If I am grumpy this week it is because…

Brookers just left and will be gone until next Sunday.  I have never gone this long without her and the fact she will be in a different state as me (never happened before)… I can’t even think about it.  (PS once again, I am happy that she has a relationship with her dad because that is what is best for her but I am being selfish here for a minute okay:).  

I am going to miss her like crazy. 

IMG 6015

BUT to help me with my identity crisis I will:  Read books.  Go to every movie that is playing in the theaters.  Get my hair done (I borderline want to do something extremely drastic).  Eat out a lot.  Sleep in.  Maybe I’ll run my first 100 mile week.  I’ll probably write 8 blog posts a day (yes, you will get sick of me).  And I should just give my mom my debit card now to avoid any shopping binges.  

I’ll do my best to be resilient.   I can do hard things right? 

Tell me something funny/happy/awesome/good news… anything (I always read every single comment I ever get)!  

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I’m finally getting into The Night Circus! And I got The Dinner and Gone Girl for Christmas, so I’m excited to start those, too! Which one are you reading?
Do the drastic hair thing. You’ll just keep talking about it and wishing it was already done. Plus, hair grows!
Run 100 miles seems insane but also very HRG :)

You could also fly to Tampa and hang out with me. I’m awesome. ;)

Something exciting hmm…. I actually made a recipe I pinned from Pinterest and it was a win. This is very exciting for me, since I am a terrible cook and don’t have many successes in that dept. Something else … we got bar stools! So now when friends come over they don’t have to awkwardly stand there watching me perform a classic kitchen fail ;) How’s that for random facts about my day?!

Have a great week and keep smiling! You’ll be in my thoughts (and yes you can do hard things :)


I am sending you all of my positive support vibes that I have! Just soak up the family time. I have recently discovered the deliciousness that is Cadbury Mint Dairy Milk. I never really thought I liked Mint and Chocolate together… but turns out I LOVE IT and I was able to eat a massive bar in a day all by myself. I did not feel the best afterwards, but obviously I couldn’t NOT finish it. I am home on Christmas holidays from school, and on Friday I fly out to Prince Edward Island, Canada so I am kinda looking forward to that but kind of not because I don’t like being so far away from my fam. But it isn’t for too much longer. I’m thinking about you :)


I’d say the fact that the weather will reach almost 40 in these parts (Provo/PC) this week is pretty great news! Can’t wait for some outside runs :)

Good luck this week! You’re awesome you’ll do great!


I am a lurker! However, I work in the legal field and giving access to the other party is what Jesus would do. And, the after christmas sales would make me want to be the parent that doesn’t see the child on the 25th:).


You are so strong Janae, and I really look up to you! Brooke is lucky to have you as her mama :) I had an awesome baby shower on Saturday, and it helped me to realize how blessed I am! It also made me even more excited to meet my sweet baby girl! I can’t believe that she is actually going to fit into all of the tiny, cute clothes that I got :) I also found out that I graduated from college with the GPA that I was hoping for. Super exciting!! I hope you have a great week and can keep busy! :)


You could learn to knit to pass the time while she’s gone…I’ll help you ; )


Yes, go to movies! Tessie is the same age as Brooke and I haven’t attempted to see a movie in the theaters in over a year. I miss it. I was so impressed to read that you took Brooke to “Frozen.” How did you do it?


Hey Janae! I’m so sorry to hear about this week :( I can’t even begin to imagine how hard that would be… you are an incredibly strong person!!! Well, some happy news I could share is that I found out 10 days before Xmas that I’m expecting my first baby next summer! And I wanted to tell you that I read some of your pregnancy/HRG baby posts and not only did they calm my nerves, but they made me so excited!!! I can only hope to be half the mom you are to Brooke some day :)) So thank you for writing & I’ll be looking forward to this upcoming Sunday for you <3 <3


I bought real heels for the first time today!! The lady at the store called me a heel virgin :/

I could have bought some AHHMAZINGGGG running shoes with that money though! Kind of hurt a little. But I’m going to be a teacher next year—must dress like an adult :)


I love you Janae! You are one of the happiest positive people I know. Do all the things on your list this week and more. Your little sweetheart will be back before you know it. You are a good mom and a great example to all that know you. Thank you for being awesome!


