Cross all of your fingers and toes.

Saturday workout—> 30 minutes spin and a yoga class.  I missed every single aspect of my normal Saturday morning long run with friends.

Brooke and I haven’t been to Costco in FOREVER.  I don’t know how I forgot about this store but somehow I did.  

Stocked up on the necessities and of course the samples.

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And on the way home I stopped and got these because I have had a few people recommend them for my shins.  Cross all of your fingers and your toes that these shins/calves of mine feel better.

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Roasted broccoli, one of the best tasting healthy foods (probably because I put olive oil all over it).  My sister better be really excited that I got the exact same jacket as her at Costco so that we can both wear it daily and look awesome when we are twinners.

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Brooke already has quite the social life.  I still feel bad that I didn’t bring a princess dress for her.  Someday she will forgive me.  

Already getting invited to the older kid parties… I better keep an eye on her.

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The theme was frozen and everything was amazing.  Way to go Paige, your parties belong on Pinterest.

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I’m okay with 50 degrees in February.  It was a gorgeous day out and it is fun that Brooke loves to walk beside me rather than in a stroller lately.  Girlfriend moves those little legs fast.  

I taught her about shadows yesterday and she was amazed and kept pointing at it.  


Random tangent–>  I love putting my sweaters in the dryer for a few minutes before I put them on.  Yes, I wore something other than workout clothes last night.  

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Indian food.  I could/should/need to eat you a lot more frequently.  

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What do you think are some of the BEST tasting healthy foods?!?

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I love roasted broccoli too, it’s so much yummier that way! Pretty much every vegetable is better roasted with some olive oil and garlic :)


Hope the new purchase works for you! I have never roasted broccoli…can’t wait to try it!

I think the best tasting healthy food is either a salad (with no dressing) or fruit! I love fruit!


I really hope your calves feel better soon! Have a great Sunday!


At the minute I like asparagus. Looking forward to the suggestions in the comments. I need some healthy food inspiration!

Your curry looks lovely and creamy. I’m out for a curry tomorrow. Can’t wait now.


ANY kind of roasted vegetable is #1 in my book-super favs are sweet potato wedges and cauliflower. Brooke is growing up so fast-geez, seems like you just had her! I wear those types of inserts in my shoes too. I think they help me, hope they help you too. That picture of Brooke and Broccoli is hilarious :)


I’m going to try roasted broccoli sometime this week! it looks delish.

Your little munchkin is just adorable, oh my gooses. What fun adventures y’all have!


Hopefully your new gear will help your shins! I agree that roasted broc is the best thing ever. It tastes a million times better after a few minutes in the oven.


I hope your calves feel better soon! I was dealing with really tight calves last fall, and then ended up having achilles issues because of it. For me the thing that finally worked was doing trigger point release on my calves with a tennis ball to work out all the tight spots. Here’s a website that gives great instructions on how to do it:


I wear those same insoles in all my running shoes! Hoping they help with your calves! Such a cute party. I wish I was that creative. We do a combination of roasted veggies: carrots, broccoli, bell pepper, onion & sweet potatoes + olive oil + seasoning = delicious! Happy Sunday, Janae.


we need to hit up Costco too, we haven’t been there in forever.

I do think Brooke needs a princess dress, but I have a feeling she would never take it off.

I tried those birthday cake M&Ms, and honestly I didn’t think they were that good. V liked them, but I wouldn’t waste my money/calories on them.


You can’t go wrong with some good naan bread! I love Indian food.


I really love that jacket you got a Costco! I feel like we are really missing out by not having one here!


I love roasted broccoli! And more importantly – the boyfriend loves it. Important for someone who usually won’t touch a vegetable unless I tell him to put it on his plate ;-)


Ooo let us know what you think of the superfeet, I was going to try blue ones but never did. I think a new pair of shoes has helped even though the older ones should have many miles left on them! And I love love indian food, its one of my favorites after mexican :)


Love the Superfeet! Although they need to be cut for your sneaker. I just bring my sneakers into the running store and they cut to fit them. Tried to do it on my own once and it was not good.


