Recovery is just as important as training hard!

USE the code RRVJ to get 40% off EVERYTHING at PRO Compression!! Offer ends this Saturday!  Their new arm sleeves are my favorite!


Isn’t it funny how we expect our bodies to just bounce back after a race/hard workout/lots of miles?  I went into my run this morning thinking I would easily be able to hit the 8 min/mile pace with Rachelle.  My body wanted nothing to do with those thoughts and I barely made it to the end alive:)  Ragnar really sucked the life out of me!

I just have to keep reminding myself that recovery is JUST as important as the training is if I want to get fast.

I have been doing SO much better with my diet coke addiction but this morning I just had to get one.  Brooke was still asleep and I was right next to a 7-11.  I didn’t have a choice.

I’m human. 

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When Brooke woke up she checked to make sure her tongue was still there like she does every morning.  

Yep, still there.

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We had our latest and great favorite bfast of a bagel, almond butter and banana.  (And a glass of milk… we both need that calcium)

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Then a random dog stood in front of our door so Brooke talked to him for a while.

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Followed by a good ol’ time at the doctors.  Brooke is a whopping 22.6 lbs (with her boots on).   She is in the 99th percentile for her height and the 50th for her weight.  

She also had to have 4 shots.  Not a fun experience.

She isn’t afraid of the scale :

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Pizza Factory Salad Bar,

You will never get old to me.  

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The friend I went with today and I used to get this same meal a few times a week together when we were roommates in college.  My how things have changed.  


What is one of your most unhealthy habits?

-Diet coke.  Quitting day is not too far away though.

Last time you got on the scale?

-ummmmmmmm March/April?!?

Do you still see any old roommates?

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Dude…that is one BIG-ass Diet Coke!


same here…weakness for diet coke (luckily I can limit myself to about one a month, and I really enjoy it). oh and I like to put extra salt on EVERYTHING

Last time on the scale…a few months ago at the doctors. We don’t keep one in the house.

Brooke looks so cute in those striped PJs!! Also, you really should get a dog for her for Christmas ;) Just saying.


Brooke’s morning hair is the cutest! I love seeing little kids try to figure out mirrors. It’s fascinating watching them learn how to see themselves. I haven’t weighed myself since last September, and I am much happier that way.


I LOVE pro compression!!! I have been wanting to try the arm sleeves…might just have to be early Christmas for me! :)
Diet coke…definitely diet coke. I have only been able to quit for about a week though…serious lack of will power (or something)!
I weigh myself about once or twice a week…although I am thinking that may need to go too! :)
I NEED to go to Pizza Factory (none by me) because those breadsticks look just awesome!


To be honest, I’m not a fan of the arm sleeves from Pro Compression :( Their socks on the other hand…I cannot stop buying them!
My most unhealthy habit?? I don’t usually drink pop, but coffee is a must. I drink too much coffee!!
I stepped on the scale yesterday. I am trying to drop those last 10-15 lbs and I weigh in every Monday…to hold myself accountable over the weekend!
I really, really, really miss my college roommate. I NEED to go visit her in MT soon!


I’ve been super curious about the arm sleeves, and think they could be perfect for coldish (most of my winter) days. However I don’t know much about them,. What don’t you like about them if you don’t mind me asking


I am not sure if I ordered a size too small, but they seem really short. I have a really nice pair of Brooks arm warmers that I love. I am going to try wearing the Pro Compression arm sleeves at work to see if they keep me a little warmer though :)


They are awesome! The fabric is super comfortable and they keep me really warm! They are the perfect amount of tightness too:)


We don’t own a scale and I really try to not think about my weight very often…there is an old rickity one at work that I used to get on every once in awhile, but it REALLY upset me one day and all of a sudden I felt huge (even though I hadn’t earlier and my clothes were fitting fine). Just the reminder I needed that scales and me aren’t friends!


Haha your Super Big Gulp doesn’t scare me…I often treat myself to one with Diet Dr. P. There’s just something about having a extra-large fountain soda.


Add honey on top of the almond butter and banana bagel. You’ll thank me later. Seriously. Try it. It’s the best.


Yes!! Honey and raisins in top, my favorite snack!!


