We sure know how to party and I am obsessed with running clothes.

I have never had the desire to grab something off of a display and put it on myself as badly as I did last night when I saw the new Brooks PureProject Apparel line.  

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Check out the reflective awesomeness on these jackets.  You WILL be seen in these at night.  

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I absolutely love each piece that is coming out in January.  The fabrics feel amazing, everything is easily mixed and matched and they are all pieces that I would want to wear everywhere (and not just to run in).  

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The next generation of the PureProject shoes.  WHITE on running shoes is coming back in style…. wahoo!  Each generation of the PureProject gets better and better.  The PureFlow 3s are a little lighter, the heal is more rounded in the back and on the sides (to continue to encourage mid foot strike), the toe box is a little wider and there are less seams on the upper portion.  I can’t wait and I think the new color of the flows will make my feet look real good. 

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The shoe guru.  She is so passionate about these shoes and I could talk with her for hours straight about every little detail.  

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I think I consumed 7 shrimp and 5 chicken kabobs.  They were so good.

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Loved this ‘Gu Holder’ feature in the men’s shorts (2 on each side).

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Love that the back pocket in these capris are splash proof for the entire pocket (most pockets like these are only splash proof on the part closest to your skin).  

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Kind of hard core in our new vests

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Sore love Ashley, Anne, Toni, Jen and Jessica (and Jess:)

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We didn’t get to dinner until 10 or something crazy like that and really what could be better than a grilled cheese sandwich (that had JAM on the inside), salad and milkshake when you are eating dinner that late. We closed the restaurant down and the time went by way too fast.

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There is something about watching Friends while you are IN New York City that makes it that much better.

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Thank you Brooks for an amazing time!  

On my way back to my sunshine.  


If I gave you a bunch of money right this second would you rather go spend it on real people clothes (jeans/heels/work clothes etc) or running clothes?  Be honest.  

What is really important to you when buying running clothes/shoes?  —>  colors, comfort, cost, function, brand, keeps you warm enough etc?

Favorite Friends episode?

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Running clothes – hands down!
Those jackets are amazing. I need one now!!
The one where Ross sets up the game show over who gets the apartment. Awesome.


That’s my favorite episode too! Especially when Monica screams “NOOOOOOO” like her world is ending–cracks me up everytime :)


Oh my gosh, LOVE that episode! Well, I love them all! Is it weird that we have it on just about every night. You know, just to “have it on in the background” I could quote friends all day!
The one where no one’s ready…
“Monica! what gets out humus?!”
“If it’s a new message, what’s he calling to say?”

“You take my underwear, I’m wearing everything you own”
“That’s so not the opposite!”

“I thought I’d be political”
“What are you supporting?”
“Christmas, duh”

As for shopping I would be buying more running clothes! Style, comfort, and practicality are all important! They have to pass the test in all areas… Well, unless they’re free;)


Lol my favorite episode is the one where brad pitt appears! <3 so funny!! "He's got that sexy, smolthering thing going on". How he whispers I hate you hahaha I love it.


Haha! The “I hate Rachel Greene” club! Good stuff.


Love the vest photo — you guys look like a 90s girl band :)

I think I’d have to go with new workout clothes — there’s always room for more, and after seeing the new Brooks line I’m feeling inspired!


I love that pinstripe jacket! I have a slight obsession with pinstripes. I think they make everything look just so darn sharp!

I would like to say that I would go out and buy real clothes… but let’s be honest, I wear scrubs and workout clothes for most of my life. I’m not sure what real people clothes are anymore!

Though I am particular about how my workout clothes and shoes look. If they don’t look good on me or appeal to me aesthetically, I won’t get them. That’s why I’m looking forward to the end of the NEONALLTHETHINGS trend.


running clothes!!! I can NEVER have enough. You have such will power – I probably would have tried to sneak off with those display clothes.

