love how big that container of ice cream is!!! I usually don’t like to run on trails, it always hurts my ankles. Favorite thing to eat avocado with is chips!!! Love me some guac :D. But I completely agree with you, as humans we do love seeing progression, not just in running, but in everything.


I love how optimistic you are. Your posts always inspire me! And now I want to go make that grilled cheese sandwich for breakfast. :)


I have thought about listening to podcasts on long runs but never done it. I think when I get back up to the point of running longer distances again I will have to try it out!

We have a dirt road where I live that we always go run on during the spring/summer. Once the snow is gone.I can’t wait to get back on it!


Since I am injured now I watch tv and movies while I train indoors, otherwise when I run I occasionally listen to the radio or my own music. I love avocado and I just eat it plain. Most of my family lives in Texas.


I just listen to music while running, but I think it would be good to listen to books because I’m not a big reader!

I love avocado with EVERYTHING :) It’s one of my favorite foods in the whole world, and you are right, avocado makes everything that much better!

I don’t really run on dirt or trails, there aren’t that many around me in Charlotte, but I wish there were so that I could give me joints a break from the relentless hills and hard pavement!

Most of my family is from Michigan so they all live up in the Midwest (Michigan and Chicago), but my parents and sister live in South Carolina (where I grew up) and my husbands family all lives in North Carolina (where we live now)!


I actually like talking while running…which was much easier when my sis and I lived in the same state…but last week we hopped on our treadmills and our phones and talked during our run. Felt so good and went so fast!!! Majority of my family lives in South Dakota…miss them like crazy but love the milder weather in Utah.


Avocado + Cucumber + Cream Cheese sandwiches…don’t knock it ’til you try it! So light and delicious, especially on bread with crunchy grains in it! :)

I don’t typically listen to talks when I run…if it’s not Lady Gaga radio (who doesn’t love running for the applause-plause???) then I am chatting/venting/gossiping with my best friend :)


Janae–you are such an inspiration to so many women out there. It’s so amazing to see someone come out so strong through the divorce you’re going through.

To me as a reader your life pre-divorce seemed just about perfect; just goes to show how what is depicted on here isn’t the real world. But regardless, I thank you for all the honesty you put forth here day after day–it helps me in moments of my own darkness. <3


Yay for progress!!
I love listening to books on my long runs :0)
Umm, avocados go with everything, right?
We have some dirt trails around our neighborhood and a bike bath that goes through our entire city, it’s pretty cool.
Most of our family lives here in town except for one sister who is in Canada.


I love listening to podcasts while I run. I only really like music when I’m trying to run fast. Otherwise, it makes me feel nauseated, which is weird. So I stick to podcasts like This American Life, Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me, and Stuff Your Mom Never Told You.

Brooke is so cute with her doll while you hold the baby :).

I’m so glad you’re in a better place now than September!


Humans DO like progress. If we aren’t progressing in life, at least in our own opinion, we tend to become resentful and discouraged. While I’m not really progressing in my running right now, I’m definitely progressing in my professional life. Mind you, reading your blog always encourages me to get out the door and run anyway!

Also, avocado truly does make everything better ;)


I don’t usually listen to anything except music while running and I cannot stand avocados. Unfortunately we don’t have a lot of dirt trails here but we do in Tennessee which is where most of my family lives. Have a safe trip home.


I listen to podcasts sometimes when I run. There are several churches that I like that have podcasts so I will listen to a message. I also sometimes listen to audiobooks.
I hate avocado….I know, I am weird like that!
I mostly run on roads or a paved trail…but I want to find a good trail! If I did I would do all of my long runs on it!
My family and my husbands are totally spread out! IA, MD (that is us now), FL, IL, KS, RI :)


Ah the beautiful, scenic state of New Jersey… I miss it so. If only where I lived now served blue bell ice cream it might make living away from family that much easier…


I enjoyed how you used running on a familiar dirt road as a metaphor for progression. I think we all have those personalized moments or places that allow us to actually see and acknowledge our own growth and change.

I primarily listen to music while running, however I do enjoy listening to Malcolm Gladwell books (Blink, Outliers, Tipping Point, etc.). We have plenty of dirt trails where I live in Oregon, so I find myself running on trails about 50% of the time. Definitely a little easier on the body!


I need some recommendations for talks on podcasts!

Avocado in any salad is a winning salad.

I am interested in trail running. That dirt trail looks perfect for you (i mean, after all it is yours :) I love seeing how far you’ve come, it gives a lot of people hope.


