Running from 1/20-1/25 and turns out good nutrition helps your running.

We didn’t do any track workouts this week but Brooke and the kiddos sure did.  

DSC 9304

Four things about my running this last week:

1. I did a lot of treadmill miles (24) this week because of travel and Brooke being sick.  Treadmill miles make me appreciate my outdoor miles soooo much more.

2. I had a high volume of miles this week (57… which is a lot for me) along with two pump classes so I will definitely be cutting back my mileage this next week.

3.  8 out of the 57 were fast.  All of the others were in the 8-9 minute range.  Hard days hard and easy days easy.  

4.  This past week I have been trying to eat a lot more produce and protein instead of my usual 4 bowls of ice cream a day and I am already noticing huge improvements in my recovery and how I feel during my runs (unless it is all the placebo effect;).  I am excited about this because my running mojo is coming back and I am excited to see how all of the things like nutrition/running with fast people etc etc help me to get faster.

Monday– 10 miles in California on the treadmill @ 8:20 average pace.

Tuesday– 10 miles total with 3 downhill mile repeats @ 5:43, 5:27, 5:26.

Wednesday– 8 miles outside @ 8:43 average pace.

Thursday– 8 treadmill miles @ 8:34 average pace.

Friday– 6 treadmill miles @ 8:12 average pace.

Saturday– 5 warm-up miles, 5 tempo miles (6:41, 6:26, 6:34, 6:35, 6:40 ((a nice little uphill in the last mile)) and 5 cool-down miles for a total of 15.  I was happy because the tempo miles felt comfortably hard even though I went into this workout grumpy.  Nice mental workout for me to switch my negative thoughts to positive ones.  

Sunday—>  sleep, foam roll, stretch, recover like a champ.


How was your week of running?  

What day have you been taking as your rest day lately?

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I’m really happy with how my running is going as I’m just getting back into it and just happy that I’m not injured or feeling any niggles. I’m working my way through a 10km program. I have quite a few days off at the moment, no particular day. I love the indoor track you have. I’ve never even seen one of those. I’m not sure if they have them where I live. Good luck with your nutrition/training. Glad its coming together for you.


I’ve done so much indoors too just because of weather :( but otherwise my running has been great! I’ve been taking Mondays as a rest, I know a lot of people like a shake out run after a long run day but my legs feel better from straight rest.


Aw, Brooke is too cute. I’m not surprised she’s already racing ;)
Running this week…didn’t really happen! For some reason I just wasn’t feeling it and actually wanted to cross train a bit? The horror.
The past few weeks my rest day has fallen on Thursday but this week I decided it will be today. :) Give me some of your energy!


Yay! I always love seeing improvements in my running :)


I usually take Sunday as my rest day but this week has been thrown WAY off because we are moving from Iowa to Maryland this week! I love a routine so I am just trying not to let it make me crazy…:)


I had a good running week. I’ve been focusing on my heart rate and cadence
And have been feeling better after my runs because of it. I usually take either Saturday or Sunday off, it just depends on my schedule.


The treadmill has been my friend lately but I do miss my outdoor runs for the zoning out aspect of running…I totally agree- good nutrition helps run recovery and ability. Load up on sweet potatoes – I swear eating them keeps the legs fresh.


what a great running week! you are my running hero :)


I ran a total of 24 miles this week with my longest run being 8. I thought this was exciting because I am coming back from a stress fracture so I am taking it slow. 24 is a big deal for me :)

Great week of training! Hoping to be as speedy as you one of these days :)


I ran alot more treadmill miles this week too, and it really does make you appreciate the outdoor runs! My week of running went well, except for the snow, ice, and freezing temps all week. I usually take Sunday as my rest day, and today is no different. I did some easy yoga and foam rolled like its my job!


so true! I always notice how much easier my runs feel when I’m eating well! It makes me not want to eat “bad” foods! but…. that ice cream calls my name…. :)


Nice work! Due to my work schedule Mondays are my rest day. I ran 17 miles this week, plus spin, weights, doggie walks, and yoga. I’m impressed with 57!


Wow, what a week! That’s a lotta miles!


Sweet! What a great week of running for you! Nice job, Ms. Speedy. My running week was wonderful. I ran 4 days and was going to take today as my rest (like I have been doing) BUT snow comes in tonight so I decided to take full advantage of 34 degree, nice quiet Sunday morning and had an amazing run (I logged my fastest split yet and wasn’t even trying). REST tomorrow because for me, running 3 days in a row is pushing it. I hope you enjoyed your rest today. I KNOW you earned it.


Sunday is always rest day.
I didn’t run very many miles this week. I hit about 20 on the treadmill and about 12 elliptical miles. I don’t feel like I ran very much.
Trying to figure out if I want be a half runner or just a fitness in general girl.


