Which is harder for you?

Day #4 of Christmas Traditions was a winner.

Letters to Santa at the kitchen table.

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I had dinner at home with my parents… Steak, veggies and a baked potato and it was delicious but it did not photograph very well.

Utah people–> you have to go to the Riverwoods when the lights are up (and you should probably eat at Happy Sumo while you are there because I used to work there and it has the best sushi in the area).

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It dropped down to 10 degrees last night so we didn’t last very long and hung out mainly by the fires.

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How Santa wasn’t frozen, I do not know.

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We almost got her to sit on his lap:) Next year!

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And then we dropped off their letters.

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Santa was located conveniently in front of a toy store.

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In case you were wondering about Brooke’s beanie it is from HERE!!!! This Five Gates Boutique offers the cutest baby stuff and adult headbands. This boutique is where we got our matching headbands for Ragnar! The headbands/head wraps are extremely comfortable and she offers a ton of different fun designs.

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And then I ended the night like I always do. Ice cream and an episode of Revenge.


As I was eating my ice cream I was thinking about how I don’t think I could ever give it up. I am very disciplined about my running/training and working out is just part of my routine but asking me to give up treats (and diet coke) would be way too much to ask. For me this works and endorphins and ice cream make me happy but I was wondering about you… do you feel like you are better at eating healthy all of the time or sticking to a workout plan or BOTH!?!?

Is it easier for you to work out consistently or eat ‘healthy’… or have you just mastered both? Do you focus in more on diet or exercise?

-Exercise. Definitely exercise. My dad is sure rocking both!

Parents: At what age did your kids start liking Santa?

Have you put up your Christmas lights yet?

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We haven’t put up our outside lights yet but plan to next weekend. Our neighborhood has a competition and we are gunning for first place this year ;)


Healthy eating and working out seem to go hand and hand for me. I am either all in or all out.

My oldest daughter didn’t like Santa for years. She was terrified of “mascots” forever! It made her first trip to Disney World at three years old very interesting.

I am not putting up outdoor Christmas lights this year. Maybe next year.


I am great at exercising and I am happiest when I do it regularly. I am also happiest when I end my day with a bowl of ice cream. :-) Go Dad!

Annabelle is almost 11 months old…I’m hoping she will sit on his lap without getting upset.

Lights were put up last weekend!


In college, I was an exercise junkie, in grad school I had less time to workout so I focused on eating healthy. Now it’s a balance. I can control my weight with diet alone but running just makes me feel good. I’m stronger and happier which is totally worth it. I think when I exercise it makes me focus more on healthy eating too! Balance. Plus running = guilt free ice cream. :)


I definitely feel better about my routine when both healthy eating and exercise are incorporated, but there is no denying me the odd treat from time to time!

PS I am hosting a fundraiser for a really important cause on my blog right now, feel free to take a look!



I focus more on exercise. While I think nutrition is important, I don’t notice significant changes if I cut out those less healthy foods like ice cream. It’s part of my nightly routine and I don’t see it going anywhere. Life’s too short to eat 100% healthy food all the time!


I focus much more on exercise :-) like you, I cannot resist treats!!
We have our outside lights up, and the tree and indoor decorations are going up this weekend :-)


Exercise for the win! I try to eat healthily, and I generally eat healthy meals, which means that I can reward myself with loads of chocolate in between :)

We put our lights up on 22nd November. I needed some cheer to help me through these dark afternoons. I may leave them up til April!

That Winter Wonderland looks ace. I’m heading to a similar thing in London this weekend and I can’t wait! Hot chocolate and German Christmas markets, here we come!


I think you are demonstrating “healthy” eating by allowing yourself dessert each day. Balance is healthy.


We started decorating this weekend! I love it!


I don’t celebrate Christmas but wish I did! I want an XMAS tree! I love helping friends decorate theirs!


I obviously love working out (hello, Ironman) and thought I couldn’t ever give up treats. Then I found out that I had PCOS and had to do it. It sucks. I hope you can keep eating your ice cream and candy, I miss both of them.


I rock the exercise portion- I need to be better at FUELING my body properly.


My kids are 6 and 3 and they are still a little scared of Santa. Who wouldn’t be?! Crazy guy saying “ho ho ho” loudly and wanting you to sit on his lap. :)

Love to eat and, so, I love to run. Eat healthy, but in mass quantities.


