I am more than ready for 2014 because I already know it is going to be an amazing year.  This past year has definitely been the hardest year of my life but there have been a lot of really awesome parts about it too.  #1 favorite part about 2013 =  Brooke but here are some more specific ones too: 

Brooke’s 1st birthday party.  We had so many friends and family there to support us and celebrate the coolest little girl in the world.  


-The time I decided the morning of the race to run a 1/2 marathon and finished 1st female and with a 5 minute PR.  Also, my running friends.  They are the absolute best.


Ragnar.  Too much fun all packed into 48 hours.  I need to do another asap.


-This picture counts as two things:

1) Running my fastest 1/2 marathon in a pirate costume.  

2) The real good times that I have with Paige and other amazing friends that I have in my life.  


-All of Brooke’s firsts… this is a picture of her first step.  Her first words… first time trying different foods… her first time calling me Elmo… her first time riding a pony… etc etc etc.  All of the firsts are a blast.


-The one time I won a treadmill which was really symbolic (probably not the right word for what I am trying to say) because I wasn’t able to bring my old one that was in California back to Utah.  Bigger and better things right;)

Bangs Friend took this picture as I was reading the email about winning.


-Living in Utah again with my family and the people I have known since forever.  Obviously moving back wasn’t what I ever imagined but I am so grateful to get to see my favorite people every day now. 


What were some of your favorite parts about 2013!?!?! 

What are your New Year’s Eve plans?

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OH Janae- there you go again- always focusing on the positive!! YOU, my dear, amaze me. Here is to 2014!!!


This is my first time being the first to comment! :)
One of my favorite parts about 2013 was traveling out West for the first half of the year… The mountains are so beautiful, and being in CA was awesome too! (I was born there! ;))


HEY!! Thanks so much for commenting and I am so glad you were able to make it out West:) Have an amazing year!


My son’s engagement to the sweetest young lady in the world was one of my favorite parts of 2013! Also that same son ran his first ultra and that was pretty awesome, too. Let’s see… other favorites were starting my blog, running lots of miles with my Cruiser friends, taking two trips to the beach with my hubby, and spending more time with my younger son since he graduated from college and is living back home with us.

Here’s to a wonderful 2014 for you and Brooke!


2014 is gonna be amazing for you and me both! Maybe 2014 will be the year we meet in real life. Fingers crossed. Have a great NYE, Janae!




Loved this recap :). Here’s to a great 2014 friend! Happy New Year!

My favorite part about 2013…Annabelle (of course) who was born 13 days after the year started. <3

My New Years Eve plans are dinner with my parents and AB and we are both spending the night at my parent's house and eating lots of chocolaty treats. :)


No New Years plans…just watching football at home with the pups and hubby and a bottle of wine :)

Highlights include 4 new countries visited, a huge chunk of my PhD dissertation finished, and seeing old friends I hadn’t seen in ages and getting to travel with them :)

Your 2014 is bound to be amazing!


The best 2014 for you and Brooke, and looking forward to your running adventures


Running Boston was definitely the highlight of my year!
I look forward to 2014 and I know it will be awesome. :)

Happy New Year to you and Brooke!!!


I still think that picture of Brooke in the swim suit is one of my all time favorites…but maybe because I am partial to the swim suit ;) So glad we were able to be a part of your guys’ special day.

I feel like even with all your trials, you managed to show 2013 who the boss is and 2014 is YOUR YEAR! I know 2014 will be good to you because you will make it the best you can, just like you always do. And because you deserve all the good that will come your way.

So good to see you today. I am so grateful to have a friend like you in my life. You are an amazing friend, mom, and person and I freakin love your guts!


All the best for a healthy & happy New Year, Janae! I bet amazing & exciting things are just around the corner for you! :)


That’a girl!! I love your positivity. Family is amazing. They are always there for us and that’s why they rock. Everything happens for a reason. This post shows you why your glass was half full in 2013 and not half empty.
I wish you nothing but the best in 2014!
Ps your so right, babies firsts are the best best best!


I love Brooke in that coral bating suit with her cake….too cute! I just know your 2014 is going to be amazing! I pray that God bless you with so much love and happiness this year!
My favorite parts of 2013…hmm. I ran in sleet for the first time. I went to a Lululemon and an Athleta for the first time. Took Izzy to the zoo for the first time. Troy and I ran a race together for the first time. Joined Moms Run This Town and started racing again.
I’m baking cookies again…lol. That sums up my new years plans, baking cookies, eating them and watching sappy movies like You’ve Got Mail, Sleepless in Seattle, The Holiday, Love Actually… I’m sure my hubby will be so happy about my movie selections :)
Happy New Years Janae and Brooke! Much love to you both.