You are such an inspiration to me! Thanks for sharing your journey. Excuse the typos as I’m on my new Nook HD :) I admire your positivity in all aspects of life and am working on focusing on the positives of life. I’m a kindergarten teacher on Christmas break! Woo hoo! I got some very generous gift cards from sweet students/parents. A new nook HD was a Christmas present to myself since my old nook, the basic one broke, its totally acceptable to buy yourself a Christmas gift, right? ;) I had a great workout this morning half spin class half weights. I bought a new book for my nook… ‘Daring Greatly’ by: Brene brown and love it so far! It is about the power of vunerability. My sweet mom bought me leopard print ugg slippers. They are so cozy along with the softest potterybarn blanket she bought me last year. I got a new workout bag at target that holds a yoga mat on the bottom and I hope it motivates me to do yoga more! I also got a headband/ear warmers thing from target and it has been great on my runs outside . And I’m about to go enjoy myfavenightime snack of 1/2 a quest bar, one tablespoon white choc peanut butter or dark choc can’t decide ha and 4 oz skim milk! Protein!healthy fats, fiber, :) filling and satisfying, ok sorry so long, life is good indeed Hang in there!


something awesome: we are gonna hang out this week! well, we totally should.


It will get easier!!
Good news: I *think* my husband and I have found THE neighborhood that we want to buy a house in…we’ve been living in an apartment since our move from California to Texas and are super OVER IT.
Also, I’m eating an icy cold clementine and it’s pretty much the most delicious thing I’ve eaten in forever.


This should do the trick. Makes me laugh whenever I need it.


Aw a week is a long time :(. I’m in the divorce process as well and I didn’t get my kids for Christmas Day this year so it stung a lot. I find keeping busy is the best thing u can do. Running/working out/cleaning and organizing and reading are the top things I do when I’m without my babies.
Thank you for posting about your journey thru this difficult time. I feel less alone and reading the other comments help tremendously as well so thank u for being so open! And I would love the 8 posts a day bc I seriously love your blog.


Oh I also just mailed in my ‘ cheek swabs’ to join Be The Match and bepart of the bone marrow registry! I wouldlove the opportunity to donate and save a life :)


Aw, that really is hard. This is a different situation, but I’m in a long distance relationship and find myself alone a lot of the time. My advice is: DEFINITELY STAY BUSY. I was home lounging on my couch for most of the day today and it made me really depressed. Then I got dressed and went out and ran an errand and then just read book in a cafe and I cheered up. It helps just to be around people, even if you’re not talking to them. Other things you can do to occupy your time: see movies, clean, shop, cook, bake. I know it can be hard to motivate yourself when you’re feeling sad and then you don’t want to do anything, but if you set a schedule for yourself the night before, it really does help get you up and out the door. Hang in there!


My girls have been gone for four days. My oldest comes back tomorrow, but my youngest doesn’t come back until Friday. I have been an organizing machine! I have also spent a lot of time with my parents, family and friends. It’s a great opportunity to fit some social things into my life.


You can do hard things. Deep breath.

I have a two year old son, Vincent. His favorite toy/television show is Thomas the Train…and his new favorite episode is with Fiery Flynn, the fire engine train. In this episode Fiery Flynn doesn’t listen well, and chugs around putting out imaginary fires on train engines that are not, in fact, on fire. Each time he does this he asks the engine if he’s on fire and the engine replies, usually in an irritated tone after getting soaked with water “NO. I am NOT!”

So. In my house my son asks me a thousand times a day “Are you on fire Mommy?” and of course, I must answer, “NO! I’m not!”

So today he pooped about four times. And each time he pooped he yelled out, “ARE YOU ON FIRE??” :)

Yeah. Two year olds are fun.

You will be okay. Hugs.


Hang in there! You’re so strong!

Exciting/amazing news – my husband and I are moving to australia in a week and a half! Ahhhhhh!


Especially during times of difficulty I rely on my faith. If God brings you to it HE can bring you through it. It seems as though you have a great support system…you can do this!