I only ran 21 miles this week. I need to slowly increase and start training for my first 15k. Trying to determine what my pace will be for that…faster than half marathon but maybe not as fast as 10k?
I have more than one rest day. I actually try and squeeze my run in between 3 kids a hubs and part time job. This mama runs when I can…


wow, that is a lot of treadmill miles! gotta do what you gotta do. i usually take 2 off days a week – always sunday, and then either weds or friday :)


Long-time reader..but rarely comment on blogs. Just wanted to say I loved today’s post and I’m so very excited to see how you get (even) faster! Good luck and I hope your mojo continues to grow. I’ll never be as fast as you but I am more than happy to live vicariously through your runs. :)


I had a really stressful week this week and thus didn’t eat much at all. Almost all of my runs were cut short, and those that weren’t completely wore me out. Definitely going to start paying attention to what and how much I’m eating. Hoping next week is better! I skipped my 8 mile run today to give my body a break.


So glad your running mojo is coming back! I usually take the days before and after my long run as rest days. I feel like I get too burnt out if I don’t. Otherwise my running has felt really good lately! Hoping for a good time at the Mermaid Series Half in a couple weeks in San Diego.


My miles are all treadmill miles! I am such a wuss when it comes to running outside. Snow + ice = no running outside for me! ;)


My rest days are always so random. They just happen whenever I can’t get a workout in. Ha!


Haha I love Sundays – a built-in rest day! Sometimes you have to have it forced upon you!


Had a great week! Got 30km in (including hill repeats on Monday) and 2 cardio Insanity workouts and over 70mins of shovelling the next morning (think hip deep drifts about 3 feet wide and 20 feet long down my driveway!) Took 2 rest days after that. Just got back from 10.5km outdoors with my sister in weather that almost made me turn around but am happy I didn’t. My rest days always depend on how my week is going.


I’m really glad to hear that your running mojo is coming back. I was just thinking mine was too. I’m with you about the treadmill, I had to log 5 out of 6 runs this week on the treadmill and I’m just itching to go back outside…unfortunately I’ll have to wait quite a bit longer since it will be getting even colder this week.


I have never run 50 miles in a week. My max was 48. I had on day of speed work, 12 400’s. I also had a half marathon yesterday, the Rain Run and is was cold and foggy but no rain. Total miles 30. Friday is my rest day.


Hey! Is that the race that was on the Sammamish River Trail? I was out there doing my long run and suddenly I was in the middle of a race! I even got cheered on a bit, haha. Awesome weather for a half!


Yes, it was a great run. The weather was great!


This week’s running was a derailed by the weather and a lot of overtime at work.

But that won’t happen this week! I’m the proud new owner of my very own treadmill! I’m so excited to come home from work tomorrow to take it for a spin!

Whatever days I work the latest are usually my rest days, we’ll see what happens now that I have constant access to a treadmill! :)


Hope you had a restful day off! I am taking tomorrow off – did a spin workout today :)


Great week! I love that your easy runs are at that pace janae! And yet u are ao fast when u race. I has coaches trying to get me to run my easy paces runs faster but I think slower would have been better for me I will remember this and keep this as inspiration when I can run again. Xxx


My week of running was better this week then last week… I ran almost every day, between 2-4 miles… I know kinda pathetic. But I just started running again, plus I have been working ALOT 5- 14 hr shifts per week and so its hard to get long runs in there!
But I feel a short run is better then no run at all.
My 1/2 Marathon is like 95 days away, so I will start hitting it harder in the next couple of weeks! I can not wait for warmer weather.. I live in Ohio and this negative degree weather, is making me go crazy!
Hope everyone is keeping warm!

What day have you been taking as your rest day lately?


You amaze me so much! SO speedy! I notice that my running feels a lot better when I eat healthy too! Who knew… nutrients actually do good for our bodies. :)


I totally agree that good nutrition helps you feel better. I usually don’t care that much… sweets, junk, etc., but for the past week or so I’ve been really trying to eat more nutrient dense foods and I also notice a difference! Keep it up :)


Wow, that is a hardcore week of running!! I’m impressed :) While pregnant, I’ve been riding my bike a LOT and it feels so great! I typically rest on either saturday or sunday, depending.



I forced myself into a “long” (Hour long) run yesterday. I haven’t been running because I got out of the habit after a month of IT band recovery, doing other things. I was pretty proud of that 5.25 miles :) I have a long way to go!


My week of running has definitely had its ups and downs. I am participating in a January running challenge to run every day in January. Therefore, days where I run 2 or 3 miles feel like rest days to me. I ran 7 yesterday and 8 today, and both runs felt strong. I am learning a lot from this challenge. The foam roll is my best friend :)


WOW! You amaze me on how much you run. I hope to get to that many miles in a week. The exciting thing for me today is that I am about to go take a run in the Manhattan streets. It is 23 degrees in NY, warmer then it has been and the wind seems to be down so it is going to be a refreshing run.


