A girl just needs a….

I have no idea where she got her broccoli obsession from?!  Brooke was crying about something random and then as soon as I asked her if she wanted some broccoli she stopped crying and got to work.  

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Brooke had a play date but she was not interested in any hugging.  She is going to be a heartbreaker.

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The weather told us that it was necessary that we spend the rest of the afternoon and early evening at the park.  

My ‘I’m going to wear these every day during the spring’ shoes came yesterday (and that made my day).  They are on sale here!

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We ended up staying at the park until way past our normal dinner time so we needed something fast to eat.  We went to Cafe Rio and I was going to get my usual salad but every now and then a girl just needs a big container of nachos topped with 1/2 a cup of guacamole.  

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And if your Costco has these popsicles you really need to get them.  Had a strawberry one and loved it.  

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Once again I proved to myself that I really should just stick to running by losing terribly at Nintendo at my friend’s house.  

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5 words or less to describe what kind of mood you are in right now.  I am excited to see how you are feeling today!  

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Exhausted. Excited. Hopeful. Happy. Cold!


Excited for the weekend!!! Can’t wait to relax and enjoy this gorgeous weather :)


It’s Friday, I’m so happy! :)

I can’t wait for tomorrow. I get to sleep in a little bit, go volunteer for a few hours and then run 8 miles (the most since my last half). Sounds like a good Saturday to me! Hope you have something fun planned!


her leggings and headband!!!!! amazingly cute!


Where did you get Brooke’s leggings?! I’m dying…my little girl NEEDS those!


Very super uber duber EXCITED! I’m flying to “meet” a blog friend for the first time today and stay at her house all weekend!!! We have awesome plans to eat, run and go on adventures!!!! I can’t wait!


Late for work because Annabelle had a rough night and I stayed in bed until she woke up this morning! TGIF!


5 words: Excited for the day, disappointed.

Love that little picture of Brooke and her broccoli. B and B go so well together. : )


Noah’s obsessed with broccoli too :)


Wish I had today off!
It’s going to be another beautiful spring day and the woods are calling me!

I think I could live on nachos. So many options!
I suck at video games. I’m okay with that.


big chocolate frosted brownie happy.


I’m happy that it’s Friday!


5 words: So glad it is Friday! Hope you and Brooke have an awesome weekend!


Excited for 5k tomorrow!!!!


I’m in a great mood! IT’S FRIDAY!! My best friends are coming into town from Nashville and we have a wedding with all our friends this weekend! Oh yeah, and the weather is supposed to be 70 and sunny here tomorrow in Charlotte YAY!! Happy Friday :)


Brooke is about the cutest thing ever!
My mood: feeling very blessed with my life.


5 words: Spring Break starts at 3pm!

LOVE Brooke’s headband!


Have I mentioned how much I love Brooke’s headbands? So chic.

Tired (Electricity went out sometime before 2am, when I woke up realizing the AC was off)
Confused (Trying to figure out my next career move)
Grateful (for the supportive people in my life who are helping me get through confused)
Focused (gotta get things done by the end of day)


My mood: Praying for some direction


I love Brooke’s attitude, and I agree she will be a heartbreaker haha

Happy, Inspired, Anxious, Ready, Excited


Sleep deprived but super happy :)


Ummm Brooke’s outfit is so cute… I wanna dress like her :)

5 words or less: Thankful it’s Friday! Yay!


I’m irritable! (I’m tapering and trying not to panic!) Sorry for the nega-bomb!! :-)


SO I definitely just bought those shoes because of this post. I need some good walk around summer shoes. My Sperrys are awesome but they need to be rotated with something with a bit more support. Thanks for the link!

5 words or less. I am sleeeeeepy.


OMG so funny about the broccoli, because my 19 month old is obsessed with it too! So much so that when you ask her what her favorite food is, she ALWAYS answers with “broccoli.” And when she sniffs her blankie for comfort, we ask her what it smells like and she also replies with “broccoli.” It’s SO bizarre, eh? Like, it’s a good veggie and all, but there are better ones out there. Also, there are donuts.


Thankful it is friday. Food…… yep that about sums it up


Feeling very special – good birthday yesterday! (shoot, that was 6 words!)