I’m always so impressed by how you are able to make each of your blog posts so personable, as if each of your readers is your friend within whom you are confiding. So good job with it! :)

Something good is that my husband won a Bahamas cruise from his work and we both leave in 6 days!


Drastic hair changes are always fun! I donated my hairs to Locks of Love a few months ago….also if I could, I would drink a lot of diet cokes with you!!


Ps…obsessed with your headband. You have the cutest running outfits! Use the week to go on long runs with no time limits, and to force yourself
To sleep as late as possible every day- the week so go by and be over before you know it :)



That headband is THE BEST. I bought one a couple months ago and it has saved my life on cold runs :) You can get at the Brooks website for like $12.00 – it rocks!


Just letting you know that here in the middle of our summer holidays in Australia I just gave your cinnamon roll recipe a whirl to the delight of my three kiddos and hubby. It’s a winner, especially the icing. I’d send you some of our summer warmth to cheer you up if that was possible…


You have great hair, so if you decide to change things up, I’m sure it will look great. I’m actually about to do something drastic to mine. It’s been long and dark for the last 5 years and I’m ready for a change besides adding layers. My sister is also my hairstylist, so as soon as she can fit me in her busy schedule, I’ll be cutting about 8 to 10 inches off and going blonde.


Go buy something fabulous….then give your card to your Mom!

You can totally do this and it’s what is best for her – hope that helps you pass the time.

Something kind of funny/amazing – me staying up WAY past my bed time 1:00AM to have the best time with my family laughing and playing games.

Hang in there look at all the love and support you have


You have such a good attitude about things! Very inspiring, as not everyone would be able to have your strength and class.

If you are looking for some easy reading/guilty pleasure books to get your mind off of things, I recommend checking out books by Sarah Pekkanen or Sophie Kinsella. And this is random, but here is an uplifting story that made me feel really good: http://www.buzzfeed.com/ryanhatesthis/the-incredible-story-of-how-a-reporter-helped-an-at-risk-tee

Sending you positive wishes!


Last night I decided that I would cut my hair. So today after church…my friend cut my hair at her house. I chopped at least 8 inches. It’s now a long aline and I haven’t had it this short since 2001 maybe. Drastic but I love it. But I will be missing my pony tails. Janae I think you are wonderful!! Keep going and yes you can do hard things.


It made me smile really big to read that you read every single comment because I immediately knew it was true and it feels good to connect with other people, however it might happen.

If you have a zoo nearby that is doing zoolights GO SEE THEM! I went with my little brother and his girlfriend tonight and it made a bad day very very good. Also, discovering hidden gems in your city with yelp tends to be lot of fun when I’m by myself ( a lot lately). I found the best best best pet store in Seattle a couple weeks ago and now it’s one of my favorite places to go and visit the owner/only employee to get the girls some treats. I always walk out so happy, love local businesses like that. Also, I had two really notably amazing runs in a row this weekend which I needed badly.

Anyway, enjoy having a bit of time to yourself! I’m sure there are plenty of things you forgot you like to do when you’re not chasing after a toddler! :)


You CAN do hard things! Look at all your races and tough training runs that you’ve done!! This is like a really tough training run that’s got steep hills, but you know where the downhill is and you just have to GET THERE. Doesn’t have to be pretty, doesn’t even have to be crazy fast, just get there. And you have the best training partner in the universe…”I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!”

Praying for ya, doll! <3
PS please DO update 8x/day because I will totally read [I'm a longtime reader, just rarely comment!] and love it, because yours is one of my favorite blogs!!

And for some laughs, here is the funniest video I saw all week:
"Contemporary Dance How-To"


I saw Saving Mr Banks today. Great movie! Go see it!! :)


Janae! Hang in there friend. Stay busy and know that you are awesome and strong and courageous. You can do hard things!! Right!? Keep breathing. :)


Janae I admire you SO much. I’ve been reading your blog from *almost* the beginning and I feel as if you are kind of my friend (I mean that in the least creepiest way possible) I also feel like you have grown so much!

Some good news is I went on a really fantastic walk today and it felt so good to stretch my legs and have a nice long talk with my mom! I also ate a BUNCH of jelly beans and that made my stomach VERY happy:)

Hang in there Janae!