Have you tried heel-walking after running (especially after pavement running)? It really utilizes those shin muscles and has worked for me.


make sure you walk around with your insoles a few times to get used to them before using them on a run! they can cause more harm then good if you break into them too quickly!


I’m always stunned by those mountain views. I grew up in AZ (even went to a school called Mountain View) and I miss it so fiercely.

Lately I’ve been making my own spinach smoothies–2c spinach plus all sorts of different fruit (banana, strawberry, blueberry, mango, and/or pineapple). So good!


Dark chocolate counts as a health food, right? ;) If not, then ditto on the roasted broccoli — it’s definitely a gooder. And… confession: I can’t hear someone mention Frozen without starting to sing all the songs in the soundtrack. Looks like I know what I’ll be listening to for the rest of the day.


A trip to Costco (aka the $100 store) can be deadly. I can spend hours browsing around. That green jacket looks great on you – love the color. My favorite tasting healthy food would have to be broccoli, followed by brussels sprouts and sweet potatoes.


I hope your calves feel better soon!!
Tool cool that you taught Brooke about her shadow… that pic is just lovely with the mountains.
I love carrots. Raw, cooked, alone, with other things… I can eat carrots whenever. The hubs has lately been preparing asparagus wrapped in bacon… so not really that healthy, but delicious nonetheless. :)


Hi Janae,

Just a thought, but have you tried using a Thera roller for your calves? I used to get bad shin splints and started rolling my calves out with the purple Thera roller (and also sleeping in compression socks) and it helped. Here’s a link to the Thera roller on Amazon:….PS: I also use the Green Superfeet and love them – but they do take a week to get used to so don’t give up on them too soon! You’ll feel like you have a golf ball under your foot at first but they really help provide extra arch support. Walk around in them before running to get used to them. Hope that helps!


Roasted any veggie is awesome. Broccoli and brussel sprouts are my favorites though.


Brussel sprouts are my favorite…roasted in the oven at 400 for 20 minutes with a dash of EVOO and garlic powder. Also, there is nothing as incredible as Greek food.


I hope those help your shins!
I haven’t had Indian food in awhile since my favorite here closed while I was living in Oregon. I have a lunch date today. I think we need to find Indian food!
I almost bought that jacket last week! But I talked myself out of it. I did however buy a new skirt and shoes yesterday instead at Ross.
We had temps almost in the 60’s yesterday! Too bad I was stuck inside most of the daylight hours.


Are you going to wear the Superfeet in your running shoes? I have never heard of putting those in your shoes for your shins. I work at a running store and we typically recommend stretching, foam rolling, rest and compression sleeves. Don’t get me wrong but I would just hate for you to add those to your shoes and it end up hurting more than helping! Have a great Sunday!! Loved the Frozen party idea!


Roasted brussels sprouts are so good! Granted I coat them in a mixture of olive oil and melted butter before roasting so they taste kinda like chips….


Kale chips are my jam :)


I also got that jacket from Costco and I am obsessed. Already have it in two colors. Being six feet tall, it’s so hard to find something that fits right and this fits perfectly!


Since being introduced to the world of roasting vegetables I really don’t eat them any other way. Although, we just spray them with olive oil cooking spray and sprinkle of sea salt…yum!

50 degrees!!! Jealous!!!


Roasted vegetables, especially broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts are simply the best! I love that more and more restaurants are offering them as side dishes. SO delicious.


I love fruit! Pretty much every kind except for bananas.

I love Brooke’s leggings, so cute!

Have a great Sunday!


Indian food and roasted broccholi. Two of my faves!!!
I met the Superfeet people at my last conference. They are realy nice. Hope they work for you!


Roasted vegetables are the best!


I had to wear real clothes on Tuesday and I was all confused about why people wear jeans so tight. Yoga pants FTW anytime. The decor at that party was amazing! I’m always impressed when people are able to put that much time into making things look pretty. That table is probably prettier than my entire wedding. My favorite great-tasting healthy foods are salads and smoothies. So easy to work in extra fruits and veggies!


