Another post where you realize that my family and I are kind of crazy

Our Sunday mornings sure are rough.

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I really have no idea how I used to run 7 days a week 4 years ago…  By the time Sunday rolls around my legs are done and refuse to do anything but sit around wearing sweat pants from 2002 (I should probably get new ones) and I can barely stand long enough to make our Sunday morning traditional waffles/pancakes.  I love the Sunday reset that occurs for me each week.  

Okay, we did get out of pajamas for a few hours.  It was a big day for Brooke.  It was her first time in nursery at church without us there with her.  She loved it and she made me a beautiful drawing.  She was exhausted after playing so hard and so was I (I teach a class of 8 7 year olds that are very active and busy… elementary school teachers—> you are amazing).  

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The family came over for dinner (stew, salad and crescent rolls) and then we got straight into the game portion of the evening.  

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This is our favorite family game because it involves candy but it is kind of painful at the same time.  You each take a turn and then spin the dial.  You choose the corresponding bean and you have a chance it could be a good flavor or a REALLY REALLY bad flavor.  We all get laughing so hard about it.  You can find the game here.  

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My BIL got skunk spray in the below picture.

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And I am not sure which one Curly got but it wasn’t pretty.  

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Luckily we had my mom’s delicious Rice Krispy Treats to have afterwards to get out the bad flavors from our mouths.  

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And that concludes another post where you realize that my family and I are kind of crazy.


A guy named Chris Solarz just broke the record for the furthest distance run on a treadmill in 12 hours… SEVENTY-SEVEN.07 miles.  ARTICLE HERE!

I wanted to show you what he ate DURING his 77 mile run (more than 5,000 calories) and before and after (he is a vegan runner)

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I can barely handle a few swedish fish and gatorade while I am running.  Maybe I should try a pb & j sandwich out during my next long run.  


What do you usually eat during your runs?  Anything especially weird?

What do you think the LONGEST amount of time is that you could handle running on a treadmill?

-I might be able to last 3 hours but that would kind of kill me off.  

What is your absolute favorite breakfast?

Favorite game to play?

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I can’t even eat Swedish fish, nothing remotely solid works for me. Gu and sports drinks only for calories. I miiiiight be able to do a marathon on a treadmill but I’d get crazy bored and want to quit immediately after. And never see a treadmill again.


Awe I can definitely relate to this. I honestly don’t know how I used to thn seven days a week. Well I do, it just made me get injured. Running 5-6 days a week and resting has not only kept me injury free but kept me happy and resulted in so many PRs.

I think that everyone’s family is a little bit crazy. I think it’s awesome how close you are with your family (since I am with mine too :-))


My absolute favorite breakfast is an omelet with nuts, stinky cheese and caramelized onions. So very good!

My favorite game to play right now is Apples to Apples. Especially with my youngest brother. It drives him nuts that there is no clear winner!

I’m not sure how long I could run on a treadmill. It’s not my favorite thing, but I have spent a lot of time on it this winter.


Your Waffle looks delicious. I need to get me that jelly belly game! When my family and I went to Universal we bought a bag of Harry Potter jelly beans and my husband ended up eating the vomit flavored one, personally chosen by my daughter to eat. It was so much fun to watch. I can’t believe how much that man ate, too much for me, but amazing how far he ran.


I can’t eat while I’m running, I don’t know how people do that!!

Since I absolutely hate treadmills, I don’t think I would last more than 30 minutes. I get so bored!

My favorite breakfast would have to be scrambled eggs, hashbrowns, and bacon. Now you made me hungry!

My favorite game is Yahtzee. We play it constantly at our house, and we even have a scoreboard that dates back to 2007. I’m currently in the lead!

Have a great Monday :)


We love Yahtzee at our house too!!!


The longest I have ever run on a treadmill was just over three hours… it was an interesting experience :) I broke it up so that about every hour I would get off and get a drink of water. Knowing I had a break coming up helped me stay mentally fresh for the most part. Also, the last hour I distracted myself with Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

I would like to know what a baby wipes jelly bean tastes like! Just the description though, I don’t think I’d like to try it haha.


Wow! I have a hard time spending more than half an hour on the treadmill!


The longest I have ever run on a treadmill would be an hour and the boredom almost killed me. I have the attention span of a goldfish when it comes to indoor running :)

Favorite breakfast= anything with peanut butter and granola. I can and will eat breakfast food any time of day.