I like tons of functional pockets. And leg grippies are a must on running skirts. AND THUMB HOLES. Cute colors and soft fabrics for sure.


Running clothes for sure! I cannot go to Target without getting some new running gear. How comfortable the clothes are the cost are most important to me – it never gets very cold int he Bay Area!


No question about it – new running clothes in a heartbeat. What’s a better motivator to get out there for a run than wanting to test out new tops/shorts/shoes/etc.?


I definitely would buy gym clothes-although if I get my new job I’m interviewing for tomorrow a new wardrobe will be necessary. Good & bad… my army uniform is mighty comfy & I always know what I have to wear :)

all. those. Brooks. new. releases. I WANT!


Running clothes…”real” clothes exist? :)


The ones where Eddie moves in!


Those reflective jackets are AWESOME!

Obviously, I would spend it on running clothes. I don’t even really wear real clothes that often anymore.

Is it possible to pick a favorite Friends episode?


I swear friends gets funnier every time I see it!


how can you choose a favorite Friends epiosde…they’re all sooooo amazing! The one where they almost {flashbacks} is pretty good though!


Running clothes! I love the vest and jackets. I’m glad designers are putting more/better pockets in running clothes.


One of the best things about being a SAHM is that you get to wear workout clothes all day, if you want. I’d probably buy trail shoes or yoga pants.

My favourite Friends episode is the one with the Prom flashback, when it’s revealed that Ross nearly took Rachel to prom and then she kisses him at the end. I cry every time, which is ridiculous because I’ve seen it so many times I can pretty much quote it.


Definitely running clothes! My friends think I am crazy because I would rather go shopping for running clothes over regular clothes. I am not fashionable at all, but can at least put together a pair of shorts and a running top!


Wow, I want all of those new running clothes. All of them. haha

My favourite Friends episode if the Thanksgiving one when Brad Pitt guest stars as Ross’s friend from highschool and he hates Rachel, and Brad & Jennifer Aniston were married at the time of shooting that so I thought it was hilarious. Love Friends.

Have a great reunion with Brooker! :)


Running clothes, absolutely. I have to make myself not look at the workout gear when I am in Marshall’s or TJMaxX (where I buy normal clothes). Meanwhile I go to REI for most of my regular shopping needs :)


Running clothes!!! For sure! But I would have to throw in a few winter sweaters because winter is coming and I am not prepared!

When I look for new running clothes I like loose shorts and long tank tops – I like my tank tops loose as well for some reason I don’t like when clothes cling to me!


Gosh I need some reflective gear – those are beautiful. Can’t wait to see them in stores! Do you know where Brooks normally sells their gear? I’ve tried to find them in some local athletic stores, but I have the best luck online.

Truth: I would definitely buy running clothes. I got some “free money” for signing up for the internet a few months ago, and it all went to running clothes. That’s my kind of retail therapy. It’s becoming a bad habit, actually.

Important: no chafing, no wedgies, long enough to wear to the gym without embarrassing people, wicking, and neon colors!


Actually, wouldn’t it be nice if we could combine work and running, to make running our work, and then we could just wear running clothes to work?


I’d be tempted to spend it on running clothes, but I’ve been buying lots of those lately and my work wardrobe has been neglected. So work clothes are probably the greater need.

Most important thing for running clothes for me is that they don’t bug me when I run. High necklines I just can’t do because they drive me crazy. A close second is price – I want good value (but I do splurge occasionally). And because I’m an early morning outdoor runner who lives in Canada I spend lots of time running in the dark so I love to see reflective details.


Whew it’s not just me lol!! Running 100 percent!! They also have to be comfortable!


I am obsessed with the Brooks adapt vest. I preordered mine a few weeks ago from the running store close by, can’t wait to rock it. Perfect for outdoor runs, and a perfect causal look for the weekends. I am also obsessed with Brooks running apparel period.