I am better at sticking with exercise for sure. A few years ago that would have been laughable, but now it’s just a big part of my life that I really miss when I go without. My son is almost 3 and this is the first year he has wanted anything to do with Santa! He loved him this year and all he’s been able to talk about since is how Santa gave him a candy cane.


It’s most definitely easier for me to work out consistently. I have the worst sweet tooth and am an ice cream junkie also. I have no willpower when it comes to sweets! My son (will be 2 New Year’s Day) is still afraid of Santa. He sat on his lap last year.. But cried. Our photo turned out cute though because he was turned around looking at him, so you can’t even tell he was crying! Our Christmas lights have been up since october(but we don’t ever turn them on until after thanksgiving. Just easier to out them up without snow.)


Now, I love my treats like the next girl (and seriously, I LOVE good food, I am not one of those people who says, “O, I’m hungry, I’ll just grab a PBJ” – n0pe, it’s got to be a gourmet omelet for a snack) but I may be taking it too far. I eat pretty well, but after a week of Christmas-y indulgences I feel icky and tired. I don’t think I have the self-discipline to avoid all treats, though!


My Christmas lights have been up for a week. As soon as Thanksgiving is over, it’s Christmastime over here!

I definitely haven’t mastered eating healthy and I’m not sure I really want to. I mean, why take the joy out of life (and by joy I mean sugar)?


I work out kinda consistently and eat kinda healthy… so I think that evens out?! :)

I put up my tree and lights the week before Thanksgiving! Couldn’t wait any longer!


Riverwoods look so magical! My hubby and I walked around our neighborhood last night. Our route was dictated by where the best Christmas lights were! Ours are up inside, not outside yet.


I don’t want to live in a world without onion rings and french fries. I’ve figured out that I can’t eat those every single day without some negative side effects but to give them up entirely is just insanity.


I had pretty much the same exact opinion of Santa when I was Brooke’s age — I’m bawling my eyes out in every single picture I have with him lol.

The healthy diet and exercise thing is a little strange for me… I really do love to eat healthy, but I find my motivation to workout is a lot better when I’m still enjoying my treats… which is probably because the extra sugar makes me happy and hyper lol. I’m with you, though — if it works for you and makes you happy, there’s no reason to give it up.


Sometimes I am better at one more than the other, especially over the winter. However, I am way more consistent than I was at this time last year :) Christmas lights are going up this weekend!


Whenever my long runs exceed 10 miles, it never feels like 100% healthy eating because my body just needs cals. If I don’t get it in forms of donuts, ice cream, etc I find I get too thin. So I don’t worry about it because those things are keeping me healthy, a healthy weight!!
When I am in a lower milage running/rest/cross training spurt the healthy eating is just second nature. I don’t even have to think about it, my body just falls into that.


Definitely easier to be consistent with exercise. We put our Christmas lights up last weekend on Dec. 1st. I don’t believe Christmas lights should be put up before December although many of our neighbours already had them up and turned on!
Where is your winter coat from?


We’re putting up our tree and outdoor lights tonight!!! I wanted to do it earlier (I feel like it’s practically Christmas already!!!!), but we’ve been so busy!

I am definitely better about sticking to my workouts than eating healthy. I do eat healthy meals for the most part, but I have a weakness for candy and desserts, like you. :) The key for me is to resist the temptation to purchase them in the first place. If they’re in my house, I will eat them…if they are not, I made do with a healthy treat instead.


Omg I want all of brooke’s clothes in my size!

And I cannot believe that Santa wasn’t frozen!! He must be wearing some serious long underwear…


I’m all in on the exercise but only about 50% in on the eating healthy. I try to make healthy-ish choices but I really love ending my night with a chocolate muffin that has a bit of pb on top. I try to make my breakfast and lunch healthy and my dinner healthy most but not all of the time.


Running and daily exercise is so a part of me and my routine that I could never give it up…I would say healthy eating is a part of me as well but I would never give up my favorite desserts, peanut butter or chocolate either…I have a good balance going and it works quite well for me! Gee, I think I can consider myself rather lucky.