Have a great Monday, Janae!


Well, my current favourite breakfast is pumpkin oatmeal with bananas, blueberries and almond butter but ask me in a week and it will be totally different! ;)

I totally agree with you on the Sunday thing – being able to wake up in the morning and just revel in relaxation is so needed after the week.


I am not sure I’d even make it to two hours on a treadmill. That guy is a champ! I can only stomach clif shot bloks during a run! Can’t handle too much food.


I don’t know how you ran 7 days a week either. I don’t think I’ve ever done that! I usually have at least two rest days. My body likes to rest. I’ve never been injured in all the 15+ years I’ve been running though, so I guess I must be doing something right.

I have no idea what my favorite breakfast is. I eat oatmeal most mornings. Sometimes if I have a lot of time I’ll make Honduran plato tipico which is refried beans, eggs, avocado, fried plantains, and tortillas. I love donuts and monkey bread but am hungry about ten minutes later, so not sure if I can count that as breakfast. I also love bagels with cream cheese. I’m not the biggest pancake or waffle person, but I like to make pancakes for my son. For Valentine’s Day I’m dying his pancakes pink with beet puree!


Favorite breakfast is waffle with peanut butter and homemade syrup. Yum.

If I had someone to keep me company I could definitely last longer on a treadmill. Maybe 3-5 hours. Maybe. I’ve only done 1.5 hours so far. It was a long run on a cold day.

I only eat before long runs. Shorter runs I go on empty stomach. Just can’t handle food when I run. On long runs I have half a bowl of oatmeal with a tiny bit of oeanut butter.

Notice a trend? PB all the way. :)


I’ve done almost 3 hours. I think 3 hours is the MAX. I mean, there aren’t even that many movies to pick from to get you through it. Long runs are espresso GU or chocolate GU; maybe clif shot bloks. NO GATORADE. Oh man. Never again.


I got to sub in the nursery yesterday. There are 2 girls and 8 wild boys.
Going to nursery is a great milestone!

My favorite breakfast is oatmeal with fresh blueberries.

Our fave game right now is telestrations.


I can barely get the water in my mouth during a run, let alone real foods, for long runs! I usually take a GU and snack on some gummy candy.

Longest I think I can run on a treadmill: I think my max would be two hours. And the show would have to be reaallllly good.

Current fave breakfast: oatmeal mixed with a blob of but butter, cinnamon and honey


um., that would be NUT butter. But Butter sounds .. not delicious


I can only handle GU and water. NO gatorade. I do know a girl who eats PB and jelly sandwiches during her run. Maybe I’ll try it during marathon training…..

I try not to do runs on the TM that will take over an hour. I get SO bored.

I don’t know if I could pick a favorite breakfast. I love all breakfast food. I’m particularly fond of runny eggs…..with sweet or savory:-)


I mostly eat bars and gels when I’m on a long run, but during ultra races I do occasionally eat pb+j or grilled cheese from the aid tables. Oh, and fruit–I love it when aid stations have fruit!


I only eat GUs while running. Sometimes I can do sport beans but it takes too much effort!

My absolute favorite breakfast??? Probable eggs Benedict with bacon and spinach, and fruit on the side. I really love a good pancake or french toast, but I don’t usually eat it because it zaps the energy right out of me.

I don’t mind the treadmill at all, so doing an hour is pretty standard for me. But I probably couldn’t do much more!!


My favorite breakfast lately is overnight muesli with almond butter and blueberries.

I think the longest I could go on a treadmill is 2 hours or about the length of a movie. Does anyone else’s feet start to burn/get really hot on the bottom when they run on the treadmill for a long time? I’m probably just a weirdo…

When training for my last half I would swear by Gu Espresso, but now just the thought makes me gag a little. I’ve been using Sport Beans instead lately – a lot like your jelly beans ;) I can’t imagine eating a tortilla and hummus while running…ooph, that man must have an iron stomach.


I’ve only eaten fuel products during a run (gels, chews and sports beans). Even during my marathon i didn’t understand how people could eat bananas! I definitely wasn’t hungry for real food!


That game looks so fun! I am totally looking it up to buy for Bryan, he loves jelly beans lol!

looks like a fun weekend! I ran 7 miles this weekend (spread over two days lol) I am just maintaining until I fun something I am inspired to train for. Your running posts are really inspiring though and getting me to think about sign up for something again


thats so interesting!! my stomach can barely handle water/a few gels when running– I can’t imagine eating a tortilla or a sandwich!