Ease into the green super feet. They have major arch support and I actually got blisters on my arches because I didn’t ease into them. Good luck! :)


I just started using those green Superfeet because my PT recommended them for my hip flexor tendinitis. They are easy to get used to, but I notice I have to stretch out my arches or roll with a tennis ball after a run. My PT also suggested using them while walking around first before running, and then running a mile or two at a time with them before a long run. Good luck and hope you feel better!


I hear Indian food is good for inflammation (and Alzheimer’s prevention) so eat it a bunch! Jealous !


That picture of Brooke with her shadow is adorable (and the scenery isn’t so bad either!).


I love roasted broccoli! Also love kale chips with a little BBQ spice sprinkled on them. Hope the Superfeet help and hope you feel better soon.


my favorite healthy food of the moment is FRUIT! i’ve been a major fruit kick this week, especially blueberries & cantaloupe… can’t get enough :)


Roasted veggies with cinnamon and pecorino. There’s pretty much nothing better.


I loved roasted chickpeas! They’re one of my favorite healthy foods!!


My parents always put my blanket in the dryer before they tucked me into bed at night!

The snow capped mountains look gorgeous!


I love roasted brussel sprouts! With a little olive oil, salt, and a dash of parm cheese, they are awesome! I also really love grain-free pancakes made of two eggs, a banana, and cinnamon. The best.


I absolutely love roasted broccoli! We put olive oil and salt/pepper on it and it is soooo good!


Mmm, I love roasted broccoli too! I love that it’s also buckled in to the shopping cart, haha!


Roasted Brussel Sprouts even better! I just got back from Costco and I spent $250 and I can’t even tell you what I bought! Love Costco.


I have used Superfeet several times in my running shoes and they help so much. I definitely recommend them!

A great tasting healthy food, that is a substitute for spaghetti, is spaghetti squash. It is really delicious! :) I love Indian food as well.


All fingers and toes are crossed!!!


LOVE that jacket!


I love roasted broccoli too! Roasted sweet potato is my favourite though :) I love the Frozen theme party!!!


Those cookies are so, so adorable! I love steamed veggies more than roasted, but I won’t turn down either ;)


Hahaha oh gosh, the broccoli strapped into the cart. Amazing.



I put cheese all over my roasted broccoli, which may or may not cancel out the health aspect of it… But I am obsessed with it.

Sending you healing thoughts!


I got the green Superfeet insoles when I came back to running after injury this winter. I was trying to control a foot roll/collapse that puts stress on the adductors (which lead to injury for me last time!) and causes medial tibial stress syndrome, which I’ve had intermittently. They did a great job of controlling foot roll, but I will caution you – they are meant for high arches. I DO have high arches, but one side is slightly lower, and inside that arch the insoles cut my foot. They were fine over shorter distances, but for double digits the repetitive impact cut my foot right open (bad enough to still have scars months later). However, this company has excellent customer service and a money back guarantee, and when I chatted with a sales guy at an expo, I didn’t even bring up returning the green pair and he offered me another style for free! So if they aren’t perfect, I still think you’re covered.
A friend of mine with similar problems swears by the berry insoles, FWIW.


Don’t feel bad Brooke has the Native American pattern on and can be Pocahontas. She fits right in with all the other princesses!


I had HORRIBLE shin splints for like 2 years and i could barely run more than 3 miles at a time…but i dont have them any more because of 2 reasons….1.) strengthening your glutes and hips..if you have week hips and glute have nothing to support your lower legs and they just slam into the ground instead of springing back up, and 2.) I now run in minimal shoes (saucony kinvaras are THE BEST or inov-8 233s)…thanks to these 2 changes i was finally able to run a whole marathon

ps..your blog always makes me happy!


I need some roasted broccoli, stat

I hope your new purchase helps your poor calves!


I really enjoy eating salads that are loaded with veggies! I also love most fruits!


I really need a princess dress in my life. Why don’t grown ups get to dress awesome like that?????