I am much better at sticking to a workout plan! I am not good at dieting or giving up my favorite treats at all! Our Christmas lights are up :) I love it!


Consistently working out is a breeze–it’s my favorite part of my day. Sitting at my desk in office from 730-4 is so mind-dumbing so I like physically and mentally challening myself once it comes to Crossfit.

Eating healthy on other hand… ;)


Thank you for all the awesome ideas for Christmas traditions.I cant wait to do some of them with my son.I LOVE your scarf.I was wondering if you could tell me where you got it from?=)It looks so warm and cozy.


definitely more of an exercise person. with food, i just try to eat veggies and balanced meals and not overthink it. i think if i get too focused on my diet, it’s too stressful and then every meal becomes some sort of weird strategy. thanks for the headband recommendation!


Totally agree. When I get too caught up in what to eat and why and when, I’m headed for trouble. Much better to just try to add a veggie and round things out well, with a bit of dessert thrown in for good measure.


Ya know, I try to eat relatively healthy, but really I feel like I’m well balanced and not yo-yoing when I keep consistent with my workouts and treat myself regularly instead of being super dedicated to both. So, I workout and stick to my training with great dedication, don’t overindulge all the time, and try to keep a happy healthy balance that way. I appreciate that you keep it all in perspective and I think its healthy for us to see that you can train hard, fuel your body, and treat it too when you are working hard!


We put up lights this weekend and then with one wrong move they all fell down!! My husband was not happy! We got them back up though. I try to balance both. I use to have major exercise addiction so I made myself stop for a while. And I can give up unhealthy treats but why… You only live once! Everything in moderation!


Oh my goodness that is adorable! I am taking the kids to see santa tomorrow and I think I’m more excited than them!


I grew up always liking Santa as we thought that my grandad WAS Santa. We left our letters to him, saw him in the Coca-Cola and Oreo commercials on TV, and took him in for show and tell in 2nd grade. He was the first Coca-Cola Santa, so he was grandad every day of the year, but had his other job on December 25. :) It was the best!


I’ve seen a picture on Facebook or Pinterest saying “I really like running because I really like dessert!” Yeah, that’s me. I love exercise, even if it’s just a long walk, and it is something I can’t give up. I think I have a pretty decent balance between eating healthy and exercise, but I am a major snacker and have a serious sweet tooth :) I try not to use food as a reward, but there really is nothing better than feeling great after a long run or race and then enjoying a huge bowl of fro-yo or a Blizzard!


Oh geez, I don’t know that I would say I’m really good at either, but more like okay at both :)
I honestly don’t really ever remember believing in Santa (is that sad?)
House was decorated and lights were up the day after Thanksgiving.


I think I fluctuate back and forth with health eating and health-ier eating-there are weeks and months when I am so strict with myself, but then there are the weeks where i’m a little lenient ;)

We put up our tree this past weekend..there is just something so comforting about seeing the lights, isn’t there???

I’m really extra-into Christmas decorations this year. A coworker of mine brought me a “bostonstrong” ornament for me tree. It meant SO MUCH to me because this past April, I was very close to the 2nd bomb when it detonated. If that backpack had been “properly” placed-the whole of my family& friends, and myself , would’ve been severly hurt or worse. It is a very, very special Christmas this year.


I think I fluctuate back and forth with health eating and health-ier eating-there are weeks and months when I am so strict with myself, but then there are the weeks where i’m a little lenient ;)

We put up our tree this past weekend..there is just something so comforting about seeing the lights, isn’t there???

I’m really extra-into Christmas decorations this year. A coworker of mine brought me a “bostonstrong” ornament for me tree. It meant SO MUCH to me because this past April, I was very close to the 2nd bomb when it detonated. If that backpack had been “properly” placed-the whole of my family& friends, and myself , would’ve been severly hurt or worse. It is a very, very special Christmas this year


I really try to focus on eating healthy and exercise working together. I def enjoy sweets and enjoy them even more when I exercise, but eating healthy makes me feel good! I cannot believe Christmas is 20 days away!! I’m in Atlanta and we’ve had some strange weather here. It doesn’t even feel like December. I can’t complain though :) Have a wonderful day Janae!


Once I get into the habit, both exercising and healthy eating come pretty easily. My challenges are being moderate/balanced with both and coming back quickly when life (ie – illness, emergencies, travel, etc) breaks my habit.


