A video post with lots of talking.

I have to warn you that this video contains piano playing, singing and a lot of talking so probably turn your volume down a little bit so I don’t break your ears.  

Main points:

-My sister is really good at the piano.

-Brooke now knows how old she is.

-My brother-in-law is passionate about apple fritters and gives a detailed description of our favorite one.  ‘That’s beautiful.’

-Dinner with Mer and my parents at Outback to celebrate my mom’s bday.  I was craving a burger.   

-My mom chose to have a strawberry pie for her birthday cake.  She is getting even more wise with each year.

WE ARE GOING TRAIL RUNNING TODAY!  It has been months and months since the last time I did this.  The trails are good for my soul and my legs.  I also have a trail race next month so I should probably start training on them a little bit every now and then.   

And two running motivation posters that I liked:




Who plays the piano?  Who played the piano growing up?

-I took lessons for 6 years or so and I definitely wish that I didn’t quit when I did.

Who else loves trail running? How often do you go?

How many brother/sister-in-laws do you have?  Do you get along well with them?

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I played piano for 12 years but literally haven’t played once since the day I left for college. That actually makes me sad now that I think about it!

I have 4 brother/sister-in laws. LOVE them. I only have one little brother so to inherit 4 older siblings when I had always wanted an older sibling was the best thing ever.


I played piano for about 5 years… poorly. I have 2 sisters-in-law and they rock! I can’t wait to have more siblings-in-law :)

I run trails with my mom and it is the most therapeutic amazingness in the world. If I had more trails near my house I would be on them 24/7!


I played piano as a child, and I really wish I didn’t quit. Same for violin.

Trail running? In theory, it sounds awesome, because I love hiking. In practice? Well, I’m kind of clumsy. I bump in to doors and tables and anything else that just sits there. I don’t think I would fare well running up a mountain. There are all those trees…


I never player an instrument but wish I did. I’d love to be able to play something! Trail runs are one if my favorite things ever. They’re such a challenge but fun and beautiful :)


I have NO musical ability whatsoever :). My kids have done piano on and off a little…we are about to have my youngest do piano again and my oldest wants to do guitar :)! I have 4 brother-in-laws and 2 sister-in-laws. We all pretty much get along, but we all live far apart.


Love the video!!

I have one sister/brother in law. I get along with both of them, BUT my sister are different people so natural we would marry different types of men. I have to remind myself of that when I have the thought “wow, I could never be married to a man like that”


That strawberry pie looks amazing!


bring your sister up for BLEND!!!!! :)


Your sister plays the piano beautifully! I never took lessons, but I played in the band for two years until the band director suggested I might want to try sports instead! :-)

I love trail running and have a race coming up on April 6! Can’t wait!


I visited several sites except the audio feature for audio songs existing at
this site is actually fabulous.


I love trail running!!! I don’t go often because I’m scared to go by myself and I don’t have a lot of friends that want to do it with me (I don’t have many runner friends). I went once last summer and that was it. I love it because you have to concentrate so hard on not tripping on roots and rocks that you don’t pay attention to how far/fast you’re going.

I don’t play a single musical instrument. I always wanted to play the piano and violin but we lived overseas and it was impossible to find lessons. My sister played the flute for a really long time though.

I have two brothers-in-law and one sister-in-law. I really only see one brother-in-law (my sister’s husband) because the others are my husbands siblings and they live in Honduras. We lived with my sister and her husband for a few years so I know him really well and he’s pretty cool.


I have played the piano my whole life…in recent years I haven’t done much playing, but it is on my “to do list” for the summertime when I am off and not working :)

I am scheduling a trail race for myself this summer…i just have to FIND one!!!! Good luck and have fun!


Your sister is so good! I’m in your boat…suffered through lessons as a lad, quit when I could, and now regret not sticking with it! How about my husband taught himself to play the piano/keyboard from youtube!? He can’t read notes and I don’t think he knows where middle C is, but he watches which notes they hit and learns that way. Pretty cool!

