Here are a bunch of little clips from our life (most of them from yesterday.. the first three from the blizzard last week).


Main points that you should note:

-Every treadmill (that works) at the gym is taken when it is snowing…  even at 5 a.m.

-That crazy move my pump teacher was doing was too hard for me so I took a video of her doing it instead of actually doing it myself.

-The world’s largest gingerbread house.

-Brooke took my ice cream cone and ran away.

-We sing in the car a lot. 

-We always walk down the dog food aisle at Target because Brooke says doggy 400 times whenever we do.

-Christmas tradition (that won’t happen every year) day #10 was going to Target to let Brooke choose out a stocking.  Of course she chose the doggy stocking.  

-Yes, Brooke is wearing a mistletoe headband.

-My heavenly turkey/bacon/avocado salad.

-My favorite Christmas tree in my neighborhood.

-A reader suggested trying the Chocolate Mint Holiday Milk from Target.  It was indeed a great suggestion.  And a new tradition.

-I bought stocking stuffers for myself yesterday and I was pretty excited about them.  Pretty sweet iPhone case and my favorite brand of socks. 


Use the code HRG20 to get 20% off on BlueBuds X from now until December 20th.


What are some main points in your life from yesterday and/or today!!!!

Who do you spend the most time with every day?


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I miss your voice! There’s actually a gingerbread house about an hour away from us that you can walk through! I haven’t been but I know people who have. P.S. All those treadmill ppl look like they’re flying!


I definitely spend the most time with Bungee every day. I’m not ashamed of it. She’s a pretty great companion.

Brooke is learning that she has to run away if she wants to get the desserts and sweets to herself :)


Love these :)

Main points from yesterday…grilled cheese with strawberry jam sandwich and a brownie sundae!

I spend most time with my coworkers during the week…good thing I like them. ;-) I really do cherish the time I get to spend with Annabelle and my family when I get home from work.


I am loving that other people like cheese and jam together! Yum.


Reasons why I love this vidoe
-Brooke’s adorable braids!
-I’m making that salad today
-You make me want to count my blessings. I look forward to reading your blog everyday because you have such a happy attitude and it is obvious that you try to make everyday a great one! You and Brooke look like you have so much fun together and I love that you document all the little things in life that, even though may be small everyday things, are signs of a very blessed life. You are so very inspiring! Hope your day is fabulous! Thank you for reminding me to be happier and more grateful for even the small everyday things in life with my kids!


Yesterday (aside from work)- cuddling and playing with all of the kiddos! I don’t have any kids myself, but my work-wife (and BF) has been bringing her new baby to work and we had a great cuddle session… and then after work on to my other BFF’s house to help with dinner/bathtime/bedtime for her two kiddos since her hubby is away for business- we spent lots of time practicing new skills such as clapping and waving- and my new favorite activity- reading Christmas books :) Freshly washed babes all lined up on the big bed- my friend (who was my college roommate) reminded me that the last time we were cuddled in the same bed might have been Christmas senior year watching Polar Express eating oreos! (that sounds like a great tradition, too)…

I spend most of my day with another best friend/coworker and had been missing her a ton since she had her second baby- but now she is back part time with the babe! Love :)


I wish I could spend more time with my girls. My new job takes up more of my time. Not a fan of that.

Of note, I bought my first gifts of the season to give over the weekend. I am so far behind this year. Pretty sure I will be out shopping early Christmas Eve morning before I go to work.

Other note, I am having a hard time getting up at 4:30 AM to get to the gym when they open at 5:00 AM. I have gone to bed at 9:00 PM everyday, set my alarm everyday, but then it goes off in the morning and I reset it for later. Not sure what it’s going to take to get me out of bed that early.


I need to find that milk! Yummm. Yesterday we strolled through a park that does a huge light display. Tonight I plan on drinking hot cocoa on the couch and watching a Christmas movie :)


Yesterday’s Happy Higlights

*We Craigs Listed our shed for free, and almost all of it was taken apart and away yesterday. Watching the guys work was a thing of beauty- skill, strength, teamwork, great communication, and not a lot of chatter.

(Our land looks a lot better and people who really need the shed will have it all after today!)

*I made bread and baked ziti at the same time! It was one of those magical moments when it all came together timing wise and mmm…the smells and tastes!

