My Training Plan and Randoms.

Remember how I used to have set workouts every single day?  My coach used to plan out each mile of my week and it was awesome.  Doing that is what got me my 1:23 half marathon time.  

I’ll be back to having everything planned out again by my coach but for the next little while I am stuck indoors (I just can’t get myself to run in 0 degrees with ice everywhere) I am just going to run what feels good each day.  And some days I max out at 4 miles on the treadmill.  Like today.

This way I can get my body crazy strong (from pump and cross training) and super healthy (I was starting to have some aches and pains from training hard ((hard for me)) but after just a few weeks of only easy running nothing hurts at all) for spring racing.  

I got to run next to my speedy friend for a little while this morning.  If you can see on his treadmill… 9.2 miles per hour was his WARM-UP pace and he finished at 14.0 miles per hour while talking to me the whole time.

I do not understand physics well enough to explain how he did not fall off the treadmill while running 14 mph.  

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I also hit up a killer pump class this morning and this teacher is the best because you work about 10 different muscle groups all at the same time.

For example:  chest press WITH a band connected to the bar to increase resistance and leg raises all at the same time.  Those leg raises made my abs want to fall off.

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Plank on a ball.  The first time I have ever tried this.  It was awesome.  I think we did it for about a minute?!  PS the picture above and below are of my friends and I always ask them if I can put their pictures on the blog… I’m creepy, but not that creepy.

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I bet you can guess what Brooke carries around all day long now.  

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This is kind of a big deal.  I have never told you this but Brooke and Curly have not had the best relationship.  For some reason Brooke has always pushed Curly away (I think because they are almost the same size so she thinks she can boss her around or something) but I have been working with Brooke a lot and now she gives Curly lots of hugs instead of pushes.  

Mission accomplished.   Bffs for life.

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Brooke has both grandma and grandpa wrapped around her little finger.

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I think we should all make this together.  Peppermint Whipped Cream.  I might top all of my meals until Christmas with this.  


And my breakfast lately.


I just noticed that my oatmeal is ‘organic’….   What foods do you try to buy organic?  

What are your training plans right now?!?

What is the fastest that you have ever gone on the treadmill?

Oatmeal—>  Yay or Nay

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oatmeal is YAY for me – with lots of brown sugar ;)


14 on a treadmill???? That’s insane! I think the fastest I have ever gone (on the treadmill) was 8.6 and I felt like I was going to fall off!

I can’t wait to see how you do in the Spring!

I just PRed in my half and I am thinking about a spring marathon?!?!?!?


I loooove oatmeal!! And wow your friend is super fast on that treadmill! No way I could EVER go that fast!!! Ohhh my gosh, definitely making peppermint whipped cream! YUM.



I ran sprints on 12 because that is what they were doing on Biggest Loser one time, so I thought I could do it. Definitely scary. I Plan on working toward a half marathon the end of February.

I love that my kids cousins are their BFFs.


Well it was a beautiful 48 degrees here during my 9 mile run at lunch. felt wonderful!

I am running the Houston Marathon on January 19th so it is still full steam ahead, then I flip the switch and bring back my swim and bike training for a bunch of triathlons, including Ironman Lake Placid

thank the Lord I rarely run on a treadmill so I can’t tell you how fast I go. I am not worried about speed anyway, I am worried about staying in my training zones, and the top of my zone 2 on a treadmill would be about 7:15 pace. I have done some intervals where I go into zone 3 and I get down to 6:00 pace but that is only for a minute to 2 minutes at a time.

Oatmeal. yes! but I am a sucker for honey nut cheerios


Oatmeal with cinnamon and brown sugar = YUM!
I live in Edmonton, AB and with our winter oatmeal is a must!


My training for the Boston Marathon starts Monday. I’m running as part of the Dana Farber team. I’m following Hal Higdon’s Intermediate 1 plan. It got me a 16 minute PR in NYC.
No to oatmeal.
I do not run on a treadmill.


Monday! Wahooooo! Congrats on your 16 minute pr!!!!


Thank you! I was pretty surprised by it. NYC was amazing. Boston is home for me, but it has a lot to live up too on April 21.


