It’s the thought that counts.

I got to pick up my sister’s kids from school yesterday and hang out with them all afternoon and evening.  My nephew was thrilled. 

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So was Brooke.  I seriously don’t know where she gets these crazy facial expressions from;)  This pouty lip occurred when we tried to help her with her ice cream cone.  Now that she is always hanging out with the older kids she thinks she is suddenly five years old and no longer needs our help.

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I took the kiddos to get them an ice cream cone before dinner because that is what cool aunts do.   

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And then we came home and made dinner.  Grilled chicken nachos with a side of veggies.  I don’t know why I always forget about nachos but I should no longer do that because they are so good.

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Brooke has abs of steel.  When we hold her by her arms she raises her knees up to her chest.  You couldn’t pay me to be able to do something involving that much core strength.

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I really wish I could ship each of you a dozen of these sugar cookies.  It’s the thought that counts right? 

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The Candice and I had our weekly date night last night at a new place in Provo called Swig.  

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These types of places are all the rage in Utah right now.  Cookies and dirty (aka coconut flavored) diet cokes with my all time favorite type of ice.  My parents need to install an ice machine that makes this type of ice.

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For the random of the day…  Candice and I were talking about Christmas presents for her kiddos last night and she brought up American Girl Dolls and a flood of memories came to me.  I was obsessed with those dolls as a little girl and I asked for a doll/accessories every Christmas.  Did any of you guys have American Girl Dolls growing up?  What type of things were on your Christmas lists?

Parents reading:  What is on your kid’s Christmas lists this year?  

What’s on your Christmas list this year (yes, I realize it isn’t even Thanksgiving yet)?

Running:  inside, outside, not today?

-Outside… I may actually completely freeze this morning because we are going a little too early.  

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I’m doing a body shock class today! Kind of like pump. Way too cold for me outside! My sister had an American girl doll. I remember she had to send her in for something and she came back wearing a hospital gown. It’s actually pretty cute. just expensive!


Brooke looks like such a fashionista in that coat! Running was on a treadmill this morning… my problem is the heat, not the cold!


I need Brookes wardrobe! I am going to be running outside tonight because the weather in South Florida is supposed to be just perfect!
For Christmas this year, I want everything from lululemon. That’s all ;)


I always had a Polly pocket set on my wish list! My little guy wants a million hot wheels cars..he’s a bit obsessed! I have a garmin on my list this year! Were under a winter storm warning- freezing rain and 9-11 inches so I’ll be running indoors today, which I’m not super thrilled about!


I didn’t have an American girl but I had a My Twin doll that you order to look like you. You get matching clothes etc. Still loved American girl books tho, especially Molly! Have a good run!


I had Kirsten and a Girl of Today American Girl doll. I loved them so much. Funny story: I went the AG store in NYC last year and so many of the dolls from when we were kids are retired now! They have a ton of dolls I’d never heard of. I felt so old.

I don’t have much on my Christmas list this year. Mostly we are just asking for baby stuff.


I’ve been running inside and outside. I ran outside Sunday with a windchill of 0*, heavy wind and snow. Died.

New triathlon bike is on my wishlist, but it’s out of budget, so a new wetsuit I think.


I used to love my American girl dolls!


I still have my American Girl! I have Molly. She refuses to wear her glasses though. Even after I told her they are super cool cause they look like Harry Potter’s! I got her when I was 9, I am now 23, she even survived a fire last year that took almost everything else in my home!
Gonna get my behind to the gym for some treadmill and starimill lovin. I threw a huge fit yesterday because my face was broken out and I couldnt be seen in public. However, I somehow found it acceptable to go out for some emergency m&ms. Can you tell it’s my time of the month? Please tell me Im not the only one who turns into a diva once a month.


You’re definitely not! I’ve been in denial for years but have now real used that i do often react differently at that time during the month.


All the stuff on my Christmas list is running stuff! :) I’m running outside today, even though it’s supposed to be snowing this afternoon!


Oh my gosh, that type of ice….yes!! Mr.KrisLaw thinks I’m crazy but I get very excited when we go to a place that has that type of ice machine. I want one in our house. The texture makes a huge difference.


Those cookies DO look delicious! I got my first American Girl doll when I was 4 years old. I now have 3 of them along with many of the different sets and outfits. They’re such a classic gift that you can keep forever!


I was always so envious of my friend who had two American girl dolls!!

