Time for a bunch of pictures from the last 1.5 weeks.

I found an ice bench in Park City and it made me really happy.

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I used to say the word YOLO as a joke.  I am so mad at myself because I was joking about it so often that it now pops into my head on a normal basis and it is embarrassing.  At least the same thing is happening to my sister too.

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Even though she is feeling better she is still loving to cuddle.  I’m not mad about it.

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Brooke clearly wasn’t happy to have her picture taken below but I had to post this picture because Curly was busy taking selfies.  

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Her relationship with Cosmo is evolving and she now allows him to come near her. 

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I found what I want to make Brooke for her 1/2 birthday celebration (mark your calendars for 2/15 because I feel like we should all celebrate Brooke’s 1/2 birthday).


She has gotten so so fast.  Look out world.  

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Another picture from my brother-in-law’s slam dunk show.   

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Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.  I always eat all of the marshmallows first. 

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Today has been really warm outside but rumor is we have another storm coming soon.  

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Sometimes when you are in Target with your sister you are too lazy to go into the dressing room to try on the tank that you need and somehow this ends up happening.  She told me to model it for her and that I did.

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Tell me something random about you or your day!

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Tonight I’m trying spinning in a pool! Should be interesting…



My gym offers that and I’m intrigued! Have fun!


I NEED MORE DETAILS!!!! What?!? I have never heard of this?


It’s at a place called Aqua Studio here in NYC…if you tune into my blog tomorrow I’ll be writing all about it :)


I can’t wait. Take lots of pictures!



Thank you! And now I need to try this ASAP!


WHAT?!?! That sounds SOO cool! I wish my gym did that!!


That looks so fun!


They have that class at my gym too and I’ve wanted to try it!! Never have though…


Well that sounds epic, I need to find that!!


Oh my gosh Elmo macarons! Those are awesome :)

Something random…my dog got bored when I was running and I came home to find she had de-stuffed 15 different toys. My evening will be spent re-stuffing them and stitching them up for her while I watch Nashville.


15… he is talented! Good luck and enjoy Nashville!


I try on clothes like that at Target all the time.

I hope some footage from the slam dunk contest makes it to your next video! It looks awesome!


It definitely will. Hope you are having a great day Amy!


I got a crockpot two years ago and it broke…I was so bummed until I found out Bed Bath and Beyond would exchange it for me! Hurray for a free crockpot! Was that random enough???


THAT IS AWESOME!! I love BB & B because they are so good with returns. I love your random:)


I only have 45 minutes until I get to head home from work and I can’t decide what to pick up for dinner…one of the most important decisions of the day!


It actually is the MOST important decision of the day!


Love these pics!!! You are too cute!
Please tell me you’ll be coming to NYC soon :)


I miss you girl! I need to plan a trip out there asap!


The Elmos are cute!
I’m working on doing pull-ups. That is my strength goal.

My kids only eat the marshmallows. Then throw the rest away.


Your kiddos are brilliant. Keep me updated with how your pull-ups are going! That is so awesome!


I can actually hear Brooke sighing in the picture with Cosmo. Like ” I guess I will tolerate this” Also, from the same picture, I love your niece’s hair. If I wake up early, can I go to your sisters house and she can do my hair before I go to school to?

Curley taking selfies is the absolute best. She has itDOWN!

Macaroons (the elmo cookies) are the finickiest type of cookie to make. I declare them impossible. So while I also enjoy celebrating half birthdays (we legitimately do it around here – I may just like excuses to eat ice cream and cake) I would recommend buying those from somewhere and saving you the headache of making them. Also, I better be invited to that party ;)

Today I got to volunteer at Evan’s school. I love being there with him. It was so fun. And then tonight I get to teach a fitness class for the YW activity. Ya. They most definitely asked me before they knew I was pregnant. Shooooould be entertaining to say the least.

Your gorgeous and tiny and I hate you. Only I don’t.


Genius Megan. How did I live before you? I will be buying them or just making random red cookies. About my sis doing your hair… she really would whenever you want. She is so good. So fun that you volunteered at Brooke’s boyfriend’s school;) Love you and send on over some screenshots.


Something random: it’s snowcoming week so I get to dress up for crazy days at school this week. Tomorrow is decades day and I’m going as an 80s girl!

