Joggling a marathon, 1st and 2nd dessert and I need to stop.

Brooke wanted nothing to do with being in this picture with me…. I thought that wouldn’t happen until at least 9th grade.

We went up to Temple Square in Salt Lake City to walk around and see the sights.

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The temps were perfect and so we stayed outside for a while. Fresh air is good for our souls. After all of the exploring we went on over to the big outdoor mall across the street. Since I have some weird love for Brooke wearing boots I got her a pair of red boots. I seriously need to stop. She now has more shoes than I do (not counting running shoes).

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The only Yogurtland that is even kind of close to where Brittany lives is at the airport which isn’t exactly easy to get to so of course that was on our list of things to do. Brooke doesn’t usually love froyo but yesterday she went bananas over it and ate at least 1/3rd of mine. It is a good thing I love her a lot.

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Throw in a good amount of time walking up and down the aisles of Trader Joe’s with Brittany to fill up her suitcase.

After that I had to drop her off with her sister (I guess her sister wanted some time with her too).

I love that pumpkin bread mix with all of my heart.

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And I also love the Minestrone with even more of my heart.

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Mer was over for dinner last night (once again I don’t know why Brooke’s shoe is on the counter). Turns out Brooke prefers to eat straight from the casserole dish… where could she have learned that habit from?

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Dessert part 1: My mom replenished our peach drawer and these peaches are so sweet and delicious.

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Dessert part 2: My Mallow Bars.

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After Brooke went down I went over to Paige’s house for some quality tv watching even though I should have gone to bed about 4 hours before I did. My sleeping is all over the place and sometimes a tv marathon with a friend is just needed.

PS did anyone see this? A guy did an entire marathon BACKWARDS…WHILE JOGGLING (juggling combined with jogging).

PPS yesterday my hips were feeling really tight from my 20 miler so I did the smart thing and switched out my tempo run for an easy run and foam rolling 4 times yesterday. Here’s to those hips feeling like a million bucks today (cross your fingers).


I feel like I need to hear a random fact about you or your life right this second. Entertain me please!

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Random fact? Well…I just ate some broccoli with a little bit of honey mustard. I wanted to eat it as a snack about 2 hours ago but knew I was about to go run so I did the smart thing and saved them until I was done. Have you ever done something so foolish as eat broccoli before a run? Because I saw in my mind how badly that was going to go and lucky I’m so smart. Hope that’s random enough.


Sounds like a great day! Your Mallow Bars look delicious!

Random fact: Somehow my 9 pound miniature dachshund is taking up more space in the bed than me right now — I don’t know how she does it, but it’s quite the talent :)


My kids go nuts for TJ’s pumpkin bread! We often make muffins with the mix. And everything tastes better when you eat it right from the pan (or casserole dish!). Time with friends is so healing…do what you need to :) Glad you’re taking care of your hips!!!!!

Random fact: looked at a house today that I LOVED. Will hear Thursday. So nervous. Another: my 4-year old just sang “Itsy Bitsy Arachnid” to me. Where did she get that?


My random fact is that my husband did a sky dive today and I only realised as I said goodbye that he hadn’t signed his will )


A random fact about me is I LOVE Costco’s nonfat plain Greek yogurt and eat it every morning. I put fresh cut up strawberries with it or frozen peaches and then drizzle honey on top. It’s like a dessert for breakfast! So refreshing after a hard work out at the gym.


Random Fact 1: I found a Florida Bark Scorpion at our Cabin this weekend and I thought it was so cool.
Random Fact 2: Apparently, I like bugs.


Trader Joe’s pumpkin bread is so delicious! Their pumpkin bars with chocolate chips are equally delicious! My family and I (mostly me) ate an entire 8 x 8 in two days..Your mallow bars look equally delicious! I love all of the baking this time of year!


Random Fact: I pick out all the raisins out of trail mix and don’t eat them….shocker!


Random fact: I just made a mountain of cookies for a potluck tomorrow at work.. I am interning at a hospital for dietetics..


