What’s going on with my training and I’m going to THAILAND!

Remember how I had another marathon planned for March 1st?  Remember how I haven’t gone longer than 14 miles in a long time?  Yeah… about that.

I am dropping down from the marathon to the 1/2 for Phoenix in March and hoping to just break 1:30.  

The reason:

This whole divorce thing has been rather stressful.  At the beginning I was able to manage hard training because I think I was kind of in denial/shock but the grieving process is crazy and of course it has affected my training.  They say it takes a year to feel back to normal after a divorce for a reason (and I completely agree with this especially because mine was so sudden).  

Hopefully, I will be able to do a marathon in June but I really don’t mess around with the marathon.  Marathon training is a beast.  I respect the distance and the training that goes into it because my body can’t just handle running/racing 26.2 miles like it isn’t a big deal.  Between not sleeping well at night and my body feeling run down from all of the stress that has been going on, I (and my coach) realized that the timing to train for a marathon isn’t the best right now.   

Before you know it, I’ll be doing crazy workouts that my coach sends me again but for the last little while I have really just had to focus on keeping myself healthy without all of the extra miles and physical stress that comes along with marathon training.  One of the main reasons I have been running lately is to run with friends (aka my therapists) so basically I have just been doing the workouts that my friends have planned and that has been working out great for me.  

Added bonus—>  I actually really love the half marathon distance and I have been building an awesome base.


On a crazy EXCITING note.  I am going to Thailand in March.  Yep.  Thailand.  

Brooke and I went to the passport office this morning to get my passport renewed.  

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Brooke is bummed that she won’t be coming this time but then I promised to take her to Disneyland sometime in the very near future and she forgave me.  

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The reason for Thailand:  

My best friend since the 9th grade (we met in Mrs. Jensen’s english class) has been living there for the last 3 years and it is time for her to be my tour guide.  

I decided that when Brooke is gone with her dad that I should go travel (not every time obviously but for the times that she is gone for longer periods of time).   Yes, this is one of those spur of the moment mid-life crisis/divorcee crazy decisions but I can’t wait.  

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Thailand, you better be ready for me.  

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COOLEST place that you have ever been?

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So jealous, have so much fun and take lots and lots of pictures :)


Good for you! You totally deserve the vacation, and I am sure that you’ll have a blast. I cannot wait to hear all about your trip!


I haven’t been anywhere lately but I lived in Japan for three years. It was our last duty station before my husband retired from the Navy!! Enjoy Thailand!!


Which base?? We were stationed there, too. We got to travel throughout a lot of Asia for cheap, including Thailand. I hope Bangkok is safe while you’re visiting. Loved it there. We also spent time in Phuket. Enjoy, J!


That’s awesome! I think that’s a great idea to travel while Brooke is away!


Janae! I think both ideas are spot-on! Stepping back from the marathon is the right thing to do. Over time I’ve realized how taxing marathons are, and you don’t need to pile physical stress on emotional stress. It can be hard to realize how much your body suffers from life stressors, so you’re protecting your health.
And traveling to Thailand?! That is a wonderful idea! You will be getting some exciting travel and much-needed visiting in during a tough time. Smart lady.


Good for you!!!!!!!! You should absolutely take amazing trips every time you are apart from Brooke. You more than deserve it. It will serve as an amazing distraction. Coolest place I’ve ever been….well, it’s not really “cool”, but I’ve been to every island in the Caribbean—some multiple times!


Sounds like you are making great decisions for yourself! So excited for you!


This sounds like a wonderful idea and perfect for the soul! I am looking forward to all the exciting adventures you have on your trip. :)


I have been to Malaysia! And Thailand!!! It’s is the most beautiful place ever!!? You have to go to Phuket and you have to go to an elephant sanctuary and you have to swim and play in the andeman sea and eat mango sticky rice, and spring rolls and chicken peanut satay.


That sounds amazing, have fun!


Good for you for getting out! You deserve to live and live well :) I’m so jealous though…Thailand is definitely on my bucket list….in the meantime, I’ll have to live through your blogging!!


I am sooooo jealous! Thailand has been on my bucket list forever. I can’t wait to hear all about it. I think its a great way to enjoy your Brooke free time :)


That’s so exciting! Have lots of fun :)


I can’t even begin to tell you how happy I am for you! What an amazing idea!! I just love that you are doing this for yourself!

Coolest places I’ve been: Costa Rica, Greece, Germany and Iceland.


Wow, Janae you are amazing. I am so happy you are going on a trip while Brooke is gone. That has to be so hard. You are becoming so strong it won’t take long. Keep on believing!