I would prob buy a lot of both – running clothes and regular clothes. I think comfort and style are key when it comes to running clothes, but I also wish the super stylish stuff didn’t cost so much. I also bought a new pair of brooks sneakers. Hence why I need to wait to order another Brooks item – I splurged to get both items.


I wish there was an edit option to comments! My grammar here is horrendous.


Me too, Sakina! :)


I think every episode of Friends is amazing!!
I would have to spend $$ on running clothes. I wear scrubs to work and comfy clothes at home :) The new jackets look amazing!!
As far as what matter the most to me when I buy running clothes…comfort and cost are two big factors. If I ever find a pair of shorts that won’t make my thigh chub rub chafe I will buy multiples! They must be comfy!


I just bought new running clothes, so right now I’d probably lean more toward regular clothes. I know, I know I’m a bad runner. haha

Important: cost, comfort and a little bit color.

I have so many favorite Friends episodes: The one with the wedding dresses, the one where Joey speaks French, the one where Emma is born, the one where they don’t know we know that they know we know, the last one…it’s just a great show.


I just got way too excited over seeing all of this merchandise that we sell in the running store I work at. Those vests are a best seller for us! It’s hard not to buy everything Brooks sells!


This might be the wrong answer but :Jeans. Totally. I sweat in my running clothes, in my house, on my treadmill when no one is looking so I don’t care if they are cute. (but that new Brooks stuff is cute) If I change my mind to start running outside then I may need to spend it on cute running clothes.

oh and I totally go for comfort in clothes and shoes. I do love my new Brooks Ghost 6., they are really working for me like no other shoe before.

Did your sandwich come with jam on it? like that was on the menu and you didn’t ask for it like that? if yes, than you have been on to something for years now :)


Oh I would definitely buy running clothes. I always have a list somewhere of things I “need”, lol. Comfort, style, support–those all matter the most to me.

Favorite Friends episode?? It’s so hard to pick one, but I love the ones with the flashbacks when Monica is big, Rachel pre-nose job and Chandler with the flock of seagulls hair, awesome!


I want all of those running clothes. They are so cute, but functional. Love how more exercise clothes are becoming like that. Cause, you know, heaven forbid I shower and put on regular clothes after my workout.

When I buy clothes, exercise or regular, I always consider price point, if it is cute (so sue me) and if it flatters. I can’t have fitted tops when I exercise. I can feel my stomach jiggle when I run. Aint nobody need to SEE that as well. lol.

I am not sure I can pick just one episode of Friends as my favorite. Maybe my favorite from each season?? I really like the Thanksgiving episodes – of EVERY season. They are always in my top five for each season. I even have it on a card. And it’s laminated. See what I just did there? ;)


haha good one!


I think I have more workout clothes then real clothes, but if I had tons of money, I’d still buy more workout clothes. I always have such a hard time finding jeans that fit me correctly. I would love a nice expensive purse though!


Definitely running clothes!! I think my favorite aspects to search for are comfort and function. I have a Victoria’s Secret winter-running top that is amazing because it has a high neck with a drawstring to keep my neck warm, a little zip pocket in the sleeve to put my key, and fold-over mittens if my hands are cold! And it’s super cute.


That grilled cheese and milkshake looks amazing!!! I’d probably get a combination of both! None of my clothes are going to fit for much longer!


Wait, was your first question actually a question? Running/workout clothes… because they are real clothes.


Without a doubt, running clothes. I really want, more like need, to revamp my running clothes. I keep telling everyone that my ideal job would allow me to wear running clothes to work!


The real vs running clothes question is really hard for me because I need both. In the end it isn’t that difficult. I want all of the cute running clothes in the world. My running attire is a weird hodgepodge of clearance items. I want to be cute!


If you gave me alot of money right now I would probably spend it on some winter boots. It doesn’t get that cold here in TX but they have some super cute boots right now!