What is one of your most unhealthy habits? lots and lots of sugary carbs. last time i was on the scale was a few hotel gyms back but i always try to go off how my clothes are fitting because scales are overrated.

love the sweet pictures of brooke! enjoy that diet coke before you give it up :)


Most unhealthy habit: ice cream. I’m a sucker for coffee ice cream.

Last time I stepped on the scale: Hmm…well I had 2 babies in the last 3 years so I made it a point to avoid the scale (Except at the doctor’s office, and I always looked away. There are some things better left unknown!)


I’ve been wanting to try arm sleeves, so thanks for the coupon code!

I have a tip for kid vaccination time: as soon as the needle goes in, pop a chocolate chip in their mouth (if they’re old enough for chocolate, of course). Takes their mind off the pain — and it’s not like we adults don’t use chocolate to soothe our pain, right? I now go to annual ped visits with a little baggie of a few chocolate chips (and now my daughter also asks for m&ms as part of her shot-pain-soothing kit).


I just moved out from my one and only roomie in April and even though we are still in the same city I hate how little we see each other! It’s so hard when you used to automatically see each other every day!

By the way I absolutely love that Brooke sticks her tongue out in the mirror – too cute! Babies and mirrors are the best combo :)


I like how you are pretty much making the same face as Brooke in the mirror photo :)

I love her striped pj’s & bedhead!


Brooke’s bedhead is SO cute!


I cannot go too long without mexican food. I could eat it every day for the rest of my life. No doubt.

I had a meeting with the scale a few months ago at the doctor’s office… was not a good experience.

I see my roommate from college often, we are actually going to CO next month! Her name is also Ashten. It can get confusing.


I wish they made pajamas like that for me!!

I stopped weighing myself before my wedding in August (I NEVER thought I’d stop weighing myself, much less a month before I had to fit into a dress!), so… July? I see old roommates now and then but not too often :( They’ve mostly moved out of the state.


I saw my old roommates on Sunday and it was amazing! I cried when I had to leave (i live 3000 miles away from them now).

Don’t feel bad about the diet coke, no one is perfect. I have a donut from time to time, we’re only human :)

Ps Brooke checking out her tongue is hilarious!!


I still hang out with roommates. Some of them once a month. I love them.

I haven’t been on the scale since before my trip to Disneyland and I have been too scared to get on it every since. lol. I usually only weigh myself a few times a month anyway.

Eating large quantities of sugar every day is probably not the best for me. Please see the aforementioned fear of the scale. My kids like to weigh themselves frequently. It is a game to them. And Evan thinks it is so awesome he weighs more than Annabelle. lol. Oh to be a child again.

I love the picture of Brooke with her tongue out. She just makes me happy. So does PF salads. They never get old because each time they are slightly different depending on how you build them. And good job on your run today. Even if it was slower than you wanted/planned. You still got out there and did it and that is what matters most!


Ok pizza factory is my newest craving thanks to that pic! Oh and a bagel with banana! I just might be hungry right now.
I weigh myself every Friday. It’s more out of habit than anything.
I haven’t seen my old roommates in years but a reunion would be amazing! It’s fun to see how we’ve all ended up all over the country.


Pro Compression has arm sleeves?! I need those in my life. What size did you get? I have never worn any, but was just looking for them; however, I heard sometimes it isn’t easy to get the right fit (fitted enough where they stay up, but not too tight to suffocate your arms!).


I got on the scale today- just curious! Happy with what it said too :) Haha I love Brooke’s many facial expressions! I can’t get over her! My most unhealthy habit is working out too much and not taking rest days. Bahhhh.


My least healthy habit would have to be coffee. Sometimes I go overboard and drink a six-cup pot by myself. :-O

I weighed myself last week when I noticed all of my pants have become extremely baggy. Sure enough, the number has gone down since my sugar intake has decreased. Not my intention, and I’m working on compensating elsewhere.


Bad habit (s): coke.. The full fat kind!!! My addiction of choice! I also love to indulge in Oreos! The obsession started when I was pregnant with my now two year old.

Brooke checking for her tongue!! Adorable!!! My daughter randomly checks to see if her one and only freckle is still on her tummy! :)

I have a weighing habit that I’m trying to break; however it does keep me more accountable.