I always thought I hated pumpkin flavored things until I tried a bite of a pumpkin cookie the other day and then proceeded to eat the entire thing, and it was giant. Now I think I want to try some pumpkin bread or muffins because it was so delicious. If I could joggle a marathon, I would pretty much think I could conquer the world.


I love that pumpkin bread from trader joes! I have some in my cupboard right now. I really need a night at home so I can make it!


How in the world does one go backwards for 26 miles. Holy calf burn. I went apple picking this weekend and collected 25 BEAUTIFUL apples that are filling a drawer just like that in my fridge!

Random fact… I am boycotting chocolate until Halloween because my consumption has gotten out of control!


I can’t even imagine going forwards 26 miles, much less backwards while juggling. Holy.snap. Random fact: I can juggle. I learned in the 6th grade as a part of gym class, and I guess it must be one of those things like riding a bike because I can still do it after all these years and I didn’t exactly spend much time practicing…


How do you run backwards for 26.2 miles?? Let alone Juggle??? Hmmm Random Fact about me, my cat likes to walk back and forth in front of me, and her tial always finds me and it likes to caress my head or face.


The first Trader Joe’s is opening in my area on Friday!! I feel like I should automatically have a paid holiday from work to celebrate what a big deal this is.


Random fact about me: My favorite holiday is Halloween because I like to dress up.

I can’t even imagine running backwards for a marathon. Some people from my area last year set the record for fastest tethered together marathon. They ran all tied to leashes. Like those baby leashes…or a dog leash…


Random: yesterday I started a new job and love it. Also my house still smells like last nights curry dinner.


I really need to get to Utah one day; it is gorgeous!
Random fact: I eat pb&j and pb&honey for breakfast nearly every. single. day, unless someone is willing to make me pancakes or waffles.


I think I need to see these red boots.

Something about me: I’ve never been to a yogurtland!


Random fact: I don’t like cinnamon on anything except in apple pie or apple crisp. If it’s put in a peach or blueberry dessert, you might as well throw the whole thing away. Go figure. By the way, love the boots!


I fell asleep typing my random fact.
Don’t have to work today so I guess I’m hitting TJ’s for some pumpkin bread!
Hill run yesterday, long run tomorrow!


Random Fact: I had recesses PB cups and diet mountain dew for breakfast.
It was delicious, but seeing it typed out is a little gross.


I need to make a trip to TJs!
Random Fact: I just spent way more money than I should have on the Sephora website :)


ohhh i am SO jealous of people’s ability to bake things (particularly that delicious pumpkin bread from TJs…my fav ever).

fact: my husband and i are currently traveling around the country for 6 months teaching workshops and while we were in NYC…we certainly saw some crazy things (including naked people who were painting themselves in NYC. there is an appropriate picture on my blog!). we are in plymouth, MA today and got to see plymouth rock yesterday. it was underwhelming (in size) but still neat!


Random fact: I’m obsessed with nuts (Right now I’m eating sunflower seeds, pistachios and coconut cashews…OMG Delicious!) and blogs (I really should be working! )


Random fact: I had bacon for breakfast, and I can’t stand bacon that isn’t crispy!


Random fact – I’m terrified of butterflies. Weird, I know. I don’t like that they taste with their feet…that’s disgusting.

What a beautiful fall day to spend site seeing! I need to go do that this week…its beautiful again in Denver. No snow!


I also went to tj yesterday and their ravioli is wonderful if you like ravioli. I highly recommend the goat cheese one! Don’t buy the chocolate covered pb pretzels unless you want to eat the whole bag at once…


Random fact – my grandmother used to have a set of those exact casserole dishes that Brooke is eating out of. Brings back good memories.


3 equally amazing random facts:

1. I can burb the alphabet.

2. I am 20 plus years in addiction recovery.

3. I have a daughter adopted from China.


Random fact: I’m one of those truly odd people who loves cold weather so I’m excited winter is coming!


This may just inspire me to jump rope the entire length of a marathon.
Wait no, I’m not that crazy.


random fact: I prefer reading blogs instead of cleaning the appartment of all those dust bunnies


Random fact. Yesterday I made no bake cookies and didn’t tell my daughters. They found them this morning. Busted.


