Let’s talk about hair.

Pump class with my favorite teacher followed by a few slow miles on my treadmill at home until Brooke woke up.  She somehow knew that I had been running before I went in to get her because she insisted on hustling on over to the treadmill to sit on the warm treadmill belt:) 

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And then we foam rolled.  Who would of thought that two people could use this at the same time?  Her quads must be really tight because that is what she focused on rolling out this morning.

PS I am absolutely obsessed with my Brooks Transcends.  I thought I would just use them for easy running but I have used them for my last two speed work sessions and my long runs too and they work great.  My feet feel SO comfortable in them.  They come out next month!

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The other color scheme they are offering for women…. WHITE is coming back in with running shoes (ps they didn’t ask me to post about this, I just really like the shoes and my feet are happy when I wear them)

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A reader asked about what hair products I use when I do actually wash my hair once a month (she didn’t say the once a month thing.. that was from me).  All of these are because my sister or my hair lady told me to get them and I don’t know how to make major life decisions by myself so I follow their advice.

1.  My absolute favorite shampoo and conditioner in the whole world.

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2.  After I wash my hair, I use the Redken anti-snap on my wet hair (mainly the bottom half of my hair) and then the lift extreme mousse on my roots.  

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A little blowdrying action and then a hot tools curling iron and some hairspray.  

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My favorite of everything is this stuff on the right because it makes hair feel so soft.  I keep it in a ziplock because once upon a time I left it too close to my curling iron and it melted the container a little and it has leaked ever since).  

Another snow day here in Utah.  Brooke looks a little suspicious about all of this snow.

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Curly just assumes that when it snows I will take her to 7-11 for hot chocolate with mini marshmallows.  

The main reason I don’t want winter to end:

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Last time you foam rolled?

What hair products do you use?

How often do you wash your hair?

Who else ran on a treadmill today?

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I foam rolled today, trying to fix my IT band :( And I rotate my hair products because if I use the same one twice in a row my hair starts to feel gross (I don’t know why though???).


Hmmm that is interesting… maybe I should try rotating too! Keep on foam rolling and get that IT band better asap. It band problems are so painful!


Hi Rebecca, just read that your ID bands are tight. Go to youtube and type in Myrtl Routine. Do the top video that comes up for that. Shows a Woman on all fours on the ground. If you do that every day, I promise your IT bands will heal and loosen :)


Opps, meant IT! Ack!


Thank you so much I will try that right now!


That picture of Brook is so cute. I usually wash my hair every day, but I hate having wet hair after a shower. I am trying to cut back to every other day but sometimes my hair gets so greasy that skipping a day is just not an option.


I foam roll every day, I’m an injury pre-hab freak. And I ran on the treadmill this morning!

I use shu uemura essence absolue as my treatment oil which I love love love. I wash every other day :)


I foam rolled two days ago and I will be doing it again tonight!

I use the same shampoo and conditioner. It took me sooo long to find something I liked after Annabelle was born…I don’t know, I guess my hair changed?

I have a greasy head, so I wash mine everyday. It’s not a pretty sight if I don’t…


Rolled today. 5 miles on the treadmill. I wash almost every day. I know this is wrong, but I sweat like crazy. Should I just rinse off the sweat? I have been thinking about trying Wen hair products.


I used to have this same issue but then I tried using just conditioner one day and pretended it was shampoo, scrubbing it into my scalp like crazy, and my hair felt totally clean after! It’s almost like the sweat helps cut grease or soemthing. Now I only use shampoo once every couple weeks! Works like a charm! :)


I love that look on Brooks face. So mature, thoughtful, and somehow fun and cute at the same time.

Foam rolling? What’s that? Just kidding. It’s been several weeks.

I usually buy whatever hair products are on sale. Or have pretty packaging. I’m kind of into marketing like that.

I wash my hair every other day, or every third day if I’m feeling really generous towards the health of my hair (aka lazy).

Luckily, I’m in California, so no need to be on the treadmill. 8 miles in the fabulous outdoors.


You are hilarious. All the marketing people are going “Check. One down…forty-two million to go… note that. Pretty packaging”


Oh and I’m in Colorado so…totally jealous of the California weather.