My college roommates and I all live in the same town. But with odd hour jobs and varying ages of babies, it’s hard to get together :(


Coca Cola and Hersey Kisses w almonds are my unhealthy habits…I’ll also admit that I have a weakness for Cheetos (SO gross, right!?). Fountain beverages are the best, good choice :)
I guess the last time I was on the scale was last month at a doctors appointment. I don’t have a scale in my house and don’t weigh myself regularly (maybe I should start too…).


I love the mirror pic with Brooke! I love seeing you on the side laughing/smiling because you can see how much true happiness she brings you.

Also, I am glad she is not afraid of the scale! Glad you have a good perspective and will be a healthy example to your sweet girl.


Mountain Dew is my worst habit… sooo addicted. I got on the scale yesterday… that’s another bad habit of mine. :)


awww i love that pic of Brooke! lol soooo cute


I used to be a huge Diet Coke fan. I would go to Sonic and get a Route 44 Vanilla Diet Coke almost everyday. I finally challenged myself to give it up cold turkey several years back. My stomach can’t handle all the carbonation although I occasionally like 2x a year will get one, just not as big. I was last on the scale two weeks ago after my half marathon. Before that, it was in August. I avoid it. I still keep in touch with my college roommates and see them every once in awhile.


My unhealthy habit? Hmm. I am starting to think I may borderline unhealthy with coffee these days. Some mornings I get all too excited at the free refills at Panera. Leaving there jittery cannot be a good thing…Sugarless gum is a terrible thing to be addicted to as well…And as for the scale, I don’t own one and never will. I may have stepped on one last year? Year before? I don’t even remember what it said lol. Not important. I check in with my jeans instead of the scale.


I weigh myself too often, I think, but I’m trying to make sure I stay at a certain weight rather than lose. (I have a harder time keeping weight on, mainly because I am super tall.) Bad habits – oh sheesh! Where do I start? If you put a root beer in front of me right now, I would not say no. It’s funny you talk about recovery, as right now I am thinking if I should bother with a 30 minute super easy run if I’m just going to go tomorrow morning. And I am SORE right now. Hm. I think I just told myself what to do. (Find a root beer!)


If diet coke is the most unhealthly thing you do, then I would say you are doing pretty dang good! Diet Dr. Pepper is my addiction:) I can’t wait to go to the Pizza Factory when we come down to Utah for Thanksgiving, my favorite place to eat!


I’m going to try and give up soda. I have no idea how long this will last, why is it that all my favorite beverages are the ones most likely to give me type 2 diabetes and some terrible disease?


coffee is my bad addiction, I don’t drink a lot daily but I just can’t bring myself to give it up. I can’t remember the last time I went on a scale, it’s kind of amazing how far I’ve come in terms of accepting my body


Yummm now I want bagels. And a towering heap of salad. ;)



Drinking beer is my most unhealthy habit. and my love of salt.Last time I got on the scale was last week. And I don’t live anywhere near old no.


Oh my goodness, Brooke, her tongue, and her onsie literally made me giggle out loud to myself, how adorable!
Without a doubt diet soda is my bad habit! (btw diet soda fountain drinks from a gas station are 100 times better than from a restaurant, can or, or bottle :) )


I fill up 24 ounces with diet coke at gas stations or restaurants with no ice. I feel your pain. We can be humans together…which means we exist outside the blogging world ha ha.


I was just weighed at the doctors’ office Saturday and I was thinking about you and your no-knowing-your-weight policy, and I’m going to go that route from now on too. I am super healthy and work out all the time, and am generally happy with the way I look, but I just tend to way a lot with all my muscle. It’s fine with me, but it’s funny how the scale can give you a mind trip, and it’s just not worth it. So thank you for being an inspiration and encouraging normal thoughts!

I’m obsessed with coffee,and it’s my habit. My two year old niece even knows my drink order when we pull up to starbucks. :/


Most unhealthy habit – weighing myself! Last time I did so was this morning. I have had female athlete triad for one year now, and I’m working on not allowing that number (as it goes up) to affect me. Getting closer every day! And I live in the same apartment complex as two of my college roommates. I could’t stay away!