I have a kindle and a Garmin on my Christmas list this year! When my friends heard I want a Garmin, they looked strangely at me and said, “…but you don’t have a car…” Oooooh non-runner friends…hahahaha :)


oh my gosh American Girl dolls…I think between myself and two older sisters we had everything in the catalog. I had the Kristen doll and a bitty baby. Wow trip down memory lane…

I ran outside this morning…I beat the sun. I kind of love running in the dark in the morning because I get to see everyone’s Christmas lights and the world is so perfect and quiet.

This year on my Christmas list, well, I already know what my big present is…its a surprise which I’ll be posting about closer to Christmas! Other than that, I asked more running clothes…you can never have too many.


I loved American girls when I was young. I never received one, but I did read all the books. I have a 6-year-old daughter whom I would love to buy a doll for, but it would be wasted of her. She’s a total girly girl, but not into dolls at all.

I was going to go to a pump workout and then do a speed run inside, but I have mastitis. If eel like death and have been ordered to bed rest until I get better. Yeah, that’s going to happen with three kiddos.


I looooved my American Girl Doll. I think her name was Samanath? She had dark hair and wore a plaid dress.

I fully support dessert before dinner!

And yes, I would love a dozen of those cookies. :-)

I’m running inside today…they are calling for a wintry mix/rain today.


Brooke looks like a little lady in that pic if her walking!!! I was all about barbies as a kid. I wanted everything pink! My workout will be inside since it is a 100% chance of rain all day here :(


Going to run inside at the Gold’s further down the road that has DOWNHILL treadmills. How come I never knew about this until only recently? You probably already have that cool feature on your new treadmill. Yes, I love downhill running and yes I know it’s not good for me but I don’t even care. When something makes me that happy I’m going to do it. Someday, my little Harper (granddaughter) and your Brooke need to play together. Kali (and me) thinks your little girl is ADORABLE.


I had the Samantha American Girl doll growing up and lived her!! Still have her and will probably give her to my two year old daughter soon!

The daughter doesn’t have a wish list. But she’ll get a coue new things. Nothing overwhelming. She doesn’t know the difference now anyway and needs for nothing.
My list is about as exciting. The husband and I are going to run another half in two weeks and wil probably do some shopping at the expo.

Highly unlikely to run today. Holiday travels :)


My daughter has an American Girl doll and has lots of accessories on her list. Including the cow. We live on a dairy farm so I think it’s so cute that she picked the cow as opposed to a dog or cat.

I am trying to psyche myself up for a run tonight. It’s just. so. cold.


Love American Girls! I have 5 of the original (minus Samantha) and one that looks like me (a family I babysat for had a special track outfit and spikes made up for me when I was in HS). I love them and now my niece is starting to get into them! I want to take her to the American Girl Place in NYC!

I’ll be running outside today. It is supposed to downpour but I’m hoping it holds off until after work and I’m done running!


I love Brooke’s little cable knit sweater — she’s so stylish! She usually looks more put together than I do! :)


I LOVED American Girl dolls!! I had Samantha, Kirsten and a girl of today. I’m so glad I got to enjoy them in their glory years, before Mattel bought the company and it became more about quantity than quality, and more about introducing girls to history in a fun way and not focusing on the modern girls. My friends all had at least two dolls also and we would sew dresses for them, make furniture, make doll food, yearbooks for them…LOL Those were definitely some of the best days of my childhood! :)

This year, I really can’t think of anything particular that I want. I am already getting my favorite thing early–SNOW!! Though it’s probably going to cause some travel hiccups it is snowing today and we’re supposed to have a White Thanksgiving! So excited!!!


I LOVED my American Girl dolls. I had (still do, actually!) Molly, Kirsten, and a Girl of Today. It was such fun to read their books!


Brooke is so stylish.


Oh my goodness – I loved American Girl dolls! I had (and still have packed away) a Kirsten doll and then one made to look like me. My nieces are now into the American Girl dolls too. It’s fun to share that with them.

I was a bit of an odd duck and asked for things like stilts and moon shoes (does anyone remember those – so fun!). This year we’re totally broke, so we’re focusing more on enjoying traditions and watching corny Christmas movies. I’ll probably end up asking my fella for some running socks and a Hallmark movie.

Today’s run? 10 miles on the treadmill at 3 am. Best. Run. Ever! Although I really need to start running faster so I don’t have to get up ridiculously early.