I want to see your BIL’s slam dunk team. So cool!


brooke’s half birthday is my real birthday :))


HAPPY ALMOST BIRTHDAY ERIN!! I will eat an extra cookie to celebrate your birthday!


it’s my real birthday, too! Happy Birthday Erin and Happy 1/2 Birthday Brooke!


Target dressing rooms are too far away. Can’t be bothered.


I ate Cafe Rio for lunch to try and mend my broken heart. Didn’t work, but my stomach sure liked it! Break up’s SUCK.


I am so so sorry Courtney. They really are the worst. Next time try Cafe Rio followed by froyo… that has been healing my heart the last six months;)


I still laugh when I think of Brooke calling you Elmo!
Random: I vacuum my vacuum. And I clean library books before I read them. Clean is where it’s at :)


I LOVE the Elmo macarons. My toddler is OBSESSED with the ‘Mo.

Did you know you can buy just the marshmallow part of the cereal (and then put them on EVERYTHING)? You’re welcome ;)



Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing that with me.


I just ate a blueberry muffin Lara bar and it didn’t taste like a blueberry muffin at all. It tasted like a grilled pork chop. But I still ate the whole thing for some reason.


Random – I am obsessed with cards. Like, greeting cards.

So today I went to my favorite card store and bought a ton of vintage Valentine’s and even though I have no idea who I should send/give them to, I’m excited to have them :) I love sending people mail and nobody ever expects Valentine’s from their friends over the age of 10 so its a real shocker to get them in your early 30’s.

Have a great day! And, those slam-dunk moves look kinda scary. Good thing they have those cushions!


Today my kiddos’ schools closed for the 5th day this winter. (Not in order but 5th overall) Weather man says the cold/snow is going to last into February so if the school closings continue we could be making up days until the end of June.

Also, my birthday is Feb. 11th…kind of close to her half birthday so it made me smile when I thought about eating red Elmo cookies on my birthday ~ and then wondered if it would stay my teeth red? ~ but then thought oh well red teeth would be funny on Valentine’s Day right? (YOLO!)


My birthday is Feb. 11 too! February is the best month!


Haha Brooke’s relationship with Cosmo might be evolving, but I still don’t think it’s quite love yet! Something random about my day – I have been looking forward to eating a sausage pizza ALL day and it is about to happen in a few minutes!


It’s warm in Utah today and cold in Houston? Of course haha! Curly cracks me up taking selfies! I definitely think Brooke should have the Elmo macaroons for her half bday :-)


I found out my PTA national boards exam costs $370. That sucked. Nothing like a little pressure… Thank God it’s not until July.

Curly is hilarious.


I’ve eaten my weight in cantaloupe. Is that weird?


My husband buys Lucky Charms and eats all the marshmallows and then leaves me just the cereal. It used to infuriate me now I Just come to expect it :)


Curly taking selfies is hilarious, she’s got the kissy face down! Here’s my random, your earlier post about the layers of cereal made me have a dream about cereal. I fell asleep for about ten minutes on the couch and had a full on dream about a bowl of frosted flakes and Life. Now I’ve been craving that combo all afternoon.


You better get some soon then! That sounds like a wonderful combination!


Sister and I got into the Dumbo Double Dare!!! 19.3 miles here we come!!! YOLO!!!


HAHAHA! Thank you for using YOLO in your comment;) Congrats on getting into the Dumbo Double Dare and please let me know how it goes!


My dog’s name is Cosmo. He’s a black mini-wiener dog. haha he looks nothing like Cosmo in Utah.


HaHa, love Curly’s selfie!


Ahaha girl you crack me up! Random: I cleaned my room this morning and finally put away all of my Christmas and birthday presents. It felt good.


Random: Considering having cereal for dinner after this post ;)




I will be doing 12 x 400m today. Looking forward to it and dreading it at the same time.
Love seeing Brooke’s adorable face :D


I do the opposite… eat all the cereal and save the marshmallows for last. It’s like my reward for suffering through the cereal on it’s own.


I do the same thing!! =)


Yes marshmallows last! And i eat the cereal as quickly as possible


Samesies! It’s the best reward for the hard work of eating the grainy parts first :] even though, let’s face it, even the grainy parts are covered in sugar haha


I play ice hockey and have a game tonight that I don’t really want to go to and would rather curl up on the couch and watch tv with hot chocolate, but know that I’ll feel great after playing and feel like I got something that resembles a workout in.