I’m feeling VERY lucky right now with the weather. Now, come summer, we’ll have zero water since it hasn’t rained for 6 months…but it’s been really great for marathon training!

Do you manage to get runs in on the treadmill? (that’s like a super power in my mind).


I LOVE the treadmill. But I’ve loved it since I had little kids and my husband travelled out of country and there was no one to watch them. One must improvise, and improvise I did. I ran on the treadmill at all hours. I still do that…


I try to foam roll nightly when my boyfriend and I watch TV.

I wash my hair every day! Sweat + fine baby-ish hair does not do well unless I wash it daily. I’m not blessed in the hair department.


I love when Izzy foam rolls with me, it’s so cute how they pick up your habits. Izzy picked up downward dog early on and it has helped with potty training :)
I’m a product whore so right now I’m loving loreal line called total repair 5 and I love Argan oil called oro fluido (liquid gold). I try to wash my hair on running days so, 3-4x a week. I ran 3.2 on the treadmill, needed to do 5 but izzy had a meltdown at 3.2 so that’s where it ended.


I bought foam rollers and have only used them a few times. I wash my hair every three days (I have really dry hair and can’t do the whole blowdry and iron thing daily). I love love love Aveda hair products they are the absolute best. My favorites are Dry Remedy hair conditioner and color conserve shampoo.


You just reminded me to pull out my foam roller. My calves are feeling extra tight today. And hot chocolate with marshmallows is acceptable year round in my book :)


The picture of Brooke foam rolling is hilarious!


I don’t remember the last time I foam rolled. My bad…

I use a sea salt spray and a styling putty. I have short, slick hair so I have to “dirty” it up a little to give it some grip. I wash my hair every day/every other day. Not washing my hair would probably be an easier and faster way to give it texture but I just can’t relinquish control :P


I use Paul Mitchell products. Love the way my hair feels, especially using the sleek serum. I’m going to try to go to washing every other day and using a dry shampoo on the off days. Just worried my hair will be really greasy.
I can’t wait for the Transcends to come out! I want to test them out at the running store. I’m glad you like them so much. Gives me hope! I currently run in Ravenna 4’s, so I’m going to try out the 5’s and Transcends next month


Okay, I LOVE their sleek serum… and their hairspray. My favorite. Let me know what you think of the transcends:) Have an awesome day!


I wash my hair twice a week. I want to know for real–how often do you wash yours?


so how often do you wash your hair then??
I try foam rolling every night but cant do much because my baby girl takes over lol


Two… sometimes (rarely) three times a week. HAHA I understand about those little ones taking over the foam roller! Have a great day!


I’ve never had an injury so I am lazy on the foam rolling. I used to train exclusively on a treadmill but I’ve gotten spoiled by my running group. I did 3 miles inside twice this week and I was so bored. Biosilk is my favorite hair product since my hair is do fly-away.


AH that picture of Brooke is too cute! :) I have the easiest hair routine ever: shower, let air dry, done. Perks of naturally cute curly hair!


On our next girls night can you teach me how to curl my hair. I have that curling iron, but when I do it, it does not look like yours and I love yours.

I wash my hair every 4 days. Basically because I am lazy.

I am going to attempt a very slow treadmill run here in a bit. See how my lungs hold up.

That picture of Brooke is adorable. And curly knows how to work the system. Maybe she is the reason for this snow. She prays for it so she can get delicious hot chocolate. Smart girl.


I wash my hair everyday — I just can’t get away with not washing it :(

Right now I’m using Redken All Soft shampoo & conditioner — I love it!

No treadmill for me today, instead I did a whole hour of strength training!


I actually just foam rolled after being reminded by your post. Before that would be about a month ago.

I wash my hair every day, otherwise it looks super greasy. I use Aussie Moist (terrible name) because I have a really picky scalp and it seems to like that shampoo.

We finally don’t have single digit temperatures here so I ran outside today!


Thanks for sharing your hair tips. I need all I can get ha. I recently splurged on the biolage matrix shampoo and conditioner and I love them! Also started pump this week and it’s so much fun to go with friends :)


I wash my hair 359 days a year.
I don’t own a foam roller.
A break from the dear old tread today because we had 5 straight, and the boredom yesterday was a little much.