LOVE Brooke’s boots!

I have a love/hate relationship with the scale. Meaning- I love it when it tells me something nice and hate it when it doesn’t. I find we get along much better when I leave her be.


After a Ragnar you have to remember that you not only ran, but you traveled, stayed up all night, sat in a cramped van….etc. etc.
I’m swollen like a whale. I weighed myself this morning but it’s ok because tomorrow I’ll be 4-6 lbs lighter from losing all that bloat!
Does it to me every time.


What is one of your most unhealthy habits?
Eating out – there are so many amazing restaurants near me :( I have yet to figure out how to be a fit foodie.

Last time you got on the scale?
July at the Doc but I didn’t even look.

Do you still see any old roommates?
One of my best girlfriends and I lived together for a while, we get together about once a month for coffee or cocktails. Its funny to see how life has really changed though


I tried to give up ice cream for a week and I lasted a day…

That’s a big diet come! :-)

I am still BFFs with my college roommate. Love her. :-)


Typo, but you totally made me LOL.


Lol oops. It’s totally my phone’s fault. :-).


Diet soda, coffee, my amount of sugar after 9pm.

I jump on the scale a couple of times a week. Mostly because there is a number that I need to keep my monthly friend, and I want to maintain that.


I love my chocolate and froyo.
I got on the scale 2 weeks ago and then I stepped on again while holding my dachshund. I was checking his weight, 12 lbs. by the way. I don’t remember mine, and that’s a good thing because scales are evil.
Oddly, i’ve never had a roommate other than my husband but I see old friends all the time.


Diet coke is the hardest habit to break!


Gabriella wore those pj’s yesterday too. Besties!! ;)
You enjoy that diet coke, girl! You deserve it. My bad habit is probably coffee…love it too much. I limit myself to two cups a day…but Starbucks – which is double the caffeine. Oops.
I wish we had a Pizza Factory, dying to try those bread sticks.


~Most Unhealthy Habit? umm… my eating of almost the whole box of oreos whenever we buy them:) Sorry, can’t resist that temptation haha

~Last time I stepped on a scale? This morning actually, after not stepping on it since February. Just had to peek lol:) I rather not pay attention to the scale though.

~Roommates? Going to be college freshman next fall! Cross country here I come!:)


You make me want to come to Utah to run a race and go to Pizza Factory:-)

Most unhealthy habit: probably the Peeps addiction I have

Scale: I don’t do that!

I still keep in touch with both my college roomies and the first “adult” apartment roomie!


Most unhealthy habit at the moment: coffee, I am slowly but surely cutting back :)
Scale: today. It’s random though, sometimes it’ll be several weeks.
Roommates: I’ve actually never had any unless you count my hubby. We got married super young and did the whole college/working thing together.


i want to hug that child, and you! diet coke is kinda a random must here too. sigh


It’s funny that it’s so cold you are wearing gloves underneath your shirt thumb hole sleeves…..and then holding a huge icy cold diet coke! I also have an addiction to diet coke and will probably never give it up. Lol.

I weighed myself last Saturday I think. I try to once per week. If I don’t, I start slipping to the dark side, so I need to keep myself in check.

I love that dog at your door, too cute.


I used to drink Diet Root Beer everyday–in the evenings.. then I started drinking (no calorie, no carbonation, no ?) flavored water, and now I feel much less like a bloated air-bubble all day.

I have been working-out each day (almost) and eating what I want.. so I just stopped weighing myself because I am happy with whatever it is because I can see good results. :)

Where is your silver vest from? I am sorry if that was in another post… but I have been in a grading vortex.


I also have to constantly remind myself how important recovery is. I always want to push my body, but if I don’t let it rest then this can’t happen! I haven’t stepped on a scale in over a month, and I feel great about it!


I haven’t seen my old roommates in a while but one of htem is my cousin so I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before I see her again ;)


Unhealthy habit = spoonfuls of peanut butter
Scale = EVERY morning


I love Diet Coke and Coke Zero. And Chick-Fil-A.

One of my roommates was in my wedding and while she lives in a different state, we still talk pretty frequently. Love her to pieces.