Those Elmo cookies are too much! Brooke will love them!!

Random thing about my day, I am officially visiting London this September for the very first time! Can’t wait to get that stamp on my passport!


Those Elmo Macarons are awesome! I bet Brooke would LOVE them!

Also, how cute are her red boots?? Too cute :)


Random: My thirty- SIXTH birthday is this Saturday and I just found out today that I am expecting my SIXTH child!!!!!!
Oh and Brooke is BEYOND cute with that sweet little hat on! Isnt it amazing how fast the first year went by?? I love seeing her little personality emerge =)


Ahhhhhhhhhh huge congrats!!!!!!!!


thanks =) I’m still in shock! My ‘baby’ is going to be 6 next month so this will be my LARGEST gap between kiddos (my 4 girls were all 18 mo apart and then my boy came 2.5 years after my last girl) =)


I have that Mossimo tank in every color! It’s great b/c it’s long and keeps you warm b/c you can tuck it in your pants and wear another shirt over it.


^ Oh but don’t mention that on my blog if you happen to go there-we’re keeping it hush hush for awhile! =)


Used the last of my half n half this morning in my coffee and picked up an emergency container at Walgreens. Always weirds me out to buy dairy at a pharmacy. But I wasn’t near a grocery store and I need to be prepared for my morning cup of joe before work.

Half birthdays are so much fun to celebrate.


Ha ha on the target picture, a girl has got to do what a girl has got to do.
I love the1/2 birthday idea, too cute!


Haha that model picture! LOVE. Ain’t nobody got time for dressin’ rooms! ;)



I have the same feeling for the dressing room, just try on the clothes their! :)
Radom that -20 is starting to feel normal….


I’m the opposite…I save my marshmellows for the end :) My random: We are currently bracing for a ice storm/snow in Florida. FLORIDA! What is happening?!


Random in the best way- it’s snowing in South Carolina and we’re all waiting for classes to be cancelled tomorrow!!


I went to Cosco–and now I am living off dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets and cheeze-itz :)


Random moment from my day: finally gave it and bought a foam roller! I foam roll while my 4-month-old is doing tummy time. :)


Today I officially began training for my first FULL marathon. Woot! Woot!

And then the day was made even better when I was at Target and I found the Sour Patch gum that you mentioned on here a few times. Yummy!!


Yay for the random posts!!
I just love ya Janae!


Random: I eat my food one thing at a time. And also in alphabetical order. Things like beef stew, lasagna and cereals with marshmellows freak me out. I seriously don’t know what to do if I cant separate.


You are so beautiful! Curly’s selfie is the best thing I have seen all day.


I’ve been in my sweats all day. Sometimes you just gotta do that.


It’s snowing in North Carolina! It never snows, so I didn’t get to run my intervals today as they shut everything down. I’m hoping for a snow day tomorrow so I can run my 5 on the treadmill!


Snowed in with 3inches in TN. We are definitely not used to snow, but taking advantage of it to get in some sledding action. It’s the first time my 4 year old daughter had ever done that and loved it!
Love your blog, and look forward to reading it each day!
P.S. My daughter loves seeing all your pics!!


Love, love, love all the pictures! Random for the day – I had peanut butter at every meal — it really is an obsession, but not one I am trying to overcome any time soon. YOLO, right?!?


Curly seems so hilarious! I would be nervous watching your bro in law I am an anxious lady. Fun fact about my day: had a snow day today (i’m a teacher), and one tomorrow as well!


I had multigrain cheerios, FMW and raspberries all in one bowl for breakfast today. It was pretty delicious!


Elmo macaroons?! Too fun!! Also, ice benches also intrigue me because it seems like your booty would get wet but it somehow only gets slightly damp! How fascinating ;) I just tried chicken cordon bleu for the first time and it was amazing!


love thee elmo cookies!!!!! too cute!


I’m at dentist and after I get out I’m getting froyo and heading home to watch tv all night instead of packing. :)


I consider it perfectly acceptable to try on clothes in the middle of the store, especially H&M. That place it’s always hoppin’!


Hmmm random fact about my life is that I’m strongly contemplating investing in 10lb dumbbells! I have 3 and 5 lbs right now but think I need to step it up a bit to make my lil muscles get a bit bigger :)


Please show a video of him dunking!