So happy for you to have those feelings of progress. Sorry that you had to in the first place too. It looks like you had such a fun time in Arizona. Your sister-in-law looks awesome after having a baby ~ yeah her. I think Brooke is going to love gymnastics, especially with the move shown above :) Have a safe trip home.


Most of my family is in ny/nj area but I have a bunch out in Arizona and Illinois. And a cousin in Virginia.

I don’t get to run on dirt as much but there is a loose gravel path that is 4.25 miles round trip that I run on for many solo long runs. I do it multiple times.

I’m about to take he plunge and start downloading audio books to listen to while running. I just don’t read as much as I should so this could solve a lot!


I don’t actually like avocado! I’m just weird, I guess. :)
We have Blue Bell, if you come visit, I’ll let you eat it for breakfast!


It is so good to hear how far you have come in a few short months. Things are just going to get better and better for you! Funny about avocados. Last night I made soft tacos piled high with avocados. It made the tacos so good!


Most of my family lives in Virginia, the rest in Pennsylvania. I love avocado with toast and poached eggs!


I mostly listen to music, never tried a podcast before.

I love avocado on my sandwiches and salads.

Maybe 1x/month. Not very much. I do run in my alleys, and those are dirt so ok maybe all the time?

Most of my family lives in AZ with me!

I hope you had a great time here:)


gosh Janae, this post is so amazing. I love what you’re saying here. I think we all have special paths that are meaningful to us…for me it’ll probably always be the road my first “home” (that I remember) was on. I also love running on trails here in CO and every time I do, I remember the last time I ran there and love to see the progress since then in both my running and what was going on in my personal life around then.

The majority of my family lives in New York and along the East Coast.


I usually zone out during my runs, maybe I need to do a little more reflection during that time. Probably get my mind off the pain of running and the horrible breathing lol.

Listen to talks – I love Simone Sinek, he does a lot of leadership training and stuff like that
Avocado – not a fan, sorry
Run dirt/trails – As often as I can, ITB issues so this really helps
What state – Majority live in AZ, now have some in laws in NYC, need to visit since ive never been


I love that quote!!! So positive and made me look at what has started out as a bad day in a more positive way :)


I live in NY and most of my family lives in NY but my husband’s family lives in NJ.

I love avocado’s on everything. One unique way I use them is to make tuna salad and I don’t use any mayo.

I am hosting a Pro Compression giveaway if anyone is interested. Go to


Blue Bell ice cream is the BEST!


Progress is great! I’m so glad you are seeing better days! :)

How can you live in a state that doesn’t sell Blue Bell? Seriously. I could not.

Have you ever tried mayo in place of butter on a grilled cheese? I’m not a huge mayo fan, but this is absolutely delicious. You must try!


Progress recovering from a divorce–yep, I have to say, running saved me. I honestly don’t know how I would have made it through the toughest year of my life without being able to pound out my feelings during a hard run. (*Of course, hard is relative. I think you would call my “hard” runs “easy.”)


I used to never listen to anything, but lately became obsessed with listening to audiobooks all day every day. It was interfering with life, obviously, so I decided I would save audiobook time for when I was running. :) Ive been listening to Harry Potter (of course, a classic), out of the silent planet, and most recently perelandra. It is great! :)


What a great post! Progress is always great and I’m very happy for you!


Favorite thing to eat avocado with- all the foods ;) So happy for you and all the progress you’ve made! You should be incredibly proud that you are such a strong woman!


Avocado on everything! I put it on eggs and toast mostly, but when i want a snack, i literally just half it, throw a little salt & pepper on it and eat it with a spoon.


I love cucumbers and peppers with my hummus. I know boring! All my family is in Wisconsin and I’m here alone in Arizona. Well, I have lots of friends who are my adopted families!


I know most people will think I’m insane for saying this…but I’m not a huge avocado fan. I try and I just can’t get into it


Good for you! I had a similar feeling on a run back in my hometown after my recent breakup. It felt amazing.

I must listen to music while running. Anything else takes me out of the “zone.”

Avocados on salads, but I like it on/with everything. Even have a recipe for dark chocolate avocado cookies!


I looked into getting Blue Belk shipped to my brother-in-law for Christmas. It was spendy, but possible.

Love avocados mashed on French bread with tomato and salt.

Most if my family is in Wa, ID, and UT. My sister is in Orem and my brother is in West Valley.


Avocado is my favorite food! I think it makes everything taste better! I listen to podcasts when I am running a long run by myself. Once I got so engrossed in a “This American Life” story that I missed my usual turn and ended up adding a mile to my run!


yay for progress! you go girl!