Raisins and almonds mixed together. Fresh peaches. Raspberries. Mini carrots. Puffed wheat ($1.00/bag at Walmart!).

I’m pretty sure froyo and/or chocolate are good for calf problems.


I’m re-discovering how good sugar snap peas are. Also, avocados and sweet potatoes are among my other favorite healthy foods. It was 40 this morning in Boston so I got to wear shorts on my run!! I hope your leg feels better-smart of you to rest!


roasted eggplant, salmon, and anything hummus-related!


Roasted broccoli mmmm!!! Does guacamole count as healthy food? I am SO jealous of your temps! It was in the teens today and it felt hot!


Ahh that Frozen party looks adorable! I’m sure Brooke will forgive you because she’s got a cute headband on :)

Hummus is my all-time favorite healthy food. AND frozen bananas dipped in chocolate or yogurt for a treat!


Roasted broc sounds amazing!

Mmm I love Indian food! And that pizza looks really good too…. :)


I love any vegetable roasted!! Today I made roasted cauliflower and added it to my quinoa dish!!!
And by the way . . . every little girl should have a princess dress;-)


I love roasted broccoli! My favorite way to eat veggies is by roasting them. I hope the insoles help with your calf pain!


I use super feet and LOVE them! They have totally saved me. Can’t wait to hear your thoughts on them!


Raw veggies are super with just a little ranch. Everything just tastes better with lite Ranch dressing.


Hi Janae,

I have been quietly reading your blog for a couple years now. I just want to say that I can’t imagine everything you’re going through. I love your attitude and I love reading your posts. I hope that nothing but good comes to you because as far as I can tell you are very deserving of it. I know during hard times running has always been there for me and I hope it’s there for you now, among other things and people.


Thank you so much! That means a lot April!


I worry about putting anything in my shoes in case it makes things worse. My dad has really high arches so he goes to see a doctor who makes custom orthotics that fit his feet.

It has been really warm here too in the northeast, but its supposedly going to dip back down to the single digits in another week or so. I really want to wash my car but feel it’s pointless until the weather is nicer and there’s not snow/salt on the roads.

I love to roast my veggies, I throw a little olive oil and whatever herbs I think sounds good on top of them which is great, but then I can never remake the same thing (usually a mix of oregano, garlic salt, rosemary, italian seasoning, seasoning salt, etc). Oh and I LOVE avocados, which are good for you but unfortunately pretty high in calories.


sweet potatoes, zucchini, carrots, pickles (that’s healthy right?), bananas…….. I could go on for a while.


I’m also crossing my fingers and toes for you! Shin splints be gone

My favourite healthy foods to roast are chick peas, cauliflower, and squash of all kinds. I find roasting brings out some amazing flavours :) Next up, I have to try broccoli (with olive oil of course!)


Mm roasted broccoli is my fave!


I was having a lot of problems with my shins/calves too and I finally bought Hoka one ones and it’s a whole new world. They look a little funny but have seriously solved all my problems. It like running on clouds!


Did you go on a date?


Mangoes! I can smell some ripening right now. Yum..Indian food… I can feel cravings coming on.


I love love LOVE ratatouille! The recipe I use is from Jenny Craig (eons ago), but coming home to a hot bowl of eggplant, zucchini, mushroom and tomato soup with parmesan cheese… oh yum.


I have been wearing Superfeet for about 2 years, since I had a bout of plantar fasciitis they have worked wonders.


Brussel sprouts, grapes, squash and cottage cheese are all some of my favourites..So yummy and healthy :)


Roasted carrots — they’re so sweet I almost forget they’re healthy!


Since you are super competitive, I assume you are going to really push it in your half marathon, and I just wanted to say that you have done some excellent training and taking these few days off will probably only help you in that race. I find that when I dont run for several days, my next few runs are awesome. I am so impressed at how LONG you have been training for. I get burnt out after 2-3 months of running and quit all exercising for a few weeks (or longer…).