Hope this week goes by quickly for you. Enjoy having some “me” time…you deserve it!! I get to see three of my college bffs this week…which I am SOOO excited about!!


Running in brooks shoes now because of you !! Have always been a mizuno runner, but wow! I am looooving these new GTS 14s :) . Hope you had a merry Christmas


This is a weird thing to notice, but in that picture of you and Brookers in the snow your eyelashes are gorgeous!!! Falsies or WHAT amazing mascara are you using?!?!


I absolutely know you can do this. You are amazing and one of the most positive influences in my life. You seriously blow my mind with your positivity sometimes. You’ll miss Brook, but just think of how wonderful the reunion week be!
Good news minute for me: baby #3 coming in July! :)


Something fun/good…We went to see Frozen this morning and all the kids have been singing the songs all day long while they play. And I had a really lovely conversation with an elderly gentleman who was with his granddaughter at the playground this afternoon. And our whole family is LOVING our new house!

I’ll be thinking of you a LOT :) Be good to yourself, and taking the time to feel selfish is totally allowed.


Such a hard week! Thinking of you and hope the week goes by as quickly as possible. :( here’s my funny story. Today my little guy Blake (2) was playing that game where you flip plastic flies into a frog’s mouth. Whenever he’d get one in his mouth, he’d say something like “I did it!” Until eventually, he switched to the only cheer he hears around here, “Cougars!!” We’re start our BYU fanaticism pretty young in my family. :) good luck with your 100 miles! I can finally run a 5k with a sub-9 minute mile (yes, I’m that slow–but for me that’s progress!) still getting faster and longer. Thanks for being my inspiration!!


You’ve got this! I don’t know you personally but I feel like we’re friends (I promise I’m not a creep) but I’m proud of you for taking the high road thru everything even though you probably have moments where it’s more difficult than others.

I hope the next week flies by for you and she’s back in your arms before you know it :)


Sounds like a tough week. I like your philosophy of doing what makes you happy during tough times – I’d ramp it up this week. So impressed you read every comment since you get so many. Take care and don’t forget the movie reviews. You get all the movies before us and I’ve been enjoying reading your opinions.


Highlight of my week: we have 2 new babies in our family and I got to see them both! SO cute! Best Christmas present EVER!

Hang in there! I can’t imagine how tough this week is for you. I am going through a tough break up too, although we didn’t have a child together. I’m having the *worst* time staying motivated to run since that happened(tell me your secrets!)…but it’s oddly comforting to know that I’m not alone in CrappyBreakUpLand. I wish I could be as tough as I used to think I was. That being said, you have been an inspiration to me during this difficult time and I am very thankful! You are in my prayers. You amaze me every day with how resilient you are. I’m glad Brooke is your #1.

I hope you find a man that appreciates you for you and treats you like a you’re the queen of the world. If not I will whoop his butt.

Stay tough pretty lady! :)


Aaaaargh! You are so amazing! You are doing the best thing for Brooker and she will be so grateful for it when she is old enough to understand! Have the best time pampering yourself and I hope you have a lovely, fun week – you deserve it! xx


That’s super tough, Janae. I hope that this week goes super fast for you. It’s our last week of Christmas break, so I hope it goes slow here in England, but fast for you in Utah. If you do see some movies, please tell us which ones are worth seeing. I don’t have television here in England, so I never see previews or anything. And I LOVE going to the theaters for movies!


I am training for my first marathon and it is going to be waaaaaaay
More difficult than I thought


I always read, infrequently comment, always enjoy you blog. :o)
Your reunion with her is going to be so so so fantastically awesome. Little ones KNOW and LOVE their mama. :o)
Um, something funny…. yesterday we went to Barnes and Noble (its a bookstore – do you have them out west??) and they had a fantastic Thomas and friends train engine display and collection. And my three year old yells – “Mommy, we can go poop and get a train!”. She was remembering her potty training days decided to yell about poop. Nearby moms chuckled…and even a guy in fiction across the wall to the kids section turned around and looked…oiy :o)


Janae, we will definitely not get tired of you!! Good news I have is that I just started running again after a month or so off–every time I get into a running slump your blog motivates me to start running again. Thanks so much!!! We’re all here for you while you’re apart from Brooke!