Learning to eat during long runs was the hardest part of marathon training for me, especially since I want no parts of food for at least an hour AFTER a workout. I tried to be an exception to the rule by foregoing all but water during a 13-miler, but ended up having a “near collapse” moment. Scary. I can’t handle the consistency of Gu, so I went with candy (Swedish fish, Gummi LifeSavers, Jolly Ranchers) and watered down Gatorade. Stengers aren’t too bad, but I’d rather not.

I love waffles and pancakes, and have been making all sorts of variations of healthier homemade ones…no more Bisquick (there is hydrogenated oil in it). Much better!

I was just saying we need to play more games, especially Uno and Scattergories.

As for crazy, my motto is “define normal.” ;-)


I could last maybe 20 minutes on a treadmill. I am NOT a fan!


Holey Moley!! 77 miles??? That is crazy, amazing, and awesome all at once! I’m very curious how he was able to eat all that while running. Well I think I could last 4 or 5 hours if I was eating while running haha. Favorite game is Monopoly!! I never get bored of that game. And just a fun fact, for my chemistry class I have to go to the Jelly Belly Factory tomorrow :)


12 hours on a treadmill is crazy!! The longest I’ve been on there is about 2 hours and I was more than done!


It’s very hard for me to eat while I am running…the most I’ve eaten is one GU packet during my half marathons but I don’t really think I need any more than that, I’m usually fine after I take that!

You are going to think I am pathetic since you have done a full marathon on a treadmill but the longest I have ever gone in the treadmill is 1 hour. I just cannot handle much longer than that. I usually do my shorter, faster runs on the treadmill and my max is 4 miles. I just love running distance outside, but I cannot do it on the treadmill, I get so bored!!

My favorite breakfast is french toast and I love eggs as well! I also really like omelets and cereal is my favorite too :) I just love breakfast!!

I like to play Scrabble! My family also plays a card game called Euchre (procounded Yuker- it’s a Midwestern thing :)) and it’s really fun! We always play when I go home!


What a fun game!! I’ve never seen that one, but I’m loving the sounds of it. My favorite game is TABOO! Such a fun game if you play with a fun group of people.

I just ran 8 miles on the treadmill this past weekend… It was my longest treadmill run to date, and it was pure torture for me! I think 6 miles is probably my max from now on. I’m just praying the weather stays relatively nice for my long runs these next few weeks.


Holy wow!?! 77 miles and that much food!? I don’t know how people do it I mean i know they NEED to do it but I just can’t stomach anything when I run. I guess I will never be doing any ultras. I love looking at your family pictures – I wish I was close to my family and had that big of a family! Looks like a great great weekend!


Ive been trying to ramp up to 7 days a week and my body just gets worn out.

Eat during runs, usually just those jelly belly energy jelly beans
Running on treadmill – about 30 minutes, hate the treadmill
Favorite breakfast – classic eggs and bacon
Favorite game – hungry hungry hippos


Wow! When I’m done running, I cannot eat at all. I need at least 30-45 minutes for my stomach to calm down.


I tried a salted caramel gu for the first time on my long run this weekend, and that is all I ever want to eat on long runs for the rest of my life. YUM.

I think the longest I’ve ever done on the treadmill was 14 miles–I don’t remember how long it took me, but I was watching Food Network, and whenever a commercial came on, I made myself run a little faster for those few minutes just to mix it up. 77 miles is amazing. I can’t fathom running that far period, let alone on the treadmill!

Favorite breakfast: sausage, egg, and muenster on a whole wheat everything bagel
Favorite game: I could never choose. Any game I play with my family because they all get so into it, and it’s hilarious.


Usually I have mocha gels every hour. A friend of mine does pop tarts though..I did 2:22 on treadmill this weekend and it was awful after the first 4 miles. If i absolutkry had to I could do 3 I suppose. Fav breakfast is fried chicken gravy biscuits and tomato/onion salad, yummy!!! I like spades when I’m on someone’s team other than my husband!! He’s too strategic!!


What a runner! That is amazing.

I love that picture of Curly. Is that her real name or just her nickname because her hair is curly? Love it. : )

And Brooke is so beautiful! I have loved going back in the archives and seeing how much she’s grown.