Have an amazing NYE, and all the best in 2014 Janae!


Deciding I was worth the time it takes to be in shape and pushing myself harder to reach my fitness goals was a plus for 2013. And finding your blog. I will never run at your speed, but I appreciate your positive attitude and work ethic. You inspire me to be happier.


I’ve had a few not great years so I’m so happy to say 2013 has made up for them. I’ve went back to school for my MBA, PRd in the half marathon, bought a house, had my first baby, and got married. Overwhelmed but so grateful. Your blog definitely contributed to that PR! I wish you all the happiness in the world for 2014.


No plans tonight….just hanging in with the family and looking forward to exercise tomorrow morning to start the new year off right!!! Happy NEW year!!!


Here’s to new beginnings!!!


Hey love love your posts!!!! I am doing Ragnar in February here in florida and we are down 2 girls! They had to drop out. Wanna join us????please!!! Lol… have an amazing year!


You amaze me with your positivity! Happy new year to you! My favorite parts of a very rough year…..my 8 year old daughter participating in the special Olympics and me bawling when they handed her her medal, my husband getting his dream job, moving back to being closer to family.


Wishing you the happiest New Year … you deserve it! :)


We are just staying in tonight – babysitters would be hard to find and it is really really cold out tonight. But it is fun to stay home too :-) lots of food will be eaten!

The only goals I have for 2014 are to run a marathon and find some job security.

Hope you are having a fun evening :-)


By far, the best thing to happen in 2013 was the birth of my beautiful baby girl!! She is 8 months now. Needless to say, no big plans tonight. Just a (hopefully) quiet night in :)

Random question: How old was Brooke when she started walking? My girl just started crawling and pulling up so I know it’s right around the corner!


Wishing you an AMAZING 2014! 2013 was stressful for me BUT I had the awesome blessing of finding out I was pregnant and now my baby is 10 days old :)


I love that picture of your PR half marathon. There is so much determination in that picture. Anytime you doubt you should just look at that picture and remember how strong you are!

No NYE plans here, hoping to make it until midnight. :)

Best thing about 2013, taking my marathon time from 5:07 to 4:01 to 3:47!


2013 – I read your blog. I was inspired. I started my own blog. :) You are amazing!


I am with you, so ready for 2014! I ran a 10k this afternoon and got a pr! Wahoo! Heading out to dinner with my family and I am hoping to make it to midnight! Happy New Year all!



I had a great 2013-the Chicago Marathon-what a great experience, grad school, and a new position at work. I know 2014 is going to be even better. Happy New Year Girl!


Even though I’m not nearly as speedy as you, I also had a half marathon PR!! I also had a marathon PR!
2013 was a little tough on me as well, but on to bigger and better things right?! My big NYE plans are staying inside, watching Netflix (which I JUST signed up for today, so I need suggestions on what to watch!), and eating pizza :) I hope you have a great night and a better 2014!


Have you seen new girl? If not, watch it ASAP!


Best of 2013 = living in Hawaii the entire year. Favorite day was Christmas – incredible memory making! We’ve made so many new friends. And I’ve learned to embrace the heat and humidity!

Happy New Year, Janae! Wishing you a remarkable 2014.


The best thing of 2013 is that my son was born!!! Love that little guy!
No big new years eve plans here, just movies and take out and spending time with my son who is just learning to sit up on his own : )

Going to set 2014 running goals and can’t wait!

YOU are gonna have a rockin 2014!!!! Happy New Year!!!


Happy Happy New Year Jeana! Thank you for writing such a wonderful blog! My sister an I look forward to your posts every day! Here is to a fabulous 2014!


Watching my boys grow up a little bit more, starting C25K in January and completing my first half marathon in October and finally teaching Kindergarten (my dream job)!

No plans here. Just watching The Walking Dead marathon, taking a nice hot shower and blogging! Was going to go for a run, but -20 degrees isn’t appealing at all!

Happy New Year!


