I’m warning you.

Multitasking at its finest.  

Foam rolling next to the tub while Brooke had her bath and told me all of the dreams that she had last night.  

I am going to be extra religious with the foam rolling/stretching during Ragnar because my body is not made of titanium (like some of you runners out there that can run trillions of miles and never get injured) and running three times in such a short amount of time is going to be quite interesting.  

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Today’s workout:  2 treadmill miles, 6 a.m. body pump class, 2 treadmill miles.   I am not focusing on speed or running a bunch of miles in November but instead I am really working on strength training which is what is going to help me to get faster in the long run.  

It is November which means it is okay to start bringing out the Christmas decorations.   Brooke and I both like eggs in a mug (aka a lazy person’s scrambled eggs… I just cook the egg in the microwave:).

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Quick trip to Walmart to get a few last minute things for Ragnar.  Phone car charger (heaven forbid my phone runs out of batteries), a sweet neck pillow and earplugs.  I need to at least get a few hours of sleep this weekend because you do not want to see me when I don’t get enough sleep.

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I am sure going to miss this little girl.  I did the math and I am only going to be away for about 25 of her awake hours.  I can handle that right?  

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I won’t be taking my computer so I will be blogging from my phone.   Basically I will just post a bunch of pictures and they will probably show up the wrong size and upside down or something like that… I am warning you in advance.

Have an amazing day!

PS you know how most Ragnar teams have 2 vans?  We decided to do one 15 passenger van.  This is going to be extra interesting.

Here is an awesome Ragnar packing list that my friend Kara sent me!  Thank you so much everyone for the comments and emails about what to pack! I don’t know what I’d do without you!

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When do you start pulling out the Christmas decorations?  Your Christmas tree?

-Usually the day after Thanksgiving but now is the time for the Christmas mugs to come out.  

What is the minimum amount of sleep that you need to function and be a kind human being?  

-My cut off is 6 hours… less than that and….

What is your ‘happy amount of miles’ that you can run in a week?

-Any more than 55-60 and my body starts yelling at me… 50 is my happy number.

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I’m best at 25-28 miles per week but last week did 30 for the first time! 30 was a bit much for me but I’m hoping to build up so I can make 30 per week more regular!


I start pulling out the Christmas decorations after Thanksgiving – I would start earlier but my fiance insists no Christmas until he eats his turkey. I think I can live with that. Plus, it keeps the holiday season more special to limit the festivities a bit more than starting right after Halloween….however, I did listen to a Christmas pandora station the other night while drinking cocoa.

I need like 7.5 hours at least – I need A LOT of sleep really and its hard because I don’t sleep in very well, so I end up going to be at like 9pm. At this rate by the time I’m 80 I’ll be going to bed at 4pm.


Yay have the best time! Can’t wait to see all of the pictures and hear the recap! I am with you – I need at least 6 hours of sleep or I can tell the next day, either in my mood or how I feel in general. I aim for 8 hours. Christmas decorations come out at the same time Christmas music comes on – the day after Thanksgiving!


In college we did at least 70 and amazing live never had a running injury! Now it’s like 20-30 and that’s more than ok :-) I definitely need 8-9 hours of sleep or it’s not pretty. Have a blast at Ragnar!!!


You are going to have so much fun!!!! Just to warn you, I got about an hour of sleep during my relay. You are having so much fun you won’t even notice…until Saturday afternoon. :-)


have fun!! my happy mileage is 35


My happy is about 50 also or my leg and feet become displeased. During training my peak week was 72 and that was plenty. This is my second taper week and Sunday is my first marathon. It’s supposed to be windy with 27 mph gusts. Not cool!

I generally only get 5 hrs of sleep the days I work, but more otherwise. (12 hrs shifts) it was worse when I worked nights. I think I would sleep 2 hrs and wake up 15 times.

We start Christmas decorating when we have time. Anywhere from several weeks before to the week of Christmas.

Enjoy your relay weekend. I look forward to the recap.