My favorite breakfast: apples and homemade gluten free bread (recipe on my site).
It is so yummy!

I don’t know how long I would last on a treadmill. I’ve gone like…2 hours (I think) swimming laps (just looking underwater gets boring!) and 1:50 for a training run…and I still haven’t even run a half marathon! Got to do it this summer, but right now I trying to heal from injuries, etc.

Love your blog Janae!


You may feel like your family is crazy (aren’t they all a little crazy?) but I think y’all seem like a BLAST. I admire the close relationships you all keep, think your mom sounds like a saint and actually find myself wanting to be a part of your family on some (ok, most!) days! Y’all are awesome!


YOUR WAFFLE!!! OMG! Sure beats my Eggos I had for Sunday morning breakfast ;) Your family night looked like a blast! I love that Jelly Bean game. I played it once and I think I had to eat the rotten egg one… It was a few years ago, and the beverages we were drinking while playing must have made me forget how gross it was!

I did 15 miles on the tread this weekend and it was right about 2 hours. I could probably go to 3 hours max. I’ve ended up with some wicked blisters from treadmill running this past week :( I eat the sport beans and Gu during long runs and races. Reading that list kind of turned my stomach!! I can’t imagine eating all of that, but again, I wouldn’t be on a treadmill for 77 miles!


I love the jelly bean game idea. I have got to find that!! Our neighbors all get together and play games once a month and I think this would be a funny game!!

I’m doing a 90 day Bikini challenge. Would you ever make up a challenge for your blog readers? I love the idea of challenging myself to new exercises and having the support of others doing the same every day..

Longest time on a treadmill? So far only an hour.. I bet I could last 30 minutes longer.

I don’t eat anything when running. I’ve only tried a orange gel cube 1x. I’d rather wait to eat. I should practice eating and maybe I’d feel better after a long run?

Favorite breakfast.. cinnamon rolls! If I could eat them every day and not gain weight.. I’d do it!

Favorite game: Cribbage.. but right now I’m into Chess. My 11 year old son is obsessed with playing chess. It’s bad when a 5th grader can out play you, all the time!


So when I was competitive racewalking, I had a long distance event coming up and when I was supposed to do my long run when he freezing rain and then snow on top of that, 14 inches actually. So really not safe. I was dating my now husband then and his apartment had a treadmill so I hopped on that thing and did 22 miles. It was awful. He came in to keep me company every so often and that helped. With racewalking, I averaged about 11 min miles so it took me awhile and I think I avoid treadmills now. Of course I am hardly getting out of the house now since we live in the Philly area and are having a historic winter! We just got through a 3 day power outage, then it snowed last night again and more is expected Wed night. I am done with winter.


That is an amazing article!!!
My favorite breakfast right now is a big bowl of Life cereal, big spoonful of almond butter, and a banana. then let is sit and get soggy, then devour!!!! Oh, and drink the milk after…


I am probably so unhealthy when it comes to my food choices and running…but it is almost always candy that I grab before I run (even on my early morning runs) – tootsie rolls, gummy bears and other small wrapped caramels. As long as that candy doesn’t melt, i will find a place to stuff it in my pocket.


I love how close you are with your family, I wish I had that. I am super close with my mom and dad, but my brother and I are as polar opposite as can be. I always thought as we grew older we’d get closer–I guess only more time will tell.

I cannot fathom 12 miles on a treadmill let alone 12 hours covering 77 miles. I think I would poke my eyes out. But delicious food was consumed at least =)


This makes my stomach hurt thinking about it. I wonder how his stomach held up! My favorite long run fuel right now is Honey Stingers (like a sports version of Swedish Fish!).

If I had a good TV to watch, I think I could handle 2-3 hours on the treadmill, but it doesn’t sound fun! (unless the alternative is a blizzard or ice outside)

My favorite breakfast is a chocolate protein shake. If we’re talking a special treat, I love donuts and cinnamon rolls :)


What a fun Sunday!
That is a crazy story about that treadmill runner!
I could go about 4 hours on the treadmill and I love to eat some natural fruit strips on my run!
I love playing Scatagories!
My all time favorite breakfast is an egg white omelet with apples and oranges!


3 hours seems like my max.