I love you 2013 rap up!! So exciting to look back at all the positives. I am not sure if I have a favorite part of the year. Great things have happened on and off all year round. As far as NYE plans…. I dont have any. I get to start the new year off great with my first run post running injury! So I want to enjoy every step of the 15 minutes I get to run! :)


2014 is going to rock!!
Bests of 2013: running my 1st marathon, PRing at the Nike Women’s 1/2 in San Fran, starting my masters program, my kiddos trying out actual sports this year and the one time not enough kids showed up to my son’s flag football game so my youngest son and daughter jumped in so they could play, and our Disneyland passes!
We are staying home, eating pizza, and playing family games tonight.


There were some great moments in 2013, and I’m glad we got to share some of the great ones with you! Brooke’s little swimsuit is so cute, thanks for including that in the 2013 slideshow. :)

My highlights of 2013 were buying/moving into our first home, getting preggo (!!), and building a life with family and friends in a new state. There were challenges along the way, since we were obviously pretty busy. But it was good stuff, and I’m looking forward to a slightly less cray cray, but still very fun 2014!

Tonight I will be making a fresh juice (one that mixes with champagne!) to bring to a NYE party. I also made baba gannoush that I’m pretty excited about. I think we will be playing Cards Against Humanity? Supposed to be like a naughty version of Apples to Apples? Should be fun. :)

Happy NYE everyone!!!


All the best for every year to get better and better. You and Brooke deserve it. :-)


You had one of those most rollar coasters of a year out of everyone. You took it with pride and stood strong. You are so inspirational to so many women Janae and keep rocking it. 2014 is the when you break 3 hours in the marathon! :-)


Ahh, I LOVE it! 2014 will be one of the BEST of your life. Of course 2012 tops the charts, but I have a feeling 2014 may come close. Love you & B! XO


I quit my job in hopes of pursuing what I really want to do! Hopefully 2014 brings a new job:)
So proud of your strength!!!!!!! I wish you the best new year!


I have no doubt 2014 will be one of your best years. You have come out of 2013 so much stronger. I look forward to good things on this blog in 2014!!


Congrats on making it through such a hard year and still maintaining a positive attitude! Great job on your PR! I had a great year. Ran 6 races in the summer, first 5k, and 2nd and 3rd half marathon. Shaved 8 minutes off my second half, and another minute off my third for a total of 9 minutes faster! SO happy with that! And successfully completed my first semester of (fulltime) college with a 4.0. :D


I usually don’t comment, but you are such an uplifting and inspirational mama and I have no doubt you will make 2014 extraordinary! I love following your blog because you inspire me run-wise, but mostly because I have a wild haired baby named Brynn that is almost the same age as your Brookers and I love reading about her every day also! Happy New Year!


happy new year! i have a feeling that 2014 will be an amazing year for you & brooke! :)


Favorite part about 2013: getting fully over my first real heart break, traveling to Costa Rica for work, and meeting a boy who actually made me want to be in a relationship again..even though I was dead set on not dating anyone for a long time :) Here’s to 2014!!!


you look so much like you sister in that picture of you running the 1/2. pretty girls run in your family :) I love Brooke’s bathing suit in her birthday pics. She’s a cutie!
2014 will be great for you because I know you will make it that way. :)

We have no plans for tonight. We’re just hanging out with our kiddos.

2013 was much better than previous years. I’m hoping that 2014 will be a good one too!


Really ready for 2014. Bring it, baby.

My favorite part of 2013 was saving my family.

Staying in and hosting kids at our house for NYE. Should be fun :)


2013 was a good year but I am always excited for the new year to start…something about a clean slate :) Hope you have a great NYE and even better 2014!!


Happy New Year Janae!! You inspire me every day! I look forward to your posts and of course the adorable pictures of Brooke!! Cheers to 2014! May it be filled with PRs, fro yo, and great memories with family and friends!


Even though it was a challenging year, you had so many wonderful things happen too! Good for you for focusing on that. :) And this will definitely be one of those years you look back on and realize just how strong you are for overcoming it all.

2013 highlights for me: graduating with my BA in English, getting my 1st post-college job [part time, but still], starting a blog, moving on from a failed relationship, and getting to move back in with my family temporarily [twinsies! :) ]

2014 goals: get a full time job, take smart risks, and fix a couple health issues

Happy New Year, J!!


Best part of 2013 is getting engaged! :) Love this post and I can’t believe how little Brooke looks on her 1st bday compared to now! She grew up mucho in 4 months!