Just ordered a bunch of socks! Everyone on my Christmas list is in for a treat:)


I was always in the 22% height when I was younger :( Still am …


I am about to buy my first pair of compression socks…. just been waiting on a coupon/sale of some kind! Yay!

My weakness is Dr. Pepper–the full-strength version, too! I’m addicted :)


Most unhealthy habit, you can relate, I love candy. Milk duds are my favorite.
I get on the scale every morning.


Worst habit? Every time that I go grocery shopping, I think I should reward myself with candy in the checkout aisle. I also think that sometimes I should go grocery shopping 7 days a week..

I weighed myself on Monday. It was not pretty. Then I went grocery shopping.


Man I don’t know how long your going to last Melissa Mae.. I can’t do it. However today I have not had any soda of any kind. But I did have a Red Bull for breakfast. Hmm does that count?Love you seistr.


Brooke is too cute. I miss the days of footed pajamas! There just inexplicably adorable. I might just have to buy some for my son for Christmas.

Lately, I’ve been craving Sprite after I run. I used to drink diet coke but stopped years ago. I’ve never really drank Sprite, so I don’t know what’s up with that.

My college roommate is one of my closest friends. We live far apart now, but we do holidays/birthdays/big trips together.


I love(d) Diet Coke! Gave it up in January, in fact, no soda since the beginning of the year. Now, mostly flavored water (Crystal Light or homemade and not carbonated). I still obsess weighing everyday. After my pre-dawn run was best when I’ve sweated out some of that extra weight. Now it’s right out of bed before dressing for my run to be fair that I might sweat more than another day. I just bought a bunch of new, smaller clothes and don’t want to go back to the “has been” box. Next step, get rid of the “has been” box and keep running.


Unhealthy habit… too much coffee and some nights a week when I don’t get enough sleep.
And Brooke looks super cute with that pink striped onesie!


This post reminded me to call my college roomie. She’s the best! We are totally different but the best of friends. She lives 2 hours away now so we can’t visit all the time but whenever we do we love our time together.
My unhealthy habit: oodles of candy every night!


I love how genuinely happy you look in every single picture with Brooke. You can tell she lights up your life, and it makes my day!


She’s so cute in her boots!

Last time I was on a scale was at my last dr’s appt before I had the baby!


I am a diet soda drinker myself and it is a bad habit oh yes and the amount of candy I want to consume on a daily basis. I don’t but sugar is a hard habit for me to break!


My bad habit is really my inability to control my portion sizes. I eat pretty healthily but I love going back for seconds, especially dessert! Oh I love dessert!!

Love the photo of you and Brooke in the mirror. Hilarious!


Love the vest you’re wearing. Where is it from?
My bad habit is coffee, lots of coffee! And I weigh myself way to often!


Thank you!!! It is from Brooks!


Thanks, adding it to my wish list now. :)


Just wanted to say I got the vest and absolutely love it. Ran in 10* weather this morning. It’s perfect. Thanks again for sharing!


Are you planning to go cold turkey with the diet coke? I need to quit my sweet tea…was going strong then fell off the wagon.


My bad habit when I take away all my kids Halloween candy minus the ten they eat on Halloween…then sneak pieces when they aren’t looking… I’ve even stuffed my bra with candy to hide the evidence!


Weighed myself last friday. Every friday. It just keeps me on track.
Brooke is so cute! Love that pic of u and Brooke and her silly tongue. She has some wild cool hair in the morning.


Brooke is getting so big!!! I’m right there with you on the diet coke front- I could drink a big gulp of that stuff everyday!


I was lol with the tongue thing. Your hilarious posts and Brooke’s sweetness make my day everyday.

I ve never had a diet coke. Generally I hate soda drinks. These bubbles annoy me.


Hmm, I’m going to go out on a limb here and say, USUALLY wine and beer and too much at once! Although, this month, so far, have kicked this habit, yay! Having a total dry month / detox, and feel awesome and very clear headed.

Everyone here seems SO healthy! As no one has mentioned alcohol? Am I the only runner who has the occasional drink? oops…

So, my second, now 1st place winning unhealthy habit in place of booze, is ice-cream, or anything sweet/stodgy/carby (for fuel yeah?). :)


Never make excuses for being human……we all are and it’s nice to be human!!!!