If I run slow enough I can eat real food while running. On some long, slow run I stopped at our grocery store and ate half a corned beef and swiss sandwich while running the next mile. It was delish. I can absolutely tell if food is a go or no go before trying it. That day was a definite go!


My treadmill cuts off after 1 hour 39 minutes and 30 seconds. I’m not sure why it always stops at 99:30 but I’m sort of glad that it does. Anything beyond that and I would surely die.


waffles. I know there are other types of breakfast foods and they’re all delicious but waffles. WAFFLES.
And I don’t eat when I run. The most I’ve ever eaten were about 5 Swedish fish during my last marathon and that was it. I’ve heard this is not a smart thing to do but then nothing I do ever really seems like the “smart thing.”


I want those waffles. NOW!

Yay for nursery. It truly is heaven sent for both mom and baby!

14 gels. I can’t even comprehend. I couldn’t even get by 4th down without dry heaving at my marathon.


Lazy Sundays are the BEST! You have to have a total battery recharge sometime.

I can’t imagine eating that much while running! I am impressed. I can barely do my shot bloks and nuun! So that is CRAZY!!


Wow! That’s a long time! The longest I’ve done on the treadmill is 10 miles…so a little over 1.5 hours.
All time fav breakfast = french toast. Ohhh yeah!!
Also your family is brave. I wouldn’t play that game! haha


I’m not even a fan of the “good” tasting jelly bean flavors, I can’t imagine booger or skunk spray! yuck!

My favorite breakfast is pancakes (with waffles as a close second)! We have them on Sundays too!


HOLY CRAP! That is a LOT of treadmill miles (and I thought I was going crazy yesterday when I tackled 7!)!!!

I also have a hard time stomaching much on a long run. A few gummy bears and pretzels and thats about it for this girl!

Have a wonderful week, Janae!


I’m pretty basic and just eat honey stinger gummys or sport beans during long runs.
longest i’ve ever run on a dreadmill is 7 miles and I’m not looking to EVER handle more than that. Oye Veh! It’s painful. 4-5 miles is not bad though….especially for interval or tempo runs.

Favorite breakfast is pancakes with a scrambled egg on the side
I used to love Chutes & Ladders. =) Lately all I play are games on my phone….Words With Friends and Solitaire. Boooooorrrrinngg!!!!

I had a silly/crazy fun night with my family last night. We were driving home from dinner and just being so silly and laughing in the car. I said “silliness is next to godliness”. So there!


I always eat a PBJ before and during long runs, its the only thing that doesnt mess with my tummy. Your waffles look so good.


That game looks like loads of fun! :)


That game looks like so much fun! My new favorite game is The Awkward Family Photos game! Truth be told I’m not great at it, but it makes me laugh til my sides hurt! Mad Gabs is also high up there, and Scum!


haha your family actually looks really fun…and don’t worry, my family is kinda crazy, too ;)

my absolute favorite breakfast is hot oatmeal with lots of berries and nuts mixed in. it’s just so comforting :)


I think I’ve done over 3 hours on a treadmill, but it was that or run in the snow and ice for a long run. It’s not too bad if you have fun movies to watch and can turn off your brain for a while.

That game sounds awful. It’s like the Harry Potter jelly beans that are literally every flavor. I can’t bring myself to try them. What if you get bugger??


77 miles in 12 hours?!?!?!?? HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE. People are so mindblowing sometimes! ;) I love how much time your family spends together! One day, your nieces and nephews will look back on their childhood and have so many memories of family time!


Goodness, my kids would LOVE that game! I know what I’m getting them for the next little gift occasion! We visited the Harry Potter World at Universal Studios a couple of years ago, and one of their favorite memories was getting the bag of “Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans.” They enjoyed grossing each other out with grass, booger, dirt, and sausage flavored jelly beans. Thanks for the idea!


His post race meal is pretty much exactly what I had for dinner last night and I definitely did not run 77 miles yesterday… whoops.


Love your sister’s green jacket. Do you know what brand it is?


Hey! She got it at Costco!


Love Costco! Thanks Janae.


I love pb&j about an hour before a long run! I’m lucky enough that I’ve never had stomach problems (knock on wood) but have found that the pb&j works best for me.


You guys are pretty brave to be playing that game. I think I’d be too scared to try. The fear of eating the Stinky Socks flavor would be just too much. I eat pretty normal stuff on my runs (energy gels or chews). The longest I’ve ever run on a treadmill was 16 miles and it was AWFUL. (I was on there a long time because I am very slow.) I don’t know if I’ll ever try that again.