Have fun at Ragnar!! I think you’ll have a great time. I’ve heard so many good things about the runs. An adventure to experience :)

Dec 1 is usually when I start getting the Christmas décor out. We go cut down a tree in the Santa Cruz Mountain so probably Dec 14ish is when that’s happening.

I need between 7-8 hours of sleep or I will be a grumpy hot mess.

I haven’t thought of “happy miles” before. I’ve just been doing my training plan and I think my longest week has been 37 miles or something. I can’t wait to hit 40 :)


Eeee have so much fun at the Ragnar!!! I know you and your team are going to rock it!! :) We usually pull out Christmas decorations the day after Thanksgiving, too, but this year I have a feeling it’s going to be earlier. I’m already thinking about it! And duh, the mugs are out in full swing already. Naturally. Plus, hot chocolate and marshmallows like every single night.



Good luck and safe travels, Janae! You’re going to have a blast.

Confession: I”ve already starting stocking up on some Christmas things from the store. I know it’s crazy early, but in my defence, us Canadians already had our Thanksgiving, so there’s nothing standing between me and Christmas :D I’m going to wait until December 1st to start decorating though. And my perfect sleep time is around 6 hours. Any less and I’m a nightmare to be around.


Oh goodness, I conquer 50 in like a month :) 26 I think was my most during training, but I’m more comfortable around 15! Makes me feel good haha I can’t run every day :( Have a blast on this trip! I can’t imagine how 15 people plus all that stuff is fitting in one band! Oy can’t wait to hear! Good luck!


The day after Thanksgiving is when we do our tree and decorations…but I must admit since I am hearing all the Christmas music in the stores…I am getting the itch!!!! 6 is the least amount that I am good with too but 8 makes me super happy!!! 48- 50 miles is my happy number. I start feeling injuries coming after that. I am actually quite surprised that I was able to do 2 marathons in 2 weeks and so far no injury!!!
I need to look up this Ragnar thing…is it like Hood to Coast? Sounds fun!!!!


Awesome! You will be amazing!


I know I need pretty close to 8 hours of sleep to function, especially when I work nights. Lord help me when we have kids.

I’ve seen people with their Christmas lights ON already. When its so early it takes away some of that specialness. I like them to come on around Thanskgiving.
We usually put the tree up a week or two into December.

Also, foam rollers are a lifesaver.


christmas music and movies as soon as thanksgiving din is over. christmas decorations slowly and surely after thanksgiving and hopefully before Christmas Day ;-p

ohhhh i have been getting far too little sleep lately as i travel through germany for work (i sent you an email about candy… taking all requests! haha). it is not pretty and i get HANGRY so much more quickly. thankfully i keep gummy candy nearby at all times.

amount of running totally depends on the other workouts i’m doing. i am not just a runner and i really like other weight- and circuit-based workouts, so that really changes things up. have a good night!!! xx


I agree, 6 hours sleep works pretty well. But often mine is 5 ish for some reason, then will try to have many power (nanna) naps throughout the day.

Yum – I think most foods are better when eaten out of a mug!

Happy mileage? Not sure what mine is in miles, but is usually 50 ish kms a week.

Have fun Janae! :)


Have fun!! I don’t see deodorant on the list tho… might be a good idea with 15 of you in a van ;)


We usually decorate for Xmas the weekend of thanksgiving. This year thanksgiving is late in the month!

Right now my happy miles are 40-50, but I’m going to be ramping it up just a bit (to maybe 60) for my first marathon I just started training for.

Can’t wait to hear all about Ragnar, I really want to do this sometime!


I really want to do a Ragnar soon!! Have fun!

My happy amount of miles is around 40-45. I’ve actually never tried more than that, so who knows, maybe I can go higher. I might give it a go next time I train for a marathon.

Our Christmas decorations will go up right after Thanksgiving!


I need 7 or 8 hours or else I’m pretty grouchy.


HAVE FUN!!!!! She forgot to put Swedish Fish on the packing list! Don’t forget that, mmmk?


ONE 15 passenger van for a 12 person team and all their stuff? Can’t wait to hear how that goes ;)! We usually have a 12-15 passenger van for just 6 people and fill it to the brim. At least you’ll get to see the entire course…that will be fun…the whole thing will be actually…Ragnar is the best thing ever!