This post really makes me want to shop! The new clothes and shoes look so great. Especially love the reflective jackets. I am in need of some retail motivation soon :)


I can’t answer the question for sure – I don’t know that I can choose between endless funds for regular clothes or workout clothes. Maybe a combo of both lol. I love Lulu Lemon bottoms – the pants and skirts are perfect for running since they never ever slide, stretch out and have the right pockets. I definitely need new winter tops for running so I am looking forward to the Brooks stuff!


I JUST BOUGHT A NEW PAIR OF BROOKS TODAY…TRANCE 12…in white/purple/and neon yellow….love my Brooks! I have never had any of their running clothes so if some one gave me some money I would run (in my new Brooks) out to the nearest store and buy some running clothes for sure.


I love the one with the blackout, where Ross gets attacked by that cat on the balcony as he is trying to talk to Rachel.. gets me every time LOL.


SO MANY fav episodes of Friends-

-Brad Pitt’s Thanksgiving episode
-The One Where Ross Got High (the part where they all yell out their confessions is one of my favorite scenes in the whole series)
-The One Where Everyone Finds Out
-The One with the Embryos (Ross’s gameshow!)
-The One with the Proposal
-both episodes in Vegas

such a great show :)


Chelsey—I love all of these!!!!:) good call!!


Speaking of Friends gameshow episodes, the one with Joey and Bamboozle is hilarious too.

But the best ever is The One With All The Resolutions…Ross’ leather pants! I also love the one with Ross’ teeth. I might be the only person ever who loved Ross the most.

Which brings me to this…



I second the Ross love!! sooo many quotes of his that I randomly throw out daily. the best: pivot, pivot, PIVOT!


Oh, such an easy question. Definitely running clothes. I mean, my blog name is Work in Sweats Mama. I should probably change it to Works in Athletic Apparel Mama! Looks like you had a great time in NYC. Safe travels and happy reunion with Brooke!


I could easily max out a cc at Brooks…they are my absolute favorite !! I want that jacket!!! How do I get to be on this super cool Brooks tea? For real.hook a sista UP!
And my friends say I need new tv…I’m still obsessed with FRIENDS!!!
Fave? Ross and Rachels and the”lobster” episode !!!


I can’t walk into sports stores anymore – my bank account can’t afford it!! Those reflective jackets are soo cute!


can you please share where that grilled cheese is from? looks amazing


Safe travels back to the little lady :)


Curious, are the pureflows keeping the asymmetrical lacing system? That absolutely drove me bananas.


Real but only because I don’t know when I’ll be running again.

Comfort is the deal-breaker for me. I’ll pull something off the rack based on the styling/color, but if it isn’t comfortable? Forget it.

Looks like a fun and well-deserved time!


i am so in love with my pureconnects that i won’t even look at other shoes. the best shoe ever made. brilliant idea with the reflective running clothes.

i love brooks even more now!! :)


I want all of the new Brooks PureProject shoes and clothes! I love that they put so much thought and research into their line. Thanks so much for sharing!


I’d hands down rather spend money on running clothes than real clothes!! So much more comfy. I think I’m going to try the new Brooks PureFlow Shoes. I need some new running shoes that encourage a mid-foot strike that still offer some cushion and support.


I am so excited about the new PureFlows in your picture! I loved the first version but not the second. Hopefully this new version will be awesome. The WHITE color is amazing, I agree.

How is it that all of you bloggers are gorgeous?! :)

I have more running clothes than I NEED but always want more. I’d probably spend the money on “real” clothes right now. I’m craving some new fall duds.

What’s most important in running clothes is that they are seamless and don’t pinch me. Super soft fabrics too. The latest and greatest fabrics are so much better than the old ones. I’ll only try stuff on if the fabric feels good to the touch.

I’m excited you are an ambassador. I’ve always loved Brookes. And how fitting a name?? :)


oops, pardon my spelling. Brooks.


I would love to just take home all those shoes!