When I’m grumpy I read your blog! Reading your blog makes me happy! I’m going through many struggles right now as well and I love your positive attitude! =) A thought you might like… buy a journal like this one: http://www.cafepress.com/+you_are_my_sunshine_journal,851538723
and whenever Brooke is away write in it. Tell her about what you did or how you thought of her/how you missed her. She might not really understand or appreciate it now but once she gets older she can read back on your journal for her and develop an even deeper relationship with her mama! =)


I used to kind of get upset with myself when I got grumpy. It doesn’t happen often but now when it does, I just announce it and make sure I am doing things to pamper myself. So what if you spend a little more, have a massage, go see a movie every day, indulge in some extra treats? Now is the time to say ‘whatever it takes’ because I promise you, this will all pass and you will feel so good & strong when it’s over. Focus on you and only things that will make you happy. Hugs from Colorado!


Make sure you have a great New Years Eve :)

also The Night Circus And The Great Gatsby are amazing books. I watched The Great Gatsby and it went straight over my head, so reading the book has definitely helped clear some of the confusion up.

Have a great time with your family, and enjoy the rest of the year.



Im adopting a rescue dog! That makes me happy!


Hang in there! As everyone else is saying – stay busy! Take advantage of the crappy situation and do things that are harder to do when Brooke is around.

Yesterday we were driving home from my parents and I swear my husband was channeling his inner HRG by the amount of candy he had while driving :-)


That picture of you and Brooke is the cutest thing ever! I’m sure the week will pass really fast!

Nothing too exciting is going on around here except that we are about to get our basement finished so we can have more room for when the baby comes in May!


You can do hard things!!

On a funny note my two year old got a john Deere gator for Christmas from his grandma and grandpa and he not only drove it into the kitchen wall but he had his trusty sidekick , our black lab, along for the ride. Oh we are all in trouble now.


Your blog has really helped me committ to running this year! ThatmKes me happy! And we have good friends coming to visit for New Year’s!


Seriously Janae… you rock. Been reading your blog ever since spin class at golds way back when and I just love ya. Hang in there :)


2014 is going to be amazing for you. I feel totally silly writing this because we’ve obviously never met, but you are amazing. You are such an inspiration to me in my everyday life and your effortless grace is undeniable. Brooke is so incredibly lucky to be your daughter, and I know she misses your love (and frozen yogurt) a crazy amount when you are apart.

Thinking of you during this hard time, looking forward to your excessive posting, and crossing my fingers the cinnamon bun recipe of yours I just attempted turns out well!

Love and well wishes from NYC!


Thinking of you, Janae! It will be tough but what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. 2014 has big things for you. I am still suffering through a tough breakup and everyday is a challenge. <3


The first year, okay maybe two, when my kids left for a holiday or even a weekend I would spend a good chunk of time sobbing in bed. Eight years later, it is much easier, BUT I won’t lie, I still get upset/angry over having to share the holidays. I know, I know, it’s “best for the kids” but it sucks, and I really feel I deserve ALL the holidays, totally selfish thoughts, but I am not a semi-public figure in the middle of a court process, so I can say it! LOL


I am totally jealous it is warm enough to be outside where you are at. This morning on my drive to work, my car informed me it was -25 degrees not considering the windchill.

A week ago it was in the 20s and I got to go snow shoeing for several hours. I want the warm weather back. Semi-unrelated excitement, I get to fly to Mexico on the 11th and I can’t wait.


Something happy: I got to take my bestie’s son on his first hike this weekend. I pointed out various animal tracks and scat. He thought deer poop was the funniest thing he had ever seen!
Also, I don’t know if your family is into games, but if they are go buy Jungle Speed (maybe $10?). It is so hilarious and my brother, SIL, and friends laugh so hard that we cry when we play together. Maybe playing that with your sis and her kiddos will force you to laugh and smile when you don’t feel like it. Hugs to you.