I’m headed to Israel in July! Very random but my friends all have family out there and I want to see the world!


Hi! I’m a long-time reader, but this is my first time commenting!

I think that moving down to the half is the right call. You’ve got to listen to your body, and there’s no reason to rush it. I’m excited for when you do get that sub-3:00 marathon!

Will you be having a meet-up in Phoenix? I’m running the full, and I’d love to hang out with other readers and get frozen yogurt :)

Awesome about Thailand- have wanted to go there for years! Coolest places I’ve been: Peru & New Zealand


I’m so happy you’re going to Thailand!! It’s the coolest place I have ever been and probably will ever go!!


I am also going to Thailand in March! My husband is getting his MBA and has a project there and I am going to tag along. Would be awesome to randomly run into each other!


You are a very wise old soul. I think that is so healthy of u to wait on the full and travel is best for the soul!


Fantastic news about Thailand! That’s such a great idea. You really deserve a break – where there isn’t snow! I can’t wait for the posts about Thailand.


I think it’s awesome that you’re taking time to travel while Brooke is away! I’m looking forward to seeing what you think of Thailand because I’m planning on going there over Thanksgiving this year! I love traveling and cool places and it’s hard for me to pick one, but some of my favorite places are Budapest, London, Florence, and Udaipur!


Brooke looks like a Hollywood diva with her “fur” and passport casually placed in her hand. Too cute. Good on you for adjusting as you go. No sense pushing a marathon if you’re not feeling it.


Thailand will be an awesome trip, good for you!


I think listening to your body and doing what’s right for you is very smart. And I’m so happy for you about your trip! Traveling when Brooke is gone is a great decision! Good for you!


Good for you Janae! I think it’s great that you’re listening to your body and doing what’s right for you right now. Finding a way to fill the time when Brooke is gone will make that time apart easier and if it means you get to go to Thailand…then GO FOR IT! That will be an amazing vacation and you deserve it!


jamaica is the coolest place i’ve been,but Thailand is on my bucket list! Can’t wait for the outrageously gorgeous pictures you are going to post!! What a great thing to look forward to :)


I think you’re making a fantastic decision, Janae! It sounds like it’s just what you need right now to stay healthy (physically, mentally) – there’s no doubt in my mind that when the time is right you’ll absolutely rock the full marathon!


Good for you Janae! You deserve an island escape. After what you have been dealing with, very stoically I might add, it is good to do something solely for YOU. As long as you document all your adventures to share anyway! Haha.


Great dicision! Not crazy at all!


i am a longtime reader but have never commented!!! i used to live in thailand. i actually emailed you once when i was there bc your blog was really motivating me to run every morning before work (i taught english there). i am so excited for you. thailand is absolutely my favorite place in the world. it is stunning and the people are so kind and the food is amazing. i can’t wait to read about your time there!


Thailand is THE COOLEST PLACE IVE EVER BEEN!!! I’m dying to go back since we just spent one day there on a cruise but it was amazing! You’ll have an awesome time for sure


So cool Thailand!! I hope your considering running the Utah Valley Marathon on June 14th because I’ll be there running my first full marathon!! :)


I’ve been to so many cool places, I could never pick just one. I have never been to Thialand but I have many friends who have and they have all raved about it. I’m more of a European traveler. I’d rather go to the French Riviera or the Greek Islands, the Amalfi Coast or Capri…great, now I need to go book a vacation!


I think these are some great decisions – and I’m sure Thailand will be a blast!


Nice!!! My dearest friend in the world just moved there LAST WEEK for 15 months and my heart is broken! Can you bring her back with you? :)

Have the best time ever, see everything you can see, eat delicious foods, and don’t stress! Because the Lord is with you! What a wonderful idea.


Such great and strong decisions you are making! I think it’s great that you know not to underestimate emotional stress and it does take time. I split up with my ex-husband unexpectedly, I was really strong most days but then would fall in a heap when I thought about the future and how did this all happen.

Travel is the most awesome thing and I LOVE Thailand. The people, food and sights are amazing. Have a fantastic time and I look forward to reading all about your trip :-)


The coolest place so far is Costa Rica. It was insanely beautiful.


Totally understandable that this has been a difficult time and your head hasn’t been in the tough training! You are doing such a great job of taking care of yourself throughout this. Traveling while Brooke is away at extended visits is a fantastic idea. ENJOY!!