I like myself a little too much chocolate!!


I gave up soda a while ago, but now it’s all I want…too bad I can’t have any now. My most unhealthy habit is probably my need to eat sweets everyday.

I think I weighed myself yesterday? I don’t remember.


I’m a Diet Mt. Dew addict. If that’s not available Diet Coke is my next go to.
Hopped on a scale a bout a week ago. I go in streaks, might go months without getting on one but hop on daily for a month. I can pretty much tell by the way my clothes fit.


Sometimes, you just need a giant diet Coke ;-) I definitely haven’t fully kicked my addiction to the stuff!
Last time I was on the scale…a few weeks ago? I try not to weigh myself too often.


That picture of Brooke checking out her tongue just made me laugh at my desk! Thanks for the early morning giggle! :)


Brooke looking at her tongue is priceless! I think my unhealthy habit is I’ve replaced my diet coke addiction to crystal light packets. That’s how I get my “water” in. It’s probably just as bad cause that’s all I drink all day, except when I’m running.

I stepped on the scale this morning… not my finest moment :( But I won’t let it ruin my day. I think I need to do what you did and stop with the scale. We didn’t have a scale for a long time in my house because of your same reasons but I got one a few months ago to get my “sweat rate” but I think it needs to move to my mom’s house. I re-read your post about the scale and when I didn’t know I was so much more happier.

I’m actually still bff’s with my college roomate! She knows me a little too well! lol

The bagel with nut butter & bananas – one of my fav’s too!!


I LOVE diet coke, but I try to limit myself to 1 can a day. A few years ago, I started the day with a 32 ounce diet coke. So bad! I also love beer and wine, but I don’t overdo it—very often anyway. :)

I weigh myself several times a week, but just to keep a beat on my diet and exercise. I don’t stress about a few pounds here and there, but if I get up a few pounds for several days, then I try to clean up my eating or work a little harder on runs and workouts.

Old Roommates-I lived with 2 girls for years before moving in with my boyfriend. I still see them all the time because they are some of my best friends.


Hi Janea! That picture of Brooke looking in the mirror at her tongue and so happy, made me giggle. My son used to do that, sniff sniff. He’s a sassy teenager now – I’d like to rip that tongue right out of his mouth sometimes! Ha! (Running helps me to control that urge!)
Janea, are you one of those – go cold turkey kind of persons when you are trying to do or quit something? If so, then I commend you for just one day quitting drinking diet coke. I did that with diet DP. Just one day didn’t have my normal 2 – and never looked back! I don’t even like pop or carbonated drinks now! Weird.
But that leads me to my potentially bad habit: Crystal Lite drink mix in water.
I drink about 3 bottled waters per day w/ that stuff in it. That’s what I substituted the diet DP with. I keep thinking it’s good for me b/c it’s water, right? I can see it being okay in moderation, but I don’t drink in moderation. It’s my complete hydration for the day! Oh well, maybe I’ll learn to like water one day! Ha!


I adore this kid.


I have to ask – how do you carry that salad back to your table and manage to eat it without everything falling off?? haha!


Poor thing getting shots. That is no fun!

Shop from your couch at Use the code Active10 to save big!


How do I choose just one unhealthy habit? I would have to say pizza and ice cream are my biggest faults. I cannot say no!

I stepped on the scale this morning. I weigh myself too much but it definitely keeps me in check. I like to go off how I feel rather than what the scale says, but they usually match up.


Most unhealthy habit – ICE CREAM! I eat it almost every night. Ice cream addiction runs in my family!


I actually had a diet coke today, the price made me almost choke..I paid $1.50 for a 20 oz bottle. I hadn’t had one in about two months or so. I haven’t paid full price for one in years.


I love how you’re laughing in the picture of Brooke checking her tongue out. What a great, goofy kid.


Delicious sugary lattes… huge problem for me.. and now that Starbucks has their Gingerbread latte out… it’s even worse.


Luckily I only had 2 roommates when I was in university. I haven’t talked to either of them in years. It’s funny how you can be so close for a year and then after a few years you slowly lose touch.


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