That picture of Brooke “foam rolling” is too much! You have taught her well!!! Can’t wait until the two of you can do mother/daughter runs…I always try to convince people in my family to run with me but no one ever takes me up on the offer….apparently I am the only one who got the running genes in the fam!

And hot chocolate from 7-11 is daaa best! Good call on that one…keep enjoying the snow and stay warm!


ahhh I should foam roll right now!


I foam rolled the other night, it was great!! Love the feeling of foam rolling! I use Pantene for my shampoo and then I use Aveda conditioner, I love my combo! My sis is a hairdresser as well and I can’t wait to see her so she can hook me up with some new hairspray stuff! I’m pumped! Today I ran 3 for the taper week! Brooke is so smart foam rolling so early :)


Can we please talk about eyelash extensions?? I’m looking into it and I know you mentioned you use them. I’d love to hear your advice!

I’m so bad about motivating myself to foam roll…my roller just sits and stares at me. I need a lesson in it or something, then maybe I’ll use it more!



I only wash mine 2x a week and then refresh with dry shampoo! I love Bedhead Colour Godddess, it smells like cake batter!
Question- What brand/color do you dye your hair? It’s so shiny!


Last time I foam rolled was on Wednesday after my run on the treadmill. I need to foam roll after running as I get tight IT Bands, but sometimes I do forget.

I use Senscience shampoo and conditioner on my hair as my hairdresser recommended them. I have blonde coloured hair, so it stops my hair from going yellow, which is nice. I also use Miracle Hair Treatment by Eleven (an Australian brand), which I put in my hair when it is wet before drying it. It helps keep it strong and it makes my hair smell nice. It also prevents damage to my hair when I straighten it with my ghd.

Like you, I don’t wash my hair too often, maybe once a week. Because I run and exercise so much, I can’t be bothered washing and drying my hair every single day. Plus, I don’t work at the moment and I’m a stay at home wife, so my husband and cats don’t mind my dirty hair. The bonus of not washing my hair too often means that my hair is finally starting to grow long. Yay!!!!!


I just spent some quality time with my foam roller, and the stick. I am feeling a little sore tonight from my run this morning and body pump yesterday!


I foam rolled last night due to some serious IT band issues. Fingers crossed that they will work themselves out before half marathon season starts. I, too, am confined to a treadmill for the foreseeable future. We have 15″ of snow here in Indianapolis and it’s snowing again. Joy. At least it’s not -45 with the windchill anymore.

I use Dove shampoo and conditioner, Aussie leave-in conditioner, and Perfect 10 Miracle styling serum. I have to wash my hair daily, or every 36 hours maximum, or it is a disgusting, greasy disaster. My question to those of you who don’t wash their hair daily is…HOW DO YOU DO IT?! I don’t want to damage my hair so much, but it just gets gross, especially when I am training because I get sweaty. Do you not do anything to it, rinse it, only condition it? I’ve always wondered. Thanks in advance for any tips! :)


DRY SHAMPOO!!! It’s a amazing. I love the CVS brand, but there are a ton of great ones out there…


My head doesn’t seem to sweat. It’s weird, but even when I used to do Bikram yoga it never did. I wash my hair about once a week. It’s just super dry.


Since I am cheap, I finally convinced myself to bit the bullet & buy a Hot Tools curling iorn. It was life changing!
I also dig dry hair oil too. If had to choose only one hair product to use, that would be it.
PS SO happy to see the Bookers back!


I just got in from running outside. It was 38 degrees when I started, but got a little colder while I ran.

Love Brooke’s expression in the snow! :-)


Oh I was wondering how you like the new Transcends! I really really want to try them! I’m still stuck on the treadmill and I ran a slow 4 miles today. I have a feeling tomorrow’s long run will be on the tread as well. I have not foam rolled I awhile but I did get a massage stick to try after tomorrow’s run!!


I really don’t foam roll enough… The last time was a couple of weeks ago after I did my half-marathon. I really should do it more though, my quads get ridiculously tight nowadays.

I wash my hair pretty much every day, if I haven’t trained I may not wash it. But whenever I run/go to the gym I’ll wash it afterwards as it just turns all gross otherwise. I’m a student so I just buy the cheapest stuff but I got given the Molten. Brown Cloudberry shampoo for Christmas which smells amazing and makes my hair super soft!