I had an American Doll I remember wanting to dress just like it….I was a bit obsessed with it hahaha. I don’t really have anything on my list, I only made one because my boyfriend asked for one with multiple items since everytime he goes to get something and no body seems to have. So he needs a Plan B, C and D :). I thought about running outside, but then the thought of the cold scared the crap out of me, so inside it is!


My daughter needs nothing for Christmas this year, so we’re trying to figure out what to get her. She’s an explore-life-over-play-with-toys kind of kid. We could make her edible play-dough and she’d be thrilled. (Maybe that’s what we’ll do…)

Her birthday is just a few days before Christmas, and we’re getting her a wind chime for that. Simple. Fun. Entertainment.

Of course, I’d really like to build her a stage in her room, but she’s quite content with the cookbook and other books for her stage, so why get all crazy when practical works?

My Christmas list is simple… a wonderful day with my family and a picture of us.


I was a Molly, my sister a Samantha. I think that basically tells you everything you need to know about our personalities and relationship growing up. American girl dolls (either the ones she had or the one she wanted) are the easiest, quickest way to judge a girl’s personality. Watch out for those Samanthas.

And I really want a dirty diet coke because those sound amazing.


I was obsessed with American Girls I feel so bad for my parents because I have 2 other sisters who were just as obsessed! We each had 3 dolls (one of those being a Bitty Baby) and more outfits then one should have! I went to Chicago this summer and was in the American Girl store more then I would like to admit! :).
Running inside today.
On my list is a new camera, watch and a necklace!


Can Brooke teach me how to get abs that strong? I am really in need of them..

I am not sure a run is in the works for me today. They are calling for a huge snow storm, and I almost fell on the salt yesterday while running! oops!

My Christmas list involves lots of running accessories and tops :) Love them!


I always wanted an American Girl doll, but I knew they were way outside my parents’ budget, so I just cut out the catalog pictures and rubber-cemented them to cardboard instead!


Ran on the treadmill this morning before work. It felt good to get up and at it early this morning! I do remember American Girl dolls! I loved their books. I didn’t have one of my own, but instead a “Magic Attic” doll that was a slight rip off from American Girl dolls. I still loved it though!


Christmas is hard this year. My youngest just turned 3 on Sunday and she still does not get that she can ask for things for Christmas ( so ok with that) and then my 6 year old just does not have a lot of requests. She wants a lego friends kit, either the yacht or the stables. Both are pricey but it would be her main gift and I think legos are great!!
My 6 year old would love an American Girl doll however I feel like $100 plus for a doll is a lot for a little girl. We have told her age 8, which is when my niece got her doll). I want to make it a trip, go to New York to the store, etc.
Friday I get to start exercising again!!


i think i’ll head out for a late-morning run. the storm is heading east — i’m scared! YES that ice is the best :)


My niece has actually been begging for an American Girl doll this year, apparently those dolls never go out of style


I can’t get over how adorable Brooke is!
I used to read the American Girl books growing up but I never had the dolls.
I am running inside today!


No run for me today. :-) Work is just too stressful and I have class in the evening so there won’t be time. I can’t seem to muster up the energy to go these days – I feel like so much stress is making me depressed and then I lack energy to do anything, even run. I’ve gotta get myself out of this funk.

We are not really doing presents this year because we have to move and put down a $2000 deposit on our new rental. That is pretty much all the money we have – so there won’t be enough time to recoup before the holidays. We bought the baby a few gifts already, so he’ll get something, but that’s pretty much it.

As a kid I loved getting board games and books. We lived overseas on military bases when I was little and the BX (like PX, just for the Air Force) didn’t carry fun things like American Girl dolls. Every year around Thanksgiving we’d get the Sears catalogue and we’d circle the things we wanted. It was exciting for us, but so not exciting for anyone living in the US where there are a million stores at which to shop!


I love Brooke’s pouty face! My 3 y.o. niece is the same way when she’s around my kiddos. She wants to be able to do everything that they can do.
I loved American Girl dolls as a kid, but we could never afford one. My best gift I can remember was rollerblades when I was around 8.
My 9 y.o. requested an American Girl doll this year! That’s pretty much all she’s getting, but I’m so excited. My 6 y.o. is getting a used DSi and my 8 y.o. is getting the Disney Infinity game for XBox.
I don’t have anything super exciting on my list this year: some running gear, scarves…
Biking today and hopefully a quick run after work.


I loooooooved American Girls! My favorite was Kirsten.. growing up, I was all into the pioneer years! I love Brooke’s facial expressions!