I would buy running clothes without a doubt.
And, when I buy running clothes I look for things that will breathe well so that I dont get hot because I always get hot.
My favorite episode of friends is when Rachel and Pheobe go running, it’s classic and sometimes I’m sure I run like Pheobe, much to the delight of my neighbors.


Running clothes! (Plus, a winter jacket. Really need one.)

I think that to me, all of the above are important. However, if the clothes aren’t comfy (have terrible seams) I wouldn’t buy them.

I like the turkey episode – and the one when everyone finds out Chandler and Monica are dating.


Running clothes!!!! I hardly ever wear “real” clothes! ;) Usually I buy clothes depending on how well they fit/how comfortable they are. And I buy certain things based on weather I need it for hot weather, cold weather or in between.


Running clothes of course! Any word on when the new sneaker colors/ model will be available ?? I’m thinking about switching to the pure line and would love them in the new colors.


Cost, colors, function (pockets, thumbholes, etc.) are probably the top things I look for in running clothes.

Those reflective jackets look cool! I’m thinking I need something like that for the winter.


Great review Janae! Those clothes look awesome.. and yes I would totally wear them when not running too.

My favorite friends episodes usually involve Ross (he’s so hilarious!) I really like the super white teeth one, leather pants episode, and the turkey sandwich “YOU ATE MY SANDWICH!” haha so great.

Glad you had a fun trip.. but happy you are going back to see Brooke- she’ll be so happy to see you :)


Pretty sure I need those pink shorts! Brooks line looks awesome for next year.


Okay, I’m seriously coveting those jackets — the white one has my name written all over it. And would it be cheating to say that I’d choose a good mix of running AND normal clothes if you gave me a whole bunch of money right now. Which, by the way, are you offering? ;)


Those reflective jackets looks soooo cool. I’m always scared to run by myself in the dark but those might make me feel brave enough. ;)


i am all about comfort alllll the time! i just had my first experience of running after getting off the beach in hawaii and learned i’m a noob when it comes to getting all the sand off my feet in order to run comfortably!!!

i love all friends episodes. all.

glad you had a great time!


I love Friends!! It’s hilarious and I’m glad my fiance introduced me to it :) all those Brooks clothes are ADORABLE and I love the shoes!


OK, there is no question – running clothes!

And I can’t possibly pick a favorite Friends episode. Please don’t make me! I can recite them all word for word.


That’s a tough question. I think I would buy running clothes because I wear them so often!!!!!


Those clothes look fabulous!!

I’d def rather spend money on workout clothes. Always.


would buy running clothes and shoes!!!
function and comfort is super important
I love all friends episodes!!!but I love to watch all the Thanksgiving episodes in order, all in the same day.


Definitely running clothes!!! And then I would just wear the running clothes as everyday clothes, too :) Those Brooks outfits ROCK!


Running clothes for sure! I am debating multiple new things at this very moment. Trying to make a Christmas list for it, but thinking that’s too far away.


Running clothes for sure! If someone gave me a bunch of money right now I would buy 10 pairs nik tempo shorts, new pair of brooks adrenaline, nike pro compression tights, lulemon socks, brooks jacket(for the winter) and a brand new lulemon sports bra. Let’s see and a nike running cap.


Ahhh looks like SUCH a blast!! Loving the new line of clothes, too! Those reflectors are no joke! That’s a tough question, I think I’d have to split it down the middle between regular clothes and running clothes. I just love them all so much :) And of course, cuteness is most important to me with workout attire. Duh. Priorities ;)



I can’t wait to see the Adrenaline 14s! My 13s are still pretty great, but I’m hoping the 14s come out right when mine are ready to retire. So jealous you got to go!
PS I watch Friends everyday after work on TBS. Its the best stress-relaxer!


running clothes!!!! Comfort is first and then functionality as in the more pockets the better.. I tend to brag about how many pockets my clothes have and non-runners are like O..k……..