I ran that marathon! It was my first ever full, so fun that a juggler was running it with me :)


ahh my hips hurt too!! After my 20 miler 2 weeks ago and I have continued runnign on them but I think I should just take some itme off… :( Glad you were lotttts smarter than me!!!


I don’t think I could stand still and juggle, let around while running 26 miles backwards.
Random fact about me…(ahhh drawing a blank). Oh! My birthday is exactly one week before Halloween.


Random fact: Last night I went to hot yoga for the first time in a new studio and didnt pass out due to heat exhaustion so that was a major life accomplishment.

Why can’t Trader Joes open up in Canada, seeing all of your friends purchases are torture. haha, I want to try that pumpkin bread!


Random fact, I’m going out for breakfast with my kids and parents this morning. Then tonight I am going out for dinner with some friends to another breakfast serving place. Haha :)
Oh and bday is in two days!!!


Sounds like a great day! I would be obsessed with buying baby shoes too. They’re pretty much the cutest things in the world ;)


Random fact: I am so stressed these days that when I went to the dentist they said I was clenching my jaw. I’ve never done that before in my life. So glad I can start bad habits in my old age…I thought bad habits were just for youngins.


Random fact – When my twin and I were 5 I tripped him while we were playing tag in the house and he cracked his head open! He buzzed his hair recently and 17 years later he still has a 2 inch scar…I promise I’m a great sister though :)


Random Fact: I am in fact wearing a cape to work today. It’s homecoming week :0) and I must be one of the cool teachers dressing up.


Random fact: I’m home sick today so I’m going through my feel-better routine of watching really horrible direct-to-video Scooby-Doo movies. Secret double random fact: I wrote a humanities paper on Scooby-Doo in college and got a 97.


Random fact- I gave myself frostbite icing my calf last night.


random fact: My dog (who is the BEST dog ever!) is part Husky and part mutt, so we call her a Mutsky, and she has blue eyes!

Also– random request– can you please, pretty-pretty please with two cherries and some candy corn on top, post something about foam rolling (like a how-to)? I’m getting back into running after taking 5 weeks off and my calves are SUPER TIGHT– thinking the foam rolling might help.


JUST registered for my FIRST MARATHON!!!!!!! I will not be juggling, though I may have to get across the finish line backwards… whatever it takes!!!


Random Fact- inspired by the video… I can’t juggle.. or spit… or whistle


I’m planning on making that pumpkin bread today!


That minestrone soup looks so delicious :) So that leads me up to a random fact about me: I love soup so much I could eat it everyday and twice on Sunday! That I one of my reasons why I love fall. Once it begins to get cold I start the soups and the other part of the meal ~ homemade bread. Today I have in the crockpot multi-bean soup and for bread a jalapeno cheddar cheese artisan bread.

Cant wait to see Brooke’s red boots they sound so cute.


I know you feel with those tight hips–my calves are SO tight today after running a 50K on Sunday! I wore my compression socks to work today! :)

Random fact: I’m an avid gardener, and my favorite plants are rose bushes. :)


I was a bartender at a biker bar to earn money for college. My big brother worked with me so I was perfectly safe. And anyways, as long as you have a sense of humor and don’t get all Judgey McJudgerson, bikers are some of the nicest people around. The only drawback was that I couldn’t exchange my drink chips (which the bikers sometimes gave as tips) for cash at the end of the night. They always ended up back in the till.



Mer!!! Hi, Mer! She is the coolest.

I totally support you buying Brooker’s boots if that is what is making you happy. It’s a relatively cheap thrill and I say, go for it!

I have been drinking far too much Diet Coke in your honour and I need to toner’ down, but I just feel the camaraderie and that it’s for a good cause, so maybe I will stick with it until you stop. ;)

I wish you & your hips a simply fantastic day!

oh and here is a random kind-of-creepy fact: I have recently delved back into running and when I get tired, I visualize myself as “Janae” and act as though I am as fast and as good of a runner (and as cool and pretty) as you!!


RF 1- I had to learn the constellations very early on in life, because my Dad was a navigator before satellite navigation on board ship. As a result, I’m pretty anti-GPS which sometimes befuddles my hub as to how I know innately where I’m going.