I can never in a million years imagine running that distance..or even half that distance on the TM…also 14 energy gels makes my stomach churn just thinking about it! :)


I usually have the standard stuff during my long runs (GU or some gummy chews), but I remember during my first marathon, I saw some ladies pull out a little thing of Pringles and I soooo wanted one. Something about having only sweet stuff during the race made me totally want something salty!


I don’t run on treadmills but was going to do a marathon on the elliptical once…at two hours I wanted to poke out my eyeballs from boredom so I forced myself to stay on just 10 minutes more to go an even 20.

I like card games. Hearts is one of my favorites.


I could maybe do 2 hours…I love Cards Against Humanity though!


I’ve eaten pretzels during long runs it’s not easy chewing and breathing for me lol. Before a race I always eat a half pbj sprinkled with chia seeds and a banana and I like drinking Fluid it’s an electrolyte drink not hard on the tummy.
If I ran 12 hours which will never happen but I would def need to eat food. I eat food all day. But I’d def need to visit the potty. Prob tmi.


I think I could make it 2 hours on a treadmill…but I would really go crazy the whole time!


that game sounds like fun! I think my treadmill limit is about 60-90 minutes but I could probably push it to 2 hours if my life depended on it. Can’t even fathom 12 hours. One time I ate some orange slices on a run, not that weird but still kind of funny.


I’ve been eating peanut M&Ms during my long runs. They seem to sit okay with me… Longest amount of time on a TM is probably like 40 minutes. Not an exaggeration. Absolute favorite breakfast is a yogurt bowl with fresh fruit, honey, and granola.


I don’t do treadmills. I live downtown with no gym membership but very close to a 7 mile paved path designed for runners and bikers so I am outside on all my runs.

I really can’t eat much while I am running. Any run over 10 miles I take gels, but the only kind I like and can swallow are the chocolate outrage. I also take swedish fish and gummies (the kid kind at the store, you know, snoopy or barbie or walmart’s fruit smiles)..those are more enjoyable to eat!

My favorite breakfast is a blueberry bagel with low fat cream cheese……..but pre race I like a sandwich made with peanut butter, nutella, and bananas!!

And I love disney trivial pursuit, clue, and mario party (on the gamecube!)


First of all, I LOVE your blog! Just had to say that. :)

What do you usually eat during your runs? Anything especially weird? I eat before a run, maybe a half hour but during I just eat the Honey Stinger gels. I had gastric bypass a few years ago and they are easy on my tummy. I don’t think I’d bring food with me unless I start running a lot further than a half marathon distance.

What do you think the LONGEST amount of time is that you could handle running on a treadmill? That’s a hard one because I just started training for a half again and just being on it for 3 miles stinks. I ran in 25 degree weather yesterday just to avoid that thing.

What is your absolute favorite breakfast? My favorite is probably pancakes and bacon but I haven’t been eating that lately. My favorite “healthy” breakfast has been oatmeal with 1/4 cup oats, 1 scoop vanilla protein powder, cinnamon and some trail mix, then add water. It’s filling and yummy.

Favorite game to play? Scrabble


I usually go for Jelly Belly Sports Beans, but I have a hard time eating too. I should try a PB& J as well!


i really couldnt go longer thatn 4 hours….my marathon time used to be 6 hours…just imagining running that now makes my feet hurt…..i can’t believe he lasted 12 hours…WHOA.


I bring jelly beans or raisins on long runs…I don’t know that I could handle much more than that nor can I imagine so many miles on the treadmill. 77, wow.


I can’t do gu anymore, makes me feel real icky.

Now training for Napa (3 weeks !!! AHHH!) yesterday during my 20 mile run I had 4 cinnamon bears while running and a mid-way stop @ home for a quick almond butter (maple) on saltine crackers. That went well, no stomach upset. Plus the salt tasted good. How do I bring this with me though?

treadmill – 2 hours while watching a movie, it sucked!

I’m so excited, we have 2 new games to try at our house tonight :)
Wits & Wagers , and Pit !

When my girls were Brooke’s age they loved The Ladybug Game, is that still around?