*We had a fabulous meeting with a dear friend, and it was just wonderful!

*I made time for yoga and my hub took our daughter to the beach, so I could have alone time! (Bless his soul and heart and all!)

.. Oh, and I spend my days with my hub and our daughter, as the hub and I both work from home. Of course, we randomly meet up with others.. like the CL’ing crew.


Reader request: An entire video post featuring my BFF Curly’s dance moves. Please. Also, Brooke’s purple leggings…where can I get them in my size? Or just in baby size for all my friends’ little ones.


I absolutely love singing in the car. Life gets hard, and I forget how much I love it, so thanks for reminding me!


That video is adorable!
I’m a working mama so I try and find a happy balance between baby, work and life. Yesterday I decided that I’m going to live in the moment and stop stressing things I can’t control. I’m going to spend my energy on positive things and make things happen. End result, a super awesome day.
Ps I love that your filling your own stocking with goodies. Genius!


Yeah, definitely would not be able to do that move either! And Curly is hilarious! :)

Yesterday I worked, ran (it was FRIGID!), made cookies to satisfy a craving, made soup for supper and read/watched tv on the couch until I fell asleep. Great day all in all. :)


Holiday milk… Wha?? I need to find this now! Oh my goodness, Brooke is so cute… I swear, I’ll stop saying this every day. Main points from yesterday: I ran again outside, although it’s starting to warm up here and it’s making me cranky. Oh and I got a papasan chair for my classroom and I would like to sit in it all day long.


Oh my gosh, Brooke is killing me with those pigtails. My daughter is 13 months old, and her hair is just a tad too short for proper pigtails, but I try anyway!


Your vids are pretty, pretty awesome.

Yesterday.. the sun was shining! And it was above 30-degrees! So I wore shorts. That was the highlight of yesterday.


My kids are teens, so most of my quality time with them during the week is driving them everywhere they need to go!

For me, work was pretty productive yesterday, I had a 4 mile run in the very cold and very wet weather, and we had a breakfast dinner.

Overall- a pretty good day! :-)


I spend the most time with my students- unless it’s a non school day. Then it’s my hubby and cats!


Brooke is just so cute! I love her little pig tails! Yesterday I would have to say the highlight was dinner. Italian chicken with green beans and roasted red potatoes! I spend most of my day with my co-workers which is sad when I have a husband! :) ha.


Ahhh! Brooke is soooo cute. I love that she loves doggies!! The little boy I used to watch would say doggy a million times a day too!! So sweet.


Such a cute video!!! Our gym only has treadmills in the “elite” section where you have to pay for an “elite” membership, so I don’t usually get to use them. I actually haven’t been to the gym in over a year, I tend to do my workouts at home or go running outside (it doesn’t get as cold here in Maryland as it does in Utah). My moments from this week would be about snow and packing boxes. Snow is fun, packing is not!

I spent the most time with myself. Haha. And after that, I spent the most time with my son. I work full-time though so I don’t see him M-Th during the day but I see him in the evenings for a few hours and then on the weekends all day. I work from home twice a week so I only see my co-workers three days a week and my husband works on the weekends so I don’t see him all day every weekend. I guess I am surrounding with different people on different days!


Brooke with the ice cream and the pig tails is seriously too cute!

I joked the other day that I spend the majority of my time with coworkers but actually that is probably true…. unless you count the time that I am asleep. Then I guess it’s Adam and the cat, haha :) I think that’s just proof that it’s not the length of time you spend with someone but the quality of that time because I kind of really like Adam and my cat a lot more than my coworkers (even though they are not so bad)!


I love your videos!
I wish my kids liked my dog and that she liked them…it’s sort of a “i’ll ignore you if you ignore me” relationship.
I’m with my 2 yr old twins everyday and it’s the best ever! And with a new baby coming in about a week…well, it’s going to get crazy :)


I’m kinda sad to say I realized yesterday that I spend the most time with my co-workers. Yup. That hurts to admit.


Janae you crack me up!! Thanks for keeping this blog going. I tried that salad at Kneaders. I knew it would be good because you like it and I loved it!!! Kaysville has some awesome lights and Layton city even has a park full of lights that you can drive through! Have Thursday!