You must go see The secret life of Walter Mitty! Hands down the best movie I saw all year. Very Uplifting:)


You must see Philomena! It is in the artsy movie houses here on the east coast. I googled “Philomena, Utah” and a couple of locations showed up (I know nothing about Utah or where you are near! )

I saw it this past Saturday and I enjoyed it a lot. It made me laugh AND cry. Hopefully you would like it too.

Jigsaw puzzles are a good way to pass the time… Yes, I am an 80 year old at heart :)


When life gets you down, you know what you just gotta do
Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming
Dory (from Nemo!)

Or just keep running, just keep running, just keep running


Yes, you CAN do hard things. You have proved that over and over throughout the last few months. Keep yourself busy (and drink lots of dirty diet cokes) and she’ll be back before you know it. Sidenote: Your headband is fabulous – I bought one a couple months ago and it’s going to come in handy for tomorrow’s race in -10 deg. weather – Keep your head up!! :)


I just read Gone Girl and highly recommend it. Major page turner. Also I just started Divergent, and so far it is great too! Good luck this week!


Brooke is very lucky to have such a loving, kind-hearted, all around amazing mom! Enjoy your week – get a message or mani/pedi!!


I’m getting an hour long massage today then mani/pedi, all gifts from my son and then I’m gonna start reading Gone Girl for a book club at the end of the month!


We’ll all miss seeing her on your blog too! Hope the week goes by for your sake! Get a pedicure, that will kill at least 30 minutes ;) In all seriousness, I’m reading the Steve Jobs book – get that one, then we can discuss his interesting life! I won’t even pretend to understand your situation, but I think there are plenty of followers who are rooting for you and and your happiness!!


Janae. . . I have been through what you are going through. Draw close to God during this very difficult time. Reading, running, etc. helps a TON. I do understand the shopping binges. . . been there done that too much! I will pray for you. Stay strong!


I don’t normally comment, but I always enjoy your bursts of positivity. (Apparently “positivity” isn’t a word, but it should be.) Enjoy your extra time to read, and you’ll be back with your little one soon!


You are absolutely doing the right thing! We’re here for you and love you!! Bring on all those posts because you know we’ll read them and show you support!

Here’s something if you want a distraction: I’m 29 weeks pregnant with boy/girl twins and with every step I take I feel like one of them is going to fall out!! It’s NOTHING like a singleton pregnancy, everything hurts. Aaand I chase my 21 mo old daughter around all day. Life is pretty interesting these days.


This one’s good because it involves giggles and ice cream.
Here you go:


Suitable for the kids, too.


You should watch “Too Cute” on Animal Planet!


My good news is that I’m running again! I’ve started slowly, but I’m so happy to be at it again! I’ve set some goals, but most importantly, I want to be healthy and fit not just for me, but also for my daughter. Love your blog, think you are a great Mom and hope the week passes by quickly!


Here’s a “thank you” for you. I just tried The Slurp for the first time ever (YAY and YUM)!!! Also, your post about your spin bike from years ago helped Santa choose the bike for mine/hubby’s gift this year. YAY again! Hope this week is ok. Best advice I ever got about hard moments was “Feel it, all the way through, then LET IT GO.” Life changing, I tell ya.


I believe you posted the quote on your blog a little while ago (“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…”) and I have to tell you this has helped me immensely lately. My hubby and I are going through a really tough time (serious medical issues and financial problems) and this quote helped give me new perspective. We can’t just wait for things to get better and be stressed out until they do – we have to learn to make the best of what we have. Sometimes that’s easier said than done, but that outlook has definitely helped me.


…that comment was meant as a big “thank you.” I realized after I posted it, I left that part out. So THANK YOU. I truly appreciate your outlook and positivity.


You can do it!It’s def ok to be sad, but it is really good that her dad is staying in her life.

I just started reading the Divergent series – not sure how I feel about it yet. I am also in the middle of The Power of Habit, which is great. And if you have not already read Chrissy Wellington’s book, I highly, highly recommend that. It is awesome!!