I am pretty much all the way in with both. I like working out and feeling like I am doing my body well by eating heathy as well. This is not to say that I won’t have some treats once in awhile but I am not a huge fan of sweets so it is never really a problem for me! :)
Christmas lights are up! And Brooks hat is so cute!!


There’s a new episode of Revenge on Sunday. I feel like I’m watching an evening soap opera but I love it!
We went and saw the lights at Temple Square on Monday…before Utah turned into the frozen arctic on Tuesday :)


I love Brooke’s boots so, cute!
My eating and exercising is always a work in progress. I’m not where I want to be yet, so I keep tweaking it.

Believe it or not none of my kids like Santa and I don’t force them to take pictures with him lol. We’ve gotten our Christmas tree up but no lights yet.


I’m better at doing both. For me they go hand in hand, and if one isn’t happening then I know the other will not happen either. But I do like to splurge every once in a while with my food :) No Christmas lights up, I’ll be shocked if they even get put it. We always seem to put them up a week before Christmas, and at that point I don’t care anymore lol.


definitely like to eat what I want then stick to a workout plan! I run to eat!! It’s part of the reason I love your blog so much that you seem to have a good balance!


I try to focus on both without going overboard on either – I like to workout but I have my limits, and I like to eat healthy but I need my treats too!


Awww that is such a cute idea! We are behind this year on the Christmas decorating but I think our tree will get bought either tonight or this weekend! I am so so excited about it!


Exercising is no big deal for me. I am even a good eater, but my husband is what I call a “junker.” He loves any kind of treat and he has the metabolism to go for it and not have any trouble. I don’t have the metabolism and my guts don’t like me when I eat too many treats. I eat something sweet most days, But in small portions.

Tree is up, nativities out, and half of the ornaments are on the floor. That is what my 2 yr. old boy likes to do to the tree. Love Christmas lights. Our neighbors have done a good job this year.


Im way more consistent with exercise. I try with my diet but its alot harder. Btw, I just ate grapes and cottage cheese this morning. IM officially addicted thanks to you. What a yummy combo this is!
I dont think any of my kids liked santa as babies. That picture of u and brooke and santa is pretty cute.
I will have to check out Riverwoods when im in utah next week.


I am very consistent with exercise always. I eat as healthy as I can but I also do not deny myself the things I love, Ice Cream and Chocolate! The key is moderation. When I learn how to moderate, I’ll get back to you.

My son is a Christmas baby, born on Christmas day but he isn’t a fan of Santa and never was, Santa always terrified him.

Shhhhhhh, I am playing hookie from work today to put up my lights. ;)


Our outside lights are up and the tree and inside decorations are going up this weekend. My daughter loved Santa from the very first visit (2 months old) and we had to visit every Santa we saw for a long, long time. I had to drag her away so other kids could sit on his lap. LOL. My sister’s kids were terrified of him, the Easter Bunny, etc. and she would wait in long lines to see Santa or the Easter Bunny only to have the kids in tears by the time they got to the front of the line. She doesn’t have one picture without one of the kids crying. I haven’t master either exercise or healthy eating!!! I’m working on it though. Have a good day.


I am kind of militant about both exercise and eating healthy. I feel best when doing both!

Almost all of the Christmas decorations are up. I just bought a whole new set of ornaments as this is the first year I am putting up a big tree on my own. I love the festiveness!


I have very few problems getting my daily exercise in. And I have about every problem there is not eating treats. lol. My meals and snacks are all usually very healthy, but I love me some sugar. I have been disciplined enough to give it up at certain points in my life. Was I thinner then? Yep. Any happier? Nope. So if it brings me a little happiness, then why not have some? I am still a healthy person if I eat sugar. Maybe not according to some, but whatever. All things in moderation, right? ;)

My kids REALLY started getting into Christmas last year. They enjoyed it before that, but now they understand what it is actually about and that makes me happy. Presents are just a way to express love to someone else. We keep it really simple and they each get a total of 3 gifts.