Also, Brooke is just adorable. The photos you post never fail to make me smile.


Hahaha I’m with you on washing hair about once a month! I just don’t feel the need like those crazy people that do it every day. I haven’t ran on a treadmill yet this year and I hope to keep it that way!!


Love that picture of Brooke in the snow.

Treadmill today. 6 miles or so.

I wash my hair Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. I was like my hair best the day after a wash.

EEK. it’s been a few days since I foam rolled.

I rotate my hair products. Right now I’m using big sexy hair soy. I usually use Redken products. I love Alterna though. Haven’t used it in a while. My hair does better if I switch product every 2 weeks or so. I absolutely cannot use cheap shampoo and conditioner. My hair is crap if I do. I have connections to get the expensive stuff at a discount so that helps. In fact my 8 year old daughter uses Redken Curvaceous (for curly hair) and it has made the biggest difference in her hair. It’s always beautiful and manageable. Where as before it was full of tangles and dull. The only downside is I don’t love the smell of it like I do their other products.


I wash my hair every day because otherwise I look like a grease bomb (picture that attractiveness) but the amount that I foam roll is the exact opposite and I really need to step it up.


I was definitely on the old treadmill today. And to be honest I am all about washing your hair as few times as possible. It’s good for it to build up oil, right?


aww, that mommy daughter foam rolling picture is priceless. I foam rolled a bit today, I only got my roller recently but it’s already made such a difference in my legs when it comes to running.


I cannot wait to try the Transcends! I’m currently using Wen and Shu Umera Essence Absolue oil. I shampoo every day because I sweat so much when I run. I have hair envy because I just whacked all of mine off and am now wondering what the heck I was thinking!


do you use dry shampoo the days you don’t wash? i don’t know about you but my hair is a sweaty mess after i’m done running and i can’t imagine the stench if i didn’t wash it ;)


5 easy miles on the treadmill this morning.

I use Alterna shampoo and conditioner. I am a bad person and wash my hair way too often…if I’m lucky I’ll go 2 days without a wash…I need to find a great dry shampoo! Any suggestions?


Well–I need to buy a foam roller I have never used one before but I’m starting to feel convinced it might work for my tight hip flexors! I wash my hair as not often as I possibly can…lol. I like macadamia oil, you have to use a smaller amount than argan though or it gets greasy-ish. No treadmill for me, worked all day. I’ll be back on it tomorrow though! Question for you—with so many shoes how do you know when its time to replace them? Do you go by wear on the bottom….? And I started reading your blog a couple of weeks ago and love it!!! Brooke is so so cute :)


For some odd reason I love talking about hair. My hair has always been my problem its thick, at a weird length, frizzy, damaged and has a wavy-ish, curly-ish texture. But I have found something that works amazing for it! Its called a silk keratin treatment and you get it done in a salon. It is not cheap but it is so worth it in my opinion. It doesn’t damage your hair it actually fixes it. It makes it smooth and straight so I no longer have to straighten my hair! And it lasts about 5 months! A cheaper alternative that lasts 30 days is the Organix Brazilian Keratin Therapy 30-Day Smoothing Treatment! It does basically the same thing just doesn’t last as long :)


I rode my stationary bike today! :) I’ve gotten back into the routine of it, and I looove it! I use argan oil on my hair, too, and it is the BEST! I wash my hair 2-3 times a week. It’s super thick and I’m a fan of natural oils and whatnot ;)



I took my son to 7-11 for the hot chocolate and mini marshmallows yesterday…I totally ran on the treadmill today and almost hate to admit that I liked it. I have been running super fast as of late on there and actually not minding the indoor runs as much. I may even choose to run inside vs outside tomorrow as well. I guess it is all what we get used to.


Bahaha, I love that Brooke was foam rolling with you! My little cousin was mimicking my stretches after a run the other day and it was so cute :-)


I wash every other day because my hair gets too dry if I don’t. I get a little greasy but SWEAR by Suave dry shampoo on my non wash days.

I need to roll tonight, my thighs are tight from belly dancing.

Your girl is just SOO cute!