I like your Sunday day of training!

I took the week off of running and let me body recover a bit from my half marathon last weekend. It was nice and all but I’m ready to go at it again! :)


You had an awesome week of great miles!

My week wasn’t the best. I only ran twice this week because my knee was bothering me. But I think I am back on track! I just got home from an 12-miler and am feeling really good! :)


Did my first speed workout this week! On the TM. But it was fun! I was surprised. I felt and did better than I expected and I can’t wait for my next speed run!


My week in running was pretty nonexistent, because I only ran a short run one day. But things are looking up this week and I am looking forward to it!


If I would sleep more, roll more, and eat a stricter diet (although I do eat pretty well already, I think! Plus, you know, desserts :)), I’d run some better times. Next time I try for a PR, I’ll focus on the recovery aspect more.


Yay! I’m glad your racing mojo is coming back! I’m excited to see where you go from here! No run for me today but I had a good if short run yesterday. I’m focusing to keeping up my strenght training ang yoga right now while I try and get a little faster.


My week of running was majorly slacking and it turned into a week of week I will be better!


I never have a “set” rest day during the offseason, I run until I’m tired and my body tells me to give it a break. During tri or marathon season, I usually take off a day in the middle of the week.

I really dislike the treadmill and I’ve run on it more this year than in years past because the weather has been so horrendous…the ice & my city’s inability to plow roads means I’ve been inside more than I like! I had about 45 miles on the treadmill this week. I started checking the TV guide before leaving for the gym to choose a good show that would last at least an hour (like Millionaire Matchmaker… or Keeping Up With The Kardashians.) The trashier the better so it keeps me occupied!


Covered 25 miles this week. Getting back to my previous best level of fitness…

Also did some strength work on my legs at the gym.

Rest day tends to be a sunday, in fact, if I leave the house at all on a sunday its a surprise…

Speedwork this week, hurts to do it but I feel proud once its finished!


I really wanted to get back to running last week but needed more rest time post marathon. I did two short runs and went to yoga. This week I’m ready to go! My rest days are either Saturday or Sunday, depending on what’s going on that weekend.
Sounds like you had an awesome week…here’s to another great week!

Karen @karenlovestorun


Does running ever get easier on your body? I’m still new and do relatively low mileage but am getting run down and injured! I run no more than 3 times a week I can’t imaged doing the mileage that you (HRG) but also others do (Picky Runner, Miranda- LWLL). Does it become easier after a while? I’ve only really been running for the last year and have done one half marathon in October. Now training for one in March, then one in June then one in Oct! I eat pretty healthily (follow Slimming World – UK) and get enough sleep, have introduced strengthening and weights to workouts and always stretch after a run. I’m seeing a physio about my knee problems but have had a pain in my foot for about 3 weeks. It’s not getting worse but no better either! :( Any comment welcomed x


Love that first picture- your nephew is flying! :)


Oh, to be able to get in the mileage you do (and the speed). I’m super jealous and in awe. You inspire me every day to get out there and run…to push myself farther and faster. No lie.


Just wondering, if you were doing your track workout, would you be angry if there were kids running around and playing on the track? Kind of sad (and I guess proof that I don’t have kids), but my first thought when I saw Brooke and your nieces/nephew on the track was that must really be crappy for anyone trying to do a workout. I’m assuming no one was running at the time probably, but what would you do if there were kids playing on the track while you were doing a tough workout?


Hey! So we were at the track while a volleyball game was going on and so half of the track was closed off during the game. No one was there just to run:) if they were then we would have had the kids get off!


I knew you wouldn’t be one of those people who screwed with anyone’s workout!!


hahah I love that response:) Have a great day!


My week of running last week was measly. A whopping 5.5 miles. I had/have bronchitis and it’s still hard to breathe, but hoping this week will return to normal!


As a dietitian, I totally LOVE the fact that you are saying that what you eat has an impact on your work outs! I totally feel the same way. I am a huge believer that your food is fuel. :)


This week my running has been pretty much nonexistent. Between the ice/snow and dreading the treadmill. I only got a hour on the elliptical and 30 minutes on the stationary bike. I really need to do better this week!


I sort of like Monday or Friday as a rest day because on the weekends I have plenty of time for hard workouts but either the beginning or end of the week are great days to take it easy


I like to take Friday as my rest day because we do our grocery shopping then and it’s the end of the work week so I’m usually beat.


This past week was my “easy” week, so I ran 39 miles. Most of them were slow because the weather has been horrible here in NYC and I don’t have access to a treadmill (which I hate anyway), so it was either slip on the ice and kill yourself or go slower and log in all the miles safely ;) This week is supposed to be better… crazy cold but no snow at least!

I usually take Wednesday and/or Friday off bu that really depends. Monday is always easy and Tuesday and Thursday is always speed work/hill repeats.


Brooke is just growing soo fast!

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