RF 2- I’m testing out an edible garland recipe/project later. When all goes well (fingers and shoe laces crossed), I’ll happily share!


Random fact: I’m running my first marathon on Sunday! I’m so excited I’m apparently telling everyone-even your random comments :)


Wow, running backwards for 26.2 miles!? That’s insane!


I think I’m more amazed at the running backwards for a full marathon than the juggling – but holy cow, both are seriously impressive.

Random fact: I have a 140 pound mastiff and a basset hound puppy. There’s so much cuteness I can’t even stand it.


Random fact: I am going to buy all of the ingredients for your Candy Corn Mallow Bars immediately after work today. The pan might or might not be gone before my boyfriend gets home from Atlanta tomorrow night.

Janae, I don’t know if you have time to answer the 1 million posts and questions you get every day, but I do want to know how you manage to reign yourself in when you’re having a bad hip/knee/shin/whatever day. I have this idea that once I start running, there’s no point in stopping after 1 or 2 miles. I have to do 8 or 9 or 10, even if it’s my first run back from a long rest for an injury. Do you have any advice on how you keep yourself from going too far, too fast? Does it just take time, and learning from mistakes and experience? I’m guilty of it doing this too many times!


I’m flippin’ sore from my workout yesterday so I’ll probably take it easy today too.

Random Fact About Me: I have O- blood, universal donor, but because of two stints of living in Europe (England and Germany) during mad cow disease outbreaks I am not allowed to give blood.

For the record I do not have mad cow disease, however I do seem to have my own form of madness.


So, this morning I broke my coffee mug on the floor at work. Oops. Random fact: I break things with the same frequency of your average 5 year old (on the clumsy side). Not much hope for this to change now that I’m 27..


Random Fact: I’ve never been to Trader Joe’s, but one just opened in my town 2 weeks ago. The police had to come and manage the parking lot on opening day and it’s been too packed for me since….but I’ll be visiting it very soon!


random fact – i am in no way excited for halloween at all. it is just not my thing but i will totally buy a bunch of candy regardless.


Wonderful, random fact – I contributed to an anthology of stories about motherhood and now it’s available on Amazon. How cool is that? I contributed to a BOOK – The Mother of All Meltdowns!!


I love Brooke in her boots!

random fact: my due date is in 4 days. I can.not.wait. to meet baby girl!


Random Fact 1: Halloween stresses me out. I get anxiety about figuring out a costume.
Random Fact 2: Went to a Taylor Swift concert in August and it was amazing!!


Random fact: I tripped over my dog and scraped my knee this morning, which is the THIRD time I have hurt myself while walking/running with him in the last 2 weeks! It’s dangerous I tell you!


Random fact. My daughter has the same boots as Brooke and we love them. They have already been through my older daughter. Did I mention that you can also wash them in the washing machine? I know this, because Olivia threw up on them the other night. THAT’S a random fact for you!


hmmm..Random: today I did a little strength workout for the first time in over a month. It felt great and I wanted to do more!


A random fact? I started flying on an airplane all by myself from the age of 5 til 18 every summer to visit my friend back east. I looked at my daughter when she turned 5 and thought my mother must have been a lunatic to let me go so young and I stayed with my friend for 2-3 months every year! But it was really the best thing ever for me and I am so grateful to my mom for making the sacrifice.

I wanna know what kinds of things Brittany filled her suitcase with. It would be so hard to choose! I love tj’s enchilada sauce. Sooo good. I need to try that minestrone though.


Random: I was born in California. I have family in SLC :)

* where I get all my cold weather running gear!


Random fact: I’m going out for ice cream with my team after practice and I’m not stressed AT ALL! Old me wold be worried but I have no anxiety about it. I’ve never been to a TJ’s! It makes me sad! I’ve never had froyo either!


You probably get this all the time, and I want it to sound as positive as possible but man I wish I could eat all those sweets and look like you! I trained for lots of races this summer and well, I put on about 10 pounds, yes I splurged, but I still on average was within a good calorie allotment (when I spot checked). THat mallow bar recipe looks delicious!!!