I signed up for my first trail run this Sunday!!! Ahh I am so excited but I don’t know why since I’ve never done any type of real trail running in the past. So I should be terrified, but no, I’m excited to be out in nature and trying something new :) Can’t wait to hear how your trail run goes! (Include tips PLEASE)


I played piano for 3 years as a kid, and I wish I had kept it up. My husband and his family are all very musical and like to play together during family gatherings. Maybe someday I’ll learn an instrument so I can join them. :)

Trail running is ALL I do in the summer! Right now all the trails are still buried under 2 feet of snow though, so it’s going to be awhile before I can get back out there. I miss it!!!!


I once tried cross country running and I thought I was going to break something and/or die lost in the woods, so it’s basically not something I’ve been looking repeat. Also, Lyme disease.


I don’t play piano, but my boyfriend does. I could listen to him play all day long, I love it. Hahaha love those motivational running posters! And you brother in law is right to be passionate about apple fritters, those things are so darn good!


Your family looks like so much fun Janae!! The video posts are awesome. I took piano lessons for a few years and also stopped, not sure why. I guess I was more into sports so I concentrated on school and running/swimming.

I LOVE trail running. It is the best kind of running to me. I look forward to the trail runs the most of any run because of how beautiful the scenery is and how much better my legs feel.

I have zero brothers-in-law so far, I was the first sister of 3 to get married this past summer!


Hahaha that last one is so funny. I love the “I want pancakes.” I do prefer running/walking on trails just because it’s so much easier on you and more of a challenge all at the same time.

I have no brothers but I have 3 sisters who were all in high school when I was born and 3 brothers in law that feel like they’re my brothers since I’ve known them all for so long. One of them has actually been around since I was 18 months old haha so we’re all one big happy family.


Hm. This is a loaded post, isn’t it?

We had my grandmother’s piano. I never learned to play it beyond one song. I’m certain it’s gone from my memory now but I remember feeling pretty awesome I could play it. :)

I live in Denver and I LOVE hiking…trail running notsomuch. I realize this makes me the anomaly. Eh. I’m okay with that. City runner to the end. Love the city.

I have two sisters/two brothers in law. I really really like one of each. Same side. LOL They know who they are. It took a lot of years to come to the realization it was okay to love someone you have a close bonded history with but you don’t have to necessarily like them. Sometimes even siblings can be completely different personalities.


I love trail running, but we don’t have any true trails close to my house so I don’t get to go as often as I would like.
I have 3 brother-in-laws and 1 sister-in-law, they are all so different and I adore them for different reasons :)


I’ve never done a trail race but it sounds like fun! I have one sister in law and she is awesome. :-)


Talent runs in your family! Your sister is outstanding at the piano.
The fact that that is your view everyday makes me a teeeny tiny bit jealous, the best kind though :)


I love your video posts!! Your family looks like such a good time!

I’ve never been trail running. I used to run country roads way back in the day, other than that I’m all cement. Boring :( I love those pictures! The second one is definitely me during a long run. If I had to take any type of test, or even say the alphabet after a long run, I probably couldn’t do it! But I would know for sure that I wanted pancakes! ;)


Great video and great piano play. I have been loving trail runs lately. Something about them really makes you feel in tune with nature.

Piano – never played but I sure wish I had learned
Trail Runs – Love them right now, try to get a few in a week. Great trail near my work so I do a quick run on my lunch break.
In Laws – I have one Girlfriend In Law, she gets along pretty well with the family. She will be in our wedding later this year.



Trail running is my favorite! My first half marathon was a trail race (not one of my best decisions) but it was such a blast and I’m hoping to run more soon!


I am actually an only child! As a kid though, I would pretend to have a brother whenever the doctor (or anyone) gave me a lollipop. I would ask for an extra for my sibling, knowing that would score me an extra lollipop!


I do not play piano very well. I don’t have any trails near my home and I have 2 brother in laws whom I love dearly. And, I am still cracking up over ‘it’s beautiful’…hahahaha


I played piano for about 6 months before my teacher moved away. I wish I had played longer but that’s when I started on the violin and I played that for about 9 years.


I have 8 sisters-in-law and three brothers-in-law. They are all pretty great.

I took 1 year of piano. I should have stuck with it. And 1 year of singing lessons. My teacher liked Bette Midler and The Bangles. And Primary songs.