Vegan runners for the win!! So interesting. I’ve been a vegan for a few years (recently included eggs back in my diet) and it’s difficult sometimes incorporating food that will sustain my energy for more than an hour at a time. PS that game looks awesome


I fuel on my runs with jelly beans and peanut M & M’s. It works for me.
I ran 1.5 hours on a treadmill, once.
Pancakes are my all time favorite breakfast.


I haven’t done a run over 10 miles in awhile, but I only ate the standard Gu and occasionally jelly beans and gummy bears for a sugar kick :-)

I once ran 17 miles on a treadmill…I think I could go 20 if I were watching a Biggest Loser marathon or something!

I love that jelly bean game – how fun!!

BTW – I just published my official breakup post. I have been following your blog all through my breakup (which really started back in August but dragged on forever), and your blog was so helpful to read. I’m amazed at your strength, humility and just overall amazingness through a very difficult time in your life. I already read your blog before, but now I’m a lifetime reader :-) THANK YOU


I eat gummy bears because I cant handle gels but pb&j actually sounds kinda awesome if I can figure out how to carry it with me…


45 minutes is probably the longest I’ve been on a treadmill, and that was a looong time ago!

I keep it simple during my runs: GU and some Gatorade if it’s hot. Usually have 3 GUs during a marathon and save the espresso lover for last to get a final boost!

Girl, I wanted to tell you that I was doing my long run in Central Park last Saturday and saw some girls wearing a BYU running jacket… I tought about you!


My favorite game to play is Cranium — so good! Although the Jelly Ban game sounds fun too — I’m a risk taker ;)


This jelly bean game sounds awesome! My absolute favorite breakfast is challah french toast, it’s amazing!


I’m done a 20 miler years ago. Usually I max out at 13.1 miles. I just can’t stand sweating in the same spot over and over again.

I don’t eat anything while I run, can’t handle chewing and running at the same time. When I run ultras, I like to drink some coke.


I can’t imagine eating that much while running. I mean…maybe I would if I was running through all 3 of my meals though…cracks me up that he did Indian food for his celebratory meal. =)


WOW that’s a lot of miles, and then on a treadmill?!

That game looks so fun- and gross, hahaha


Oh my gosh I would be so sick if I ate all of taht during a run!!!


That waffle looks delish! & that Jelly Belly game looks hilarious!


omg i have to buy that game!!!


On really long runs (anything over 13 miles) I bring honey stingers chews, and I break up a white chocolate macadamia nut Clif bar into 4 pieces and eat those one piece at a time every 3-5 miles.

I have run for about 90 mins on a treadmill and it wasn’t terrible. That was while staring at a concrete wall in my basement with no music and no other form of entertainment. If I were at a gym with TVs and stuff I could do it all day.

Favorite breakfast is always pancakes. Duh.


How in the world did I not know that there is a Jelly Belly game?? I must purchase this ASAP!


my longest run of 20 miles so far, all I had was water, gatorade and blocks. I guess I should eat something huh? Before a run, i’ll eat a half a bagel with Speculous cookie butter, Yum. After a long run, even a half marathon, i basically will eat anything put in front of me =). That dude on the treadmill is crazy! I’ll back @runemz that she can break that! =)


Ewwww some of those flavors are nasty!! hah.

Love that Brooke is in nursery now! So cute!


aww, how fun!


77 miles! I can barely drink water when I run. I can’t image eating that much. That guy is awesome.


The only thing I can tolerate eating while running is Gu or shot blocks. I need as little chewing as possible. I also need to play that jelly bean game!


Wow…77 miles???! You’d have to twist my arm for me to do more than 6! That’s amazing… and a little nuts-o. :)

I haven’t ever seen that game, but I bet the kiddos sure loved it. By the way, that waffle looks so delicious!


Crazy families are the best :)

I don’t eat anything while running! Then again the farthest I’ve gone is 13.1 … I just drink gatorade.

I’ve always wanted to test how long I could last on a treadmill. My guess is an hour and half? I’ll have to test it out over the summer when this FL girl refuses to do any running outside.

I love TABOO! Great group game and I get pretty competitive (which is fun for me). Also, the card game NERT. Ever heard of it?! It’s like Solitare but on crack.


Your family is crazy, but in a good way! I love it! You guys always seem to have so much fun together. Hubby and I have no family where we are. Sometimes I wish we lived closer to them so we could have fun game nights like this!
My favourite game to play with my nutty family is “Spoons”, even though we tend to get so into it, it can get kind of violent, haha.