I hands down would drop money on running shoes and clothes. With out fail I am medium or small EVERY TIME so that makes me happy. I love stretchy clothes that work with you, not against you. And let’s be honest, a new pair of running shoes??? SWOOON.


Regular clothes I think… New running clothes aren’t that exciting for me to BUY, but they are very exciting to HAVE. It makes sense in my brain.

“They don’t know we know they know we know!” Hahhahaha. Friends makes my life.


I’m not a big clothes person, and since I work outside and not in an office, I think I’d go with workout clothes, cause I could also wear them at work. This summer I pretty much wore my Nike shorts to work every day.


RUNNING CLOTHES! I go for something that looks good and has bright colors!

Favorite Friends….too many to mention…when Ross has a break down at work.


Honestly I would spend all my money on my kids first but if I had to get stuff for myself I would buy a million pairs of jeans and running clothes! I could wear jeans everyday but always wear running shirts, tank tops, hoodies and running jackets/pullovers. In the summer I’m in running shirts and shirts all day.

Comfort and function are top of the list them comes color. Cost obviously is not a factor because I’m drawn to the most expensive stuff.

I love all of Friends and can’t pick an episode. I own the entire DVD collection!


I would definitely spend all of my money on running clothes. Unfortunately, I need real people clothes in a bad way, so that’s what I would have to spend it on. Silly life getting in the way of my recreational activities and making me get dressed!

I am currently watching Season 5 (for the 98th time) of Friends because it’s my absolute favorite season. My favorite episode is in Season 2, however. It’s “The One With The List.” It’s the one where Ross makes a list comparing Julie and Rachel. It’s actually where my screen name comes from.


Running clothes for sure! I don’t like grown up clothes, and I want to be a P.E. teacher so I can wear workout clothes every day. :) I look for comfort and cute colors when I am picking out my workout clothes/shoes. Also, if it is good for the season. (cool for the summer and warm for winter)


Running clothes – for sure!! My running wardrobe is slowly taking over my “real” wardrobe!


As much as I really need new real people clothes (I’ve lost weight, so I need clothes that fit better), I actually find it easier to buy running clothes. Actually, I LOVE buying running clothes. It makes me really happy and motivates me to run more!! And I always feel happier going to Lululemon and looking at running clothes, rather than going to a department store to look at real people clothes.

When I buy running shoes, I am always attracted to the colour (the brighter the better!) but comfort is so important to make sure that I don’t get injured. For clothes, I do go for colour first, then comfort and then function. I am also a bit of a brand snob, so the brand of the clothing is also important.


I love this list of what non-runners don’t understand about runners! I thought you would enjoy it too! I hope the link works! http://www.buzzfeed.com/melaniepoloff/25-things-non-runners-dont-get-about-runners-dhod


I would so rather buy running clothes. Comfort,color,function matter most to me. In that order too. I LOVE BROOKS!


I love the cheap champion running shorts/clothes from Target. Started with those way back and have stuck with ever since! Just boughten first pair of PureFlows after reading your blog. Excited to try them!

Favorite friends episodes are The One With the Embryos, The One Where Everyone Finds Out, The One Where No Ones Ready, and anything with Phoebe and Mike…love them!!


I’d buy running clothes, hands down!

I want to look cute, but it’s WAY more important to be comfortable and not have chafing or blisters.


I just bought some more running clothes from Lulu so I’m due for some people clothes, namely jeans and some heels.
My biggest pet peeve about running shorts are the baggy, unflattering fit (Nike Tempo). I switched to Lulu shorts and there’s no way I’ll go back. However, the Brooks shorts look like they actually fit so I might check them out.
Hands down best episode of Friends is the episode where Ross was wearing the leather pants and made paste pants. Second best, when Joey got his head stuck in the turkey.


Normally I’d say running clothes, but I am desperate for some new work shoes right now lol Favorite Friends episode is probably any episode in season 1-3. The earlier the season, the better :)


Running clothes, hands down! I practically live in workout gear.