Does your brother live in the Gilbert/Chandler area? I’m from Gilbert and I run along a canal like that when I go home. It really is a great path :)

This doesn’t answer any of your questions, but I just ate 2 pieces of cheesecake as my “breakfast dessert”. For some reason I really felt the need to share that with you.


You’re amazing–and your progress is amazing. You are such an inspiration! Love that talk by Elder Holland <3

I do not like avocado…sorry!

But I sure do love Blue Bell ice cream!!


It is so wonderful that you feel like yourself again. Isnt it interesting to visit a place from your past and see progress in yourself?

Avocado is the best in guacamole.
My husband LOVES blue bell ice cream and ate a lot of it when he lived In texas.he was excited to find it in Arizona when we lived there a few years ago. There was always a container of it in our freezer while we lived there.

So most of my family lives in utah now. I never thought that would ever happen.


I actually like listening to audiobooks while running better than music! American Sniper and SEAL Team Six: Memoirs of an Elite Navy SEAL Sniper were both really good. Now I’m making my way through The Hunger Games Trilogy. :)

I love avocado on sandwiches!

I used to run on a trail more often than I do now. Probably 2 out of 3 runs I would run on a trail. Nowadays I don’t like having to drive there, and it’s only about a mile long so I don’t like running back and forth a bunch of times. So I’m usually a pavement runner now.

My family is all in VA!


I have read your blog for a long time but never commented… But you need to try Blue Bell’s new “I heart Chocolate” ice cream while you are there. It is awesome! They are selling it in TX, I hope they are in Arizona!


I loved your post! It made me put a smile on my face and I am so happy for you! You are such an inspiration for those going through a tough time to show that you can only get stronger! Great post!
I love tuna and avocado so I will be making this! Loving the new trick by Brooke! So cute! And most of my family lives in Kentucky!


Last time I listened to an audio book while running I tripped and fell because I got so caught up in the story I forgot to pay attention to the path ahead of me… so I just stick to music now! ;)
I do not like avocado. Please don’t hate me!
Not often enough… maybe a couple times a month.
Most of my family lives in southwest Missouri.
I love your optimism, keep it up!!! Brooke is too cute with her baby doll… :)


You’ve made huge progress! I am so happy for you!

I treated myself to a latte after PT today and noticed that Starbucks sells apple fritters! Did you know?

I love avocado on anything! I find if I put it on salad I don’t need salad dressing, because they are so creamy. I even have my daughter eating the guacamole from Whole Foods, which is basically mashed up avocado and a little bit of seasoning. Yum!

My sister (who is my best friend) and her family and my parents live in Texas and we live in VA. I don’t see my sis and nieces often enough and miss them like crazy! You are lucky to have some of your family close by.


Avocado on anything! I usually just add a little salt and eat it straight out of it’s shell. (skin? case? what do you call that??) I rarely run on dirt because there just aren’t many trails where I live. Occasionally I’ll run through the undeveloped part of my neighborhood that is sort of like a dirt road. All of my family lives in the same state as me (Georgia) but are a 3 hour drive away.


nothing makes me happier than knowing how happy you are and how well you’re doing! you are so amazing and i love you lots. XOXO


When training, I listen to music – and it doesn’t really matter what music because I think it serves as a noise barrier allowing me to just sink into my own thoughts…and review the days successes and challenges. During a race, I NEVER listen to anything – I LOVE the sounds of the race.

Avocado goes with anything. But guacamole is maybe the best.

I only have family in California – the rest are in Canada! lol! And many are close by.


You have managed to turn such a tough situation into an opportunity to grow into an even more amazing individual. Inspiring Janae :) And so glad the dirt road helps you reflect on that :)


I have never listened to anything besides music while running. I think I would get too distracted if I tried that, and then I’d end up lost or something. Ha! But I really love that talk you shared. It put a little tear in my eyes as I read it because of some things I’m going through right now. I needed that–thanks for sharing!

I love avocado on grilled chicken sandwiches. Yum!

I haven’t run on trails in quite a while..but I miss my favorite one! I’ll have to hit it up after my half marathon this weekend.

My entire family lives in Wisconsin. Seriously–my ENTIRE family! I’m the only one who managed to escape :)


So glad to hear how far you’ve come over these past few months! :)


I LOVE podcasts. You Made It Weird with Pete Holmes, How Was Your Week with Julie Klausner, and The Bugler are my favorites.


Avacado and EVERYTHING! But my favorite would have to be in a taco! So creamy and delish. I could probably just eat an avacado taco.

The family pretty much resides in Texas. I like that we’re all close, but dislike that I don’t get to go on fun trips to visit them in other cool states.


I eat avocado with everything! I tried keeping a food diary and laughed when I saw the evidence.