My husband is currently reworking the lyrics to “Don’t you want me” to be chicken with salmonella.


Those Elmo cookies are precious. We had an unpredicted snow today that left kids stranded at school overnight, people stuck at work, and many forced to abandon their cars on the roads and walk to shelter or a few miles home. It is terrible, and our city is in a civil crisis right now. Luckily my family made it home safe! (Totally random, but it’s all I can think of at the moment)


Brooke’s half-birthday is my birthday so I’ll definitely be celebrating :-)! Hope she has a good one.


Brookes outfits are seriously the cutest things that I have ever seen! And those Elmo macaroons are adorable. Brooke’s half birthday is one day after my due date haha! Definitely a day to celebrate ;)


I was able to shave with my right hand only (I’m left handed) & this would also be the extent of me working out today.


I just wanted to say I recently discovered your blog and I LOVE it. I’m training for my first 10k and your blog helps to motivate me to keep at it. Pictures of Brook are just a bonus. :) She is ridiculously adorable!! Love love love your blog!


Random: I used to do the same thing as you – say things mockinlgy/jokingly and now they are part of my everyday vocab… E.g. FYI, YOLO, OMG, totes, soz… haha, 27 going on 13 maybs??


I love that you eat the marshmallows first. I always eat all the cereal first and save the marshmallows for the end! I also eat zingers in the following order: frosting first, then dig out the cream filling and save the cake for last…and yes, I know I’m strange :-)


Yay for a half birthday on my actual birthday! Those are the perfect Elmo treat. LOVE it!


I hope my boss and people from work don’t see this…I’m “trying to look busy”. Yeah, it’s down time here coz it’s 2 days to Chinese New Year and everyone seems to be in CNY mood.


Ha! Love the last pic of a “modeling pose”. Today, I had a random but super yummy dessert, popcorn with melted peanut butter and chocolate drizzled on it. SUPER messy to eat but so yummy.


I need some lucky charm cereal… :(


I thought trying on clothes in the middle of Target was standard?! :)
Something random from yesterday- I bought a new pair of shoes (Brooks Pure Flow’s) and I can’t wait to try them out today!
Also, my BFF is having a baby and today she is finding out if it is a boy or girl…very exciting!
Have a great Tuesday!
Karen @karenlovestorun


ok next time try on a bra over your shirt…sorry..just funny

my 6yr old loves taking selfies too


I usually eat the cereal first so I get an insane marshmallow rush at the end.


Where did you get those adorable purple leggings that Brooke is wearing? She’s always dressed so cute!!!


my BFF and i do the same thing with YOLO—> I made so much fun of the word that now it pops up in everyday convo’s and has become our MANTRA….last year, the majority of my bday presents had to do with YOLO things…I now have a coozie, t shirt and headband that say YOLO….oh well…. you DO only live once! :) Enjoy youur hump day!


I eat the marshmallows first too! Brooke is a super cutie!


Random thought – How did I NEVER celebrate 1/2 birthdays!!! Perhaps I should start celebrating 1/4 birthdays. I am implementing this into my daily life……TODAY!!



HALF BIRTHDAY!? That sounds so fun :) I could totally make Brooke a birthday gift with an Elmo themed party hat with 1 1/2 on it! Also Park City is awesome, and I want to find that tiny couch now!


The picture where Curly is taking selfies is priceless.


HAha beautiful modeling skills. This post makes me want cereal and to see that dunking show – how cool!


brooke’s eyelashes are so beautiful!

something random: lots of work hostility today. long story, but i put two individuals in their (well-deserved) place!


I’m a sign language interpreter so I am SO glad you explained what you and your sister were saying in photo!!! I kept looking at it saying “2…0…5…0??? huh? V…o…b…o….nope that cant be it” *insert head scratching here**
Ps…never make the TriDelta sign with your hands (it’s not nice!!) hehe
You girls are too cute!


Brooke is growing like a weed! Love you and her.


I love Brooke’s clothes, so cute!


That ice bench is pretty great! You have a great family!

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Hahahaha the same thing that happened to you with “YOLO” happened to me with the word “tight”. It was a joke between my husband and I and now it has stuck and I say it all the time.

Heyyy the 90s called and they want their word back!


I always save the marshmallows for last! That way, you can have spoonfuls of straight marshmallows without worrying about any boring oats getting in the way! ;)

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