It’s never too late to start or pick it up again :) I always wanted to really learn how to play the piano for my whole life. I had taught myself three bumbling songs when I was about 12. Last year when life went all…weird ;-) …I decided it was high time! So I’ve been taking lessons for a year now. So. Fun. Now I know why there are sharps and flats and what a “key” is :)

I have 8 B/SILs. I like them all for the most part…two of them especially :)


This was the best video blog post ever!


Your family is so fun! Remember when you sister was thinking of starting a blog?? She needs to!
I could really go for some strawberry pie right now.


woah, your sister is a beast at the piano! I’d really like a piece of that strawberry pie :)


I took piano lessons growing up. Now of course I wish I had stuck with it, but at the time I really didn’t enjoy it.

I have one brother-in-law and one sister-in-law, and though we don’t see them that often because they both live really far away, they’re fantastic people.


Your sister is amazing on the piano! I took lessons for 14 years! Loved it!
The video was great!


I took lessons for a few years but switched to voice… I can maybe play out of a hymnal now or follow chords for a contemporary service. Your sis rocks!!

I love trail running! I had a buddy that I’d go with (I’m afraid I’ll get lost when I’m by myself) but she moved to Cleveland. :( I haven’t been in a couple years now.

I have 4 sis in-laws and they’re all awesome. I’m particularly close with one… but definitely get along with all 4. 1 brother in-law and he’s pretty cool, too… when he and my husband get together they get pretty crazy. :)


haha, love the donut part! you know, whenever you mention donuts, i always get a craving!

i was suppose to go running this morning, but am feeling lazy so i am procrastinating till tonight;)


I absolutely love trail running. I probably do more trail running than road running, only because there are countless trails where I live and you can go for miles! There are also a number of half marathon trail races over the summer and fall months that I like to participate in. It is easier on the body and SO beautiful!


Holy cow that pie looks AMAZING.

I have three SILs and two BILs.

I love trail running, but I am super clumsy, so there hasn’t been any pregnant trail running.


That last poster….OMG perfect. It’s how each of my long runs goes down… I WANT PANCAKES!

I play the piano. I took lessons in Junior HS and HS actually. But I’m not that good since I haven’t kept up with it. But every now and again I’ll tinker…I have my piano in my home. My parents let me take the one I had growing up when I bought my first place.

Trail running is great. Hard, but great. I tense up a lot worrying about tripping over things but I love to get lost in the jungle (sort of).

I have one brother and one sister-in-law. We get along great.


I played piano for ten years and still play to this day. It’s very relaxing. I’ve never tried trail running. What do you believe are the big differences with it?


Who plays the piano? Who played the piano growing up?
I wish… I didn’t have the patience to practice… whoops.

Who else loves trail running? How often do you go?
Running on trails is what I miss most about cross country! There are no trails near me here at college, so unfortunately I don’t get to go very often.

How many brother/sister-in-laws do you have? Do you get along well with them?
None yet! My brother is only 12… I have a whole bunch of cousin-in-laws though that I am really close with!


Your brother-in-law is hilarious with his apple fritter analysis. Very Food Network of him ;) I played piano for about 10 years growing up. REALLLLY wish I didn’t quit. I miss it and tell myself when I’m older I will learn again.


I always wished I played the piano, but I never had lessons. :/

I am not coordinated enough to run on a trail. I fall over just walking on a trail!

I have two sisters-in-law and one brother-in-law. I’ve actually never even met one of my SIL! I love the other one and my BIL is awesome!


I love trail running and I never played the piano! I don’t have any brother or sister-in laws and my fiancé is an only child so I won’t have any hehe


I took piano lessons for 8 years growing up. I still have my piano (which I have moved across the country with me several times) and play it every once in awhile. I really need to play more often though–it is such a stress reliever and reminds me of good times. I tend to play it a lot when my husband is deployed overseas, but not so much when he is home.

I LOVE trail running, but haven’t gone in forever. I’ll start going again now that I am done with my half marathon.

I have one brother-in-law, but we dont really talk besides when we go home once a year to visit. My husband isn’t very close with his family. It’s really sad, actually! I also have one sister-in-law, and we get along great. She’s super goofy and always keeps us entertained!


your sister is really great at piano! i quit lessons after about a month, but i taught myself as an adult. Still not great, but i like to play :)


I took piano lessons for 5-6 years and really wish I hadn’t quit. At the time my love for sports won and piano lessons had to go. I LOOOOVE my sister-in-law but she lives 8,000 miles away <—- that is not an exaggeration, it is the truth. Plus I'm about to gain a brother-in-law when my SIL gets married in 6 weeks!!