I am terrified of my eggs exploding in the microwave. Sometimes they fool you, you pull the cup out then boom! Right in your face.

Have a great time on Ragnar! I am dying to get my Christmas tree out already, but we have a Dec 1st rule.


Haha idk why cooking eggs in the microwave sounds so icky! Ew! Have fun!


I can run 20-25 miles per week MAX before my body gets pissed. Ha! As for sleep per night, I do best with 8-9. Too much and I’m sleepy all day, too little and I’m a little grump!


Have a great time and embrace the experience! :)


When you start to miss Brooke, just remember running makes you an even better mom :)
Christmas decorations go up after Thanksgiving. I would put them up sooner but I am lazy.
I need a lot of sleep! I always have. Ideally, I like 8 hours.
I am not quite sure how many miles I run weekly. Usually 3 or 4 days a week and then some other form of cardio the other days with either 1 or 2 rest days depending on how crazy my work schedule is…14+ hr days usually= sitting on my behind when I finally get home til I crash.


I always have a rule that Christmas decorations go up the first weekend in December ;-) any earlier than that feels too early for me!

I’m a 7-8 hours sort of girl. I can function on 6 if need be, but less than that and I recommend people stay far, far away.


I can survive on about 4 hours of sleep though it’s not the prettiest thing in the world when it happens repeatedly. 6-8 is a lovely number for me.

We’re just starting to figure out our Christmas traditions, as our daughter was born on 5 December last year. Basically it’ll be one big month of celebrating, as it concludes with her Grandma’s birthday on the 27th and her Dad’s on the 30th.

I suppose we should just make Christmas party hats and add them to the decorations. That’s be cute, right? Christmas party hat ornaments or a banner? I’ll add that to my DIY list for this year or next year.


Rolling and sticking is the way to go during relays. Do you have a stick? Get one or make sure someone in your van is bringing one.

Sleep was definitely my big concern in the two relays I’ve done. I had a comfy pillow and a sleeping bag, which my vanmates may or may not have resented!


Good luck from Utah at your Ragnar! I used to run 70+ miles a week (yeah..I know) comfortably and I’m aiming to get back at that with having my own treadmill at home now! Christmas decorations? We always put up the Christmas lights outside on Thanksgiving – so we have it done when it’s still a bit warm out. Tree comes out after Thanksgiving – probably the very last days of Nov or Dec 1st. This year – I’m getting a skinny pencil tree. They sell them at Walmart for $67 and it’s the tree my mom started using once we girls got older. They are easier to decorate and manage in your house (can go in any corner too) – so I’m excited to buy it ASAP before they sell out!

Good luck on your race!!!


I don’t think I’ve ever done more than 30 in a week. 25 is good for me.

ahaha about posting from your phone.. we forgive you for how bad it will be! I hate using my phone to blog.

I need AT LEAST 8 hours. Anything less, I can’t function the next day!

Good luck and I am so excited to hear about it!!


7 hrs guarantees that I’ll be good, 6 hrs means I’m still functional, less than that and I’m pretty worthless haha

Yay for Ragnar! I was going to say pack TP but it looks like you’ve got that on the list. Have fun!

Christmas tree after cleaning up Thanksgiving Dinner :) Mugs now! Music…ok I totally listened to some Michael Buble Christmas yesterday. I couldn’t help myself!


I have always pulled out my Christmas tree right after Thanksgiving! I love Christmas time, and this whole time of year! The Ragnar sounds so fun! Good luck and have fun!


I can’t WAIT to hear about your Ragnar experience! This is going to be fun!
My husband has a ‘no decorations til December’ rule. But this year since I’m having a baby in December I think my rule wins out: ‘we decorate while I can still move and before she gets here so it’s gonna Novemebr!’


So how has the new date of the Marathon changed your training plan? I am curious (and Im sure others are) what the 3 month delay is going to mean for your training. I was under the impression that there are cycles to training, so do you go back to a “buildup phase” or some such?