WOW congrats on the huge PR!! I am also running Boston..Best of luck in your training!!! :)


Wahoo Boston! My training starts Christmas Week! See you there- I am checking out your blog now :) :)


I truly eat baked oatmeal with pb everyday. It just never gets old. :-)


I don’t even think 24hr treadmills go that fast ;) Well, at least I’ve never attempted to run at a 14! I think the fastest I’ve attempted was at 10.0, just to see if I could! I am hoping to do more trails & triathlons for 2014. No serious training plans as of yet, just recovery from my first marathon. Trying to sign up for a duathalon on January 4th, let’s see how my sweet talking skills are, it’s currently sold out :/ I like oatmeal, but only eat it sporadically. There is no rhyme or reason to why I buy organic, sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t.


I’m loving the fact that the next few weeks, there is no training plan. After CIM this weekend I was obviously super happy but also very ready for some downtime. Ready to take a few weeks and just run however far or fast or not at all.

That picture of Brooke with the pigtails is absolutely adorable, and I am also glad she is getting along with Curly now!


My 2 year olds were the SAME way with my niece. And their age difference is probably really close to Brooke & Curlys. We thought that maybe because my niece was the youngest (out of everyone in the family besides the 2 year olds) that they could sort of sense that she was lowest on the totem pole. Basically what you said…she was the smallest and they could push her. It’s crazy! They are much better now, and love each other and actually share toys instead of fighting :)


Oooooh, I love oatmeal…with brown sugar :-)

I’m super slow, I can only go 6.5 on the treadmill.


omg I can’t imagine doing chest press with resistance band AND leg raises…thats gotta be killer in the best way possible. I have to say that its a pretty genius move though!


Just found out through lottery that I’m running the NYC Half so it looks like I’m training for my fifth half marathon! Also, oatmeal = yay.


Oatmeal, yay!!! There is so much you can do with it and it’s not only so good for you but also so delicious. You just have to think outside the box.
We try to eat as much organic foods as possible. It’s hard to always stay organic but I strive to make sure most of the baby’s food is organic and at least, meat, dairy and the dirty dozen fruits and veggies for us.
It can get expensive so you have to try and buy things on sale and plan plan plan.


It is very cold here, too. My training has changed — I don’t want to run on the treadmill (I tend to get hurt) so I am doing an indoor track and keeping my runs shorter. I am also swimming & weight lifting! Hopefully the temps will come up soon! YAY for oatmeal. Eat it almost every day!


I try to buy most of my meat and fruit organic! It’s hard though when I live in a tiny town where no one carries anything organic :-(
As far as training goes I am taking it easy with running right now and focusing on spin and strength training. I will start marathon training in February!!
I love oatmeal and have been addicted to instant plain steel cut oats with flax. Then I add PB2, honey, cinnamon, and whatever berries I have!


14 on the treadmill is crazy! I’ve seen my boyfriend go up to 12 but never 14. Yes, this is the boyfriend who hates running and “retires” from it about once a month. I don’t even want to know how good he would be if he stuck with it!


Dang that’s so fast!
I buy organic meats because I feel like I should. I try to buy organisms when I can, but its kind of expensive.


It can be so nice to not have a training plan for a little while! I took about 6 weeks this fall to just run however I felt like running. Now I’m following a training plan again to get ready for the LA Marathon in March.

Planks on a ball are so tough!! Your pump class looks intense!


Yay to oatmeal! Topped with my favorite cereal. Healthy on the bottom, happiness on the top :) I add cinnamon to the oatmeal and make it with almond milk.

That pump class looks Insane! You are going to be super strong and it can only help.

I’ve started training for a Half Marathon race for March 16th – 14 weeks away. I’m shooting for a 3 minute PR to get under 1:30. Track (indoor) workouts are helping with the speed session but I’m having a hard time getting motivated for the tempo run that I’ll do on the treadmill… Thankfully Netflix is queued up. I use the Run Less Run Faster (3 days of running/week) and do elliptical and stairmaster to crosstrain (even though the plan says the crosstraining should be non-weight bearing like swimming or biking).

Thanks as always for the inspiration!


I love oatmeal but my youngest is allergic to it so I have also given it up! We are 6 months away from a food challange though, unless she has another reaction!

I am now allowed to start building racewalking miles slowly and then the weather decided to get arctic and snow here in PA. Coming off of a bad knee injury, I am not risking slipping on ice! Have to look into joining a gym I suppose.


The first I’ve gone on a treadmill? Maybe 6, 6.4? Stop laughing, I’m a turtle.

Brooke giving hugs is adorable. And peppermint whipped cream would be amazing in everything… Oooh even oatmeal!


I wish my gym had body pump so badly! I think the fastest Ive ever gone is 9.0 and I almost died your friend is nuts.