Haha It is funny how well we can describe our favorite foods :) They are so beautiful! Love that it is nice enough for your sun roof to be down – I am jealous it is the first day of spring and SNOWING here :( Boooo


That description of the apple fritter is amazing. I love it. I too have a love of the apple fritter. They are just so darn good.
It looks beautiful down there. We’ve had a few sunny days here in Seattle but not quite spring like weather just yet. Hopefully soon.


I love trail running, especially with my pup! He’s so energetic and it amazes me that he never runs too far away from me. When he catches the sent of a squirrel though, he’s gone!


I prefer trails to roads.

Keep up these video-posts; they are really entertaining to watch (especially during a teacher’s lunch-period). Also it snowed here today in Chicago for the 1st day of Spring.. not so good–but I liked to see the better weather in the video.


That strawberry pie looks divine! So yummy. Your view is unbelievable. To have snow capped mountains on a 51 degree day. Breathtaking!


I took piano and viola lessons growing up – I hated it, but it probably would’ve been nice to remember enough to be able to play occasionally. I love the video posts!


I started playing the piano in my 20s and still play.

I went trail running this morning – 1,000′ of climbing in 4 miles, then 1,000′ of descending! Love it! Saw rabbits, squirrels and a coyote, and heard a woodpecker.


I have 1 brother in law and 2 sis-in-law. As an only child, this was one of the most exciting parts of getting married for me :)


Both my brother and I played piano growing up. I stopped when we had to start learning the foot pedals. TOO MUCH GOING ONNNN.

I have my brother’s wife…then I have my husbands two sisters. So no brother-in-laws!


Love that video. I also took lessons and wish I hadn’t of quit. As soon as Izzy starts school, I want to take lessons again.


I play the piano. It’s mucho grande fun. I ignored it for a lot of my teenage years, and I regretted it, so I started taking lesson again as an adult. Best choice ever.


I have never been musical unless you count the recorder in elementary school ;)


I played piano from 1st or 2nd grade until the time I left for college. Sadly, I have lost a quite a bit of skill in that area…


My goodness your sis is an amazing piano player! I can’t believe Brooke is old enough to know how old she is gahhh! (Weird, I feel like I know her :))

I got home from Moab, UT Sunday night and that shot of the mountains is making me sad, I wish I were back! Don’t ever, ever, move Utah is the beeesssst place on earth :)


I play the piano!! 15 years. Chopin is my favorite.


I LOVE trail running! I can’t wait for our weather to get nice so I can start going again!

4 sis-in-laws and 3 bro-in-laws. One of m sis-in-laws has become one of my closest friends and I know she will always be in my life whether we are in-laws or not. I am actually blessed with pretty great sis and bro in-laws. Only 1 is sometimes a difficult relationship.

Also, I love Outback! :) And for my birthday at the end of the month, I think I am making your Oreo ice cream cake that you have shared before on here.


You are so great and your video just made my night. Happy Thursday you two!!


Love the video posts!


Can you please tell me what brand/shade of lipstick you are wearing in the video?! I love it!


I played the piano as a child and quit because i thaught it was a nerdy thing to do, many years later and i am back to getting lessons, i love it:)


I love my brother and sister in laws….we get along great! Wish we lived closer. Love trail running. I used to run them all the time in cali…not so much in DC.
Happy Birthday to mom HRG!


I’ve never been trail running but really want to try for the sake of my knees! And I am obsessed with that second running motivation pic! :)


I’m running my first long (10+ miles) elevation-filled trail run on Cougar Mountain in Washington, this weekend with my running group. I’m a little nervous, but mostly just about getting super lost in the woods. :)


I took a piano class once hoping I would learn, it’s hard work.

I’ve never been trail running, but I guess I should start since I am doing a 10 mile trail race at the beginning of May. :|

I have 3 brother’s-in-law and 3 sister’s-in-law. Not to mention the 3 sister’s I have through my BIL’s marriages. And the funny thing is, one of them is my actual sister. Yep, you read that right, my sister and I married brothers!
Anyway, I love all of my in-laws!! They are the best!

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