Augh my hair… I do nothing with it. I put it in a pony tail every. damn. day. I use 99 cent shampoo. I wish I had beautiful hair, but it’s frizzy and thin. I do love your hair though!


Oh my gosh- Brooke’s expression is priceless! I wash my hair every other day… it turns into a huge greaseball if I try to go any longer. I used to have dry shampoo but ran out and haven’t gotten any more… maybe I need to get another bottle so that I can extend the number of days between washes :)


I have insanely curly thick hair so I have to wash my hair practically everyday otherwise it just gets completely dry and makes me miserable.
I typically always wear my hair curly instead of straightening it to save a few hours out of my day every morning. The products I use are Herbal Essences or TreSemme Shampoo/Conditioner. I tend to buy the big bottles so it really just depends which one of the two is on sale. I’ve tried other shampoos but they don’t moisturize my hair as good. I then use TreSemme Hair Mousse to set my curls in place…otherwise my hair feels really frizzy and blown up. If I wear my hair down, I will also use TreSemme extra hair hold.

I will be running on my treadmill tonight. I unfortunately don’t have a sweet treadmill like you, but I have one in my apartment so I can run whenever without leaving. It’s too cold to run outside still…hoping this weekend when it warms up to be outside!


I HAVE to wash my hair daily, and in the morning. If I wash my hair at night, the bottom will be wet and the roots will be greasy. So not fair.


Your hair always looks so great (your sister’s too). I use a variety of hair products. Not really loyal to any brand.

I have not run on a treadmill in about a month. In fact, I think I just sold mine (to my PT) today! I have come to accept that if I am not running on solid ground it’s best for me to bike, swim or REST. This makes my body much happier (and injury free).


I alternate my hair products but have quite a lot. I have to straighten my hair a lot so I use a lot of head and color care products.

I foam roll (or try to) almost every evening. It really really helps in my recovery process!


I can’t remember the last time I foam rolled. Oops!

I don’t use anything but shampoo and conditioner on my hair and I wash it every few days b/c it’s thick and gets dry very easily.

No treadmill today though I probably should have….


Oh my goodness!! I LIVE on hot chocolate in the winter! lol!!
Thanks to -35 degree weather with wind chill here in Ohio at the beginning of this week, I just had a 2 day work week coming off of Christmas break! lol… I love working in the educational setting! ;)
Little mini you is so cute!! She’s making the face I usually make when someone says something I think is totally ridiculous! lol
Hugs to you my friend!! :)


I wash my hair 2-3 times a week. I used to wash it every day but I see such a difference when I let it go a few days between washes. I also ran on the treadmill today…soooo boring :(


For a while there I was foam rolling almost everyday…I’ve gotten out of the habit though, I’ve only done it about once a week lately. Must get on that.


I wash my hair every day if I work out. It is just so thick and gets really greasy. I use Alaffia African Black Soap on both me and my daughter and LOVE it. It comes in a huge bottle and the peppermint scent is so nice!


I wash my hair every day. I do not understand how you only wash twice a week???? How do you run/sweat and then not wash your hair? Don’t you feel gross?:) Also, never tried a foam roller. Maybe I have a few things to work on….stop washing hair and start foam rolling…hmmmm…


I foam rolled last night! All my moving and packing/unpacking boxes was the best workout of my life. My hair and skin is VERY dry so I wash it only a few times a week, or after exercise if I really got my sweat on.

Mmmm hot cocoa … need to make that tonight ;-)


What do you use in between washes? I tried dry shampoo once and wasn’t a fan.


I ran on the treadmill today after work because it was too dark to run outside alone. I have not foam rolled as my little one was needing cuddles more : )
I have the worst luck with hair products so when I find something I like, I use it. So far? Aveda is my splurge.


I foam rolled tonight for 7 minutes, my new record!


No hair products except Back to Nature shampoo and conditioner. I HAVE to wash it everyday or else there is enough grease in it to fry an egg…I actually would LOVE to have 3 months to sit at home so that I could get into the “no poo” routine and only use baking soda and vinegar to “wash” my hair 1-2 times a week….the time I could save!!!
You actually inspired me to buy a foam roller and you know what? It sits in my closet and I think I’ve only used it twice in the 3 months I have had it…guess I should pull it out of the closet to remind myself to USE it!