I’m on a second round of tapering since St. Jude got cancelled.. my alternate is 12/28. BOO.

However, YAY for oatmeal. I eat it about 5 days a week for breakfast. Good juju for the running soul.


Mmm. Oatmeal with brown sugar. Delicious. I will even order this in a restaurant which totally weirds out my mom.


I usually take it easy during the winter, too. I still run outside most of the time, but it’s just too hard to get in as many miles as I do in the summer, and they are usually a lot slower since I am dealing with snow and ice. I figure it’s a good time to let my body have an extended recovery period before ramping it up again in the spring.


I try to buy as much organic as I can (is available, can afford…). Did you know there are even organic CHEETOS? Okay…not Cheetos brand but even better tasting.

I love that you’re doing other stuff right now…it will definitely pay huge dividends come spring. My training right now consists of all my PT exercises so that soon I can ditch the cane.

How can people not like oatmeal? It always looks sooooo appetizing ;-)


14mph on a treadmill?! I can do 10mph MAX during my 30 second full out SPRINTS. How does he do 14?!?!?!?! Ridiculous.


I buy as much food as possible that was organically grown. I’m lucky because it’s not that hard in the Austin, Texas area. I’m a little crazy about the dirty dozen (like strawberries, potatoes, etc.), milk products, and anything that is usually GMO (like corn & soy products). I absolutely DO NOT want to eat a plant that was treated with Roundup and LIVED!!!!! That’s just nuts. OK, now climbing down from my very high soapbox… :-)

I’m currently training for the Austin Marathon in February. The treadmill is becoming my very good friend due to recent cold (by wimpy Texas standards) weather. We will likely break up in the Spring and reconnect in the summer. It happens. *sigh* I’m slow and klutzy so I don’t go fast on it.

I remember loving oatmeal as a kid, but it never occurs to me to eat it now. I may need to rethink that plan. With a shot of peanut/almond/sunflower butter, of course. Nom-nom-nom.

PS – Your daughter is adorable and makes me smile pretty much every day. :-)


oatmeal is definitely a yay – it’s one of my regular breakfasts, for sure.
And I definitely don’t buy organic as much as I would like to. Student budget, unfortunately!


My training for Boston starts mid January. I’m only planning out my long runs, though, because I’m just running it for fun and don’t want to over train!


I cannot even maintain 9.2 mph on the treadmill, so kudos to your super fast friend.

I will eat oatmeal but it’s not my number one choice. I must prefer yogurt.


14 mph?! That is crazy! I just signed up for the Rock N Roll Raleigh marathon today (rock n roll races are $20 off today) which is in April so I will start training for that in a few weeks. For now I am cutting back on mileage and doing more cross training and strength training. Oh and I love doing planks on the stability ball- so much harder than regular planks!


14!? That is crazy and to top it off he was talking?! Crazy!
I try to buy our fruits (besides bananas and oranges) organic.
I’m training for my 2nd marathon in Walt Disney World.
I think for the fastest I have gone is 10.0 on a treadmill for about .02 miles!
Nay on oatmeal, I use to love it and then ate so much that I kinda got burnt out!

Reply! That’s crazy and awesome! I like organic fruits and veggies! I’m just training to keep up my fitness until spring comes. Then the real training begins! ;) The fastest I’ve went on the treadmill is 9.5 or 10.0, but it was only as the “last push”. LOVE oatmeal!! Try mashing bananas and putting it in the microwave a bit to get the sweetness out. Then put it into hot or cold oatmeal! It tastes amazing!!


Training plans for now are similar to yours! I stopped with my coach for the winter and am just running. I am keeping one day up a week where I incorporate some time of speed but for now the speed will be done on the treadmill!

Trader Joe’s has an amazing flax seed oatmeal. I don’t remember exactly the name but I know it’s in their oatmeal section and it’s wonderful!


I’m a bit obsessed with oatmeal (porridge here in Australia) – hot or cold, plain with a bit of brown sugar or flavoured by myself with different spices, fruits and sweeteners (maple syrup, honey, brown sugar) rather than buying it that way. Have you tried “Overnight Oatmeal”? No need to use a mason jar despite what food blogs and Instagram would have you think. ;-)


14MPH? That can’t be human. I do 8.5 and I’m ready to give up my lungs.