You should post a video about how you foam roll! I sometimes just roll around and don’t really know how often or if there is any type of technique to loosen up tight hips and work the IT band!! hahahah I just roll!!

Teach me your ways, I’m scared my IT band injury will flare up before my Jan. marathon!!! :)


I’m taking a break from studying for my physics test. Your blog is a great way to let my brain rest (as well as get in a good chuckle here and there :D).
BTW, physics hurts my brain. Have a good day!


Guilty: I put crumbled Lays Potato Chips on my frozen yogurt. Heaven.


Random fact #1: This is my very first post to a blog. ever. I promise.
Random fact #2: I get told at least once a week that I look like Flo from the Progressive commercials so I am FINALLY considering dressing up like Flo for Halloween this year! :)


Yesterday was such a beautiful day!! Random fact: I crave bean burritos like all of the time. Haha


Random fact: I’m addicted to these no-bake energy bites I found on Pinterest. (Oatmeal, flaxseed, chocolate chips, peanut butter, coconut flakes, honey). I’ll gladly send you the recipe if you want.


Random: I have a banana sitting on my desk and I’m feeling “mehh” about celebrating my birthday next week. (I just want to eat cake and ice cream by myself.)


Random fun fact: I’m addicted to thinkThin peanut butter bars. It’s a problem.


Random facts: I have never had the chicken pox, a brain freeze, and I can’t curl my tongue.

Those desserts sound amazing!


That joggler is ridiculous/amazing! If he paced/entertained me, I’d sign up for a marathon. Maybe that’s all the motivation I’ve been needing! ;)

Random of the day: I just came home from work in a not-so-good mood, feeling a little down on myself, and I thought of how positive YOU are and how you’ve been doing what makes you happy….so I just made myself a smoothie with a sh*t-ton of Nutella in it. Best decision of my day.

Thanks for writing your blog HRG!


Those boots are sooo cute that you got for Brooke! She looks adorable in them! Random fact: I’m racing a half ironman in St. George in May!


I need to get to Trader Joe’s and try out all of the pumpkin food & treats!
I’m going to make your treat bars and take them to a fall pitch in this weekend. They look so delicious, I can’t wait to try them.


That guy is insane!!! Who does that??


My mom has that exact same casserole dish! Love how popular the Harvest Gold color was back in the day. Hahaha!

Random Fact: My daughter turned 2 today. I am in disbelief at how fast the time has gone by. Where did my baby go?

I am running my first Marathon in Kiawah Island, SC in December.


Love those boots on B! So cute. I have yet to get my 13 month old any winter shoes and boots like those are calling my name ;-)


I just had the best time reading everyone’s random facts! So funny and random-haha!


Random facts: I have a strange ability to identify dog breeds. It really isn’t that useful, maybe I should volunteer at the humane society. Also, am really afraid of mountain lions. I live in eastern Nebraska so it’s not unheard of they are around, because they been spotted and killed. Just the fact they are so quiet…who knows, why can’t I just be scared of spiders.


I just ate two bowls of pasta and I’m going to bed in about 20 minutes. I’m telling myself that my track workout tomorrow is going to make up for it ;)


Haha! Yes, our Yogurtland is in the airport. My husband and I have mastered getting in and out in 30 minutes or less so we don’t have to pay for parking.


random fact: I keep typing in Happy Runner Girl to get to your blog instead of Hungry.


Random fact: yesterday I finished an entire bag of white chocolate candy corn M&Ms while re-watching the first season of Gossip girl. Yes, I’m deeply ashamed of myself.


So Brooke has to be one of the best dressed toddlers I’ve ever seen. Those little uggies! I die! I hope you have a fun outfit for Halloween! I can’t wait to see!


Random thought: I don’t know why but it really bothers me seeing you day after day filling your body with junk food.


Random fact! I can say “thank you” in about a dozen languages. Its fun, and good to know for when I meet people from around the world. First they’re very impressed, then a little disappointed to find out that’s all I know how to say in their native tongue. :)


Mmm fresh peaches and those marshmallow bars look delicious!

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