I remember the American Girl Dolls. I never had one but I always wanted one!

No running today but cross training – Going to go to the gym a bit later. We are about to be hit with a pretty bad snow storm!


oh my gosh I would just die (theoretically) for one of those cookies! Sugar cookies with icing are my favorite! And your nachos look great too… I’ve started ordering nachos more often when I’m watching football games at bars – SO GOOD.

And I was obsessed with American Girl Dolls when I was growing up! I had three: Felicity, Samantha and Josephina, and I actually had a lot of furniture for them and a sled?? All in my (okay my parents’) attic now…


Hanukkah starts tomorrow so I am full on in holiday mode even though I am not ready! My son is tearing the house apart looking for his gifts.Which is why I hide them anywhere but here lol….no run for me today, I chose to cross train in the gym in my effort to not overpound the pavement. I ran yesterday and hope to run tomorrow although they are forecasting a Nor’Easter. I can run in rain, just not wind!


Maybe it has to do with being Canadian, but I didn’t even know about American Girl dolls until I heard them mentioned on blogs a few times — I had a few Cabbage Patch Kids, if that counts :) As for what I want for Christmas… loooooots of makeup on my list. I’ve been good and resisted the urge to buy all the beautiful holiday gift sets at Sephora, so I put them on my wish list instead.


U r a fantastic aunt. Ice cream dates are the best.
Id like to run today. Pressed for time before it gets dark though. I hate that at 4:30 it’s dark here now.

My 4 year old boy likes everything Thomas the train and my 13mo old likes garbage and pots and pans and tv remotes…sooo not sure what I’m getting her ;)
I want Jbuds badly!!! Those r top of the list as well as new running clothes and shoes ;). I start marathon training in January so I need to stock up lol.


Ahh!!! Those ice cubes are my fave and i freak out anytime we are in a restaurant with them, my ice to cup ratio is then 3:1. And you bet i finish every last little cube.

also it’s raining here today so i guess a treadmill run is in my near future!


I went to the Swig in St. George and their cookies really are so good. Try their chocolate chip one. I think it’s better than the sugar cookie (hard to say..because I LOVE sugar cookies).
I think I’m running inside tonight after work.


I had Samantha! I still remember going through the catalog and circling everything I wanted for Christmas! Those were the days :)


What a fun day!

Ok sort of funny that you bring up the American Girl dolls because I still have rage about never getting one, hahahaha. I had to borrow the books from the library and all of my friends had the dolls :o(


I’m too old and was ahead of the AG craze but my 11-year old was bit hard. This is the first year in 5 that AG stuff is not on the list.

I love the circle ice. And the tube-ish ice. Do you know what I’m talking about or do I just sound crazy?


Ice cream before dinner = the best appetizer. I love Brooke’s facials so very much.

My run will happen on my treadmill today. I stayed out way too late last night with friends and Ross had to go to work early. I can not, for the life of me, run my normal pace on my treadmill. I don’t know if it is ‘off’ or it is because it has a small deck, belt and all that jazz, but it is NOT the same. Oh well. I get to run and that is what matters :)

I had the Samantha doll and a ton of her clothing and accessories. I have since passed it down to Annabelle and she loves it. And I love seeing her play with it. And I love even more that I don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars getting her one. lol.

Evan wants Beyblades and anything that has to do with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (can’t believe that show is still cool) and Anna wants anything to do with art/crafts and a twilight sparkle doll (from My Little Ponies…another show that is still around but is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than the one from when we were kids).


I ran outside in a light rain this morning and I’m pretty sure I loved it. It’s still 70 degrees in Florida so it was nice, tomorrow will be 50, not nice.

I just found out that there is no Garmin Santa! I know, right, so I asked the real Santa to bring me the forerunner 620 because I need it and I think I could do a lot of good things with it…..


I just found out about American Girl dolls this week (not being American). My word, they’re crazy expensive!!!

No running for me this week…twisted my ankle badly on Friday (two days before a goal race) so I am resting it. Ugh.


At the risk of sounding completely crazy, I adore that type of ice too and have Google’d the machines that make it. It actually has an official name: nugget ice. And I’m officially crazy :)


Heading outside for a run after work tonight! If I have to run in the dark, it’s safer to do it after work in my neighborhood. Running at 6:00am in the dark in NYC by yourself is not a good idea.