It was freaking 0 when I went to the gym this morning. ZERO DEGREES!! When I dropped Anna off at school it had warmed up to a balmy 3. Oh man. I hate Winter. Can we escape and go somewhere warm? Pretty please :)


where do you live? it was -9 when I woke up today (Colorado)….I don’t “do” winter and am counting the days until it is warm again!


I live in Utah. I would count down the days, but I swear it is Winter from November to March and that thought depresses me. lol.


I live in Wyoming….winter lasts until May here! It is -17 right now with the windchill. I am thankful for our treadmill.


I focus on fitness more than diet… and diet is always something I need to work on. I have most of my Christmas decorations up but am hoping to get our tree this weekend! It will be our first Christmas tree in like 5 years.


It’s definitely easy for me to exercise- I am so lazy about cooking. When you’re only cooking for one, it’s hard to spend a ton of time making a meal that takes 5 minutes to eat!



I love food so it is easier to exercise. I have candles in the windows, but no other lights or tree up yet. My younger daughter never liked Santa, or one dressed up. She is 18 and still doesn’t like them.


Healthy eating is definitely easier for me than keeping up a fitness regimen. Really have to force the latter.

As for Santa, my daughter always sat on his lap at every age. He didn’t scare her. My grandson on the other hand is 2 1/2 and still isn’t sure about him.


I can definitely exercise more consistently than eat healthily.
Hehe, Brooke is so cute! I think I was always okay with Santa and liked him… but my brother was scared of him until like 5 years of age.


Without question it is eating right. I am very disciplined when it comes to getting in my training, and training right. I do not have the discipline to say no to that second helping or vanilla ice cream

Lights went up on the house the day after thanksgiving.


I have a hard time giving up ice cream too! In my defense, I probably run most of it off? Lol. Aww, Brooke looks so cute… although 10*? I’m not sure how you all weren’t frozen? It’s getting down to 40 today over here and we’re all panicking lol!


I feel my best when I am serious about working out and eating clean.
Your Dad is killing it, go him!


I would say I’m equally ok at both. This is the first year all three of my kids took a picture with Santa. I decorated for Christmas the weekend before Thanksgiving this year. Normally I wait until the day after Thanksgiving, but couldn’t wait this year.


All of those Christmas lights look beautiful! And I love Brooke’s hat — too cute!


Exercise always SHOULD win. I went too strict around my diet and paid for it later. You live and learn and I’m thankful I made it out to the other side with a whole different amount of knowledge under my belt!


I am with you, for me exercise is easy to fit in. It’s something I look forward to. While I do make healthy choices with eating, I also indulge on the regular. I, like you, have a soft spot for ice cream, cake, brownies, candy, you name it. And I also enjoy going to restaurants a lot. I like to think I’m balanced about it but I could be more disciplined.


LOVE Brooke’s new blue leggings. I have a thing for babies dressed in adult clothes! And I feel like I’m better when I let myself have treats just sometimes…I tend to not be able to control myself so I usually do treats on like Wednesday, Fridays Saturdays and Sundays…wait thats almost every day haha


I am just not 100% into exercise and I so wish I was because I know my body feels better with it…..I am a roller coaster either I am so good and into eating healthy/exercise or I am NOT. I have been more NOT lately and I need to be motivated out of it but haven’t found it yet. UGH!!!!


I’ve gone through phases where both have been easier. Right now, eating healthy is easier because I’m following a gluten, dairy and egg free diet. It’s actually not as hard as it seems!


I go through spurts of both but it’s usually easier for me to work out consistently because I love yoga and running!


I work out 5 days per week! I survive on 800 calories of ONLY produce and meat Monday – Thursday. Then I go completely crazy Friday-Sunday. I should probably learn to balance this more : )


Saturday is the Christmas Stroll here in Bozeman which (from what I’m gathering) is the Christmas celebration! There’s santa, hot cocoa, free food, lights, samples from the shops… I’m SO excited! It’s supposed to be -10 though so I’m not excited for that….


Christmas lights are up (not cause of me. I like seeing the lights and decoration but hateee doing it. Luckily my family is the opposite in that they love decorating so it’s all them!) as for food exercise I’m the exact same way. Diet coke and diet soda and I could never breakup. I’ve tried and it’s just not possible.

Is Brooke going to get a dog for Christmas?!!! :) :)


I think it is definitely easier to stick to my exercise routine and sprinkle in the healthy foods once a day, at least. It’s going to get pretty cold this weekend so I think I will be running indoors!