Good for you for listening to your body and doing what is best. You will ROCK the half marathon. Thailand is on my list of places to go in the next few years. I can’t wait to hear about your experience. I spent two weeks in Moorea and Bora Bora – the overwater bungalow was the coolest experience ever!


I went to China last May!! Visiting Asia is a truly amazing experience, you will have a fantastic time.


My favorite places have been Turkey and Shanghai, although I’ve loved pretty much every place I’ve visited. Never been to Thailandbut hope to one day.


Congratulations on your trip.

Australia is the coolest place I have been. I suggest everyone go. I want to go back and run City2Surf.

I hear there is good SCUBA diving in Thailand. And probably good Thai food.


You must! I’m Austealian and live 3 hrs from Sydney. I ran city2surf for the first time in 2013 and it was amazing. I went to Sydney for the weekend with 3 girlfriends. Such a great time. Let me know if you get the chance to come here!!


one day I hope you can share with us, but for now..we love you and support you always. I hope you have a great time there!


Sounds like you a great plan! I have been to Thailand a few times when I was younger (like 8-10) when we lived in Bali it was an easy/quick vacation! It was beautiful and I can’t wait to go back someday! I also recommend Bali! My favorite places I’ve been are different places in Sweden! We just booked out tickets for three weeks this summer and I’m beyond excited to bring my daughter (20 months) there for the first time and bring Jasper (6.5) back!


Just don’t go all Brokedown Palace/Bridget Jones on us! Remember, do NOT pick up anyone’s luggage or let anyone else carry your luggage! In all seriousness, though, I hope you have a blast…you deserve it! The coolest place I’ve ever been? It’s a toss up between Paris, France, and Lucerne, Switzerland. I love Europe!


Hahahah I was thinking more along the lines of Eat, Pray, Love.


Haha, you need a blog post of ‘Eat, Pray, Love Janae style’.

Looks ahhhhhMAZING. Massages are really cheap in Thailand I do believe!

Your honesty, strength and being-nice-to-yourself through this ‘divorce thing’ is really inspiring. You better believe it.


This post is awesome! and you are awesome! good job you!


Thailand will be AMAZING! I have friends that went and absolutely loved it. I’m glad you’re taking this opportunity to see the world, you won’t regret it. I think Italy may be the best place I have ever been. Tuscany looks exactly like the postcards. And the food is unreal! Get some pizza and gelato if you go.

P.S. Thanks for being so candid in this post :)


With such a cute pout like that Brooke can make anyone melt!


You’re going to love Thailand Janae! Wonderful people, unbelievable scenery and food and I think we both put food quite high on the priority list so you should be very happy there. It’s basically paradise. I’ve never done a marathon- but it really sounds like it was a tough decision and the right decision at the same time to postpone the hardcore training. Regroup and smash your next marathon whenever you feel ready :)


Ooh, Thailand! I’m jealous, it so cold here :) Have a nice trip, you’re going to have so much fun!


Awesome decision! I live in Thailand, and I have to say, it is a pretty great place – perfect for a break from the tough stuff you’re dealing with.


Ahhh, you’ll love Thailand. Travel is like chicken soup for the soul. And a place like Thailand where people are beyond lovely and kind and generous will be perfect for you. If you happen to stop in Bangkok, make sure you have some Pad Thai on Kho San Road. It’s dead cheap and easily the best Pad Thai you’ll ever eat. :)


Thailand is my most favourite place in the world – we are planning our fifth trip back there for July but this time bringing our 18month old with us! The Thai people are so generous and amazing – you will have an amazing time.

Travel is good for the soul :-)


Yay!! Have fun in Thailand – I hear it’s supposed to be beautiful. And I think it’s great that you’re using this really challenging situation to go and do new and interesting things. What a way to start to turn it around!

The coolest place I’ve ever been to is Palm Beach in Sydney, but I’m a biased and home sick Aussie living overseas :)

If you ever decide to come to the UK on your travels, please let me know – I can show you all the good donut places in London. ;)


Congratulations on your trip. You’re amazing! :)


What an awesome trip to look forward to! No better therapy in my opinion. I agree with you that marathon training is a beast. I was right on track not even twinge in my Achilles while on any run then BOOM! I’m attempting number 6 Sunday but it will be to spend quality time with my sister. No racing this time.
P.S. Brooke’s fur is ADORBS!!!!!


It’s awesome that you have a coach to help you make these decisions for running. I know that sometimes when we are on our own making decisions, we can expect more from ourselves than we need to be expecting. It would be nice to have that “reality check” : )
So excited for you to have your trip!