There have been a lot of great highlights to my year but by farrrrrr finding my love for running is at the top!!! I ran in four half marathons this year and hope that 2014 holds my first marathon :) honestly finding your blog this year was a big highlight too. It might sound corny but coming here everyday is one of my favorite parts of my day. I just really want to thank you for sticking with blogging through your hard moments this year and staying so positive for the rest of us. I hope you and Brooke have the most beautiful 2014!! XO


2013 Highlights:

*Lots of running and hiking UT trails.
*3 glorious days/nights at Cali Cochitta in Moab & seeing Dead Horse Point at sunrise.
*moving to Washington.
*buying our house on the coast.
*accepting life’s changes.
*feeling the love and support of my in-laws & growing closer with my own folks.

2013’s last night…

Um, we went clamming for hours. I collected rocks from our daughter. We also picked up huge pieces of drift wood which I’m going to turn into stools and a table. Serious workout lifting that stuff! Such fun!

Hopefully sleep is on the plan for tonight! :-)

2014 Hopes:

*Welcome another child to the world.
*Finish painting our house (inside).
*Grow as much as possible in our organic greenhouse.
*Maintain and foster our “open home with love” reality so all who visit feel the love and warmth that exists at our place. (All are welcome..)
*Get in quality swims if running shifts as it has.
*Be grateful for each moment.


I’m ready to say goodbye to 2013, here’s to a great 2014!!


Highlights of the year: Running in lots of new places, getting a PR in the 50K, finishing as the 2nd place female in a 50-miler and getting some of my close friends to start running.


The highlights of my year were definitely the birth of my first child, finishing my internship/passing my national exam and becoming a Registered Dietitian, and finally moving into my house that we completely renovated ourselves (okay, mostly not me haha). Not sure how 2014 can top this year but we’ll find out. :)

All the best to you and Brooke in 2014!


2013 was a great year for my family in a lot of ways. We had our second red-headed boy, bought a new home and sold our old one within 2 weeks of deciding to put in an offer an a house that happened to come up and seemed perfect for our family in our budget. Business was busy and good, I nailed a PB in a 10km and an 8 miler.
Bring on the 1/2 marathon for 2014!
New Year’s is low key for us. Babysitters are expensive, and being tired and/or “under the weather” with a very active 11 month old and 5 year old to start the year just doesn’t sound like fun to me. Hanging out with my 3 guys and loving life relaxing and planning my run for tomorrow.


1. Finishing my treatments for breast cancer.
2. Watching my daughters graduate from college and high school.
3. Running my first Ragnar Relay having the opportunity to share my story in the Rag Mag.
4. Running the NYC Marathon and getting a 16 minute PR.
5. Getting accepted to the Dana Farber Marathon Challenge Team to run the Boston Marathon 2014!


My favorite part would have been finding out I was pregnant after trying awhile. Or getting to hold massive sea turtles in the Cayman Islands. It’s a toss up ;)


Happy New Year!!!
New yrs Eve plans r staying home with the kiddos :). And dinner at my parents…

Best 2013 memories are getting a PR in my half marathon, losing all my baby weight, seeing my little boy go to preschool and making new friends and watching all my baby girls firsts…she hasn’t taken her first steps yet so I’m excited for that :)


I had my first niece this year, also the first grandchild in the family and the first girl since I was born 30 years before! So she’s kind of a big deal!
My plans tonight were to run 14 miles at midnight with friends, but it’s cold and raining and we all changed our minds. So – tomorrow maybe?


Fabulous! This year has also been one of my hardest due to heartbreak, 2014 is welcome !!!! It will be a great one – I sincerely hope and believe x


This year I started running, lost 55lbs, moved back to Ohio, started a new job…a little of this, a little of that.

Staying in with family tonight :-)

Happy New Year to you and your family!


We sold our home and bought our dream home in 2013. It was a great year. Here’s hoping for an even greater 2014!


Great post, Janae! You’ve had an amazing 2013. Looking forward to following all of your adventures in 2014! :)


We had a similar year of mixed emotions. 2014 can only get better! I’m looking forward to all the firsts with my little girl that you had with Brooke. Some of my best and worst moments…. http://www.hryup.com/2013/12/adios-2013.html – not sure you will read this, but the audio of our baby announcement is priceless and one my most favorite moments in 2013. I just listened to it again tonight and it brought me so much joy remembering how excited we were when we first found out we were having a baby.


You are amazing and so positive. You and Brooke deserve the very best in 2014!