I buy organic milk and butter for sure. And any other organic dairy products when I can afford; they are expensive! But they are SOOOO much more delicious than non-organic. (Cheese–super yum!! Or try a pat of organic butter on a muffin. So good.) And I heard yesterday that organic milk has 64% more omega 3s than non-organic, so it’s healthier too. Really, you can taste the difference! (FYI:I do not have any affiliation with any dairy producers.)


Oatmeal is a definite YAY for me, but only if it’s done right… and by done right I mean NOT soupy, but creamy, cakey, sweet, and nut buttery. Almond butter and honey are musts, and cinnamon’s gotta be in there too. Cue craving… looks like it’s going to be a breakfast for dinner kind of night.


I’m obsessed with Oatmeal. Oatmeal with PB2 and bananas is my go to, but I’ll mix in pumpkin, berries, whatever seems like a good option.

I have no concept of 14 on a treadmill. I’m pumped when I can run at 7.0.


I don’t think my treadmill even goes to 14 mph! Crazy.

Love oatmeal and so do my kiddos – with lots of blueberries!


14 on a treadmill? I didn’t even know they go that high? 8.0-8.5 is a sprint for me!


Love oatmeal! I’ve never seen a treadmill that even goes to 14 mph. I can’t imagine. 9.2 is like my sprint in hiit. Crazyyyy! I’m so glad Brooke is getting along with Curly! That would be horrific if not!


I am still trying to come back from a femoral stress fracture so no big training plans just taking it slow and seeing what happens. So far it’s a very slow come back but it will get there!

So glad that Brooke is getting a long with her cousin now :) How precious! I think Brooke would have anyone wrapped around her finger!


My training plan sounds like yours… taking my runs to the treadmill, getting stronger, and eating clean so that I’m stronger for racing in the spring!

Oatmeal is definitely a yay in the winter, but I never really crave it in the hot summer months.


I’m actually training for my first half marathon! Eeekies!

Not a fan of oatmeal. I wish I was, its so convenient, but other breakfast foods are more appealing to me.

Love the pic of Brooke and Curly


Oatmeal is always a yes- topped with crunchy nut butter.


Front plank on the ball is definitely tough, next time also try it with your feet on the ball and your arms on the ground.. alot of balance so it’s great for your core


14 on a treadmill???? Are you kidding me?! Wooow. 9.2 is crazy fast too, girl! Oatmeal almost every day! I need to get a training plan together. Right now I’m going week by week to keepa good base around 45mpw. I have a marathon planned for March & an ultra in April.


I have to tell you, I went to TJs today to get those cookies and the waffle peppermint ones


Brooke’s little red boots are too cute!

I have tried to like oatmeal so many times, but I just can’t handle the texture. Blech. :)


I love oatmeal with canned pumpkin or crunchy almond butter mixed in


I can’t believe you haven’t done a plank on a ball before! So much harder than a normal plank. If you want to make it even harder, try spelling the alphabet or your name with your elbows while you’re doing the plank on the ball. Props if you get all the way through without stopping! Also I love oatmeal, but only if it is really hearty and involves peanut butter in it :)


I used to purposefully pick the person in the gym on the treadmill who was running the fastest & hop on the treadmill next to them. It motivated me to run faster. It’s actually how I met 1 of my best friends. We raced on side by side treadmills before finally introducing ourselves. It was the start of a beautiful friendship!


~YAY for oatmeal.
`My Hus was reading this post with me and when he saw the pic of your oatmeal, he gasped and pointed and said (with enthusiasm) “She eats the same oatmeal as me!”
~I agree with the peppermint whip cream.
~Your pump class looks and sounds EXACTLY like my killer Thursday night strictly strength class. My shoulders – and everything in b/w – are jelly as we speak.
~Fastest on a TM = 7.2. And that’s my FAST! My warm up is like, 6.0. You would be done with your ice bath by the time I crossed a finish line. ;) But my goal for 2014 is to work on speed and do more races!!


I love oatmeal but it doesn’t fill me up at all.
I can’t run for at least another week due to my Achilles. Then hoping to return to half of my planned mileage before tapering for The Louisiana Marathon Jan. 19. My goal will be to start healed and finish without re-injuring myself. No PR that’s for certain.
Peppermint whip cream in hot chocolate. That sounds amazing!!!!!!!


I’m running the half! See you there!


Looking forward to warmer weather! A week straight of Mid teens is cold for December in MI.:(


I love oatmeal–I have it at least once a day, either for breakfast or lunch….or sometimes supper! I like plain sugar though, instead of brown.