What an absolutely amazing, trip of a lifetime! Thailand?? Wow! It looks like a real paradise on earth and you deserve a treat like that! What a wonderful time you’ll have! The most amazing place I’ve ever been is San Francisco. That won’t sound very exotic to you guys, I know, but growing up in Scotland, going to San Fransisco was my dream and it came true a few years ago! It was everything I hoped for and more! Next up, Boston in September! :-)


Wowza! That IS exciting, I hope you will do an occasional blog post while you are there!


So fun and SOOOO needed. I can’t wait to read about everything!


What an amazing opportunity! I can’t imagine how difficult this grieving process is but you have wonderful friends and family surrounding you. Sounds a great trip to refocus.


That is awesome! a coworker of mine just traveled there to spend time with his girlfriend who was on a school retreat and he loved it! You’ll have so much fun!!!


This is awesome! Good for you! It will get easier when Brooke is away but for now distracting yourself and having a good time is the best idea. Very happy for you. Do they have froyo???


I love this post! You are so smart. Great decision and you’ll have a lovely time.

We did a boatload of traveling this year, including Iceland, Spain and north Africa. I really loved all of them, but I’m very interested in all things Scandinavian. Hubby and I are going to Norway, Sweden and Denmark in May!


I LOVE Norway! Such an amazing place. Have fun :)


You deserve a trip!! I wish I had the money to do any traveling–nows the time, single, young….. and broke. ;)


do it anyway! i always thought that, too, but we finally started a travel savings account, found CHEAP flights, are staying in an air bnb apartment, and we’re MAKING IT HAPPEN. now IS the time. xo


How exciting! You should definitely do something for yourself to distract you when you don’t have Brooke, I think that will be amazing for you.


Wow! My husband and I lived in Thailand for 2 years, and it’s definitely the coolest place we’ve been! We loved Chiang Mai, Kanchanaburi, and some of the more remote beaches in the South. I think Thailand will be the perfect place for you to relax, get refreshed, and soak in the beauty and the sun. I’m sure your friend will be a great guide too. Eat lots of good food, do some shopping and exploring, and get some massages! Have an awesome time!


I totally respect your decision to drop back – I recently had to do the same thing due to a bout with pneumonia, and a Ragnar that’s come up in June for me! My marathon was scheduled for May and I’m dropping back to the half and postponing the full for a couple months. NBD – to be sure, we’ll both rock the marathons once we run them!


Yay! SO happy for you about Thailand! :D Have a blast…I think it’s a GREAT idea! :D :D


ahh so excited for you! thailand is on the absolute top of my travel bucket list. my college roomie studied abroad in chaing mai and had the best time.

the coolest place i’ve visited recently was china (beijing and shanghai) with my mom! i loved it and highly recommend visiting someday :)


Just a little word vomit from a stranger :)

The grieving process really is strange. BUT the important thing is that you allow yourself to feel the emotions– allow yourself to go through it! So many people stuff their feelings and tell themselves they are fine, which is so hard on your body and especially your spirit in the long run.

Satan has been really good at telling people that showing and feeling emotion = baggage…. and somehow baggage has a negative connotation to it, when it really should be called “experience.” And I wouldn’t change my life’s experience for anything as it has given me depth and a greater relationship with Christ, our ultimate healer.

Keep on, keeping on girl.


This is exactly what I needed to read today! Thank you so much!


OMG how exciting!!! but before i get to that… MAJOR PROPS for being so honest and open with yourself about not being ready. so often i feel like we have to push, push, push, but really– to whom are we proving ourselves? races seem to push me to this point more often and i’m only just getting to the point where it’s OKAY to not do a race. really proud of you.

and now about thailand. WOOHOOOOOO!!! you’re going to have such a fab time! i really love asian travel because it’s so very unique. i’m actually heading to japan, korea, and taiwan on saturday, so if you need any pointers/ packing recommendations, holler! ahhhh get so excited!!! xo


Thank you for this post. I am going through a divorce too and signed up for a marathon….reading this made me think that it probably wasn’t the best idea…… :) I’m so happy to hear about your Thailand trip. I am definitely in the same position making some weird spur of the moment decisions. But they feel great! I’ll be traveling soon too. Nothing crazy like Thailand, but I will be going somewhere different. I’ve been to London, Paris and Italy. I would love to go back the Europe someday soon.


I am so sorry about your divorce! Take care of yourself and I wish I could give you a big hug and take you to froyo! We can do hard things!


That’s definitely a smart decision, you don’t want to be stressing yourself out more with marathon training on top of everything you’re going through.