My older daughter liked Santa right off the bat, but all the others were terrified until probably at least 4.

Right now I’m focused on diet by necessity.


letters to santa is so cute! since I don’t have kids yet I’ll live through you with all these fun traditions


I have NOT mastered both! I am horrible at my “diet,” but pretty loyal to working out. Fries, donuts, ice cream, cookies, pizza, EVERYTHING is too tempting. Now, if there’s a bridesmaid dress or something that important, then I can be good about both – but in everyday life, I can’t say no to the good stuff :)


Pretty lights!! It seems most kiddos at that age don’t love santa. hah! My little one is too small/young to know the difference,but maybe we’ll still try & see him? Who knows.

For me I have no problem with exercise–I love it. But I also eat pretty well -have treats here & there. I don’t feel good if I eat too much crap though….so I guess I do pretty well with both!

Love the idea of the santa mailbox!


I try to balance exercise with healthy eating. When I eat better I feel like running more, and the more I run the more I feel like making healthy choices with food. However, I absolutely cannot live without chocolate. So I do allow chocolate after dinner of an evening…and sometimes as an afternoon study snack, too.


I’d say it is probably easier for me to consistently workout than eat right. I LOVE food. Anything with cheese and hot sauce is tops in my book. I’ve gotten better about choosing healthy options and just saying no to some things, but I’m a big believer in all in moderation. Plus I really try to make my workouts count, weight training has been a big help. Brooke and he dog obsession is precious..so when you getting a puppy? ;)


Brooke’s jean leggings & boots = adorable!


so much easier for me to workout every day then to eat 100% healthy all the time!


Ok, funny you brought up this subject (about eating healthy AND running: do they go hand in hand?) because I need some help here!!! I run 4 times a week, not super far or super fast but good for ME. Usually do 8-13 miles a week. (former fat girl here haha)

I love healthy foods so that’s not a problem for me, but I am really struggling right now because whenever I cut junk food 100% (and focus on meats, vegetables, fruits, sweet potatoes, etc) my running/strength training goes down. the. tubes. I am left with very little energy and every single run feels HORRIBLE. I can do a 10 min mile when I feel good but I struggle to even do a 12 minute mile when I eat this way.

However, over the holidays I’ve been eating things like pie, cookies, etc. and WHOA do I have so much energy for running! Some runs feel like I’m flying!! I’ve been breaking my PRs a lot this last month and a half and I love it. BUT that is only eating junk food!

So what’s a girl to do? I’d love to lose 10 lbs of flab so I don’t want to just eat junk, but when I eat healthy I can hardly exercise… Any advice???

(sorry for the novel btw!)


You have to find a balance. Don’t deprive yourself (that’s not fun anyways), but still make sure to eat all keys of a balanced diet. I mean, I’ve recently discovered that I run well on cheeseburgers. I had a huge burger in Boulder the day before the 1/2 marathon in 2012, and I had my second best 1/2 ever. A few weeks ago I had a leftover burger for lunch and then ran my fastest 3 miles in a long time later in the afternoon.


Thanks for your response Heidi! I am trying to focus on healthy carbs and see if those help out at all…I definitely run best after having simple carbs but maybe complex carbs (sweet potatoes, etc) will help…


I’m one of those unfortunately girls that has to workout AND eat right in order to lose weight. It sucks big time but it’s the only combination that works for me. I really have to reign myself in over the holidays to make sure I don’t go too wild, but I can’t prohibit myself from having one thing or another, otherwise I’ll binge. 3 months in, 22lbs down…40 some-odd more to go…it’s coming off. :)


I could also never give up ice cream! I grew up in a family where a few hours after dinner someone would inevitably shout to everyone else “Who’s scooping??”. There was never ever a question of if we were having ice cream for dessert – just when!

I love that the Brooke and her cousins wrote letters to Santa, I used to love doing that as a kid. Another tradition that might be fun to do is write them letters back from Santa. My parents used to do this every year for us and we TOTALLY believed them. They would type them up on special Santa stationary and send them through the mail! The post office even postmarks these letters from the North Pole! How cool!?!