Totally would spend it on running clothes, and would love to wear running clothes all day every day. oh wait I already spend any clothes money I have on running clothes anyway…


Definitely workout clothes!


Running clothes! I always go into stores with intentions of buying work clothes, but my love of running clothes always takes over!

I buy my running clothes based on the cuteness factor and the functionality factor.

Let’s be honest, every Friends episode is my favorite. :)


Right at this moment…running clothes! I have real-people clothes out the wazoo but I need some warm and waterproof running garb for the Midwest winter. (It snowed in Indy last night/today a wee little bit…)

For gear I choose FUNCTION over anything! I am injury-prone, so I need to make sure the gear I choose supports my body and will keep me healthy. My running shoes are Brooks because they make the BEST and probably only motion control + stability running shoes for my “deformed (doc’s words, not mine)” pronated ankles. Even for my Aasics crosstrainers I use for lifting and boxing I had to make sure they worked with my custom orthotic inserts!


I would spend my money on running clothes… but really just shoes.

Favorite episode of Friends is the one where they play the game to win the apartment back, and we discover that Chandler gets his TV Guide subscription mailed to Mrs. Chanandler Bong. Oh my gosh I love this show so much. Must go watch it now.


Oh I totally just preordered a winter smart wool shirt for running, and preordered a an outfit for V for winter wear. Then I ordered a vest for him, from Children’s Place. I haven’t spent that much money on any other clothes recently.


You looked like a model in that vest :)


I LOVE the episode where Phoebe and Rachel run together. hahaha sometimes I run like that for a few seconds because I wanna enjoy life a little more like Phoebe.

I think after this post I would buy all workout clothes!!! Ah all that stuff looks amazing!

I’m mostly a Saucony girl but a few of my friends run in brooks pure flows and so I may have to give them a shot…

When buying workout wear I look for COMFORT first then quality and then style. It doesn’t matter the brand. I have a few brands I love because they meet the above criteria. Brooks, Lululemon, Nike and I’m totally diggin’ American Eagle’s new line of workout wear!


I’m currently injured so I have to vote for jeans but normally it would be running clothes for sure. I am a running clothes addict. I have an entire dresser dedicated to workout wear.

For the Friends episode it is hands down the one where Phoebe runs. Followed by the one where phoebe and mike get married. I love that dress so much.


I love running clothes too!! I just wish they weren’t so dang expensive. I don’t really know if I can choose a favorite Friends episode…but I love the Phoebe running one, and the one where they play football during thanksgiving (’42 to 21…like the turkey Ross is done!’).


Oh my gosh, so much fun and cute clothes!!!!


That is the fanciest grilled cheese I’ve ever seen. It looks delicious.

I think I’ve had some of my work outfits for 3+ years but I buy new running clothes as if I’d be running naked without them.


running clothes, hundo p. fave things to try on/shop for/drool over/have on my body, all the time.


Definitely running clothes! And I love Friends too – I’m convinced that there’s very few situations in life you can’t relate back to a Friends episode! lol


Haa, LOVE your Barbizon Modeling pose!
Definitely workout gear and shoes (boots, flats, heels…)


Probably normal clothes- because I need new ones!

I love the thanksgiving friends!!

http://expertbrand.com. Quality Performance wear for men and women!


I would definitely spend money of running clothes!

The episode where Ross gets leather pants and then ends up stuck in his date’s bathroom because he can’t get them back on.


I would buy new running sports bras, new pants, new capris, and at least 2 new pairs if running shoes. Also, some new work clothes because all this running’s making me skiiiiiinny.

And I’m sorry, but you want me to CHOOSE my favourite Friends episode?! Lol….there’s the one with the spray tan, and the one with the whitened teeth, and I could pretty much go on forever. I used to work at a coffee shop and I would chat for hours while cleaning the espresso machine (etc) with my co-workers about the best Friends episodes!


The clothes look great, I love all of the fun colors!

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