And that is SOO exciting!!! My brother will actually be in Thailand in March as well! I hear it’s absolutely BEAUTIFUL. It’s exactly what you need :)


That’s amazing! Have an awesome time!


See the Secret Life of Walter Mitty. You’ll love it!

Congrats on taking care of yourself. No shame EVER in that!


Coolest place I’ve been to was – Thailand! So you’re in for a treat :)

Glad to hear you’re listening to your head/heart in stepping back from marathon training. We CAN be super-human, and human, at the same time.


Coolest place I’ve ever been – Iceland in December (and it was warmer there than it was in Washington state at the time). I want to go back so bad! One of these days


Coolest place I’ve ever been is Thailand!! I spent a month there after graduating college and it was one of the BEST experiences of my life!


You are so strong and positive!! Keep it up. Your trip is going to be amazing!!!




Congrats on Thailand! Brooke needs time with her daddy when he’s not busy with his side piece. You might as well spill the beans, most people think you caught him with another man or something, lol.


Does it matter what most people think? I am sticking to what I believe is right in this situation because it is the best thing for Brooke. Thank you for being so sensitive about something that is absolutely devastating for me.


Amen, Janae. Thanks for sticking with what you believe and know is correct. And for the record, I don’t think that’s what “most” people think. I believe most people think you are STRONG, smart, and an amazing mother. Keep fighting the good fight. xo


Thank you so much Courtney. I really appreciate your comment!


Janae: You are one classy lady. Good for you. <3


Janae- You’ve blown me away with your grace and class in how you’ve handled the past few months, and the fact that you can continue to do so even in light of unnecessary comments like the one above is truly commendable. I wish you all the best in your healing and hope you don’t let comments like this hurt you!


@Catie- Janae is too sweet to say this but I’m not! What a rude thing to say! Didn’t your mother teach you any manners? Please go crawl back under the rock that you came from!

I applaud Janae for the way she is handling the situation. I know it feels like we all know each other for the longtime readers but the fact of the matter is that this is the internet and we are all strangers! I know I certainly would.not feel comfortable sharing personal and very emotional details of my life with strangers either. If you read this Janae, I think you are a very strong and classy woman and the BEST mother. I think most people would be inclined to agree with me so pay no mind to the haters!)


Thailand is awesome! We lived there for 3 years and can’t wait to go back. The food, the culture, and the sites will amaze you. Go with an open mind and try it all–you won’t regret it!


Wow, what an awesome trip! Glad that you are always getting out there and living life despite the tough year you have had.
The coolest place I have been to so far has been Iceland on our honeymoon. I loved the waterfall I saw most of all. I was also in Austria when I was 16 and it looked like something from the Sound of Music…bright green grass, ocean blue sky, and I will never forget it!


Bless you and your beautiful family, and Brooke! I wish you positive vibes and smiles and an amazing trip, Janae. I have been in a similar position with my parent’s separation and it is such a difficult, shocking, confusing, sad thing. I have found lots of help in reading, seeing good friends, and looking ahead. I know it isn’t easy but you will be amazed at how much you grow and improve from this event. A stronger, better Janae will be the outcome I am sure of it :)


Thailand sounds wonderful Janae! And kudos to you for doing what’s best for you right now in your training. I am going to Puerto Rico for my 30th birthday in April and I’m really looking fwd to it.


GO, GO, GO! This is such a great decision.


GREAT decision to travel – I think it will help you immensely. Have fun!!!


I’m running the Phoenix Half on March 1st too! But I’ll be “running” A LOT slower than you (a.k.a. walking) because I’ll be 14 weeks pregnant at that time :)


You’ll love it! My husband says it’s one of his favorite places he’s gone (after our honeymoon in Fiji, of course). Travel is good for the soul :)


That sounds really reasonable to train for a half instead of a full marathon.
And Thailand….sounds absolutely amazing. Sounds like a great idea to spend some quality time with your best friend…way good therapy.

Best place(s) I’ve been….Brazil and Ireland.

*http://expertbrand.com. -Quality Performance Apparel for Women and Men


Thailand IS the coolest place I’ve ever been! We went for 3 weeks over Christmas 2010 and it was just AMAZING! You will have the most incredible time. I’m happy to give lots of suggestions if you’d like!


That will be amazing! I went to Australia and it was surreal! Good for you for taking the time and money to travel and explore. You will have amazing stories and memories when you return!


Janae! I am going to be doing the 10k with some friends! I hope I run in to you!
P.S. Super jelly of your trip to Thailand!!!

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