Christmas lights went up the weekend after thanksgiving. Now if we could get some snow! I’m better at working out than eating healthy for sure but I do my best. I’m lactose intolerant so I rarely eat ice cream.


I could not give up sweets. I love my nightly Jeremiah’s Italian ice. If you ever come to FL, I am going to take you & Brooke there. Gabriella & I frequent it and the girls are so sweet to her- they give her a HUGE sample cup of Italian ice. Exercise is easy for me to do – and find motivation for…almost too easy sometimes…I want to do it too often. ;)
Lights went up the weekend before Thanksgiving…I love the decorations & this time of year I felt like it was ok to put them up early this year since Thanksgiving was so late.


Def better at exercise. I cannot give up treats!


I’m generally pretty good at being healthy food-wise during the week and allowing myself to be bad with treats at the weekend. My healthy weekday resolve has been weakening though as the winter’s got worse – think my body just wants to go into hibernation mode!


I wish I could eat better! The nutrition/sensible eating side of me is harder to maintain than the exercise! I think I get too much joy out of sugar and sweets to ever give that up!


Lights are up and tree & house are decorated (this is our T Day tradition since we spend it just the 2 of us). I would have to say my workouts allow me to have more treats which is a win/win. I love the boost of working out and I love allowing myself treats. I try to eat healthy but there I things I just won’t give up–coffee with creamer, chocolate, a Coke Zero now and again, wine and desserts. Honestly, life is too short to be that strict. My mom died when she was only 62 and thankfully she did enjoy each day to the fullest; but I know that is what she would say to anyone who is too strict or too hard on themselves when it comes to working out and eating healthy. LIFE IS MEANT TO BE ENJOYED–don’t punish yourself and just have fun! I would say without a doubt, Janae, that will all the miles you put in, you go enjoy your sweets and diet Coke. I think you are still coming out way ahead of the game! Keep it up!


I am MUCH better at sticking to a work out plan. I am extremely disciplined at this point with getting in a sweat most every day…it’s just a part of my routine. And for the most part, I eat healthy — but life wouldn’t be nearly as happy without sweets!


Exercise is definitely way easier for me–I love it! And if I exercise more–I also tend to eat more unhealthy—marathon training is my fav—-you can eat soooo much more!!


I NEED to do both, but am better at sticking to a workout plan. I just love food a little too much to stay disciplined. I try to keep it good throughout the week then eat what I want on the weekends. This works for me most of the time.


I am quite good at sticking to both a good workout routine and healthy eating but if I had to choose one that I’m better at I’d say working out. Like you said you don’t want to give up your ice cream and treats and I spent too long depriving myself of those things. I figure if I’m very good about working out I deserve to enjoy my treats which for me usually consist of wine/cocktails and also some white bread from time to time – I’m not huge on desserts.
That shopping plaza is gorgeous and of COURSE Santa is in front of a toy store. Where else would he be?! ;) smart marketing!


My eating sucks but I have working out down to an art. I always want to be better at eating but then life gets in the way.
I don’t remember my kids not liking Santa but that came to a halt last year. We are now a house of Unbelievers.
My lights are up, my leg lamp it lit – it’s been 5 years and it still makes me smile.


I’ve completely decorated inside our house, but we haven’t put our outside lights up yet. That’s happening either tonight or tomorrow!! :) :) Brooke and that stuffed dog! So cute! You can tell she looooves dogs! That boutique has adorable things. I like finding the balance in life. You can’t eat super-healthy allll the time. There’s no fun in that! Everything in moderation, I say! Meaning, I exercise regularly (but don’t overdo it) and let myself have dessert every night. Because, I mean, life’s short, eat dessert, right?!?!?!



Exercise all the way! I like my treats. I have to be careful not to overindulge though! But exercise 6 days a week – always. Love it!


I focus more on exercise… it’s easier for me to just go out there and do it. I love my treats and Im dating a guy who loves ice cream more than I do…so that’s ALWAYS our fallback date. Can’t say that I mind…


Right now I am failing miserably at both. I mean, I should have gone to the gym today, but I made up plenty of excuses not to (first final tomorrow). So instead I’m on my computer. :/ Once I get into a fitness routine or have something to train for, I’m more disciplined. But food? Peh. When I had a trainer a few years ago, he kept telling me, “Think about how many gains you could make if you just focused on your diet…” I know, but I also love cookies and butter and cheese. I’m not going to deprive myself. Finals get done next week, and I CANNOT WAIT to start working out regularly again. I just feel like a giant flob right now. I don’t even know what that is. But I am that.