Without a doubt, my favorite healthy food is raw green bell peppers. So crunchy. So good. They’re good roasted too, and awesome on pizza, but I love them most when they’re raw!


diced, roasted sweet potatoes, quick pickled fresh cucumbers with red onions


Brooke may not have had a princess dress but she is rocking those aztec leggings like nobody’s business. I want a pair for myself!


I love cucumbers. I cut them up and snack on them like potato chips :)


I have roasted broccoli at least once a week–one of my favs! I have never had Indian food, which is very disappointing to me because I know I would love it. Your Costco jacket is super cute–I actually worked at Costco one summer in college and don’t remember them having such stylish (yet affordable) outerwear. I guess I need to visit there soon!


Broccoli and artichokes! I love both on almost everything.


I do the same thing with my blankets on really cold nights, then cocoon myself in their warmth. It’s the BEST.

I’m on a veggie kick lately, experimenting more and more each day. My favorite healthy foods are cucumbers, bell peppers, avocados, and homemade nut butters.


Love reading your posts! Glad to have stumbled upon your blog! Try baked Kale Chips (Yummmmmy)!


I every time used to study piece of writing in news papers but now as I am a user of net therefore from now I am using net for content, thanks to web.


Fruit is pretty much the best tasting healthy food. I’ll take fruit over vegetables any day.

I love putting stuff in the dryer right before I jump in the shower. Then I can put on warm clothes as soon as I dry off.


My favorite healthy food is roasted carrots. They always taste amazing and need nothing added to them!


Ah the mountains in that picture with brooke are just gorgeous!! ANd I want all her clothes… is that weird? In my size, of course.


I have the pink super feet and I like them a lot.

We listen to the frozen soundtrack quite frequently in the car. I really like the songs from it actually.

That pic of Brooke with all the mountains- beautiful! you live in a beautiful place that’s for sure.


I enjoy eating green beans and pretending they are french fries.


I could eat steamed spinach with no oil or salt and be very happy!


I love my superfeet! I have flat feet and issues with my right knee, so I tried it and have loved it. One suggestion if you plan to wear it in running and regular shoes, fit it to the running shoe or buy two. I cut mine to fit in a pair I wear a lot, but now it doesn’t fit my running shoe since I buy a half size up.


Roasted brussel sprouts! Just cut the tail off, and cut each one in half. Then cover in olive oil, salt, pepper, and a little garlic powder. They are great and super healthy! Also, I have been making a lot of homemade fries, like sweet potato and regular just roasted in the oven with olive oil, S & P. I love fries!


Any vegetable roasted is amazing! Been loving sweet potatoes and cauliflower lately!

* apparel for men and women*


Acorn squash or cucumbers and of course ALL fruit!


I feel the same way about Indian food! I need to go to the more Americanized places so I don’t feel funny about ordering. Otherwise I don’t know what I’m doing!

Love love your daughter’s pants!

Costco is one of those places that seemed daunting as a new mom, but now it’s one of my favorite places with the kids because of all the samples. Not to mention all the healthy, organic food at lower prices than everywhere else!


I just bought my first pair of Berry Super Feet on Saturday because my heal/ankle has been bugging me. I randomly went I to the running store and the local rep for Superfeet was there, so he fitted me with the Berry pair. I hope they will be my cure! The best part was that next door was a Trek bike store and we bought a used 12 inch Trek bike for my 4 year old for $25! And it’s in great condition with a $180 retail value.


That picture of the mountains is beautiful! Also, I love the jacket from Costco, may need to go get one for myself…if they even have it out here.

I use Superfeet too, but I have the blue ones. I have super flat feet so they’ve helped give me more support when I workout.

Ahh healthy foods….I’ve really been loving asparagus lately and I just recently tried Brussels sprouts for the first time…they were delicious!


I have been having shin issues as well, I am curious to see if those inserts help you! I have been doing a lot of stretching, icing, wearing compression socks, and some exercises PT gave me. Fingers are crossed for both of us!


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Euhhh êtes vous certain de ce que vous écrivez ?


Je vais dire que ce n’est guère incohérent !!


Bon article : continue comme cela


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