I think someone needs a puppy for Christmas lol. Brooke is adorable, and I’m pretty sure she doesn’t need that mistletoe headband since she probably already gets showered by kisses all the time :)


Brooke’s hair is getting so long!
*Running @ 4:30am, 3 layers
*Work (teaching, always entertaining)
*post office/Christmas present shopping/shipping
*chicken pot pie
*Winco (grocery store)
*Rocky Road and some New Girl


love the videos!! highlights from the past few days here in DC: snow!! not a big deal to you probably, but it’s quite a rare occurrence here :)


I spend the most time with my coworkers! Thankfully the people who sit around me are upbeat, positive people and they are NOT annoying. I am very lucky.

I made it to track practice last night! So proud of myself (sorry I need a cheering section). It was so cold and I got out of work and wanted to go home to my nice warm flannel pj’s but resisted the temptation. Of course once I started running around in circles I was very happy (only runners could understand this phenomenon)!


We bought that same stocking for Olivia. (Yes… our dog gets a stocking and Santa fills it, too!) ;)


Love these posts!! I know how it is to get to the gym and see that – its been snowing for 2 days straight here so the gym has been PACKED lately!

I hope you got that mistletoe headband for Brooke! That’s adorable!


V takes things from me and runs away do they know how to do that.

BTW, I saw something cute to do with your nieces and nephews, take ice cream cones (the pointed bottomed ones) turn them upside down, cover them with green frosting and then decorate them with candy.


What socks are those at the end? they are too cute! And I laughed at Brooke in the mistletoe headband! So adorable


Brooke is too cute!

That’s one good thing about my gym, it doesn’t get too packed in the mornings. If I go it’s usually between 4:30 – 5:00 and I can hop right on my treadmill. Now, if it’s a snow day and I decide to hangout at home and wait to go until 10:00…chances are I am hovering over people to make them want to get off so I can get on!


My highlight from yesterday was the deep tissue massage I had!

It was great from the heated table to the big blanket draped over me to the excellent Massage Therapist…HEAVEN!


Love the snippets in the video. I spend my days mostly with the twins. But I only have a month and a half left with them before I return to work! :*(


I spend 90% of my day with Aiden, my 9 month old son. We have lots of fun together all day and all night still. This brings me to my next point that we were up partying all night together so I’m feeling tired today. I need approximately 1 gallon of green tea to make it through today. We are hiring a sleep consultant to fix this small problem so we can all go on!


Main points…I think I am the only male that comments on your blog.

Unfortunately, I spend the majority of my days with my co-workers. One day I hope to fix that!


There is one other!!! Don’t you worry:) keep on commenting!


not to worry, I will continue to do so. I enjoy your posts.


Oh I desperately want those bluebuds. I am confused as to the whole syncing with computer thing…I am seriously computer challenged so it scares me a bit lol.

I love that u bought stocking stuffers for yourself! I need to do that. So far I have a couple of books ;).
My heart melted when u mentioned u take Brooke down the pet isle. That is the cutest thing in the world. She is precious.


Main highlight of yesterday: A very good friend I havent seen in ages came over yesterday and we baked melting snowman cookies and chocolate peanut butter bon bons. We had a blast and I spent hours talking her ear off, which brings me to question 2. I spend most of my day with Boomer and Hank, my 2 canine babies, hence the need for adult, or even human conversation!


Last night, most of my time was spent with my dogs :)


I bought stocking stuffers for myself this week too. Yeah for Ulta!


Love these videos! I love Brooke walking around with her tongue out waiting for ice cream, hahaha! Your gym has a LOT of treadmills, WOW. At home, we have one row of treadmills and 1.5 rows of ellipticals. 2 rows of treadmills is impressive!


Main points of yesterday: last lecture of one of my classes, last chem lab, run around Lake Merced, hike up to a cross on a hill, eat Chipotle at 8:30 pm, fell asleep while “How I Met Your Mother” was playing on my computer.


I need to get some mistletoe. My neighbor said her kids push her under the mistletoe when her husband comes home. Made kneader’s sugar cookies for Activity Days. A mom texted me and said she would give me anything I wanted for the recipe.


When my other half is in town, I spend almost everyday with him, but otherwise I spend it with my cat or mom doing homework. I took a test, I bought a christmas gift, I bought a lara bar, I was saving the lara bar but ate it 10 minutes later, I played games, I watched the Vampire Diaries


I’ve got to head to Target to try the chocolate mint milk. Thanks for the suggestion!