Last year I froze by butt off! So this year I am asking for Brooks thermal tights, thermal vest. New trail shoes and a Nathans hydration pack for the trails. Im rather excited :)


Yes! I had Samantha and I was obsessed with her.

On my list this year is a pair of Oiselle running tights- I’ve heard such great things!


I had an American girl doll that looked like me … but I gave her about 20 different names. I think the last name she had was Cassandra. I loved picking out new outfits for her!

Only 3 miles outdoors today but it will be down at the beach for an event called Light Up the Beach where I think they are going to light up all the holiday decorations. I’m pretty excited about it : )


The cousins are so cute together!


I love Brooke’s sweater! Target?

I used to love American girl dolls – my favorite was Felicity, who I think they don’t sell currently but I had a few others too. I’m hoping my mom hung on to them so I don’t have to go out and purchase Parker repeats of the ones I had – they’re so expensive!


I always wanted not only ice skates, but also an ice skating outfit – the fancy sparkly, twirly leodard dresses/skirts that the Olympians have.

I have a cold run on the schedule tonight too!


I had Samantha and I loved her! Then when I was 10, I cut off all of her hair. Whoops!


I just found out the other day that they are retiring the original American Girl Dolls! I’m kind of sad about it too! Felicity, Samantha, and Kirsten are already retired and Molly is all done as of the end of this year! :( :( :(
I had Molly and she was the bestest. I feel like the dolls now are kind of lame.
Not running at the moment. Taking an extended break to rest some injuries. But if I did run, it’d be inside. It’s WAYYY to cold in Michigan right now to be running outside. My lungs would probably freeze!


Ice cream before dinner!?! That is truly the sign of a great aunt!!

I LOVED my American Girl Dolls when I was younger! I had Kirsten and Felicity. I’m not sure if I had them because I loved the pioneer and pilgrim time periods, or if I ended up loving those eras after I read all the books for each of the girls!

This year I want the Rock N Roll Unlimited Tour Pass! Its the only thing on my Christmas list!


It’s a nice day out, but I’m a little pressed for time, so I’ll probably run indoors today (save from driving time).


Your little girl is just so beautiful!

I am doing a treadmill run today and maybe a few miles outside.

I needed to tell you (you probably already know) that it is NATIONAL CAKE DAY! of all people, I thought of you first :)


Yes I had 3 American Girl Dolls! Ahh memories! I had a Kirsten, Samantha, and then one of those personalized ones that you can make to look like you. I’m sure my parents still have those dolls somewhere!


This is hysterical that you write this because we are just trying to decide if we should get our daughter one for Christmas! She really wants Caroline. I hate spending so much $ on a doll, especially since she already has 1…but it is like all she wants!


I did not forget to text you last night. . . I fell asleep at 9. Bad day. That sugar cookie looks amazing. Can we go to smart cookie so you can try the red velvet asap!! ps we got some new tights in the store you must come see.

I had Kristen and a baby from American Girl Dolls. I was obsessed. I always wanted Samantha but I thought I couldn’t because I had blonde hair not brown haha. Now my niece plays with them and loves them.


Will you blow a little harder and send some of that snow down here? Stay warm!!!

HOT (really, really hot and gooey) cookies sound amazing right now!!!


Apparently I’m not one the cool Utah-ans because I haven’t even heard of Swig before hearing about it from you! :) We need a date there.

I LOVED American Girl growing up! I still have Samantha, a twin doll, and the itty bitty baby that I’m going to save for my daughter someday (if I have one, of course). My whole Christmas list was American Girl items growing up. So fun!

And now I want nachos and a sugar cookie…


I loved those dolls! I had Addie and Samantha, plus, I subscribed to the magazine and bought many of their books.


I had a design-your-own American Girl that I made to look just like me. I named her Claudia. When Christmas came up about a year or two later, my mom got me Josephine. I didn’t want Josephine! In my opinion, she was the least cool of all the other dolls. Give me Felicity! Give me Samantha! To this day, I give my mom a hard time about Josephine. We always argued over if I actually loved the doll or not, until we came along the home video of Christmas ’95 where I open Josephine and am overcome with joy and thanks to my mom. Guess I really loved that doll. I think the appeal was that she was the only one with her ears pierced.


I am too old for the American Girl doll craze….I loved my “Chrissy Doll”…bet you never heard of that one… ;-)

My girls were never into dolls…they always wanted another stuffed animal…I have so many animals in bags in my house that I could totally open up the best stuffed zoo around!! Seriously!