I wash my hair every other day. I used to be able to go longer than 2 days but something is changing because my hair is gross right now and it’s only day 3.


I foam rolled today. I’m in love with my foam roller.

I use biolage exquisite oil on my hair and it’s awesome and I only was my hair twice a week because it’s very dry.

I ran outside in the pouring rain today and loved every minute of it.


I love your hair it’s so pretty!!!


I use the agadir oil as well, obsessed and love how its travel size!


I love Bumble and Bumble products and I love Moroccan Oil. I have to wash my hair every single day…. except rest day. I take advantage of not washing my hair that day. I would love not to have to wash it everyday. What’s your secret? Your hair always looks good.


her foam roll form is amazing


Thanks for posting this I need a new shampoo I need to try a new kind.


I absolutely love Argan oil and will only use shampoo and conditioner that have it in it because I feel like it makes such a difference. I am bad about not washing my hair very often. I try to be good and wash it every other day, which doesn’t always happen.


I wash my hair every day – short hair problems, I guess. I can’t wait for it to grow out again so that it’s easier to take care of!


My little guys love my foam roller. They dig it out of the corner all the time! My hair is typically in a bun at the top of my head. I call it my nest. I try to do stuff with it but it sucks and is way too frizzy.


Can’t remember the last time I foam rolled, but Brooke makes me want to pull it out so my girls can work out their quads too. Looks like fun!
I wash my hair on run days, which is four times a week. I use whatever shampoo but I love love love my Kiehl’s Creme with Silk Groom. I have lots of wavy baby hairs at my hair line so I look like a tired haggard mom without it.


I foam roll every day and I try to do it in the evening after the kids go to sleep otherwise they want to do it with me as well. That picture of Brooks foam rolling is so cute, I love her pose.


Ok that is so cute that she had to sit on the treadmill! I’ve been using Bed Head Dumb Blonde shampoo and conditioner and love them! After I pick through my wet hair I use Kenra Volume Spray and It’s a 10 Leave In Miracle treatment!


Ah I don’t foam roll at all, I need to!


I don’t own a foam roller. I only run 20 ish miles a week. I need to learn all about that one when I train for my full…hmm yes I’m a rookie but transcends sound interesting! Considering to wait on ordering my Brooks pure cadence (4th pair) from zappos now. But I’m always like “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” what to do.


I foam rolled this afternoon :)


I know that is hot chocolate, but I drink my coffee with a straw, too. After having my teeth professionally whitened, it helps keep them that way. My family thinks I’m strange, but I didn’t ask. ;-)

I use Biolage or Redken to wash my hair every day (I need a clean head to sleep on), and my leave-in is Chi Silk Infusion – awesome for heat protection. I also use the same argan oil intermittently, and it’s amazing. I can only use a very small amount on wet hair though, otherwise my superfine hair gets the “too much product” look. I was looking at that anti-snap stuff, so I’ll have to try it.

I have never foam rolled.


I foam rolled last night and this AM. My right IT Band is wigging the frick out so I am focusing for rolling at least once a day for the next week.

Hair products… HA. I wash my hair with V05 – it cost $0.79 from walmart!! When I buy fancy shampoo my hair gets way to soft and does nothing.

I washed my hair probably 6 days a week? I am a big sweater when it comes to the gym so basically any day I work out I wash it.

I am on a running hiatus for a week!


I foam roll every single day. I have to or else my IT bands and my piriformis get really really angry at me. I can be a little more relaxed about it when i’m not running but when I am I have to make it a point to stretch and roll or else I am in a lot of pain!


I love your nail polish!!
Blow drying my hair is my least favorite thing to do in the world – so I try to get away with washing my hair 3 times a week. Definitely going to check out that Redken anti-snap product, thanks for the info!


I can’t remember the last time I foam rolled. I should probably do it more often, but I really hate it.

I wash my hair twice a week, but use sulfate free low poo shampoo, so I’m not sure it really counts as “washing.”

I ran on the treadmill yesterday, but I’m thinking of venturing out into the snow today to give Bungee some exercise.