I’m feeling a little frustrated. I’m injured, haven’t been able to run all week and don’t seem to be getting any better. :(


LOVING THE HOT WEATHER! Hahaha, it’s absolutely gorgeous over here (for us Canadians) and impossible to not be happy. Plus, it’s Friday, so there’s that. :)


Excited for warm weather tomorrow! (BIG HUGE SMILES–> it will be 60!)


I’m energetic, happy and awake!


OMG. Brooke’s leggings and headband. that is all. :D


Crabby, scratchy throat, 10 miles. I’m going to take it easy. Stupid allergies.

Does Brooke like broccoli raw or cooked? I eat about two pounds of steamed broccoli a week. I can’t get enough!


happy, tired, hungry, legs are sore from working out, peaceful, optimistic!

I AM OBSESSED with Brooke’s outfit. OMG. She is just the cutest thing!


My mood would be described as: READY FOR THE WEEKEND!


Slept better so happy for the day.


Stressed! Trying to finish up all our taxes today, cleaning for a party we are having with neighbors tonight, trying to fit in a run outside (it’s going to be 40+) and having to work for an hour this afternoon. I think the cleaning my own house has me the most stressed. Who wants to do that when I can just run and forget all about it.


killed my WOD this morning!

i’m also really happy that it was warm enough to go outside in shorts this morning. spring is actually coming!


Ready to face the day!


I’m in a great mood. It’s Friday and I get to see my running friends Sunday at the NYC half and I bought my favorite pre run fuel on sale at the supermarket yesterday. Super pretzels! They were on sale for 2 boxes for $5.


Sunshine, don’t want to work.

Have a good weekend.


You should really do a post on where you get all of Brooke’s outfits, they are so darn cute! I recently found out I am expecting a girl (my first pregnancy), and I am so so excited!


I’m feeling rested, excited, anxious, and happy! I know, hard to believe those are all happening at once, but it’s true. :)


1. Sleepy
2. Lazy
3. Thoughtful
4. Earache
5. Stressed

Too much going on this Friday. LOVE the big bowl of nachos… life doesn’t really get any better than nachos. yummmm.


I’m feeling slightly sad that it’s my last day of March Break, but slightly excited to go back to work at the same time! My little boy (17 months) has an obsession with broccoli as well! How strange!


I am: FEELING EXCITED for R’N’R’ HALF!!! That was hard to write in 5 words or less because of the long name of the race haha. The rock ‘n’ roll half in DC is tomorrow!!

And can I hang out with you?? Your day looked like so much fun. And Brooke’s clothes are cuter than mine ;) Have a great weekend!


Those nachos. Omg. I need them ASAP!


The little broccoli lover is adorable. Fun fact: when I was young, my favorite food was broccoli! Above pizza and all else. I only liked it cooked though, not raw like Brooke!


Wow those nachos looked amazing!


Had a good run last night, half day at work today, taking the kids to the zoo today. Should be a pretty good day with some rest and relaxation this weekend.



I love that pic of Brooke eating the broccoli with the tear in her eye. She is so sweet.

Today I am tired.

P.S. I am running a Pro Compression Marathon sock giveaway @ http://wp.me/p4fmQC-68


My mood is EXCITED because I’m moving today! I had a great run last night that pumped me up and gave some good endorphins and energy which is good because I’ve got a busy weekend ahead of me!

Brooke is adorable, but that tear rolling down her face breaks my heart! You are lucky she’s already obsessed with veggies, got a good kid there! :)


In Love with Brooke’s headband – and the way she pulls it off!

Jealous that she LOVES broccoli (I have to choke it down!)

Euphoric (or maybe tired) after my 5am alarm and 13.5k run this morning!

Hungry for nachose (and guac!)

Excited for the weekend!!


Excited! Friday!! Busy weekend! RACE!


OMG! I need those shoes!!


I’ve been wanting those shoes for a while, but never knew the brand! I bought them off amazon as soon as I saw your post!


Unmotivated to study for finals.

I want Cafe Rio in my life!


Haha I love broccoli too, and Cafe Rio yummmm!


The fruit dips are looking awesome! Totally reminds me of summer!


OMG love Brooke’s matching headband/pants. Too cute :-)

Hungry and Ready to Run! (my 5 words)


Excited, happy, nervous, tired, impatient


Sad my foot still hurts


excited, nervous, sinus-y, energetic, overwhelmed

race day tomorrow!