I have a cheapy treadmill–the fastest I’ve ever been is 9.0 and that was risky. I don’t even know that mine goes to 14.0. If I weren’t laying in bed typing this right now, I would go check it out…..


I’m glad Curly and Brooke are friends now. Sometimes kids do that – inexplicably dislike another child or act competitive – and it used to drive me nuts growing up! I felt like I was always trying to reconcile two of my brothers. And sometimes the real reasons were so weird: we’re a big family of brunettes, but one brother was a redhead as a child, and the baby decided he was his enemy! The red hair just didn’t look right to him.


Fastest on the TM- maybe 10? Haven’t tried faster :p

Oatmeal- YES with LOTS of berries and WF 365 Mixed Berry Fruit Conserves. Like, pretty much the only way I love it.

Training- BOSTON BABY. This is sort of a big deal. Last year I ran it on my femoral stress injury (mostly healed) and ran/walked- and then all of the *things* happened. So this is not only a redemption marathon (I was a qualified runner that got shafted by my femur!) but a major healing run for me. I am still writing my training plan- but I intend to KICK BUTT. At LEAST re-qualify, if not get close to the PR that I was training for.


I try to buy fruits and veggies organic but sometimes that gets a bit expensive.
Right now I’m training for a marathon because I live in Florida and our season is pretty short so gotta get those races in when I can.
My fastest mile on the treadmill was 6:50 and I almost died, seriously, after just one mile. And since then I havn’t run a mile under 8 minutes. LOL
Oatmeal—Love it!


I try to buy the organic food that’s…on sale? Whatever is cheapest. :)

My training plan is very similar to yours right now. Just got a PR on my half marathon last Saturday, so now I’m trying to take it easy, let my body heal, and do some cross-training during this cold and dark weather. When it warms up a bit, I’ll be back to the training for another race I have in April.

And yes, I LOVE oatmeal. I pretty much eat it every morning. If you add peanut butter and a sliced banana to it, you won’t wanna stop eating it.


Oatmeal = YAY! also, peppermint whipped cream is just brilliant. Need to make this ASAP!


I try to buy fruits, and veggies organically grown, however its difficult though sometimes as I live in a town of 3,000 only. My training plans are to up my mileage each week and get my core really strong for my next races that are coming up soon! On the treadmill I think the fastest I attempted was 10.0, it felt so fast for me, then again I’m not sure if the treadmills at the gym I go to go much faster…. I’ve been on a bit of an oatmeal kick, and lately I’ve been adding Chia seeds and honey to mine to change it up,its really good. That peppermint whipped cream looks delicious! Brooke always has the cutest little shoes! I wish I could do body pump classes, your pictures make it look like a lot of fun. Hope you have a great day!


I go for the organic pb only because I think it tastes better than other brands, but I also buy organic bread from Costco that totally complements the pb! It’s my absolute favorite for sandwiches! I’m currently in the middle of taking antibiotics for a sinus infection, so my training plans have been put on hold. However, I was just running mileage to build my base up for next year. Never run on a treadmill…ever. I live in CA, and where I am, it’s sunny almost every day of the year, so there’s never been a reason to. Love oatmeal topped with banana slices, a dollop of pb, and a pinch(usually more =) of brown sugar.


I literally eat oatmeal every single morning for breakfast (is that boring? Probably….)

I cannot seem to run fast on treadmills! I don’t know how you do it. My pace outside will be like 6:15 then the next day I’ll run on the treadmill nc the most I can do without feeling like I’m falling off or sprinting is around 8:15. I don’t get it but I’ve been that way for years!


14 mph on a treadmill would kill me! My 5k time is a rather pathetic 25 minutes, according to my run keeper app this is about 7.5mph!

Looks like I have much more training to go.


Btw organic food isn’t nearssceily any healthier than non-organic food. Vegetables and fruit are inexpensive ways to bulk up dishes with vitamins and goodness along with brown bread, brown rice and brown pasta. Try frozen vegetables as they are often cheaper and still contain the nutrients you need.


Holy cow! 14.0?!?!?! And to think I was proud of myself for doing 9mph and not flying off! Mind you my heart rate was about 200bpm the entire time and afterwards like 3 people asked me if I was ok. I had to explain that laying on the dirty locker room floor to stretch was normal for me.
Good to see Curly and Brooke are bffs! It is most definitely the ages that caused the rift. I remember when Brooke first came into the world and Curly loved to play “mom” with her, pushing her stroller and such :) Brooke is just finding her independence :)


I live oatmeal!