Great to hear how happy you’ve been!

And I’m pinning the chow mein recipe…it looks awesome, and I have a soft spot in my heart for Panda Express chow mein.


Janae, I’m stealing that quote from Jeffrey R. Holland. Believe in good things to come. ahhhhh…… I’m trying so hard. It sounds so easy. :) Thank you once again, for saying just what I needed to hear. God Bless. And have an awesome rest of your trip in AZ. :)


It sounds like you had a great weekend, and it’s wonderful that you are so happy again!

Most of my family lives in Virginia, but many are on the opposite side of the state which is six hours away.


Safe travels!


The canal system in Arizona is where I trained for 4 marathons. I know those dirt roads very well!


Avocado + Bacon = Love. I use mashed avocado instead of mayo in BLTs.
During the limited window of time between mud season and snow season I like to run on trails as much as I can.
Most of my family lives here in New England, no more than a couple hour drive away.


Oh gosh I know how you feel about Blue Bell! Growing up, my family vacationed in Destin, FL almost every summer and my favorite part about the beach was really eating Blue Bell Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough! After recently moving to Louisville, I discovered they sell the stuff here. Never moving!


I really love this post. It sounds like you are moving in a great direction. Happy for you :) And oddly enough, my entire family lives in AZ (except for me). Have a great day!


Not to get all “church” on you… But I always look forward to the homily at mass. I focus in on that, and I try to pick out something for me – something that pertains to me, or something I can work on. Your blogs are just like that =). I like the mantra by Jeffrey R. Holland. That’s what I picked out today, Thank you for that. I can use that during the last mile in the 5k/10k (when it feels like I can’t sustain the pace any longer), and in everyday life. Have a great day J!


I Have a weird pet peeve when it comes to earphones. I feel like they will damage my hearing and I already have hearing problems! I usually turn music down way low, or don’t use anything at all and it’s just me and my thoughts. :)

My favourite way to eat avocado is guacamole or just straight out from the shell!


i really loved reading this post! i admire your optimistic and positive attitude, plus i love how you seem to relate a lot of life lessons to running :)

my favorite way to eat avocado is with eggs, but really… i don’t care what i eat it with. i’ll eat it with a spoon out of the skin :)


I just wanted to tell you what an inspiration you are! I am not going through a divorce but I am dealing with a soon to be job loss. Seeing your positive attitude and ability to bounce back is just inspiring!


I like listening to podcasts and TED talks! I am weird like that. I love avocado on sourdough toast with a little salt! I run on paved trails a lot, but I don’t get much of a chance to run on dirt paths because I’m in a pretty urban area! Most of my family lives within 30 minutes of me in Virginia. It’s sooooooooooo nice!


I’ve been listening to Making Mountains Move….it makes me feel like I can do anything…take a listen if you haven’t already!


I’m so glad that things are getting better for you! :D


Avacado and tuna are the best mixed together! I use cucumbers like crackers to dip. SO good!

My family is in Illinois, which is only a state away from the mitten, but anything further than next door is too far!


Hi Janae,

Thanks for the inspiring post. What was the name of the talk you quoted? Sounds like something I could use right now.


That’s for sharing! And thanks for sharing that recipe! I will try that this week. Yum!

U got me craving an apple fritter… Can’t speak of donuts without me thinking apple fritter haha.


Thanks for sharing your dirt road. And thanks for sharing that recipe! I will try that this week. Yum!

U got me craving an apple fritter… Can’t speak of donuts without me thinking apple fritter haha.


Mmmm I can eat avocado with anything, but my favorite thing as of late is to eat it with an egg sandwich! So good in the morning, and so much good fat to keep you chugging through your day!


Favorite thing to eat avocado with — a spoon. The majority of my family lives in IL and I live here in good ol’ FL. Not planning on changing that ever.




I am so glad you are starting to feel like yourself again and that you are happy. That is awesome! I love the inspirational quote, we all can use that in our daily lives.

I love running on trails. There is something about it that is exciting and relaxing because you are connecting with nature.


I’m doing the Blue Bell Fun Run in April. Ice cream trucks with free Blue Bell at the finish. Come join us.


The majority of my family lives in Florida and I miss them and the sun terribly.

SO happy that you are feeling like YOU again : )


Everyone has their own dirt road, it’s fun to travel them and over time and see how they change. Not only do we as humans progress but the road does too. I love seeing new houses on a street I have run for years that had none.


I ran a lot of those canals when I lived in Phoenix. It was definitely better than running on the roads. Glad to hear you are doing so much better.


Utah doesn’t sell Blue Bell? How is that even legal???


blue bell. agreed.


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