I loved the video clips of Little Miss Brooke! She’s a cutie for sure!


That gingerbread house that is spinning looked like it was about to fall over and was not spinning when I went on Saturday! I adore Brooke’s mistletoe headband – too cute!


You definitely need to get a puppy! Christmas present for Brook???

I spend the most time with my puppy and fiance. They both make me smile and laugh. :)

Highlights from yesterday-diet coke after my last volleyball game of 2013!

Happy Thursday!


Main point of my day = packing and moving. I spend most of my day with my family…well, actually I spend MOST of the day by myself.


Hmmm yesterday… super long day at work, great weight lifting session, cold stone, THOR on TV and popcorn.

I spend the most time by myself / with my office mates. I suppose if you count sleeping hours the man friend would win.


Thanks for posting another fun video!


love your video!


Where is that salad from?! It looks amazing and I am willing to drive from Salt Lake to Provo if I have to, to get it. Brooke is a cutie, as always!

The highlight of my day will be when my boyfriend takes his last final for his masters degree and I get him back!


Yay!!! Tell him good luck! It is from kneaders!


My dog Ship. Love that guy. He follows me everywhere.

My highlight of yesterday was a lovely walk in the sunshine along the river here in Bend. The snow and ice are still on the ground but it’s not so cold and I felt like I could go forever. Sadly, no running as I have a cold and am a HUGE wuss. And goodness Brooke is so cute!


I love that she ran away with your ice cream! hahahaha.

And her babbling?!? TOO cute.


I love that headband on Brooke! It looks adorable on her!

Also, have you heard of this amazing race call the Hot Chocolate 15k/5k?!?! Here’s the link. It sounds like the perfect race!! :)


Brooke is literally the only baby that has ever made me want kids. I hope I have a little girl as cute as her one day!

Main points from last 2 days: sadly, just a ton of sleep…I caught a nasty flu!


The main points of my days have been work, running and spending time with the fam when I can! It’s finally getting nicer here in Denver so we’re looking forward to being outside!


that mistletoe head band is just too much! can she get any more adorable?? I’m sure she will, but I just can’t imagine what that will be like….:-)


That chocolate mint milk looks really interesting. I’m thinking I’ll have to try it, but I’ll send someone to pick it up for me because whenever I go into Target I end up spending wayyyy too much on random things.


Ahh. Love the new cell phone case! Where’s it from?


I hate when all of the treadmills are taken at the gym. During these cold months, I run inside a lot too. Brooke is a smart girl. Ice cream cones are the best!


I’m a huge wimp so I run inside A LOT. My main points for yesterday and today were finishing this semester of nursing school and celebrating with friends!


LOL curly is such a cute and SASSY little thing! LOL @ her head bob moves in the car


I absolutely NEED to try that chocolate mint milk. That is one of my favorite flavor combinations (besides chocolate and PB)


I probably spend the most time with my animals. Wish it was my husband, but we work opposite shifts. It’s okay though, the dogs are pretty cool. :)


I live alone. I teach. So I suppose my gnarly high school students are the people with which I spend the most time. Also I check your website everyday–it’s the only blog I check everyday, but I have read it for a long time.. since the beginning. So I suppose (sorry this is odd), I really appreciate your posts because then I am less alone.


I love that chocolate milk!! I wish the had it all year! Brooke running with that ice cream come is so funny lol. Best highlight of my day, it was my last day of work before my Christmas vacation!!!! Yay!


I have that same Rifle & Co phone case — twins! :)


K the clip of the move at pump class is still making me laugh. I totally have those thoughts during some of my classes at the gym.


brooke is the cutest!


LOVE the mistletoe headband on Brooke!!!


brooke is beyond cute in this video! i love her saying “doggie” and wearing the mistletoe headband… and curly is hilarious!! if you ever move back to california, i’ll gladly babysit brooke in exchange for running tips =)


Your nieces singing was the cutest thing ever! And Brooke is so funny!


A little late on the comment, but Stance socks are from my town, San Clemente, CA. They make the funnest coolest socks!! So many designs. They even sell some mis-matched. My kids love them!


Curly has wicked cool dance moves and Brooke’s braids are adorable!

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