Can we talk about how ice cream just tastes better when it comes out of a paper box? I haven’t had it like that since I was little but oh my gosh is it good!


Not to be a downer, but you still drink diet coke? My RD had me give it up due to the phosphates, which can inhibit calcium absorption. Because I know you have a history of stress fracture, as I do, I wonder if you also find that a little suspect. I felt like it was overkill, but now I’m afraid to drink any colored sodas (apparently clear are OK).

Um, that aside, eating ‘healthy’ for me includes eating chocolate at least daily, so it’s no struggle at all. I just make sure I also have three squares. Exercise, also easy to motivate myself to do though a lot less easy when I am injured and can’t run as much as I want to. Nothing else is quite as fun.


I love ice cream very, very much but the last few times I’ve had it I’ve ended up sick! I think it’s the fetus’ fault! That kid isn’t even born yet and it’s rebelling!


I’m SO much better at keeping a workout routine than a healthy eating one. Food is my favorite!!!!!!!!


I eat healthy during the week then the weekend I have NO rules! It really works for me! I stick to an exercise routine pretty well though.


Thanks for sharing that Etsy shop! I just ordered the black and white head wrap :) It’s sooo cute!


I have the most horrific diet ever but I am a complete running addict!


I always get super excited around Victor, and Victor has never been scared..but everyone is different


What a great christmas tradition!

I go back and forth. Some weeks its easy to eat healthy, other weeks much easier to exercise. Sometimes I even get lucky and its easy to do both!


I’m pretty dedicated to both exercising and eating healthy. However! I love my splurge days and the past few months, the splurge days have increased. :( Yup, tree went up on Black Friday when the nephew was here to help. But the cat chewed up the lights by Monday.


I definitely exercise consistently more than I eat healthy. I’ve been working on my diet though and I definitely feel better and can get more out of my workouts when I eat a balanced meal. But with Christmas approaching I have been bingeing on Christmas cookies and chocolate. :).

We put our lights up end of November before the bad -20c weather hits. Today was -36 Celsius with the windchill and that was COLD.


I just started watching Revenge!


Haha poor Brooke, she was probably like WHO IS THIS STRANGE MAN??


I started following your blog because you talked about how much you love ice cream. I, too, am obsessed with the chilly treat. I try to eat decently most of the time, but I will never give up dessert, or occasional fatty food (popcorn, pizza, insert food that is not super healthy here). I have a personal mantra “I workout to eat”. Do I feel better when I eat less bad crap? Yup. Do I still love eating it anyways and feel terrible for those that never eat it? Most definitely. Health is important but so is enjoying life people. Thanks for supporting eating treats. I appreciate it.


That dog is almost bigger than she is! I love that look she have Santa! I think exercising is easier but I try to be good about my food but it I get of track its not good ;) thank goodness I run!


I’m better at exercising – when I focus on my diet too much, it becomes more of “what can I cut out to get thinner” or “I’ll just eat less and healthy – then I’ll be healthier”. I was a very disordered eater for the past 2 years, so I don’t worry about calories/eating extremely healthy and just focus on moderation.


I can work out like a boss, but make me cut out my oreos or diet dr pepper and it is HARD. Ugh. Oh well.


I know I’m late to the table, but I just wanted to say, I NEVER liked Santa — an unknown man being overly familiar with children triggered my inner sense of self-preservation. It wasn’t that I was shy, but rather that Santa gave me the heeby-jeebies. It was only when I was older and realised more about what was going on that I was no longer scared.

I’m of the opinion that ice cream here and there is healthy. It contains calcium, is a source of protein and quick-acting carbs for post-runs and the one I buy at least is actually not that dissimilar in nutritional content to the yoghurt I buy (neither is high fat or loaded with added sugar). We also make our own ice creams and sorbet with an ice cream maker. I wouldn’t class these as healthy, but they are yummy treats. The latest was Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream with a proper custard base which we made for Thanksgiving, even though we are Australian, haha.

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