Now…my girls are older so the lists are much shorter…money, gift cards, and maybe a clothes item or two.


Ahhh American Girl dolls!!! I was SO obsessed growing up! I asked for accessories and anything AG-related every year, too! I had Samantha, Josephina and Bitty Baby. Yes, it was intense. ;) As for Christmas lists, it’s never too early, I say. Plus, Thanksgiving would have already happened if it wasn’t so darn late this year, so I say bring on Christmas already! :) I made a holiday gift guid on my blog and that’s pretty much my wish list, too!



Heh, I’m old – there was no such thing as American Girl dolls when I was little. (They came out when I was 17.) I had several of the “My Friend” dolls though!

My Christmas lists were usually books, but one year it was a basketball, and another year THE 70s classic, “Fashion Plates.” This year it’s still mostly books, with a couple of gadgets. No kiddos of my own, by my 8-year-old nieces want the game “Doggie Do” which looks kind of revolting.

Running – probably not today, we have heavy fog and combined with dark-by-the-time-I-get-home-from work, not the safest conditions!


I loved American Girl growing up!! I always wanted Molly. I want a new comforter for Christmas. You look really fantastic. Not that looks are important, but you really have never looked better.


I had a Kirsten doll and a Josefina doll :)


I’m planning on heading out for a run in a couple of hours for the first time in AGES. Hope my shins are finally feeling a bit better.

Brookes facial expressions are brilliant btw!


I definitely had American Girl dolls! Felicity, Samantha, and the one that was supposed to look like me but was basically a replica of Samantha.

No run today, but I swam 1100 meters!


I got Felicity when I turned 8 and then I saved my money and bought Josefina when I was 11. I loved them! Now that I’m a grown up, I discovered that a nearby mall has an American Girl store and I go there every time I’m at the mall. It makes me happy. Now there are tons of dolls that I didn’t even know existed!

I have a few books, new running shoes, and an orange juicer on my Christmas list.

Macey’s is where it is at! I forgot about their ice cream cones. :(


Do you need my address to ship those cookies?


I loved American Girl dolls when I was younger! I had Kirsten and my sisters had other dolls. My grandmother bought the dress patterns and made a bunch of outfits for our dolls. She also helped each of us make a blanket for them too. Such great memories. I am also going through a divorce (separated around that same time as you), and I’m just asking for things to furnish my new apartment. My boys don’t really need anymore toys (even though they have million new ones that are on their list) so I’m going to get them (and me) Disneyland season passes. I think the present might be more exciting for me than for them! :D Haha.


I had Samantha Parkington and Addy Walker! I’m keeping them for my child one day….(if and when she arrives)! A flood of memories come to mind for me as well. And yes always on my Christmas list!

As for my run today! 8 miles outside about 34 degrees = perfect:)

Happy Thankagiving! I really enjoy reading your blog everyday! Have to say it’s my favorite to see pop up in my bloglovin roll! My blog is set to launch mid December! Can’t wait!


I love that type of ice and only know of 1 place in boise that does it like that!


I too wish you could send us those sugar cookies! The kind with the icing are awwwwesome.

I never had the dolls, but I loved reading the American Girl books! I would have loved to have a doll. They weren’t as popular when I was a kid as they are now.


I don’t think we have sugar cookies like that in Scotland. :-(


I had three American Girl dolls growing up! I still think that much of the American history I know comes from those American Girl books.


OH MY GOSH AMERICAN GIRL DOLLS DON’T GET ME STARTED. OK Caitlin, deep breaths. But seriously I loved my dolls and I actually ended up selling my American Girl doll clothes/furniture/etc to my hair dresser in exchange for a free cut/highlight which is worth a LOT so it’s the gift that just kept on giving! I’m glad I didn’t get my first doll til 1st or 2nd grade though because I think I got more out of it.
I love Brooke’s little outfit!


Nothing on my Christmas list we are going skiing in Whistler, BC instead of gifts. Quality family time. I ran outside 5 miles with my friend Amy.


NACHOS. I haven’t made them in forever.. that has to change!! I forgot about them! I don’t think I’ll be running outside today – it’s a blizzard:(


Your niece and Brooke walking through the grocery store….oh BFF’s!! :) :)


No way!! I didn’t have the dolls, but I did have all of the books belonging to Kirsten and I was obsessed with them! And nobody knows about them over here (Ireland) but I think my parents must have bought them for me when we lived in Illinois when I was a kid. That’s brilliant, lots of memories flooding back!