I wash my hair everyday. I just have the type that needs it! I am so jealous of all your snow. All we’re getting is rain :(


i have used the same exact shampoo and conditioner that you do for like ten years now (no joke) That line is amazing and keeps my hair super super healthy-my stylist ALWAYS tells me how healthy it is and it grows like a weed-even though i style it daily. I use Argan oil too-And Paul Mitchell Super SKinny Serum..both really protect my hair from styling damage, and make it soft and smooth, I love it. :)


I used to foam roll a lot more, but I actually like the stick better!

My friends and family truly think I’m a weirdo that I don’t wash my hair everyday, but I color it so I can’t! I usually wash my hair about 2-3 times a week depending on how sweaty I get :) My hair doesn’t really get that greasy so I don’t have to do it that often and I am 100% totally A.O.K. with that!

I use Dove shampoo and conditioner because it makes my hair super soft and then I use Moroccan Oil after I dry my hair (or air dry it) and before I curl it for heat protectant and it makes my hair sooooo shiny and soft! It’s like velvet! Best product ever!


Funny that you wrote about your hair. We just watched the first episode of a new NBC show called Chicago Police (or Chicago PD, can’t remember) and I was thinking you look a lot like the female officer who featured so much in the first episode.


Mini-mallows are the best…although I prefer marsh mellow fluff all the way!

I wash my hair maybe every 3 days. I try not to wash it everyday…but I don’t like the feel of dry shampoo. Maybe I just haven’t been using the right kind of dry shampoo. It always just makes me feel greasy.


I foam rolled last night after an at home workout.

I wash my hair once or twice a week. I am blessed with non greasy hair so I just go with it. my daughter seems to be blessed with the same kind of hair so she is a lucky girl.


I now use your shampoo/conditioner~ how did I not know about it??!!! My hair has never felt or looked better :)


Love how much Brooke loves the snow. I am the same with my hair- twice a week, three if I’m feeling gross. (or just need a little ‘break’ and Craig stays on Daddy duty while I wash my hair…haha!)
Yep, treadmill today…10 miles…50 miles in 5 days. I have issues. But I’m LOVING the high mileage running.


I love seeing what hair products other people use! Do you find the mousse really works? I have really flat hair, so I’m looking for something to give it some lift.


Thanks for sharing your hair products, I always love hearing what other people are using!

I have been hooked on Wen products – I was skeptical at first but I really love it, and they smell heavenly!


Ok – I need some help…what do you do with your hair after you work out and sweat? Do you use dry shampoo to help get you through the day…and if so, do you wait until your hair is dry from the sweat to use the dry shampoo?

I am at a loss – I workout 6 days a week which means my hair is usually dripping wet with sweat when I’m done. I wash it everyday because I don’t know what else to do…please tell me you have the answer!

By the way – I live in high humidity, so that makes my frizzy hair just that much more fun to deal with!


I used to use dry shampoo all of the time but usually I just blow dry the sweat… I don’t sweat a ton though:)


I just got a foam roller for Christmas so I’ve gotten much better at stretching and rolling out after my runs! My last foam roll session was this morning!


I love my foam roller!! I use it after every run.

Although I hate the treadmill, I hate the cold weather more so I have been hitting up my treadmill regularly these days.

I can’t wait for spring!!


I started using Bedhead’s After Party for all those pesky flyaway hairs that stick out just about everywhere.
I’ve also had to start washing my hair everyday, because with all the sweat and hair products in my hair I feel like it gets funky.


So I use TGI something or other Color Goddess shampoo and conditioner it smells like gingerbread cookies, or caramel apples! I love the smell of it. I use Designline pomade to make my hair not frizzy and I cannot remember for the life of me the root boost I use. I want that stuff you use that makes your hair all soft, where do you get it?


you just reminded me that I had a foam roller…. gotta get that bay boy out!


Ha- Brooke’s face is priceless. And I think Curly might have you wrapped around her little fingers!

*http://expertbrand.com for Women’s Apparel Performance Apparel


You run almost every day and from your posts I have read that you shower but you don’t wash your hair. How do you do that? I run/spin every day and I shower and wash my hair daily and I have noticed my hair is really dry because of it. Do you use dry shampoo or how do you manage to do it? I sweat a lot when I run which is why I wash my hair every day but I would like my hair to go be healthy again! Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated!!!!

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