My favorite picture that you have posted so far is the one above with Rachel cheering you on at your 5 min pr half. You can tell how much your friends love you. I have friends like that too and I feel super lucky. You always mention how grateful you are too which is important and fun to read about.

P.s. I like how i throw out Rachel ‘s name as if I know her:)


My favorite parts of 2013 was watching my husband race, seeing my brother get married, and that is it OVER! :) I am ready for 2014 and I am not looking back!


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! My favorite part of 2013 was graduating law school and PASSING THE IL BAR EXAM!!! WOOOOOOOOO. I’m looking forward to finding a JOB in 2014! Fingers crossed…


My fave part of 2013 is that it’s now over and I’m ready to bring in my 14 races in 2014!
I love your positivity and i know that 2014 is going to be a GREAT YEAR for you!!:)


Okay in the picture of the half marathon you look EXACTLY like Curly!!


This is my first time commenting! I have read your blog for past year and it has inspired me to be more positive in all of life’s crazy situations! You are so strong!

My favorite part of 2013 was:
– taking the time to witness multiple beautiful sunrises
-realizing happiness is definitely found in the little things
-winning nationals with my dance competition team
-traveling to LA for a dance intensive where I grew so much
-traveling to Arizona for a dance photo shoot


Seeing that picture of Brooke walking made me have a little breakdown, because my niece is exactly one year behind her (to the day) and that means she will be walking this year! Right now, she’s almost 5 months, but it feels as though she was just born. If it feels this fast for me, I can’t even imagine how fast it must feel for you! Happy New Year. 2014 will be a good one, I can feel it!


I am so glad that I found your blog in 2013 and cannot wait to follow you in 2014! I wish the very best for you and your daughter….you inspire young female runners like myself to be the very best we can be in all walks of life!


2013 brought you a lot of good things (and some difficult times, too) but 2014 is going to be even better. Just you wait! In 2013, I learned a lot about just “going with the flow” and listening to my body. I took a totally different approach to running and am making sure just to stick to what works for me and not worry about what others are doing, We kept our NYE very low key. An afternoon movie, followed by an early dinner then home to watch some college football and the countdown. It was nice to just have a quiet night with just the 2 of us. Thank you for all your blogging and sharing and can’t wait to hear all about what 2014 has in store for you Be blessed!


My favorite part about 2013 was finding my love for running. I never really enjoyed running, until I took all the pressure off myself and just started running for me. I have my first half marathon coming up in Feb and I couldn’t be happier.


My favorite part of 2013 was feeling like I was hitting my stride with nursing school and discovering Charlotte!


Even though you are super glad to say see ya later 2013, it looks like you had a pretty successful year! Love that sweet picture of Brooke at her party and your half marathon photos! You are a super talented runner and I can’t wait to see what 2014 holds for you…hopefully a really fast marathon PR :)


2013 just seemed like it was a really intense year for a lot of people, didn’t it? I struggled with my own personal real-life stuff, and you never realize what a toll real life can take on you physically. At my most stressed when my grandmother died, I felt like there was lead in my shoes, and like I could sleep forever. Glad I didn’t though! My favorite parts of 2013 include getting engaged, getting a new job, and discovering the shellac manicure! For NYE we threw a killer party, and it was so awesome to ring in the new year surrounded my friends and family :)


crossing my fingers and toes that 2014 is a fabulous year!


I didn’t do much for NYE. We got Thai take out and I ate way too much and then went to bed at the late late hour of 9pm.

Probably the best part of 2013 was my marathon PR and finding out I was pregnant.


Aw I love it, a recap of all the great stuff that is going on in your life!

I just read the Happiness Project on the plane back to DC the other day, and it was a great jump start to 2014! Not that you’re not a positive person already but have you read it?


My favorite part of 2013 was definitely getting married — but even having said that 2013 has not only brought me my husband, more importantly it has taught me SO MUCH about myself. Makes me a better wife and better person in general!


2014 is going to be a great year for you. But I do have to say, with all you went through in 2013, you took it in stride, stayed true to Brooke and yourself…and you came out on top. Cheers to bigger and better things for you in the future.

Favorites of 2013… Gaining 2 amazing new best friends who I was fortunate enough to have MANY running adventures with. Taking 8 minutes off of my marathon time, and completing my first half ironman all top the list.


I think you had many more ups than downs in 2013. And 2014 will be your year!!

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