As for organic, I prefer organic milk for my family- and chicken. Those two things are a must.

I’m training to do my first 1/2 …hoping in February! I have big BIG goals for 2014 :-) I’m kind of doing the same aa you thou until the first of the year. Getting fit, strong and healthy. Also working on builing base.

I never run on a treadmill- even these cold Ohio winters won’t keep me inside. Except last night i went to an indoor track to do intervals and sprints….i know people think im crazy…lol.


14 mph?! That’s crazy! I can’t get my legs moving much faster than 9 mph without being scared I’ll fall off!!


I always thought the highest speeds on the TM were like the highest speeds on your car speedometer: ie no one uses them. 14mph is insane!

That’s awesome that Brooke and Curly are getting along!


I run on the treadmill now WAYYY more than I would like to-but its necessary because its SOOOOO cold!!!! :)
I think your trainig plan sounds GREAT!!! Working on getting stronger is a GREAT plan!
I am training for The Hyannis Marathon in February and Boston in April-i HAVE to do some long runs on the treadmill every winter. CAn you imagine? 20 miles on the ‘mill?? Its a necessary evil, isn’t it??? Total Love/Hate :)
Have a fabulous Friday lady!


I eat oatmeal just about every morning of my life. I never get tired of it!

Right now I’m in the middle of training for my first half-marathon, and wondering if I’ve gotten in over my head!


Yes to oatmeal! Some mornings I switch it up and go with a savory version. Cheddar, green onions, and a poached egg on top.


If I could eat one meal for the rest of my life, it would totally be oatmeal! Esp with Almond butter/banana combo!!! Good grief, I wish I could run that fast! And that Peppermint whipped cream looks divine!!!


funny enough, December is my run easy, and build mileage while strength training month. So I can start spring training ready to go!



Aww I’m glad Brooke and Curly are on better terms now haha!


ooo, that oatmeal looks super tasty! Oatmeal is my go-to breakfast and I probably have it 5-6 days a week. I just started easing into my training for the Boston Marathon in April! So psyched!


I can’t even go as fast as his warm up speed! NUTZ!

I will kick off training for the NJ Marathon this January (the race is end of April). I am so excited because I ran this race last year and set a PR (4:48). Now that I know the course I’m hoping to shave an additional 8 minutes.

Oatmeal YAY but only in the cold weather months.


I just bought that oatmeal over the weekend and I love it! I almost considered having it for dinner one night too.


The fastest I have gone on the treadmill is 10.6 mph (5:55 pace) and I have not and will not go faster than that because if I fall off I would probably die!

I love Organic..I also like that kind that you eat…I have the cereal and it is delish! I love oatmeal so much though and I actually had it for breakfast!!


Oatmeal is def a YAY for me – during the week, I run in the evening, so I’ll have oatmeal with raisins, cinammon, and a touch of maple syrup to start fueling for my late workout.

I don’t buy everything organic but I always make sure that my milk, yogurt, eggs, and meat are.

In January I’ll start training for my second marathon: the New Jersey Marathon at the end of April. My first goal race for 2014 will bt the NYC Half in March.

PS: 1:26 for a half marathon is sick!!!


…oops, just noticed: 1:23. Speechless.


YAY oatmeal! It took me awhile to like it though. I haven’t ran outside in like a week and i’m itching so bad to get out! I don’t think I’ve ever ran 14 mph in my life. Even at full sprint.


Fastest on the treadmill for me was like a 7:30 pace, not sure what that equates to. For some reason, it felt ten times harder than doing sprints outside. Ha. I love oatmeal! It’s best with peanut butter + banana (cook the banana in it because then it gets all creamy and delicious). Another time I made “almond joy oatmeal,” by cooking the oatmeal then adding coconut flakes, almonds, almond extract, and chocolate chips! Hey, dark chocolate is healthy, right?? ;) And Brook’s card/sweater is the cutest ever and I’m super jealous. Let me know if they make it in big girl size! :D


OATMEAL! Try mixing it with Greek yogurt and then add in the almond butter and fruit!


What a great decision to get strong now and then go strong in the spring! I love oatmeal but life cereal more : )


We try to buy as much organic as we can afford. Meat, dairy and produce are a must.

Training has been pretty lax lately, after our move. But getting back into slowly.

* Performance Apparel for everyone!


Great article, Thanks for sharing it.

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