Running was outside, pretty nice weather here still thankfully.


Okay, one, I am totally jealous of Brooke’s abs! I need that kind of strength!!

Two, that is my favorite kind of ice. Is it weird to have a favorite kind of ice? Because I get super excited when my drinks have that. I am totally an ice chewer and that ice has the best texture.

Three, I got an American Girl doll every single Christmas for about 5 years. I had Felicity, Josefina, Molly, Kit, and Addy. I loved them so much!


OMG! I was obsessed with my American Girl doll! I made her a cheerleader just like I was haha! And LOTS of running gear is on my christmas list! I guess I should include normal clothes/shoes but running clothes and shoes are just a million times better (in my book ;) And I ran inside today on the treadmill (bc I’m a weenie and hate the cold) before I traveled back to Dallas for Thanksgiving with the fam :)


Can you please, please, please share what music you downloaded? I am SO totally in need of some new running tunes right now!!! :)


Ohmygosh! I had Addy! I bought and paid for her with my own allowance money – a GIANT jar of change! (And…that ice… the best. ever.)
My boys have a mixture of teenage mutant ninja turtles and technology on their lists this year, and I have my eye on a few race registrations….


I loved the American girls books, but sadly did not have the doll! I loved Samantha and Kirsten :)
No running for me today- still 9 months pregnant and hoping each day that this little baby makes his debut!
My Christmas list includes a half marathon race in February to get me back up and at it again after baby.
How long did you wait to race after Brook, Janae?


I never got an American Girl but it was always on my list. I loved the books. It’s embarrassing how many dolls my daughter has… She has an AG room. My list has running shoes and some weight sets. I am probably buying myself and my Sister in Laws race entries for Christmas.


Oh my gosh-that picture of Brooke’s pouty face is so cute. I don’t know whether to laugh or say awwwwww.


I had the Molly doll! (Of course) amd still do somewhere in my parents’ house. I’m pretty sure I cut her bangs and told my mom it was because they were growing. That was last year…. ;)


I had all 8 original American Girl dolls plus a look-like-me one. To say I was obsessed is an understatement.


I had American Girl dolls!! I actually still have them even though I’m 19 ;) but they are packed so I haven’t seen them since quite some time. I have Kirsten and Kaya…


I am not giving my 6 yr old presents this year, instead I have picked up a fillable advent calendar, and filling it with activities, such as snowball fight with Momma, family game night, froyo, restaurant night, where he picks out the menu, we go to the store to get everything and he helps cook, etc. I figure this is a much more memorable experience vs the toys, which we have no more room for.


Good Lord that sweet child is getting too big too fast. Stop her right now. In the middle of cute. Make it stop. :(

I think you have a real life American Girl doll…


nachos are my fave!! so crunchy, yummy, delicious!!


I had Kirsten, the American Girl Doll. I had to save up for her for a year, which seemed like my whole life when I was young.

I have no idea what I want for Christmas, which is a first. I better get on making a list!


Yes I used to have Molly and I took her everywhere. We even had matching outfits!


I loved AG dolls and have recently gotten my 7 year old into them too. I love that we can play with them together! Of course, now her cmas list is chock of AG stuff!!!
For all you moms out there-Target, Michael’s and WAlmart have GREAT knock off AG stuff and will fit the dolls! WE all know how pricey they are!

Christmas list for me: a garmin watch!


I haven’t started my Christmas list yet…I should work on that.
And nachos…yes. They are a staple in our menu!

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That little pouty lip would melt my heart! I have a few ideas but not sure about my Christmas list yet. I want a macbook though! No running for me today. I did a superman into the sidewalk on my long run this weekend so my knee is healing. Run some for me!


Happy Thanksgiving! Hey, if your friend is looking for cute AG clothes, I have a little etsy shop that sells a few items sized for AG dolls (plus handmade dolls, and other miscellaney!). I’m having a must-clean-out-craft-room-due-to-upcoming-house-construction sale so starting today everything is all kinds of discounted.

Here’s the link:

Have a great Thanksgiving– NorCal weather is pretty spectacular today, you timed it well! :)


We have many AG dolls. We took my daughter to the flagship store in Chicago for her 10th birthday. We had her birthday party at the restaurant. My oldest (17 at the time), kept asking the employees if “Felicity was being terminated” (knowing they would correct her on her use of the word terminated.). It was a really fun day.

My Christmas list always includes running clothes and accessories.

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