Something funny – just found this tumblr today and I can’t stop laughing at it! You will esp enjoy it if you are running 100mi this week: http://whatisultra.tumblr.com/


“Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)”

You call me out upon the waters
The great unknown where feet may fail
And there I find You in the mystery
In oceans deep
My faith will stand

And I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise
My soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours and You are mine

Your grace abounds in deepest waters
Your sovereign hand
Will be my guide
Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me
You’ve never failed and You won’t start now

So I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise
My soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours and You are mine

Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior

I will call upon Your Name
Keep my eyes above the waves
My soul will rest in Your embrace
I am Yours and You are mine


That song has been playing in my mind all day. I hope it will give you the same strength and peace it has given me. A prayer in song.


Sending you happy & love vibes!! <3 You're amazing!!!

You should go see frozen again ;) Or read the divergent series–it's a good one!


Hi Janae I hadn’t commented in a few months but I know how hard this might be for you, and you’re right I am glad she has a relationship with her dad. Life is so hard sometimes even when we have a positive outlook and know that things always happen for a reason. I really admire you for keeping your chin up with everything you’re going through. Hugs from Mexico.


Just read this post. As hard as it is leaving our babies for any reason (I have 3) the moment I see them after a trip it’s as though I never left that time never separated us. If u can, try and enjoy the sleeping in relishing any moment away. She will be back in a blink. As a woman of faith rely on The Lord. Gurl u totally got this!


being separated physically is only part of your bond with your little girl… it goes deeper than that. You’re still connected to her this week spiritually and you’ll see her soon and it will be AMAZING. You’ve been granted some Janae time which is actually a good thing. Embrace it, enjoy it and do something everyday that you can be proud of and share with Brooke when she gets home. Write it down. Maybe make it picture book style. Then you can read it to her before bed on her first night back.


Thinking of you this week! Stay positive & it will be over before you know it! :)


Driving my oldest cross country to New Orleans and leaving her there for college! :(

Ack. But, she’s ready even if I’m not completely.

It sounds kinda sad, but it’s not it’s a happy time.


Aww – I’m just now reading this. I am sending you so much love! It’s not the same, but I am traveling next week for work and I’m already dreading leaving my babies. It never gets easier, but you are truly ALWAYS with them. Remember, her heart beats because of you. Hope you are keeping busy!


Sending you good thoughts and vibes to get you through!


Happy news: I finally got new uggs and have ran in my first pair of brooks. I love them and can’t wait to run ,lots of miles in them !


I know I’m late seeing this post, but I still wanted to tell you that you’re an absolute rockstar. My nugget went to her dad’s house the day after Christmas, and I’m just trying to make it through the week until she comes home. What I’m doing to fill my time while she’s gone: repainting her nursery! New color scheme for our new life, and I can’t wait for her to see it! Good luck this week…..before you know it, you’ll be hugging your girl again :)


My happy news is that we found out for sure that our twins are a boy and a girl! So happy to get one of each!! It’s really fun to feel them move around, and my husband and I are ecstatic about the whole thing. April/May can’t come fast enough!
Keep your chin up Janae and Happy New Year!!


Random comment to distract you from Brooke being gone, I got a Brooks running jacket for Christmas! I have very few Brooks items but this is by far my favorite. It’s pink and hooded and lots of pockets. I pretty much wear it on any run outdoors now. The neighbors probably think I don’t have any other clothes.


something awesome and new to me: hot yoga and 2 ingredient pancakes (1 over ripe banana + 1 egg whipped together, amazingness)


Hey Janae! I wanted to let you know that I not only have made one of my bff’s a running addict but I also introduced her (and my blog readers) to your blog. My bff is not a hungry running girl addict! =)



Hi Janae

Just wanted to let you know that when I think of you, I think:

– positive
– brave
– strong
– funny
– inspirational
– goal driven
– determined
– entrepreneurial
– adaptable

So when you’re considering your new identity, I hope this will come to mind. As you pointed out, so often we define ourselves by our relationships to others: mother, wife, daughter friend. But that list above is for you, and what I have come to know from reading your blog. You are funny, strong and determined, and that’s a pretty frickin cool identity if you ask me. :)

Keep up the good work!!


I can’t thank you enough for your comment. Wow. I need to print this out. It helped me so so much!

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