Hey! Yep… Basically I am taking this month and the first part of next month easy and then I will start the training cycle all over again mid December! Sometimes life gets in the way of our running ha;)


Good luck!! You had a great training cycle and some awesome halfs in there :) You are running in AZ on my birthday, so that is a good sign already!


I love that you did one 15 passenger van!! Way to bring the party runners :)


25m/week is a good number for me. I like to have days of cross training to mix things up. 8 hours of sleep to feel good

Good luck at Ragnar!


Brooke’s pink and grey outfit is adorable… I need it in my size!

Normally I don’t break out the christmas decorations until Thanksgiving is over, but just this afternoon I was thinking about putting up the tree early :)


Neck pillows are AWESOME! I used one on a 14 hour flight from DC to Qatar and I honestly don’t know what I would’ve done without it.

Have fun at Ragnar!! I’ve always wanted to do a relay race. I’m excited to hear your recap!


We usually decorate for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving, but only after we do Black Friday shopping. I can’t wait and part of me wants to bring out the decorations now. I love when I average anywhere from 30-36 miles/wk. As long as I have a minimum of 6hrs of sleep, I’m bearable. I prefer to get atleast 8.


I wish I coul put out all my Christmas decorations now!


I use to need a straight 8 hours but lately (as in months now) I have been functioning on 7 hours max….I think its a sign I am getting old….I hear you sleep less as you age?!


I want to put up our nice but fake Christmas tree tomorrow night!! Hubby thinks its too early however, I like it up early…just the tree and lights and then we can put ornaments on it and all the other stuff after Thanksgiving….we will see who wins this one. Ha!


December 1 for Christmas decorations.
I need about 6 hours of sleep a night. For Ragnar I was up for 40+ hours straight.
I’m comfortable with 30/35 miles a week.


I’d say about 6 hours but I reallllllly like more!


Geez.. I’m feeling bad with my 16 miles a week :( I’m getting there though. I was sick this week and my last run was this past Monday, but it feels like it’s been about a month. I think I’m going to try walking on the treadmill tomorrow and some yoga.
I get my Christmas decorations out after Thanksgiving.


Good luck this weekend lady!!!

When do you start pulling out the Christmas decorations? Your Christmas tree?

-Usually the day after Thanksgiving but now is the time for the Christmas mugs to come out.

Sleep = 6 hours and happy miles = 30


Christmas Decorations – I put out Christmas decorations on the day after Thanksgiving.
Sleep – I live on 5 – 6 hours a night, no more, no less, I’m regimented…or anal retentive, one or the other.
Miles – 50 is my magic number.
Good luck at Ragnar!!!


I can function fine on one night of little to no sleep, but it’s more then one night…watch out!

I usually aim for about 50 miles a week. If I do more than that too often, I get run down and then it’s only a matter of time until I get injured. I am not made of titanium either. :/


I am so envious! Ragnar is a total bucket list item for me. One of these days… I want every single detail of your adventure so I can live vicariously through you! Safe travels and have a blast!


We don’t put any Christmas decorations up till after Rememberance day…so Tueaday i’m getting all decorations out and up, can’t wait!!

Have an awesome race!


I usually wait until the weekend of thanksgiving to put up decorations but I am thinking about doing it a little earlier this year because we are traveling so much!

Good luck on the ragnar!!


Christmas stays in December. I allow for the day after thanksgiving. Mainly because thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and I don’t like to mix two good things. :) my body does pretty good to change as long as I allow for my body to rest. And I take care of it. That’s what I have found to be most beneficial to me. :)


Thank you thank you thank you for the egg in a mug trick! I just googled it and was able to teach my 15 year old son. He needs more protein and real food ideas that he can do himself at 5am when he gets up for his football workouts.


YAY!! Glad my packing list helped :) I’m going to be living vicariously through you & my SIL’s posts during Ragnar Vegas! You’re going to rock it!! Although one van for 12 people is crazy…hope it goes well :)

I am good on little sleep if it’s for travel, EFY counselor stuff, Ragnar, etc. as long as I have Dr. Pepper around to get me by! Then it hits me later and I catch up on my sleep.