I love Brooke’s outfit! Why is she already more stylish than I am? Those nachos look pretty tasty!! Why can’t I get enough cheese and guacamole in my life…


This is more than 5 words. . . Where in the world do you find the Brookster matching leggings and heandbands??!!! Out of this world, cute!!!


5k race on Sunday. Excited!!!!

Hope you have a great weekend. Brooke’s outfit is so cute!


TGIF is the best way to describe how I feel today!


Content, optimistic, hopeful, ready, happy


Good/positive/happy! p.s. have you tried the cherry diet coke slurpee at 7 eleven?


Oh I love busting out old video games! My in-laws are cleaning out their house right now and the other day we went over and played on all the old systems! GameCube, Nitendo64, PlayStation… It was glorious!


Potluck, Bro’s Birthday, Brunch = WEEKEND YAYAYAYAYAY!!


Right now I am discouraged. I am training for my first marathon, and it’s just a little over 3 weeks away. Two weeks ago I ran 20 miles and felt great. Today I was supposed to do 22 miles, and that was going to be my last really long run because I would begin to taper. Well I had to stop at 20 because I was in major pain that I have never felt before in my running career. I don’t think I let my legs rest enough for this long run, but I am reminding myself I will be okay for the race when it comes!


Five words: Thrilled until Monday snow comes.

Brooke’s pants match her hair band! So cute. And I think I see a solitary tear still on her little cheek. I guess she was too busy getting the broccoli to wipe it off! What a sweetheart.


Ready for a nap!


Is everything okay with Maggie? She hasn’t been on the blog in a while :/


I love pi/pie day!


My 5 words: So happy that it’s Friday! :)


OVER. THE. MOON! (I met Shalane Flanagan today at our race expo and she signed my bib for tomorrow!!!! .. sorry 5 words couldn’t cut it ;)


That is VERY cool. If that isn’t good luck for a race I don’t know what is.


FRIDAY!! Sunny! Gotta get moving!….

Got off work early so I have a couple free hours before I pick up the girls…. The sun is shining, it’s beautiful outside, I should really go for a run, but I’m EXHAUSTED from a long week and I just want to sit on the couch and watch food network… Maybe I’ll do a little lounging and a little running :)


Pretty comfortable considering I’m pregnant. :)


I wish my kids ate broccoli like that! Brooke has good taste. Broccoli is the best. I love those shoes but the colour wouldn’t work for me – the blue ones look perfect.

Lazy, Happy, Relaxed, Thoughtful, Peaceful

Have a great weekend.


Sometimes parenting is stressful so today my joy is a little down. Life goes on. I still have three healthy amazing kids that are strong, smart, beautiful and healthy. In the grand scheme of life I hope I can keep that in perspective. Today my five words are:
1. sad
2. angry
3. grieving
4. brokenhearted
5. confused
Thank you for the Brooke Sweetness with her broccoli! That child is so cute.



Happy weekend, missy!


Hi Janae, it’s my first time commenting but I’ve been a reader for a few months now! You’ve actually inspired me to start my own running blog (I’ve been running for a few years). I’m focusing on post-baby marathon training for now.

My feelings: Excited, Happy, Relaxed, Loved, Lazy!

PS I love that white lace top! Where did you get it?


I am in a fabulous mood, but feeling: sore, sore, sore…..Dave’s workouts are working me hard!!!! LOL Today is my baby girl’s 5th birthday, so I am also feeling old! haha Enjoy your weekend!


Hungry, exhausted, happy, excited

Pretty excited that it’s the weekend, I need some sleep!


Tired and need to foam roll

That’s a pretty amazing looking bowl of nachos!


Joyful. Tired. Grateful. Blessed.


God is doing so much good in my life. Feeling blessed. :)


Sad Spring Break is ending…


Do you make Brookes little headbands? It’s been a BEAUTIFUL week of sunny weather in San Francisco and I’ve been thinking of you!


Love her matching leggings and headband! Funny the things our kids love. For my guys, it’s peas! Which is great since they’re so easy to have on hand. Those nachos looking so good! I’ve seen a few nacho pics going around lately, so I think I need to have some soon!


Ready to do some homework!


hahaha you can see the tear still on her cheek eating the broccoli! so adorable.


Recovering from 18 miles yesterday!


Where are your pants/crops from in that picture?! They’re super cute! And so are your new shoes, of course :)

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