I use Honey Stinger energy chews…the cherry cola flavor. I LOVE fruits snacks and they remind me of them. It might sound weird, but I look forward to my long runs so I can enjoy them!

The longest I’ve done is 1.5 hours. I bet I could handle another hour on it.

Bacon, broccoli, and cheese omelet!

I cannot believe they made a game out of those jelly beans. My inlaws gave some to the boys for Christmas. My oldest got a barf one and almost puked himself. GROSS! We like card games…spades and pitch.


77 miles?!?!? I can barely stay sane through 12 miles on the treadmill! A big bowl of celebratory Indian food sounds reallly good right now.

I usually fuel for long runs with GU gels. They are a bit weird, but have always sat well with my stomach. Though in my last marathon, they were handing out strawberry banana ones and the flavor just grossed me out… :s

Favorite breakfast? Egg pancakes or waffles!

And favorite game… Cranium!


I ran a half marathon a few months ago, and they handed out a granola bar around mile 8, and it was great! Since then, I like to eat a plain granola bar (i.e. no chocolate, marshmallows, nuts, etc) around mile 10 if I’m doing a 2+ hour run. I usually get so hungry and my stomach starts growling about an hour and a half in! I just ran my first marathon last weekend and had two granola bars and 3 gus, I think, and it was just enough to get me through it!


My favorite breakfast is French toast, scrambled eggs, and bacon. Well, if I’m being totally honest, my favorite breakfast would be sausage, sausage gravy, and homemade biscuits like my grandmother used to make for me! That was sooooo good! :-)


Your family definitely is not crazy, they look like a blast! :) & Curly, she cracks me up, so dramatic. :D (reminds me of Gabriella)
Janae, you are stunning in your dress for church & that necklace. Ahh, that necklace..I LOVE it.
Keep on being fabulous, love ya <3


I ran my longest run on a treadmill yesterday: 8 miles. And I thought that was long and boring. Seventy seven is ridiculous and impressive!

I usually eat GU Chomps during my long runs. I think I had a donut hole during the last 3 miles of the Marine Corps marathon. Hunger had definitely hit by then!


That is insane!!! The longest I have run on a treadmill is 10 miles, and I don’t think I could last longer than 2 hours. Wow.
That jelly bean game looks fun!!


I like gatorade chews on my long runs. They’re the only thing that doesn’t give me a belly ache.

I did 10 miles on the treadmill today, that’s the longest I’ve ever run. And that’s probably my limit.

I’m not much of a breakfast gal, but I love oatmeal!

We played battle of the sexes for the first time a few weeks ago and it’s soooo fun!


That strikes me as an insane amount of fluid. Seventeen 20 oz bottles?!?

I eat Gu or Chomps on my run, but I have to take half a dose at a time, the full packet of Gu sometimes upsets my stomach.

I may have been on a treadmill for an hour once. That was long enough.


I’ve done a couple of hours, 14 miles on the treadmill. That was years ago and I didn’t eat anything. Now I would eat gummies probably. I don’t like Swedish Fish. I do like those honey waffle things though. Man those suckers are delicious. I’ll eat those as an afternoon snack.


1. I want to find that game!
2. To date, longest on TM is 1.5 hours…blah. I don’t think I could go any longer. THAT was pushing my sanity.
3. I’m not THAT big of a breakfast person, but I think I will say my hubby’s mam’s biscuits and gravy! YUM! Can’t wait to have them next month after my next 1/2 marathon in TN!


ok I think I might be able to finish 16 miles in that amount of time

I love how long Curly’s hair has gotten


9 miles is the longest I’ve made it on the treadmill. I read a whole issue of Runners World on my iPad and watched Black Fish.

Didn’t you run a whole marathon on a treadmill once?!


I love cliff shot blocks for my long runs! But recently I’ve been getting really sick either during or after my runs- and actually throwing up :-( So I’m trying to figure out what to do to ease this! More water, I’m thinking….


We have a 20 minute machine limit at my gym.. so it would stop every 20 minutes and it takes like 1-2 minutes to restart it. So that would be the most annoying part of trying to run for hours on the treadmill. I don’t know how long I could go.. now I want to try!


I’ve run 20 miles on my treadmill – so for me it was 3 hrs 14 mins. Really not that bad, compared to running it in the rain or sleet. The key is to pick out 2 really good movies!!

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