We go cut down our Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving and the decorations come out then.


Best of luck with your runs! Have a great time!


I can do 6 hours for one night only. If it’s 6 hours for two nights in a row, look out! Ragnar looks amazing; have a heap of fun!


Sounds fun- have a great run. In building my mileage now and did just shy of 26km today…I know I need to stretch more….but what exactly do u do with the roller??? Ps- thank you for the birthday wishes on Tuesday. It was a lovely day


Have fun at Ragnar!

It takes every bit of self control I have to keep all the Christmas decor put away until after Thanksgiving. I always wait, but it is always so hard. And I leave it up until New Years’ Day… even though it wouldn’t hurt my feelings to leave it up a little longer.


Ya’ll are brave sticking with one van for the entire trip! I did Ragnar key west a few years ago, and I would have went insane with that many people for that many hours! We were in van 2, so while van 1 was out we rented a cheap motel room, took showers and rested for a little while. It was glorious.

Our Christmas decorations come out the Saturday after Thanksgiving; we go to the christmas tree farm, buy a tree, then decorate.

I’ve learned to function on little sleep since pregnancy has stripped me of my sleeping abilities. Not cool.


I don’t decorate until I feel I have a safe window to keep the tree alive enough to make it to Christmas. Yes, I realize that this shouldn’t be that big of an issue….but I have had brown trees on Christmas morning. Crazy.


I need so many hours of sleep! I think I could function on 6, but 8 is ideal.

Our Christmas tree goes up the weekend after Thanksgiving and stays up until New Year.


It’ll be another few weeks before I’ll pull out the Christmas decorations but I’ve already started watching the Christmas movies and decided that I’d actually like to live in one! :-) In terms of sleep, if I don’t get about 7 hours then I’m more Incredible Hulk than human being!


You’re smart to be backing off miles and speed with your marathon pushed back. And I think strength is key to staying healthy – all my injuries came when I was “too busy” to strength train.


Unfortunately, I can’t handle too many miles a week. I think 25-30 is where I’m at my best, of course I’d love to change that some day though. Perhaps if I became religious about foam rolling it’d be a possibility. I am SO bad about doing it….and stretching.


At home we usually have the Christmas decorations up by my dad’s birthday – Nov. 22. He loves Christmas and always pushes for them to be up earlier. At my apartment I suck at getting decorations (because I hate spending money on them and I always forget to pilfer my parents’ stash) so whatever I do end up getting goes up later. BUT, I do listen to Christmas music super early. I started last week!


We pull out the Christmas decorations and put up the tree the day after Thanksgiving. I have never been a huge fan of xmas, but now that our son is here, it’s SO much more fun!!

I need at least 6 hours or just stay away from me! :)

My ‘happy amount of miles’ is around 40. I am going to have to start increasing that for my spring marathon though…wish me luck!

Have a great time this weekend!

-Any more than 55-60 and my body starts yelling at me… 50 is my happy number.


I never comment, but I just had to. In all the suggestions of what to bring, as well as the list you posted, I haven’t seen anyone say deodorant. Hopefully, no one forgets it on your team. :)


Ahhhh! Where is your reindeer mug from? I have the EXACT SAME pattern, but mine is slightly more bowl-shaped (think soup cup-style mug).


I always get excited about getting out the Christmas decorations! I hate to wait but we usually get them out the day after Thanksgiving.
I need at least 6 hours or I’m dragging.
I’m good at about 50-60 when I’m officially training. I tried doing 70 a few weeks but that caught up with me & I got injured. I was so proud when I hit that number though. But I sure did need to sleep a lot!

Good luck this weekend! You’ll be awesome as always!!


That last picture of Brooke is officially my new favorite.


Good luck!!! You will be great!!!


Christmas comes out right after Thanksgiving at the earliest.

I have to get a least 6 hours, but is ideal. I don’t know how I functioned in college on less.

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I have so many holiday mugs, I will definitely need to start using them soon so I can get the most use out of them.

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